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refactor(runtime): introduce a pure way of running actors
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Inspired by Goblin's actormaps.
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symbiont-stevan-andjelkovic committed May 20, 2021
1 parent 87d439f commit 93fa874
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Showing 2 changed files with 128 additions and 0 deletions.
127 changes: 127 additions & 0 deletions src/runtime-prototype/src/StuntDouble/ActorMap.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}

module StuntDouble.ActorMap where

import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map

import StuntDouble.Actor (IOResult)
import StuntDouble.Actor.State
import StuntDouble.FreeMonad
import StuntDouble.Message
import StuntDouble.Reference


newtype Promise a = Promise Int
deriving Num

newtype Actor = Actor { unActor :: Free ActorF Message }

data ActorF x
= Invoke LocalRef Message (Message -> x)
| Send RemoteRef Message (Promise Message -> x)
| AsyncIO (IO IOResult) (Promise IOResult -> x)
| forall a. On (Promise a) (a -> x) (() -> x)
| Get (State -> x)
| Put State (() -> x)
deriving instance Functor ActorF


newtype ActorMap = ActorMap (Map LocalRef (Message -> Actor, State))

actorMapLookup :: LocalRef -> ActorMap -> Maybe (Message -> Actor, State)
actorMapLookup lref (ActorMap m) = Map.lookup lref m

actorMapUnsafeLookup :: LocalRef -> ActorMap -> (Message -> Actor, State)
actorMapUnsafeLookup lref am = case actorMapLookup lref am of
Nothing -> error ("actorMapUnsafeLookup: `" ++ show lref ++ "' not in actor map.")
Just v -> v

emptyActorMap :: ActorMap
emptyActorMap = ActorMap Map.empty

actorMapSpawn :: (Message -> Actor) -> State -> ActorMap -> (LocalRef, ActorMap)
actorMapSpawn a s (ActorMap m) =
lref = LocalRef (Map.size m)
(lref, ActorMap (Map.insert lref (a, s) m))

data Action
= SendAction RemoteRef Message (Promise Message)
| AsyncIOAction (IO IOResult) (Promise IOResult)
| forall a. OnAction (Promise a) (a -> Actor) LocalRef

-- XXX: what about exceptions? transactional in state, but also in actions?!
actorMapTurn :: LocalRef -> Message -> ActorMap -> ((Message, ActorMap, [Action]), ActorMap)
actorMapTurn lref0 msg0 am0 =
a = fst (actorMapUnsafeLookup lref0 am0)
(go 0 [] lref0 (unActor (a msg0)) am0, am0)
go _pc acc _lref (Pure msg) am = (msg, am, reverse acc)
go pc acc lref (Free op) am = case op of
Invoke lref' msg k ->
a' = fst (actorMapUnsafeLookup lref' am)
(reply, am', acc') = go pc acc lref' (unActor (a' msg)) am
go pc acc' lref (k reply) am'
Send rref msg k ->
p = Promise pc
go (pc + 1) (SendAction rref msg p : acc) lref (k p) am
AsyncIO io k ->
p = Promise pc
go (pc + 1) (AsyncIOAction io p : acc) lref (k p) am
On p c k ->
go pc (OnAction p (Actor . c) lref : acc) lref (k ()) am
Get k ->
go pc acc lref (k (snd (actorMapUnsafeLookup lref am))) am
Put s' k ->
case am of
ActorMap m ->
go pc acc lref (k ()) (ActorMap (Map.adjust (\(a, _s) -> (a, s')) lref m))

actorMapPeek :: LocalRef -> Message -> ActorMap -> (Message, ActorMap)
actorMapPeek lref msg am =
((reply, _am', _as), _am) = actorMapTurn lref msg am
(reply, am)

actorMapPoke :: LocalRef -> Message -> ActorMap -> (Message, ActorMap)
actorMapPoke lref msg am =
((reply, am', _as), _am) = actorMapTurn lref msg am
(reply, am')


type ActorMapTVar = TVar ActorMap

makeActorMapIO :: IO ActorMapTVar
makeActorMapIO = newTVarIO emptyActorMap

actorMapSpawnIO :: (Message -> Actor) -> State -> ActorMapTVar -> IO LocalRef
actorMapSpawnIO a s am = atomically (stateTVar am (actorMapSpawn a s))

actorMapTurnIO :: LocalRef -> Message -> ActorMapTVar -> IO (Message, ActorMap, [Action])
actorMapTurnIO lref msg am = atomically (stateTVar am (actorMapTurn lref msg))

actorMapPeekIO :: LocalRef -> Message -> ActorMapTVar -> IO Message
actorMapPeekIO lref msg am = atomically (stateTVar am (actorMapPeek lref msg))

actorMapPokeIO :: LocalRef -> Message -> ActorMapTVar -> IO Message
actorMapPokeIO lref msg am = atomically (stateTVar am (actorMapPoke lref msg))
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/runtime-prototype/stunt-double.cabal
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Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ library
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