- Fix src build
- Better handle null or bad metric values
- Handle VSAN Histogram metrics
- Added configurable vcs.collectors
- Fix build
- Added configurable max_tries
- Changed the Graphite metric naming schema (breaking change)
- Disk naming are now the actual ID's (breaking change)
- Added Graphite and InfluxDB dumpMetrics output formats
- Added VSAN Stats (dom, dom-objects, lsom, disks)
- Added Resource Quick Stats
- Migrate to yavijava
- Self monitoring stats (prefix.vsphere2metrics)
- Added some example Grafana templates (Graphite)
- Add timing metrics on the collecting methods
- Support sending metrics to both Graphite and InfluxDB at the same time
- Add InfluxDB vSphere Events
- Minor InfluxDB vSphere storage* Metrics fix
- Fix InfluxDB integer and float types
- Move to Gradle shadowJar
- Add InfluxDB support and upgrade MetricClient
- First public release
- Fix build order
- Metrics retrieval TimeOut
- logback config fixes
- Collect ESXi Events and upgrade MetricClient
- Use MetricClient and support pickle format
- Minor fixes and Groovy/vijava upgrade
- Catch empty Hosts/VMs
- CliBuilder parameters
- Take into account the execution time (lastExecTime)
- Collect Host metrics
- Daemonize, created config file and other fixes
- Added parallel vCenter collecting
- Initial version