- Blind Denoising: One model to handle various noise levels
- Non-Blind Denoising: Separate models for each noise level
- Download training (DIV2K, Flickr2K, WED, BSD) and testing datasets, run
python download_data.py --data train-test --noise gaussian
- Generate image patches from full-resolution training images, run
python generate_patches_dfwb.py
- Train Restormer for grayscale blind image denoising, run
cd Restormer
./train.sh Denoising/Options/GaussianGrayDenoising_Restormer.yml
- Train Restormer for grayscale non-blind image denoising, run
cd Restormer
./train.sh Denoising/Options/GaussianGrayDenoising_RestormerSigma15.yml
./train.sh Denoising/Options/GaussianGrayDenoising_RestormerSigma25.yml
./train.sh Denoising/Options/GaussianGrayDenoising_RestormerSigma50.yml
- Train Restormer for color blind image denoising, run
cd Restormer
./train.sh Denoising/Options/GaussianColorDenoising_Restormer.yml
- Train Restormer for color non-blind image denoising, run
cd Restormer
./train.sh Denoising/Options/GaussianColorDenoising_RestormerSigma15.yml
./train.sh Denoising/Options/GaussianColorDenoising_RestormerSigma25.yml
./train.sh Denoising/Options/GaussianColorDenoising_RestormerSigma50.yml
Note: The above training scripts use 8 GPUs by default. To use any other number of GPUs, modify Restormer/train.sh and the yaml file corresponding to each task (e.g., Denoising/Options/GaussianGrayDenoising_Restormer.yml)
Download the pre-trained models and place them in
Download testsets (Set12, BSD68, CBSD68, Kodak, McMaster, Urban100), run
python download_data.py --data test --noise gaussian
- To obtain denoised predictions, run
python test_gaussian_gray_denoising.py --model_type blind --sigmas 15,25,50
- To reproduce PSNR Table 4 (top super-row), run
python evaluate_gaussian_gray_denoising.py --model_type blind --sigmas 15,25,50
- To obtain denoised predictions, run
python test_gaussian_gray_denoising.py --model_type non_blind --sigmas 15,25,50
- To reproduce PSNR Table 4 (bottom super-row), run
python evaluate_gaussian_gray_denoising.py --model_type non_blind --sigmas 15,25,50
- To obtain denoised predictions, run
python test_gaussian_color_denoising.py --model_type blind --sigmas 15,25,50
- To reproduce PSNR Table 5 (top super-row), run
python evaluate_gaussian_color_denoising.py --model_type blind --sigmas 15,25,50
- To obtain denoised predictions, run
python test_gaussian_color_denoising.py --model_type non_blind --sigmas 15,25,50
- To reproduce PSNR Table 5 (bottom super-row), run
python evaluate_gaussian_color_denoising.py --model_type non_blind --sigmas 15,25,50
- Download SIDD training data, run
python download_data.py --data train --noise real
- Generate image patches from full-resolution training images, run
python generate_patches_sidd.py
- Train Restormer
cd Restormer
./train.sh Denoising/Options/RealDenoising_Restormer.yml
Note: This training script uses 8 GPUs by default. To use any other number of GPUs, modify Restormer/train.sh and Denoising/Options/RealDenoising_Restormer.yml
- Download the pre-trained model and place it in
- Download SIDD validation data, run
python download_data.py --noise real --data test --dataset SIDD
- To obtain denoised results, run
python test_real_denoising_sidd.py --save_images
- To reproduce PSNR/SSIM scores on SIDD data (Table 6), run
- Download the DND benchmark data, run
python download_data.py --noise real --data test --dataset DND
- To obtain denoised results, run
python test_real_denoising_dnd.py --save_images
- To reproduce PSNR/SSIM scores (Table 6), upload the results to the DND benchmark website.