diff --git a/packages/documentation/src/stories/guidelines/shadowdom-parts/pseudoPartsSass.sample.scss b/packages/documentation/src/stories/guidelines/shadowdom-parts/pseudoPartsSass.sample.scss
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index 0000000000..39b546b8ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/documentation/src/stories/guidelines/shadowdom-parts/pseudoPartsSass.sample.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+custom-element::part(header):hover {
+ text-decoration: underline;
+custom-element::part(footer):active {
+ color: darkgray;
+custom-element::part(header)::before {
+ content: '>> ';
+ color: red;
+custom-element::part(footer)::after {
+ content: ' <<';
+ color: lightgray;
diff --git a/packages/documentation/src/stories/guidelines/shadowdom-parts/shadowdom-parts.docs.mdx b/packages/documentation/src/stories/guidelines/shadowdom-parts/shadowdom-parts.docs.mdx
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+++ b/packages/documentation/src/stories/guidelines/shadowdom-parts/shadowdom-parts.docs.mdx
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+import { Meta, Source } from '@storybook/blocks';
+import * as ShadowdomPartsStories from './shadowdom-parts.stories';
+import parts from './parts.sample.html?raw';
+import partsSass from './partsSass.sample.scss?raw';
+import pseudoParts from './pseudoParts.sample.html?raw';
+import pseudoPartsSass from './pseudoPartsSass.sample.scss?raw';
+# Styling Shadow DOM Parts
+ Any web component element within the Shadow DOM that has a `part` attribute can be styled by its
+ direct parent DOM using the `::part` pseudo-element.
+To style a shadow element with a `part` attribute:
+- Identify the reference name assigned to the element's `part` attribute (e.g. `)`.
+- Use the `::part` selector followed by the reference name (e.g. `::part(reference-name)`) to target and apply CSS styles.
+### Example
+## Pseudo-classes & pseudo-elements
+The `::part` selector supports the addition of pseudo-classes such as `:hover` and pseudo-elements like `::before` and `::after`. This enables precise styling for states and structural modifications of shadow DOM elements.
+### Example
+## Limitations
+### Structural pseudo-classes
+Structural pseudo-classes, such as `:nth-child` and `:first-child`, which depend on tree structure
+and sibling relationships, cannot be applied to elements targeted by the `::part` selector. This restriction ensures that internal structure remains encapsulated and isn't exposed beyond the intended scope.
+### Nested `::part` selectors
+Each `part` must be directly exposed since styling cannot cascade through nested `::part` selectors.
+The `::part selector` only targets the element associated with the specified part attribute. As a result, using nesting part selectors like `::part(header)::part(footer)` is not supported.
diff --git a/packages/documentation/src/stories/guidelines/shadowdom-parts/shadowdom-parts.stories.ts b/packages/documentation/src/stories/guidelines/shadowdom-parts/shadowdom-parts.stories.ts
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+++ b/packages/documentation/src/stories/guidelines/shadowdom-parts/shadowdom-parts.stories.ts
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+import { StoryObj } from '@storybook/web-components';
+import { MetaExtended } from '@root/types';
+const meta: MetaExtended = {
+ id: 'ba379b2d-689f-4003-8f6f-011af341549b',
+ title: 'Guidelines/Styling Shadowdom Parts',
+export default meta;
+type Story = StoryObj;
+export const Default: Story = {};