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feat(ltl): Introduce proof terms in ltl
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This would give us better error messages in some cases.

fixes #194
  • Loading branch information
symbiont-daniel-gustafsson committed Apr 12, 2021
1 parent 2dc8c83 commit c524c02
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Showing 6 changed files with 147 additions and 37 deletions.
24 changes: 15 additions & 9 deletions src/ltl/app/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ import Options.Generic

import Ltl
import Ltl.Json
import qualified Ltl.Proof as Proof
import Ltl.Prop.Parser (parse)
import qualified Ltl.Storage as Storage

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -46,6 +47,14 @@ data Config

instance ParseRecord Config

data Result = Result
{ result :: Bool
, reason :: String
} deriving (Generic)

instance Aeson.FromJSON Result
instance Aeson.ToJSON Result

main :: IO ()
main = do
(cfg, help) <- getWithHelp "LTL checker"
Expand All @@ -56,13 +65,10 @@ main = do
testFormula <- case parse (unHelpful formula) of
Left s -> error s
Right x -> pure x
let r = Result $ check testFormula trace
dec = check testFormula trace
result = case dec of
Proof.No{} -> False
Proof.Yes{} -> True
r = Result result (Proof.reason dec)
TextIO.putStrLn $ AesonText.encodeToLazyText r

data Result = Result
{ result :: Bool
} deriving (Generic)

instance Aeson.FromJSON Result
instance Aeson.ToJSON Result
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/ltl/ltl.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ library
, Ltl.Json
, Ltl.Proof
, Ltl.Prop
, Ltl.Prop.Parser
, Ltl.Storage
Expand Down
61 changes: 34 additions & 27 deletions src/ltl/src/Ltl.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H
import Ltl.Json
import Ltl.Prop
import Ltl.Traces

import Ltl.Proof


Expand All @@ -29,9 +29,12 @@ evalExpr state sb (Variable (Var t n e)) =
in jq e (fromMaybe Aeson.Null $ Map.lookup (evalNode (nodeEnv state) n) s)
evalExpr state _ (IntLang e) = Aeson.Number $ fromInteger $ evalInt (intEnv state) e

checkPredicate :: CheckState -> Predicate -> StateBehaviour -> Bool
checkPredicate :: CheckState -> Predicate -> StateBehaviour -> Dec
checkPredicate state p sb = case p of
Eq e e' -> evalExpr state sb e == evalExpr state sb e'
Eq e e' ->
let lhs = evalExpr state sb e
rhs = evalExpr state sb e'
in if lhs == rhs then Yes (PP (PEq lhs)) else No (RP (REq lhs rhs))

Expand All @@ -57,42 +60,46 @@ updateIenv b i (CheckState nenv ienv ns) = CheckState nenv (Map.insert b i ienv)
updateNenv :: NodeVar -> Node -> CheckState -> CheckState
updateNenv b n (CheckState nenv ienv ns) = CheckState (Map.insert b n nenv) ienv ns

check' :: CheckState -> Formula -> Trace -> Bool
check' :: CheckState -> Formula -> Trace -> Dec
check' state formula ts = case formula of
P pred -> checkPredicate state pred (NE.head ts)
Always f -> all (check' state f) (futures ts)
Eventually f -> any (check' state f) (futures ts)
ForallNode b f -> all (\n -> check' (updateNenv b n state) f ts) (nodes state)
ExistsNode b f -> any (\n -> check' (updateNenv b n state) f ts) (nodes state)
ForallInt is b f -> all (\i -> check' (updateIenv b i state) f ts) is
ExistsInt is b f -> any (\i -> check' (updateIenv b i state) f ts) is
Imp f g -> not (check' state f ts) || check' state g ts
And f g -> check' state f ts && check' state g ts
Or f g -> check' state f ts || check' state g ts
Neg f -> not (check' state f ts) -- strong negation trick?
TT -> True
FF -> False

check :: Formula -> Trace -> Bool
Always f ->
allDec (check' state f) (futures ts) (RAlways . worldTime . NE.head) PAlways
Eventually f ->
anyDec (check' state f) (futures ts) (PEventually . worldTime . NE.head) REventually
ForallNode b f ->
allDec (\n -> check' (updateNenv b n state) f ts) (nodes state) RForallNode PForallNode
ExistsNode b f ->
anyDec (\n -> check' (updateNenv b n state) f ts) (nodes state) PExistsNode RExistsNode
ForallInt is b f ->
allDec (\i -> check' (updateIenv b i state) f ts) is RForallInt PForallInt
ExistsInt is b f ->
anyDec (\i -> check' (updateIenv b i state) f ts) is PExistsInt RExistsInt
Imp f g -> (check' state f ts) `impDec` check' state g ts
And f g -> check' state f ts `andDec` check' state g ts
Or f g -> check' state f ts `orDec` check' state g ts
Neg f -> notDec (check' state f ts)
TT -> Yes PTT
FF -> No RFF

check :: Formula -> Trace -> Dec
check f t = check' state (concreteNodes (nodesFromTrace t) f) t
state = CheckState Map.empty Map.empty (nodesFromTrace t)
nodesFromTrace (StateBehaviour (State x) _ _ :| _) = Map.keys x

nodesFromTrace (StateBehaviour (State x) _ _ _ :| _) = Map.keys x

exampleTrace :: Trace
exampleTrace =
sb [(a, sa1), (b, sb1)] [(a,sa2), (b,sb2)] :| [
sb [(a, sa2), (b, sb2)] [(a,sa3), (b,sb3)],
sb [(a, sa3), (b, sb3)] [(a,sa4), (b,sb4)]]
sb 0 [(a, sa1), (b, sb1)] [(a,sa2), (b,sb2)] :| [
sb 1 [(a, sa2), (b, sb2)] [(a,sa3), (b,sb3)],
sb 2 [(a, sa3), (b, sb3)] [(a,sa4), (b,sb4)]]
sb x y = StateBehaviour (State (Map.fromList x)) Event (State (Map.fromList y))
sb i x y = StateBehaviour (State (Map.fromList x)) i Event (State (Map.fromList y))
a = "NodeA"
b = "NodeB"
sa1 = Aeson.object [("state", Aeson.Bool True)]
(sa2:sa3:sa4:_) = repeat sa1
sb1 = Aeson.object [("b-state", Aeson.Bool True)]
sb1 = Aeson.object [("bstate", Aeson.Bool True)]
(sb2:sb3:_) = repeat sb1
sb4 = Aeson.object [("b-state", Aeson.Bool False)]
sb4 = Aeson.object [("bstate", Aeson.Bool False)]
86 changes: 86 additions & 0 deletions src/ltl/src/Ltl/Proof.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
module Ltl.Proof where

import Ltl.Json
import Ltl.Traces

We might want to store more information in the predicates but this is a start
data PredicateProof = PEq Json -- the value both were equal to
deriving (Eq, Show)

data PredicateRefutation = REq Json Json -- the two different values
deriving (Eq, Show)

data Proof
= PP PredicateProof
| PAlways -- we intentionally don't have proof for all the subterms
| PEventually Int Proof -- the world it was true in, and proof it was true
| PForallNode -- intentionally empty
| PExistsNode Node Proof -- node, and proof this is true for this node
| PForallInt -- intentionally empty
| PExistsInt Integer Proof -- Int and proof that the int satisfy the formula
| PImp (Either Refutation Proof) -- Proof (p -> q) = Refutation p + Proof q
| PAnd Proof Proof -- Proof (p /\ q) = Proof p * Proof q
| POr (Either Proof Proof) -- Proof (p \/ q) = Proof p + Proof q
| PNeg Refutation -- Proof (~ p) = Refutation p
| PTT -- P tt = {}
deriving (Eq, Show)

data Refutation
= RP PredicateRefutation
| RAlways Int Refutation -- R ([] p) = w * R p @ w
| REventually -- R (<> p) = {}
| RForallNode Node Refutation -- R (\forall n. p) = N * R (p[n:=N])
| RExistsNode -- R (\exists n. p) = {}
| RForallInt Integer Refutation -- R (\forall x. p) = i * R (p [x:=i])
| RExistsInt -- R (\exists x. p) = {}
| RImp Proof Refutation -- R (p -> q) = P p * R q
| RAnd (Either Refutation Refutation) -- R (p /\ q) = R p + R q
| ROr Refutation Refutation -- R (p \/ q) = R p * R q
| RNeg Proof -- R (~ p) = P p
| RFF -- R ff = {}
deriving (Eq, Show)

data Dec
= Yes Proof
| No Refutation
deriving (Eq, Show)

notDec :: Dec -> Dec
notDec (Yes p) = No (RNeg p)
notDec (No r) = Yes (PNeg r)

andDec :: Dec -> Dec -> Dec
andDec (No r) _ = No (RAnd (Left r))
andDec _ (No r) = No (RAnd (Right r))
andDec (Yes p) (Yes p') = Yes (PAnd p p')

orDec :: Dec -> Dec -> Dec
orDec (Yes p) _ = Yes (POr (Left p))
orDec _ (Yes p) = Yes (POr (Right p))
orDec (No r) (No r') = No (ROr r r')

impDec :: Dec -> Dec -> Dec
impDec _ (Yes p) = Yes (PImp (Right p))
impDec (No r) _ = Yes (PImp (Left r))
impDec (Yes p) (No r) = No (RImp p r)

allDec :: (r -> Dec) -> [r] -> (r -> Refutation -> Refutation) -> Proof -> Dec
allDec pred xs ref pro = go xs
go [] = Yes pro
go (x:xs) = case pred x of
Yes _ -> go xs
No r -> No $ ref x r

anyDec :: (r -> Dec) -> [r] -> (r -> Proof -> Proof) -> Refutation -> Dec
anyDec pred xs pro ref = go xs
go [] = No ref
go (x:xs) = case pred x of
Yes p -> Yes $ pro x p
No _ -> go xs

reason :: Dec -> String
reason = show
11 changes: 10 additions & 1 deletion src/ltl/src/Ltl/Storage.hs
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Expand Up @@ -96,7 +96,16 @@ mkTrace es s = case go es s of
updateState es = Map.adjust (\v -> mergePatch v (Maybe.fromMaybe ("Can't decode heap") $ Aeson.decode $ TextEncoding.encodeUtf8 $ esHeapDiff es)) (esReactor es)
go [] _ = []
go (es:ess) state = let state' = updateState es state in StateBehaviour (State state) Event (State state') : go ess state'
go (es:ess) state =
state' = updateState es state
sb = StateBehaviour
{ before = State state
, worldTime = esLogicalTime es
, action = Event
, after = State state'
in sb : go ess state'

sqliteLoad :: TestId -> RunId -> IO Trace
sqliteLoad testId runId = do
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/ltl/src/Ltl/Traces.hs
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Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ data Event = Event -- we will extend this later

data StateBehaviour = StateBehaviour
{ before :: State
, worldTime :: Int
, action :: Event
, after :: State
} deriving (Show)
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