diff --git a/crates/swc/Cargo.toml b/crates/swc/Cargo.toml index 44362f9ea1aa..d4f29339b19b 100644 --- a/crates/swc/Cargo.toml +++ b/crates/swc/Cargo.toml @@ -154,6 +154,12 @@ name = "bugs" harness = false name = "minify" + +[[bench]] +harness = false +name = "oxc" + + [[bench]] harness = false name = "typescript" diff --git a/crates/swc/benches/assets/UserSettings.tsx b/crates/swc/benches/assets/UserSettings.tsx new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..d2f22d531e83 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/swc/benches/assets/UserSettings.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ +import { zodResolver } from "@hookform/resolvers/zod"; +import { useEffect } from "react"; +import { useForm } from "react-hook-form"; +import { z } from "zod"; + +import dayjs from "@calcom/dayjs"; +import { useTimePreferences } from "@calcom/features/bookings/lib"; +import { FULL_NAME_LENGTH_MAX_LIMIT } from "@calcom/lib/constants"; +import { useLocale } from "@calcom/lib/hooks/useLocale"; +import { telemetryEventTypes, useTelemetry } from "@calcom/lib/telemetry"; +import { trpc } from "@calcom/trpc/react"; +import { Button, TimezoneSelect, Icon, Input } from "@calcom/ui"; + +import { UsernameAvailabilityField } from "@components/ui/UsernameAvailability"; + +interface IUserSettingsProps { + nextStep: () => void; + hideUsername?: boolean; +} + +const UserSettings = (props: IUserSettingsProps) => { + const { nextStep } = props; + const [user] = trpc.viewer.me.useSuspenseQuery(); + const { t } = useLocale(); + const { setTimezone: setSelectedTimeZone, timezone: selectedTimeZone } = useTimePreferences(); + const telemetry = useTelemetry(); + const userSettingsSchema = z.object({ + name: z + .string() + .min(1) + .max(FULL_NAME_LENGTH_MAX_LIMIT, { + message: t("max_limit_allowed_hint", { limit: FULL_NAME_LENGTH_MAX_LIMIT }), + }), + }); + const { + register, + handleSubmit, + formState: { errors }, + } = useForm>({ + defaultValues: { + name: user?.name || "", + }, + reValidateMode: "onChange", + resolver: zodResolver(userSettingsSchema), + }); + + useEffect(() => { + telemetry.event(telemetryEventTypes.onboardingStarted); + }, [telemetry]); + + const utils = trpc.useUtils(); + const onSuccess = async () => { + await utils.viewer.me.invalidate(); + nextStep(); + }; + const mutation = trpc.viewer.updateProfile.useMutation({ + onSuccess: onSuccess, + }); + + const onSubmit = handleSubmit((data) => { + mutation.mutate({ + name: data.name, + timeZone: selectedTimeZone, + }); + }); + + return ( +
+ {/* Username textfield: when not coming from signup */} + {!props.hideUsername && } + + {/* Full name textfield */} +
+ + + {errors.name && ( +

+ {errors.name.message} +

+ )} +
+ {/* Timezone select field */} +
+ + + setSelectedTimeZone(value)} + className="mt-2 w-full rounded-md text-sm" + /> + +

+ {t("current_time")} {dayjs().tz(selectedTimeZone).format("LT").toString().toLowerCase()} +

+ +
+ ); +}; + +export { UserSettings }; diff --git a/crates/swc/benches/assets/parser.ts b/crates/swc/benches/assets/parser.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..06b9c8195608 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/swc/benches/assets/parser.ts @@ -0,0 +1,10777 @@ +import { + AccessorDeclaration, + addRange, + addRelatedInfo, + append, + ArrayBindingElement, + ArrayBindingPattern, + ArrayLiteralExpression, + ArrayTypeNode, + ArrowFunction, + AsExpression, + AssertionLevel, + AsteriskToken, + attachFileToDiagnostics, + AwaitExpression, + BaseNodeFactory, + BigIntLiteral, + BinaryExpression, + BinaryOperatorToken, + BindingElement, + BindingName, + BindingPattern, + Block, + BooleanLiteral, + BreakOrContinueStatement, + BreakStatement, + CallExpression, + CallSignatureDeclaration, + canHaveJSDoc, + canHaveModifiers, + CaseBlock, + CaseClause, + CaseOrDefaultClause, + CatchClause, + CharacterCodes, + ClassDeclaration, + ClassElement, + ClassExpression, + ClassLikeDeclaration, + ClassStaticBlockDeclaration, + CommaListExpression, + CommentDirective, + commentPragmas, + CommentRange, + ComputedPropertyName, + concatenate, + ConditionalExpression, + ConditionalTypeNode, + ConstructorDeclaration, + ConstructorTypeNode, + ConstructSignatureDeclaration, + containsParseError, + ContinueStatement, + convertToJson, + createDetachedDiagnostic, + createNodeFactory, + createScanner, + createTextChangeRange, + createTextSpanFromBounds, + Debug, + Decorator, + DefaultClause, + DeleteExpression, + Diagnostic, + DiagnosticArguments, + DiagnosticMessage, + Diagnostics, + DiagnosticWithDetachedLocation, + DoStatement, + DotDotDotToken, + ElementAccessExpression, + emptyArray, + emptyMap, + EndOfFileToken, + ensureScriptKind, + EntityName, + EnumDeclaration, + EnumMember, + ExclamationToken, + ExportAssignment, + ExportDeclaration, + ExportSpecifier, + Expression, + ExpressionStatement, + ExpressionWithTypeArguments, + Extension, + ExternalModuleReference, + fileExtensionIs, + findIndex, + firstOrUndefined, + forEach, + ForEachChildNodes, + ForInOrOfStatement, + ForInStatement, + ForOfStatement, + ForStatement, + FunctionDeclaration, + FunctionExpression, + FunctionOrConstructorTypeNode, + FunctionTypeNode, + GetAccessorDeclaration, + getAnyExtensionFromPath, + getBaseFileName, + getBinaryOperatorPrecedence, + getFullWidth, + getJSDocCommentRanges, + getLanguageVariant, + getLastChild, + getLeadingCommentRanges, + getSpellingSuggestion, + getTextOfNodeFromSourceText, + HasJSDoc, + hasJSDocNodes, + HasModifiers, + HeritageClause, + Identifier, + identity, + idText, + IfStatement, + ImportAttribute, + ImportAttributes, + ImportClause, + ImportDeclaration, + ImportEqualsDeclaration, + ImportOrExportSpecifier, + ImportSpecifier, + ImportTypeAssertionContainer, + ImportTypeNode, + IndexedAccessTypeNode, + IndexSignatureDeclaration, + InferTypeNode, + InterfaceDeclaration, + IntersectionTypeNode, + isArray, + isAssignmentOperator, + isAsyncModifier, + isClassMemberModifier, + isExportAssignment, + isExportDeclaration, + isExportModifier, + isExpressionWithTypeArguments, + isExternalModuleReference, + isFunctionTypeNode, + isIdentifier as isIdentifierNode, + isIdentifierText, + isImportDeclaration, + isImportEqualsDeclaration, + isJSDocFunctionType, + isJSDocNullableType, + isJSDocReturnTag, + isJSDocTypeTag, + isJsxNamespacedName, + isJsxOpeningElement, + isJsxOpeningFragment, + isKeyword, + isKeywordOrPunctuation, + isLeftHandSideExpression, + isLiteralKind, + isMetaProperty, + isModifierKind, + isNonNullExpression, + isPrivateIdentifier, + isSetAccessorDeclaration, + isStringOrNumericLiteralLike, + isTaggedTemplateExpression, + isTemplateLiteralKind, + isTypeReferenceNode, + IterationStatement, + JSDoc, + JSDocAllType, + JSDocAugmentsTag, + JSDocAuthorTag, + JSDocCallbackTag, + JSDocClassTag, + JSDocComment, + JSDocDeprecatedTag, + JSDocEnumTag, + JSDocFunctionType, + JSDocImplementsTag, + JSDocImportTag, + JSDocLink, + JSDocLinkCode, + JSDocLinkPlain, + JSDocMemberName, + JSDocNameReference, + JSDocNamespaceDeclaration, + JSDocNonNullableType, + JSDocNullableType, + JSDocOptionalType, + JSDocOverloadTag, + JSDocOverrideTag, + JSDocParameterTag, + JSDocParsingMode, + JSDocPrivateTag, + JSDocPropertyLikeTag, + JSDocPropertyTag, + JSDocProtectedTag, + JSDocPublicTag, + JSDocReadonlyTag, + JSDocReturnTag, + JSDocSatisfiesTag, + JSDocSeeTag, + JSDocSignature, + JSDocSyntaxKind, + JSDocTag, + JSDocTemplateTag, + JSDocText, + JSDocThisTag, + JSDocThrowsTag, + JSDocTypedefTag, + JSDocTypeExpression, + JSDocTypeLiteral, + JSDocTypeTag, + JSDocUnknownTag, + JSDocUnknownType, + JSDocVariadicType, + JsonMinusNumericLiteral, + JsonObjectExpressionStatement, + JsonSourceFile, + JsxAttribute, + JsxAttributes, + JsxAttributeValue, + JsxChild, + JsxClosingElement, + JsxClosingFragment, + JsxElement, + JsxExpression, + JsxFragment, + JsxNamespacedName, + JsxOpeningElement, + JsxOpeningFragment, + JsxOpeningLikeElement, + JsxSelfClosingElement, + JsxSpreadAttribute, + JsxTagNameExpression, + JsxText, + JsxTokenSyntaxKind, + LabeledStatement, + LanguageVariant, + lastOrUndefined, + LeftHandSideExpression, + LiteralExpression, + LiteralLikeNode, + LiteralTypeNode, + map, + mapDefined, + MappedTypeNode, + MemberExpression, + MetaProperty, + MethodDeclaration, + MethodSignature, + MinusToken, + MissingDeclaration, + Modifier, + ModifierFlags, + ModifierLike, + modifiersToFlags, + ModuleBlock, + ModuleDeclaration, + ModuleExportName, + ModuleKind, + Mutable, + NamedExportBindings, + NamedExports, + NamedImports, + NamedImportsOrExports, + NamedTupleMember, + NamespaceDeclaration, + NamespaceExport, + NamespaceExportDeclaration, + NamespaceImport, + NewExpression, + Node, + NodeArray, + NodeFactory, + NodeFactoryFlags, + NodeFlags, + nodeIsMissing, + nodeIsPresent, + NonNullExpression, + noop, + normalizePath, + NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral, + NullLiteral, + NumericLiteral, + objectAllocator, + ObjectBindingPattern, + ObjectLiteralElementLike, + ObjectLiteralExpression, + OperatorPrecedence, + OptionalTypeNode, + PackageJsonInfo, + ParameterDeclaration, + ParenthesizedExpression, + ParenthesizedTypeNode, + PartiallyEmittedExpression, + PlusToken, + PostfixUnaryExpression, + PostfixUnaryOperator, + PragmaContext, + PragmaDefinition, + PragmaKindFlags, + PragmaMap, + PragmaPseudoMap, + PragmaPseudoMapEntry, + PrefixUnaryExpression, + PrefixUnaryOperator, + PrimaryExpression, + PrivateIdentifier, + PropertyAccessEntityNameExpression, + PropertyAccessExpression, + PropertyAssignment, + PropertyDeclaration, + PropertyName, + PropertySignature, + PunctuationOrKeywordSyntaxKind, + PunctuationSyntaxKind, + QualifiedName, + QuestionDotToken, + QuestionToken, + ReadonlyKeyword, + ReadonlyPragmaMap, + ResolutionMode, + RestTypeNode, + ReturnStatement, + SatisfiesExpression, + ScriptKind, + ScriptTarget, + SetAccessorDeclaration, + setParent, + setParentRecursive, + setTextRange, + setTextRangePos, + setTextRangePosEnd, + setTextRangePosWidth, + ShorthandPropertyAssignment, + skipTrivia, + some, + SourceFile, + SpreadAssignment, + SpreadElement, + startsWith, + Statement, + StringLiteral, + supportedDeclarationExtensions, + SwitchStatement, + SyntaxKind, + TaggedTemplateExpression, + TemplateExpression, + TemplateHead, + TemplateLiteralToken, + TemplateLiteralTypeNode, + TemplateLiteralTypeSpan, + TemplateMiddle, + TemplateSpan, + TemplateTail, + TextChangeRange, + textChangeRangeIsUnchanged, + textChangeRangeNewSpan, + TextRange, + textSpanEnd, + textToKeywordObj, + ThisExpression, + ThisTypeNode, + ThrowStatement, + toArray, + Token, + TokenFlags, + tokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword, + tokenIsIdentifierOrKeywordOrGreaterThan, + tokenToString, + tracing, + transferSourceFileChildren, + TransformFlags, + TryStatement, + TupleTypeNode, + TypeAliasDeclaration, + TypeAssertion, + TypeElement, + TypeLiteralNode, + TypeNode, + TypeOfExpression, + TypeOperatorNode, + TypeParameterDeclaration, + TypePredicateNode, + TypeQueryNode, + TypeReferenceNode, + UnaryExpression, + unescapeLeadingUnderscores, + UnionOrIntersectionTypeNode, + UnionTypeNode, + unsetNodeChildren, + UpdateExpression, + VariableDeclaration, + VariableDeclarationList, + VariableStatement, + VoidExpression, + WhileStatement, + WithStatement, + YieldExpression, +} from "./_namespaces/ts.js"; +import * as performance from "./_namespaces/ts.performance.js"; + +const enum SignatureFlags { + None = 0, + Yield = 1 << 0, + Await = 1 << 1, + Type = 1 << 2, + IgnoreMissingOpenBrace = 1 << 4, + JSDoc = 1 << 5, +} + +const enum SpeculationKind { + TryParse, + Lookahead, + Reparse, +} + +let NodeConstructor: new (kind: SyntaxKind, pos: number, end: number) => Node; +let TokenConstructor: new (kind: SyntaxKind, pos: number, end: number) => Node; +let IdentifierConstructor: new (kind: SyntaxKind.Identifier, pos: number, end: number) => Node; +let PrivateIdentifierConstructor: new (kind: SyntaxKind.PrivateIdentifier, pos: number, end: number) => Node; +let SourceFileConstructor: new (kind: SyntaxKind.SourceFile, pos: number, end: number) => Node; + +/** + * NOTE: You should not use this, it is only exported to support `createNode` in `~/src/deprecatedCompat/deprecations.ts`. + * + * @internal + * @knipignore + */ +export const parseBaseNodeFactory: BaseNodeFactory = { + createBaseSourceFileNode: kind => new (SourceFileConstructor || (SourceFileConstructor = objectAllocator.getSourceFileConstructor()))(kind, -1, -1), + createBaseIdentifierNode: kind => new (IdentifierConstructor || (IdentifierConstructor = objectAllocator.getIdentifierConstructor()))(kind, -1, -1), + createBasePrivateIdentifierNode: kind => new (PrivateIdentifierConstructor || (PrivateIdentifierConstructor = objectAllocator.getPrivateIdentifierConstructor()))(kind, -1, -1), + createBaseTokenNode: kind => new (TokenConstructor || (TokenConstructor = objectAllocator.getTokenConstructor()))(kind, -1, -1), + createBaseNode: kind => new (NodeConstructor || (NodeConstructor = objectAllocator.getNodeConstructor()))(kind, -1, -1), +}; + +/** @internal */ +export const parseNodeFactory: NodeFactory = createNodeFactory(NodeFactoryFlags.NoParenthesizerRules, parseBaseNodeFactory); + +function visitNode(cbNode: (node: Node) => T, node: Node | undefined): T | undefined { + return node && cbNode(node); +} + +function visitNodes(cbNode: (node: Node) => T, cbNodes: ((node: NodeArray) => T | undefined) | undefined, nodes: NodeArray | undefined): T | undefined { + if (nodes) { + if (cbNodes) { + return cbNodes(nodes); + } + for (const node of nodes) { + const result = cbNode(node); + if (result) { + return result; + } + } + } +} + +/** @internal */ +export function isJSDocLikeText(text: string, start: number): boolean { + return text.charCodeAt(start + 1) === CharacterCodes.asterisk && + text.charCodeAt(start + 2) === CharacterCodes.asterisk && + text.charCodeAt(start + 3) !== CharacterCodes.slash; +} + +/** @internal */ +export function isFileProbablyExternalModule(sourceFile: SourceFile): Node | undefined { + // Try to use the first top-level import/export when available, then + // fall back to looking for an 'import.meta' somewhere in the tree if necessary. + return forEach(sourceFile.statements, isAnExternalModuleIndicatorNode) || + getImportMetaIfNecessary(sourceFile); +} + +function isAnExternalModuleIndicatorNode(node: Node) { + return canHaveModifiers(node) && hasModifierOfKind(node, SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword) + || isImportEqualsDeclaration(node) && isExternalModuleReference(node.moduleReference) + || isImportDeclaration(node) + || isExportAssignment(node) + || isExportDeclaration(node) ? node : undefined; +} + +function getImportMetaIfNecessary(sourceFile: SourceFile) { + return sourceFile.flags & NodeFlags.PossiblyContainsImportMeta ? + walkTreeForImportMeta(sourceFile) : + undefined; +} + +function walkTreeForImportMeta(node: Node): Node | undefined { + return isImportMeta(node) ? node : forEachChild(node, walkTreeForImportMeta); +} + +/** Do not use hasModifier inside the parser; it relies on parent pointers. Use this instead. */ +function hasModifierOfKind(node: HasModifiers, kind: SyntaxKind) { + return some(node.modifiers, m => m.kind === kind); +} + +function isImportMeta(node: Node): boolean { + return isMetaProperty(node) && node.keywordToken === SyntaxKind.ImportKeyword && node.name.escapedText === "meta"; +} + +type ForEachChildFunction = (node: TNode, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined) => T | undefined; +type ForEachChildTable = { [TNode in ForEachChildNodes as TNode["kind"]]: ForEachChildFunction; }; +const forEachChildTable: ForEachChildTable = { + [SyntaxKind.QualifiedName]: function forEachChildInQualifiedName(node: QualifiedName, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.left) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.right); + }, + [SyntaxKind.TypeParameter]: function forEachChildInTypeParameter(node: TypeParameterDeclaration, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.modifiers) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.name) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.constraint) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.default) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.expression); + }, + [SyntaxKind.ShorthandPropertyAssignment]: function forEachChildInShorthandPropertyAssignment(node: ShorthandPropertyAssignment, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.modifiers) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.name) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.questionToken) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.exclamationToken) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.equalsToken) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.objectAssignmentInitializer); + }, + [SyntaxKind.SpreadAssignment]: function forEachChildInSpreadAssignment(node: SpreadAssignment, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression); + }, + [SyntaxKind.Parameter]: function forEachChildInParameter(node: ParameterDeclaration, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.modifiers) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.dotDotDotToken) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.name) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.questionToken) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.type) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.initializer); + }, + [SyntaxKind.PropertyDeclaration]: function forEachChildInPropertyDeclaration(node: PropertyDeclaration, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.modifiers) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.name) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.questionToken) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.exclamationToken) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.type) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.initializer); + }, + [SyntaxKind.PropertySignature]: function forEachChildInPropertySignature(node: PropertySignature, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.modifiers) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.name) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.questionToken) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.type) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.initializer); + }, + [SyntaxKind.PropertyAssignment]: function forEachChildInPropertyAssignment(node: PropertyAssignment, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.modifiers) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.name) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.questionToken) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.exclamationToken) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.initializer); + }, + [SyntaxKind.VariableDeclaration]: function forEachChildInVariableDeclaration(node: VariableDeclaration, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.name) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.exclamationToken) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.type) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.initializer); + }, + [SyntaxKind.BindingElement]: function forEachChildInBindingElement(node: BindingElement, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.dotDotDotToken) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.propertyName) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.name) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.initializer); + }, + [SyntaxKind.IndexSignature]: function forEachChildInIndexSignature(node: IndexSignatureDeclaration, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.modifiers) || + visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.typeParameters) || + visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.parameters) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.type); + }, + [SyntaxKind.ConstructorType]: function forEachChildInConstructorType(node: ConstructorTypeNode, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.modifiers) || + visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.typeParameters) || + visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.parameters) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.type); + }, + [SyntaxKind.FunctionType]: function forEachChildInFunctionType(node: FunctionTypeNode, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.modifiers) || + visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.typeParameters) || + visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.parameters) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.type); + }, + [SyntaxKind.CallSignature]: forEachChildInCallOrConstructSignature, + [SyntaxKind.ConstructSignature]: forEachChildInCallOrConstructSignature, + [SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration]: function forEachChildInMethodDeclaration(node: MethodDeclaration, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.modifiers) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.asteriskToken) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.name) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.questionToken) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.exclamationToken) || + visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.typeParameters) || + visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.parameters) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.type) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.body); + }, + [SyntaxKind.MethodSignature]: function forEachChildInMethodSignature(node: MethodSignature, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.modifiers) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.name) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.questionToken) || + visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.typeParameters) || + visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.parameters) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.type); + }, + [SyntaxKind.Constructor]: function forEachChildInConstructor(node: ConstructorDeclaration, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.modifiers) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.name) || + visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.typeParameters) || + visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.parameters) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.type) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.body); + }, + [SyntaxKind.GetAccessor]: function forEachChildInGetAccessor(node: GetAccessorDeclaration, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.modifiers) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.name) || + visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.typeParameters) || + visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.parameters) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.type) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.body); + }, + [SyntaxKind.SetAccessor]: function forEachChildInSetAccessor(node: SetAccessorDeclaration, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.modifiers) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.name) || + visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.typeParameters) || + visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.parameters) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.type) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.body); + }, + [SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration]: function forEachChildInFunctionDeclaration(node: FunctionDeclaration, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.modifiers) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.asteriskToken) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.name) || + visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.typeParameters) || + visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.parameters) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.type) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.body); + }, + [SyntaxKind.FunctionExpression]: function forEachChildInFunctionExpression(node: FunctionExpression, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.modifiers) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.asteriskToken) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.name) || + visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.typeParameters) || + visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.parameters) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.type) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.body); + }, + [SyntaxKind.ArrowFunction]: function forEachChildInArrowFunction(node: ArrowFunction, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.modifiers) || + visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.typeParameters) || + visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.parameters) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.type) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.equalsGreaterThanToken) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.body); + }, + [SyntaxKind.ClassStaticBlockDeclaration]: function forEachChildInClassStaticBlockDeclaration(node: ClassStaticBlockDeclaration, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.modifiers) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.body); + }, + [SyntaxKind.TypeReference]: function forEachChildInTypeReference(node: TypeReferenceNode, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.typeName) || + visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.typeArguments); + }, + [SyntaxKind.TypePredicate]: function forEachChildInTypePredicate(node: TypePredicateNode, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.assertsModifier) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.parameterName) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.type); + }, + [SyntaxKind.TypeQuery]: function forEachChildInTypeQuery(node: TypeQueryNode, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.exprName) || + visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.typeArguments); + }, + [SyntaxKind.TypeLiteral]: function forEachChildInTypeLiteral(node: TypeLiteralNode, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.members); + }, + [SyntaxKind.ArrayType]: function forEachChildInArrayType(node: ArrayTypeNode, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.elementType); + }, + [SyntaxKind.TupleType]: function forEachChildInTupleType(node: TupleTypeNode, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.elements); + }, + [SyntaxKind.UnionType]: forEachChildInUnionOrIntersectionType, + [SyntaxKind.IntersectionType]: forEachChildInUnionOrIntersectionType, + [SyntaxKind.ConditionalType]: function forEachChildInConditionalType(node: ConditionalTypeNode, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.checkType) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.extendsType) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.trueType) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.falseType); + }, + [SyntaxKind.InferType]: function forEachChildInInferType(node: InferTypeNode, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.typeParameter); + }, + [SyntaxKind.ImportType]: function forEachChildInImportType(node: ImportTypeNode, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.argument) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.attributes) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.qualifier) || + visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.typeArguments); + }, + [SyntaxKind.ImportTypeAssertionContainer]: function forEachChildInImportTypeAssertionContainer(node: ImportTypeAssertionContainer, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.assertClause); + }, + [SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedType]: forEachChildInParenthesizedTypeOrTypeOperator, + [SyntaxKind.TypeOperator]: forEachChildInParenthesizedTypeOrTypeOperator, + [SyntaxKind.IndexedAccessType]: function forEachChildInIndexedAccessType(node: IndexedAccessTypeNode, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.objectType) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.indexType); + }, + [SyntaxKind.MappedType]: function forEachChildInMappedType(node: MappedTypeNode, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.readonlyToken) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.typeParameter) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.nameType) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.questionToken) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.type) || + visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.members); + }, + [SyntaxKind.LiteralType]: function forEachChildInLiteralType(node: LiteralTypeNode, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.literal); + }, + [SyntaxKind.NamedTupleMember]: function forEachChildInNamedTupleMember(node: NamedTupleMember, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.dotDotDotToken) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.name) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.questionToken) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.type); + }, + [SyntaxKind.ObjectBindingPattern]: forEachChildInObjectOrArrayBindingPattern, + [SyntaxKind.ArrayBindingPattern]: forEachChildInObjectOrArrayBindingPattern, + [SyntaxKind.ArrayLiteralExpression]: function forEachChildInArrayLiteralExpression(node: ArrayLiteralExpression, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.elements); + }, + [SyntaxKind.ObjectLiteralExpression]: function forEachChildInObjectLiteralExpression(node: ObjectLiteralExpression, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.properties); + }, + [SyntaxKind.PropertyAccessExpression]: function forEachChildInPropertyAccessExpression(node: PropertyAccessExpression, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.questionDotToken) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.name); + }, + [SyntaxKind.ElementAccessExpression]: function forEachChildInElementAccessExpression(node: ElementAccessExpression, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.questionDotToken) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.argumentExpression); + }, + [SyntaxKind.CallExpression]: forEachChildInCallOrNewExpression, + [SyntaxKind.NewExpression]: forEachChildInCallOrNewExpression, + [SyntaxKind.TaggedTemplateExpression]: function forEachChildInTaggedTemplateExpression(node: TaggedTemplateExpression, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.tag) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.questionDotToken) || + visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.typeArguments) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.template); + }, + [SyntaxKind.TypeAssertionExpression]: function forEachChildInTypeAssertionExpression(node: TypeAssertion, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.type) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.expression); + }, + [SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedExpression]: function forEachChildInParenthesizedExpression(node: ParenthesizedExpression, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression); + }, + [SyntaxKind.DeleteExpression]: function forEachChildInDeleteExpression(node: DeleteExpression, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression); + }, + [SyntaxKind.TypeOfExpression]: function forEachChildInTypeOfExpression(node: TypeOfExpression, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression); + }, + [SyntaxKind.VoidExpression]: function forEachChildInVoidExpression(node: VoidExpression, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression); + }, + [SyntaxKind.PrefixUnaryExpression]: function forEachChildInPrefixUnaryExpression(node: PrefixUnaryExpression, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.operand); + }, + [SyntaxKind.YieldExpression]: function forEachChildInYieldExpression(node: YieldExpression, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.asteriskToken) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.expression); + }, + [SyntaxKind.AwaitExpression]: function forEachChildInAwaitExpression(node: AwaitExpression, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression); + }, + [SyntaxKind.PostfixUnaryExpression]: function forEachChildInPostfixUnaryExpression(node: PostfixUnaryExpression, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.operand); + }, + [SyntaxKind.BinaryExpression]: function forEachChildInBinaryExpression(node: BinaryExpression, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.left) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.operatorToken) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.right); + }, + [SyntaxKind.AsExpression]: function forEachChildInAsExpression(node: AsExpression, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.type); + }, + [SyntaxKind.NonNullExpression]: function forEachChildInNonNullExpression(node: NonNullExpression, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression); + }, + [SyntaxKind.SatisfiesExpression]: function forEachChildInSatisfiesExpression(node: SatisfiesExpression, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression) || visitNode(cbNode, node.type); + }, + [SyntaxKind.MetaProperty]: function forEachChildInMetaProperty(node: MetaProperty, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.name); + }, + [SyntaxKind.ConditionalExpression]: function forEachChildInConditionalExpression(node: ConditionalExpression, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.condition) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.questionToken) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.whenTrue) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.colonToken) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.whenFalse); + }, + [SyntaxKind.SpreadElement]: function forEachChildInSpreadElement(node: SpreadElement, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression); + }, + [SyntaxKind.Block]: forEachChildInBlock, + [SyntaxKind.ModuleBlock]: forEachChildInBlock, + [SyntaxKind.SourceFile]: function forEachChildInSourceFile(node: SourceFile, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.statements) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.endOfFileToken); + }, + [SyntaxKind.VariableStatement]: function forEachChildInVariableStatement(node: VariableStatement, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.modifiers) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.declarationList); + }, + [SyntaxKind.VariableDeclarationList]: function forEachChildInVariableDeclarationList(node: VariableDeclarationList, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.declarations); + }, + [SyntaxKind.ExpressionStatement]: function forEachChildInExpressionStatement(node: ExpressionStatement, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression); + }, + [SyntaxKind.IfStatement]: function forEachChildInIfStatement(node: IfStatement, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.thenStatement) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.elseStatement); + }, + [SyntaxKind.DoStatement]: function forEachChildInDoStatement(node: DoStatement, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.statement) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.expression); + }, + [SyntaxKind.WhileStatement]: function forEachChildInWhileStatement(node: WhileStatement, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.statement); + }, + [SyntaxKind.ForStatement]: function forEachChildInForStatement(node: ForStatement, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.initializer) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.condition) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.incrementor) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.statement); + }, + [SyntaxKind.ForInStatement]: function forEachChildInForInStatement(node: ForInStatement, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.initializer) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.expression) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.statement); + }, + [SyntaxKind.ForOfStatement]: function forEachChildInForOfStatement(node: ForOfStatement, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.awaitModifier) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.initializer) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.expression) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.statement); + }, + [SyntaxKind.ContinueStatement]: forEachChildInContinueOrBreakStatement, + [SyntaxKind.BreakStatement]: forEachChildInContinueOrBreakStatement, + [SyntaxKind.ReturnStatement]: function forEachChildInReturnStatement(node: ReturnStatement, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression); + }, + [SyntaxKind.WithStatement]: function forEachChildInWithStatement(node: WithStatement, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.statement); + }, + [SyntaxKind.SwitchStatement]: function forEachChildInSwitchStatement(node: SwitchStatement, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.caseBlock); + }, + [SyntaxKind.CaseBlock]: function forEachChildInCaseBlock(node: CaseBlock, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.clauses); + }, + [SyntaxKind.CaseClause]: function forEachChildInCaseClause(node: CaseClause, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression) || + visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.statements); + }, + [SyntaxKind.DefaultClause]: function forEachChildInDefaultClause(node: DefaultClause, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.statements); + }, + [SyntaxKind.LabeledStatement]: function forEachChildInLabeledStatement(node: LabeledStatement, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.label) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.statement); + }, + [SyntaxKind.ThrowStatement]: function forEachChildInThrowStatement(node: ThrowStatement, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression); + }, + [SyntaxKind.TryStatement]: function forEachChildInTryStatement(node: TryStatement, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.tryBlock) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.catchClause) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.finallyBlock); + }, + [SyntaxKind.CatchClause]: function forEachChildInCatchClause(node: CatchClause, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.variableDeclaration) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.block); + }, + [SyntaxKind.Decorator]: function forEachChildInDecorator(node: Decorator, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression); + }, + [SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration]: forEachChildInClassDeclarationOrExpression, + [SyntaxKind.ClassExpression]: forEachChildInClassDeclarationOrExpression, + [SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration]: function forEachChildInInterfaceDeclaration(node: InterfaceDeclaration, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.modifiers) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.name) || + visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.typeParameters) || + visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.heritageClauses) || + visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.members); + }, + [SyntaxKind.TypeAliasDeclaration]: function forEachChildInTypeAliasDeclaration(node: TypeAliasDeclaration, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.modifiers) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.name) || + visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.typeParameters) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.type); + }, + [SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration]: function forEachChildInEnumDeclaration(node: EnumDeclaration, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.modifiers) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.name) || + visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.members); + }, + [SyntaxKind.EnumMember]: function forEachChildInEnumMember(node: EnumMember, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.name) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.initializer); + }, + [SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration]: function forEachChildInModuleDeclaration(node: ModuleDeclaration, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.modifiers) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.name) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.body); + }, + [SyntaxKind.ImportEqualsDeclaration]: function forEachChildInImportEqualsDeclaration(node: ImportEqualsDeclaration, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.modifiers) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.name) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.moduleReference); + }, + [SyntaxKind.ImportDeclaration]: function forEachChildInImportDeclaration(node: ImportDeclaration, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.modifiers) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.importClause) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.moduleSpecifier) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.attributes); + }, + [SyntaxKind.ImportClause]: function forEachChildInImportClause(node: ImportClause, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.name) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.namedBindings); + }, + [SyntaxKind.ImportAttributes]: function forEachChildInImportAttributes(node: ImportAttributes, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.elements); + }, + [SyntaxKind.ImportAttribute]: function forEachChildInImportAttribute(node: ImportAttribute, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.name) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.value); + }, + [SyntaxKind.NamespaceExportDeclaration]: function forEachChildInNamespaceExportDeclaration(node: NamespaceExportDeclaration, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.modifiers) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.name); + }, + [SyntaxKind.NamespaceImport]: function forEachChildInNamespaceImport(node: NamespaceImport, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.name); + }, + [SyntaxKind.NamespaceExport]: function forEachChildInNamespaceExport(node: NamespaceExport, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.name); + }, + [SyntaxKind.NamedImports]: forEachChildInNamedImportsOrExports, + [SyntaxKind.NamedExports]: forEachChildInNamedImportsOrExports, + [SyntaxKind.ExportDeclaration]: function forEachChildInExportDeclaration(node: ExportDeclaration, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.modifiers) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.exportClause) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.moduleSpecifier) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.attributes); + }, + [SyntaxKind.ImportSpecifier]: forEachChildInImportOrExportSpecifier, + [SyntaxKind.ExportSpecifier]: forEachChildInImportOrExportSpecifier, + [SyntaxKind.ExportAssignment]: function forEachChildInExportAssignment(node: ExportAssignment, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.modifiers) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.expression); + }, + [SyntaxKind.TemplateExpression]: function forEachChildInTemplateExpression(node: TemplateExpression, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.head) || + visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.templateSpans); + }, + [SyntaxKind.TemplateSpan]: function forEachChildInTemplateSpan(node: TemplateSpan, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.literal); + }, + [SyntaxKind.TemplateLiteralType]: function forEachChildInTemplateLiteralType(node: TemplateLiteralTypeNode, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.head) || + visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.templateSpans); + }, + [SyntaxKind.TemplateLiteralTypeSpan]: function forEachChildInTemplateLiteralTypeSpan(node: TemplateLiteralTypeSpan, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.type) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.literal); + }, + [SyntaxKind.ComputedPropertyName]: function forEachChildInComputedPropertyName(node: ComputedPropertyName, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression); + }, + [SyntaxKind.HeritageClause]: function forEachChildInHeritageClause(node: HeritageClause, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.types); + }, + [SyntaxKind.ExpressionWithTypeArguments]: function forEachChildInExpressionWithTypeArguments(node: ExpressionWithTypeArguments, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression) || + visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.typeArguments); + }, + [SyntaxKind.ExternalModuleReference]: function forEachChildInExternalModuleReference(node: ExternalModuleReference, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression); + }, + [SyntaxKind.MissingDeclaration]: function forEachChildInMissingDeclaration(node: MissingDeclaration, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.modifiers); + }, + [SyntaxKind.CommaListExpression]: function forEachChildInCommaListExpression(node: CommaListExpression, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.elements); + }, + [SyntaxKind.JsxElement]: function forEachChildInJsxElement(node: JsxElement, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.openingElement) || + visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.children) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.closingElement); + }, + [SyntaxKind.JsxFragment]: function forEachChildInJsxFragment(node: JsxFragment, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.openingFragment) || + visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.children) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.closingFragment); + }, + [SyntaxKind.JsxSelfClosingElement]: forEachChildInJsxOpeningOrSelfClosingElement, + [SyntaxKind.JsxOpeningElement]: forEachChildInJsxOpeningOrSelfClosingElement, + [SyntaxKind.JsxAttributes]: function forEachChildInJsxAttributes(node: JsxAttributes, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.properties); + }, + [SyntaxKind.JsxAttribute]: function forEachChildInJsxAttribute(node: JsxAttribute, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.name) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.initializer); + }, + [SyntaxKind.JsxSpreadAttribute]: function forEachChildInJsxSpreadAttribute(node: JsxSpreadAttribute, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression); + }, + [SyntaxKind.JsxExpression]: function forEachChildInJsxExpression(node: JsxExpression, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.dotDotDotToken) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.expression); + }, + [SyntaxKind.JsxClosingElement]: function forEachChildInJsxClosingElement(node: JsxClosingElement, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.tagName); + }, + [SyntaxKind.JsxNamespacedName]: function forEachChildInJsxNamespacedName(node: JsxNamespacedName, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.namespace) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.name); + }, + [SyntaxKind.OptionalType]: forEachChildInOptionalRestOrJSDocParameterModifier, + [SyntaxKind.RestType]: forEachChildInOptionalRestOrJSDocParameterModifier, + [SyntaxKind.JSDocTypeExpression]: forEachChildInOptionalRestOrJSDocParameterModifier, + [SyntaxKind.JSDocNonNullableType]: forEachChildInOptionalRestOrJSDocParameterModifier, + [SyntaxKind.JSDocNullableType]: forEachChildInOptionalRestOrJSDocParameterModifier, + [SyntaxKind.JSDocOptionalType]: forEachChildInOptionalRestOrJSDocParameterModifier, + [SyntaxKind.JSDocVariadicType]: forEachChildInOptionalRestOrJSDocParameterModifier, + [SyntaxKind.JSDocFunctionType]: function forEachChildInJSDocFunctionType(node: JSDocFunctionType, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.parameters) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.type); + }, + [SyntaxKind.JSDoc]: function forEachChildInJSDoc(node: JSDoc, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return (typeof node.comment === "string" ? undefined : visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.comment)) + || visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.tags); + }, + [SyntaxKind.JSDocSeeTag]: function forEachChildInJSDocSeeTag(node: JSDocSeeTag, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.tagName) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.name) || + (typeof node.comment === "string" ? undefined : visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.comment)); + }, + [SyntaxKind.JSDocNameReference]: function forEachChildInJSDocNameReference(node: JSDocNameReference, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.name); + }, + [SyntaxKind.JSDocMemberName]: function forEachChildInJSDocMemberName(node: JSDocMemberName, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.left) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.right); + }, + [SyntaxKind.JSDocParameterTag]: forEachChildInJSDocParameterOrPropertyTag, + [SyntaxKind.JSDocPropertyTag]: forEachChildInJSDocParameterOrPropertyTag, + [SyntaxKind.JSDocAuthorTag]: function forEachChildInJSDocAuthorTag(node: JSDocAuthorTag, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.tagName) || + (typeof node.comment === "string" ? undefined : visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.comment)); + }, + [SyntaxKind.JSDocImplementsTag]: function forEachChildInJSDocImplementsTag(node: JSDocImplementsTag, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.tagName) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.class) || + (typeof node.comment === "string" ? undefined : visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.comment)); + }, + [SyntaxKind.JSDocAugmentsTag]: function forEachChildInJSDocAugmentsTag(node: JSDocAugmentsTag, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.tagName) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.class) || + (typeof node.comment === "string" ? undefined : visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.comment)); + }, + [SyntaxKind.JSDocTemplateTag]: function forEachChildInJSDocTemplateTag(node: JSDocTemplateTag, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.tagName) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.constraint) || + visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.typeParameters) || + (typeof node.comment === "string" ? undefined : visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.comment)); + }, + [SyntaxKind.JSDocTypedefTag]: function forEachChildInJSDocTypedefTag(node: JSDocTypedefTag, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.tagName) || + (node.typeExpression && + node.typeExpression.kind === SyntaxKind.JSDocTypeExpression + ? visitNode(cbNode, node.typeExpression) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.fullName) || + (typeof node.comment === "string" ? undefined : visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.comment)) + : visitNode(cbNode, node.fullName) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.typeExpression) || + (typeof node.comment === "string" ? undefined : visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.comment))); + }, + [SyntaxKind.JSDocCallbackTag]: function forEachChildInJSDocCallbackTag(node: JSDocCallbackTag, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.tagName) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.fullName) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.typeExpression) || + (typeof node.comment === "string" ? undefined : visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.comment)); + }, + [SyntaxKind.JSDocReturnTag]: forEachChildInJSDocTypeLikeTag, + [SyntaxKind.JSDocTypeTag]: forEachChildInJSDocTypeLikeTag, + [SyntaxKind.JSDocThisTag]: forEachChildInJSDocTypeLikeTag, + [SyntaxKind.JSDocEnumTag]: forEachChildInJSDocTypeLikeTag, + [SyntaxKind.JSDocSatisfiesTag]: forEachChildInJSDocTypeLikeTag, + [SyntaxKind.JSDocThrowsTag]: forEachChildInJSDocTypeLikeTag, + [SyntaxKind.JSDocOverloadTag]: forEachChildInJSDocTypeLikeTag, + [SyntaxKind.JSDocSignature]: function forEachChildInJSDocSignature(node: JSDocSignature, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return forEach(node.typeParameters, cbNode) || + forEach(node.parameters, cbNode) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.type); + }, + [SyntaxKind.JSDocLink]: forEachChildInJSDocLinkCodeOrPlain, + [SyntaxKind.JSDocLinkCode]: forEachChildInJSDocLinkCodeOrPlain, + [SyntaxKind.JSDocLinkPlain]: forEachChildInJSDocLinkCodeOrPlain, + [SyntaxKind.JSDocTypeLiteral]: function forEachChildInJSDocTypeLiteral(node: JSDocTypeLiteral, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return forEach(node.jsDocPropertyTags, cbNode); + }, + [SyntaxKind.JSDocTag]: forEachChildInJSDocTag, + [SyntaxKind.JSDocClassTag]: forEachChildInJSDocTag, + [SyntaxKind.JSDocPublicTag]: forEachChildInJSDocTag, + [SyntaxKind.JSDocPrivateTag]: forEachChildInJSDocTag, + [SyntaxKind.JSDocProtectedTag]: forEachChildInJSDocTag, + [SyntaxKind.JSDocReadonlyTag]: forEachChildInJSDocTag, + [SyntaxKind.JSDocDeprecatedTag]: forEachChildInJSDocTag, + [SyntaxKind.JSDocOverrideTag]: forEachChildInJSDocTag, + [SyntaxKind.JSDocImportTag]: forEachChildInJSDocImportTag, + [SyntaxKind.PartiallyEmittedExpression]: forEachChildInPartiallyEmittedExpression, +}; + +// shared + +function forEachChildInCallOrConstructSignature(node: CallSignatureDeclaration | ConstructSignatureDeclaration, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.typeParameters) || + visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.parameters) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.type); +} + +function forEachChildInUnionOrIntersectionType(node: UnionTypeNode | IntersectionTypeNode, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.types); +} + +function forEachChildInParenthesizedTypeOrTypeOperator(node: ParenthesizedTypeNode | TypeOperatorNode, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.type); +} + +function forEachChildInObjectOrArrayBindingPattern(node: BindingPattern, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.elements); +} + +function forEachChildInCallOrNewExpression(node: CallExpression | NewExpression, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression) || + // TODO: should we separate these branches out? + visitNode(cbNode, (node as CallExpression).questionDotToken) || + visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.typeArguments) || + visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.arguments); +} + +function forEachChildInBlock(node: Block | ModuleBlock, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.statements); +} + +function forEachChildInContinueOrBreakStatement(node: ContinueStatement | BreakStatement, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.label); +} + +function forEachChildInClassDeclarationOrExpression(node: ClassDeclaration | ClassExpression, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.modifiers) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.name) || + visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.typeParameters) || + visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.heritageClauses) || + visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.members); +} + +function forEachChildInNamedImportsOrExports(node: NamedImports | NamedExports, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.elements); +} + +function forEachChildInImportOrExportSpecifier(node: ImportSpecifier | ExportSpecifier, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.propertyName) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.name); +} + +function forEachChildInJsxOpeningOrSelfClosingElement(node: JsxOpeningLikeElement, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.tagName) || + visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.typeArguments) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.attributes); +} + +function forEachChildInOptionalRestOrJSDocParameterModifier(node: OptionalTypeNode | RestTypeNode | JSDocTypeExpression | JSDocNullableType | JSDocNonNullableType | JSDocOptionalType | JSDocVariadicType, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.type); +} + +function forEachChildInJSDocParameterOrPropertyTag(node: JSDocParameterTag | JSDocPropertyTag, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.tagName) || + (node.isNameFirst + ? visitNode(cbNode, node.name) || visitNode(cbNode, node.typeExpression) + : visitNode(cbNode, node.typeExpression) || visitNode(cbNode, node.name)) || + (typeof node.comment === "string" ? undefined : visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.comment)); +} + +function forEachChildInJSDocTypeLikeTag(node: JSDocReturnTag | JSDocTypeTag | JSDocThisTag | JSDocEnumTag | JSDocThrowsTag | JSDocOverloadTag | JSDocSatisfiesTag, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.tagName) || + visitNode(cbNode, node.typeExpression) || + (typeof node.comment === "string" ? undefined : visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.comment)); +} + +function forEachChildInJSDocLinkCodeOrPlain(node: JSDocLink | JSDocLinkCode | JSDocLinkPlain, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.name); +} + +function forEachChildInJSDocTag(node: JSDocUnknownTag | JSDocClassTag | JSDocPublicTag | JSDocPrivateTag | JSDocProtectedTag | JSDocReadonlyTag | JSDocDeprecatedTag | JSDocOverrideTag, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.tagName) + || (typeof node.comment === "string" ? undefined : visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.comment)); +} + +function forEachChildInJSDocImportTag(node: JSDocImportTag, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.tagName) + || visitNode(cbNode, node.importClause) + || visitNode(cbNode, node.moduleSpecifier) + || visitNode(cbNode, node.attributes) + || (typeof node.comment === "string" ? undefined : visitNodes(cbNode, cbNodes, node.comment)); +} + +function forEachChildInPartiallyEmittedExpression(node: PartiallyEmittedExpression, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, _cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + return visitNode(cbNode, node.expression); +} + +/** + * Invokes a callback for each child of the given node. The 'cbNode' callback is invoked for all child nodes + * stored in properties. If a 'cbNodes' callback is specified, it is invoked for embedded arrays; otherwise, + * embedded arrays are flattened and the 'cbNode' callback is invoked for each element. If a callback returns + * a truthy value, iteration stops and that value is returned. Otherwise, undefined is returned. + * + * @param node a given node to visit its children + * @param cbNode a callback to be invoked for all child nodes + * @param cbNodes a callback to be invoked for embedded array + * + * @remarks `forEachChild` must visit the children of a node in the order + * that they appear in the source code. The language service depends on this property to locate nodes by position. + */ +export function forEachChild(node: Node, cbNode: (node: Node) => T | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T | undefined): T | undefined { + if (node === undefined || node.kind <= SyntaxKind.LastToken) { + return; + } + const fn = (forEachChildTable as Record>)[node.kind]; + return fn === undefined ? undefined : fn(node, cbNode, cbNodes); +} + +/** + * Invokes a callback for each child of the given node. The 'cbNode' callback is invoked for all child nodes + * stored in properties. If a 'cbNodes' callback is specified, it is invoked for embedded arrays; additionally, + * unlike `forEachChild`, embedded arrays are flattened and the 'cbNode' callback is invoked for each element. + * If a callback returns a truthy value, iteration stops and that value is returned. Otherwise, undefined is returned. + * + * @param node a given node to visit its children + * @param cbNode a callback to be invoked for all child nodes + * @param cbNodes a callback to be invoked for embedded array + * + * @remarks Unlike `forEachChild`, `forEachChildRecursively` handles recursively invoking the traversal on each child node found, + * and while doing so, handles traversing the structure without relying on the callstack to encode the tree structure. + * + * @internal + */ +export function forEachChildRecursively(rootNode: Node, cbNode: (node: Node, parent: Node) => T | "skip" | undefined, cbNodes?: (nodes: NodeArray, parent: Node) => T | "skip" | undefined): T | undefined { + const queue: (Node | NodeArray)[] = gatherPossibleChildren(rootNode); + const parents: Node[] = []; // tracks parent references for elements in queue + while (parents.length < queue.length) { + parents.push(rootNode); + } + while (queue.length !== 0) { + const current = queue.pop()!; + const parent = parents.pop()!; + if (isArray(current)) { + if (cbNodes) { + const res = cbNodes(current, parent); + if (res) { + if (res === "skip") continue; + return res; + } + } + for (let i = current.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { + queue.push(current[i]); + parents.push(parent); + } + } + else { + const res = cbNode(current, parent); + if (res) { + if (res === "skip") continue; + return res; + } + if (current.kind >= SyntaxKind.FirstNode) { + // add children in reverse order to the queue, so popping gives the first child + for (const child of gatherPossibleChildren(current)) { + queue.push(child); + parents.push(current); + } + } + } + } +} + +function gatherPossibleChildren(node: Node) { + const children: (Node | NodeArray)[] = []; + forEachChild(node, addWorkItem, addWorkItem); // By using a stack above and `unshift` here, we emulate a depth-first preorder traversal + return children; + + function addWorkItem(n: Node | NodeArray) { + children.unshift(n); + } +} + +export interface CreateSourceFileOptions { + languageVersion: ScriptTarget; + /** + * Controls the format the file is detected as - this can be derived from only the path + * and files on disk, but needs to be done with a module resolution cache in scope to be performant. + * This is usually `undefined` for compilations that do not have `moduleResolution` values of `node16` or `nodenext`. + */ + impliedNodeFormat?: ResolutionMode; + /** + * Controls how module-y-ness is set for the given file. Usually the result of calling + * `getSetExternalModuleIndicator` on a valid `CompilerOptions` object. If not present, the default + * check specified by `isFileProbablyExternalModule` will be used to set the field. + */ + setExternalModuleIndicator?: (file: SourceFile) => void; + /** @internal */ packageJsonLocations?: readonly string[]; + /** @internal */ packageJsonScope?: PackageJsonInfo; + jsDocParsingMode?: JSDocParsingMode; +} + +function setExternalModuleIndicator(sourceFile: SourceFile) { + sourceFile.externalModuleIndicator = isFileProbablyExternalModule(sourceFile); +} + +export function createSourceFile(fileName: string, sourceText: string, languageVersionOrOptions: ScriptTarget | CreateSourceFileOptions, setParentNodes = false, scriptKind?: ScriptKind): SourceFile { + tracing?.push(tracing.Phase.Parse, "createSourceFile", { path: fileName }, /*separateBeginAndEnd*/ true); + performance.mark("beforeParse"); + let result: SourceFile; + + const { + languageVersion, + setExternalModuleIndicator: overrideSetExternalModuleIndicator, + impliedNodeFormat: format, + jsDocParsingMode, + } = typeof languageVersionOrOptions === "object" ? languageVersionOrOptions : ({ languageVersion: languageVersionOrOptions } as CreateSourceFileOptions); + if (languageVersion === ScriptTarget.JSON) { + result = Parser.parseSourceFile(fileName, sourceText, languageVersion, /*syntaxCursor*/ undefined, setParentNodes, ScriptKind.JSON, noop, jsDocParsingMode); + } + else { + const setIndicator = format === undefined ? overrideSetExternalModuleIndicator : (file: SourceFile) => { + file.impliedNodeFormat = format; + return (overrideSetExternalModuleIndicator || setExternalModuleIndicator)(file); + }; + result = Parser.parseSourceFile(fileName, sourceText, languageVersion, /*syntaxCursor*/ undefined, setParentNodes, scriptKind, setIndicator, jsDocParsingMode); + } + + performance.mark("afterParse"); + performance.measure("Parse", "beforeParse", "afterParse"); + tracing?.pop(); + return result; +} + +export function parseIsolatedEntityName(text: string, languageVersion: ScriptTarget): EntityName | undefined { + return Parser.parseIsolatedEntityName(text, languageVersion); +} + +/** + * Parse json text into SyntaxTree and return node and parse errors if any + * @param fileName + * @param sourceText + */ +export function parseJsonText(fileName: string, sourceText: string): JsonSourceFile { + return Parser.parseJsonText(fileName, sourceText); +} + +// See also `isExternalOrCommonJsModule` in utilities.ts +export function isExternalModule(file: SourceFile): boolean { + return file.externalModuleIndicator !== undefined; +} + +// Produces a new SourceFile for the 'newText' provided. The 'textChangeRange' parameter +// indicates what changed between the 'text' that this SourceFile has and the 'newText'. +// The SourceFile will be created with the compiler attempting to reuse as many nodes from +// this file as possible. +// +// Note: this function mutates nodes from this SourceFile. That means any existing nodes +// from this SourceFile that are being held onto may change as a result (including +// becoming detached from any SourceFile). It is recommended that this SourceFile not +// be used once 'update' is called on it. +export function updateSourceFile(sourceFile: SourceFile, newText: string, textChangeRange: TextChangeRange, aggressiveChecks = false): SourceFile { + const newSourceFile = IncrementalParser.updateSourceFile(sourceFile, newText, textChangeRange, aggressiveChecks); + // Because new source file node is created, it may not have the flag PossiblyContainDynamicImport. This is the case if there is no new edit to add dynamic import. + // We will manually port the flag to the new source file. + (newSourceFile as Mutable).flags |= sourceFile.flags & NodeFlags.PermanentlySetIncrementalFlags; + return newSourceFile; +} + +/** @internal */ +export interface JsDocWithDiagnostics { + jsDoc: JSDoc; + diagnostics: Diagnostic[]; +} + +/** @internal */ +export function parseIsolatedJSDocComment(content: string, start?: number, length?: number): JsDocWithDiagnostics | undefined { + const result = Parser.JSDocParser.parseIsolatedJSDocComment(content, start, length); + if (result && result.jsDoc) { + // because the jsDocComment was parsed out of the source file, it might + // not be covered by the fixupParentReferences. + Parser.fixupParentReferences(result.jsDoc); + } + + return result; +} + +/** @internal */ +// Exposed only for testing. +export function parseJSDocTypeExpressionForTests(content: string, start?: number, length?: number): { + jsDocTypeExpression: JSDocTypeExpression; + diagnostics: Diagnostic[]; +} | undefined { + return Parser.JSDocParser.parseJSDocTypeExpressionForTests(content, start, length); +} + +// Implement the parser as a singleton module. We do this for perf reasons because creating +// parser instances can actually be expensive enough to impact us on projects with many source +// files. +namespace Parser { + // Why var? It avoids TDZ checks in the runtime which can be costly. + // See: https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/52924 + /* eslint-disable no-var */ + + // Share a single scanner across all calls to parse a source file. This helps speed things + // up by avoiding the cost of creating/compiling scanners over and over again. + var scanner = createScanner(ScriptTarget.Latest, /*skipTrivia*/ true); + + var disallowInAndDecoratorContext = NodeFlags.DisallowInContext | NodeFlags.DecoratorContext; + + // capture constructors in 'initializeState' to avoid null checks + var NodeConstructor: new (kind: SyntaxKind, pos: number, end: number) => Node; + var TokenConstructor: new (kind: SyntaxKind, pos: number, end: number) => Node; + var IdentifierConstructor: new (kind: SyntaxKind.Identifier, pos: number, end: number) => Identifier; + var PrivateIdentifierConstructor: new (kind: SyntaxKind.PrivateIdentifier, pos: number, end: number) => PrivateIdentifier; + var SourceFileConstructor: new (kind: SyntaxKind.SourceFile, pos: number, end: number) => SourceFile; + + function countNode(node: Node) { + nodeCount++; + return node; + } + + // Rather than using `createBaseNodeFactory` here, we establish a `BaseNodeFactory` that closes over the + // constructors above, which are reset each time `initializeState` is called. + var baseNodeFactory: BaseNodeFactory = { + createBaseSourceFileNode: kind => countNode(new SourceFileConstructor(kind, /*pos*/ 0, /*end*/ 0)), + createBaseIdentifierNode: kind => countNode(new IdentifierConstructor(kind, /*pos*/ 0, /*end*/ 0)), + createBasePrivateIdentifierNode: kind => countNode(new PrivateIdentifierConstructor(kind, /*pos*/ 0, /*end*/ 0)), + createBaseTokenNode: kind => countNode(new TokenConstructor(kind, /*pos*/ 0, /*end*/ 0)), + createBaseNode: kind => countNode(new NodeConstructor(kind, /*pos*/ 0, /*end*/ 0)), + }; + + var factory = createNodeFactory(NodeFactoryFlags.NoParenthesizerRules | NodeFactoryFlags.NoNodeConverters | NodeFactoryFlags.NoOriginalNode, baseNodeFactory); + + var { + createNodeArray: factoryCreateNodeArray, + createNumericLiteral: factoryCreateNumericLiteral, + createStringLiteral: factoryCreateStringLiteral, + createLiteralLikeNode: factoryCreateLiteralLikeNode, + createIdentifier: factoryCreateIdentifier, + createPrivateIdentifier: factoryCreatePrivateIdentifier, + createToken: factoryCreateToken, + createArrayLiteralExpression: factoryCreateArrayLiteralExpression, + createObjectLiteralExpression: factoryCreateObjectLiteralExpression, + createPropertyAccessExpression: factoryCreatePropertyAccessExpression, + createPropertyAccessChain: factoryCreatePropertyAccessChain, + createElementAccessExpression: factoryCreateElementAccessExpression, + createElementAccessChain: factoryCreateElementAccessChain, + createCallExpression: factoryCreateCallExpression, + createCallChain: factoryCreateCallChain, + createNewExpression: factoryCreateNewExpression, + createParenthesizedExpression: factoryCreateParenthesizedExpression, + createBlock: factoryCreateBlock, + createVariableStatement: factoryCreateVariableStatement, + createExpressionStatement: factoryCreateExpressionStatement, + createIfStatement: factoryCreateIfStatement, + createWhileStatement: factoryCreateWhileStatement, + createForStatement: factoryCreateForStatement, + createForOfStatement: factoryCreateForOfStatement, + createVariableDeclaration: factoryCreateVariableDeclaration, + createVariableDeclarationList: factoryCreateVariableDeclarationList, + } = factory; + + var fileName: string; + var sourceFlags: NodeFlags; + var sourceText: string; + var languageVersion: ScriptTarget; + var scriptKind: ScriptKind; + var languageVariant: LanguageVariant; + var parseDiagnostics: DiagnosticWithDetachedLocation[]; + var jsDocDiagnostics: DiagnosticWithDetachedLocation[]; + var syntaxCursor: IncrementalParser.SyntaxCursor | undefined; + + var currentToken: SyntaxKind; + var nodeCount: number; + var identifiers: Map; + var identifierCount: number; + + // TODO(jakebailey): This type is a lie; this value actually contains the result + // of ORing a bunch of `1 << ParsingContext.XYZ`. + var parsingContext: ParsingContext; + + var notParenthesizedArrow: Set | undefined; + + // Flags that dictate what parsing context we're in. For example: + // Whether or not we are in strict parsing mode. All that changes in strict parsing mode is + // that some tokens that would be considered identifiers may be considered keywords. + // + // When adding more parser context flags, consider which is the more common case that the + // flag will be in. This should be the 'false' state for that flag. The reason for this is + // that we don't store data in our nodes unless the value is in the *non-default* state. So, + // for example, more often than code 'allows-in' (or doesn't 'disallow-in'). We opt for + // 'disallow-in' set to 'false'. Otherwise, if we had 'allowsIn' set to 'true', then almost + // all nodes would need extra state on them to store this info. + // + // Note: 'allowIn' and 'allowYield' track 1:1 with the [in] and [yield] concepts in the ES6 + // grammar specification. + // + // An important thing about these context concepts. By default they are effectively inherited + // while parsing through every grammar production. i.e. if you don't change them, then when + // you parse a sub-production, it will have the same context values as the parent production. + // This is great most of the time. After all, consider all the 'expression' grammar productions + // and how nearly all of them pass along the 'in' and 'yield' context values: + // + // EqualityExpression[In, Yield] : + // RelationalExpression[?In, ?Yield] + // EqualityExpression[?In, ?Yield] == RelationalExpression[?In, ?Yield] + // EqualityExpression[?In, ?Yield] != RelationalExpression[?In, ?Yield] + // EqualityExpression[?In, ?Yield] === RelationalExpression[?In, ?Yield] + // EqualityExpression[?In, ?Yield] !== RelationalExpression[?In, ?Yield] + // + // Where you have to be careful is then understanding what the points are in the grammar + // where the values are *not* passed along. For example: + // + // SingleNameBinding[Yield,GeneratorParameter] + // [+GeneratorParameter]BindingIdentifier[Yield] Initializer[In]opt + // [~GeneratorParameter]BindingIdentifier[?Yield]Initializer[In, ?Yield]opt + // + // Here this is saying that if the GeneratorParameter context flag is set, that we should + // explicitly set the 'yield' context flag to false before calling into the BindingIdentifier + // and we should explicitly unset the 'yield' context flag before calling into the Initializer. + // production. Conversely, if the GeneratorParameter context flag is not set, then we + // should leave the 'yield' context flag alone. + // + // Getting this all correct is tricky and requires careful reading of the grammar to + // understand when these values should be changed versus when they should be inherited. + // + // Note: it should not be necessary to save/restore these flags during speculative/lookahead + // parsing. These context flags are naturally stored and restored through normal recursive + // descent parsing and unwinding. + var contextFlags: NodeFlags; + + // Indicates whether we are currently parsing top-level statements. + var topLevel = true; + + // Whether or not we've had a parse error since creating the last AST node. If we have + // encountered an error, it will be stored on the next AST node we create. Parse errors + // can be broken down into three categories: + // + // 1) An error that occurred during scanning. For example, an unterminated literal, or a + // character that was completely not understood. + // + // 2) A token was expected, but was not present. This type of error is commonly produced + // by the 'parseExpected' function. + // + // 3) A token was present that no parsing function was able to consume. This type of error + // only occurs in the 'abortParsingListOrMoveToNextToken' function when the parser + // decides to skip the token. + // + // In all of these cases, we want to mark the next node as having had an error before it. + // With this mark, we can know in incremental settings if this node can be reused, or if + // we have to reparse it. If we don't keep this information around, we may just reuse the + // node. in that event we would then not produce the same errors as we did before, causing + // significant confusion problems. + // + // Note: it is necessary that this value be saved/restored during speculative/lookahead + // parsing. During lookahead parsing, we will often create a node. That node will have + // this value attached, and then this value will be set back to 'false'. If we decide to + // rewind, we must get back to the same value we had prior to the lookahead. + // + // Note: any errors at the end of the file that do not precede a regular node, should get + // attached to the EOF token. + var parseErrorBeforeNextFinishedNode = false; + /* eslint-enable no-var */ + + export function parseSourceFile( + fileName: string, + sourceText: string, + languageVersion: ScriptTarget, + syntaxCursor: IncrementalParser.SyntaxCursor | undefined, + setParentNodes = false, + scriptKind?: ScriptKind, + setExternalModuleIndicatorOverride?: (file: SourceFile) => void, + jsDocParsingMode = JSDocParsingMode.ParseAll, + ): SourceFile { + scriptKind = ensureScriptKind(fileName, scriptKind); + if (scriptKind === ScriptKind.JSON) { + const result = parseJsonText(fileName, sourceText, languageVersion, syntaxCursor, setParentNodes); + convertToJson(result, result.statements[0]?.expression, result.parseDiagnostics, /*returnValue*/ false, /*jsonConversionNotifier*/ undefined); + result.referencedFiles = emptyArray; + result.typeReferenceDirectives = emptyArray; + result.libReferenceDirectives = emptyArray; + result.amdDependencies = emptyArray; + result.hasNoDefaultLib = false; + result.pragmas = emptyMap as ReadonlyPragmaMap; + return result; + } + + initializeState(fileName, sourceText, languageVersion, syntaxCursor, scriptKind, jsDocParsingMode); + + const result = parseSourceFileWorker(languageVersion, setParentNodes, scriptKind, setExternalModuleIndicatorOverride || setExternalModuleIndicator, jsDocParsingMode); + + clearState(); + + return result; + } + + export function parseIsolatedEntityName(content: string, languageVersion: ScriptTarget): EntityName | undefined { + // Choice of `isDeclarationFile` should be arbitrary + initializeState("", content, languageVersion, /*syntaxCursor*/ undefined, ScriptKind.JS, JSDocParsingMode.ParseAll); + // Prime the scanner. + nextToken(); + const entityName = parseEntityName(/*allowReservedWords*/ true); + const isValid = token() === SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken && !parseDiagnostics.length; + clearState(); + return isValid ? entityName : undefined; + } + + export function parseJsonText(fileName: string, sourceText: string, languageVersion: ScriptTarget = ScriptTarget.ES2015, syntaxCursor?: IncrementalParser.SyntaxCursor, setParentNodes = false): JsonSourceFile { + initializeState(fileName, sourceText, languageVersion, syntaxCursor, ScriptKind.JSON, JSDocParsingMode.ParseAll); + sourceFlags = contextFlags; + + // Prime the scanner. + nextToken(); + const pos = getNodePos(); + let statements, endOfFileToken; + if (token() === SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken) { + statements = createNodeArray([], pos, pos); + endOfFileToken = parseTokenNode(); + } + else { + // Loop and synthesize an ArrayLiteralExpression if there are more than + // one top-level expressions to ensure all input text is consumed. + let expressions: Expression[] | Expression | undefined; + while (token() !== SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken) { + let expression; + switch (token()) { + case SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken: + expression = parseArrayLiteralExpression(); + break; + case SyntaxKind.TrueKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.FalseKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.NullKeyword: + expression = parseTokenNode(); + break; + case SyntaxKind.MinusToken: + if (lookAhead(() => nextToken() === SyntaxKind.NumericLiteral && nextToken() !== SyntaxKind.ColonToken)) { + expression = parsePrefixUnaryExpression() as JsonMinusNumericLiteral; + } + else { + expression = parseObjectLiteralExpression(); + } + break; + case SyntaxKind.NumericLiteral: + case SyntaxKind.StringLiteral: + if (lookAhead(() => nextToken() !== SyntaxKind.ColonToken)) { + expression = parseLiteralNode() as StringLiteral | NumericLiteral; + break; + } + // falls through + default: + expression = parseObjectLiteralExpression(); + break; + } + + // Error recovery: collect multiple top-level expressions + if (expressions && isArray(expressions)) { + expressions.push(expression); + } + else if (expressions) { + expressions = [expressions, expression]; + } + else { + expressions = expression; + if (token() !== SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken) { + parseErrorAtCurrentToken(Diagnostics.Unexpected_token); + } + } + } + + const expression = isArray(expressions) ? finishNode(factoryCreateArrayLiteralExpression(expressions), pos) : Debug.checkDefined(expressions); + const statement = factoryCreateExpressionStatement(expression) as JsonObjectExpressionStatement; + finishNode(statement, pos); + statements = createNodeArray([statement], pos); + endOfFileToken = parseExpectedToken(SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken, Diagnostics.Unexpected_token) as EndOfFileToken; + } + + // Set source file so that errors will be reported with this file name + const sourceFile = createSourceFile(fileName, ScriptTarget.ES2015, ScriptKind.JSON, /*isDeclarationFile*/ false, statements, endOfFileToken, sourceFlags, noop); + + if (setParentNodes) { + fixupParentReferences(sourceFile); + } + + sourceFile.nodeCount = nodeCount; + sourceFile.identifierCount = identifierCount; + sourceFile.identifiers = identifiers; + sourceFile.parseDiagnostics = attachFileToDiagnostics(parseDiagnostics, sourceFile); + if (jsDocDiagnostics) { + sourceFile.jsDocDiagnostics = attachFileToDiagnostics(jsDocDiagnostics, sourceFile); + } + + const result = sourceFile as JsonSourceFile; + clearState(); + return result; + } + + function initializeState(_fileName: string, _sourceText: string, _languageVersion: ScriptTarget, _syntaxCursor: IncrementalParser.SyntaxCursor | undefined, _scriptKind: ScriptKind, _jsDocParsingMode: JSDocParsingMode) { + NodeConstructor = objectAllocator.getNodeConstructor(); + TokenConstructor = objectAllocator.getTokenConstructor(); + IdentifierConstructor = objectAllocator.getIdentifierConstructor(); + PrivateIdentifierConstructor = objectAllocator.getPrivateIdentifierConstructor(); + SourceFileConstructor = objectAllocator.getSourceFileConstructor(); + + fileName = normalizePath(_fileName); + sourceText = _sourceText; + languageVersion = _languageVersion; + syntaxCursor = _syntaxCursor; + scriptKind = _scriptKind; + languageVariant = getLanguageVariant(_scriptKind); + + parseDiagnostics = []; + parsingContext = 0; + identifiers = new Map(); + identifierCount = 0; + nodeCount = 0; + sourceFlags = 0; + topLevel = true; + + switch (scriptKind) { + case ScriptKind.JS: + case ScriptKind.JSX: + contextFlags = NodeFlags.JavaScriptFile; + break; + case ScriptKind.JSON: + contextFlags = NodeFlags.JavaScriptFile | NodeFlags.JsonFile; + break; + default: + contextFlags = NodeFlags.None; + break; + } + parseErrorBeforeNextFinishedNode = false; + + // Initialize and prime the scanner before parsing the source elements. + scanner.setText(sourceText); + scanner.setOnError(scanError); + scanner.setScriptTarget(languageVersion); + scanner.setLanguageVariant(languageVariant); + scanner.setScriptKind(scriptKind); + scanner.setJSDocParsingMode(_jsDocParsingMode); + } + + function clearState() { + // Clear out the text the scanner is pointing at, so it doesn't keep anything alive unnecessarily. + scanner.clearCommentDirectives(); + scanner.setText(""); + scanner.setOnError(undefined); + scanner.setScriptKind(ScriptKind.Unknown); + scanner.setJSDocParsingMode(JSDocParsingMode.ParseAll); + + // Clear any data. We don't want to accidentally hold onto it for too long. + sourceText = undefined!; + languageVersion = undefined!; + syntaxCursor = undefined; + scriptKind = undefined!; + languageVariant = undefined!; + sourceFlags = 0; + parseDiagnostics = undefined!; + jsDocDiagnostics = undefined!; + parsingContext = 0; + identifiers = undefined!; + notParenthesizedArrow = undefined; + topLevel = true; + } + + function parseSourceFileWorker(languageVersion: ScriptTarget, setParentNodes: boolean, scriptKind: ScriptKind, setExternalModuleIndicator: (file: SourceFile) => void, jsDocParsingMode: JSDocParsingMode): SourceFile { + const isDeclarationFile = isDeclarationFileName(fileName); + if (isDeclarationFile) { + contextFlags |= NodeFlags.Ambient; + } + + sourceFlags = contextFlags; + + // Prime the scanner. + nextToken(); + + const statements = parseList(ParsingContext.SourceElements, parseStatement); + Debug.assert(token() === SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken); + const endHasJSDoc = hasPrecedingJSDocComment(); + const endOfFileToken = withJSDoc(parseTokenNode(), endHasJSDoc); + + const sourceFile = createSourceFile(fileName, languageVersion, scriptKind, isDeclarationFile, statements, endOfFileToken, sourceFlags, setExternalModuleIndicator); + + // A member of ReadonlyArray isn't assignable to a member of T[] (and prevents a direct cast) - but this is where we set up those members so they can be readonly in the future + processCommentPragmas(sourceFile as {} as PragmaContext, sourceText); + processPragmasIntoFields(sourceFile as {} as PragmaContext, reportPragmaDiagnostic); + + sourceFile.commentDirectives = scanner.getCommentDirectives(); + sourceFile.nodeCount = nodeCount; + sourceFile.identifierCount = identifierCount; + sourceFile.identifiers = identifiers; + sourceFile.parseDiagnostics = attachFileToDiagnostics(parseDiagnostics, sourceFile); + sourceFile.jsDocParsingMode = jsDocParsingMode; + if (jsDocDiagnostics) { + sourceFile.jsDocDiagnostics = attachFileToDiagnostics(jsDocDiagnostics, sourceFile); + } + + if (setParentNodes) { + fixupParentReferences(sourceFile); + } + + return sourceFile; + + function reportPragmaDiagnostic(pos: number, end: number, diagnostic: DiagnosticMessage) { + parseDiagnostics.push(createDetachedDiagnostic(fileName, sourceText, pos, end, diagnostic)); + } + } + + let hasDeprecatedTag = false; + function withJSDoc(node: T, hasJSDoc: boolean): T { + if (!hasJSDoc) { + return node; + } + + Debug.assert(!node.jsDoc); // Should only be called once per node + const jsDoc = mapDefined(getJSDocCommentRanges(node, sourceText), comment => JSDocParser.parseJSDocComment(node, comment.pos, comment.end - comment.pos)); + if (jsDoc.length) node.jsDoc = jsDoc; + if (hasDeprecatedTag) { + hasDeprecatedTag = false; + (node as Mutable).flags |= NodeFlags.Deprecated; + } + return node; + } + + function reparseTopLevelAwait(sourceFile: SourceFile) { + const savedSyntaxCursor = syntaxCursor; + const baseSyntaxCursor = IncrementalParser.createSyntaxCursor(sourceFile); + syntaxCursor = { currentNode }; + + const statements: Statement[] = []; + const savedParseDiagnostics = parseDiagnostics; + + parseDiagnostics = []; + + let pos = 0; + let start = findNextStatementWithAwait(sourceFile.statements, 0); + while (start !== -1) { + // append all statements between pos and start + const prevStatement = sourceFile.statements[pos]; + const nextStatement = sourceFile.statements[start]; + addRange(statements, sourceFile.statements, pos, start); + pos = findNextStatementWithoutAwait(sourceFile.statements, start); + + // append all diagnostics associated with the copied range + const diagnosticStart = findIndex(savedParseDiagnostics, diagnostic => diagnostic.start >= prevStatement.pos); + const diagnosticEnd = diagnosticStart >= 0 ? findIndex(savedParseDiagnostics, diagnostic => diagnostic.start >= nextStatement.pos, diagnosticStart) : -1; + if (diagnosticStart >= 0) { + addRange(parseDiagnostics, savedParseDiagnostics, diagnosticStart, diagnosticEnd >= 0 ? diagnosticEnd : undefined); + } + + // reparse all statements between start and pos. We skip existing diagnostics for the same range and allow the parser to generate new ones. + speculationHelper(() => { + const savedContextFlags = contextFlags; + contextFlags |= NodeFlags.AwaitContext; + scanner.resetTokenState(nextStatement.pos); + nextToken(); + + while (token() !== SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken) { + const startPos = scanner.getTokenFullStart(); + const statement = parseListElement(ParsingContext.SourceElements, parseStatement); + statements.push(statement); + if (startPos === scanner.getTokenFullStart()) { + nextToken(); + } + + if (pos >= 0) { + const nonAwaitStatement = sourceFile.statements[pos]; + if (statement.end === nonAwaitStatement.pos) { + // done reparsing this section + break; + } + if (statement.end > nonAwaitStatement.pos) { + // we ate into the next statement, so we must reparse it. + pos = findNextStatementWithoutAwait(sourceFile.statements, pos + 1); + } + } + } + + contextFlags = savedContextFlags; + }, SpeculationKind.Reparse); + + // find the next statement containing an `await` + start = pos >= 0 ? findNextStatementWithAwait(sourceFile.statements, pos) : -1; + } + + // append all statements between pos and the end of the list + if (pos >= 0) { + const prevStatement = sourceFile.statements[pos]; + addRange(statements, sourceFile.statements, pos); + + // append all diagnostics associated with the copied range + const diagnosticStart = findIndex(savedParseDiagnostics, diagnostic => diagnostic.start >= prevStatement.pos); + if (diagnosticStart >= 0) { + addRange(parseDiagnostics, savedParseDiagnostics, diagnosticStart); + } + } + + syntaxCursor = savedSyntaxCursor; + return factory.updateSourceFile(sourceFile, setTextRange(factoryCreateNodeArray(statements), sourceFile.statements)); + + function containsPossibleTopLevelAwait(node: Node) { + return !(node.flags & NodeFlags.AwaitContext) + && !!(node.transformFlags & TransformFlags.ContainsPossibleTopLevelAwait); + } + + function findNextStatementWithAwait(statements: NodeArray, start: number) { + for (let i = start; i < statements.length; i++) { + if (containsPossibleTopLevelAwait(statements[i])) { + return i; + } + } + return -1; + } + + function findNextStatementWithoutAwait(statements: NodeArray, start: number) { + for (let i = start; i < statements.length; i++) { + if (!containsPossibleTopLevelAwait(statements[i])) { + return i; + } + } + return -1; + } + + function currentNode(position: number) { + const node = baseSyntaxCursor.currentNode(position); + if (topLevel && node && containsPossibleTopLevelAwait(node)) { + markAsIntersectingIncrementalChange(node); + } + return node; + } + } + + export function fixupParentReferences(rootNode: Node) { + // normally parent references are set during binding. However, for clients that only need + // a syntax tree, and no semantic features, then the binding process is an unnecessary + // overhead. This functions allows us to set all the parents, without all the expense of + // binding. + setParentRecursive(rootNode, /*incremental*/ true); + } + + function createSourceFile( + fileName: string, + languageVersion: ScriptTarget, + scriptKind: ScriptKind, + isDeclarationFile: boolean, + statements: readonly Statement[], + endOfFileToken: EndOfFileToken, + flags: NodeFlags, + setExternalModuleIndicator: (sourceFile: SourceFile) => void, + ): SourceFile { + // code from createNode is inlined here so createNode won't have to deal with special case of creating source files + // this is quite rare comparing to other nodes and createNode should be as fast as possible + let sourceFile = factory.createSourceFile(statements, endOfFileToken, flags); + setTextRangePosWidth(sourceFile, 0, sourceText.length); + setFields(sourceFile); + + // If we parsed this as an external module, it may contain top-level await + if (!isDeclarationFile && isExternalModule(sourceFile) && sourceFile.transformFlags & TransformFlags.ContainsPossibleTopLevelAwait) { + const oldSourceFile = sourceFile; + sourceFile = reparseTopLevelAwait(sourceFile); + if (oldSourceFile !== sourceFile) setFields(sourceFile); + } + + return sourceFile; + + function setFields(sourceFile: SourceFile) { + sourceFile.text = sourceText; + sourceFile.bindDiagnostics = []; + sourceFile.bindSuggestionDiagnostics = undefined; + sourceFile.languageVersion = languageVersion; + sourceFile.fileName = fileName; + sourceFile.languageVariant = getLanguageVariant(scriptKind); + sourceFile.isDeclarationFile = isDeclarationFile; + sourceFile.scriptKind = scriptKind; + + setExternalModuleIndicator(sourceFile); + sourceFile.setExternalModuleIndicator = setExternalModuleIndicator; + } + } + + function setContextFlag(val: boolean, flag: NodeFlags) { + if (val) { + contextFlags |= flag; + } + else { + contextFlags &= ~flag; + } + } + + function setDisallowInContext(val: boolean) { + setContextFlag(val, NodeFlags.DisallowInContext); + } + + function setYieldContext(val: boolean) { + setContextFlag(val, NodeFlags.YieldContext); + } + + function setDecoratorContext(val: boolean) { + setContextFlag(val, NodeFlags.DecoratorContext); + } + + function setAwaitContext(val: boolean) { + setContextFlag(val, NodeFlags.AwaitContext); + } + + function doOutsideOfContext(context: NodeFlags, func: () => T): T { + // contextFlagsToClear will contain only the context flags that are + // currently set that we need to temporarily clear + // We don't just blindly reset to the previous flags to ensure + // that we do not mutate cached flags for the incremental + // parser (ThisNodeHasError, ThisNodeOrAnySubNodesHasError, and + // HasAggregatedChildData). + const contextFlagsToClear = context & contextFlags; + if (contextFlagsToClear) { + // clear the requested context flags + setContextFlag(/*val*/ false, contextFlagsToClear); + const result = func(); + // restore the context flags we just cleared + setContextFlag(/*val*/ true, contextFlagsToClear); + return result; + } + + // no need to do anything special as we are not in any of the requested contexts + return func(); + } + + function doInsideOfContext(context: NodeFlags, func: () => T): T { + // contextFlagsToSet will contain only the context flags that + // are not currently set that we need to temporarily enable. + // We don't just blindly reset to the previous flags to ensure + // that we do not mutate cached flags for the incremental + // parser (ThisNodeHasError, ThisNodeOrAnySubNodesHasError, and + // HasAggregatedChildData). + const contextFlagsToSet = context & ~contextFlags; + if (contextFlagsToSet) { + // set the requested context flags + setContextFlag(/*val*/ true, contextFlagsToSet); + const result = func(); + // reset the context flags we just set + setContextFlag(/*val*/ false, contextFlagsToSet); + return result; + } + + // no need to do anything special as we are already in all of the requested contexts + return func(); + } + + function allowInAnd(func: () => T): T { + return doOutsideOfContext(NodeFlags.DisallowInContext, func); + } + + function disallowInAnd(func: () => T): T { + return doInsideOfContext(NodeFlags.DisallowInContext, func); + } + + function allowConditionalTypesAnd(func: () => T): T { + return doOutsideOfContext(NodeFlags.DisallowConditionalTypesContext, func); + } + + function disallowConditionalTypesAnd(func: () => T): T { + return doInsideOfContext(NodeFlags.DisallowConditionalTypesContext, func); + } + + function doInYieldContext(func: () => T): T { + return doInsideOfContext(NodeFlags.YieldContext, func); + } + + function doInDecoratorContext(func: () => T): T { + return doInsideOfContext(NodeFlags.DecoratorContext, func); + } + + function doInAwaitContext(func: () => T): T { + return doInsideOfContext(NodeFlags.AwaitContext, func); + } + + function doOutsideOfAwaitContext(func: () => T): T { + return doOutsideOfContext(NodeFlags.AwaitContext, func); + } + + function doInYieldAndAwaitContext(func: () => T): T { + return doInsideOfContext(NodeFlags.YieldContext | NodeFlags.AwaitContext, func); + } + + function doOutsideOfYieldAndAwaitContext(func: () => T): T { + return doOutsideOfContext(NodeFlags.YieldContext | NodeFlags.AwaitContext, func); + } + + function inContext(flags: NodeFlags) { + return (contextFlags & flags) !== 0; + } + + function inYieldContext() { + return inContext(NodeFlags.YieldContext); + } + + function inDisallowInContext() { + return inContext(NodeFlags.DisallowInContext); + } + + function inDisallowConditionalTypesContext() { + return inContext(NodeFlags.DisallowConditionalTypesContext); + } + + function inDecoratorContext() { + return inContext(NodeFlags.DecoratorContext); + } + + function inAwaitContext() { + return inContext(NodeFlags.AwaitContext); + } + + function parseErrorAtCurrentToken(message: DiagnosticMessage, ...args: DiagnosticArguments): DiagnosticWithDetachedLocation | undefined { + return parseErrorAt(scanner.getTokenStart(), scanner.getTokenEnd(), message, ...args); + } + + function parseErrorAtPosition(start: number, length: number, message: DiagnosticMessage, ...args: DiagnosticArguments): DiagnosticWithDetachedLocation | undefined { + // Don't report another error if it would just be at the same position as the last error. + const lastError = lastOrUndefined(parseDiagnostics); + let result: DiagnosticWithDetachedLocation | undefined; + if (!lastError || start !== lastError.start) { + result = createDetachedDiagnostic(fileName, sourceText, start, length, message, ...args); + parseDiagnostics.push(result); + } + + // Mark that we've encountered an error. We'll set an appropriate bit on the next + // node we finish so that it can't be reused incrementally. + parseErrorBeforeNextFinishedNode = true; + return result; + } + + function parseErrorAt(start: number, end: number, message: DiagnosticMessage, ...args: DiagnosticArguments): DiagnosticWithDetachedLocation | undefined { + return parseErrorAtPosition(start, end - start, message, ...args); + } + + function parseErrorAtRange(range: TextRange, message: DiagnosticMessage, ...args: DiagnosticArguments): void { + parseErrorAt(range.pos, range.end, message, ...args); + } + + function scanError(message: DiagnosticMessage, length: number, arg0?: any): void { + parseErrorAtPosition(scanner.getTokenEnd(), length, message, arg0); + } + + function getNodePos(): number { + return scanner.getTokenFullStart(); + } + + function hasPrecedingJSDocComment() { + return scanner.hasPrecedingJSDocComment(); + } + + // Use this function to access the current token instead of reading the currentToken + // variable. Since function results aren't narrowed in control flow analysis, this ensures + // that the type checker doesn't make wrong assumptions about the type of the current + // token (e.g. a call to nextToken() changes the current token but the checker doesn't + // reason about this side effect). Mainstream VMs inline simple functions like this, so + // there is no performance penalty. + function token(): SyntaxKind { + return currentToken; + } + + function nextTokenWithoutCheck() { + return currentToken = scanner.scan(); + } + + function nextTokenAnd(func: () => T): T { + nextToken(); + return func(); + } + + function nextToken(): SyntaxKind { + // if the keyword had an escape + if (isKeyword(currentToken) && (scanner.hasUnicodeEscape() || scanner.hasExtendedUnicodeEscape())) { + // issue a parse error for the escape + parseErrorAt(scanner.getTokenStart(), scanner.getTokenEnd(), Diagnostics.Keywords_cannot_contain_escape_characters); + } + return nextTokenWithoutCheck(); + } + + function nextTokenJSDoc(): JSDocSyntaxKind { + return currentToken = scanner.scanJsDocToken(); + } + + function nextJSDocCommentTextToken(inBackticks: boolean): JSDocSyntaxKind | SyntaxKind.JSDocCommentTextToken { + return currentToken = scanner.scanJSDocCommentTextToken(inBackticks); + } + + function reScanGreaterToken(): SyntaxKind { + return currentToken = scanner.reScanGreaterToken(); + } + + function reScanSlashToken(): SyntaxKind { + return currentToken = scanner.reScanSlashToken(); + } + + function reScanTemplateToken(isTaggedTemplate: boolean): SyntaxKind { + return currentToken = scanner.reScanTemplateToken(isTaggedTemplate); + } + + function reScanLessThanToken(): SyntaxKind { + return currentToken = scanner.reScanLessThanToken(); + } + + function reScanHashToken(): SyntaxKind { + return currentToken = scanner.reScanHashToken(); + } + + function scanJsxIdentifier(): SyntaxKind { + return currentToken = scanner.scanJsxIdentifier(); + } + + function scanJsxText(): SyntaxKind { + return currentToken = scanner.scanJsxToken(); + } + + function scanJsxAttributeValue(): SyntaxKind { + return currentToken = scanner.scanJsxAttributeValue(); + } + + function speculationHelper(callback: () => T, speculationKind: SpeculationKind): T { + // Keep track of the state we'll need to rollback to if lookahead fails (or if the + // caller asked us to always reset our state). + const saveToken = currentToken; + const saveParseDiagnosticsLength = parseDiagnostics.length; + const saveParseErrorBeforeNextFinishedNode = parseErrorBeforeNextFinishedNode; + + // Note: it is not actually necessary to save/restore the context flags here. That's + // because the saving/restoring of these flags happens naturally through the recursive + // descent nature of our parser. However, we still store this here just so we can + // assert that invariant holds. + const saveContextFlags = contextFlags; + + // If we're only looking ahead, then tell the scanner to only lookahead as well. + // Otherwise, if we're actually speculatively parsing, then tell the scanner to do the + // same. + const result = speculationKind !== SpeculationKind.TryParse + ? scanner.lookAhead(callback) + : scanner.tryScan(callback); + + Debug.assert(saveContextFlags === contextFlags); + + // If our callback returned something 'falsy' or we're just looking ahead, + // then unconditionally restore us to where we were. + if (!result || speculationKind !== SpeculationKind.TryParse) { + currentToken = saveToken; + if (speculationKind !== SpeculationKind.Reparse) { + parseDiagnostics.length = saveParseDiagnosticsLength; + } + parseErrorBeforeNextFinishedNode = saveParseErrorBeforeNextFinishedNode; + } + + return result; + } + + /** Invokes the provided callback then unconditionally restores the parser to the state it + * was in immediately prior to invoking the callback. The result of invoking the callback + * is returned from this function. + */ + function lookAhead(callback: () => T): T { + return speculationHelper(callback, SpeculationKind.Lookahead); + } + + /** Invokes the provided callback. If the callback returns something falsy, then it restores + * the parser to the state it was in immediately prior to invoking the callback. If the + * callback returns something truthy, then the parser state is not rolled back. The result + * of invoking the callback is returned from this function. + */ + function tryParse(callback: () => T): T { + return speculationHelper(callback, SpeculationKind.TryParse); + } + + function isBindingIdentifier(): boolean { + if (token() === SyntaxKind.Identifier) { + return true; + } + + // `let await`/`let yield` in [Yield] or [Await] are allowed here and disallowed in the binder. + return token() > SyntaxKind.LastReservedWord; + } + + // Ignore strict mode flag because we will report an error in type checker instead. + function isIdentifier(): boolean { + if (token() === SyntaxKind.Identifier) { + return true; + } + + // If we have a 'yield' keyword, and we're in the [yield] context, then 'yield' is + // considered a keyword and is not an identifier. + if (token() === SyntaxKind.YieldKeyword && inYieldContext()) { + return false; + } + + // If we have a 'await' keyword, and we're in the [Await] context, then 'await' is + // considered a keyword and is not an identifier. + if (token() === SyntaxKind.AwaitKeyword && inAwaitContext()) { + return false; + } + + return token() > SyntaxKind.LastReservedWord; + } + + function parseExpected(kind: PunctuationOrKeywordSyntaxKind, diagnosticMessage?: DiagnosticMessage, shouldAdvance = true): boolean { + if (token() === kind) { + if (shouldAdvance) { + nextToken(); + } + return true; + } + + // Report specific message if provided with one. Otherwise, report generic fallback message. + if (diagnosticMessage) { + parseErrorAtCurrentToken(diagnosticMessage); + } + else { + parseErrorAtCurrentToken(Diagnostics._0_expected, tokenToString(kind)); + } + return false; + } + + const viableKeywordSuggestions = Object.keys(textToKeywordObj).filter(keyword => keyword.length > 2); + + /** + * Provides a better error message than the generic "';' expected" if possible for + * known common variants of a missing semicolon, such as from a mispelled names. + * + * @param node Node preceding the expected semicolon location. + */ + function parseErrorForMissingSemicolonAfter(node: Expression | PropertyName): void { + // Tagged template literals are sometimes used in places where only simple strings are allowed, i.e.: + // module `M1` { + // ^^^^^^^^^^^ This block is parsed as a template literal like module`M1`. + if (isTaggedTemplateExpression(node)) { + parseErrorAt(skipTrivia(sourceText, node.template.pos), node.template.end, Diagnostics.Module_declaration_names_may_only_use_or_quoted_strings); + return; + } + + // Otherwise, if this isn't a well-known keyword-like identifier, give the generic fallback message. + const expressionText = isIdentifierNode(node) ? idText(node) : undefined; + if (!expressionText || !isIdentifierText(expressionText, languageVersion)) { + parseErrorAtCurrentToken(Diagnostics._0_expected, tokenToString(SyntaxKind.SemicolonToken)); + return; + } + + const pos = skipTrivia(sourceText, node.pos); + + // Some known keywords are likely signs of syntax being used improperly. + switch (expressionText) { + case "const": + case "let": + case "var": + parseErrorAt(pos, node.end, Diagnostics.Variable_declaration_not_allowed_at_this_location); + return; + + case "declare": + // If a declared node failed to parse, it would have emitted a diagnostic already. + return; + + case "interface": + parseErrorForInvalidName(Diagnostics.Interface_name_cannot_be_0, Diagnostics.Interface_must_be_given_a_name, SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken); + return; + + case "is": + parseErrorAt(pos, scanner.getTokenStart(), Diagnostics.A_type_predicate_is_only_allowed_in_return_type_position_for_functions_and_methods); + return; + + case "module": + case "namespace": + parseErrorForInvalidName(Diagnostics.Namespace_name_cannot_be_0, Diagnostics.Namespace_must_be_given_a_name, SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken); + return; + + case "type": + parseErrorForInvalidName(Diagnostics.Type_alias_name_cannot_be_0, Diagnostics.Type_alias_must_be_given_a_name, SyntaxKind.EqualsToken); + return; + } + + // The user alternatively might have misspelled or forgotten to add a space after a common keyword. + const suggestion = getSpellingSuggestion(expressionText, viableKeywordSuggestions, identity) ?? getSpaceSuggestion(expressionText); + if (suggestion) { + parseErrorAt(pos, node.end, Diagnostics.Unknown_keyword_or_identifier_Did_you_mean_0, suggestion); + return; + } + + // Unknown tokens are handled with their own errors in the scanner + if (token() === SyntaxKind.Unknown) { + return; + } + + // Otherwise, we know this some kind of unknown word, not just a missing expected semicolon. + parseErrorAt(pos, node.end, Diagnostics.Unexpected_keyword_or_identifier); + } + + /** + * Reports a diagnostic error for the current token being an invalid name. + * + * @param blankDiagnostic Diagnostic to report for the case of the name being blank (matched tokenIfBlankName). + * @param nameDiagnostic Diagnostic to report for all other cases. + * @param tokenIfBlankName Current token if the name was invalid for being blank (not provided / skipped). + */ + function parseErrorForInvalidName(nameDiagnostic: DiagnosticMessage, blankDiagnostic: DiagnosticMessage, tokenIfBlankName: SyntaxKind) { + if (token() === tokenIfBlankName) { + parseErrorAtCurrentToken(blankDiagnostic); + } + else { + parseErrorAtCurrentToken(nameDiagnostic, scanner.getTokenValue()); + } + } + + function getSpaceSuggestion(expressionText: string) { + for (const keyword of viableKeywordSuggestions) { + if (expressionText.length > keyword.length + 2 && startsWith(expressionText, keyword)) { + return `${keyword} ${expressionText.slice(keyword.length)}`; + } + } + + return undefined; + } + + function parseSemicolonAfterPropertyName(name: PropertyName, type: TypeNode | undefined, initializer: Expression | undefined) { + if (token() === SyntaxKind.AtToken && !scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak()) { + parseErrorAtCurrentToken(Diagnostics.Decorators_must_precede_the_name_and_all_keywords_of_property_declarations); + return; + } + + if (token() === SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken) { + parseErrorAtCurrentToken(Diagnostics.Cannot_start_a_function_call_in_a_type_annotation); + nextToken(); + return; + } + + if (type && !canParseSemicolon()) { + if (initializer) { + parseErrorAtCurrentToken(Diagnostics._0_expected, tokenToString(SyntaxKind.SemicolonToken)); + } + else { + parseErrorAtCurrentToken(Diagnostics.Expected_for_property_initializer); + } + return; + } + + if (tryParseSemicolon()) { + return; + } + + if (initializer) { + parseErrorAtCurrentToken(Diagnostics._0_expected, tokenToString(SyntaxKind.SemicolonToken)); + return; + } + + parseErrorForMissingSemicolonAfter(name); + } + + function parseExpectedJSDoc(kind: JSDocSyntaxKind) { + if (token() === kind) { + nextTokenJSDoc(); + return true; + } + Debug.assert(isKeywordOrPunctuation(kind)); + parseErrorAtCurrentToken(Diagnostics._0_expected, tokenToString(kind)); + return false; + } + + function parseExpectedMatchingBrackets(openKind: PunctuationSyntaxKind, closeKind: PunctuationSyntaxKind, openParsed: boolean, openPosition: number) { + if (token() === closeKind) { + nextToken(); + return; + } + const lastError = parseErrorAtCurrentToken(Diagnostics._0_expected, tokenToString(closeKind)); + if (!openParsed) { + return; + } + if (lastError) { + addRelatedInfo( + lastError, + createDetachedDiagnostic(fileName, sourceText, openPosition, 1, Diagnostics.The_parser_expected_to_find_a_1_to_match_the_0_token_here, tokenToString(openKind), tokenToString(closeKind)), + ); + } + } + + function parseOptional(t: SyntaxKind): boolean { + if (token() === t) { + nextToken(); + return true; + } + return false; + } + + function parseOptionalToken(t: TKind): Token; + function parseOptionalToken(t: SyntaxKind): Node | undefined { + if (token() === t) { + return parseTokenNode(); + } + return undefined; + } + + function parseOptionalTokenJSDoc(t: TKind): Token; + function parseOptionalTokenJSDoc(t: JSDocSyntaxKind): Node | undefined { + if (token() === t) { + return parseTokenNodeJSDoc(); + } + return undefined; + } + + function parseExpectedToken(t: TKind, diagnosticMessage?: DiagnosticMessage, arg0?: string): Token; + function parseExpectedToken(t: SyntaxKind, diagnosticMessage?: DiagnosticMessage, arg0?: string): Node { + return parseOptionalToken(t) || + createMissingNode(t, /*reportAtCurrentPosition*/ false, diagnosticMessage || Diagnostics._0_expected, arg0 || tokenToString(t)!); + } + + function parseExpectedTokenJSDoc(t: TKind): Token; + function parseExpectedTokenJSDoc(t: JSDocSyntaxKind): Node { + const optional = parseOptionalTokenJSDoc(t); + if (optional) return optional; + Debug.assert(isKeywordOrPunctuation(t)); + return createMissingNode(t, /*reportAtCurrentPosition*/ false, Diagnostics._0_expected, tokenToString(t)); + } + + function parseTokenNode(): T { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const kind = token(); + nextToken(); + return finishNode(factoryCreateToken(kind), pos) as T; + } + + function parseTokenNodeJSDoc(): T { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const kind = token(); + nextTokenJSDoc(); + return finishNode(factoryCreateToken(kind), pos) as T; + } + + function canParseSemicolon() { + // If there's a real semicolon, then we can always parse it out. + if (token() === SyntaxKind.SemicolonToken) { + return true; + } + + // We can parse out an optional semicolon in ASI cases in the following cases. + return token() === SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken || token() === SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken || scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak(); + } + + function tryParseSemicolon() { + if (!canParseSemicolon()) { + return false; + } + + if (token() === SyntaxKind.SemicolonToken) { + // consume the semicolon if it was explicitly provided. + nextToken(); + } + + return true; + } + + function parseSemicolon(): boolean { + return tryParseSemicolon() || parseExpected(SyntaxKind.SemicolonToken); + } + + function createNodeArray(elements: T[], pos: number, end?: number, hasTrailingComma?: boolean): NodeArray { + const array = factoryCreateNodeArray(elements, hasTrailingComma); + setTextRangePosEnd(array, pos, end ?? scanner.getTokenFullStart()); + return array; + } + + function finishNode(node: T, pos: number, end?: number): T { + setTextRangePosEnd(node, pos, end ?? scanner.getTokenFullStart()); + if (contextFlags) { + (node as Mutable).flags |= contextFlags; + } + + // Keep track on the node if we encountered an error while parsing it. If we did, then + // we cannot reuse the node incrementally. Once we've marked this node, clear out the + // flag so that we don't mark any subsequent nodes. + if (parseErrorBeforeNextFinishedNode) { + parseErrorBeforeNextFinishedNode = false; + (node as Mutable).flags |= NodeFlags.ThisNodeHasError; + } + + return node; + } + + function createMissingNode(kind: T["kind"], reportAtCurrentPosition: false, diagnosticMessage?: DiagnosticMessage, ...args: DiagnosticArguments): T; + function createMissingNode(kind: T["kind"], reportAtCurrentPosition: boolean, diagnosticMessage: DiagnosticMessage, ...args: DiagnosticArguments): T; + function createMissingNode(kind: T["kind"], reportAtCurrentPosition: boolean, diagnosticMessage?: DiagnosticMessage, ...args: DiagnosticArguments): T { + if (reportAtCurrentPosition) { + parseErrorAtPosition(scanner.getTokenFullStart(), 0, diagnosticMessage!, ...args); + } + else if (diagnosticMessage) { + parseErrorAtCurrentToken(diagnosticMessage, ...args); + } + + const pos = getNodePos(); + const result = kind === SyntaxKind.Identifier ? factoryCreateIdentifier("", /*originalKeywordKind*/ undefined) : + isTemplateLiteralKind(kind) ? factory.createTemplateLiteralLikeNode(kind, "", "", /*templateFlags*/ undefined) : + kind === SyntaxKind.NumericLiteral ? factoryCreateNumericLiteral("", /*numericLiteralFlags*/ undefined) : + kind === SyntaxKind.StringLiteral ? factoryCreateStringLiteral("", /*isSingleQuote*/ undefined) : + kind === SyntaxKind.MissingDeclaration ? factory.createMissingDeclaration() : + factoryCreateToken(kind); + return finishNode(result, pos) as T; + } + + function internIdentifier(text: string): string { + let identifier = identifiers.get(text); + if (identifier === undefined) { + identifiers.set(text, identifier = text); + } + return identifier; + } + + // An identifier that starts with two underscores has an extra underscore character prepended to it to avoid issues + // with magic property names like '__proto__'. The 'identifiers' object is used to share a single string instance for + // each identifier in order to reduce memory consumption. + function createIdentifier(isIdentifier: boolean, diagnosticMessage?: DiagnosticMessage, privateIdentifierDiagnosticMessage?: DiagnosticMessage): Identifier { + if (isIdentifier) { + identifierCount++; + const pos = scanner.hasPrecedingJSDocLeadingAsterisks() ? scanner.getTokenStart() : getNodePos(); + // Store original token kind if it is not just an Identifier so we can report appropriate error later in type checker + const originalKeywordKind = token(); + const text = internIdentifier(scanner.getTokenValue()); + const hasExtendedUnicodeEscape = scanner.hasExtendedUnicodeEscape(); + nextTokenWithoutCheck(); + return finishNode(factoryCreateIdentifier(text, originalKeywordKind, hasExtendedUnicodeEscape), pos); + } + + if (token() === SyntaxKind.PrivateIdentifier) { + parseErrorAtCurrentToken(privateIdentifierDiagnosticMessage || Diagnostics.Private_identifiers_are_not_allowed_outside_class_bodies); + return createIdentifier(/*isIdentifier*/ true); + } + + if (token() === SyntaxKind.Unknown && scanner.tryScan(() => scanner.reScanInvalidIdentifier() === SyntaxKind.Identifier)) { + // Scanner has already recorded an 'Invalid character' error, so no need to add another from the parser. + return createIdentifier(/*isIdentifier*/ true); + } + + identifierCount++; + // Only for end of file because the error gets reported incorrectly on embedded script tags. + const reportAtCurrentPosition = token() === SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken; + + const isReservedWord = scanner.isReservedWord(); + const msgArg = scanner.getTokenText(); + + const defaultMessage = isReservedWord ? + Diagnostics.Identifier_expected_0_is_a_reserved_word_that_cannot_be_used_here : + Diagnostics.Identifier_expected; + + return createMissingNode(SyntaxKind.Identifier, reportAtCurrentPosition, diagnosticMessage || defaultMessage, msgArg); + } + + function parseBindingIdentifier(privateIdentifierDiagnosticMessage?: DiagnosticMessage) { + return createIdentifier(isBindingIdentifier(), /*diagnosticMessage*/ undefined, privateIdentifierDiagnosticMessage); + } + + function parseIdentifier(diagnosticMessage?: DiagnosticMessage, privateIdentifierDiagnosticMessage?: DiagnosticMessage): Identifier { + return createIdentifier(isIdentifier(), diagnosticMessage, privateIdentifierDiagnosticMessage); + } + + function parseIdentifierName(diagnosticMessage?: DiagnosticMessage): Identifier { + return createIdentifier(tokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword(token()), diagnosticMessage); + } + + function parseIdentifierNameErrorOnUnicodeEscapeSequence(): Identifier { + if (scanner.hasUnicodeEscape() || scanner.hasExtendedUnicodeEscape()) { + parseErrorAtCurrentToken(Diagnostics.Unicode_escape_sequence_cannot_appear_here); + } + return createIdentifier(tokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword(token())); + } + + function isLiteralPropertyName(): boolean { + return tokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword(token()) || + token() === SyntaxKind.StringLiteral || + token() === SyntaxKind.NumericLiteral || + token() === SyntaxKind.BigIntLiteral; + } + + function isImportAttributeName(): boolean { + return tokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword(token()) || token() === SyntaxKind.StringLiteral; + } + + function parsePropertyNameWorker(allowComputedPropertyNames: boolean): PropertyName { + if (token() === SyntaxKind.StringLiteral || token() === SyntaxKind.NumericLiteral || token() === SyntaxKind.BigIntLiteral) { + const node = parseLiteralNode() as StringLiteral | NumericLiteral | BigIntLiteral; + node.text = internIdentifier(node.text); + return node; + } + if (allowComputedPropertyNames && token() === SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken) { + return parseComputedPropertyName(); + } + if (token() === SyntaxKind.PrivateIdentifier) { + return parsePrivateIdentifier(); + } + return parseIdentifierName(); + } + + function parsePropertyName(): PropertyName { + return parsePropertyNameWorker(/*allowComputedPropertyNames*/ true); + } + + function parseComputedPropertyName(): ComputedPropertyName { + // PropertyName [Yield]: + // LiteralPropertyName + // ComputedPropertyName[?Yield] + const pos = getNodePos(); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken); + // We parse any expression (including a comma expression). But the grammar + // says that only an assignment expression is allowed, so the grammar checker + // will error if it sees a comma expression. + const expression = allowInAnd(parseExpression); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.CloseBracketToken); + return finishNode(factory.createComputedPropertyName(expression), pos); + } + + function parsePrivateIdentifier(): PrivateIdentifier { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const node = factoryCreatePrivateIdentifier(internIdentifier(scanner.getTokenValue())); + nextToken(); + return finishNode(node, pos); + } + + function parseContextualModifier(t: SyntaxKind): boolean { + return token() === t && tryParse(nextTokenCanFollowModifier); + } + + function nextTokenIsOnSameLineAndCanFollowModifier() { + nextToken(); + if (scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak()) { + return false; + } + return canFollowModifier(); + } + + function nextTokenCanFollowModifier() { + switch (token()) { + case SyntaxKind.ConstKeyword: + // 'const' is only a modifier if followed by 'enum'. + return nextToken() === SyntaxKind.EnumKeyword; + case SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword: + nextToken(); + if (token() === SyntaxKind.DefaultKeyword) { + return lookAhead(nextTokenCanFollowDefaultKeyword); + } + if (token() === SyntaxKind.TypeKeyword) { + return lookAhead(nextTokenCanFollowExportModifier); + } + return canFollowExportModifier(); + case SyntaxKind.DefaultKeyword: + return nextTokenCanFollowDefaultKeyword(); + case SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.GetKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.SetKeyword: + nextToken(); + return canFollowModifier(); + default: + return nextTokenIsOnSameLineAndCanFollowModifier(); + } + } + + function canFollowExportModifier(): boolean { + return token() === SyntaxKind.AtToken + || token() !== SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken + && token() !== SyntaxKind.AsKeyword + && token() !== SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken + && canFollowModifier(); + } + + function nextTokenCanFollowExportModifier(): boolean { + nextToken(); + return canFollowExportModifier(); + } + + function parseAnyContextualModifier(): boolean { + return isModifierKind(token()) && tryParse(nextTokenCanFollowModifier); + } + + function canFollowModifier(): boolean { + return token() === SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken + || token() === SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken + || token() === SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken + || token() === SyntaxKind.DotDotDotToken + || isLiteralPropertyName(); + } + + function nextTokenCanFollowDefaultKeyword(): boolean { + nextToken(); + return token() === SyntaxKind.ClassKeyword + || token() === SyntaxKind.FunctionKeyword + || token() === SyntaxKind.InterfaceKeyword + || token() === SyntaxKind.AtToken + || (token() === SyntaxKind.AbstractKeyword && lookAhead(nextTokenIsClassKeywordOnSameLine)) + || (token() === SyntaxKind.AsyncKeyword && lookAhead(nextTokenIsFunctionKeywordOnSameLine)); + } + + // True if positioned at the start of a list element + function isListElement(parsingContext: ParsingContext, inErrorRecovery: boolean): boolean { + const node = currentNode(parsingContext); + if (node) { + return true; + } + + switch (parsingContext) { + case ParsingContext.SourceElements: + case ParsingContext.BlockStatements: + case ParsingContext.SwitchClauseStatements: + // If we're in error recovery, then we don't want to treat ';' as an empty statement. + // The problem is that ';' can show up in far too many contexts, and if we see one + // and assume it's a statement, then we may bail out inappropriately from whatever + // we're parsing. For example, if we have a semicolon in the middle of a class, then + // we really don't want to assume the class is over and we're on a statement in the + // outer module. We just want to consume and move on. + return !(token() === SyntaxKind.SemicolonToken && inErrorRecovery) && isStartOfStatement(); + case ParsingContext.SwitchClauses: + return token() === SyntaxKind.CaseKeyword || token() === SyntaxKind.DefaultKeyword; + case ParsingContext.TypeMembers: + return lookAhead(isTypeMemberStart); + case ParsingContext.ClassMembers: + // We allow semicolons as class elements (as specified by ES6) as long as we're + // not in error recovery. If we're in error recovery, we don't want an errant + // semicolon to be treated as a class member (since they're almost always used + // for statements. + return lookAhead(isClassMemberStart) || (token() === SyntaxKind.SemicolonToken && !inErrorRecovery); + case ParsingContext.EnumMembers: + // Include open bracket computed properties. This technically also lets in indexers, + // which would be a candidate for improved error reporting. + return token() === SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken || isLiteralPropertyName(); + case ParsingContext.ObjectLiteralMembers: + switch (token()) { + case SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken: + case SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken: + case SyntaxKind.DotDotDotToken: + case SyntaxKind.DotToken: // Not an object literal member, but don't want to close the object (see `tests/cases/fourslash/completionsDotInObjectLiteral.ts`) + return true; + default: + return isLiteralPropertyName(); + } + case ParsingContext.RestProperties: + return isLiteralPropertyName(); + case ParsingContext.ObjectBindingElements: + return token() === SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken || token() === SyntaxKind.DotDotDotToken || isLiteralPropertyName(); + case ParsingContext.ImportAttributes: + return isImportAttributeName(); + case ParsingContext.HeritageClauseElement: + // If we see `{ ... }` then only consume it as an expression if it is followed by `,` or `{` + // That way we won't consume the body of a class in its heritage clause. + if (token() === SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken) { + return lookAhead(isValidHeritageClauseObjectLiteral); + } + + if (!inErrorRecovery) { + return isStartOfLeftHandSideExpression() && !isHeritageClauseExtendsOrImplementsKeyword(); + } + else { + // If we're in error recovery we tighten up what we're willing to match. + // That way we don't treat something like "this" as a valid heritage clause + // element during recovery. + return isIdentifier() && !isHeritageClauseExtendsOrImplementsKeyword(); + } + case ParsingContext.VariableDeclarations: + return isBindingIdentifierOrPrivateIdentifierOrPattern(); + case ParsingContext.ArrayBindingElements: + return token() === SyntaxKind.CommaToken || token() === SyntaxKind.DotDotDotToken || isBindingIdentifierOrPrivateIdentifierOrPattern(); + case ParsingContext.TypeParameters: + return token() === SyntaxKind.InKeyword || token() === SyntaxKind.ConstKeyword || isIdentifier(); + case ParsingContext.ArrayLiteralMembers: + switch (token()) { + case SyntaxKind.CommaToken: + case SyntaxKind.DotToken: // Not an array literal member, but don't want to close the array (see `tests/cases/fourslash/completionsDotInArrayLiteralInObjectLiteral.ts`) + return true; + } + // falls through + case ParsingContext.ArgumentExpressions: + return token() === SyntaxKind.DotDotDotToken || isStartOfExpression(); + case ParsingContext.Parameters: + return isStartOfParameter(/*isJSDocParameter*/ false); + case ParsingContext.JSDocParameters: + return isStartOfParameter(/*isJSDocParameter*/ true); + case ParsingContext.TypeArguments: + case ParsingContext.TupleElementTypes: + return token() === SyntaxKind.CommaToken || isStartOfType(); + case ParsingContext.HeritageClauses: + return isHeritageClause(); + case ParsingContext.ImportOrExportSpecifiers: + // bail out if the next token is [FromKeyword StringLiteral]. + // That means we're in something like `import { from "mod"`. Stop here can give better error message. + if (token() === SyntaxKind.FromKeyword && lookAhead(nextTokenIsStringLiteral)) { + return false; + } + if (token() === SyntaxKind.StringLiteral) { + return true; // For "arbitrary module namespace identifiers" + } + return tokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword(token()); + case ParsingContext.JsxAttributes: + return tokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword(token()) || token() === SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken; + case ParsingContext.JsxChildren: + return true; + case ParsingContext.JSDocComment: + return true; + case ParsingContext.Count: + return Debug.fail("ParsingContext.Count used as a context"); // Not a real context, only a marker. + default: + Debug.assertNever(parsingContext, "Non-exhaustive case in 'isListElement'."); + } + } + + function isValidHeritageClauseObjectLiteral() { + Debug.assert(token() === SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken); + if (nextToken() === SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken) { + // if we see "extends {}" then only treat the {} as what we're extending (and not + // the class body) if we have: + // + // extends {} { + // extends {}, + // extends {} extends + // extends {} implements + + const next = nextToken(); + return next === SyntaxKind.CommaToken || next === SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken || next === SyntaxKind.ExtendsKeyword || next === SyntaxKind.ImplementsKeyword; + } + + return true; + } + + function nextTokenIsIdentifier() { + nextToken(); + return isIdentifier(); + } + + function nextTokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword() { + nextToken(); + return tokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword(token()); + } + + function nextTokenIsIdentifierOrKeywordOrGreaterThan() { + nextToken(); + return tokenIsIdentifierOrKeywordOrGreaterThan(token()); + } + + function isHeritageClauseExtendsOrImplementsKeyword(): boolean { + if ( + token() === SyntaxKind.ImplementsKeyword || + token() === SyntaxKind.ExtendsKeyword + ) { + return lookAhead(nextTokenIsStartOfExpression); + } + + return false; + } + + function nextTokenIsStartOfExpression() { + nextToken(); + return isStartOfExpression(); + } + + function nextTokenIsStartOfType() { + nextToken(); + return isStartOfType(); + } + + // True if positioned at a list terminator + function isListTerminator(kind: ParsingContext): boolean { + if (token() === SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken) { + // Being at the end of the file ends all lists. + return true; + } + + switch (kind) { + case ParsingContext.BlockStatements: + case ParsingContext.SwitchClauses: + case ParsingContext.TypeMembers: + case ParsingContext.ClassMembers: + case ParsingContext.EnumMembers: + case ParsingContext.ObjectLiteralMembers: + case ParsingContext.ObjectBindingElements: + case ParsingContext.ImportOrExportSpecifiers: + case ParsingContext.ImportAttributes: + return token() === SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken; + case ParsingContext.SwitchClauseStatements: + return token() === SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken || token() === SyntaxKind.CaseKeyword || token() === SyntaxKind.DefaultKeyword; + case ParsingContext.HeritageClauseElement: + return token() === SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken || token() === SyntaxKind.ExtendsKeyword || token() === SyntaxKind.ImplementsKeyword; + case ParsingContext.VariableDeclarations: + return isVariableDeclaratorListTerminator(); + case ParsingContext.TypeParameters: + // Tokens other than '>' are here for better error recovery + return token() === SyntaxKind.GreaterThanToken || token() === SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken || token() === SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken || token() === SyntaxKind.ExtendsKeyword || token() === SyntaxKind.ImplementsKeyword; + case ParsingContext.ArgumentExpressions: + // Tokens other than ')' are here for better error recovery + return token() === SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken || token() === SyntaxKind.SemicolonToken; + case ParsingContext.ArrayLiteralMembers: + case ParsingContext.TupleElementTypes: + case ParsingContext.ArrayBindingElements: + return token() === SyntaxKind.CloseBracketToken; + case ParsingContext.JSDocParameters: + case ParsingContext.Parameters: + case ParsingContext.RestProperties: + // Tokens other than ')' and ']' (the latter for index signatures) are here for better error recovery + return token() === SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken || token() === SyntaxKind.CloseBracketToken /*|| token === SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken*/; + case ParsingContext.TypeArguments: + // All other tokens should cause the type-argument to terminate except comma token + return token() !== SyntaxKind.CommaToken; + case ParsingContext.HeritageClauses: + return token() === SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken || token() === SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken; + case ParsingContext.JsxAttributes: + return token() === SyntaxKind.GreaterThanToken || token() === SyntaxKind.SlashToken; + case ParsingContext.JsxChildren: + return token() === SyntaxKind.LessThanToken && lookAhead(nextTokenIsSlash); + default: + return false; + } + } + + function isVariableDeclaratorListTerminator(): boolean { + // If we can consume a semicolon (either explicitly, or with ASI), then consider us done + // with parsing the list of variable declarators. + if (canParseSemicolon()) { + return true; + } + + // in the case where we're parsing the variable declarator of a 'for-in' statement, we + // are done if we see an 'in' keyword in front of us. Same with for-of + if (isInOrOfKeyword(token())) { + return true; + } + + // ERROR RECOVERY TWEAK: + // For better error recovery, if we see an '=>' then we just stop immediately. We've got an + // arrow function here and it's going to be very unlikely that we'll resynchronize and get + // another variable declaration. + if (token() === SyntaxKind.EqualsGreaterThanToken) { + return true; + } + + // Keep trying to parse out variable declarators. + return false; + } + + // True if positioned at element or terminator of the current list or any enclosing list + function isInSomeParsingContext(): boolean { + // We should be in at least one parsing context, be it SourceElements while parsing + // a SourceFile, or JSDocComment when lazily parsing JSDoc. + Debug.assert(parsingContext, "Missing parsing context"); + for (let kind = 0; kind < ParsingContext.Count; kind++) { + if (parsingContext & (1 << kind)) { + if (isListElement(kind, /*inErrorRecovery*/ true) || isListTerminator(kind)) { + return true; + } + } + } + + return false; + } + + // Parses a list of elements + function parseList(kind: ParsingContext, parseElement: () => T): NodeArray { + const saveParsingContext = parsingContext; + parsingContext |= 1 << kind; + const list = []; + const listPos = getNodePos(); + + while (!isListTerminator(kind)) { + if (isListElement(kind, /*inErrorRecovery*/ false)) { + list.push(parseListElement(kind, parseElement)); + + continue; + } + + if (abortParsingListOrMoveToNextToken(kind)) { + break; + } + } + + parsingContext = saveParsingContext; + return createNodeArray(list, listPos); + } + + function parseListElement(parsingContext: ParsingContext, parseElement: () => T): T { + const node = currentNode(parsingContext); + if (node) { + return consumeNode(node) as T; + } + + return parseElement(); + } + + function currentNode(parsingContext: ParsingContext, pos?: number): Node | undefined { + // If we don't have a cursor or the parsing context isn't reusable, there's nothing to reuse. + // + // If there is an outstanding parse error that we've encountered, but not attached to + // some node, then we cannot get a node from the old source tree. This is because we + // want to mark the next node we encounter as being unusable. + // + // Note: This may be too conservative. Perhaps we could reuse the node and set the bit + // on it (or its leftmost child) as having the error. For now though, being conservative + // is nice and likely won't ever affect perf. + if (!syntaxCursor || !isReusableParsingContext(parsingContext) || parseErrorBeforeNextFinishedNode) { + return undefined; + } + + const node = syntaxCursor.currentNode(pos ?? scanner.getTokenFullStart()); + + // Can't reuse a missing node. + // Can't reuse a node that intersected the change range. + // Can't reuse a node that contains a parse error. This is necessary so that we + // produce the same set of errors again. + if (nodeIsMissing(node) || intersectsIncrementalChange(node) || containsParseError(node)) { + return undefined; + } + + // We can only reuse a node if it was parsed under the same strict mode that we're + // currently in. i.e. if we originally parsed a node in non-strict mode, but then + // the user added 'using strict' at the top of the file, then we can't use that node + // again as the presence of strict mode may cause us to parse the tokens in the file + // differently. + // + // Note: we *can* reuse tokens when the strict mode changes. That's because tokens + // are unaffected by strict mode. It's just the parser will decide what to do with it + // differently depending on what mode it is in. + // + // This also applies to all our other context flags as well. + const nodeContextFlags = node.flags & NodeFlags.ContextFlags; + if (nodeContextFlags !== contextFlags) { + return undefined; + } + + // Ok, we have a node that looks like it could be reused. Now verify that it is valid + // in the current list parsing context that we're currently at. + if (!canReuseNode(node, parsingContext)) { + return undefined; + } + + if (canHaveJSDoc(node) && node.jsDoc?.jsDocCache) { + // jsDocCache may include tags from parent nodes, which might have been modified. + node.jsDoc.jsDocCache = undefined; + } + + return node; + } + + function consumeNode(node: Node) { + // Move the scanner so it is after the node we just consumed. + scanner.resetTokenState(node.end); + nextToken(); + return node; + } + + function isReusableParsingContext(parsingContext: ParsingContext): boolean { + switch (parsingContext) { + case ParsingContext.ClassMembers: + case ParsingContext.SwitchClauses: + case ParsingContext.SourceElements: + case ParsingContext.BlockStatements: + case ParsingContext.SwitchClauseStatements: + case ParsingContext.EnumMembers: + case ParsingContext.TypeMembers: + case ParsingContext.VariableDeclarations: + case ParsingContext.JSDocParameters: + case ParsingContext.Parameters: + return true; + } + return false; + } + + function canReuseNode(node: Node, parsingContext: ParsingContext): boolean { + switch (parsingContext) { + case ParsingContext.ClassMembers: + return isReusableClassMember(node); + + case ParsingContext.SwitchClauses: + return isReusableSwitchClause(node); + + case ParsingContext.SourceElements: + case ParsingContext.BlockStatements: + case ParsingContext.SwitchClauseStatements: + return isReusableStatement(node); + + case ParsingContext.EnumMembers: + return isReusableEnumMember(node); + + case ParsingContext.TypeMembers: + return isReusableTypeMember(node); + + case ParsingContext.VariableDeclarations: + return isReusableVariableDeclaration(node); + + case ParsingContext.JSDocParameters: + case ParsingContext.Parameters: + return isReusableParameter(node); + + // Any other lists we do not care about reusing nodes in. But feel free to add if + // you can do so safely. Danger areas involve nodes that may involve speculative + // parsing. If speculative parsing is involved with the node, then the range the + // parser reached while looking ahead might be in the edited range (see the example + // in canReuseVariableDeclaratorNode for a good case of this). + + // case ParsingContext.HeritageClauses: + // This would probably be safe to reuse. There is no speculative parsing with + // heritage clauses. + + // case ParsingContext.TypeParameters: + // This would probably be safe to reuse. There is no speculative parsing with + // type parameters. Note that that's because type *parameters* only occur in + // unambiguous *type* contexts. While type *arguments* occur in very ambiguous + // *expression* contexts. + + // case ParsingContext.TupleElementTypes: + // This would probably be safe to reuse. There is no speculative parsing with + // tuple types. + + // Technically, type argument list types are probably safe to reuse. While + // speculative parsing is involved with them (since type argument lists are only + // produced from speculative parsing a < as a type argument list), we only have + // the types because speculative parsing succeeded. Thus, the lookahead never + // went past the end of the list and rewound. + // case ParsingContext.TypeArguments: + + // Note: these are almost certainly not safe to ever reuse. Expressions commonly + // need a large amount of lookahead, and we should not reuse them as they may + // have actually intersected the edit. + // case ParsingContext.ArgumentExpressions: + + // This is not safe to reuse for the same reason as the 'AssignmentExpression' + // cases. i.e. a property assignment may end with an expression, and thus might + // have lookahead far beyond it's old node. + // case ParsingContext.ObjectLiteralMembers: + + // This is probably not safe to reuse. There can be speculative parsing with + // type names in a heritage clause. There can be generic names in the type + // name list, and there can be left hand side expressions (which can have type + // arguments.) + // case ParsingContext.HeritageClauseElement: + + // Perhaps safe to reuse, but it's unlikely we'd see more than a dozen attributes + // on any given element. Same for children. + // case ParsingContext.JsxAttributes: + // case ParsingContext.JsxChildren: + } + + return false; + } + + function isReusableClassMember(node: Node) { + if (node) { + switch (node.kind) { + case SyntaxKind.Constructor: + case SyntaxKind.IndexSignature: + case SyntaxKind.GetAccessor: + case SyntaxKind.SetAccessor: + case SyntaxKind.PropertyDeclaration: + case SyntaxKind.SemicolonClassElement: + return true; + case SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration: + // Method declarations are not necessarily reusable. An object-literal + // may have a method calls "constructor(...)" and we must reparse that + // into an actual .ConstructorDeclaration. + const methodDeclaration = node as MethodDeclaration; + const nameIsConstructor = methodDeclaration.name.kind === SyntaxKind.Identifier && + methodDeclaration.name.escapedText === "constructor"; + + return !nameIsConstructor; + } + } + + return false; + } + + function isReusableSwitchClause(node: Node) { + if (node) { + switch (node.kind) { + case SyntaxKind.CaseClause: + case SyntaxKind.DefaultClause: + return true; + } + } + + return false; + } + + function isReusableStatement(node: Node) { + if (node) { + switch (node.kind) { + case SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration: + case SyntaxKind.VariableStatement: + case SyntaxKind.Block: + case SyntaxKind.IfStatement: + case SyntaxKind.ExpressionStatement: + case SyntaxKind.ThrowStatement: + case SyntaxKind.ReturnStatement: + case SyntaxKind.SwitchStatement: + case SyntaxKind.BreakStatement: + case SyntaxKind.ContinueStatement: + case SyntaxKind.ForInStatement: + case SyntaxKind.ForOfStatement: + case SyntaxKind.ForStatement: + case SyntaxKind.WhileStatement: + case SyntaxKind.WithStatement: + case SyntaxKind.EmptyStatement: + case SyntaxKind.TryStatement: + case SyntaxKind.LabeledStatement: + case SyntaxKind.DoStatement: + case SyntaxKind.DebuggerStatement: + case SyntaxKind.ImportDeclaration: + case SyntaxKind.ImportEqualsDeclaration: + case SyntaxKind.ExportDeclaration: + case SyntaxKind.ExportAssignment: + case SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration: + case SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration: + case SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration: + case SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration: + case SyntaxKind.TypeAliasDeclaration: + return true; + } + } + + return false; + } + + function isReusableEnumMember(node: Node) { + return node.kind === SyntaxKind.EnumMember; + } + + function isReusableTypeMember(node: Node) { + if (node) { + switch (node.kind) { + case SyntaxKind.ConstructSignature: + case SyntaxKind.MethodSignature: + case SyntaxKind.IndexSignature: + case SyntaxKind.PropertySignature: + case SyntaxKind.CallSignature: + return true; + } + } + + return false; + } + + function isReusableVariableDeclaration(node: Node) { + if (node.kind !== SyntaxKind.VariableDeclaration) { + return false; + } + + // Very subtle incremental parsing bug. Consider the following code: + // + // let v = new List < A, B + // + // This is actually legal code. It's a list of variable declarators "v = new List() + // + // then we have a problem. "v = new List(kind: ParsingContext, parseElement: () => T, considerSemicolonAsDelimiter?: boolean): NodeArray; + function parseDelimitedList(kind: ParsingContext, parseElement: () => T, considerSemicolonAsDelimiter?: boolean): NodeArray> | undefined; + function parseDelimitedList(kind: ParsingContext, parseElement: () => T, considerSemicolonAsDelimiter?: boolean): NodeArray> | undefined { + const saveParsingContext = parsingContext; + parsingContext |= 1 << kind; + const list: NonNullable[] = []; + const listPos = getNodePos(); + + let commaStart = -1; // Meaning the previous token was not a comma + while (true) { + if (isListElement(kind, /*inErrorRecovery*/ false)) { + const startPos = scanner.getTokenFullStart(); + const result = parseListElement(kind, parseElement); + if (!result) { + parsingContext = saveParsingContext; + return undefined; + } + list.push(result); + commaStart = scanner.getTokenStart(); + + if (parseOptional(SyntaxKind.CommaToken)) { + // No need to check for a zero length node since we know we parsed a comma + continue; + } + + commaStart = -1; // Back to the state where the last token was not a comma + if (isListTerminator(kind)) { + break; + } + + // We didn't get a comma, and the list wasn't terminated, explicitly parse + // out a comma so we give a good error message. + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.CommaToken, getExpectedCommaDiagnostic(kind)); + + // If the token was a semicolon, and the caller allows that, then skip it and + // continue. This ensures we get back on track and don't result in tons of + // parse errors. For example, this can happen when people do things like use + // a semicolon to delimit object literal members. Note: we'll have already + // reported an error when we called parseExpected above. + if (considerSemicolonAsDelimiter && token() === SyntaxKind.SemicolonToken && !scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak()) { + nextToken(); + } + if (startPos === scanner.getTokenFullStart()) { + // What we're parsing isn't actually remotely recognizable as a element and we've consumed no tokens whatsoever + // Consume a token to advance the parser in some way and avoid an infinite loop + // This can happen when we're speculatively parsing parenthesized expressions which we think may be arrow functions, + // or when a modifier keyword which is disallowed as a parameter name (ie, `static` in strict mode) is supplied + nextToken(); + } + continue; + } + + if (isListTerminator(kind)) { + break; + } + + if (abortParsingListOrMoveToNextToken(kind)) { + break; + } + } + + parsingContext = saveParsingContext; + // Recording the trailing comma is deliberately done after the previous + // loop, and not just if we see a list terminator. This is because the list + // may have ended incorrectly, but it is still important to know if there + // was a trailing comma. + // Check if the last token was a comma. + // Always preserve a trailing comma by marking it on the NodeArray + return createNodeArray(list, listPos, /*end*/ undefined, commaStart >= 0); + } + + function getExpectedCommaDiagnostic(kind: ParsingContext) { + return kind === ParsingContext.EnumMembers ? Diagnostics.An_enum_member_name_must_be_followed_by_a_or : undefined; + } + + interface MissingList extends NodeArray { + isMissingList: true; + } + + function createMissingList(): MissingList { + const list = createNodeArray([], getNodePos()) as MissingList; + list.isMissingList = true; + return list; + } + + function isMissingList(arr: NodeArray): boolean { + return !!(arr as MissingList).isMissingList; + } + + function parseBracketedList(kind: ParsingContext, parseElement: () => T, open: PunctuationSyntaxKind, close: PunctuationSyntaxKind): NodeArray { + if (parseExpected(open)) { + const result = parseDelimitedList(kind, parseElement); + parseExpected(close); + return result; + } + + return createMissingList(); + } + + function parseEntityName(allowReservedWords: boolean, diagnosticMessage?: DiagnosticMessage): EntityName { + const pos = getNodePos(); + let entity: EntityName = allowReservedWords ? parseIdentifierName(diagnosticMessage) : parseIdentifier(diagnosticMessage); + while (parseOptional(SyntaxKind.DotToken)) { + if (token() === SyntaxKind.LessThanToken) { + // The entity is part of a JSDoc-style generic. We will use the gap between `typeName` and + // `typeArguments` to report it as a grammar error in the checker. + break; + } + entity = finishNode( + factory.createQualifiedName( + entity, + parseRightSideOfDot(allowReservedWords, /*allowPrivateIdentifiers*/ false, /*allowUnicodeEscapeSequenceInIdentifierName*/ true) as Identifier, + ), + pos, + ); + } + return entity; + } + + function createQualifiedName(entity: EntityName, name: Identifier): QualifiedName { + return finishNode(factory.createQualifiedName(entity, name), entity.pos); + } + + function parseRightSideOfDot(allowIdentifierNames: boolean, allowPrivateIdentifiers: boolean, allowUnicodeEscapeSequenceInIdentifierName: boolean): Identifier | PrivateIdentifier { + // Technically a keyword is valid here as all identifiers and keywords are identifier names. + // However, often we'll encounter this in error situations when the identifier or keyword + // is actually starting another valid construct. + // + // So, we check for the following specific case: + // + // name. + // identifierOrKeyword identifierNameOrKeyword + // + // Note: the newlines are important here. For example, if that above code + // were rewritten into: + // + // name.identifierOrKeyword + // identifierNameOrKeyword + // + // Then we would consider it valid. That's because ASI would take effect and + // the code would be implicitly: "name.identifierOrKeyword; identifierNameOrKeyword". + // In the first case though, ASI will not take effect because there is not a + // line terminator after the identifier or keyword. + if (scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak() && tokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword(token())) { + const matchesPattern = lookAhead(nextTokenIsIdentifierOrKeywordOnSameLine); + + if (matchesPattern) { + // Report that we need an identifier. However, report it right after the dot, + // and not on the next token. This is because the next token might actually + // be an identifier and the error would be quite confusing. + return createMissingNode(SyntaxKind.Identifier, /*reportAtCurrentPosition*/ true, Diagnostics.Identifier_expected); + } + } + + if (token() === SyntaxKind.PrivateIdentifier) { + const node = parsePrivateIdentifier(); + return allowPrivateIdentifiers ? node : createMissingNode(SyntaxKind.Identifier, /*reportAtCurrentPosition*/ true, Diagnostics.Identifier_expected); + } + + if (allowIdentifierNames) { + return allowUnicodeEscapeSequenceInIdentifierName ? parseIdentifierName() : parseIdentifierNameErrorOnUnicodeEscapeSequence(); + } + + return parseIdentifier(); + } + + function parseTemplateSpans(isTaggedTemplate: boolean) { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const list = []; + let node: TemplateSpan; + do { + node = parseTemplateSpan(isTaggedTemplate); + list.push(node); + } + while (node.literal.kind === SyntaxKind.TemplateMiddle); + return createNodeArray(list, pos); + } + + function parseTemplateExpression(isTaggedTemplate: boolean): TemplateExpression { + const pos = getNodePos(); + return finishNode( + factory.createTemplateExpression( + parseTemplateHead(isTaggedTemplate), + parseTemplateSpans(isTaggedTemplate), + ), + pos, + ); + } + + function parseTemplateType(): TemplateLiteralTypeNode { + const pos = getNodePos(); + return finishNode( + factory.createTemplateLiteralType( + parseTemplateHead(/*isTaggedTemplate*/ false), + parseTemplateTypeSpans(), + ), + pos, + ); + } + + function parseTemplateTypeSpans() { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const list = []; + let node: TemplateLiteralTypeSpan; + do { + node = parseTemplateTypeSpan(); + list.push(node); + } + while (node.literal.kind === SyntaxKind.TemplateMiddle); + return createNodeArray(list, pos); + } + + function parseTemplateTypeSpan(): TemplateLiteralTypeSpan { + const pos = getNodePos(); + return finishNode( + factory.createTemplateLiteralTypeSpan( + parseType(), + parseLiteralOfTemplateSpan(/*isTaggedTemplate*/ false), + ), + pos, + ); + } + + function parseLiteralOfTemplateSpan(isTaggedTemplate: boolean) { + if (token() === SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken) { + reScanTemplateToken(isTaggedTemplate); + return parseTemplateMiddleOrTemplateTail(); + } + else { + // TODO(rbuckton): Do we need to call `parseExpectedToken` or can we just call `createMissingNode` directly? + return parseExpectedToken(SyntaxKind.TemplateTail, Diagnostics._0_expected, tokenToString(SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken)) as TemplateTail; + } + } + + function parseTemplateSpan(isTaggedTemplate: boolean): TemplateSpan { + const pos = getNodePos(); + return finishNode( + factory.createTemplateSpan( + allowInAnd(parseExpression), + parseLiteralOfTemplateSpan(isTaggedTemplate), + ), + pos, + ); + } + + function parseLiteralNode(): LiteralExpression { + return parseLiteralLikeNode(token()) as LiteralExpression; + } + + function parseTemplateHead(isTaggedTemplate: boolean): TemplateHead { + if (!isTaggedTemplate && scanner.getTokenFlags() & TokenFlags.IsInvalid) { + reScanTemplateToken(/*isTaggedTemplate*/ false); + } + const fragment = parseLiteralLikeNode(token()); + Debug.assert(fragment.kind === SyntaxKind.TemplateHead, "Template head has wrong token kind"); + return fragment as TemplateHead; + } + + function parseTemplateMiddleOrTemplateTail(): TemplateMiddle | TemplateTail { + const fragment = parseLiteralLikeNode(token()); + Debug.assert(fragment.kind === SyntaxKind.TemplateMiddle || fragment.kind === SyntaxKind.TemplateTail, "Template fragment has wrong token kind"); + return fragment as TemplateMiddle | TemplateTail; + } + + function getTemplateLiteralRawText(kind: TemplateLiteralToken["kind"]) { + const isLast = kind === SyntaxKind.NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral || kind === SyntaxKind.TemplateTail; + const tokenText = scanner.getTokenText(); + return tokenText.substring(1, tokenText.length - (scanner.isUnterminated() ? 0 : isLast ? 1 : 2)); + } + + function parseLiteralLikeNode(kind: SyntaxKind): LiteralLikeNode { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const node = isTemplateLiteralKind(kind) ? factory.createTemplateLiteralLikeNode(kind, scanner.getTokenValue(), getTemplateLiteralRawText(kind), scanner.getTokenFlags() & TokenFlags.TemplateLiteralLikeFlags) : + // Note that theoretically the following condition would hold true literals like 009, + // which is not octal. But because of how the scanner separates the tokens, we would + // never get a token like this. Instead, we would get 00 and 9 as two separate tokens. + // We also do not need to check for negatives because any prefix operator would be part of a + // parent unary expression. + kind === SyntaxKind.NumericLiteral ? factoryCreateNumericLiteral(scanner.getTokenValue(), scanner.getNumericLiteralFlags()) : + kind === SyntaxKind.StringLiteral ? factoryCreateStringLiteral(scanner.getTokenValue(), /*isSingleQuote*/ undefined, scanner.hasExtendedUnicodeEscape()) : + isLiteralKind(kind) ? factoryCreateLiteralLikeNode(kind, scanner.getTokenValue()) : + Debug.fail(); + + if (scanner.hasExtendedUnicodeEscape()) { + node.hasExtendedUnicodeEscape = true; + } + + if (scanner.isUnterminated()) { + node.isUnterminated = true; + } + + nextToken(); + return finishNode(node, pos); + } + + // TYPES + + function parseEntityNameOfTypeReference() { + return parseEntityName(/*allowReservedWords*/ true, Diagnostics.Type_expected); + } + + function parseTypeArgumentsOfTypeReference() { + if (!scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak() && reScanLessThanToken() === SyntaxKind.LessThanToken) { + return parseBracketedList(ParsingContext.TypeArguments, parseType, SyntaxKind.LessThanToken, SyntaxKind.GreaterThanToken); + } + } + + function parseTypeReference(): TypeReferenceNode { + const pos = getNodePos(); + return finishNode( + factory.createTypeReferenceNode( + parseEntityNameOfTypeReference(), + parseTypeArgumentsOfTypeReference(), + ), + pos, + ); + } + + // If true, we should abort parsing an error function. + function typeHasArrowFunctionBlockingParseError(node: TypeNode): boolean { + switch (node.kind) { + case SyntaxKind.TypeReference: + return nodeIsMissing((node as TypeReferenceNode).typeName); + case SyntaxKind.FunctionType: + case SyntaxKind.ConstructorType: { + const { parameters, type } = node as FunctionOrConstructorTypeNode; + return isMissingList(parameters) || typeHasArrowFunctionBlockingParseError(type); + } + case SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedType: + return typeHasArrowFunctionBlockingParseError((node as ParenthesizedTypeNode).type); + default: + return false; + } + } + + function parseThisTypePredicate(lhs: ThisTypeNode): TypePredicateNode { + nextToken(); + return finishNode(factory.createTypePredicateNode(/*assertsModifier*/ undefined, lhs, parseType()), lhs.pos); + } + + function parseThisTypeNode(): ThisTypeNode { + const pos = getNodePos(); + nextToken(); + return finishNode(factory.createThisTypeNode(), pos); + } + + function parseJSDocAllType(): JSDocAllType | JSDocOptionalType { + const pos = getNodePos(); + nextToken(); + return finishNode(factory.createJSDocAllType(), pos); + } + + function parseJSDocNonNullableType(): TypeNode { + const pos = getNodePos(); + nextToken(); + return finishNode(factory.createJSDocNonNullableType(parseNonArrayType(), /*postfix*/ false), pos); + } + + function parseJSDocUnknownOrNullableType(): JSDocUnknownType | JSDocNullableType { + const pos = getNodePos(); + // skip the ? + nextToken(); + + // Need to lookahead to decide if this is a nullable or unknown type. + + // Here are cases where we'll pick the unknown type: + // + // Foo(?, + // { a: ? } + // Foo(?) + // Foo + // Foo(?= + // (?| + if ( + token() === SyntaxKind.CommaToken || + token() === SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken || + token() === SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken || + token() === SyntaxKind.GreaterThanToken || + token() === SyntaxKind.EqualsToken || + token() === SyntaxKind.BarToken + ) { + return finishNode(factory.createJSDocUnknownType(), pos); + } + else { + return finishNode(factory.createJSDocNullableType(parseType(), /*postfix*/ false), pos); + } + } + + function parseJSDocFunctionType(): JSDocFunctionType | TypeReferenceNode { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const hasJSDoc = hasPrecedingJSDocComment(); + if (tryParse(nextTokenIsOpenParen)) { + const parameters = parseParameters(SignatureFlags.Type | SignatureFlags.JSDoc); + const type = parseReturnType(SyntaxKind.ColonToken, /*isType*/ false); + return withJSDoc(finishNode(factory.createJSDocFunctionType(parameters, type), pos), hasJSDoc); + } + return finishNode(factory.createTypeReferenceNode(parseIdentifierName(), /*typeArguments*/ undefined), pos); + } + + function parseJSDocParameter(): ParameterDeclaration { + const pos = getNodePos(); + let name: Identifier | undefined; + if (token() === SyntaxKind.ThisKeyword || token() === SyntaxKind.NewKeyword) { + name = parseIdentifierName(); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.ColonToken); + } + return finishNode( + factory.createParameterDeclaration( + /*modifiers*/ undefined, + /*dotDotDotToken*/ undefined, + // TODO(rbuckton): JSDoc parameters don't have names (except `this`/`new`), should we manufacture an empty identifier? + name!, + /*questionToken*/ undefined, + parseJSDocType(), + /*initializer*/ undefined, + ), + pos, + ); + } + + function parseJSDocType(): TypeNode { + scanner.setSkipJsDocLeadingAsterisks(true); + const pos = getNodePos(); + if (parseOptional(SyntaxKind.ModuleKeyword)) { + // TODO(rbuckton): We never set the type for a JSDocNamepathType. What should we put here? + const moduleTag = factory.createJSDocNamepathType(/*type*/ undefined!); + terminate: + while (true) { + switch (token()) { + case SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken: + case SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken: + case SyntaxKind.CommaToken: + case SyntaxKind.WhitespaceTrivia: + break terminate; + default: + nextTokenJSDoc(); + } + } + + scanner.setSkipJsDocLeadingAsterisks(false); + return finishNode(moduleTag, pos); + } + + const hasDotDotDot = parseOptional(SyntaxKind.DotDotDotToken); + let type = parseTypeOrTypePredicate(); + scanner.setSkipJsDocLeadingAsterisks(false); + if (hasDotDotDot) { + type = finishNode(factory.createJSDocVariadicType(type), pos); + } + if (token() === SyntaxKind.EqualsToken) { + nextToken(); + return finishNode(factory.createJSDocOptionalType(type), pos); + } + return type; + } + + function parseTypeQuery(): TypeQueryNode { + const pos = getNodePos(); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.TypeOfKeyword); + const entityName = parseEntityName(/*allowReservedWords*/ true); + // Make sure we perform ASI to prevent parsing the next line's type arguments as part of an instantiation expression. + const typeArguments = !scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak() ? tryParseTypeArguments() : undefined; + return finishNode(factory.createTypeQueryNode(entityName, typeArguments), pos); + } + + function parseTypeParameter(): TypeParameterDeclaration { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const modifiers = parseModifiers(/*allowDecorators*/ false, /*permitConstAsModifier*/ true); + const name = parseIdentifier(); + let constraint: TypeNode | undefined; + let expression: Expression | undefined; + if (parseOptional(SyntaxKind.ExtendsKeyword)) { + // It's not uncommon for people to write improper constraints to a generic. If the + // user writes a constraint that is an expression and not an actual type, then parse + // it out as an expression (so we can recover well), but report that a type is needed + // instead. + if (isStartOfType() || !isStartOfExpression()) { + constraint = parseType(); + } + else { + // It was not a type, and it looked like an expression. Parse out an expression + // here so we recover well. Note: it is important that we call parseUnaryExpression + // and not parseExpression here. If the user has: + // + // + // + // We do *not* want to consume the `>` as we're consuming the expression for "". + expression = parseUnaryExpressionOrHigher(); + } + } + + const defaultType = parseOptional(SyntaxKind.EqualsToken) ? parseType() : undefined; + const node = factory.createTypeParameterDeclaration(modifiers, name, constraint, defaultType); + node.expression = expression; + return finishNode(node, pos); + } + + function parseTypeParameters(): NodeArray | undefined { + if (token() === SyntaxKind.LessThanToken) { + return parseBracketedList(ParsingContext.TypeParameters, parseTypeParameter, SyntaxKind.LessThanToken, SyntaxKind.GreaterThanToken); + } + } + + function isStartOfParameter(isJSDocParameter: boolean): boolean { + return token() === SyntaxKind.DotDotDotToken || + isBindingIdentifierOrPrivateIdentifierOrPattern() || + isModifierKind(token()) || + token() === SyntaxKind.AtToken || + isStartOfType(/*inStartOfParameter*/ !isJSDocParameter); + } + + function parseNameOfParameter(modifiers: NodeArray | undefined) { + // FormalParameter [Yield,Await]: + // BindingElement[?Yield,?Await] + const name = parseIdentifierOrPattern(Diagnostics.Private_identifiers_cannot_be_used_as_parameters); + if (getFullWidth(name) === 0 && !some(modifiers) && isModifierKind(token())) { + // in cases like + // 'use strict' + // function foo(static) + // isParameter('static') === true, because of isModifier('static') + // however 'static' is not a legal identifier in a strict mode. + // so result of this function will be ParameterDeclaration (flags = 0, name = missing, type = undefined, initializer = undefined) + // and current token will not change => parsing of the enclosing parameter list will last till the end of time (or OOM) + // to avoid this we'll advance cursor to the next token. + nextToken(); + } + return name; + } + + function isParameterNameStart() { + // Be permissive about await and yield by calling isBindingIdentifier instead of isIdentifier; disallowing + // them during a speculative parse leads to many more follow-on errors than allowing the function to parse then later + // complaining about the use of the keywords. + return isBindingIdentifier() || token() === SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken || token() === SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken; + } + + function parseParameter(inOuterAwaitContext: boolean): ParameterDeclaration { + return parseParameterWorker(inOuterAwaitContext); + } + + function parseParameterForSpeculation(inOuterAwaitContext: boolean): ParameterDeclaration | undefined { + return parseParameterWorker(inOuterAwaitContext, /*allowAmbiguity*/ false); + } + + function parseParameterWorker(inOuterAwaitContext: boolean): ParameterDeclaration; + function parseParameterWorker(inOuterAwaitContext: boolean, allowAmbiguity: false): ParameterDeclaration | undefined; + function parseParameterWorker(inOuterAwaitContext: boolean, allowAmbiguity = true): ParameterDeclaration | undefined { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const hasJSDoc = hasPrecedingJSDocComment(); + + // FormalParameter [Yield,Await]: + // BindingElement[?Yield,?Await] + + // Decorators are parsed in the outer [Await] context, the rest of the parameter is parsed in the function's [Await] context. + const modifiers = inOuterAwaitContext ? + doInAwaitContext(() => parseModifiers(/*allowDecorators*/ true)) : + doOutsideOfAwaitContext(() => parseModifiers(/*allowDecorators*/ true)); + + if (token() === SyntaxKind.ThisKeyword) { + const node = factory.createParameterDeclaration( + modifiers, + /*dotDotDotToken*/ undefined, + createIdentifier(/*isIdentifier*/ true), + /*questionToken*/ undefined, + parseTypeAnnotation(), + /*initializer*/ undefined, + ); + + const modifier = firstOrUndefined(modifiers); + if (modifier) { + parseErrorAtRange(modifier, Diagnostics.Neither_decorators_nor_modifiers_may_be_applied_to_this_parameters); + } + + return withJSDoc(finishNode(node, pos), hasJSDoc); + } + + const savedTopLevel = topLevel; + topLevel = false; + + const dotDotDotToken = parseOptionalToken(SyntaxKind.DotDotDotToken); + + if (!allowAmbiguity && !isParameterNameStart()) { + return undefined; + } + + const node = withJSDoc( + finishNode( + factory.createParameterDeclaration( + modifiers, + dotDotDotToken, + parseNameOfParameter(modifiers), + parseOptionalToken(SyntaxKind.QuestionToken), + parseTypeAnnotation(), + parseInitializer(), + ), + pos, + ), + hasJSDoc, + ); + topLevel = savedTopLevel; + return node; + } + + function parseReturnType(returnToken: SyntaxKind.EqualsGreaterThanToken, isType: boolean): TypeNode; + function parseReturnType(returnToken: SyntaxKind.ColonToken | SyntaxKind.EqualsGreaterThanToken, isType: boolean): TypeNode | undefined; + function parseReturnType(returnToken: SyntaxKind.ColonToken | SyntaxKind.EqualsGreaterThanToken, isType: boolean) { + if (shouldParseReturnType(returnToken, isType)) { + return allowConditionalTypesAnd(parseTypeOrTypePredicate); + } + } + + function shouldParseReturnType(returnToken: SyntaxKind.ColonToken | SyntaxKind.EqualsGreaterThanToken, isType: boolean): boolean { + if (returnToken === SyntaxKind.EqualsGreaterThanToken) { + parseExpected(returnToken); + return true; + } + else if (parseOptional(SyntaxKind.ColonToken)) { + return true; + } + else if (isType && token() === SyntaxKind.EqualsGreaterThanToken) { + // This is easy to get backward, especially in type contexts, so parse the type anyway + parseErrorAtCurrentToken(Diagnostics._0_expected, tokenToString(SyntaxKind.ColonToken)); + nextToken(); + return true; + } + return false; + } + + function parseParametersWorker(flags: SignatureFlags, allowAmbiguity: true): NodeArray; + function parseParametersWorker(flags: SignatureFlags, allowAmbiguity: false): NodeArray | undefined; + function parseParametersWorker(flags: SignatureFlags, allowAmbiguity: boolean): NodeArray | undefined { + // FormalParameters [Yield,Await]: (modified) + // [empty] + // FormalParameterList[?Yield,Await] + // + // FormalParameter[Yield,Await]: (modified) + // BindingElement[?Yield,Await] + // + // BindingElement [Yield,Await]: (modified) + // SingleNameBinding[?Yield,?Await] + // BindingPattern[?Yield,?Await]Initializer [In, ?Yield,?Await] opt + // + // SingleNameBinding [Yield,Await]: + // BindingIdentifier[?Yield,?Await]Initializer [In, ?Yield,?Await] opt + const savedYieldContext = inYieldContext(); + const savedAwaitContext = inAwaitContext(); + + setYieldContext(!!(flags & SignatureFlags.Yield)); + setAwaitContext(!!(flags & SignatureFlags.Await)); + + const parameters = flags & SignatureFlags.JSDoc ? + parseDelimitedList(ParsingContext.JSDocParameters, parseJSDocParameter) : + parseDelimitedList(ParsingContext.Parameters, () => allowAmbiguity ? parseParameter(savedAwaitContext) : parseParameterForSpeculation(savedAwaitContext)); + + setYieldContext(savedYieldContext); + setAwaitContext(savedAwaitContext); + + return parameters; + } + + function parseParameters(flags: SignatureFlags): NodeArray { + // FormalParameters [Yield,Await]: (modified) + // [empty] + // FormalParameterList[?Yield,Await] + // + // FormalParameter[Yield,Await]: (modified) + // BindingElement[?Yield,Await] + // + // BindingElement [Yield,Await]: (modified) + // SingleNameBinding[?Yield,?Await] + // BindingPattern[?Yield,?Await]Initializer [In, ?Yield,?Await] opt + // + // SingleNameBinding [Yield,Await]: + // BindingIdentifier[?Yield,?Await]Initializer [In, ?Yield,?Await] opt + if (!parseExpected(SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken)) { + return createMissingList(); + } + + const parameters = parseParametersWorker(flags, /*allowAmbiguity*/ true); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken); + return parameters; + } + + function parseTypeMemberSemicolon() { + // We allow type members to be separated by commas or (possibly ASI) semicolons. + // First check if it was a comma. If so, we're done with the member. + if (parseOptional(SyntaxKind.CommaToken)) { + return; + } + + // Didn't have a comma. We must have a (possible ASI) semicolon. + parseSemicolon(); + } + + function parseSignatureMember(kind: SyntaxKind.CallSignature | SyntaxKind.ConstructSignature): CallSignatureDeclaration | ConstructSignatureDeclaration { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const hasJSDoc = hasPrecedingJSDocComment(); + if (kind === SyntaxKind.ConstructSignature) { + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.NewKeyword); + } + + const typeParameters = parseTypeParameters(); + const parameters = parseParameters(SignatureFlags.Type); + const type = parseReturnType(SyntaxKind.ColonToken, /*isType*/ true); + parseTypeMemberSemicolon(); + const node = kind === SyntaxKind.CallSignature + ? factory.createCallSignature(typeParameters, parameters, type) + : factory.createConstructSignature(typeParameters, parameters, type); + return withJSDoc(finishNode(node, pos), hasJSDoc); + } + + function isIndexSignature(): boolean { + return token() === SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken && lookAhead(isUnambiguouslyIndexSignature); + } + + function isUnambiguouslyIndexSignature() { + // The only allowed sequence is: + // + // [id: + // + // However, for error recovery, we also check the following cases: + // + // [... + // [id, + // [id?, + // [id?: + // [id?] + // [public id + // [private id + // [protected id + // [] + // + nextToken(); + if (token() === SyntaxKind.DotDotDotToken || token() === SyntaxKind.CloseBracketToken) { + return true; + } + + if (isModifierKind(token())) { + nextToken(); + if (isIdentifier()) { + return true; + } + } + else if (!isIdentifier()) { + return false; + } + else { + // Skip the identifier + nextToken(); + } + + // A colon signifies a well formed indexer + // A comma should be a badly formed indexer because comma expressions are not allowed + // in computed properties. + if (token() === SyntaxKind.ColonToken || token() === SyntaxKind.CommaToken) { + return true; + } + + // Question mark could be an indexer with an optional property, + // or it could be a conditional expression in a computed property. + if (token() !== SyntaxKind.QuestionToken) { + return false; + } + + // If any of the following tokens are after the question mark, it cannot + // be a conditional expression, so treat it as an indexer. + nextToken(); + return token() === SyntaxKind.ColonToken || token() === SyntaxKind.CommaToken || token() === SyntaxKind.CloseBracketToken; + } + + function parseIndexSignatureDeclaration(pos: number, hasJSDoc: boolean, modifiers: NodeArray | undefined): IndexSignatureDeclaration { + const parameters = parseBracketedList(ParsingContext.Parameters, () => parseParameter(/*inOuterAwaitContext*/ false), SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken, SyntaxKind.CloseBracketToken); + const type = parseTypeAnnotation(); + parseTypeMemberSemicolon(); + const node = factory.createIndexSignature(modifiers, parameters, type); + return withJSDoc(finishNode(node, pos), hasJSDoc); + } + + function parsePropertyOrMethodSignature(pos: number, hasJSDoc: boolean, modifiers: NodeArray | undefined): PropertySignature | MethodSignature { + const name = parsePropertyName(); + const questionToken = parseOptionalToken(SyntaxKind.QuestionToken); + let node: PropertySignature | MethodSignature; + if (token() === SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken || token() === SyntaxKind.LessThanToken) { + // Method signatures don't exist in expression contexts. So they have neither + // [Yield] nor [Await] + const typeParameters = parseTypeParameters(); + const parameters = parseParameters(SignatureFlags.Type); + const type = parseReturnType(SyntaxKind.ColonToken, /*isType*/ true); + node = factory.createMethodSignature(modifiers, name, questionToken, typeParameters, parameters, type); + } + else { + const type = parseTypeAnnotation(); + node = factory.createPropertySignature(modifiers, name, questionToken, type); + // Although type literal properties cannot not have initializers, we attempt + // to parse an initializer so we can report in the checker that an interface + // property or type literal property cannot have an initializer. + if (token() === SyntaxKind.EqualsToken) (node as Mutable).initializer = parseInitializer(); + } + parseTypeMemberSemicolon(); + return withJSDoc(finishNode(node, pos), hasJSDoc); + } + + function isTypeMemberStart(): boolean { + // Return true if we have the start of a signature member + if ( + token() === SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken || + token() === SyntaxKind.LessThanToken || + token() === SyntaxKind.GetKeyword || + token() === SyntaxKind.SetKeyword + ) { + return true; + } + let idToken = false; + // Eat up all modifiers, but hold on to the last one in case it is actually an identifier + while (isModifierKind(token())) { + idToken = true; + nextToken(); + } + // Index signatures and computed property names are type members + if (token() === SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken) { + return true; + } + // Try to get the first property-like token following all modifiers + if (isLiteralPropertyName()) { + idToken = true; + nextToken(); + } + // If we were able to get any potential identifier, check that it is + // the start of a member declaration + if (idToken) { + return token() === SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken || + token() === SyntaxKind.LessThanToken || + token() === SyntaxKind.QuestionToken || + token() === SyntaxKind.ColonToken || + token() === SyntaxKind.CommaToken || + canParseSemicolon(); + } + return false; + } + + function parseTypeMember(): TypeElement { + if (token() === SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken || token() === SyntaxKind.LessThanToken) { + return parseSignatureMember(SyntaxKind.CallSignature); + } + if (token() === SyntaxKind.NewKeyword && lookAhead(nextTokenIsOpenParenOrLessThan)) { + return parseSignatureMember(SyntaxKind.ConstructSignature); + } + const pos = getNodePos(); + const hasJSDoc = hasPrecedingJSDocComment(); + const modifiers = parseModifiers(/*allowDecorators*/ false); + if (parseContextualModifier(SyntaxKind.GetKeyword)) { + return parseAccessorDeclaration(pos, hasJSDoc, modifiers, SyntaxKind.GetAccessor, SignatureFlags.Type); + } + + if (parseContextualModifier(SyntaxKind.SetKeyword)) { + return parseAccessorDeclaration(pos, hasJSDoc, modifiers, SyntaxKind.SetAccessor, SignatureFlags.Type); + } + + if (isIndexSignature()) { + return parseIndexSignatureDeclaration(pos, hasJSDoc, modifiers); + } + return parsePropertyOrMethodSignature(pos, hasJSDoc, modifiers); + } + + function nextTokenIsOpenParenOrLessThan() { + nextToken(); + return token() === SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken || token() === SyntaxKind.LessThanToken; + } + + function nextTokenIsDot() { + return nextToken() === SyntaxKind.DotToken; + } + + function nextTokenIsOpenParenOrLessThanOrDot() { + switch (nextToken()) { + case SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken: + case SyntaxKind.LessThanToken: + case SyntaxKind.DotToken: + return true; + } + return false; + } + + function parseTypeLiteral(): TypeLiteralNode { + const pos = getNodePos(); + return finishNode(factory.createTypeLiteralNode(parseObjectTypeMembers()), pos); + } + + function parseObjectTypeMembers(): NodeArray { + let members: NodeArray; + if (parseExpected(SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken)) { + members = parseList(ParsingContext.TypeMembers, parseTypeMember); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken); + } + else { + members = createMissingList(); + } + + return members; + } + + function isStartOfMappedType() { + nextToken(); + if (token() === SyntaxKind.PlusToken || token() === SyntaxKind.MinusToken) { + return nextToken() === SyntaxKind.ReadonlyKeyword; + } + if (token() === SyntaxKind.ReadonlyKeyword) { + nextToken(); + } + return token() === SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken && nextTokenIsIdentifier() && nextToken() === SyntaxKind.InKeyword; + } + + function parseMappedTypeParameter() { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const name = parseIdentifierName(); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.InKeyword); + const type = parseType(); + return finishNode(factory.createTypeParameterDeclaration(/*modifiers*/ undefined, name, type, /*defaultType*/ undefined), pos); + } + + function parseMappedType() { + const pos = getNodePos(); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken); + let readonlyToken: ReadonlyKeyword | PlusToken | MinusToken | undefined; + if (token() === SyntaxKind.ReadonlyKeyword || token() === SyntaxKind.PlusToken || token() === SyntaxKind.MinusToken) { + readonlyToken = parseTokenNode(); + if (readonlyToken.kind !== SyntaxKind.ReadonlyKeyword) { + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.ReadonlyKeyword); + } + } + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken); + const typeParameter = parseMappedTypeParameter(); + const nameType = parseOptional(SyntaxKind.AsKeyword) ? parseType() : undefined; + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.CloseBracketToken); + let questionToken: QuestionToken | PlusToken | MinusToken | undefined; + if (token() === SyntaxKind.QuestionToken || token() === SyntaxKind.PlusToken || token() === SyntaxKind.MinusToken) { + questionToken = parseTokenNode(); + if (questionToken.kind !== SyntaxKind.QuestionToken) { + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.QuestionToken); + } + } + const type = parseTypeAnnotation(); + parseSemicolon(); + const members = parseList(ParsingContext.TypeMembers, parseTypeMember); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken); + return finishNode(factory.createMappedTypeNode(readonlyToken, typeParameter, nameType, questionToken, type, members), pos); + } + + function parseTupleElementType() { + const pos = getNodePos(); + if (parseOptional(SyntaxKind.DotDotDotToken)) { + return finishNode(factory.createRestTypeNode(parseType()), pos); + } + const type = parseType(); + if (isJSDocNullableType(type) && type.pos === type.type.pos) { + const node = factory.createOptionalTypeNode(type.type); + setTextRange(node, type); + (node as Mutable).flags = type.flags; + return node; + } + return type; + } + + function isNextTokenColonOrQuestionColon() { + return nextToken() === SyntaxKind.ColonToken || (token() === SyntaxKind.QuestionToken && nextToken() === SyntaxKind.ColonToken); + } + + function isTupleElementName() { + if (token() === SyntaxKind.DotDotDotToken) { + return tokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword(nextToken()) && isNextTokenColonOrQuestionColon(); + } + return tokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword(token()) && isNextTokenColonOrQuestionColon(); + } + + function parseTupleElementNameOrTupleElementType() { + if (lookAhead(isTupleElementName)) { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const hasJSDoc = hasPrecedingJSDocComment(); + const dotDotDotToken = parseOptionalToken(SyntaxKind.DotDotDotToken); + const name = parseIdentifierName(); + const questionToken = parseOptionalToken(SyntaxKind.QuestionToken); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.ColonToken); + const type = parseTupleElementType(); + const node = factory.createNamedTupleMember(dotDotDotToken, name, questionToken, type); + return withJSDoc(finishNode(node, pos), hasJSDoc); + } + return parseTupleElementType(); + } + + function parseTupleType(): TupleTypeNode { + const pos = getNodePos(); + return finishNode( + factory.createTupleTypeNode( + parseBracketedList(ParsingContext.TupleElementTypes, parseTupleElementNameOrTupleElementType, SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken, SyntaxKind.CloseBracketToken), + ), + pos, + ); + } + + function parseParenthesizedType(): TypeNode { + const pos = getNodePos(); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken); + const type = parseType(); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken); + return finishNode(factory.createParenthesizedType(type), pos); + } + + function parseModifiersForConstructorType(): NodeArray | undefined { + let modifiers: NodeArray | undefined; + if (token() === SyntaxKind.AbstractKeyword) { + const pos = getNodePos(); + nextToken(); + const modifier = finishNode(factoryCreateToken(SyntaxKind.AbstractKeyword), pos); + modifiers = createNodeArray([modifier], pos); + } + return modifiers; + } + + function parseFunctionOrConstructorType(): TypeNode { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const hasJSDoc = hasPrecedingJSDocComment(); + const modifiers = parseModifiersForConstructorType(); + const isConstructorType = parseOptional(SyntaxKind.NewKeyword); + Debug.assert(!modifiers || isConstructorType, "Per isStartOfFunctionOrConstructorType, a function type cannot have modifiers."); + const typeParameters = parseTypeParameters(); + const parameters = parseParameters(SignatureFlags.Type); + const type = parseReturnType(SyntaxKind.EqualsGreaterThanToken, /*isType*/ false); + const node = isConstructorType + ? factory.createConstructorTypeNode(modifiers, typeParameters, parameters, type) + : factory.createFunctionTypeNode(typeParameters, parameters, type); + return withJSDoc(finishNode(node, pos), hasJSDoc); + } + + function parseKeywordAndNoDot(): TypeNode | undefined { + const node = parseTokenNode(); + return token() === SyntaxKind.DotToken ? undefined : node; + } + + function parseLiteralTypeNode(negative?: boolean): LiteralTypeNode { + const pos = getNodePos(); + if (negative) { + nextToken(); + } + let expression: BooleanLiteral | NullLiteral | LiteralExpression | PrefixUnaryExpression = token() === SyntaxKind.TrueKeyword || token() === SyntaxKind.FalseKeyword || token() === SyntaxKind.NullKeyword ? + parseTokenNode() : + parseLiteralLikeNode(token()) as LiteralExpression; + if (negative) { + expression = finishNode(factory.createPrefixUnaryExpression(SyntaxKind.MinusToken, expression), pos); + } + return finishNode(factory.createLiteralTypeNode(expression), pos); + } + + function isStartOfTypeOfImportType() { + nextToken(); + return token() === SyntaxKind.ImportKeyword; + } + + function parseImportType(): ImportTypeNode { + sourceFlags |= NodeFlags.PossiblyContainsDynamicImport; + const pos = getNodePos(); + const isTypeOf = parseOptional(SyntaxKind.TypeOfKeyword); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.ImportKeyword); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken); + const type = parseType(); + let attributes: ImportAttributes | undefined; + if (parseOptional(SyntaxKind.CommaToken)) { + const openBracePosition = scanner.getTokenStart(); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken); + const currentToken = token(); + if (currentToken === SyntaxKind.WithKeyword || currentToken === SyntaxKind.AssertKeyword) { + nextToken(); + } + else { + parseErrorAtCurrentToken(Diagnostics._0_expected, tokenToString(SyntaxKind.WithKeyword)); + } + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.ColonToken); + attributes = parseImportAttributes(currentToken as SyntaxKind.WithKeyword | SyntaxKind.AssertKeyword, /*skipKeyword*/ true); + if (!parseExpected(SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken)) { + const lastError = lastOrUndefined(parseDiagnostics); + if (lastError && lastError.code === Diagnostics._0_expected.code) { + addRelatedInfo( + lastError, + createDetachedDiagnostic(fileName, sourceText, openBracePosition, 1, Diagnostics.The_parser_expected_to_find_a_1_to_match_the_0_token_here, "{", "}"), + ); + } + } + } + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken); + const qualifier = parseOptional(SyntaxKind.DotToken) ? parseEntityNameOfTypeReference() : undefined; + const typeArguments = parseTypeArgumentsOfTypeReference(); + return finishNode(factory.createImportTypeNode(type, attributes, qualifier, typeArguments, isTypeOf), pos); + } + + function nextTokenIsNumericOrBigIntLiteral() { + nextToken(); + return token() === SyntaxKind.NumericLiteral || token() === SyntaxKind.BigIntLiteral; + } + + function parseNonArrayType(): TypeNode { + switch (token()) { + case SyntaxKind.AnyKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.UnknownKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.StringKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.NumberKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.BigIntKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.SymbolKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.BooleanKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.UndefinedKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.NeverKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.ObjectKeyword: + // If these are followed by a dot, then parse these out as a dotted type reference instead. + return tryParse(parseKeywordAndNoDot) || parseTypeReference(); + case SyntaxKind.AsteriskEqualsToken: + // If there is '*=', treat it as * followed by postfix = + scanner.reScanAsteriskEqualsToken(); + // falls through + case SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken: + return parseJSDocAllType(); + case SyntaxKind.QuestionQuestionToken: + // If there is '??', treat it as prefix-'?' in JSDoc type. + scanner.reScanQuestionToken(); + // falls through + case SyntaxKind.QuestionToken: + return parseJSDocUnknownOrNullableType(); + case SyntaxKind.FunctionKeyword: + return parseJSDocFunctionType(); + case SyntaxKind.ExclamationToken: + return parseJSDocNonNullableType(); + case SyntaxKind.NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral: + case SyntaxKind.StringLiteral: + case SyntaxKind.NumericLiteral: + case SyntaxKind.BigIntLiteral: + case SyntaxKind.TrueKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.FalseKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.NullKeyword: + return parseLiteralTypeNode(); + case SyntaxKind.MinusToken: + return lookAhead(nextTokenIsNumericOrBigIntLiteral) ? parseLiteralTypeNode(/*negative*/ true) : parseTypeReference(); + case SyntaxKind.VoidKeyword: + return parseTokenNode(); + case SyntaxKind.ThisKeyword: { + const thisKeyword = parseThisTypeNode(); + if (token() === SyntaxKind.IsKeyword && !scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak()) { + return parseThisTypePredicate(thisKeyword); + } + else { + return thisKeyword; + } + } + case SyntaxKind.TypeOfKeyword: + return lookAhead(isStartOfTypeOfImportType) ? parseImportType() : parseTypeQuery(); + case SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken: + return lookAhead(isStartOfMappedType) ? parseMappedType() : parseTypeLiteral(); + case SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken: + return parseTupleType(); + case SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken: + return parseParenthesizedType(); + case SyntaxKind.ImportKeyword: + return parseImportType(); + case SyntaxKind.AssertsKeyword: + return lookAhead(nextTokenIsIdentifierOrKeywordOnSameLine) ? parseAssertsTypePredicate() : parseTypeReference(); + case SyntaxKind.TemplateHead: + return parseTemplateType(); + default: + return parseTypeReference(); + } + } + + function isStartOfType(inStartOfParameter?: boolean): boolean { + switch (token()) { + case SyntaxKind.AnyKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.UnknownKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.StringKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.NumberKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.BigIntKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.BooleanKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.ReadonlyKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.SymbolKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.UniqueKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.VoidKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.UndefinedKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.NullKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.ThisKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.TypeOfKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.NeverKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken: + case SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken: + case SyntaxKind.LessThanToken: + case SyntaxKind.BarToken: + case SyntaxKind.AmpersandToken: + case SyntaxKind.NewKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.StringLiteral: + case SyntaxKind.NumericLiteral: + case SyntaxKind.BigIntLiteral: + case SyntaxKind.TrueKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.FalseKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.ObjectKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken: + case SyntaxKind.QuestionToken: + case SyntaxKind.ExclamationToken: + case SyntaxKind.DotDotDotToken: + case SyntaxKind.InferKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.ImportKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.AssertsKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral: + case SyntaxKind.TemplateHead: + return true; + case SyntaxKind.FunctionKeyword: + return !inStartOfParameter; + case SyntaxKind.MinusToken: + return !inStartOfParameter && lookAhead(nextTokenIsNumericOrBigIntLiteral); + case SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken: + // Only consider '(' the start of a type if followed by ')', '...', an identifier, a modifier, + // or something that starts a type. We don't want to consider things like '(1)' a type. + return !inStartOfParameter && lookAhead(isStartOfParenthesizedOrFunctionType); + default: + return isIdentifier(); + } + } + + function isStartOfParenthesizedOrFunctionType() { + nextToken(); + return token() === SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken || isStartOfParameter(/*isJSDocParameter*/ false) || isStartOfType(); + } + + function parsePostfixTypeOrHigher(): TypeNode { + const pos = getNodePos(); + let type = parseNonArrayType(); + while (!scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak()) { + switch (token()) { + case SyntaxKind.ExclamationToken: + nextToken(); + type = finishNode(factory.createJSDocNonNullableType(type, /*postfix*/ true), pos); + break; + case SyntaxKind.QuestionToken: + // If next token is start of a type we have a conditional type + if (lookAhead(nextTokenIsStartOfType)) { + return type; + } + nextToken(); + type = finishNode(factory.createJSDocNullableType(type, /*postfix*/ true), pos); + break; + case SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken: + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken); + if (isStartOfType()) { + const indexType = parseType(); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.CloseBracketToken); + type = finishNode(factory.createIndexedAccessTypeNode(type, indexType), pos); + } + else { + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.CloseBracketToken); + type = finishNode(factory.createArrayTypeNode(type), pos); + } + break; + default: + return type; + } + } + return type; + } + + function parseTypeOperator(operator: SyntaxKind.KeyOfKeyword | SyntaxKind.UniqueKeyword | SyntaxKind.ReadonlyKeyword) { + const pos = getNodePos(); + parseExpected(operator); + return finishNode(factory.createTypeOperatorNode(operator, parseTypeOperatorOrHigher()), pos); + } + + function tryParseConstraintOfInferType() { + if (parseOptional(SyntaxKind.ExtendsKeyword)) { + const constraint = disallowConditionalTypesAnd(parseType); + if (inDisallowConditionalTypesContext() || token() !== SyntaxKind.QuestionToken) { + return constraint; + } + } + } + + function parseTypeParameterOfInferType(): TypeParameterDeclaration { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const name = parseIdentifier(); + const constraint = tryParse(tryParseConstraintOfInferType); + const node = factory.createTypeParameterDeclaration(/*modifiers*/ undefined, name, constraint); + return finishNode(node, pos); + } + + function parseInferType(): InferTypeNode { + const pos = getNodePos(); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.InferKeyword); + return finishNode(factory.createInferTypeNode(parseTypeParameterOfInferType()), pos); + } + + function parseTypeOperatorOrHigher(): TypeNode { + const operator = token(); + switch (operator) { + case SyntaxKind.KeyOfKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.UniqueKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.ReadonlyKeyword: + return parseTypeOperator(operator); + case SyntaxKind.InferKeyword: + return parseInferType(); + } + return allowConditionalTypesAnd(parsePostfixTypeOrHigher); + } + + function parseFunctionOrConstructorTypeToError( + isInUnionType: boolean, + ): TypeNode | undefined { + // the function type and constructor type shorthand notation + // are not allowed directly in unions and intersections, but we'll + // try to parse them gracefully and issue a helpful message. + if (isStartOfFunctionTypeOrConstructorType()) { + const type = parseFunctionOrConstructorType(); + let diagnostic: DiagnosticMessage; + if (isFunctionTypeNode(type)) { + diagnostic = isInUnionType + ? Diagnostics.Function_type_notation_must_be_parenthesized_when_used_in_a_union_type + : Diagnostics.Function_type_notation_must_be_parenthesized_when_used_in_an_intersection_type; + } + else { + diagnostic = isInUnionType + ? Diagnostics.Constructor_type_notation_must_be_parenthesized_when_used_in_a_union_type + : Diagnostics.Constructor_type_notation_must_be_parenthesized_when_used_in_an_intersection_type; + } + parseErrorAtRange(type, diagnostic); + return type; + } + return undefined; + } + + function parseUnionOrIntersectionType( + operator: SyntaxKind.BarToken | SyntaxKind.AmpersandToken, + parseConstituentType: () => TypeNode, + createTypeNode: (types: NodeArray) => UnionOrIntersectionTypeNode, + ): TypeNode { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const isUnionType = operator === SyntaxKind.BarToken; + const hasLeadingOperator = parseOptional(operator); + let type = hasLeadingOperator && parseFunctionOrConstructorTypeToError(isUnionType) + || parseConstituentType(); + if (token() === operator || hasLeadingOperator) { + const types = [type]; + while (parseOptional(operator)) { + types.push(parseFunctionOrConstructorTypeToError(isUnionType) || parseConstituentType()); + } + type = finishNode(createTypeNode(createNodeArray(types, pos)), pos); + } + return type; + } + + function parseIntersectionTypeOrHigher(): TypeNode { + return parseUnionOrIntersectionType(SyntaxKind.AmpersandToken, parseTypeOperatorOrHigher, factory.createIntersectionTypeNode); + } + + function parseUnionTypeOrHigher(): TypeNode { + return parseUnionOrIntersectionType(SyntaxKind.BarToken, parseIntersectionTypeOrHigher, factory.createUnionTypeNode); + } + + function nextTokenIsNewKeyword(): boolean { + nextToken(); + return token() === SyntaxKind.NewKeyword; + } + + function isStartOfFunctionTypeOrConstructorType(): boolean { + if (token() === SyntaxKind.LessThanToken) { + return true; + } + if (token() === SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken && lookAhead(isUnambiguouslyStartOfFunctionType)) { + return true; + } + return token() === SyntaxKind.NewKeyword || + token() === SyntaxKind.AbstractKeyword && lookAhead(nextTokenIsNewKeyword); + } + + function skipParameterStart(): boolean { + if (isModifierKind(token())) { + // Skip modifiers + parseModifiers(/*allowDecorators*/ false); + } + if (isIdentifier() || token() === SyntaxKind.ThisKeyword) { + nextToken(); + return true; + } + if (token() === SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken || token() === SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken) { + // Return true if we can parse an array or object binding pattern with no errors + const previousErrorCount = parseDiagnostics.length; + parseIdentifierOrPattern(); + return previousErrorCount === parseDiagnostics.length; + } + return false; + } + + function isUnambiguouslyStartOfFunctionType() { + nextToken(); + if (token() === SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken || token() === SyntaxKind.DotDotDotToken) { + // ( ) + // ( ... + return true; + } + if (skipParameterStart()) { + // We successfully skipped modifiers (if any) and an identifier or binding pattern, + // now see if we have something that indicates a parameter declaration + if ( + token() === SyntaxKind.ColonToken || token() === SyntaxKind.CommaToken || + token() === SyntaxKind.QuestionToken || token() === SyntaxKind.EqualsToken + ) { + // ( xxx : + // ( xxx , + // ( xxx ? + // ( xxx = + return true; + } + if (token() === SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken) { + nextToken(); + if (token() === SyntaxKind.EqualsGreaterThanToken) { + // ( xxx ) => + return true; + } + } + } + return false; + } + + function parseTypeOrTypePredicate(): TypeNode { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const typePredicateVariable = isIdentifier() && tryParse(parseTypePredicatePrefix); + const type = parseType(); + if (typePredicateVariable) { + return finishNode(factory.createTypePredicateNode(/*assertsModifier*/ undefined, typePredicateVariable, type), pos); + } + else { + return type; + } + } + + function parseTypePredicatePrefix() { + const id = parseIdentifier(); + if (token() === SyntaxKind.IsKeyword && !scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak()) { + nextToken(); + return id; + } + } + + function parseAssertsTypePredicate(): TypeNode { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const assertsModifier = parseExpectedToken(SyntaxKind.AssertsKeyword); + const parameterName = token() === SyntaxKind.ThisKeyword ? parseThisTypeNode() : parseIdentifier(); + const type = parseOptional(SyntaxKind.IsKeyword) ? parseType() : undefined; + return finishNode(factory.createTypePredicateNode(assertsModifier, parameterName, type), pos); + } + + function parseType(): TypeNode { + if (contextFlags & NodeFlags.TypeExcludesFlags) { + return doOutsideOfContext(NodeFlags.TypeExcludesFlags, parseType); + } + if (isStartOfFunctionTypeOrConstructorType()) { + return parseFunctionOrConstructorType(); + } + const pos = getNodePos(); + const type = parseUnionTypeOrHigher(); + if (!inDisallowConditionalTypesContext() && !scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak() && parseOptional(SyntaxKind.ExtendsKeyword)) { + // The type following 'extends' is not permitted to be another conditional type + const extendsType = disallowConditionalTypesAnd(parseType); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.QuestionToken); + const trueType = allowConditionalTypesAnd(parseType); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.ColonToken); + const falseType = allowConditionalTypesAnd(parseType); + return finishNode(factory.createConditionalTypeNode(type, extendsType, trueType, falseType), pos); + } + return type; + } + + function parseTypeAnnotation(): TypeNode | undefined { + return parseOptional(SyntaxKind.ColonToken) ? parseType() : undefined; + } + + // EXPRESSIONS + function isStartOfLeftHandSideExpression(): boolean { + switch (token()) { + case SyntaxKind.ThisKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.SuperKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.NullKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.TrueKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.FalseKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.NumericLiteral: + case SyntaxKind.BigIntLiteral: + case SyntaxKind.StringLiteral: + case SyntaxKind.NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral: + case SyntaxKind.TemplateHead: + case SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken: + case SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken: + case SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken: + case SyntaxKind.FunctionKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.ClassKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.NewKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.SlashToken: + case SyntaxKind.SlashEqualsToken: + case SyntaxKind.Identifier: + return true; + case SyntaxKind.ImportKeyword: + return lookAhead(nextTokenIsOpenParenOrLessThanOrDot); + default: + return isIdentifier(); + } + } + + function isStartOfExpression(): boolean { + if (isStartOfLeftHandSideExpression()) { + return true; + } + + switch (token()) { + case SyntaxKind.PlusToken: + case SyntaxKind.MinusToken: + case SyntaxKind.TildeToken: + case SyntaxKind.ExclamationToken: + case SyntaxKind.DeleteKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.TypeOfKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.VoidKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.PlusPlusToken: + case SyntaxKind.MinusMinusToken: + case SyntaxKind.LessThanToken: + case SyntaxKind.AwaitKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.YieldKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.PrivateIdentifier: + case SyntaxKind.AtToken: + // Yield/await always starts an expression. Either it is an identifier (in which case + // it is definitely an expression). Or it's a keyword (either because we're in + // a generator or async function, or in strict mode (or both)) and it started a yield or await expression. + return true; + default: + // Error tolerance. If we see the start of some binary operator, we consider + // that the start of an expression. That way we'll parse out a missing identifier, + // give a good message about an identifier being missing, and then consume the + // rest of the binary expression. + if (isBinaryOperator()) { + return true; + } + + return isIdentifier(); + } + } + + function isStartOfExpressionStatement(): boolean { + // As per the grammar, none of '{' or 'function' or 'class' can start an expression statement. + return token() !== SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken && + token() !== SyntaxKind.FunctionKeyword && + token() !== SyntaxKind.ClassKeyword && + token() !== SyntaxKind.AtToken && + isStartOfExpression(); + } + + function parseExpression(): Expression { + // Expression[in]: + // AssignmentExpression[in] + // Expression[in] , AssignmentExpression[in] + + // clear the decorator context when parsing Expression, as it should be unambiguous when parsing a decorator + const saveDecoratorContext = inDecoratorContext(); + if (saveDecoratorContext) { + setDecoratorContext(/*val*/ false); + } + + const pos = getNodePos(); + let expr = parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher(/*allowReturnTypeInArrowFunction*/ true); + let operatorToken: BinaryOperatorToken; + while ((operatorToken = parseOptionalToken(SyntaxKind.CommaToken))) { + expr = makeBinaryExpression(expr, operatorToken, parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher(/*allowReturnTypeInArrowFunction*/ true), pos); + } + + if (saveDecoratorContext) { + setDecoratorContext(/*val*/ true); + } + return expr; + } + + function parseInitializer(): Expression | undefined { + return parseOptional(SyntaxKind.EqualsToken) ? parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher(/*allowReturnTypeInArrowFunction*/ true) : undefined; + } + + function parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher(allowReturnTypeInArrowFunction: boolean): Expression { + // AssignmentExpression[in,yield]: + // 1) ConditionalExpression[?in,?yield] + // 2) LeftHandSideExpression = AssignmentExpression[?in,?yield] + // 3) LeftHandSideExpression AssignmentOperator AssignmentExpression[?in,?yield] + // 4) ArrowFunctionExpression[?in,?yield] + // 5) AsyncArrowFunctionExpression[in,yield,await] + // 6) [+Yield] YieldExpression[?In] + // + // Note: for ease of implementation we treat productions '2' and '3' as the same thing. + // (i.e. they're both BinaryExpressions with an assignment operator in it). + + // First, do the simple check if we have a YieldExpression (production '6'). + if (isYieldExpression()) { + return parseYieldExpression(); + } + + // Then, check if we have an arrow function (production '4' and '5') that starts with a parenthesized + // parameter list or is an async arrow function. + // AsyncArrowFunctionExpression: + // 1) async[no LineTerminator here]AsyncArrowBindingIdentifier[?Yield][no LineTerminator here]=>AsyncConciseBody[?In] + // 2) CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await][no LineTerminator here]=>AsyncConciseBody[?In] + // Production (1) of AsyncArrowFunctionExpression is parsed in "tryParseAsyncSimpleArrowFunctionExpression". + // And production (2) is parsed in "tryParseParenthesizedArrowFunctionExpression". + // + // If we do successfully parse arrow-function, we must *not* recurse for productions 1, 2 or 3. An ArrowFunction is + // not a LeftHandSideExpression, nor does it start a ConditionalExpression. So we are done + // with AssignmentExpression if we see one. + const arrowExpression = tryParseParenthesizedArrowFunctionExpression(allowReturnTypeInArrowFunction) || tryParseAsyncSimpleArrowFunctionExpression(allowReturnTypeInArrowFunction); + if (arrowExpression) { + return arrowExpression; + } + + // Now try to see if we're in production '1', '2' or '3'. A conditional expression can + // start with a LogicalOrExpression, while the assignment productions can only start with + // LeftHandSideExpressions. + // + // So, first, we try to just parse out a BinaryExpression. If we get something that is a + // LeftHandSide or higher, then we can try to parse out the assignment expression part. + // Otherwise, we try to parse out the conditional expression bit. We want to allow any + // binary expression here, so we pass in the 'lowest' precedence here so that it matches + // and consumes anything. + const pos = getNodePos(); + const hasJSDoc = hasPrecedingJSDocComment(); + const expr = parseBinaryExpressionOrHigher(OperatorPrecedence.Lowest); + + // To avoid a look-ahead, we did not handle the case of an arrow function with a single un-parenthesized + // parameter ('x => ...') above. We handle it here by checking if the parsed expression was a single + // identifier and the current token is an arrow. + if (expr.kind === SyntaxKind.Identifier && token() === SyntaxKind.EqualsGreaterThanToken) { + return parseSimpleArrowFunctionExpression(pos, expr as Identifier, allowReturnTypeInArrowFunction, hasJSDoc, /*asyncModifier*/ undefined); + } + + // Now see if we might be in cases '2' or '3'. + // If the expression was a LHS expression, and we have an assignment operator, then + // we're in '2' or '3'. Consume the assignment and return. + // + // Note: we call reScanGreaterToken so that we get an appropriately merged token + // for cases like `> > =` becoming `>>=` + if (isLeftHandSideExpression(expr) && isAssignmentOperator(reScanGreaterToken())) { + return makeBinaryExpression(expr, parseTokenNode(), parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher(allowReturnTypeInArrowFunction), pos); + } + + // It wasn't an assignment or a lambda. This is a conditional expression: + return parseConditionalExpressionRest(expr, pos, allowReturnTypeInArrowFunction); + } + + function isYieldExpression(): boolean { + if (token() === SyntaxKind.YieldKeyword) { + // If we have a 'yield' keyword, and this is a context where yield expressions are + // allowed, then definitely parse out a yield expression. + if (inYieldContext()) { + return true; + } + + // We're in a context where 'yield expr' is not allowed. However, if we can + // definitely tell that the user was trying to parse a 'yield expr' and not + // just a normal expr that start with a 'yield' identifier, then parse out + // a 'yield expr'. We can then report an error later that they are only + // allowed in generator expressions. + // + // for example, if we see 'yield(foo)', then we'll have to treat that as an + // invocation expression of something called 'yield'. However, if we have + // 'yield foo' then that is not legal as a normal expression, so we can + // definitely recognize this as a yield expression. + // + // for now we just check if the next token is an identifier. More heuristics + // can be added here later as necessary. We just need to make sure that we + // don't accidentally consume something legal. + return lookAhead(nextTokenIsIdentifierOrKeywordOrLiteralOnSameLine); + } + + return false; + } + + function nextTokenIsIdentifierOnSameLine() { + nextToken(); + return !scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak() && isIdentifier(); + } + + function parseYieldExpression(): YieldExpression { + const pos = getNodePos(); + + // YieldExpression[In] : + // yield + // yield [no LineTerminator here] [Lexical goal InputElementRegExp]AssignmentExpression[?In, Yield] + // yield [no LineTerminator here] * [Lexical goal InputElementRegExp]AssignmentExpression[?In, Yield] + nextToken(); + + if ( + !scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak() && + (token() === SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken || isStartOfExpression()) + ) { + return finishNode( + factory.createYieldExpression( + parseOptionalToken(SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken), + parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher(/*allowReturnTypeInArrowFunction*/ true), + ), + pos, + ); + } + else { + // if the next token is not on the same line as yield. or we don't have an '*' or + // the start of an expression, then this is just a simple "yield" expression. + return finishNode(factory.createYieldExpression(/*asteriskToken*/ undefined, /*expression*/ undefined), pos); + } + } + + function parseSimpleArrowFunctionExpression(pos: number, identifier: Identifier, allowReturnTypeInArrowFunction: boolean, hasJSDoc: boolean, asyncModifier?: NodeArray | undefined): ArrowFunction { + Debug.assert(token() === SyntaxKind.EqualsGreaterThanToken, "parseSimpleArrowFunctionExpression should only have been called if we had a =>"); + const parameter = factory.createParameterDeclaration( + /*modifiers*/ undefined, + /*dotDotDotToken*/ undefined, + identifier, + /*questionToken*/ undefined, + /*type*/ undefined, + /*initializer*/ undefined, + ); + finishNode(parameter, identifier.pos); + + const parameters = createNodeArray([parameter], parameter.pos, parameter.end); + const equalsGreaterThanToken = parseExpectedToken(SyntaxKind.EqualsGreaterThanToken); + const body = parseArrowFunctionExpressionBody(/*isAsync*/ !!asyncModifier, allowReturnTypeInArrowFunction); + const node = factory.createArrowFunction(asyncModifier, /*typeParameters*/ undefined, parameters, /*type*/ undefined, equalsGreaterThanToken, body); + return withJSDoc(finishNode(node, pos), hasJSDoc); + } + + function tryParseParenthesizedArrowFunctionExpression(allowReturnTypeInArrowFunction: boolean): Expression | undefined { + const triState = isParenthesizedArrowFunctionExpression(); + if (triState === Tristate.False) { + // It's definitely not a parenthesized arrow function expression. + return undefined; + } + + // If we definitely have an arrow function, then we can just parse one, not requiring a + // following => or { token. Otherwise, we *might* have an arrow function. Try to parse + // it out, but don't allow any ambiguity, and return 'undefined' if this could be an + // expression instead. + return triState === Tristate.True ? + parseParenthesizedArrowFunctionExpression(/*allowAmbiguity*/ true, /*allowReturnTypeInArrowFunction*/ true) : + tryParse(() => parsePossibleParenthesizedArrowFunctionExpression(allowReturnTypeInArrowFunction)); + } + + // True -> We definitely expect a parenthesized arrow function here. + // False -> There *cannot* be a parenthesized arrow function here. + // Unknown -> There *might* be a parenthesized arrow function here. + // Speculatively look ahead to be sure, and rollback if not. + function isParenthesizedArrowFunctionExpression(): Tristate { + if (token() === SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken || token() === SyntaxKind.LessThanToken || token() === SyntaxKind.AsyncKeyword) { + return lookAhead(isParenthesizedArrowFunctionExpressionWorker); + } + + if (token() === SyntaxKind.EqualsGreaterThanToken) { + // ERROR RECOVERY TWEAK: + // If we see a standalone => try to parse it as an arrow function expression as that's + // likely what the user intended to write. + return Tristate.True; + } + // Definitely not a parenthesized arrow function. + return Tristate.False; + } + + function isParenthesizedArrowFunctionExpressionWorker() { + if (token() === SyntaxKind.AsyncKeyword) { + nextToken(); + if (scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak()) { + return Tristate.False; + } + if (token() !== SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken && token() !== SyntaxKind.LessThanToken) { + return Tristate.False; + } + } + + const first = token(); + const second = nextToken(); + + if (first === SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken) { + if (second === SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken) { + // Simple cases: "() =>", "(): ", and "() {". + // This is an arrow function with no parameters. + // The last one is not actually an arrow function, + // but this is probably what the user intended. + const third = nextToken(); + switch (third) { + case SyntaxKind.EqualsGreaterThanToken: + case SyntaxKind.ColonToken: + case SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken: + return Tristate.True; + default: + return Tristate.False; + } + } + + // If encounter "([" or "({", this could be the start of a binding pattern. + // Examples: + // ([ x ]) => { } + // ({ x }) => { } + // ([ x ]) + // ({ x }) + if (second === SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken || second === SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken) { + return Tristate.Unknown; + } + + // Simple case: "(..." + // This is an arrow function with a rest parameter. + if (second === SyntaxKind.DotDotDotToken) { + return Tristate.True; + } + + // Check for "(xxx yyy", where xxx is a modifier and yyy is an identifier. This + // isn't actually allowed, but we want to treat it as a lambda so we can provide + // a good error message. + if (isModifierKind(second) && second !== SyntaxKind.AsyncKeyword && lookAhead(nextTokenIsIdentifier)) { + if (nextToken() === SyntaxKind.AsKeyword) { + // https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/44466 + return Tristate.False; + } + return Tristate.True; + } + + // If we had "(" followed by something that's not an identifier, + // then this definitely doesn't look like a lambda. "this" is not + // valid, but we want to parse it and then give a semantic error. + if (!isIdentifier() && second !== SyntaxKind.ThisKeyword) { + return Tristate.False; + } + + switch (nextToken()) { + case SyntaxKind.ColonToken: + // If we have something like "(a:", then we must have a + // type-annotated parameter in an arrow function expression. + return Tristate.True; + case SyntaxKind.QuestionToken: + nextToken(); + // If we have "(a?:" or "(a?," or "(a?=" or "(a?)" then it is definitely a lambda. + if (token() === SyntaxKind.ColonToken || token() === SyntaxKind.CommaToken || token() === SyntaxKind.EqualsToken || token() === SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken) { + return Tristate.True; + } + // Otherwise it is definitely not a lambda. + return Tristate.False; + case SyntaxKind.CommaToken: + case SyntaxKind.EqualsToken: + case SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken: + // If we have "(a," or "(a=" or "(a)" this *could* be an arrow function + return Tristate.Unknown; + } + // It is definitely not an arrow function + return Tristate.False; + } + else { + Debug.assert(first === SyntaxKind.LessThanToken); + + // If we have "<" not followed by an identifier, + // then this definitely is not an arrow function. + if (!isIdentifier() && token() !== SyntaxKind.ConstKeyword) { + return Tristate.False; + } + + // JSX overrides + if (languageVariant === LanguageVariant.JSX) { + const isArrowFunctionInJsx = lookAhead(() => { + parseOptional(SyntaxKind.ConstKeyword); + const third = nextToken(); + if (third === SyntaxKind.ExtendsKeyword) { + const fourth = nextToken(); + switch (fourth) { + case SyntaxKind.EqualsToken: + case SyntaxKind.GreaterThanToken: + case SyntaxKind.SlashToken: + return false; + default: + return true; + } + } + else if (third === SyntaxKind.CommaToken || third === SyntaxKind.EqualsToken) { + return true; + } + return false; + }); + + if (isArrowFunctionInJsx) { + return Tristate.True; + } + + return Tristate.False; + } + + // This *could* be a parenthesized arrow function. + return Tristate.Unknown; + } + } + + function parsePossibleParenthesizedArrowFunctionExpression(allowReturnTypeInArrowFunction: boolean): ArrowFunction | undefined { + const tokenPos = scanner.getTokenStart(); + if (notParenthesizedArrow?.has(tokenPos)) { + return undefined; + } + + const result = parseParenthesizedArrowFunctionExpression(/*allowAmbiguity*/ false, allowReturnTypeInArrowFunction); + if (!result) { + (notParenthesizedArrow || (notParenthesizedArrow = new Set())).add(tokenPos); + } + + return result; + } + + function tryParseAsyncSimpleArrowFunctionExpression(allowReturnTypeInArrowFunction: boolean): ArrowFunction | undefined { + // We do a check here so that we won't be doing unnecessarily call to "lookAhead" + if (token() === SyntaxKind.AsyncKeyword) { + if (lookAhead(isUnParenthesizedAsyncArrowFunctionWorker) === Tristate.True) { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const hasJSDoc = hasPrecedingJSDocComment(); + const asyncModifier = parseModifiersForArrowFunction(); + const expr = parseBinaryExpressionOrHigher(OperatorPrecedence.Lowest); + return parseSimpleArrowFunctionExpression(pos, expr as Identifier, allowReturnTypeInArrowFunction, hasJSDoc, asyncModifier); + } + } + return undefined; + } + + function isUnParenthesizedAsyncArrowFunctionWorker(): Tristate { + // AsyncArrowFunctionExpression: + // 1) async[no LineTerminator here]AsyncArrowBindingIdentifier[?Yield][no LineTerminator here]=>AsyncConciseBody[?In] + // 2) CoverCallExpressionAndAsyncArrowHead[?Yield, ?Await][no LineTerminator here]=>AsyncConciseBody[?In] + if (token() === SyntaxKind.AsyncKeyword) { + nextToken(); + // If the "async" is followed by "=>" token then it is not a beginning of an async arrow-function + // but instead a simple arrow-function which will be parsed inside "parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher" + if (scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak() || token() === SyntaxKind.EqualsGreaterThanToken) { + return Tristate.False; + } + // Check for un-parenthesized AsyncArrowFunction + const expr = parseBinaryExpressionOrHigher(OperatorPrecedence.Lowest); + if (!scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak() && expr.kind === SyntaxKind.Identifier && token() === SyntaxKind.EqualsGreaterThanToken) { + return Tristate.True; + } + } + + return Tristate.False; + } + + function parseParenthesizedArrowFunctionExpression(allowAmbiguity: boolean, allowReturnTypeInArrowFunction: boolean): ArrowFunction | undefined { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const hasJSDoc = hasPrecedingJSDocComment(); + const modifiers = parseModifiersForArrowFunction(); + const isAsync = some(modifiers, isAsyncModifier) ? SignatureFlags.Await : SignatureFlags.None; + // Arrow functions are never generators. + // + // If we're speculatively parsing a signature for a parenthesized arrow function, then + // we have to have a complete parameter list. Otherwise we might see something like + // a => (b => c) + // And think that "(b =>" was actually a parenthesized arrow function with a missing + // close paren. + const typeParameters = parseTypeParameters(); + + let parameters: NodeArray; + if (!parseExpected(SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken)) { + if (!allowAmbiguity) { + return undefined; + } + parameters = createMissingList(); + } + else { + if (!allowAmbiguity) { + const maybeParameters = parseParametersWorker(isAsync, allowAmbiguity); + if (!maybeParameters) { + return undefined; + } + parameters = maybeParameters; + } + else { + parameters = parseParametersWorker(isAsync, allowAmbiguity); + } + if (!parseExpected(SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken) && !allowAmbiguity) { + return undefined; + } + } + + const hasReturnColon = token() === SyntaxKind.ColonToken; + const type = parseReturnType(SyntaxKind.ColonToken, /*isType*/ false); + if (type && !allowAmbiguity && typeHasArrowFunctionBlockingParseError(type)) { + return undefined; + } + + // Parsing a signature isn't enough. + // Parenthesized arrow signatures often look like other valid expressions. + // For instance: + // - "(x = 10)" is an assignment expression parsed as a signature with a default parameter value. + // - "(x,y)" is a comma expression parsed as a signature with two parameters. + // - "a ? (b): c" will have "(b):" parsed as a signature with a return type annotation. + // - "a ? (b): function() {}" will too, since function() is a valid JSDoc function type. + // - "a ? (b): (function() {})" as well, but inside of a parenthesized type with an arbitrary amount of nesting. + // + // So we need just a bit of lookahead to ensure that it can only be a signature. + + let unwrappedType = type; + while (unwrappedType?.kind === SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedType) { + unwrappedType = (unwrappedType as ParenthesizedTypeNode).type; // Skip parens if need be + } + + const hasJSDocFunctionType = unwrappedType && isJSDocFunctionType(unwrappedType); + if (!allowAmbiguity && token() !== SyntaxKind.EqualsGreaterThanToken && (hasJSDocFunctionType || token() !== SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken)) { + // Returning undefined here will cause our caller to rewind to where we started from. + return undefined; + } + + // If we have an arrow, then try to parse the body. Even if not, try to parse if we + // have an opening brace, just in case we're in an error state. + const lastToken = token(); + const equalsGreaterThanToken = parseExpectedToken(SyntaxKind.EqualsGreaterThanToken); + const body = (lastToken === SyntaxKind.EqualsGreaterThanToken || lastToken === SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken) + ? parseArrowFunctionExpressionBody(some(modifiers, isAsyncModifier), allowReturnTypeInArrowFunction) + : parseIdentifier(); + + // Given: + // x ? y => ({ y }) : z => ({ z }) + // We try to parse the body of the first arrow function by looking at: + // ({ y }) : z => ({ z }) + // This is a valid arrow function with "z" as the return type. + // + // But, if we're in the true side of a conditional expression, this colon + // terminates the expression, so we cannot allow a return type if we aren't + // certain whether or not the preceding text was parsed as a parameter list. + // + // For example, + // a() ? (b: number, c?: string): void => d() : e + // is determined by isParenthesizedArrowFunctionExpression to unambiguously + // be an arrow expression, so we allow a return type. + if (!allowReturnTypeInArrowFunction && hasReturnColon) { + // However, if the arrow function we were able to parse is followed by another colon + // as in: + // a ? (x): string => x : null + // Then allow the arrow function, and treat the second colon as terminating + // the conditional expression. It's okay to do this because this code would + // be a syntax error in JavaScript (as the second colon shouldn't be there). + if (token() !== SyntaxKind.ColonToken) { + return undefined; + } + } + + const node = factory.createArrowFunction(modifiers, typeParameters, parameters, type, equalsGreaterThanToken, body); + return withJSDoc(finishNode(node, pos), hasJSDoc); + } + + function parseArrowFunctionExpressionBody(isAsync: boolean, allowReturnTypeInArrowFunction: boolean): Block | Expression { + if (token() === SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken) { + return parseFunctionBlock(isAsync ? SignatureFlags.Await : SignatureFlags.None); + } + + if ( + token() !== SyntaxKind.SemicolonToken && + token() !== SyntaxKind.FunctionKeyword && + token() !== SyntaxKind.ClassKeyword && + isStartOfStatement() && + !isStartOfExpressionStatement() + ) { + // Check if we got a plain statement (i.e. no expression-statements, no function/class expressions/declarations) + // + // Here we try to recover from a potential error situation in the case where the + // user meant to supply a block. For example, if the user wrote: + // + // a => + // let v = 0; + // } + // + // they may be missing an open brace. Check to see if that's the case so we can + // try to recover better. If we don't do this, then the next close curly we see may end + // up preemptively closing the containing construct. + // + // Note: even when 'IgnoreMissingOpenBrace' is passed, parseBody will still error. + return parseFunctionBlock(SignatureFlags.IgnoreMissingOpenBrace | (isAsync ? SignatureFlags.Await : SignatureFlags.None)); + } + + const savedTopLevel = topLevel; + topLevel = false; + const node = isAsync + ? doInAwaitContext(() => parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher(allowReturnTypeInArrowFunction)) + : doOutsideOfAwaitContext(() => parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher(allowReturnTypeInArrowFunction)); + topLevel = savedTopLevel; + return node; + } + + function parseConditionalExpressionRest(leftOperand: Expression, pos: number, allowReturnTypeInArrowFunction: boolean): Expression { + // Note: we are passed in an expression which was produced from parseBinaryExpressionOrHigher. + const questionToken = parseOptionalToken(SyntaxKind.QuestionToken); + if (!questionToken) { + return leftOperand; + } + + // Note: we explicitly 'allowIn' in the whenTrue part of the condition expression, and + // we do not that for the 'whenFalse' part. + let colonToken; + return finishNode( + factory.createConditionalExpression( + leftOperand, + questionToken, + doOutsideOfContext(disallowInAndDecoratorContext, () => parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher(/*allowReturnTypeInArrowFunction*/ false)), + colonToken = parseExpectedToken(SyntaxKind.ColonToken), + nodeIsPresent(colonToken) + ? parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher(allowReturnTypeInArrowFunction) + : createMissingNode(SyntaxKind.Identifier, /*reportAtCurrentPosition*/ false, Diagnostics._0_expected, tokenToString(SyntaxKind.ColonToken)), + ), + pos, + ); + } + + function parseBinaryExpressionOrHigher(precedence: OperatorPrecedence): Expression { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const leftOperand = parseUnaryExpressionOrHigher(); + return parseBinaryExpressionRest(precedence, leftOperand, pos); + } + + function isInOrOfKeyword(t: SyntaxKind) { + return t === SyntaxKind.InKeyword || t === SyntaxKind.OfKeyword; + } + + function parseBinaryExpressionRest(precedence: OperatorPrecedence, leftOperand: Expression, pos: number): Expression { + while (true) { + // We either have a binary operator here, or we're finished. We call + // reScanGreaterToken so that we merge token sequences like > and = into >= + + reScanGreaterToken(); + const newPrecedence = getBinaryOperatorPrecedence(token()); + + // Check the precedence to see if we should "take" this operator + // - For left associative operator (all operator but **), consume the operator, + // recursively call the function below, and parse binaryExpression as a rightOperand + // of the caller if the new precedence of the operator is greater then or equal to the current precedence. + // For example: + // a - b - c; + // ^token; leftOperand = b. Return b to the caller as a rightOperand + // a * b - c + // ^token; leftOperand = b. Return b to the caller as a rightOperand + // a - b * c; + // ^token; leftOperand = b. Return b * c to the caller as a rightOperand + // - For right associative operator (**), consume the operator, recursively call the function + // and parse binaryExpression as a rightOperand of the caller if the new precedence of + // the operator is strictly grater than the current precedence + // For example: + // a ** b ** c; + // ^^token; leftOperand = b. Return b ** c to the caller as a rightOperand + // a - b ** c; + // ^^token; leftOperand = b. Return b ** c to the caller as a rightOperand + // a ** b - c + // ^token; leftOperand = b. Return b to the caller as a rightOperand + const consumeCurrentOperator = token() === SyntaxKind.AsteriskAsteriskToken ? + newPrecedence >= precedence : + newPrecedence > precedence; + + if (!consumeCurrentOperator) { + break; + } + + if (token() === SyntaxKind.InKeyword && inDisallowInContext()) { + break; + } + + if (token() === SyntaxKind.AsKeyword || token() === SyntaxKind.SatisfiesKeyword) { + // Make sure we *do* perform ASI for constructs like this: + // var x = foo + // as (Bar) + // This should be parsed as an initialized variable, followed + // by a function call to 'as' with the argument 'Bar' + if (scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak()) { + break; + } + else { + const keywordKind = token(); + nextToken(); + leftOperand = keywordKind === SyntaxKind.SatisfiesKeyword ? makeSatisfiesExpression(leftOperand, parseType()) : + makeAsExpression(leftOperand, parseType()); + } + } + else { + leftOperand = makeBinaryExpression(leftOperand, parseTokenNode(), parseBinaryExpressionOrHigher(newPrecedence), pos); + } + } + + return leftOperand; + } + + function isBinaryOperator() { + if (inDisallowInContext() && token() === SyntaxKind.InKeyword) { + return false; + } + + return getBinaryOperatorPrecedence(token()) > 0; + } + + function makeSatisfiesExpression(left: Expression, right: TypeNode): SatisfiesExpression { + return finishNode(factory.createSatisfiesExpression(left, right), left.pos); + } + + function makeBinaryExpression(left: Expression, operatorToken: BinaryOperatorToken, right: Expression, pos: number): BinaryExpression { + return finishNode(factory.createBinaryExpression(left, operatorToken, right), pos); + } + + function makeAsExpression(left: Expression, right: TypeNode): AsExpression { + return finishNode(factory.createAsExpression(left, right), left.pos); + } + + function parsePrefixUnaryExpression() { + const pos = getNodePos(); + return finishNode(factory.createPrefixUnaryExpression(token() as PrefixUnaryOperator, nextTokenAnd(parseSimpleUnaryExpression)), pos); + } + + function parseDeleteExpression() { + const pos = getNodePos(); + return finishNode(factory.createDeleteExpression(nextTokenAnd(parseSimpleUnaryExpression)), pos); + } + + function parseTypeOfExpression() { + const pos = getNodePos(); + return finishNode(factory.createTypeOfExpression(nextTokenAnd(parseSimpleUnaryExpression)), pos); + } + + function parseVoidExpression() { + const pos = getNodePos(); + return finishNode(factory.createVoidExpression(nextTokenAnd(parseSimpleUnaryExpression)), pos); + } + + function isAwaitExpression(): boolean { + if (token() === SyntaxKind.AwaitKeyword) { + if (inAwaitContext()) { + return true; + } + + // here we are using similar heuristics as 'isYieldExpression' + return lookAhead(nextTokenIsIdentifierOrKeywordOrLiteralOnSameLine); + } + + return false; + } + + function parseAwaitExpression() { + const pos = getNodePos(); + return finishNode(factory.createAwaitExpression(nextTokenAnd(parseSimpleUnaryExpression)), pos); + } + + /** + * Parse ES7 exponential expression and await expression + * + * ES7 ExponentiationExpression: + * 1) UnaryExpression[?Yield] + * 2) UpdateExpression[?Yield] ** ExponentiationExpression[?Yield] + */ + function parseUnaryExpressionOrHigher(): UnaryExpression | BinaryExpression { + /** + * ES7 UpdateExpression: + * 1) LeftHandSideExpression[?Yield] + * 2) LeftHandSideExpression[?Yield][no LineTerminator here]++ + * 3) LeftHandSideExpression[?Yield][no LineTerminator here]-- + * 4) ++UnaryExpression[?Yield] + * 5) --UnaryExpression[?Yield] + */ + if (isUpdateExpression()) { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const updateExpression = parseUpdateExpression(); + return token() === SyntaxKind.AsteriskAsteriskToken ? + parseBinaryExpressionRest(getBinaryOperatorPrecedence(token()), updateExpression, pos) as BinaryExpression : + updateExpression; + } + + /** + * ES7 UnaryExpression: + * 1) UpdateExpression[?yield] + * 2) delete UpdateExpression[?yield] + * 3) void UpdateExpression[?yield] + * 4) typeof UpdateExpression[?yield] + * 5) + UpdateExpression[?yield] + * 6) - UpdateExpression[?yield] + * 7) ~ UpdateExpression[?yield] + * 8) ! UpdateExpression[?yield] + */ + const unaryOperator = token(); + const simpleUnaryExpression = parseSimpleUnaryExpression(); + if (token() === SyntaxKind.AsteriskAsteriskToken) { + const pos = skipTrivia(sourceText, simpleUnaryExpression.pos); + const { end } = simpleUnaryExpression; + if (simpleUnaryExpression.kind === SyntaxKind.TypeAssertionExpression) { + parseErrorAt(pos, end, Diagnostics.A_type_assertion_expression_is_not_allowed_in_the_left_hand_side_of_an_exponentiation_expression_Consider_enclosing_the_expression_in_parentheses); + } + else { + Debug.assert(isKeywordOrPunctuation(unaryOperator)); + parseErrorAt(pos, end, Diagnostics.An_unary_expression_with_the_0_operator_is_not_allowed_in_the_left_hand_side_of_an_exponentiation_expression_Consider_enclosing_the_expression_in_parentheses, tokenToString(unaryOperator)); + } + } + return simpleUnaryExpression; + } + + /** + * Parse ES7 simple-unary expression or higher: + * + * ES7 UnaryExpression: + * 1) UpdateExpression[?yield] + * 2) delete UnaryExpression[?yield] + * 3) void UnaryExpression[?yield] + * 4) typeof UnaryExpression[?yield] + * 5) + UnaryExpression[?yield] + * 6) - UnaryExpression[?yield] + * 7) ~ UnaryExpression[?yield] + * 8) ! UnaryExpression[?yield] + * 9) [+Await] await UnaryExpression[?yield] + */ + function parseSimpleUnaryExpression(): UnaryExpression { + switch (token()) { + case SyntaxKind.PlusToken: + case SyntaxKind.MinusToken: + case SyntaxKind.TildeToken: + case SyntaxKind.ExclamationToken: + return parsePrefixUnaryExpression(); + case SyntaxKind.DeleteKeyword: + return parseDeleteExpression(); + case SyntaxKind.TypeOfKeyword: + return parseTypeOfExpression(); + case SyntaxKind.VoidKeyword: + return parseVoidExpression(); + case SyntaxKind.LessThanToken: + // Just like in parseUpdateExpression, we need to avoid parsing type assertions when + // in JSX and we see an expression like "+ bar". + if (languageVariant === LanguageVariant.JSX) { + return parseJsxElementOrSelfClosingElementOrFragment(/*inExpressionContext*/ true, /*topInvalidNodePosition*/ undefined, /*openingTag*/ undefined, /*mustBeUnary*/ true); + } + // This is modified UnaryExpression grammar in TypeScript + // UnaryExpression (modified): + // < type > UnaryExpression + return parseTypeAssertion(); + case SyntaxKind.AwaitKeyword: + if (isAwaitExpression()) { + return parseAwaitExpression(); + } + // falls through + default: + return parseUpdateExpression(); + } + } + + /** + * Check if the current token can possibly be an ES7 increment expression. + * + * ES7 UpdateExpression: + * LeftHandSideExpression[?Yield] + * LeftHandSideExpression[?Yield][no LineTerminator here]++ + * LeftHandSideExpression[?Yield][no LineTerminator here]-- + * ++LeftHandSideExpression[?Yield] + * --LeftHandSideExpression[?Yield] + */ + function isUpdateExpression(): boolean { + // This function is called inside parseUnaryExpression to decide + // whether to call parseSimpleUnaryExpression or call parseUpdateExpression directly + switch (token()) { + case SyntaxKind.PlusToken: + case SyntaxKind.MinusToken: + case SyntaxKind.TildeToken: + case SyntaxKind.ExclamationToken: + case SyntaxKind.DeleteKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.TypeOfKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.VoidKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.AwaitKeyword: + return false; + case SyntaxKind.LessThanToken: + // If we are not in JSX context, we are parsing TypeAssertion which is an UnaryExpression + if (languageVariant !== LanguageVariant.JSX) { + return false; + } + // We are in JSX context and the token is part of JSXElement. + // falls through + default: + return true; + } + } + + /** + * Parse ES7 UpdateExpression. UpdateExpression is used instead of ES6's PostFixExpression. + * + * ES7 UpdateExpression[yield]: + * 1) LeftHandSideExpression[?yield] + * 2) LeftHandSideExpression[?yield] [[no LineTerminator here]]++ + * 3) LeftHandSideExpression[?yield] [[no LineTerminator here]]-- + * 4) ++LeftHandSideExpression[?yield] + * 5) --LeftHandSideExpression[?yield] + * In TypeScript (2), (3) are parsed as PostfixUnaryExpression. (4), (5) are parsed as PrefixUnaryExpression + */ + function parseUpdateExpression(): UpdateExpression { + if (token() === SyntaxKind.PlusPlusToken || token() === SyntaxKind.MinusMinusToken) { + const pos = getNodePos(); + return finishNode(factory.createPrefixUnaryExpression(token() as PrefixUnaryOperator, nextTokenAnd(parseLeftHandSideExpressionOrHigher)), pos); + } + else if (languageVariant === LanguageVariant.JSX && token() === SyntaxKind.LessThanToken && lookAhead(nextTokenIsIdentifierOrKeywordOrGreaterThan)) { + // JSXElement is part of primaryExpression + return parseJsxElementOrSelfClosingElementOrFragment(/*inExpressionContext*/ true); + } + + const expression = parseLeftHandSideExpressionOrHigher(); + + Debug.assert(isLeftHandSideExpression(expression)); + if ((token() === SyntaxKind.PlusPlusToken || token() === SyntaxKind.MinusMinusToken) && !scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak()) { + const operator = token() as PostfixUnaryOperator; + nextToken(); + return finishNode(factory.createPostfixUnaryExpression(expression, operator), expression.pos); + } + + return expression; + } + + function parseLeftHandSideExpressionOrHigher(): LeftHandSideExpression { + // Original Ecma: + // LeftHandSideExpression: See 11.2 + // NewExpression + // CallExpression + // + // Our simplification: + // + // LeftHandSideExpression: See 11.2 + // MemberExpression + // CallExpression + // + // See comment in parseMemberExpressionOrHigher on how we replaced NewExpression with + // MemberExpression to make our lives easier. + // + // to best understand the below code, it's important to see how CallExpression expands + // out into its own productions: + // + // CallExpression: + // MemberExpression Arguments + // CallExpression Arguments + // CallExpression[Expression] + // CallExpression.IdentifierName + // import (AssignmentExpression) + // super Arguments + // super.IdentifierName + // + // Because of the recursion in these calls, we need to bottom out first. There are three + // bottom out states we can run into: 1) We see 'super' which must start either of + // the last two CallExpression productions. 2) We see 'import' which must start import call. + // 3)we have a MemberExpression which either completes the LeftHandSideExpression, + // or starts the beginning of the first four CallExpression productions. + const pos = getNodePos(); + let expression: MemberExpression; + if (token() === SyntaxKind.ImportKeyword) { + if (lookAhead(nextTokenIsOpenParenOrLessThan)) { + // We don't want to eagerly consume all import keyword as import call expression so we look ahead to find "(" + // For example: + // var foo3 = require("subfolder + // import * as foo1 from "module-from-node + // We want this import to be a statement rather than import call expression + sourceFlags |= NodeFlags.PossiblyContainsDynamicImport; + expression = parseTokenNode(); + } + else if (lookAhead(nextTokenIsDot)) { + // This is an 'import.*' metaproperty (i.e. 'import.meta') + nextToken(); // advance past the 'import' + nextToken(); // advance past the dot + expression = finishNode(factory.createMetaProperty(SyntaxKind.ImportKeyword, parseIdentifierName()), pos); + sourceFlags |= NodeFlags.PossiblyContainsImportMeta; + } + else { + expression = parseMemberExpressionOrHigher(); + } + } + else { + expression = token() === SyntaxKind.SuperKeyword ? parseSuperExpression() : parseMemberExpressionOrHigher(); + } + + // Now, we *may* be complete. However, we might have consumed the start of a + // CallExpression or OptionalExpression. As such, we need to consume the rest + // of it here to be complete. + return parseCallExpressionRest(pos, expression); + } + + function parseMemberExpressionOrHigher(): MemberExpression { + // Note: to make our lives simpler, we decompose the NewExpression productions and + // place ObjectCreationExpression and FunctionExpression into PrimaryExpression. + // like so: + // + // PrimaryExpression : See 11.1 + // this + // Identifier + // Literal + // ArrayLiteral + // ObjectLiteral + // (Expression) + // FunctionExpression + // new MemberExpression Arguments? + // + // MemberExpression : See 11.2 + // PrimaryExpression + // MemberExpression[Expression] + // MemberExpression.IdentifierName + // + // CallExpression : See 11.2 + // MemberExpression + // CallExpression Arguments + // CallExpression[Expression] + // CallExpression.IdentifierName + // + // Technically this is ambiguous. i.e. CallExpression defines: + // + // CallExpression: + // CallExpression Arguments + // + // If you see: "new Foo()" + // + // Then that could be treated as a single ObjectCreationExpression, or it could be + // treated as the invocation of "new Foo". We disambiguate that in code (to match + // the original grammar) by making sure that if we see an ObjectCreationExpression + // we always consume arguments if they are there. So we treat "new Foo()" as an + // object creation only, and not at all as an invocation. Another way to think + // about this is that for every "new" that we see, we will consume an argument list if + // it is there as part of the *associated* object creation node. Any additional + // argument lists we see, will become invocation expressions. + // + // Because there are no other places in the grammar now that refer to FunctionExpression + // or ObjectCreationExpression, it is safe to push down into the PrimaryExpression + // production. + // + // Because CallExpression and MemberExpression are left recursive, we need to bottom out + // of the recursion immediately. So we parse out a primary expression to start with. + const pos = getNodePos(); + const expression = parsePrimaryExpression(); + return parseMemberExpressionRest(pos, expression, /*allowOptionalChain*/ true); + } + + function parseSuperExpression(): MemberExpression { + const pos = getNodePos(); + let expression = parseTokenNode(); + if (token() === SyntaxKind.LessThanToken) { + const startPos = getNodePos(); + const typeArguments = tryParse(parseTypeArgumentsInExpression); + if (typeArguments !== undefined) { + parseErrorAt(startPos, getNodePos(), Diagnostics.super_may_not_use_type_arguments); + if (!isTemplateStartOfTaggedTemplate()) { + expression = factory.createExpressionWithTypeArguments(expression, typeArguments); + } + } + } + + if (token() === SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken || token() === SyntaxKind.DotToken || token() === SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken) { + return expression; + } + + // If we have seen "super" it must be followed by '(' or '.'. + // If it wasn't then just try to parse out a '.' and report an error. + parseExpectedToken(SyntaxKind.DotToken, Diagnostics.super_must_be_followed_by_an_argument_list_or_member_access); + // private names will never work with `super` (`super.#foo`), but that's a semantic error, not syntactic + return finishNode(factoryCreatePropertyAccessExpression(expression, parseRightSideOfDot(/*allowIdentifierNames*/ true, /*allowPrivateIdentifiers*/ true, /*allowUnicodeEscapeSequenceInIdentifierName*/ true)), pos); + } + + function parseJsxElementOrSelfClosingElementOrFragment(inExpressionContext: boolean, topInvalidNodePosition?: number, openingTag?: JsxOpeningElement | JsxOpeningFragment, mustBeUnary = false): JsxElement | JsxSelfClosingElement | JsxFragment { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const opening = parseJsxOpeningOrSelfClosingElementOrOpeningFragment(inExpressionContext); + let result: JsxElement | JsxSelfClosingElement | JsxFragment; + if (opening.kind === SyntaxKind.JsxOpeningElement) { + let children = parseJsxChildren(opening); + let closingElement: JsxClosingElement; + + const lastChild: JsxChild | undefined = children[children.length - 1]; + if ( + lastChild?.kind === SyntaxKind.JsxElement + && !tagNamesAreEquivalent(lastChild.openingElement.tagName, lastChild.closingElement.tagName) + && tagNamesAreEquivalent(opening.tagName, lastChild.closingElement.tagName) + ) { + // when an unclosed JsxOpeningElement incorrectly parses its parent's JsxClosingElement, + // restructure (
)) --> (
) + // (no need to error; the parent will error) + const end = lastChild.children.end; + const newLast = finishNode( + factory.createJsxElement( + lastChild.openingElement, + lastChild.children, + finishNode(factory.createJsxClosingElement(finishNode(factoryCreateIdentifier(""), end, end)), end, end), + ), + lastChild.openingElement.pos, + end, + ); + + children = createNodeArray([...children.slice(0, children.length - 1), newLast], children.pos, end); + closingElement = lastChild.closingElement; + } + else { + closingElement = parseJsxClosingElement(opening, inExpressionContext); + if (!tagNamesAreEquivalent(opening.tagName, closingElement.tagName)) { + if (openingTag && isJsxOpeningElement(openingTag) && tagNamesAreEquivalent(closingElement.tagName, openingTag.tagName)) { + // opening incorrectly matched with its parent's closing -- put error on opening + parseErrorAtRange(opening.tagName, Diagnostics.JSX_element_0_has_no_corresponding_closing_tag, getTextOfNodeFromSourceText(sourceText, opening.tagName)); + } + else { + // other opening/closing mismatches -- put error on closing + parseErrorAtRange(closingElement.tagName, Diagnostics.Expected_corresponding_JSX_closing_tag_for_0, getTextOfNodeFromSourceText(sourceText, opening.tagName)); + } + } + } + result = finishNode(factory.createJsxElement(opening, children, closingElement), pos); + } + else if (opening.kind === SyntaxKind.JsxOpeningFragment) { + result = finishNode(factory.createJsxFragment(opening, parseJsxChildren(opening), parseJsxClosingFragment(inExpressionContext)), pos); + } + else { + Debug.assert(opening.kind === SyntaxKind.JsxSelfClosingElement); + // Nothing else to do for self-closing elements + result = opening; + } + + // If the user writes the invalid code '
' in an expression context (i.e. not wrapped in + // an enclosing tag), we'll naively try to parse ^ this as a 'less than' operator and the remainder of the tag + // as garbage, which will cause the formatter to badly mangle the JSX. Perform a speculative parse of a JSX + // element if we see a < token so that we can wrap it in a synthetic binary expression so the formatter + // does less damage and we can report a better error. + // Since JSX elements are invalid < operands anyway, this lookahead parse will only occur in error scenarios + // of one sort or another. + // If we are in a unary context, we can't do this recovery; the binary expression we return here is not + // a valid UnaryExpression and will cause problems later. + if (!mustBeUnary && inExpressionContext && token() === SyntaxKind.LessThanToken) { + const topBadPos = typeof topInvalidNodePosition === "undefined" ? result.pos : topInvalidNodePosition; + const invalidElement = tryParse(() => parseJsxElementOrSelfClosingElementOrFragment(/*inExpressionContext*/ true, topBadPos)); + if (invalidElement) { + const operatorToken = createMissingNode(SyntaxKind.CommaToken, /*reportAtCurrentPosition*/ false); + setTextRangePosWidth(operatorToken, invalidElement.pos, 0); + parseErrorAt(skipTrivia(sourceText, topBadPos), invalidElement.end, Diagnostics.JSX_expressions_must_have_one_parent_element); + return finishNode(factory.createBinaryExpression(result, operatorToken as Token, invalidElement), pos) as Node as JsxElement; + } + } + + return result; + } + + function parseJsxText(): JsxText { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const node = factory.createJsxText(scanner.getTokenValue(), currentToken === SyntaxKind.JsxTextAllWhiteSpaces); + currentToken = scanner.scanJsxToken(); + return finishNode(node, pos); + } + + function parseJsxChild(openingTag: JsxOpeningElement | JsxOpeningFragment, token: JsxTokenSyntaxKind): JsxChild | undefined { + switch (token) { + case SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken: + // If we hit EOF, issue the error at the tag that lacks the closing element + // rather than at the end of the file (which is useless) + if (isJsxOpeningFragment(openingTag)) { + parseErrorAtRange(openingTag, Diagnostics.JSX_fragment_has_no_corresponding_closing_tag); + } + else { + // We want the error span to cover only 'Foo.Bar' in < Foo.Bar > + // or to cover only 'Foo' in < Foo > + const tag = openingTag.tagName; + const start = Math.min(skipTrivia(sourceText, tag.pos), tag.end); + parseErrorAt(start, tag.end, Diagnostics.JSX_element_0_has_no_corresponding_closing_tag, getTextOfNodeFromSourceText(sourceText, openingTag.tagName)); + } + return undefined; + case SyntaxKind.LessThanSlashToken: + case SyntaxKind.ConflictMarkerTrivia: + return undefined; + case SyntaxKind.JsxText: + case SyntaxKind.JsxTextAllWhiteSpaces: + return parseJsxText(); + case SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken: + return parseJsxExpression(/*inExpressionContext*/ false); + case SyntaxKind.LessThanToken: + return parseJsxElementOrSelfClosingElementOrFragment(/*inExpressionContext*/ false, /*topInvalidNodePosition*/ undefined, openingTag); + default: + return Debug.assertNever(token); + } + } + + function parseJsxChildren(openingTag: JsxOpeningElement | JsxOpeningFragment): NodeArray { + const list = []; + const listPos = getNodePos(); + const saveParsingContext = parsingContext; + parsingContext |= 1 << ParsingContext.JsxChildren; + + while (true) { + const child = parseJsxChild(openingTag, currentToken = scanner.reScanJsxToken()); + if (!child) break; + list.push(child); + if ( + isJsxOpeningElement(openingTag) + && child?.kind === SyntaxKind.JsxElement + && !tagNamesAreEquivalent(child.openingElement.tagName, child.closingElement.tagName) + && tagNamesAreEquivalent(openingTag.tagName, child.closingElement.tagName) + ) { + // stop after parsing a mismatched child like
) in order to reattach the higher + break; + } + } + + parsingContext = saveParsingContext; + return createNodeArray(list, listPos); + } + + function parseJsxAttributes(): JsxAttributes { + const pos = getNodePos(); + return finishNode(factory.createJsxAttributes(parseList(ParsingContext.JsxAttributes, parseJsxAttribute)), pos); + } + + function parseJsxOpeningOrSelfClosingElementOrOpeningFragment(inExpressionContext: boolean): JsxOpeningElement | JsxSelfClosingElement | JsxOpeningFragment { + const pos = getNodePos(); + + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.LessThanToken); + + if (token() === SyntaxKind.GreaterThanToken) { + // See below for explanation of scanJsxText + scanJsxText(); + return finishNode(factory.createJsxOpeningFragment(), pos); + } + const tagName = parseJsxElementName(); + const typeArguments = (contextFlags & NodeFlags.JavaScriptFile) === 0 ? tryParseTypeArguments() : undefined; + const attributes = parseJsxAttributes(); + + let node: JsxOpeningLikeElement; + + if (token() === SyntaxKind.GreaterThanToken) { + // Closing tag, so scan the immediately-following text with the JSX scanning instead + // of regular scanning to avoid treating illegal characters (e.g. '#') as immediate + // scanning errors + scanJsxText(); + node = factory.createJsxOpeningElement(tagName, typeArguments, attributes); + } + else { + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.SlashToken); + if (parseExpected(SyntaxKind.GreaterThanToken, /*diagnosticMessage*/ undefined, /*shouldAdvance*/ false)) { + // manually advance the scanner in order to look for jsx text inside jsx + if (inExpressionContext) { + nextToken(); + } + else { + scanJsxText(); + } + } + node = factory.createJsxSelfClosingElement(tagName, typeArguments, attributes); + } + + return finishNode(node, pos); + } + + function parseJsxElementName(): JsxTagNameExpression { + const pos = getNodePos(); + // JsxElement can have name in the form of + // propertyAccessExpression + // primaryExpression in the form of an identifier and "this" keyword + // We can't just simply use parseLeftHandSideExpressionOrHigher because then we will start consider class,function etc as a keyword + // We only want to consider "this" as a primaryExpression + const initialExpression = parseJsxTagName(); + if (isJsxNamespacedName(initialExpression)) { + return initialExpression; // `a:b.c` is invalid syntax, don't even look for the `.` if we parse `a:b`, and let `parseAttribute` report "unexpected :" instead. + } + let expression: PropertyAccessExpression | Identifier | ThisExpression = initialExpression; + while (parseOptional(SyntaxKind.DotToken)) { + expression = finishNode(factoryCreatePropertyAccessExpression(expression, parseRightSideOfDot(/*allowIdentifierNames*/ true, /*allowPrivateIdentifiers*/ false, /*allowUnicodeEscapeSequenceInIdentifierName*/ false)), pos); + } + return expression as JsxTagNameExpression; + } + + function parseJsxTagName(): Identifier | JsxNamespacedName | ThisExpression { + const pos = getNodePos(); + scanJsxIdentifier(); + + const isThis = token() === SyntaxKind.ThisKeyword; + const tagName = parseIdentifierNameErrorOnUnicodeEscapeSequence(); + if (parseOptional(SyntaxKind.ColonToken)) { + scanJsxIdentifier(); + return finishNode(factory.createJsxNamespacedName(tagName, parseIdentifierNameErrorOnUnicodeEscapeSequence()), pos); + } + return isThis ? finishNode(factory.createToken(SyntaxKind.ThisKeyword), pos) : tagName; + } + + function parseJsxExpression(inExpressionContext: boolean): JsxExpression | undefined { + const pos = getNodePos(); + if (!parseExpected(SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken)) { + return undefined; + } + + let dotDotDotToken: DotDotDotToken | undefined; + let expression: Expression | undefined; + if (token() !== SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken) { + if (!inExpressionContext) { + dotDotDotToken = parseOptionalToken(SyntaxKind.DotDotDotToken); + } + // Only an AssignmentExpression is valid here per the JSX spec, + // but we can unambiguously parse a comma sequence and provide + // a better error message in grammar checking. + expression = parseExpression(); + } + if (inExpressionContext) { + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken); + } + else { + if (parseExpected(SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken, /*diagnosticMessage*/ undefined, /*shouldAdvance*/ false)) { + scanJsxText(); + } + } + + return finishNode(factory.createJsxExpression(dotDotDotToken, expression), pos); + } + + function parseJsxAttribute(): JsxAttribute | JsxSpreadAttribute { + if (token() === SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken) { + return parseJsxSpreadAttribute(); + } + + const pos = getNodePos(); + return finishNode(factory.createJsxAttribute(parseJsxAttributeName(), parseJsxAttributeValue()), pos); + } + + function parseJsxAttributeValue(): JsxAttributeValue | undefined { + if (token() === SyntaxKind.EqualsToken) { + if (scanJsxAttributeValue() === SyntaxKind.StringLiteral) { + return parseLiteralNode() as StringLiteral; + } + if (token() === SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken) { + return parseJsxExpression(/*inExpressionContext*/ true); + } + if (token() === SyntaxKind.LessThanToken) { + return parseJsxElementOrSelfClosingElementOrFragment(/*inExpressionContext*/ true); + } + parseErrorAtCurrentToken(Diagnostics.or_JSX_element_expected); + } + return undefined; + } + + function parseJsxAttributeName() { + const pos = getNodePos(); + scanJsxIdentifier(); + + const attrName = parseIdentifierNameErrorOnUnicodeEscapeSequence(); + if (parseOptional(SyntaxKind.ColonToken)) { + scanJsxIdentifier(); + return finishNode(factory.createJsxNamespacedName(attrName, parseIdentifierNameErrorOnUnicodeEscapeSequence()), pos); + } + return attrName; + } + + function parseJsxSpreadAttribute(): JsxSpreadAttribute { + const pos = getNodePos(); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.DotDotDotToken); + const expression = parseExpression(); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken); + return finishNode(factory.createJsxSpreadAttribute(expression), pos); + } + + function parseJsxClosingElement(open: JsxOpeningElement, inExpressionContext: boolean): JsxClosingElement { + const pos = getNodePos(); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.LessThanSlashToken); + const tagName = parseJsxElementName(); + if (parseExpected(SyntaxKind.GreaterThanToken, /*diagnosticMessage*/ undefined, /*shouldAdvance*/ false)) { + // manually advance the scanner in order to look for jsx text inside jsx + if (inExpressionContext || !tagNamesAreEquivalent(open.tagName, tagName)) { + nextToken(); + } + else { + scanJsxText(); + } + } + return finishNode(factory.createJsxClosingElement(tagName), pos); + } + + function parseJsxClosingFragment(inExpressionContext: boolean): JsxClosingFragment { + const pos = getNodePos(); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.LessThanSlashToken); + if (parseExpected(SyntaxKind.GreaterThanToken, Diagnostics.Expected_corresponding_closing_tag_for_JSX_fragment, /*shouldAdvance*/ false)) { + // manually advance the scanner in order to look for jsx text inside jsx + if (inExpressionContext) { + nextToken(); + } + else { + scanJsxText(); + } + } + return finishNode(factory.createJsxJsxClosingFragment(), pos); + } + + function parseTypeAssertion(): TypeAssertion { + Debug.assert(languageVariant !== LanguageVariant.JSX, "Type assertions should never be parsed in JSX; they should be parsed as comparisons or JSX elements/fragments."); + const pos = getNodePos(); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.LessThanToken); + const type = parseType(); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.GreaterThanToken); + const expression = parseSimpleUnaryExpression(); + return finishNode(factory.createTypeAssertion(type, expression), pos); + } + + function nextTokenIsIdentifierOrKeywordOrOpenBracketOrTemplate() { + nextToken(); + return tokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword(token()) + || token() === SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken + || isTemplateStartOfTaggedTemplate(); + } + + function isStartOfOptionalPropertyOrElementAccessChain() { + return token() === SyntaxKind.QuestionDotToken + && lookAhead(nextTokenIsIdentifierOrKeywordOrOpenBracketOrTemplate); + } + + function tryReparseOptionalChain(node: Expression) { + if (node.flags & NodeFlags.OptionalChain) { + return true; + } + // check for an optional chain in a non-null expression + if (isNonNullExpression(node)) { + let expr = node.expression; + while (isNonNullExpression(expr) && !(expr.flags & NodeFlags.OptionalChain)) { + expr = expr.expression; + } + if (expr.flags & NodeFlags.OptionalChain) { + // this is part of an optional chain. Walk down from `node` to `expression` and set the flag. + while (isNonNullExpression(node)) { + (node as Mutable).flags |= NodeFlags.OptionalChain; + node = node.expression; + } + return true; + } + } + return false; + } + + function parsePropertyAccessExpressionRest(pos: number, expression: LeftHandSideExpression, questionDotToken: QuestionDotToken | undefined) { + const name = parseRightSideOfDot(/*allowIdentifierNames*/ true, /*allowPrivateIdentifiers*/ true, /*allowUnicodeEscapeSequenceInIdentifierName*/ true); + const isOptionalChain = questionDotToken || tryReparseOptionalChain(expression); + const propertyAccess = isOptionalChain ? + factoryCreatePropertyAccessChain(expression, questionDotToken, name) : + factoryCreatePropertyAccessExpression(expression, name); + if (isOptionalChain && isPrivateIdentifier(propertyAccess.name)) { + parseErrorAtRange(propertyAccess.name, Diagnostics.An_optional_chain_cannot_contain_private_identifiers); + } + if (isExpressionWithTypeArguments(expression) && expression.typeArguments) { + const pos = expression.typeArguments.pos - 1; + const end = skipTrivia(sourceText, expression.typeArguments.end) + 1; + parseErrorAt(pos, end, Diagnostics.An_instantiation_expression_cannot_be_followed_by_a_property_access); + } + return finishNode(propertyAccess, pos); + } + + function parseElementAccessExpressionRest(pos: number, expression: LeftHandSideExpression, questionDotToken: QuestionDotToken | undefined) { + let argumentExpression: Expression; + if (token() === SyntaxKind.CloseBracketToken) { + argumentExpression = createMissingNode(SyntaxKind.Identifier, /*reportAtCurrentPosition*/ true, Diagnostics.An_element_access_expression_should_take_an_argument); + } + else { + const argument = allowInAnd(parseExpression); + if (isStringOrNumericLiteralLike(argument)) { + argument.text = internIdentifier(argument.text); + } + argumentExpression = argument; + } + + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.CloseBracketToken); + + const indexedAccess = questionDotToken || tryReparseOptionalChain(expression) ? + factoryCreateElementAccessChain(expression, questionDotToken, argumentExpression) : + factoryCreateElementAccessExpression(expression, argumentExpression); + return finishNode(indexedAccess, pos); + } + + function parseMemberExpressionRest(pos: number, expression: LeftHandSideExpression, allowOptionalChain: boolean): MemberExpression { + while (true) { + let questionDotToken: QuestionDotToken | undefined; + let isPropertyAccess = false; + if (allowOptionalChain && isStartOfOptionalPropertyOrElementAccessChain()) { + questionDotToken = parseExpectedToken(SyntaxKind.QuestionDotToken); + isPropertyAccess = tokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword(token()); + } + else { + isPropertyAccess = parseOptional(SyntaxKind.DotToken); + } + + if (isPropertyAccess) { + expression = parsePropertyAccessExpressionRest(pos, expression, questionDotToken); + continue; + } + + // when in the [Decorator] context, we do not parse ElementAccess as it could be part of a ComputedPropertyName + if ((questionDotToken || !inDecoratorContext()) && parseOptional(SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken)) { + expression = parseElementAccessExpressionRest(pos, expression, questionDotToken); + continue; + } + + if (isTemplateStartOfTaggedTemplate()) { + // Absorb type arguments into TemplateExpression when preceding expression is ExpressionWithTypeArguments + expression = !questionDotToken && expression.kind === SyntaxKind.ExpressionWithTypeArguments ? + parseTaggedTemplateRest(pos, (expression as ExpressionWithTypeArguments).expression, questionDotToken, (expression as ExpressionWithTypeArguments).typeArguments) : + parseTaggedTemplateRest(pos, expression, questionDotToken, /*typeArguments*/ undefined); + continue; + } + + if (!questionDotToken) { + if (token() === SyntaxKind.ExclamationToken && !scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak()) { + nextToken(); + expression = finishNode(factory.createNonNullExpression(expression), pos); + continue; + } + const typeArguments = tryParse(parseTypeArgumentsInExpression); + if (typeArguments) { + expression = finishNode(factory.createExpressionWithTypeArguments(expression, typeArguments), pos); + continue; + } + } + + return expression as MemberExpression; + } + } + + function isTemplateStartOfTaggedTemplate() { + return token() === SyntaxKind.NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral || token() === SyntaxKind.TemplateHead; + } + + function parseTaggedTemplateRest(pos: number, tag: LeftHandSideExpression, questionDotToken: QuestionDotToken | undefined, typeArguments: NodeArray | undefined) { + const tagExpression = factory.createTaggedTemplateExpression( + tag, + typeArguments, + token() === SyntaxKind.NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral ? + (reScanTemplateToken(/*isTaggedTemplate*/ true), parseLiteralNode() as NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral) : + parseTemplateExpression(/*isTaggedTemplate*/ true), + ); + if (questionDotToken || tag.flags & NodeFlags.OptionalChain) { + (tagExpression as Mutable).flags |= NodeFlags.OptionalChain; + } + tagExpression.questionDotToken = questionDotToken; + return finishNode(tagExpression, pos); + } + + function parseCallExpressionRest(pos: number, expression: LeftHandSideExpression): LeftHandSideExpression { + while (true) { + expression = parseMemberExpressionRest(pos, expression, /*allowOptionalChain*/ true); + let typeArguments: NodeArray | undefined; + const questionDotToken = parseOptionalToken(SyntaxKind.QuestionDotToken); + if (questionDotToken) { + typeArguments = tryParse(parseTypeArgumentsInExpression); + if (isTemplateStartOfTaggedTemplate()) { + expression = parseTaggedTemplateRest(pos, expression, questionDotToken, typeArguments); + continue; + } + } + if (typeArguments || token() === SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken) { + // Absorb type arguments into CallExpression when preceding expression is ExpressionWithTypeArguments + if (!questionDotToken && expression.kind === SyntaxKind.ExpressionWithTypeArguments) { + typeArguments = (expression as ExpressionWithTypeArguments).typeArguments; + expression = (expression as ExpressionWithTypeArguments).expression; + } + const argumentList = parseArgumentList(); + const callExpr = questionDotToken || tryReparseOptionalChain(expression) ? + factoryCreateCallChain(expression, questionDotToken, typeArguments, argumentList) : + factoryCreateCallExpression(expression, typeArguments, argumentList); + expression = finishNode(callExpr, pos); + continue; + } + if (questionDotToken) { + // We parsed `?.` but then failed to parse anything, so report a missing identifier here. + const name = createMissingNode(SyntaxKind.Identifier, /*reportAtCurrentPosition*/ false, Diagnostics.Identifier_expected); + expression = finishNode(factoryCreatePropertyAccessChain(expression, questionDotToken, name), pos); + } + break; + } + return expression; + } + + function parseArgumentList() { + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken); + const result = parseDelimitedList(ParsingContext.ArgumentExpressions, parseArgumentExpression); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken); + return result; + } + + function parseTypeArgumentsInExpression() { + if ((contextFlags & NodeFlags.JavaScriptFile) !== 0) { + // TypeArguments must not be parsed in JavaScript files to avoid ambiguity with binary operators. + return undefined; + } + + if (reScanLessThanToken() !== SyntaxKind.LessThanToken) { + return undefined; + } + nextToken(); + + const typeArguments = parseDelimitedList(ParsingContext.TypeArguments, parseType); + if (reScanGreaterToken() !== SyntaxKind.GreaterThanToken) { + // If it doesn't have the closing `>` then it's definitely not an type argument list. + return undefined; + } + nextToken(); + + // We successfully parsed a type argument list. The next token determines whether we want to + // treat it as such. If the type argument list is followed by `(` or a template literal, as in + // `f(42)`, we favor the type argument interpretation even though JavaScript would view + // it as a relational expression. + return typeArguments && canFollowTypeArgumentsInExpression() ? typeArguments : undefined; + } + + function canFollowTypeArgumentsInExpression(): boolean { + switch (token()) { + // These tokens can follow a type argument list in a call expression. + case SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken: // foo( + case SyntaxKind.NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral: // foo `...` + case SyntaxKind.TemplateHead: // foo `...${100}...` + return true; + // A type argument list followed by `<` never makes sense, and a type argument list followed + // by `>` is ambiguous with a (re-scanned) `>>` operator, so we disqualify both. Also, in + // this context, `+` and `-` are unary operators, not binary operators. + case SyntaxKind.LessThanToken: + case SyntaxKind.GreaterThanToken: + case SyntaxKind.PlusToken: + case SyntaxKind.MinusToken: + return false; + } + // We favor the type argument list interpretation when it is immediately followed by + // a line break, a binary operator, or something that can't start an expression. + return scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak() || isBinaryOperator() || !isStartOfExpression(); + } + + function parsePrimaryExpression(): PrimaryExpression { + switch (token()) { + case SyntaxKind.NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral: + if (scanner.getTokenFlags() & TokenFlags.IsInvalid) { + reScanTemplateToken(/*isTaggedTemplate*/ false); + } + // falls through + case SyntaxKind.NumericLiteral: + case SyntaxKind.BigIntLiteral: + case SyntaxKind.StringLiteral: + return parseLiteralNode(); + case SyntaxKind.ThisKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.SuperKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.NullKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.TrueKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.FalseKeyword: + return parseTokenNode(); + case SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken: + return parseParenthesizedExpression(); + case SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken: + return parseArrayLiteralExpression(); + case SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken: + return parseObjectLiteralExpression(); + case SyntaxKind.AsyncKeyword: + // Async arrow functions are parsed earlier in parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher. + // If we encounter `async [no LineTerminator here] function` then this is an async + // function; otherwise, its an identifier. + if (!lookAhead(nextTokenIsFunctionKeywordOnSameLine)) { + break; + } + + return parseFunctionExpression(); + case SyntaxKind.AtToken: + return parseDecoratedExpression(); + case SyntaxKind.ClassKeyword: + return parseClassExpression(); + case SyntaxKind.FunctionKeyword: + return parseFunctionExpression(); + case SyntaxKind.NewKeyword: + return parseNewExpressionOrNewDotTarget(); + case SyntaxKind.SlashToken: + case SyntaxKind.SlashEqualsToken: + if (reScanSlashToken() === SyntaxKind.RegularExpressionLiteral) { + return parseLiteralNode(); + } + break; + case SyntaxKind.TemplateHead: + return parseTemplateExpression(/*isTaggedTemplate*/ false); + case SyntaxKind.PrivateIdentifier: + return parsePrivateIdentifier(); + } + + return parseIdentifier(Diagnostics.Expression_expected); + } + + function parseParenthesizedExpression(): ParenthesizedExpression { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const hasJSDoc = hasPrecedingJSDocComment(); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken); + const expression = allowInAnd(parseExpression); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken); + return withJSDoc(finishNode(factoryCreateParenthesizedExpression(expression), pos), hasJSDoc); + } + + function parseSpreadElement(): Expression { + const pos = getNodePos(); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.DotDotDotToken); + const expression = parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher(/*allowReturnTypeInArrowFunction*/ true); + return finishNode(factory.createSpreadElement(expression), pos); + } + + function parseArgumentOrArrayLiteralElement(): Expression { + return token() === SyntaxKind.DotDotDotToken ? parseSpreadElement() : + token() === SyntaxKind.CommaToken ? finishNode(factory.createOmittedExpression(), getNodePos()) : + parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher(/*allowReturnTypeInArrowFunction*/ true); + } + + function parseArgumentExpression(): Expression { + return doOutsideOfContext(disallowInAndDecoratorContext, parseArgumentOrArrayLiteralElement); + } + + function parseArrayLiteralExpression(): ArrayLiteralExpression { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const openBracketPosition = scanner.getTokenStart(); + const openBracketParsed = parseExpected(SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken); + const multiLine = scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak(); + const elements = parseDelimitedList(ParsingContext.ArrayLiteralMembers, parseArgumentOrArrayLiteralElement); + parseExpectedMatchingBrackets(SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken, SyntaxKind.CloseBracketToken, openBracketParsed, openBracketPosition); + return finishNode(factoryCreateArrayLiteralExpression(elements, multiLine), pos); + } + + function parseObjectLiteralElement(): ObjectLiteralElementLike { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const hasJSDoc = hasPrecedingJSDocComment(); + + if (parseOptionalToken(SyntaxKind.DotDotDotToken)) { + const expression = parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher(/*allowReturnTypeInArrowFunction*/ true); + return withJSDoc(finishNode(factory.createSpreadAssignment(expression), pos), hasJSDoc); + } + + const modifiers = parseModifiers(/*allowDecorators*/ true); + if (parseContextualModifier(SyntaxKind.GetKeyword)) { + return parseAccessorDeclaration(pos, hasJSDoc, modifiers, SyntaxKind.GetAccessor, SignatureFlags.None); + } + if (parseContextualModifier(SyntaxKind.SetKeyword)) { + return parseAccessorDeclaration(pos, hasJSDoc, modifiers, SyntaxKind.SetAccessor, SignatureFlags.None); + } + + const asteriskToken = parseOptionalToken(SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken); + const tokenIsIdentifier = isIdentifier(); + const name = parsePropertyName(); + + // Disallowing of optional property assignments and definite assignment assertion happens in the grammar checker. + const questionToken = parseOptionalToken(SyntaxKind.QuestionToken); + const exclamationToken = parseOptionalToken(SyntaxKind.ExclamationToken); + + if (asteriskToken || token() === SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken || token() === SyntaxKind.LessThanToken) { + return parseMethodDeclaration(pos, hasJSDoc, modifiers, asteriskToken, name, questionToken, exclamationToken); + } + + // check if it is short-hand property assignment or normal property assignment + // NOTE: if token is EqualsToken it is interpreted as CoverInitializedName production + // CoverInitializedName[Yield] : + // IdentifierReference[?Yield] Initializer[In, ?Yield] + // this is necessary because ObjectLiteral productions are also used to cover grammar for ObjectAssignmentPattern + let node: Mutable; + const isShorthandPropertyAssignment = tokenIsIdentifier && (token() !== SyntaxKind.ColonToken); + if (isShorthandPropertyAssignment) { + const equalsToken = parseOptionalToken(SyntaxKind.EqualsToken); + const objectAssignmentInitializer = equalsToken ? allowInAnd(() => parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher(/*allowReturnTypeInArrowFunction*/ true)) : undefined; + node = factory.createShorthandPropertyAssignment(name as Identifier, objectAssignmentInitializer); + // Save equals token for error reporting. + // TODO(rbuckton): Consider manufacturing this when we need to report an error as it is otherwise not useful. + node.equalsToken = equalsToken; + } + else { + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.ColonToken); + const initializer = allowInAnd(() => parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher(/*allowReturnTypeInArrowFunction*/ true)); + node = factory.createPropertyAssignment(name, initializer); + } + // Decorators, Modifiers, questionToken, and exclamationToken are not supported by property assignments and are reported in the grammar checker + node.modifiers = modifiers; + node.questionToken = questionToken; + node.exclamationToken = exclamationToken; + return withJSDoc(finishNode(node, pos), hasJSDoc); + } + + function parseObjectLiteralExpression(): ObjectLiteralExpression { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const openBracePosition = scanner.getTokenStart(); + const openBraceParsed = parseExpected(SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken); + const multiLine = scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak(); + const properties = parseDelimitedList(ParsingContext.ObjectLiteralMembers, parseObjectLiteralElement, /*considerSemicolonAsDelimiter*/ true); + parseExpectedMatchingBrackets(SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken, SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken, openBraceParsed, openBracePosition); + return finishNode(factoryCreateObjectLiteralExpression(properties, multiLine), pos); + } + + function parseFunctionExpression(): FunctionExpression { + // GeneratorExpression: + // function* BindingIdentifier [Yield][opt](FormalParameters[Yield]){ GeneratorBody } + // + // FunctionExpression: + // function BindingIdentifier[opt](FormalParameters){ FunctionBody } + const savedDecoratorContext = inDecoratorContext(); + setDecoratorContext(/*val*/ false); + + const pos = getNodePos(); + const hasJSDoc = hasPrecedingJSDocComment(); + const modifiers = parseModifiers(/*allowDecorators*/ false); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.FunctionKeyword); + const asteriskToken = parseOptionalToken(SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken); + const isGenerator = asteriskToken ? SignatureFlags.Yield : SignatureFlags.None; + const isAsync = some(modifiers, isAsyncModifier) ? SignatureFlags.Await : SignatureFlags.None; + const name = isGenerator && isAsync ? doInYieldAndAwaitContext(parseOptionalBindingIdentifier) : + isGenerator ? doInYieldContext(parseOptionalBindingIdentifier) : + isAsync ? doInAwaitContext(parseOptionalBindingIdentifier) : + parseOptionalBindingIdentifier(); + + const typeParameters = parseTypeParameters(); + const parameters = parseParameters(isGenerator | isAsync); + const type = parseReturnType(SyntaxKind.ColonToken, /*isType*/ false); + const body = parseFunctionBlock(isGenerator | isAsync); + + setDecoratorContext(savedDecoratorContext); + + const node = factory.createFunctionExpression(modifiers, asteriskToken, name, typeParameters, parameters, type, body); + return withJSDoc(finishNode(node, pos), hasJSDoc); + } + + function parseOptionalBindingIdentifier(): Identifier | undefined { + return isBindingIdentifier() ? parseBindingIdentifier() : undefined; + } + + function parseNewExpressionOrNewDotTarget(): NewExpression | MetaProperty { + const pos = getNodePos(); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.NewKeyword); + if (parseOptional(SyntaxKind.DotToken)) { + const name = parseIdentifierName(); + return finishNode(factory.createMetaProperty(SyntaxKind.NewKeyword, name), pos); + } + const expressionPos = getNodePos(); + let expression: LeftHandSideExpression = parseMemberExpressionRest(expressionPos, parsePrimaryExpression(), /*allowOptionalChain*/ false); + let typeArguments: NodeArray | undefined; + // Absorb type arguments into NewExpression when preceding expression is ExpressionWithTypeArguments + if (expression.kind === SyntaxKind.ExpressionWithTypeArguments) { + typeArguments = (expression as ExpressionWithTypeArguments).typeArguments; + expression = (expression as ExpressionWithTypeArguments).expression; + } + if (token() === SyntaxKind.QuestionDotToken) { + parseErrorAtCurrentToken(Diagnostics.Invalid_optional_chain_from_new_expression_Did_you_mean_to_call_0, getTextOfNodeFromSourceText(sourceText, expression)); + } + const argumentList = token() === SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken ? parseArgumentList() : undefined; + return finishNode(factoryCreateNewExpression(expression, typeArguments, argumentList), pos); + } + + // STATEMENTS + function parseBlock(ignoreMissingOpenBrace: boolean, diagnosticMessage?: DiagnosticMessage): Block { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const hasJSDoc = hasPrecedingJSDocComment(); + const openBracePosition = scanner.getTokenStart(); + const openBraceParsed = parseExpected(SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken, diagnosticMessage); + if (openBraceParsed || ignoreMissingOpenBrace) { + const multiLine = scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak(); + const statements = parseList(ParsingContext.BlockStatements, parseStatement); + parseExpectedMatchingBrackets(SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken, SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken, openBraceParsed, openBracePosition); + const result = withJSDoc(finishNode(factoryCreateBlock(statements, multiLine), pos), hasJSDoc); + if (token() === SyntaxKind.EqualsToken) { + parseErrorAtCurrentToken(Diagnostics.Declaration_or_statement_expected_This_follows_a_block_of_statements_so_if_you_intended_to_write_a_destructuring_assignment_you_might_need_to_wrap_the_whole_assignment_in_parentheses); + nextToken(); + } + + return result; + } + else { + const statements = createMissingList(); + return withJSDoc(finishNode(factoryCreateBlock(statements, /*multiLine*/ undefined), pos), hasJSDoc); + } + } + + function parseFunctionBlock(flags: SignatureFlags, diagnosticMessage?: DiagnosticMessage): Block { + const savedYieldContext = inYieldContext(); + setYieldContext(!!(flags & SignatureFlags.Yield)); + + const savedAwaitContext = inAwaitContext(); + setAwaitContext(!!(flags & SignatureFlags.Await)); + + const savedTopLevel = topLevel; + topLevel = false; + + // We may be in a [Decorator] context when parsing a function expression or + // arrow function. The body of the function is not in [Decorator] context. + const saveDecoratorContext = inDecoratorContext(); + if (saveDecoratorContext) { + setDecoratorContext(/*val*/ false); + } + + const block = parseBlock(!!(flags & SignatureFlags.IgnoreMissingOpenBrace), diagnosticMessage); + + if (saveDecoratorContext) { + setDecoratorContext(/*val*/ true); + } + + topLevel = savedTopLevel; + setYieldContext(savedYieldContext); + setAwaitContext(savedAwaitContext); + + return block; + } + + function parseEmptyStatement(): Statement { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const hasJSDoc = hasPrecedingJSDocComment(); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.SemicolonToken); + return withJSDoc(finishNode(factory.createEmptyStatement(), pos), hasJSDoc); + } + + function parseIfStatement(): IfStatement { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const hasJSDoc = hasPrecedingJSDocComment(); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.IfKeyword); + const openParenPosition = scanner.getTokenStart(); + const openParenParsed = parseExpected(SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken); + const expression = allowInAnd(parseExpression); + parseExpectedMatchingBrackets(SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken, SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken, openParenParsed, openParenPosition); + const thenStatement = parseStatement(); + const elseStatement = parseOptional(SyntaxKind.ElseKeyword) ? parseStatement() : undefined; + return withJSDoc(finishNode(factoryCreateIfStatement(expression, thenStatement, elseStatement), pos), hasJSDoc); + } + + function parseDoStatement(): DoStatement { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const hasJSDoc = hasPrecedingJSDocComment(); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.DoKeyword); + const statement = parseStatement(); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.WhileKeyword); + const openParenPosition = scanner.getTokenStart(); + const openParenParsed = parseExpected(SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken); + const expression = allowInAnd(parseExpression); + parseExpectedMatchingBrackets(SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken, SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken, openParenParsed, openParenPosition); + + // From: https://mail.mozilla.org/pipermail/es-discuss/2011-August/016188.html + // 157 min --- All allen at wirfs-brock.com CONF --- "do{;}while(false)false" prohibited in + // spec but allowed in consensus reality. Approved -- this is the de-facto standard whereby + // do;while(0)x will have a semicolon inserted before x. + parseOptional(SyntaxKind.SemicolonToken); + return withJSDoc(finishNode(factory.createDoStatement(statement, expression), pos), hasJSDoc); + } + + function parseWhileStatement(): WhileStatement { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const hasJSDoc = hasPrecedingJSDocComment(); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.WhileKeyword); + const openParenPosition = scanner.getTokenStart(); + const openParenParsed = parseExpected(SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken); + const expression = allowInAnd(parseExpression); + parseExpectedMatchingBrackets(SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken, SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken, openParenParsed, openParenPosition); + const statement = parseStatement(); + return withJSDoc(finishNode(factoryCreateWhileStatement(expression, statement), pos), hasJSDoc); + } + + function parseForOrForInOrForOfStatement(): Statement { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const hasJSDoc = hasPrecedingJSDocComment(); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.ForKeyword); + const awaitToken = parseOptionalToken(SyntaxKind.AwaitKeyword); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken); + + let initializer!: VariableDeclarationList | Expression; + if (token() !== SyntaxKind.SemicolonToken) { + if ( + token() === SyntaxKind.VarKeyword || token() === SyntaxKind.LetKeyword || token() === SyntaxKind.ConstKeyword || + token() === SyntaxKind.UsingKeyword && lookAhead(nextTokenIsBindingIdentifierOrStartOfDestructuringOnSameLineDisallowOf) || + // this one is meant to allow of + token() === SyntaxKind.AwaitKeyword && lookAhead(nextTokenIsUsingKeywordThenBindingIdentifierOrStartOfObjectDestructuringOnSameLine) + ) { + initializer = parseVariableDeclarationList(/*inForStatementInitializer*/ true); + } + else { + initializer = disallowInAnd(parseExpression); + } + } + + let node: IterationStatement; + if (awaitToken ? parseExpected(SyntaxKind.OfKeyword) : parseOptional(SyntaxKind.OfKeyword)) { + const expression = allowInAnd(() => parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher(/*allowReturnTypeInArrowFunction*/ true)); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken); + node = factoryCreateForOfStatement(awaitToken, initializer, expression, parseStatement()); + } + else if (parseOptional(SyntaxKind.InKeyword)) { + const expression = allowInAnd(parseExpression); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken); + node = factory.createForInStatement(initializer, expression, parseStatement()); + } + else { + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.SemicolonToken); + const condition = token() !== SyntaxKind.SemicolonToken && token() !== SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken + ? allowInAnd(parseExpression) + : undefined; + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.SemicolonToken); + const incrementor = token() !== SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken + ? allowInAnd(parseExpression) + : undefined; + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken); + node = factoryCreateForStatement(initializer, condition, incrementor, parseStatement()); + } + + return withJSDoc(finishNode(node, pos) as ForStatement | ForInOrOfStatement, hasJSDoc); + } + + function parseBreakOrContinueStatement(kind: SyntaxKind): BreakOrContinueStatement { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const hasJSDoc = hasPrecedingJSDocComment(); + + parseExpected(kind === SyntaxKind.BreakStatement ? SyntaxKind.BreakKeyword : SyntaxKind.ContinueKeyword); + const label = canParseSemicolon() ? undefined : parseIdentifier(); + + parseSemicolon(); + const node = kind === SyntaxKind.BreakStatement + ? factory.createBreakStatement(label) + : factory.createContinueStatement(label); + return withJSDoc(finishNode(node, pos), hasJSDoc); + } + + function parseReturnStatement(): ReturnStatement { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const hasJSDoc = hasPrecedingJSDocComment(); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.ReturnKeyword); + const expression = canParseSemicolon() ? undefined : allowInAnd(parseExpression); + parseSemicolon(); + return withJSDoc(finishNode(factory.createReturnStatement(expression), pos), hasJSDoc); + } + + function parseWithStatement(): WithStatement { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const hasJSDoc = hasPrecedingJSDocComment(); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.WithKeyword); + const openParenPosition = scanner.getTokenStart(); + const openParenParsed = parseExpected(SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken); + const expression = allowInAnd(parseExpression); + parseExpectedMatchingBrackets(SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken, SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken, openParenParsed, openParenPosition); + const statement = doInsideOfContext(NodeFlags.InWithStatement, parseStatement); + return withJSDoc(finishNode(factory.createWithStatement(expression, statement), pos), hasJSDoc); + } + + function parseCaseClause(): CaseClause { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const hasJSDoc = hasPrecedingJSDocComment(); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.CaseKeyword); + const expression = allowInAnd(parseExpression); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.ColonToken); + const statements = parseList(ParsingContext.SwitchClauseStatements, parseStatement); + return withJSDoc(finishNode(factory.createCaseClause(expression, statements), pos), hasJSDoc); + } + + function parseDefaultClause(): DefaultClause { + const pos = getNodePos(); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.DefaultKeyword); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.ColonToken); + const statements = parseList(ParsingContext.SwitchClauseStatements, parseStatement); + return finishNode(factory.createDefaultClause(statements), pos); + } + + function parseCaseOrDefaultClause(): CaseOrDefaultClause { + return token() === SyntaxKind.CaseKeyword ? parseCaseClause() : parseDefaultClause(); + } + + function parseCaseBlock(): CaseBlock { + const pos = getNodePos(); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken); + const clauses = parseList(ParsingContext.SwitchClauses, parseCaseOrDefaultClause); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken); + return finishNode(factory.createCaseBlock(clauses), pos); + } + + function parseSwitchStatement(): SwitchStatement { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const hasJSDoc = hasPrecedingJSDocComment(); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.SwitchKeyword); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken); + const expression = allowInAnd(parseExpression); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken); + const caseBlock = parseCaseBlock(); + return withJSDoc(finishNode(factory.createSwitchStatement(expression, caseBlock), pos), hasJSDoc); + } + + function parseThrowStatement(): ThrowStatement { + // ThrowStatement[Yield] : + // throw [no LineTerminator here]Expression[In, ?Yield]; + + const pos = getNodePos(); + const hasJSDoc = hasPrecedingJSDocComment(); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.ThrowKeyword); + + // Because of automatic semicolon insertion, we need to report error if this + // throw could be terminated with a semicolon. Note: we can't call 'parseExpression' + // directly as that might consume an expression on the following line. + // Instead, we create a "missing" identifier, but don't report an error. The actual error + // will be reported in the grammar walker. + let expression = scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak() ? undefined : allowInAnd(parseExpression); + if (expression === undefined) { + identifierCount++; + expression = finishNode(factoryCreateIdentifier(""), getNodePos()); + } + if (!tryParseSemicolon()) { + parseErrorForMissingSemicolonAfter(expression); + } + return withJSDoc(finishNode(factory.createThrowStatement(expression), pos), hasJSDoc); + } + + // TODO: Review for error recovery + function parseTryStatement(): TryStatement { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const hasJSDoc = hasPrecedingJSDocComment(); + + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.TryKeyword); + const tryBlock = parseBlock(/*ignoreMissingOpenBrace*/ false); + const catchClause = token() === SyntaxKind.CatchKeyword ? parseCatchClause() : undefined; + + // If we don't have a catch clause, then we must have a finally clause. Try to parse + // one out no matter what. + let finallyBlock: Block | undefined; + if (!catchClause || token() === SyntaxKind.FinallyKeyword) { + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.FinallyKeyword, Diagnostics.catch_or_finally_expected); + finallyBlock = parseBlock(/*ignoreMissingOpenBrace*/ false); + } + + return withJSDoc(finishNode(factory.createTryStatement(tryBlock, catchClause, finallyBlock), pos), hasJSDoc); + } + + function parseCatchClause(): CatchClause { + const pos = getNodePos(); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.CatchKeyword); + + let variableDeclaration; + if (parseOptional(SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken)) { + variableDeclaration = parseVariableDeclaration(); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken); + } + else { + // Keep shape of node to avoid degrading performance. + variableDeclaration = undefined; + } + + const block = parseBlock(/*ignoreMissingOpenBrace*/ false); + return finishNode(factory.createCatchClause(variableDeclaration, block), pos); + } + + function parseDebuggerStatement(): Statement { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const hasJSDoc = hasPrecedingJSDocComment(); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.DebuggerKeyword); + parseSemicolon(); + return withJSDoc(finishNode(factory.createDebuggerStatement(), pos), hasJSDoc); + } + + function parseExpressionOrLabeledStatement(): ExpressionStatement | LabeledStatement { + // Avoiding having to do the lookahead for a labeled statement by just trying to parse + // out an expression, seeing if it is identifier and then seeing if it is followed by + // a colon. + const pos = getNodePos(); + let hasJSDoc = hasPrecedingJSDocComment(); + let node: ExpressionStatement | LabeledStatement; + const hasParen = token() === SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken; + const expression = allowInAnd(parseExpression); + if (isIdentifierNode(expression) && parseOptional(SyntaxKind.ColonToken)) { + node = factory.createLabeledStatement(expression, parseStatement()); + } + else { + if (!tryParseSemicolon()) { + parseErrorForMissingSemicolonAfter(expression); + } + node = factoryCreateExpressionStatement(expression); + if (hasParen) { + // do not parse the same jsdoc twice + hasJSDoc = false; + } + } + return withJSDoc(finishNode(node, pos), hasJSDoc); + } + + function nextTokenIsIdentifierOrKeywordOnSameLine() { + nextToken(); + return tokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword(token()) && !scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak(); + } + + function nextTokenIsClassKeywordOnSameLine() { + nextToken(); + return token() === SyntaxKind.ClassKeyword && !scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak(); + } + + function nextTokenIsFunctionKeywordOnSameLine() { + nextToken(); + return token() === SyntaxKind.FunctionKeyword && !scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak(); + } + + function nextTokenIsIdentifierOrKeywordOrLiteralOnSameLine() { + nextToken(); + return (tokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword(token()) || token() === SyntaxKind.NumericLiteral || token() === SyntaxKind.BigIntLiteral || token() === SyntaxKind.StringLiteral) && !scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak(); + } + + function isDeclaration(): boolean { + while (true) { + switch (token()) { + case SyntaxKind.VarKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.LetKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.ConstKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.FunctionKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.ClassKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.EnumKeyword: + return true; + case SyntaxKind.UsingKeyword: + return isUsingDeclaration(); + case SyntaxKind.AwaitKeyword: + return isAwaitUsingDeclaration(); + + // 'declare', 'module', 'namespace', 'interface'* and 'type' are all legal JavaScript identifiers; + // however, an identifier cannot be followed by another identifier on the same line. This is what we + // count on to parse out the respective declarations. For instance, we exploit this to say that + // + // namespace n + // + // can be none other than the beginning of a namespace declaration, but need to respect that JavaScript sees + // + // namespace + // n + // + // as the identifier 'namespace' on one line followed by the identifier 'n' on another. + // We need to look one token ahead to see if it permissible to try parsing a declaration. + // + // *Note*: 'interface' is actually a strict mode reserved word. So while + // + // "use strict" + // interface + // I {} + // + // could be legal, it would add complexity for very little gain. + case SyntaxKind.InterfaceKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.TypeKeyword: + return nextTokenIsIdentifierOnSameLine(); + case SyntaxKind.ModuleKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.NamespaceKeyword: + return nextTokenIsIdentifierOrStringLiteralOnSameLine(); + case SyntaxKind.AbstractKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.AccessorKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.AsyncKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.DeclareKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.PrivateKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.ProtectedKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.PublicKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.ReadonlyKeyword: + const previousToken = token(); + nextToken(); + // ASI takes effect for this modifier. + if (scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak()) { + return false; + } + if (previousToken === SyntaxKind.DeclareKeyword && token() === SyntaxKind.TypeKeyword) { + // If we see 'declare type', then commit to parsing a type alias. parseTypeAliasDeclaration will + // report Line_break_not_permitted_here if needed. + return true; + } + continue; + + case SyntaxKind.GlobalKeyword: + nextToken(); + return token() === SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken || token() === SyntaxKind.Identifier || token() === SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword; + + case SyntaxKind.ImportKeyword: + nextToken(); + return token() === SyntaxKind.StringLiteral || token() === SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken || + token() === SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken || tokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword(token()); + case SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword: + let currentToken = nextToken(); + if (currentToken === SyntaxKind.TypeKeyword) { + currentToken = lookAhead(nextToken); + } + if ( + currentToken === SyntaxKind.EqualsToken || currentToken === SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken || + currentToken === SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken || currentToken === SyntaxKind.DefaultKeyword || + currentToken === SyntaxKind.AsKeyword || currentToken === SyntaxKind.AtToken + ) { + return true; + } + continue; + + case SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword: + nextToken(); + continue; + + default: + return false; + } + } + } + + function isStartOfDeclaration(): boolean { + return lookAhead(isDeclaration); + } + + function isStartOfStatement(): boolean { + switch (token()) { + case SyntaxKind.AtToken: + case SyntaxKind.SemicolonToken: + case SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken: + case SyntaxKind.VarKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.LetKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.UsingKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.FunctionKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.ClassKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.EnumKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.IfKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.DoKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.WhileKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.ForKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.ContinueKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.BreakKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.ReturnKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.WithKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.SwitchKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.ThrowKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.TryKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.DebuggerKeyword: + // 'catch' and 'finally' do not actually indicate that the code is part of a statement, + // however, we say they are here so that we may gracefully parse them and error later. + // falls through + case SyntaxKind.CatchKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.FinallyKeyword: + return true; + + case SyntaxKind.ImportKeyword: + return isStartOfDeclaration() || lookAhead(nextTokenIsOpenParenOrLessThanOrDot); + + case SyntaxKind.ConstKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword: + return isStartOfDeclaration(); + + case SyntaxKind.AsyncKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.DeclareKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.InterfaceKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.ModuleKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.NamespaceKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.TypeKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.GlobalKeyword: + // When these don't start a declaration, they're an identifier in an expression statement + return true; + + case SyntaxKind.AccessorKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.PublicKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.PrivateKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.ProtectedKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.ReadonlyKeyword: + // When these don't start a declaration, they may be the start of a class member if an identifier + // immediately follows. Otherwise they're an identifier in an expression statement. + return isStartOfDeclaration() || !lookAhead(nextTokenIsIdentifierOrKeywordOnSameLine); + + default: + return isStartOfExpression(); + } + } + + function nextTokenIsBindingIdentifierOrStartOfDestructuring() { + nextToken(); + return isBindingIdentifier() || token() === SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken || token() === SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken; + } + + function isLetDeclaration() { + // In ES6 'let' always starts a lexical declaration if followed by an identifier or { + // or [. + return lookAhead(nextTokenIsBindingIdentifierOrStartOfDestructuring); + } + + function nextTokenIsBindingIdentifierOrStartOfDestructuringOnSameLineDisallowOf() { + return nextTokenIsBindingIdentifierOrStartOfDestructuringOnSameLine(/*disallowOf*/ true); + } + + function nextTokenIsBindingIdentifierOrStartOfDestructuringOnSameLine(disallowOf?: boolean) { + nextToken(); + if (disallowOf && token() === SyntaxKind.OfKeyword) return false; + return (isBindingIdentifier() || token() === SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken) && !scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak(); + } + + function isUsingDeclaration() { + // 'using' always starts a lexical declaration if followed by an identifier. We also eagerly parse + // |ObjectBindingPattern| so that we can report a grammar error during check. We don't parse out + // |ArrayBindingPattern| since it potentially conflicts with element access (i.e., `using[x]`). + return lookAhead(nextTokenIsBindingIdentifierOrStartOfDestructuringOnSameLine); + } + + function nextTokenIsUsingKeywordThenBindingIdentifierOrStartOfObjectDestructuringOnSameLine(disallowOf?: boolean) { + if (nextToken() === SyntaxKind.UsingKeyword) { + return nextTokenIsBindingIdentifierOrStartOfDestructuringOnSameLine(disallowOf); + } + return false; + } + + function isAwaitUsingDeclaration() { + // 'await using' always starts a lexical declaration if followed by an identifier. We also eagerly parse + // |ObjectBindingPattern| so that we can report a grammar error during check. We don't parse out + // |ArrayBindingPattern| since it potentially conflicts with element access (i.e., `await using[x]`). + return lookAhead(nextTokenIsUsingKeywordThenBindingIdentifierOrStartOfObjectDestructuringOnSameLine); + } + + function parseStatement(): Statement { + switch (token()) { + case SyntaxKind.SemicolonToken: + return parseEmptyStatement(); + case SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken: + return parseBlock(/*ignoreMissingOpenBrace*/ false); + case SyntaxKind.VarKeyword: + return parseVariableStatement(getNodePos(), hasPrecedingJSDocComment(), /*modifiers*/ undefined); + case SyntaxKind.LetKeyword: + if (isLetDeclaration()) { + return parseVariableStatement(getNodePos(), hasPrecedingJSDocComment(), /*modifiers*/ undefined); + } + break; + case SyntaxKind.AwaitKeyword: + if (isAwaitUsingDeclaration()) { + return parseVariableStatement(getNodePos(), hasPrecedingJSDocComment(), /*modifiers*/ undefined); + } + break; + case SyntaxKind.UsingKeyword: + if (isUsingDeclaration()) { + return parseVariableStatement(getNodePos(), hasPrecedingJSDocComment(), /*modifiers*/ undefined); + } + break; + case SyntaxKind.FunctionKeyword: + return parseFunctionDeclaration(getNodePos(), hasPrecedingJSDocComment(), /*modifiers*/ undefined); + case SyntaxKind.ClassKeyword: + return parseClassDeclaration(getNodePos(), hasPrecedingJSDocComment(), /*modifiers*/ undefined); + case SyntaxKind.IfKeyword: + return parseIfStatement(); + case SyntaxKind.DoKeyword: + return parseDoStatement(); + case SyntaxKind.WhileKeyword: + return parseWhileStatement(); + case SyntaxKind.ForKeyword: + return parseForOrForInOrForOfStatement(); + case SyntaxKind.ContinueKeyword: + return parseBreakOrContinueStatement(SyntaxKind.ContinueStatement); + case SyntaxKind.BreakKeyword: + return parseBreakOrContinueStatement(SyntaxKind.BreakStatement); + case SyntaxKind.ReturnKeyword: + return parseReturnStatement(); + case SyntaxKind.WithKeyword: + return parseWithStatement(); + case SyntaxKind.SwitchKeyword: + return parseSwitchStatement(); + case SyntaxKind.ThrowKeyword: + return parseThrowStatement(); + case SyntaxKind.TryKeyword: + // Include 'catch' and 'finally' for error recovery. + // falls through + case SyntaxKind.CatchKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.FinallyKeyword: + return parseTryStatement(); + case SyntaxKind.DebuggerKeyword: + return parseDebuggerStatement(); + case SyntaxKind.AtToken: + return parseDeclaration(); + case SyntaxKind.AsyncKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.InterfaceKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.TypeKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.ModuleKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.NamespaceKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.DeclareKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.ConstKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.EnumKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.ImportKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.PrivateKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.ProtectedKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.PublicKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.AbstractKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.AccessorKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.ReadonlyKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.GlobalKeyword: + if (isStartOfDeclaration()) { + return parseDeclaration(); + } + break; + } + return parseExpressionOrLabeledStatement(); + } + + function isDeclareModifier(modifier: ModifierLike) { + return modifier.kind === SyntaxKind.DeclareKeyword; + } + + function parseDeclaration(): Statement { + // `parseListElement` attempted to get the reused node at this position, + // but the ambient context flag was not yet set, so the node appeared + // not reusable in that context. + const pos = getNodePos(); + const hasJSDoc = hasPrecedingJSDocComment(); + const modifiers = parseModifiers(/*allowDecorators*/ true); + const isAmbient = some(modifiers, isDeclareModifier); + if (isAmbient) { + const node = tryReuseAmbientDeclaration(pos); + if (node) { + return node; + } + + for (const m of modifiers!) { + (m as Mutable).flags |= NodeFlags.Ambient; + } + return doInsideOfContext(NodeFlags.Ambient, () => parseDeclarationWorker(pos, hasJSDoc, modifiers)); + } + else { + return parseDeclarationWorker(pos, hasJSDoc, modifiers); + } + } + + function tryReuseAmbientDeclaration(pos: number): Statement | undefined { + return doInsideOfContext(NodeFlags.Ambient, () => { + // TODO(jakebailey): this is totally wrong; `parsingContext` is the result of ORing a bunch of `1 << ParsingContext.XYZ`. + // The enum should really be a bunch of flags. + const node = currentNode(parsingContext, pos); + if (node) { + return consumeNode(node) as Statement; + } + }); + } + + function parseDeclarationWorker(pos: number, hasJSDoc: boolean, modifiersIn: NodeArray | undefined): Statement { + switch (token()) { + case SyntaxKind.VarKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.LetKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.ConstKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.UsingKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.AwaitKeyword: + return parseVariableStatement(pos, hasJSDoc, modifiersIn); + case SyntaxKind.FunctionKeyword: + return parseFunctionDeclaration(pos, hasJSDoc, modifiersIn); + case SyntaxKind.ClassKeyword: + return parseClassDeclaration(pos, hasJSDoc, modifiersIn); + case SyntaxKind.InterfaceKeyword: + return parseInterfaceDeclaration(pos, hasJSDoc, modifiersIn); + case SyntaxKind.TypeKeyword: + return parseTypeAliasDeclaration(pos, hasJSDoc, modifiersIn); + case SyntaxKind.EnumKeyword: + return parseEnumDeclaration(pos, hasJSDoc, modifiersIn); + case SyntaxKind.GlobalKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.ModuleKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.NamespaceKeyword: + return parseModuleDeclaration(pos, hasJSDoc, modifiersIn); + case SyntaxKind.ImportKeyword: + return parseImportDeclarationOrImportEqualsDeclaration(pos, hasJSDoc, modifiersIn); + case SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword: + nextToken(); + switch (token()) { + case SyntaxKind.DefaultKeyword: + case SyntaxKind.EqualsToken: + return parseExportAssignment(pos, hasJSDoc, modifiersIn); + case SyntaxKind.AsKeyword: + return parseNamespaceExportDeclaration(pos, hasJSDoc, modifiersIn); + default: + return parseExportDeclaration(pos, hasJSDoc, modifiersIn); + } + default: + if (modifiersIn) { + // We reached this point because we encountered decorators and/or modifiers and assumed a declaration + // would follow. For recovery and error reporting purposes, return an incomplete declaration. + const missing = createMissingNode(SyntaxKind.MissingDeclaration, /*reportAtCurrentPosition*/ true, Diagnostics.Declaration_expected); + setTextRangePos(missing, pos); + (missing as Mutable).modifiers = modifiersIn; + return missing; + } + return undefined!; // TODO: GH#18217 + } + } + + function nextTokenIsStringLiteral() { + return nextToken() === SyntaxKind.StringLiteral; + } + + function nextTokenIsFromKeywordOrEqualsToken() { + nextToken(); + return token() === SyntaxKind.FromKeyword || token() === SyntaxKind.EqualsToken; + } + + function nextTokenIsIdentifierOrStringLiteralOnSameLine() { + nextToken(); + return !scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak() && (isIdentifier() || token() === SyntaxKind.StringLiteral); + } + + function parseFunctionBlockOrSemicolon(flags: SignatureFlags, diagnosticMessage?: DiagnosticMessage): Block | undefined { + if (token() !== SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken) { + if (flags & SignatureFlags.Type) { + parseTypeMemberSemicolon(); + return; + } + if (canParseSemicolon()) { + parseSemicolon(); + return; + } + } + return parseFunctionBlock(flags, diagnosticMessage); + } + + // DECLARATIONS + + function parseArrayBindingElement(): ArrayBindingElement { + const pos = getNodePos(); + if (token() === SyntaxKind.CommaToken) { + return finishNode(factory.createOmittedExpression(), pos); + } + const dotDotDotToken = parseOptionalToken(SyntaxKind.DotDotDotToken); + const name = parseIdentifierOrPattern(); + const initializer = parseInitializer(); + return finishNode(factory.createBindingElement(dotDotDotToken, /*propertyName*/ undefined, name, initializer), pos); + } + + function parseObjectBindingElement(): BindingElement { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const dotDotDotToken = parseOptionalToken(SyntaxKind.DotDotDotToken); + const tokenIsIdentifier = isBindingIdentifier(); + let propertyName: PropertyName | undefined = parsePropertyName(); + let name: BindingName; + if (tokenIsIdentifier && token() !== SyntaxKind.ColonToken) { + name = propertyName as Identifier; + propertyName = undefined; + } + else { + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.ColonToken); + name = parseIdentifierOrPattern(); + } + const initializer = parseInitializer(); + return finishNode(factory.createBindingElement(dotDotDotToken, propertyName, name, initializer), pos); + } + + function parseObjectBindingPattern(): ObjectBindingPattern { + const pos = getNodePos(); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken); + const elements = allowInAnd(() => parseDelimitedList(ParsingContext.ObjectBindingElements, parseObjectBindingElement)); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken); + return finishNode(factory.createObjectBindingPattern(elements), pos); + } + + function parseArrayBindingPattern(): ArrayBindingPattern { + const pos = getNodePos(); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken); + const elements = allowInAnd(() => parseDelimitedList(ParsingContext.ArrayBindingElements, parseArrayBindingElement)); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.CloseBracketToken); + return finishNode(factory.createArrayBindingPattern(elements), pos); + } + + function isBindingIdentifierOrPrivateIdentifierOrPattern() { + return token() === SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken + || token() === SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken + || token() === SyntaxKind.PrivateIdentifier + || isBindingIdentifier(); + } + + function parseIdentifierOrPattern(privateIdentifierDiagnosticMessage?: DiagnosticMessage): Identifier | BindingPattern { + if (token() === SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken) { + return parseArrayBindingPattern(); + } + if (token() === SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken) { + return parseObjectBindingPattern(); + } + return parseBindingIdentifier(privateIdentifierDiagnosticMessage); + } + + function parseVariableDeclarationAllowExclamation() { + return parseVariableDeclaration(/*allowExclamation*/ true); + } + + function parseVariableDeclaration(allowExclamation?: boolean): VariableDeclaration { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const hasJSDoc = hasPrecedingJSDocComment(); + const name = parseIdentifierOrPattern(Diagnostics.Private_identifiers_are_not_allowed_in_variable_declarations); + let exclamationToken: ExclamationToken | undefined; + if ( + allowExclamation && name.kind === SyntaxKind.Identifier && + token() === SyntaxKind.ExclamationToken && !scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak() + ) { + exclamationToken = parseTokenNode>(); + } + const type = parseTypeAnnotation(); + const initializer = isInOrOfKeyword(token()) ? undefined : parseInitializer(); + const node = factoryCreateVariableDeclaration(name, exclamationToken, type, initializer); + return withJSDoc(finishNode(node, pos), hasJSDoc); + } + + function parseVariableDeclarationList(inForStatementInitializer: boolean): VariableDeclarationList { + const pos = getNodePos(); + + let flags: NodeFlags = 0; + switch (token()) { + case SyntaxKind.VarKeyword: + break; + case SyntaxKind.LetKeyword: + flags |= NodeFlags.Let; + break; + case SyntaxKind.ConstKeyword: + flags |= NodeFlags.Const; + break; + case SyntaxKind.UsingKeyword: + flags |= NodeFlags.Using; + break; + case SyntaxKind.AwaitKeyword: + Debug.assert(isAwaitUsingDeclaration()); + flags |= NodeFlags.AwaitUsing; + nextToken(); + break; + default: + Debug.fail(); + } + + nextToken(); + + // The user may have written the following: + // + // for (let of X) { } + // + // In this case, we want to parse an empty declaration list, and then parse 'of' + // as a keyword. The reason this is not automatic is that 'of' is a valid identifier. + // So we need to look ahead to determine if 'of' should be treated as a keyword in + // this context. + // The checker will then give an error that there is an empty declaration list. + let declarations: readonly VariableDeclaration[]; + if (token() === SyntaxKind.OfKeyword && lookAhead(canFollowContextualOfKeyword)) { + declarations = createMissingList(); + } + else { + const savedDisallowIn = inDisallowInContext(); + setDisallowInContext(inForStatementInitializer); + + declarations = parseDelimitedList( + ParsingContext.VariableDeclarations, + inForStatementInitializer ? parseVariableDeclaration : parseVariableDeclarationAllowExclamation, + ); + + setDisallowInContext(savedDisallowIn); + } + + return finishNode(factoryCreateVariableDeclarationList(declarations, flags), pos); + } + + function canFollowContextualOfKeyword(): boolean { + return nextTokenIsIdentifier() && nextToken() === SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken; + } + + function parseVariableStatement(pos: number, hasJSDoc: boolean, modifiers: NodeArray | undefined): VariableStatement { + const declarationList = parseVariableDeclarationList(/*inForStatementInitializer*/ false); + parseSemicolon(); + const node = factoryCreateVariableStatement(modifiers, declarationList); + return withJSDoc(finishNode(node, pos), hasJSDoc); + } + + function parseFunctionDeclaration(pos: number, hasJSDoc: boolean, modifiers: NodeArray | undefined): FunctionDeclaration { + const savedAwaitContext = inAwaitContext(); + const modifierFlags = modifiersToFlags(modifiers); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.FunctionKeyword); + const asteriskToken = parseOptionalToken(SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken); + // We don't parse the name here in await context, instead we will report a grammar error in the checker. + const name = modifierFlags & ModifierFlags.Default ? parseOptionalBindingIdentifier() : parseBindingIdentifier(); + const isGenerator = asteriskToken ? SignatureFlags.Yield : SignatureFlags.None; + const isAsync = modifierFlags & ModifierFlags.Async ? SignatureFlags.Await : SignatureFlags.None; + const typeParameters = parseTypeParameters(); + if (modifierFlags & ModifierFlags.Export) setAwaitContext(/*value*/ true); + const parameters = parseParameters(isGenerator | isAsync); + const type = parseReturnType(SyntaxKind.ColonToken, /*isType*/ false); + const body = parseFunctionBlockOrSemicolon(isGenerator | isAsync, Diagnostics.or_expected); + setAwaitContext(savedAwaitContext); + const node = factory.createFunctionDeclaration(modifiers, asteriskToken, name, typeParameters, parameters, type, body); + return withJSDoc(finishNode(node, pos), hasJSDoc); + } + + function parseConstructorName() { + if (token() === SyntaxKind.ConstructorKeyword) { + return parseExpected(SyntaxKind.ConstructorKeyword); + } + if (token() === SyntaxKind.StringLiteral && lookAhead(nextToken) === SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken) { + return tryParse(() => { + const literalNode = parseLiteralNode(); + return literalNode.text === "constructor" ? literalNode : undefined; + }); + } + } + + function tryParseConstructorDeclaration(pos: number, hasJSDoc: boolean, modifiers: NodeArray | undefined): ConstructorDeclaration | undefined { + return tryParse(() => { + if (parseConstructorName()) { + const typeParameters = parseTypeParameters(); + const parameters = parseParameters(SignatureFlags.None); + const type = parseReturnType(SyntaxKind.ColonToken, /*isType*/ false); + const body = parseFunctionBlockOrSemicolon(SignatureFlags.None, Diagnostics.or_expected); + const node = factory.createConstructorDeclaration(modifiers, parameters, body); + + // Attach invalid nodes if they exist so that we can report them in the grammar checker. + (node as Mutable).typeParameters = typeParameters; + (node as Mutable).type = type; + return withJSDoc(finishNode(node, pos), hasJSDoc); + } + }); + } + + function parseMethodDeclaration( + pos: number, + hasJSDoc: boolean, + modifiers: NodeArray | undefined, + asteriskToken: AsteriskToken | undefined, + name: PropertyName, + questionToken: QuestionToken | undefined, + exclamationToken: ExclamationToken | undefined, + diagnosticMessage?: DiagnosticMessage, + ): MethodDeclaration { + const isGenerator = asteriskToken ? SignatureFlags.Yield : SignatureFlags.None; + const isAsync = some(modifiers, isAsyncModifier) ? SignatureFlags.Await : SignatureFlags.None; + const typeParameters = parseTypeParameters(); + const parameters = parseParameters(isGenerator | isAsync); + const type = parseReturnType(SyntaxKind.ColonToken, /*isType*/ false); + const body = parseFunctionBlockOrSemicolon(isGenerator | isAsync, diagnosticMessage); + const node = factory.createMethodDeclaration( + modifiers, + asteriskToken, + name, + questionToken, + typeParameters, + parameters, + type, + body, + ); + + // An exclamation token on a method is invalid syntax and will be handled by the grammar checker + (node as Mutable).exclamationToken = exclamationToken; + return withJSDoc(finishNode(node, pos), hasJSDoc); + } + + function parsePropertyDeclaration( + pos: number, + hasJSDoc: boolean, + modifiers: NodeArray | undefined, + name: PropertyName, + questionToken: QuestionToken | undefined, + ): PropertyDeclaration { + const exclamationToken = !questionToken && !scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak() ? parseOptionalToken(SyntaxKind.ExclamationToken) : undefined; + const type = parseTypeAnnotation(); + const initializer = doOutsideOfContext(NodeFlags.YieldContext | NodeFlags.AwaitContext | NodeFlags.DisallowInContext, parseInitializer); + parseSemicolonAfterPropertyName(name, type, initializer); + const node = factory.createPropertyDeclaration( + modifiers, + name, + questionToken || exclamationToken, + type, + initializer, + ); + return withJSDoc(finishNode(node, pos), hasJSDoc); + } + + function parsePropertyOrMethodDeclaration( + pos: number, + hasJSDoc: boolean, + modifiers: NodeArray | undefined, + ): PropertyDeclaration | MethodDeclaration { + const asteriskToken = parseOptionalToken(SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken); + const name = parsePropertyName(); + // Note: this is not legal as per the grammar. But we allow it in the parser and + // report an error in the grammar checker. + const questionToken = parseOptionalToken(SyntaxKind.QuestionToken); + if (asteriskToken || token() === SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken || token() === SyntaxKind.LessThanToken) { + return parseMethodDeclaration(pos, hasJSDoc, modifiers, asteriskToken, name, questionToken, /*exclamationToken*/ undefined, Diagnostics.or_expected); + } + return parsePropertyDeclaration(pos, hasJSDoc, modifiers, name, questionToken); + } + + function parseAccessorDeclaration(pos: number, hasJSDoc: boolean, modifiers: NodeArray | undefined, kind: AccessorDeclaration["kind"], flags: SignatureFlags): AccessorDeclaration { + const name = parsePropertyName(); + const typeParameters = parseTypeParameters(); + const parameters = parseParameters(SignatureFlags.None); + const type = parseReturnType(SyntaxKind.ColonToken, /*isType*/ false); + const body = parseFunctionBlockOrSemicolon(flags); + const node = kind === SyntaxKind.GetAccessor + ? factory.createGetAccessorDeclaration(modifiers, name, parameters, type, body) + : factory.createSetAccessorDeclaration(modifiers, name, parameters, body); + // Keep track of `typeParameters` (for both) and `type` (for setters) if they were parsed those indicate grammar errors + (node as Mutable).typeParameters = typeParameters; + if (isSetAccessorDeclaration(node)) (node as Mutable).type = type; + return withJSDoc(finishNode(node, pos), hasJSDoc); + } + + function isClassMemberStart(): boolean { + let idToken: SyntaxKind | undefined; + + if (token() === SyntaxKind.AtToken) { + return true; + } + + // Eat up all modifiers, but hold on to the last one in case it is actually an identifier. + while (isModifierKind(token())) { + idToken = token(); + // If the idToken is a class modifier (protected, private, public, and static), it is + // certain that we are starting to parse class member. This allows better error recovery + // Example: + // public foo() ... // true + // public @dec blah ... // true; we will then report an error later + // export public ... // true; we will then report an error later + if (isClassMemberModifier(idToken)) { + return true; + } + + nextToken(); + } + + if (token() === SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken) { + return true; + } + + // Try to get the first property-like token following all modifiers. + // This can either be an identifier or the 'get' or 'set' keywords. + if (isLiteralPropertyName()) { + idToken = token(); + nextToken(); + } + + // Index signatures and computed properties are class members; we can parse. + if (token() === SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken) { + return true; + } + + // If we were able to get any potential identifier... + if (idToken !== undefined) { + // If we have a non-keyword identifier, or if we have an accessor, then it's safe to parse. + if (!isKeyword(idToken) || idToken === SyntaxKind.SetKeyword || idToken === SyntaxKind.GetKeyword) { + return true; + } + + // If it *is* a keyword, but not an accessor, check a little farther along + // to see if it should actually be parsed as a class member. + switch (token()) { + case SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken: // Method declaration + case SyntaxKind.LessThanToken: // Generic Method declaration + case SyntaxKind.ExclamationToken: // Non-null assertion on property name + case SyntaxKind.ColonToken: // Type Annotation for declaration + case SyntaxKind.EqualsToken: // Initializer for declaration + case SyntaxKind.QuestionToken: // Not valid, but permitted so that it gets caught later on. + return true; + default: + // Covers + // - Semicolons (declaration termination) + // - Closing braces (end-of-class, must be declaration) + // - End-of-files (not valid, but permitted so that it gets caught later on) + // - Line-breaks (enabling *automatic semicolon insertion*) + return canParseSemicolon(); + } + } + + return false; + } + + function parseClassStaticBlockDeclaration(pos: number, hasJSDoc: boolean, modifiers: NodeArray | undefined): ClassStaticBlockDeclaration { + parseExpectedToken(SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword); + const body = parseClassStaticBlockBody(); + const node = withJSDoc(finishNode(factory.createClassStaticBlockDeclaration(body), pos), hasJSDoc); + (node as Mutable).modifiers = modifiers; + return node; + } + + function parseClassStaticBlockBody() { + const savedYieldContext = inYieldContext(); + const savedAwaitContext = inAwaitContext(); + + setYieldContext(false); + setAwaitContext(true); + + const body = parseBlock(/*ignoreMissingOpenBrace*/ false); + + setYieldContext(savedYieldContext); + setAwaitContext(savedAwaitContext); + + return body; + } + + function parseDecoratorExpression() { + if (inAwaitContext() && token() === SyntaxKind.AwaitKeyword) { + // `@await` is is disallowed in an [Await] context, but can cause parsing to go off the rails + // This simply parses the missing identifier and moves on. + const pos = getNodePos(); + const awaitExpression = parseIdentifier(Diagnostics.Expression_expected); + nextToken(); + const memberExpression = parseMemberExpressionRest(pos, awaitExpression, /*allowOptionalChain*/ true); + return parseCallExpressionRest(pos, memberExpression); + } + return parseLeftHandSideExpressionOrHigher(); + } + + function tryParseDecorator(): Decorator | undefined { + const pos = getNodePos(); + if (!parseOptional(SyntaxKind.AtToken)) { + return undefined; + } + const expression = doInDecoratorContext(parseDecoratorExpression); + return finishNode(factory.createDecorator(expression), pos); + } + + function tryParseModifier(hasSeenStaticModifier: boolean, permitConstAsModifier?: boolean, stopOnStartOfClassStaticBlock?: boolean): Modifier | undefined { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const kind = token(); + + if (token() === SyntaxKind.ConstKeyword && permitConstAsModifier) { + // We need to ensure that any subsequent modifiers appear on the same line + // so that when 'const' is a standalone declaration, we don't issue an error. + if (!tryParse(nextTokenIsOnSameLineAndCanFollowModifier)) { + return undefined; + } + } + else if (stopOnStartOfClassStaticBlock && token() === SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword && lookAhead(nextTokenIsOpenBrace)) { + return undefined; + } + else if (hasSeenStaticModifier && token() === SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword) { + return undefined; + } + else { + if (!parseAnyContextualModifier()) { + return undefined; + } + } + + return finishNode(factoryCreateToken(kind as Modifier["kind"]), pos); + } + + /* + * There are situations in which a modifier like 'const' will appear unexpectedly, such as on a class member. + * In those situations, if we are entirely sure that 'const' is not valid on its own (such as when ASI takes effect + * and turns it into a standalone declaration), then it is better to parse it and report an error later. + * + * In such situations, 'permitConstAsModifier' should be set to true. + */ + function parseModifiers(allowDecorators: false, permitConstAsModifier?: boolean, stopOnStartOfClassStaticBlock?: boolean): NodeArray | undefined; + function parseModifiers(allowDecorators: true, permitConstAsModifier?: boolean, stopOnStartOfClassStaticBlock?: boolean): NodeArray | undefined; + function parseModifiers(allowDecorators: boolean, permitConstAsModifier?: boolean, stopOnStartOfClassStaticBlock?: boolean): NodeArray | undefined { + const pos = getNodePos(); + let list: ModifierLike[] | undefined; + let decorator, modifier, hasSeenStaticModifier = false, hasLeadingModifier = false, hasTrailingDecorator = false; + + // Decorators should be contiguous in a list of modifiers but can potentially appear in two places (i.e., `[...leadingDecorators, ...leadingModifiers, ...trailingDecorators, ...trailingModifiers]`). + // The leading modifiers *should* only contain `export` and `default` when trailingDecorators are present, but we'll handle errors for any other leading modifiers in the checker. + // It is illegal to have both leadingDecorators and trailingDecorators, but we will report that as a grammar check in the checker. + + // parse leading decorators + if (allowDecorators && token() === SyntaxKind.AtToken) { + while (decorator = tryParseDecorator()) { + list = append(list, decorator); + } + } + + // parse leading modifiers + while (modifier = tryParseModifier(hasSeenStaticModifier, permitConstAsModifier, stopOnStartOfClassStaticBlock)) { + if (modifier.kind === SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword) hasSeenStaticModifier = true; + list = append(list, modifier); + hasLeadingModifier = true; + } + + // parse trailing decorators, but only if we parsed any leading modifiers + if (hasLeadingModifier && allowDecorators && token() === SyntaxKind.AtToken) { + while (decorator = tryParseDecorator()) { + list = append(list, decorator); + hasTrailingDecorator = true; + } + } + + // parse trailing modifiers, but only if we parsed any trailing decorators + if (hasTrailingDecorator) { + while (modifier = tryParseModifier(hasSeenStaticModifier, permitConstAsModifier, stopOnStartOfClassStaticBlock)) { + if (modifier.kind === SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword) hasSeenStaticModifier = true; + list = append(list, modifier); + } + } + + return list && createNodeArray(list, pos); + } + + function parseModifiersForArrowFunction(): NodeArray | undefined { + let modifiers: NodeArray | undefined; + if (token() === SyntaxKind.AsyncKeyword) { + const pos = getNodePos(); + nextToken(); + const modifier = finishNode(factoryCreateToken(SyntaxKind.AsyncKeyword), pos); + modifiers = createNodeArray([modifier], pos); + } + return modifiers; + } + + function parseClassElement(): ClassElement { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const hasJSDoc = hasPrecedingJSDocComment(); + if (token() === SyntaxKind.SemicolonToken) { + nextToken(); + return withJSDoc(finishNode(factory.createSemicolonClassElement(), pos), hasJSDoc); + } + + const modifiers = parseModifiers(/*allowDecorators*/ true, /*permitConstAsModifier*/ true, /*stopOnStartOfClassStaticBlock*/ true); + if (token() === SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword && lookAhead(nextTokenIsOpenBrace)) { + return parseClassStaticBlockDeclaration(pos, hasJSDoc, modifiers); + } + + if (parseContextualModifier(SyntaxKind.GetKeyword)) { + return parseAccessorDeclaration(pos, hasJSDoc, modifiers, SyntaxKind.GetAccessor, SignatureFlags.None); + } + + if (parseContextualModifier(SyntaxKind.SetKeyword)) { + return parseAccessorDeclaration(pos, hasJSDoc, modifiers, SyntaxKind.SetAccessor, SignatureFlags.None); + } + + if (token() === SyntaxKind.ConstructorKeyword || token() === SyntaxKind.StringLiteral) { + const constructorDeclaration = tryParseConstructorDeclaration(pos, hasJSDoc, modifiers); + if (constructorDeclaration) { + return constructorDeclaration; + } + } + + if (isIndexSignature()) { + return parseIndexSignatureDeclaration(pos, hasJSDoc, modifiers); + } + + // It is very important that we check this *after* checking indexers because + // the [ token can start an index signature or a computed property name + if ( + tokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword(token()) || + token() === SyntaxKind.StringLiteral || + token() === SyntaxKind.NumericLiteral || + token() === SyntaxKind.BigIntLiteral || + token() === SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken || + token() === SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken + ) { + const isAmbient = some(modifiers, isDeclareModifier); + if (isAmbient) { + for (const m of modifiers!) { + (m as Mutable).flags |= NodeFlags.Ambient; + } + return doInsideOfContext(NodeFlags.Ambient, () => parsePropertyOrMethodDeclaration(pos, hasJSDoc, modifiers)); + } + else { + return parsePropertyOrMethodDeclaration(pos, hasJSDoc, modifiers); + } + } + + if (modifiers) { + // treat this as a property declaration with a missing name. + const name = createMissingNode(SyntaxKind.Identifier, /*reportAtCurrentPosition*/ true, Diagnostics.Declaration_expected); + return parsePropertyDeclaration(pos, hasJSDoc, modifiers, name, /*questionToken*/ undefined); + } + + // 'isClassMemberStart' should have hinted not to attempt parsing. + return Debug.fail("Should not have attempted to parse class member declaration."); + } + + function parseDecoratedExpression(): PrimaryExpression { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const hasJSDoc = hasPrecedingJSDocComment(); + const modifiers = parseModifiers(/*allowDecorators*/ true); + if (token() === SyntaxKind.ClassKeyword) { + return parseClassDeclarationOrExpression(pos, hasJSDoc, modifiers, SyntaxKind.ClassExpression) as ClassExpression; + } + + const missing = createMissingNode(SyntaxKind.MissingDeclaration, /*reportAtCurrentPosition*/ true, Diagnostics.Expression_expected); + setTextRangePos(missing, pos); + (missing as Mutable).modifiers = modifiers; + return missing; + } + + function parseClassExpression(): ClassExpression { + return parseClassDeclarationOrExpression(getNodePos(), hasPrecedingJSDocComment(), /*modifiers*/ undefined, SyntaxKind.ClassExpression) as ClassExpression; + } + + function parseClassDeclaration(pos: number, hasJSDoc: boolean, modifiers: NodeArray | undefined): ClassDeclaration { + return parseClassDeclarationOrExpression(pos, hasJSDoc, modifiers, SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration) as ClassDeclaration; + } + + function parseClassDeclarationOrExpression(pos: number, hasJSDoc: boolean, modifiers: NodeArray | undefined, kind: ClassLikeDeclaration["kind"]): ClassLikeDeclaration { + const savedAwaitContext = inAwaitContext(); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.ClassKeyword); + + // We don't parse the name here in await context, instead we will report a grammar error in the checker. + const name = parseNameOfClassDeclarationOrExpression(); + const typeParameters = parseTypeParameters(); + if (some(modifiers, isExportModifier)) setAwaitContext(/*value*/ true); + const heritageClauses = parseHeritageClauses(); + + let members; + if (parseExpected(SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken)) { + // ClassTail[Yield,Await] : (Modified) See 14.5 + // ClassHeritage[?Yield,?Await]opt { ClassBody[?Yield,?Await]opt } + members = parseClassMembers(); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken); + } + else { + members = createMissingList(); + } + setAwaitContext(savedAwaitContext); + const node = kind === SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration + ? factory.createClassDeclaration(modifiers, name, typeParameters, heritageClauses, members) + : factory.createClassExpression(modifiers, name, typeParameters, heritageClauses, members); + return withJSDoc(finishNode(node, pos), hasJSDoc); + } + + function parseNameOfClassDeclarationOrExpression(): Identifier | undefined { + // implements is a future reserved word so + // 'class implements' might mean either + // - class expression with omitted name, 'implements' starts heritage clause + // - class with name 'implements' + // 'isImplementsClause' helps to disambiguate between these two cases + return isBindingIdentifier() && !isImplementsClause() + ? createIdentifier(isBindingIdentifier()) + : undefined; + } + + function isImplementsClause() { + return token() === SyntaxKind.ImplementsKeyword && lookAhead(nextTokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword); + } + + function parseHeritageClauses(): NodeArray | undefined { + // ClassTail[Yield,Await] : (Modified) See 14.5 + // ClassHeritage[?Yield,?Await]opt { ClassBody[?Yield,?Await]opt } + + if (isHeritageClause()) { + return parseList(ParsingContext.HeritageClauses, parseHeritageClause); + } + + return undefined; + } + + function parseHeritageClause(): HeritageClause { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const tok = token(); + Debug.assert(tok === SyntaxKind.ExtendsKeyword || tok === SyntaxKind.ImplementsKeyword); // isListElement() should ensure this. + nextToken(); + const types = parseDelimitedList(ParsingContext.HeritageClauseElement, parseExpressionWithTypeArguments); + return finishNode(factory.createHeritageClause(tok, types), pos); + } + + function parseExpressionWithTypeArguments(): ExpressionWithTypeArguments { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const expression = parseLeftHandSideExpressionOrHigher(); + if (expression.kind === SyntaxKind.ExpressionWithTypeArguments) { + return expression as ExpressionWithTypeArguments; + } + const typeArguments = tryParseTypeArguments(); + return finishNode(factory.createExpressionWithTypeArguments(expression, typeArguments), pos); + } + + function tryParseTypeArguments(): NodeArray | undefined { + return token() === SyntaxKind.LessThanToken ? + parseBracketedList(ParsingContext.TypeArguments, parseType, SyntaxKind.LessThanToken, SyntaxKind.GreaterThanToken) : undefined; + } + + function isHeritageClause(): boolean { + return token() === SyntaxKind.ExtendsKeyword || token() === SyntaxKind.ImplementsKeyword; + } + + function parseClassMembers(): NodeArray { + return parseList(ParsingContext.ClassMembers, parseClassElement); + } + + function parseInterfaceDeclaration(pos: number, hasJSDoc: boolean, modifiers: NodeArray | undefined): InterfaceDeclaration { + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.InterfaceKeyword); + const name = parseIdentifier(); + const typeParameters = parseTypeParameters(); + const heritageClauses = parseHeritageClauses(); + const members = parseObjectTypeMembers(); + const node = factory.createInterfaceDeclaration(modifiers, name, typeParameters, heritageClauses, members); + return withJSDoc(finishNode(node, pos), hasJSDoc); + } + + function parseTypeAliasDeclaration(pos: number, hasJSDoc: boolean, modifiers: NodeArray | undefined): TypeAliasDeclaration { + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.TypeKeyword); + if (scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak()) { + parseErrorAtCurrentToken(Diagnostics.Line_break_not_permitted_here); + } + const name = parseIdentifier(); + const typeParameters = parseTypeParameters(); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.EqualsToken); + const type = token() === SyntaxKind.IntrinsicKeyword && tryParse(parseKeywordAndNoDot) || parseType(); + parseSemicolon(); + const node = factory.createTypeAliasDeclaration(modifiers, name, typeParameters, type); + return withJSDoc(finishNode(node, pos), hasJSDoc); + } + + // In an ambient declaration, the grammar only allows integer literals as initializers. + // In a non-ambient declaration, the grammar allows uninitialized members only in a + // ConstantEnumMemberSection, which starts at the beginning of an enum declaration + // or any time an integer literal initializer is encountered. + function parseEnumMember(): EnumMember { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const hasJSDoc = hasPrecedingJSDocComment(); + const name = parsePropertyName(); + const initializer = allowInAnd(parseInitializer); + return withJSDoc(finishNode(factory.createEnumMember(name, initializer), pos), hasJSDoc); + } + + function parseEnumDeclaration(pos: number, hasJSDoc: boolean, modifiers: NodeArray | undefined): EnumDeclaration { + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.EnumKeyword); + const name = parseIdentifier(); + let members; + if (parseExpected(SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken)) { + members = doOutsideOfYieldAndAwaitContext(() => parseDelimitedList(ParsingContext.EnumMembers, parseEnumMember)); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken); + } + else { + members = createMissingList(); + } + const node = factory.createEnumDeclaration(modifiers, name, members); + return withJSDoc(finishNode(node, pos), hasJSDoc); + } + + function parseModuleBlock(): ModuleBlock { + const pos = getNodePos(); + let statements; + if (parseExpected(SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken)) { + statements = parseList(ParsingContext.BlockStatements, parseStatement); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken); + } + else { + statements = createMissingList(); + } + return finishNode(factory.createModuleBlock(statements), pos); + } + + function parseModuleOrNamespaceDeclaration(pos: number, hasJSDoc: boolean, modifiers: NodeArray | undefined, flags: NodeFlags): ModuleDeclaration { + // If we are parsing a dotted namespace name, we want to + // propagate the 'Namespace' flag across the names if set. + const namespaceFlag = flags & NodeFlags.Namespace; + const name = flags & NodeFlags.NestedNamespace ? parseIdentifierName() : parseIdentifier(); + const body = parseOptional(SyntaxKind.DotToken) + ? parseModuleOrNamespaceDeclaration(getNodePos(), /*hasJSDoc*/ false, /*modifiers*/ undefined, NodeFlags.NestedNamespace | namespaceFlag) as NamespaceDeclaration + : parseModuleBlock(); + const node = factory.createModuleDeclaration(modifiers, name, body, flags); + return withJSDoc(finishNode(node, pos), hasJSDoc); + } + + function parseAmbientExternalModuleDeclaration(pos: number, hasJSDoc: boolean, modifiersIn: NodeArray | undefined): ModuleDeclaration { + let flags: NodeFlags = 0; + let name; + if (token() === SyntaxKind.GlobalKeyword) { + // parse 'global' as name of global scope augmentation + name = parseIdentifier(); + flags |= NodeFlags.GlobalAugmentation; + } + else { + name = parseLiteralNode() as StringLiteral; + name.text = internIdentifier(name.text); + } + let body: ModuleBlock | undefined; + if (token() === SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken) { + body = parseModuleBlock(); + } + else { + parseSemicolon(); + } + const node = factory.createModuleDeclaration(modifiersIn, name, body, flags); + return withJSDoc(finishNode(node, pos), hasJSDoc); + } + + function parseModuleDeclaration(pos: number, hasJSDoc: boolean, modifiersIn: NodeArray | undefined): ModuleDeclaration { + let flags: NodeFlags = 0; + if (token() === SyntaxKind.GlobalKeyword) { + // global augmentation + return parseAmbientExternalModuleDeclaration(pos, hasJSDoc, modifiersIn); + } + else if (parseOptional(SyntaxKind.NamespaceKeyword)) { + flags |= NodeFlags.Namespace; + } + else { + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.ModuleKeyword); + if (token() === SyntaxKind.StringLiteral) { + return parseAmbientExternalModuleDeclaration(pos, hasJSDoc, modifiersIn); + } + } + return parseModuleOrNamespaceDeclaration(pos, hasJSDoc, modifiersIn, flags); + } + + function isExternalModuleReference() { + return token() === SyntaxKind.RequireKeyword && + lookAhead(nextTokenIsOpenParen); + } + + function nextTokenIsOpenParen() { + return nextToken() === SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken; + } + + function nextTokenIsOpenBrace() { + return nextToken() === SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken; + } + + function nextTokenIsSlash() { + return nextToken() === SyntaxKind.SlashToken; + } + + function parseNamespaceExportDeclaration(pos: number, hasJSDoc: boolean, modifiers: NodeArray | undefined): NamespaceExportDeclaration { + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.AsKeyword); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.NamespaceKeyword); + const name = parseIdentifier(); + parseSemicolon(); + const node = factory.createNamespaceExportDeclaration(name); + // NamespaceExportDeclaration nodes cannot have decorators or modifiers, so we attach them here so we can report them in the grammar checker + (node as Mutable).modifiers = modifiers; + return withJSDoc(finishNode(node, pos), hasJSDoc); + } + + function parseImportDeclarationOrImportEqualsDeclaration(pos: number, hasJSDoc: boolean, modifiers: NodeArray | undefined): ImportEqualsDeclaration | ImportDeclaration { + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.ImportKeyword); + + const afterImportPos = scanner.getTokenFullStart(); + + // We don't parse the identifier here in await context, instead we will report a grammar error in the checker. + let identifier: Identifier | undefined; + if (isIdentifier()) { + identifier = parseIdentifier(); + } + + let isTypeOnly = false; + if ( + identifier?.escapedText === "type" && + (token() !== SyntaxKind.FromKeyword || isIdentifier() && lookAhead(nextTokenIsFromKeywordOrEqualsToken)) && + (isIdentifier() || tokenAfterImportDefinitelyProducesImportDeclaration()) + ) { + isTypeOnly = true; + identifier = isIdentifier() ? parseIdentifier() : undefined; + } + + if (identifier && !tokenAfterImportedIdentifierDefinitelyProducesImportDeclaration()) { + return parseImportEqualsDeclaration(pos, hasJSDoc, modifiers, identifier, isTypeOnly); + } + + const importClause = tryParseImportClause(identifier, afterImportPos, isTypeOnly); + const moduleSpecifier = parseModuleSpecifier(); + const attributes = tryParseImportAttributes(); + + parseSemicolon(); + const node = factory.createImportDeclaration(modifiers, importClause, moduleSpecifier, attributes); + return withJSDoc(finishNode(node, pos), hasJSDoc); + } + + function tryParseImportClause(identifier: Identifier | undefined, pos: number, isTypeOnly: boolean, skipJsDocLeadingAsterisks = false) { + // ImportDeclaration: + // import ImportClause from ModuleSpecifier ; + // import ModuleSpecifier; + let importClause: ImportClause | undefined; + if ( + identifier || // import id + token() === SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken || // import * + token() === SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken // import { + ) { + importClause = parseImportClause(identifier, pos, isTypeOnly, skipJsDocLeadingAsterisks); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.FromKeyword); + } + return importClause; + } + + function tryParseImportAttributes() { + const currentToken = token(); + if ((currentToken === SyntaxKind.WithKeyword || currentToken === SyntaxKind.AssertKeyword) && !scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak()) { + return parseImportAttributes(currentToken); + } + } + + function parseImportAttribute() { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const name = tokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword(token()) ? parseIdentifierName() : parseLiteralLikeNode(SyntaxKind.StringLiteral) as StringLiteral; + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.ColonToken); + const value = parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher(/*allowReturnTypeInArrowFunction*/ true); + return finishNode(factory.createImportAttribute(name, value), pos); + } + + function parseImportAttributes(token: SyntaxKind.AssertKeyword | SyntaxKind.WithKeyword, skipKeyword?: true) { + const pos = getNodePos(); + if (!skipKeyword) { + parseExpected(token); + } + const openBracePosition = scanner.getTokenStart(); + if (parseExpected(SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken)) { + const multiLine = scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak(); + const elements = parseDelimitedList(ParsingContext.ImportAttributes, parseImportAttribute, /*considerSemicolonAsDelimiter*/ true); + if (!parseExpected(SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken)) { + const lastError = lastOrUndefined(parseDiagnostics); + if (lastError && lastError.code === Diagnostics._0_expected.code) { + addRelatedInfo( + lastError, + createDetachedDiagnostic(fileName, sourceText, openBracePosition, 1, Diagnostics.The_parser_expected_to_find_a_1_to_match_the_0_token_here, "{", "}"), + ); + } + } + return finishNode(factory.createImportAttributes(elements, multiLine, token), pos); + } + else { + const elements = createNodeArray([], getNodePos(), /*end*/ undefined, /*hasTrailingComma*/ false); + return finishNode(factory.createImportAttributes(elements, /*multiLine*/ false, token), pos); + } + } + + function tokenAfterImportDefinitelyProducesImportDeclaration() { + return token() === SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken || token() === SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken; + } + + function tokenAfterImportedIdentifierDefinitelyProducesImportDeclaration() { + // In `import id ___`, the current token decides whether to produce + // an ImportDeclaration or ImportEqualsDeclaration. + return token() === SyntaxKind.CommaToken || token() === SyntaxKind.FromKeyword; + } + + function parseImportEqualsDeclaration(pos: number, hasJSDoc: boolean, modifiers: NodeArray | undefined, identifier: Identifier, isTypeOnly: boolean): ImportEqualsDeclaration { + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.EqualsToken); + const moduleReference = parseModuleReference(); + parseSemicolon(); + const node = factory.createImportEqualsDeclaration(modifiers, isTypeOnly, identifier, moduleReference); + const finished = withJSDoc(finishNode(node, pos), hasJSDoc); + return finished; + } + + function parseImportClause(identifier: Identifier | undefined, pos: number, isTypeOnly: boolean, skipJsDocLeadingAsterisks: boolean) { + // ImportClause: + // ImportedDefaultBinding + // NameSpaceImport + // NamedImports + // ImportedDefaultBinding, NameSpaceImport + // ImportedDefaultBinding, NamedImports + + // If there was no default import or if there is comma token after default import + // parse namespace or named imports + let namedBindings: NamespaceImport | NamedImports | undefined; + if ( + !identifier || + parseOptional(SyntaxKind.CommaToken) + ) { + if (skipJsDocLeadingAsterisks) scanner.setSkipJsDocLeadingAsterisks(true); + namedBindings = token() === SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken ? parseNamespaceImport() : parseNamedImportsOrExports(SyntaxKind.NamedImports); + if (skipJsDocLeadingAsterisks) scanner.setSkipJsDocLeadingAsterisks(false); + } + + return finishNode(factory.createImportClause(isTypeOnly, identifier, namedBindings), pos); + } + + function parseModuleReference() { + return isExternalModuleReference() + ? parseExternalModuleReference() + : parseEntityName(/*allowReservedWords*/ false); + } + + function parseExternalModuleReference() { + const pos = getNodePos(); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.RequireKeyword); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken); + const expression = parseModuleSpecifier(); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken); + return finishNode(factory.createExternalModuleReference(expression), pos); + } + + function parseModuleSpecifier(): Expression { + if (token() === SyntaxKind.StringLiteral) { + const result = parseLiteralNode(); + result.text = internIdentifier(result.text); + return result; + } + else { + // We allow arbitrary expressions here, even though the grammar only allows string + // literals. We check to ensure that it is only a string literal later in the grammar + // check pass. + return parseExpression(); + } + } + + function parseNamespaceImport(): NamespaceImport { + // NameSpaceImport: + // * as ImportedBinding + const pos = getNodePos(); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.AsKeyword); + const name = parseIdentifier(); + return finishNode(factory.createNamespaceImport(name), pos); + } + + function canParseModuleExportName(): boolean { + return tokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword(token()) || token() === SyntaxKind.StringLiteral; + } + + function parseModuleExportName(parseName: () => Identifier): ModuleExportName { + return token() === SyntaxKind.StringLiteral ? parseLiteralNode() as StringLiteral : parseName(); + } + + function parseNamedImportsOrExports(kind: SyntaxKind.NamedImports): NamedImports; + function parseNamedImportsOrExports(kind: SyntaxKind.NamedExports): NamedExports; + function parseNamedImportsOrExports(kind: SyntaxKind): NamedImportsOrExports { + const pos = getNodePos(); + + // NamedImports: + // { } + // { ImportsList } + // { ImportsList, } + + // ImportsList: + // ImportSpecifier + // ImportsList, ImportSpecifier + const node = kind === SyntaxKind.NamedImports + ? factory.createNamedImports(parseBracketedList(ParsingContext.ImportOrExportSpecifiers, parseImportSpecifier, SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken, SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken)) + : factory.createNamedExports(parseBracketedList(ParsingContext.ImportOrExportSpecifiers, parseExportSpecifier, SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken, SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken)); + return finishNode(node, pos); + } + + function parseExportSpecifier() { + const hasJSDoc = hasPrecedingJSDocComment(); + return withJSDoc(parseImportOrExportSpecifier(SyntaxKind.ExportSpecifier) as ExportSpecifier, hasJSDoc); + } + + function parseImportSpecifier() { + return parseImportOrExportSpecifier(SyntaxKind.ImportSpecifier) as ImportSpecifier; + } + + function parseImportOrExportSpecifier(kind: SyntaxKind): ImportOrExportSpecifier { + const pos = getNodePos(); + // ImportSpecifier: + // BindingIdentifier + // ModuleExportName as BindingIdentifier + // ExportSpecifier: + // ModuleExportName + // ModuleExportName as ModuleExportName + let checkIdentifierIsKeyword = isKeyword(token()) && !isIdentifier(); + let checkIdentifierStart = scanner.getTokenStart(); + let checkIdentifierEnd = scanner.getTokenEnd(); + let isTypeOnly = false; + let propertyName: ModuleExportName | undefined; + let canParseAsKeyword = true; + let name = parseModuleExportName(parseIdentifierName); + if (name.kind === SyntaxKind.Identifier && name.escapedText === "type") { + // If the first token of an import specifier is 'type', there are a lot of possibilities, + // especially if we see 'as' afterwards: + // + // import { type } from "mod"; - isTypeOnly: false, name: type + // import { type as } from "mod"; - isTypeOnly: true, name: as + // import { type as as } from "mod"; - isTypeOnly: false, name: as, propertyName: type + // import { type as as as } from "mod"; - isTypeOnly: true, name: as, propertyName: as + if (token() === SyntaxKind.AsKeyword) { + // { type as ...? } + const firstAs = parseIdentifierName(); + if (token() === SyntaxKind.AsKeyword) { + // { type as as ...? } + const secondAs = parseIdentifierName(); + if (canParseModuleExportName()) { + // { type as as something } + // { type as as "something" } + isTypeOnly = true; + propertyName = firstAs; + name = parseModuleExportName(parseNameWithKeywordCheck); + canParseAsKeyword = false; + } + else { + // { type as as } + propertyName = name; + name = secondAs; + canParseAsKeyword = false; + } + } + else if (canParseModuleExportName()) { + // { type as something } + // { type as "something" } + propertyName = name; + canParseAsKeyword = false; + name = parseModuleExportName(parseNameWithKeywordCheck); + } + else { + // { type as } + isTypeOnly = true; + name = firstAs; + } + } + else if (canParseModuleExportName()) { + // { type something ...? } + // { type "something" ...? } + isTypeOnly = true; + name = parseModuleExportName(parseNameWithKeywordCheck); + } + } + + if (canParseAsKeyword && token() === SyntaxKind.AsKeyword) { + propertyName = name; + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.AsKeyword); + name = parseModuleExportName(parseNameWithKeywordCheck); + } + if (kind === SyntaxKind.ImportSpecifier) { + if (name.kind !== SyntaxKind.Identifier) { + // ImportSpecifier casts "name" to Identifier below, so make sure it's an identifier + parseErrorAt(skipTrivia(sourceText, name.pos), name.end, Diagnostics.Identifier_expected); + name = setTextRangePosEnd(createMissingNode(SyntaxKind.Identifier, /*reportAtCurrentPosition*/ false), name.pos, name.pos); + } + else if (checkIdentifierIsKeyword) { + parseErrorAt(checkIdentifierStart, checkIdentifierEnd, Diagnostics.Identifier_expected); + } + } + const node = kind === SyntaxKind.ImportSpecifier + ? factory.createImportSpecifier(isTypeOnly, propertyName, name as Identifier) + : factory.createExportSpecifier(isTypeOnly, propertyName, name); + return finishNode(node, pos); + + function parseNameWithKeywordCheck() { + checkIdentifierIsKeyword = isKeyword(token()) && !isIdentifier(); + checkIdentifierStart = scanner.getTokenStart(); + checkIdentifierEnd = scanner.getTokenEnd(); + return parseIdentifierName(); + } + } + + function parseNamespaceExport(pos: number): NamespaceExport { + return finishNode(factory.createNamespaceExport(parseModuleExportName(parseIdentifierName)), pos); + } + + function parseExportDeclaration(pos: number, hasJSDoc: boolean, modifiers: NodeArray | undefined): ExportDeclaration { + const savedAwaitContext = inAwaitContext(); + setAwaitContext(/*value*/ true); + let exportClause: NamedExportBindings | undefined; + let moduleSpecifier: Expression | undefined; + let attributes: ImportAttributes | undefined; + const isTypeOnly = parseOptional(SyntaxKind.TypeKeyword); + const namespaceExportPos = getNodePos(); + if (parseOptional(SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken)) { + if (parseOptional(SyntaxKind.AsKeyword)) { + exportClause = parseNamespaceExport(namespaceExportPos); + } + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.FromKeyword); + moduleSpecifier = parseModuleSpecifier(); + } + else { + exportClause = parseNamedImportsOrExports(SyntaxKind.NamedExports); + // It is not uncommon to accidentally omit the 'from' keyword. Additionally, in editing scenarios, + // the 'from' keyword can be parsed as a named export when the export clause is unterminated (i.e. `export { from "moduleName";`) + // If we don't have a 'from' keyword, see if we have a string literal such that ASI won't take effect. + if (token() === SyntaxKind.FromKeyword || (token() === SyntaxKind.StringLiteral && !scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak())) { + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.FromKeyword); + moduleSpecifier = parseModuleSpecifier(); + } + } + const currentToken = token(); + if (moduleSpecifier && (currentToken === SyntaxKind.WithKeyword || currentToken === SyntaxKind.AssertKeyword) && !scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak()) { + attributes = parseImportAttributes(currentToken); + } + parseSemicolon(); + setAwaitContext(savedAwaitContext); + const node = factory.createExportDeclaration(modifiers, isTypeOnly, exportClause, moduleSpecifier, attributes); + return withJSDoc(finishNode(node, pos), hasJSDoc); + } + + function parseExportAssignment(pos: number, hasJSDoc: boolean, modifiers: NodeArray | undefined): ExportAssignment { + const savedAwaitContext = inAwaitContext(); + setAwaitContext(/*value*/ true); + let isExportEquals: boolean | undefined; + if (parseOptional(SyntaxKind.EqualsToken)) { + isExportEquals = true; + } + else { + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.DefaultKeyword); + } + const expression = parseAssignmentExpressionOrHigher(/*allowReturnTypeInArrowFunction*/ true); + parseSemicolon(); + setAwaitContext(savedAwaitContext); + const node = factory.createExportAssignment(modifiers, isExportEquals, expression); + return withJSDoc(finishNode(node, pos), hasJSDoc); + } + + // dprint-ignore + const enum ParsingContext { + SourceElements, // Elements in source file + BlockStatements, // Statements in block + SwitchClauses, // Clauses in switch statement + SwitchClauseStatements, // Statements in switch clause + TypeMembers, // Members in interface or type literal + ClassMembers, // Members in class declaration + EnumMembers, // Members in enum declaration + HeritageClauseElement, // Elements in a heritage clause + VariableDeclarations, // Variable declarations in variable statement + ObjectBindingElements, // Binding elements in object binding list + ArrayBindingElements, // Binding elements in array binding list + ArgumentExpressions, // Expressions in argument list + ObjectLiteralMembers, // Members in object literal + JsxAttributes, // Attributes in jsx element + JsxChildren, // Things between opening and closing JSX tags + ArrayLiteralMembers, // Members in array literal + Parameters, // Parameters in parameter list + JSDocParameters, // JSDoc parameters in parameter list of JSDoc function type + RestProperties, // Property names in a rest type list + TypeParameters, // Type parameters in type parameter list + TypeArguments, // Type arguments in type argument list + TupleElementTypes, // Element types in tuple element type list + HeritageClauses, // Heritage clauses for a class or interface declaration. + ImportOrExportSpecifiers, // Named import clause's import specifier list, + ImportAttributes, // Import attributes + JSDocComment, // Parsing via JSDocParser + Count, // Number of parsing contexts + } + + const enum Tristate { + False, + True, + Unknown, + } + + export namespace JSDocParser { + export function parseJSDocTypeExpressionForTests(content: string, start: number | undefined, length: number | undefined): { jsDocTypeExpression: JSDocTypeExpression; diagnostics: Diagnostic[]; } | undefined { + initializeState("file.js", content, ScriptTarget.Latest, /*syntaxCursor*/ undefined, ScriptKind.JS, JSDocParsingMode.ParseAll); + scanner.setText(content, start, length); + currentToken = scanner.scan(); + const jsDocTypeExpression = parseJSDocTypeExpression(); + + const sourceFile = createSourceFile("file.js", ScriptTarget.Latest, ScriptKind.JS, /*isDeclarationFile*/ false, [], factoryCreateToken(SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken), NodeFlags.None, noop); + const diagnostics = attachFileToDiagnostics(parseDiagnostics, sourceFile); + if (jsDocDiagnostics) { + sourceFile.jsDocDiagnostics = attachFileToDiagnostics(jsDocDiagnostics, sourceFile); + } + + clearState(); + + return jsDocTypeExpression ? { jsDocTypeExpression, diagnostics } : undefined; + } + + // Parses out a JSDoc type expression. + export function parseJSDocTypeExpression(mayOmitBraces?: boolean): JSDocTypeExpression { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const hasBrace = (mayOmitBraces ? parseOptional : parseExpected)(SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken); + const type = doInsideOfContext(NodeFlags.JSDoc, parseJSDocType); + if (!mayOmitBraces || hasBrace) { + parseExpectedJSDoc(SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken); + } + + const result = factory.createJSDocTypeExpression(type); + fixupParentReferences(result); + return finishNode(result, pos); + } + + export function parseJSDocNameReference(): JSDocNameReference { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const hasBrace = parseOptional(SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken); + const p2 = getNodePos(); + let entityName: EntityName | JSDocMemberName = parseEntityName(/*allowReservedWords*/ false); + while (token() === SyntaxKind.PrivateIdentifier) { + reScanHashToken(); // rescan #id as # id + nextTokenJSDoc(); // then skip the # + entityName = finishNode(factory.createJSDocMemberName(entityName, parseIdentifier()), p2); + } + if (hasBrace) { + parseExpectedJSDoc(SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken); + } + + const result = factory.createJSDocNameReference(entityName); + fixupParentReferences(result); + return finishNode(result, pos); + } + + export function parseIsolatedJSDocComment(content: string, start: number | undefined, length: number | undefined): { jsDoc: JSDoc; diagnostics: Diagnostic[]; } | undefined { + initializeState("", content, ScriptTarget.Latest, /*syntaxCursor*/ undefined, ScriptKind.JS, JSDocParsingMode.ParseAll); + const jsDoc = doInsideOfContext(NodeFlags.JSDoc, () => parseJSDocCommentWorker(start, length)); + + const sourceFile = { languageVariant: LanguageVariant.Standard, text: content } as SourceFile; + const diagnostics = attachFileToDiagnostics(parseDiagnostics, sourceFile); + clearState(); + + return jsDoc ? { jsDoc, diagnostics } : undefined; + } + + export function parseJSDocComment(parent: HasJSDoc, start: number, length: number): JSDoc | undefined { + const saveToken = currentToken; + const saveParseDiagnosticsLength = parseDiagnostics.length; + const saveParseErrorBeforeNextFinishedNode = parseErrorBeforeNextFinishedNode; + + const comment = doInsideOfContext(NodeFlags.JSDoc, () => parseJSDocCommentWorker(start, length)); + setParent(comment, parent); + + if (contextFlags & NodeFlags.JavaScriptFile) { + if (!jsDocDiagnostics) { + jsDocDiagnostics = []; + } + addRange(jsDocDiagnostics, parseDiagnostics, saveParseDiagnosticsLength); + } + currentToken = saveToken; + parseDiagnostics.length = saveParseDiagnosticsLength; + parseErrorBeforeNextFinishedNode = saveParseErrorBeforeNextFinishedNode; + return comment; + } + + const enum JSDocState { + BeginningOfLine, + SawAsterisk, + SavingComments, + SavingBackticks, // NOTE: Only used when parsing tag comments + } + + const enum PropertyLikeParse { + Property = 1 << 0, + Parameter = 1 << 1, + CallbackParameter = 1 << 2, + } + + function parseJSDocCommentWorker(start = 0, length: number | undefined): JSDoc | undefined { + const content = sourceText; + const end = length === undefined ? content.length : start + length; + length = end - start; + + Debug.assert(start >= 0); + Debug.assert(start <= end); + Debug.assert(end <= content.length); + + // Check for /** (JSDoc opening part) + if (!isJSDocLikeText(content, start)) { + return undefined; + } + + let tags: JSDocTag[]; + let tagsPos: number; + let tagsEnd: number; + let linkEnd: number; + let commentsPos: number | undefined; + let comments: string[] = []; + const parts: JSDocComment[] = []; + + const saveParsingContext = parsingContext; + parsingContext |= 1 << ParsingContext.JSDocComment; + + // + 3 for leading /**, - 5 in total for /** */ + const result = scanner.scanRange(start + 3, length - 5, doJSDocScan); + parsingContext = saveParsingContext; + return result; + + function doJSDocScan() { + // Initially we can parse out a tag. We also have seen a starting asterisk. + // This is so that /** * @type */ doesn't parse. + let state = JSDocState.SawAsterisk; + let margin: number | undefined; + // + 4 for leading '/** ' + // + 1 because the last index of \n is always one index before the first character in the line and coincidentally, if there is no \n before start, it is -1, which is also one index before the first character + let indent = start - (content.lastIndexOf("\n", start) + 1) + 4; + function pushComment(text: string) { + if (!margin) { + margin = indent; + } + comments.push(text); + indent += text.length; + } + + nextTokenJSDoc(); + while (parseOptionalJsdoc(SyntaxKind.WhitespaceTrivia)); + if (parseOptionalJsdoc(SyntaxKind.NewLineTrivia)) { + state = JSDocState.BeginningOfLine; + indent = 0; + } + loop: + while (true) { + switch (token()) { + case SyntaxKind.AtToken: + removeTrailingWhitespace(comments); + if (!commentsPos) commentsPos = getNodePos(); + addTag(parseTag(indent)); + // NOTE: According to usejsdoc.org, a tag goes to end of line, except the last tag. + // Real-world comments may break this rule, so "BeginningOfLine" will not be a real line beginning + // for malformed examples like `/** @param {string} x @returns {number} the length */` + state = JSDocState.BeginningOfLine; + margin = undefined; + break; + case SyntaxKind.NewLineTrivia: + comments.push(scanner.getTokenText()); + state = JSDocState.BeginningOfLine; + indent = 0; + break; + case SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken: + const asterisk = scanner.getTokenText(); + if (state === JSDocState.SawAsterisk) { + // If we've already seen an asterisk, then we can no longer parse a tag on this line + state = JSDocState.SavingComments; + pushComment(asterisk); + } + else { + Debug.assert(state === JSDocState.BeginningOfLine); + // Ignore the first asterisk on a line + state = JSDocState.SawAsterisk; + indent += asterisk.length; + } + break; + case SyntaxKind.WhitespaceTrivia: + Debug.assert(state !== JSDocState.SavingComments, "whitespace shouldn't come from the scanner while saving top-level comment text"); + // only collect whitespace if we're already saving comments or have just crossed the comment indent margin + const whitespace = scanner.getTokenText(); + if (margin !== undefined && indent + whitespace.length > margin) { + comments.push(whitespace.slice(margin - indent)); + } + indent += whitespace.length; + break; + case SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken: + break loop; + case SyntaxKind.JSDocCommentTextToken: + state = JSDocState.SavingComments; + pushComment(scanner.getTokenValue()); + break; + case SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken: + state = JSDocState.SavingComments; + const commentEnd = scanner.getTokenFullStart(); + const linkStart = scanner.getTokenEnd() - 1; + const link = parseJSDocLink(linkStart); + if (link) { + if (!linkEnd) { + removeLeadingNewlines(comments); + } + parts.push(finishNode(factory.createJSDocText(comments.join("")), linkEnd ?? start, commentEnd)); + parts.push(link); + comments = []; + linkEnd = scanner.getTokenEnd(); + break; + } + // fallthrough if it's not a {@link sequence + default: + // Anything else is doc comment text. We just save it. Because it + // wasn't a tag, we can no longer parse a tag on this line until we hit the next + // line break. + state = JSDocState.SavingComments; + pushComment(scanner.getTokenText()); + break; + } + if (state === JSDocState.SavingComments) { + nextJSDocCommentTextToken(/*inBackticks*/ false); + } + else { + nextTokenJSDoc(); + } + } + const trimmedComments = comments.join("").trimEnd(); + if (parts.length && trimmedComments.length) { + parts.push(finishNode(factory.createJSDocText(trimmedComments), linkEnd ?? start, commentsPos)); + } + if (parts.length && tags) Debug.assertIsDefined(commentsPos, "having parsed tags implies that the end of the comment span should be set"); + const tagsArray = tags && createNodeArray(tags, tagsPos, tagsEnd); + return finishNode(factory.createJSDocComment(parts.length ? createNodeArray(parts, start, commentsPos) : trimmedComments.length ? trimmedComments : undefined, tagsArray), start, end); + } + + function removeLeadingNewlines(comments: string[]) { + while (comments.length && (comments[0] === "\n" || comments[0] === "\r")) { + comments.shift(); + } + } + + function removeTrailingWhitespace(comments: string[]) { + while (comments.length) { + const trimmed = comments[comments.length - 1].trimEnd(); + if (trimmed === "") { + comments.pop(); + } + else if (trimmed.length < comments[comments.length - 1].length) { + comments[comments.length - 1] = trimmed; + break; + } + else { + break; + } + } + } + + function isNextNonwhitespaceTokenEndOfFile(): boolean { + // We must use infinite lookahead, as there could be any number of newlines :( + while (true) { + nextTokenJSDoc(); + if (token() === SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken) { + return true; + } + if (!(token() === SyntaxKind.WhitespaceTrivia || token() === SyntaxKind.NewLineTrivia)) { + return false; + } + } + } + + function skipWhitespace(): void { + if (token() === SyntaxKind.WhitespaceTrivia || token() === SyntaxKind.NewLineTrivia) { + if (lookAhead(isNextNonwhitespaceTokenEndOfFile)) { + return; // Don't skip whitespace prior to EoF (or end of comment) - that shouldn't be included in any node's range + } + } + while (token() === SyntaxKind.WhitespaceTrivia || token() === SyntaxKind.NewLineTrivia) { + nextTokenJSDoc(); + } + } + + function skipWhitespaceOrAsterisk(): string { + if (token() === SyntaxKind.WhitespaceTrivia || token() === SyntaxKind.NewLineTrivia) { + if (lookAhead(isNextNonwhitespaceTokenEndOfFile)) { + return ""; // Don't skip whitespace prior to EoF (or end of comment) - that shouldn't be included in any node's range + } + } + + let precedingLineBreak = scanner.hasPrecedingLineBreak(); + let seenLineBreak = false; + let indentText = ""; + while ((precedingLineBreak && token() === SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken) || token() === SyntaxKind.WhitespaceTrivia || token() === SyntaxKind.NewLineTrivia) { + indentText += scanner.getTokenText(); + if (token() === SyntaxKind.NewLineTrivia) { + precedingLineBreak = true; + seenLineBreak = true; + indentText = ""; + } + else if (token() === SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken) { + precedingLineBreak = false; + } + nextTokenJSDoc(); + } + return seenLineBreak ? indentText : ""; + } + + function parseTag(margin: number) { + Debug.assert(token() === SyntaxKind.AtToken); + const start = scanner.getTokenStart(); + nextTokenJSDoc(); + + const tagName = parseJSDocIdentifierName(/*message*/ undefined); + const indentText = skipWhitespaceOrAsterisk(); + + let tag: JSDocTag | undefined; + switch (tagName.escapedText) { + case "author": + tag = parseAuthorTag(start, tagName, margin, indentText); + break; + case "implements": + tag = parseImplementsTag(start, tagName, margin, indentText); + break; + case "augments": + case "extends": + tag = parseAugmentsTag(start, tagName, margin, indentText); + break; + case "class": + case "constructor": + tag = parseSimpleTag(start, factory.createJSDocClassTag, tagName, margin, indentText); + break; + case "public": + tag = parseSimpleTag(start, factory.createJSDocPublicTag, tagName, margin, indentText); + break; + case "private": + tag = parseSimpleTag(start, factory.createJSDocPrivateTag, tagName, margin, indentText); + break; + case "protected": + tag = parseSimpleTag(start, factory.createJSDocProtectedTag, tagName, margin, indentText); + break; + case "readonly": + tag = parseSimpleTag(start, factory.createJSDocReadonlyTag, tagName, margin, indentText); + break; + case "override": + tag = parseSimpleTag(start, factory.createJSDocOverrideTag, tagName, margin, indentText); + break; + case "deprecated": + hasDeprecatedTag = true; + tag = parseSimpleTag(start, factory.createJSDocDeprecatedTag, tagName, margin, indentText); + break; + case "this": + tag = parseThisTag(start, tagName, margin, indentText); + break; + case "enum": + tag = parseEnumTag(start, tagName, margin, indentText); + break; + case "arg": + case "argument": + case "param": + return parseParameterOrPropertyTag(start, tagName, PropertyLikeParse.Parameter, margin); + case "return": + case "returns": + tag = parseReturnTag(start, tagName, margin, indentText); + break; + case "template": + tag = parseTemplateTag(start, tagName, margin, indentText); + break; + case "type": + tag = parseTypeTag(start, tagName, margin, indentText); + break; + case "typedef": + tag = parseTypedefTag(start, tagName, margin, indentText); + break; + case "callback": + tag = parseCallbackTag(start, tagName, margin, indentText); + break; + case "overload": + tag = parseOverloadTag(start, tagName, margin, indentText); + break; + case "satisfies": + tag = parseSatisfiesTag(start, tagName, margin, indentText); + break; + case "see": + tag = parseSeeTag(start, tagName, margin, indentText); + break; + case "exception": + case "throws": + tag = parseThrowsTag(start, tagName, margin, indentText); + break; + case "import": + tag = parseImportTag(start, tagName, margin, indentText); + break; + default: + tag = parseUnknownTag(start, tagName, margin, indentText); + break; + } + return tag; + } + + function parseTrailingTagComments(pos: number, end: number, margin: number, indentText: string) { + // some tags, like typedef and callback, have already parsed their comments earlier + if (!indentText) { + margin += end - pos; + } + return parseTagComments(margin, indentText.slice(margin)); + } + + function parseTagComments(indent: number, initialMargin?: string): string | NodeArray | undefined { + const commentsPos = getNodePos(); + let comments: string[] = []; + const parts: JSDocComment[] = []; + let linkEnd; + let state = JSDocState.BeginningOfLine; + let margin: number | undefined; + function pushComment(text: string) { + if (!margin) { + margin = indent; + } + comments.push(text); + indent += text.length; + } + if (initialMargin !== undefined) { + // jump straight to saving comments if there is some initial indentation + if (initialMargin !== "") { + pushComment(initialMargin); + } + state = JSDocState.SawAsterisk; + } + let tok = token() as JSDocSyntaxKind | SyntaxKind.JSDocCommentTextToken; + loop: + while (true) { + switch (tok) { + case SyntaxKind.NewLineTrivia: + state = JSDocState.BeginningOfLine; + // don't use pushComment here because we want to keep the margin unchanged + comments.push(scanner.getTokenText()); + indent = 0; + break; + case SyntaxKind.AtToken: + scanner.resetTokenState(scanner.getTokenEnd() - 1); + break loop; + case SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken: + // Done + break loop; + case SyntaxKind.WhitespaceTrivia: + Debug.assert(state !== JSDocState.SavingComments && state !== JSDocState.SavingBackticks, "whitespace shouldn't come from the scanner while saving comment text"); + const whitespace = scanner.getTokenText(); + // if the whitespace crosses the margin, take only the whitespace that passes the margin + if (margin !== undefined && indent + whitespace.length > margin) { + comments.push(whitespace.slice(margin - indent)); + state = JSDocState.SavingComments; + } + indent += whitespace.length; + break; + case SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken: + state = JSDocState.SavingComments; + const commentEnd = scanner.getTokenFullStart(); + const linkStart = scanner.getTokenEnd() - 1; + const link = parseJSDocLink(linkStart); + if (link) { + parts.push(finishNode(factory.createJSDocText(comments.join("")), linkEnd ?? commentsPos, commentEnd)); + parts.push(link); + comments = []; + linkEnd = scanner.getTokenEnd(); + } + else { + pushComment(scanner.getTokenText()); + } + break; + case SyntaxKind.BacktickToken: + if (state === JSDocState.SavingBackticks) { + state = JSDocState.SavingComments; + } + else { + state = JSDocState.SavingBackticks; + } + pushComment(scanner.getTokenText()); + break; + case SyntaxKind.JSDocCommentTextToken: + if (state !== JSDocState.SavingBackticks) { + state = JSDocState.SavingComments; // leading identifiers start recording as well + } + pushComment(scanner.getTokenValue()); + break; + case SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken: + if (state === JSDocState.BeginningOfLine) { + // leading asterisks start recording on the *next* (non-whitespace) token + state = JSDocState.SawAsterisk; + indent += 1; + break; + } + // record the * as a comment + // falls through + default: + if (state !== JSDocState.SavingBackticks) { + state = JSDocState.SavingComments; // leading identifiers start recording as well + } + pushComment(scanner.getTokenText()); + break; + } + if (state === JSDocState.SavingComments || state === JSDocState.SavingBackticks) { + tok = nextJSDocCommentTextToken(state === JSDocState.SavingBackticks); + } + else { + tok = nextTokenJSDoc(); + } + } + + removeLeadingNewlines(comments); + const trimmedComments = comments.join("").trimEnd(); + if (parts.length) { + if (trimmedComments.length) { + parts.push(finishNode(factory.createJSDocText(trimmedComments), linkEnd ?? commentsPos)); + } + return createNodeArray(parts, commentsPos, scanner.getTokenEnd()); + } + else if (trimmedComments.length) { + return trimmedComments; + } + } + + function parseJSDocLink(start: number) { + const linkType = tryParse(parseJSDocLinkPrefix); + if (!linkType) { + return undefined; + } + nextTokenJSDoc(); // start at token after link, then skip any whitespace + skipWhitespace(); + const name = parseJSDocLinkName(); + const text = []; + while (token() !== SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken && token() !== SyntaxKind.NewLineTrivia && token() !== SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken) { + text.push(scanner.getTokenText()); + nextTokenJSDoc(); + } + const create = linkType === "link" ? factory.createJSDocLink + : linkType === "linkcode" ? factory.createJSDocLinkCode + : factory.createJSDocLinkPlain; + return finishNode(create(name, text.join("")), start, scanner.getTokenEnd()); + } + + function parseJSDocLinkName() { + if (tokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword(token())) { + const pos = getNodePos(); + + let name: EntityName | JSDocMemberName = parseIdentifierName(); + while (parseOptional(SyntaxKind.DotToken)) { + name = finishNode(factory.createQualifiedName(name, token() === SyntaxKind.PrivateIdentifier ? createMissingNode(SyntaxKind.Identifier, /*reportAtCurrentPosition*/ false) : parseIdentifierName()), pos); + } + while (token() === SyntaxKind.PrivateIdentifier) { + reScanHashToken(); + nextTokenJSDoc(); + name = finishNode(factory.createJSDocMemberName(name, parseIdentifier()), pos); + } + return name; + } + return undefined; + } + + function parseJSDocLinkPrefix() { + skipWhitespaceOrAsterisk(); + if ( + token() === SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken + && nextTokenJSDoc() === SyntaxKind.AtToken + && tokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword(nextTokenJSDoc()) + ) { + const kind = scanner.getTokenValue(); + if (isJSDocLinkTag(kind)) return kind; + } + } + + function isJSDocLinkTag(kind: string) { + return kind === "link" || kind === "linkcode" || kind === "linkplain"; + } + + function parseUnknownTag(start: number, tagName: Identifier, indent: number, indentText: string) { + return finishNode(factory.createJSDocUnknownTag(tagName, parseTrailingTagComments(start, getNodePos(), indent, indentText)), start); + } + + function addTag(tag: JSDocTag | undefined): void { + if (!tag) { + return; + } + if (!tags) { + tags = [tag]; + tagsPos = tag.pos; + } + else { + tags.push(tag); + } + tagsEnd = tag.end; + } + + function tryParseTypeExpression(): JSDocTypeExpression | undefined { + skipWhitespaceOrAsterisk(); + return token() === SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken ? parseJSDocTypeExpression() : undefined; + } + + function parseBracketNameInPropertyAndParamTag(): { name: EntityName; isBracketed: boolean; } { + // Looking for something like '[foo]', 'foo', '[foo.bar]' or 'foo.bar' + const isBracketed = parseOptionalJsdoc(SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken); + if (isBracketed) { + skipWhitespace(); + } + // a markdown-quoted name: `arg` is not legal jsdoc, but occurs in the wild + const isBackquoted = parseOptionalJsdoc(SyntaxKind.BacktickToken); + const name = parseJSDocEntityName(); + if (isBackquoted) { + parseExpectedTokenJSDoc(SyntaxKind.BacktickToken); + } + if (isBracketed) { + skipWhitespace(); + // May have an optional default, e.g. '[foo = 42]' + if (parseOptionalToken(SyntaxKind.EqualsToken)) { + parseExpression(); + } + + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.CloseBracketToken); + } + + return { name, isBracketed }; + } + + function isObjectOrObjectArrayTypeReference(node: TypeNode): boolean { + switch (node.kind) { + case SyntaxKind.ObjectKeyword: + return true; + case SyntaxKind.ArrayType: + return isObjectOrObjectArrayTypeReference((node as ArrayTypeNode).elementType); + default: + return isTypeReferenceNode(node) && isIdentifierNode(node.typeName) && node.typeName.escapedText === "Object" && !node.typeArguments; + } + } + + function parseParameterOrPropertyTag(start: number, tagName: Identifier, target: PropertyLikeParse, indent: number): JSDocParameterTag | JSDocPropertyTag { + let typeExpression = tryParseTypeExpression(); + let isNameFirst = !typeExpression; + skipWhitespaceOrAsterisk(); + + const { name, isBracketed } = parseBracketNameInPropertyAndParamTag(); + const indentText = skipWhitespaceOrAsterisk(); + + if (isNameFirst && !lookAhead(parseJSDocLinkPrefix)) { + typeExpression = tryParseTypeExpression(); + } + + const comment = parseTrailingTagComments(start, getNodePos(), indent, indentText); + + const nestedTypeLiteral = parseNestedTypeLiteral(typeExpression, name, target, indent); + if (nestedTypeLiteral) { + typeExpression = nestedTypeLiteral; + isNameFirst = true; + } + const result = target === PropertyLikeParse.Property + ? factory.createJSDocPropertyTag(tagName, name, isBracketed, typeExpression, isNameFirst, comment) + : factory.createJSDocParameterTag(tagName, name, isBracketed, typeExpression, isNameFirst, comment); + return finishNode(result, start); + } + + function parseNestedTypeLiteral(typeExpression: JSDocTypeExpression | undefined, name: EntityName, target: PropertyLikeParse, indent: number) { + if (typeExpression && isObjectOrObjectArrayTypeReference(typeExpression.type)) { + const pos = getNodePos(); + let child: JSDocPropertyLikeTag | JSDocTypeTag | JSDocTemplateTag | JSDocThisTag | false; + let children: JSDocPropertyLikeTag[] | undefined; + while (child = tryParse(() => parseChildParameterOrPropertyTag(target, indent, name))) { + if (child.kind === SyntaxKind.JSDocParameterTag || child.kind === SyntaxKind.JSDocPropertyTag) { + children = append(children, child); + } + else if (child.kind === SyntaxKind.JSDocTemplateTag) { + parseErrorAtRange(child.tagName, Diagnostics.A_JSDoc_template_tag_may_not_follow_a_typedef_callback_or_overload_tag); + } + } + if (children) { + const literal = finishNode(factory.createJSDocTypeLiteral(children, typeExpression.type.kind === SyntaxKind.ArrayType), pos); + return finishNode(factory.createJSDocTypeExpression(literal), pos); + } + } + } + + function parseReturnTag(start: number, tagName: Identifier, indent: number, indentText: string): JSDocReturnTag { + if (some(tags, isJSDocReturnTag)) { + parseErrorAt(tagName.pos, scanner.getTokenStart(), Diagnostics._0_tag_already_specified, unescapeLeadingUnderscores(tagName.escapedText)); + } + + const typeExpression = tryParseTypeExpression(); + return finishNode(factory.createJSDocReturnTag(tagName, typeExpression, parseTrailingTagComments(start, getNodePos(), indent, indentText)), start); + } + + function parseTypeTag(start: number, tagName: Identifier, indent?: number, indentText?: string): JSDocTypeTag { + if (some(tags, isJSDocTypeTag)) { + parseErrorAt(tagName.pos, scanner.getTokenStart(), Diagnostics._0_tag_already_specified, unescapeLeadingUnderscores(tagName.escapedText)); + } + + const typeExpression = parseJSDocTypeExpression(/*mayOmitBraces*/ true); + const comments = indent !== undefined && indentText !== undefined ? parseTrailingTagComments(start, getNodePos(), indent, indentText) : undefined; + return finishNode(factory.createJSDocTypeTag(tagName, typeExpression, comments), start); + } + + function parseSeeTag(start: number, tagName: Identifier, indent?: number, indentText?: string): JSDocSeeTag { + const isMarkdownOrJSDocLink = token() === SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken + || lookAhead(() => nextTokenJSDoc() === SyntaxKind.AtToken && tokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword(nextTokenJSDoc()) && isJSDocLinkTag(scanner.getTokenValue())); + const nameExpression = isMarkdownOrJSDocLink ? undefined : parseJSDocNameReference(); + const comments = indent !== undefined && indentText !== undefined ? parseTrailingTagComments(start, getNodePos(), indent, indentText) : undefined; + return finishNode(factory.createJSDocSeeTag(tagName, nameExpression, comments), start); + } + + function parseThrowsTag(start: number, tagName: Identifier, indent: number, indentText: string): JSDocThrowsTag { + const typeExpression = tryParseTypeExpression(); + const comment = parseTrailingTagComments(start, getNodePos(), indent, indentText); + return finishNode(factory.createJSDocThrowsTag(tagName, typeExpression, comment), start); + } + + function parseAuthorTag(start: number, tagName: Identifier, indent: number, indentText: string): JSDocAuthorTag { + const commentStart = getNodePos(); + const textOnly = parseAuthorNameAndEmail(); + let commentEnd = scanner.getTokenFullStart(); + const comments = parseTrailingTagComments(start, commentEnd, indent, indentText); + if (!comments) { + commentEnd = scanner.getTokenFullStart(); + } + const allParts = typeof comments !== "string" + ? createNodeArray(concatenate([finishNode(textOnly, commentStart, commentEnd)], comments) as JSDocComment[], commentStart) // cast away readonly + : textOnly.text + comments; + return finishNode(factory.createJSDocAuthorTag(tagName, allParts), start); + } + + function parseAuthorNameAndEmail(): JSDocText { + const comments: string[] = []; + let inEmail = false; + let token = scanner.getToken(); + while (token !== SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken && token !== SyntaxKind.NewLineTrivia) { + if (token === SyntaxKind.LessThanToken) { + inEmail = true; + } + else if (token === SyntaxKind.AtToken && !inEmail) { + break; + } + else if (token === SyntaxKind.GreaterThanToken && inEmail) { + comments.push(scanner.getTokenText()); + scanner.resetTokenState(scanner.getTokenEnd()); + break; + } + comments.push(scanner.getTokenText()); + token = nextTokenJSDoc(); + } + + return factory.createJSDocText(comments.join("")); + } + + function parseImplementsTag(start: number, tagName: Identifier, margin: number, indentText: string): JSDocImplementsTag { + const className = parseExpressionWithTypeArgumentsForAugments(); + return finishNode(factory.createJSDocImplementsTag(tagName, className, parseTrailingTagComments(start, getNodePos(), margin, indentText)), start); + } + + function parseAugmentsTag(start: number, tagName: Identifier, margin: number, indentText: string): JSDocAugmentsTag { + const className = parseExpressionWithTypeArgumentsForAugments(); + return finishNode(factory.createJSDocAugmentsTag(tagName, className, parseTrailingTagComments(start, getNodePos(), margin, indentText)), start); + } + + function parseSatisfiesTag(start: number, tagName: Identifier, margin: number, indentText: string): JSDocSatisfiesTag { + const typeExpression = parseJSDocTypeExpression(/*mayOmitBraces*/ false); + const comments = margin !== undefined && indentText !== undefined ? parseTrailingTagComments(start, getNodePos(), margin, indentText) : undefined; + return finishNode(factory.createJSDocSatisfiesTag(tagName, typeExpression, comments), start); + } + + function parseImportTag(start: number, tagName: Identifier, margin: number, indentText: string): JSDocImportTag { + const afterImportTagPos = scanner.getTokenFullStart(); + + let identifier: Identifier | undefined; + if (isIdentifier()) { + identifier = parseIdentifier(); + } + + const importClause = tryParseImportClause(identifier, afterImportTagPos, /*isTypeOnly*/ true, /*skipJsDocLeadingAsterisks*/ true); + const moduleSpecifier = parseModuleSpecifier(); + const attributes = tryParseImportAttributes(); + + const comments = margin !== undefined && indentText !== undefined ? parseTrailingTagComments(start, getNodePos(), margin, indentText) : undefined; + return finishNode(factory.createJSDocImportTag(tagName, importClause, moduleSpecifier, attributes, comments), start); + } + + function parseExpressionWithTypeArgumentsForAugments(): ExpressionWithTypeArguments & { expression: Identifier | PropertyAccessEntityNameExpression; } { + const usedBrace = parseOptional(SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken); + const pos = getNodePos(); + const expression = parsePropertyAccessEntityNameExpression(); + scanner.setSkipJsDocLeadingAsterisks(true); + const typeArguments = tryParseTypeArguments(); + scanner.setSkipJsDocLeadingAsterisks(false); + const node = factory.createExpressionWithTypeArguments(expression, typeArguments) as ExpressionWithTypeArguments & { expression: Identifier | PropertyAccessEntityNameExpression; }; + const res = finishNode(node, pos); + if (usedBrace) { + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken); + } + return res; + } + + function parsePropertyAccessEntityNameExpression() { + const pos = getNodePos(); + let node: Identifier | PropertyAccessEntityNameExpression = parseJSDocIdentifierName(); + while (parseOptional(SyntaxKind.DotToken)) { + const name = parseJSDocIdentifierName(); + node = finishNode(factoryCreatePropertyAccessExpression(node, name), pos) as PropertyAccessEntityNameExpression; + } + return node; + } + + function parseSimpleTag(start: number, createTag: (tagName: Identifier | undefined, comment?: string | NodeArray) => JSDocTag, tagName: Identifier, margin: number, indentText: string): JSDocTag { + return finishNode(createTag(tagName, parseTrailingTagComments(start, getNodePos(), margin, indentText)), start); + } + + function parseThisTag(start: number, tagName: Identifier, margin: number, indentText: string): JSDocThisTag { + const typeExpression = parseJSDocTypeExpression(/*mayOmitBraces*/ true); + skipWhitespace(); + return finishNode(factory.createJSDocThisTag(tagName, typeExpression, parseTrailingTagComments(start, getNodePos(), margin, indentText)), start); + } + + function parseEnumTag(start: number, tagName: Identifier, margin: number, indentText: string): JSDocEnumTag { + const typeExpression = parseJSDocTypeExpression(/*mayOmitBraces*/ true); + skipWhitespace(); + return finishNode(factory.createJSDocEnumTag(tagName, typeExpression, parseTrailingTagComments(start, getNodePos(), margin, indentText)), start); + } + + function parseTypedefTag(start: number, tagName: Identifier, indent: number, indentText: string): JSDocTypedefTag { + let typeExpression: JSDocTypeExpression | JSDocTypeLiteral | undefined = tryParseTypeExpression(); + skipWhitespaceOrAsterisk(); + + const fullName = parseJSDocTypeNameWithNamespace(); + skipWhitespace(); + let comment = parseTagComments(indent); + + let end: number | undefined; + if (!typeExpression || isObjectOrObjectArrayTypeReference(typeExpression.type)) { + let child: JSDocTypeTag | JSDocPropertyTag | JSDocTemplateTag | false; + let childTypeTag: JSDocTypeTag | undefined; + let jsDocPropertyTags: JSDocPropertyTag[] | undefined; + let hasChildren = false; + while (child = tryParse(() => parseChildPropertyTag(indent))) { + if (child.kind === SyntaxKind.JSDocTemplateTag) { + break; + } + hasChildren = true; + if (child.kind === SyntaxKind.JSDocTypeTag) { + if (childTypeTag) { + const lastError = parseErrorAtCurrentToken(Diagnostics.A_JSDoc_typedef_comment_may_not_contain_multiple_type_tags); + if (lastError) { + addRelatedInfo(lastError, createDetachedDiagnostic(fileName, sourceText, 0, 0, Diagnostics.The_tag_was_first_specified_here)); + } + break; + } + else { + childTypeTag = child; + } + } + else { + jsDocPropertyTags = append(jsDocPropertyTags, child); + } + } + if (hasChildren) { + const isArrayType = typeExpression && typeExpression.type.kind === SyntaxKind.ArrayType; + const jsdocTypeLiteral = factory.createJSDocTypeLiteral(jsDocPropertyTags, isArrayType); + typeExpression = childTypeTag && childTypeTag.typeExpression && !isObjectOrObjectArrayTypeReference(childTypeTag.typeExpression.type) ? + childTypeTag.typeExpression : + finishNode(jsdocTypeLiteral, start); + end = typeExpression.end; + } + } + + // Only include the characters between the name end and the next token if a comment was actually parsed out - otherwise it's just whitespace + end = end || comment !== undefined ? + getNodePos() : + (fullName ?? typeExpression ?? tagName).end; + + if (!comment) { + comment = parseTrailingTagComments(start, end, indent, indentText); + } + + const typedefTag = factory.createJSDocTypedefTag(tagName, typeExpression, fullName, comment); + return finishNode(typedefTag, start, end); + } + + function parseJSDocTypeNameWithNamespace(nested?: boolean) { + const start = scanner.getTokenStart(); + if (!tokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword(token())) { + return undefined; + } + const typeNameOrNamespaceName = parseJSDocIdentifierName(); + if (parseOptional(SyntaxKind.DotToken)) { + const body = parseJSDocTypeNameWithNamespace(/*nested*/ true); + const jsDocNamespaceNode = factory.createModuleDeclaration( + /*modifiers*/ undefined, + typeNameOrNamespaceName, + body, + nested ? NodeFlags.NestedNamespace : undefined, + ) as JSDocNamespaceDeclaration; + return finishNode(jsDocNamespaceNode, start); + } + + if (nested) { + (typeNameOrNamespaceName as Mutable).flags |= NodeFlags.IdentifierIsInJSDocNamespace; + } + return typeNameOrNamespaceName; + } + + function parseCallbackTagParameters(indent: number) { + const pos = getNodePos(); + let child: JSDocParameterTag | JSDocTemplateTag | false; + let parameters; + while (child = tryParse(() => parseChildParameterOrPropertyTag(PropertyLikeParse.CallbackParameter, indent) as JSDocParameterTag | JSDocTemplateTag)) { + if (child.kind === SyntaxKind.JSDocTemplateTag) { + parseErrorAtRange(child.tagName, Diagnostics.A_JSDoc_template_tag_may_not_follow_a_typedef_callback_or_overload_tag); + break; + } + parameters = append(parameters, child); + } + return createNodeArray(parameters || [], pos); + } + + function parseJSDocSignature(start: number, indent: number): JSDocSignature { + const parameters = parseCallbackTagParameters(indent); + const returnTag = tryParse(() => { + if (parseOptionalJsdoc(SyntaxKind.AtToken)) { + const tag = parseTag(indent); + if (tag && tag.kind === SyntaxKind.JSDocReturnTag) { + return tag as JSDocReturnTag; + } + } + }); + return finishNode(factory.createJSDocSignature(/*typeParameters*/ undefined, parameters, returnTag), start); + } + + function parseCallbackTag(start: number, tagName: Identifier, indent: number, indentText: string): JSDocCallbackTag { + const fullName = parseJSDocTypeNameWithNamespace(); + skipWhitespace(); + let comment = parseTagComments(indent); + const typeExpression = parseJSDocSignature(start, indent); + if (!comment) { + comment = parseTrailingTagComments(start, getNodePos(), indent, indentText); + } + const end = comment !== undefined ? getNodePos() : typeExpression.end; + return finishNode(factory.createJSDocCallbackTag(tagName, typeExpression, fullName, comment), start, end); + } + + function parseOverloadTag(start: number, tagName: Identifier, indent: number, indentText: string): JSDocOverloadTag { + skipWhitespace(); + let comment = parseTagComments(indent); + const typeExpression = parseJSDocSignature(start, indent); + if (!comment) { + comment = parseTrailingTagComments(start, getNodePos(), indent, indentText); + } + const end = comment !== undefined ? getNodePos() : typeExpression.end; + return finishNode(factory.createJSDocOverloadTag(tagName, typeExpression, comment), start, end); + } + + function escapedTextsEqual(a: EntityName, b: EntityName): boolean { + while (!isIdentifierNode(a) || !isIdentifierNode(b)) { + if (!isIdentifierNode(a) && !isIdentifierNode(b) && a.right.escapedText === b.right.escapedText) { + a = a.left; + b = b.left; + } + else { + return false; + } + } + return a.escapedText === b.escapedText; + } + + function parseChildPropertyTag(indent: number) { + return parseChildParameterOrPropertyTag(PropertyLikeParse.Property, indent) as JSDocTypeTag | JSDocPropertyTag | JSDocTemplateTag | false; + } + + function parseChildParameterOrPropertyTag(target: PropertyLikeParse, indent: number, name?: EntityName): JSDocTypeTag | JSDocPropertyTag | JSDocParameterTag | JSDocTemplateTag | JSDocThisTag | false { + let canParseTag = true; + let seenAsterisk = false; + while (true) { + switch (nextTokenJSDoc()) { + case SyntaxKind.AtToken: + if (canParseTag) { + const child = tryParseChildTag(target, indent); + if ( + child && (child.kind === SyntaxKind.JSDocParameterTag || child.kind === SyntaxKind.JSDocPropertyTag) && + name && (isIdentifierNode(child.name) || !escapedTextsEqual(name, child.name.left)) + ) { + return false; + } + return child; + } + seenAsterisk = false; + break; + case SyntaxKind.NewLineTrivia: + canParseTag = true; + seenAsterisk = false; + break; + case SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken: + if (seenAsterisk) { + canParseTag = false; + } + seenAsterisk = true; + break; + case SyntaxKind.Identifier: + canParseTag = false; + break; + case SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken: + return false; + } + } + } + + function tryParseChildTag(target: PropertyLikeParse, indent: number): JSDocTypeTag | JSDocPropertyTag | JSDocParameterTag | JSDocTemplateTag | JSDocThisTag | false { + Debug.assert(token() === SyntaxKind.AtToken); + const start = scanner.getTokenFullStart(); + nextTokenJSDoc(); + + const tagName = parseJSDocIdentifierName(); + const indentText = skipWhitespaceOrAsterisk(); + let t: PropertyLikeParse; + switch (tagName.escapedText) { + case "type": + return target === PropertyLikeParse.Property && parseTypeTag(start, tagName); + case "prop": + case "property": + t = PropertyLikeParse.Property; + break; + case "arg": + case "argument": + case "param": + t = PropertyLikeParse.Parameter | PropertyLikeParse.CallbackParameter; + break; + case "template": + return parseTemplateTag(start, tagName, indent, indentText); + case "this": + return parseThisTag(start, tagName, indent, indentText); + default: + return false; + } + if (!(target & t)) { + return false; + } + return parseParameterOrPropertyTag(start, tagName, target, indent); + } + + function parseTemplateTagTypeParameter() { + const typeParameterPos = getNodePos(); + const isBracketed = parseOptionalJsdoc(SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken); + if (isBracketed) { + skipWhitespace(); + } + + const modifiers = parseModifiers(/*allowDecorators*/ false, /*permitConstAsModifier*/ true); + const name = parseJSDocIdentifierName(Diagnostics.Unexpected_token_A_type_parameter_name_was_expected_without_curly_braces); + let defaultType: TypeNode | undefined; + if (isBracketed) { + skipWhitespace(); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.EqualsToken); + defaultType = doInsideOfContext(NodeFlags.JSDoc, parseJSDocType); + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.CloseBracketToken); + } + + if (nodeIsMissing(name)) { + return undefined; + } + return finishNode(factory.createTypeParameterDeclaration(modifiers, name, /*constraint*/ undefined, defaultType), typeParameterPos); + } + + function parseTemplateTagTypeParameters() { + const pos = getNodePos(); + const typeParameters = []; + do { + skipWhitespace(); + const node = parseTemplateTagTypeParameter(); + if (node !== undefined) { + typeParameters.push(node); + } + skipWhitespaceOrAsterisk(); + } + while (parseOptionalJsdoc(SyntaxKind.CommaToken)); + return createNodeArray(typeParameters, pos); + } + + function parseTemplateTag(start: number, tagName: Identifier, indent: number, indentText: string): JSDocTemplateTag { + // The template tag looks like one of the following: + // @template T,U,V + // @template {Constraint} T + // + // According to the [closure docs](https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/wiki/Generic-Types#multiple-bounded-template-types): + // > Multiple bounded generics cannot be declared on the same line. For the sake of clarity, if multiple templates share the same + // > type bound they must be declared on separate lines. + // + // TODO: Determine whether we should enforce this in the checker. + // TODO: Consider moving the `constraint` to the first type parameter as we could then remove `getEffectiveConstraintOfTypeParameter`. + // TODO: Consider only parsing a single type parameter if there is a constraint. + const constraint = token() === SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken ? parseJSDocTypeExpression() : undefined; + const typeParameters = parseTemplateTagTypeParameters(); + return finishNode(factory.createJSDocTemplateTag(tagName, constraint, typeParameters, parseTrailingTagComments(start, getNodePos(), indent, indentText)), start); + } + + function parseOptionalJsdoc(t: JSDocSyntaxKind): boolean { + if (token() === t) { + nextTokenJSDoc(); + return true; + } + return false; + } + + function parseJSDocEntityName(): EntityName { + let entity: EntityName = parseJSDocIdentifierName(); + if (parseOptional(SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken)) { + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.CloseBracketToken); + // Note that y[] is accepted as an entity name, but the postfix brackets are not saved for checking. + // Technically usejsdoc.org requires them for specifying a property of a type equivalent to Array<{ x: ...}> + // but it's not worth it to enforce that restriction. + } + while (parseOptional(SyntaxKind.DotToken)) { + const name = parseJSDocIdentifierName(); + if (parseOptional(SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken)) { + parseExpected(SyntaxKind.CloseBracketToken); + } + entity = createQualifiedName(entity, name); + } + return entity; + } + + function parseJSDocIdentifierName(message?: DiagnosticMessage): Identifier { + if (!tokenIsIdentifierOrKeyword(token())) { + return createMissingNode(SyntaxKind.Identifier, /*reportAtCurrentPosition*/ !message, message || Diagnostics.Identifier_expected); + } + + identifierCount++; + const start = scanner.getTokenStart(); + const end = scanner.getTokenEnd(); + const originalKeywordKind = token(); + const text = internIdentifier(scanner.getTokenValue()); + const result = finishNode(factoryCreateIdentifier(text, originalKeywordKind), start, end); + nextTokenJSDoc(); + return result; + } + } + } +} + +const incrementallyParsedFiles = new WeakSet(); + +function markAsIncrementallyParsed(sourceFile: SourceFile) { + if (incrementallyParsedFiles.has(sourceFile)) { + Debug.fail("Source file has already been incrementally parsed"); + } + incrementallyParsedFiles.add(sourceFile); +} + +const intersectingChangeSet = new WeakSet>(); + +function intersectsIncrementalChange(node: Node | NodeArray): boolean { + return intersectingChangeSet.has(node); +} + +function markAsIntersectingIncrementalChange(node: Node | NodeArray) { + intersectingChangeSet.add(node); +} + +namespace IncrementalParser { + export function updateSourceFile(sourceFile: SourceFile, newText: string, textChangeRange: TextChangeRange, aggressiveChecks: boolean): SourceFile { + aggressiveChecks = aggressiveChecks || Debug.shouldAssert(AssertionLevel.Aggressive); + + checkChangeRange(sourceFile, newText, textChangeRange, aggressiveChecks); + if (textChangeRangeIsUnchanged(textChangeRange)) { + // if the text didn't change, then we can just return our current source file as-is. + return sourceFile; + } + + if (sourceFile.statements.length === 0) { + // If we don't have any statements in the current source file, then there's no real + // way to incrementally parse. So just do a full parse instead. + return Parser.parseSourceFile(sourceFile.fileName, newText, sourceFile.languageVersion, /*syntaxCursor*/ undefined, /*setParentNodes*/ true, sourceFile.scriptKind, sourceFile.setExternalModuleIndicator, sourceFile.jsDocParsingMode); + } + + // Make sure we're not trying to incrementally update a source file more than once. Once + // we do an update the original source file is considered unusable from that point onwards. + // + // This is because we do incremental parsing in-place. i.e. we take nodes from the old + // tree and give them new positions and parents. From that point on, trusting the old + // tree at all is not possible as far too much of it may violate invariants. + markAsIncrementallyParsed(sourceFile); + Parser.fixupParentReferences(sourceFile); + const oldText = sourceFile.text; + const syntaxCursor = createSyntaxCursor(sourceFile); + + // Make the actual change larger so that we know to reparse anything whose lookahead + // might have intersected the change. + const changeRange = extendToAffectedRange(sourceFile, textChangeRange); + checkChangeRange(sourceFile, newText, changeRange, aggressiveChecks); + + // Ensure that extending the affected range only moved the start of the change range + // earlier in the file. + Debug.assert(changeRange.span.start <= textChangeRange.span.start); + Debug.assert(textSpanEnd(changeRange.span) === textSpanEnd(textChangeRange.span)); + Debug.assert(textSpanEnd(textChangeRangeNewSpan(changeRange)) === textSpanEnd(textChangeRangeNewSpan(textChangeRange))); + + // The is the amount the nodes after the edit range need to be adjusted. It can be + // positive (if the edit added characters), negative (if the edit deleted characters) + // or zero (if this was a pure overwrite with nothing added/removed). + const delta = textChangeRangeNewSpan(changeRange).length - changeRange.span.length; + + // If we added or removed characters during the edit, then we need to go and adjust all + // the nodes after the edit. Those nodes may move forward (if we inserted chars) or they + // may move backward (if we deleted chars). + // + // Doing this helps us out in two ways. First, it means that any nodes/tokens we want + // to reuse are already at the appropriate position in the new text. That way when we + // reuse them, we don't have to figure out if they need to be adjusted. Second, it makes + // it very easy to determine if we can reuse a node. If the node's position is at where + // we are in the text, then we can reuse it. Otherwise we can't. If the node's position + // is ahead of us, then we'll need to rescan tokens. If the node's position is behind + // us, then we'll need to skip it or crumble it as appropriate + // + // We will also adjust the positions of nodes that intersect the change range as well. + // By doing this, we ensure that all the positions in the old tree are consistent, not + // just the positions of nodes entirely before/after the change range. By being + // consistent, we can then easily map from positions to nodes in the old tree easily. + // + // Also, mark any syntax elements that intersect the changed span. We know, up front, + // that we cannot reuse these elements. + updateTokenPositionsAndMarkElements(sourceFile, changeRange.span.start, textSpanEnd(changeRange.span), textSpanEnd(textChangeRangeNewSpan(changeRange)), delta, oldText, newText, aggressiveChecks); + + // Now that we've set up our internal incremental state just proceed and parse the + // source file in the normal fashion. When possible the parser will retrieve and + // reuse nodes from the old tree. + // + // Note: passing in 'true' for setNodeParents is very important. When incrementally + // parsing, we will be reusing nodes from the old tree, and placing it into new + // parents. If we don't set the parents now, we'll end up with an observably + // inconsistent tree. Setting the parents on the new tree should be very fast. We + // will immediately bail out of walking any subtrees when we can see that their parents + // are already correct. + const result = Parser.parseSourceFile(sourceFile.fileName, newText, sourceFile.languageVersion, syntaxCursor, /*setParentNodes*/ true, sourceFile.scriptKind, sourceFile.setExternalModuleIndicator, sourceFile.jsDocParsingMode); + result.commentDirectives = getNewCommentDirectives( + sourceFile.commentDirectives, + result.commentDirectives, + changeRange.span.start, + textSpanEnd(changeRange.span), + delta, + oldText, + newText, + aggressiveChecks, + ); + result.impliedNodeFormat = sourceFile.impliedNodeFormat; + transferSourceFileChildren(sourceFile, result); + return result; + } + + function getNewCommentDirectives( + oldDirectives: CommentDirective[] | undefined, + newDirectives: CommentDirective[] | undefined, + changeStart: number, + changeRangeOldEnd: number, + delta: number, + oldText: string, + newText: string, + aggressiveChecks: boolean, + ): CommentDirective[] | undefined { + if (!oldDirectives) return newDirectives; + let commentDirectives: CommentDirective[] | undefined; + let addedNewlyScannedDirectives = false; + for (const directive of oldDirectives) { + const { range, type } = directive; + // Range before the change + if (range.end < changeStart) { + commentDirectives = append(commentDirectives, directive); + } + else if (range.pos > changeRangeOldEnd) { + addNewlyScannedDirectives(); + // Node is entirely past the change range. We need to move both its pos and + // end, forward or backward appropriately. + const updatedDirective: CommentDirective = { + range: { pos: range.pos + delta, end: range.end + delta }, + type, + }; + commentDirectives = append(commentDirectives, updatedDirective); + if (aggressiveChecks) { + Debug.assert(oldText.substring(range.pos, range.end) === newText.substring(updatedDirective.range.pos, updatedDirective.range.end)); + } + } + // Ignore ranges that fall in change range + } + addNewlyScannedDirectives(); + return commentDirectives; + + function addNewlyScannedDirectives() { + if (addedNewlyScannedDirectives) return; + addedNewlyScannedDirectives = true; + if (!commentDirectives) { + commentDirectives = newDirectives; + } + else if (newDirectives) { + commentDirectives.push(...newDirectives); + } + } + } + + function moveElementEntirelyPastChangeRange(element: Node, origSourceFile: SourceFile, isArray: false, delta: number, oldText: string, newText: string, aggressiveChecks: boolean): void; + function moveElementEntirelyPastChangeRange(element: NodeArray, origSourceFile: SourceFile, isArray: true, delta: number, oldText: string, newText: string, aggressiveChecks: boolean): void; + function moveElementEntirelyPastChangeRange(element: Node | NodeArray, origSourceFile: SourceFile, isArray: boolean, delta: number, oldText: string, newText: string, aggressiveChecks: boolean) { + if (isArray) { + visitArray(element as NodeArray); + } + else { + visitNode(element as Node); + } + return; + + function visitNode(node: Node) { + let text = ""; + if (aggressiveChecks && shouldCheckNode(node)) { + text = oldText.substring(node.pos, node.end); + } + + // Ditch any existing LS children we may have created. This way we can avoid + // moving them forward. + unsetNodeChildren(node, origSourceFile); + + setTextRangePosEnd(node, node.pos + delta, node.end + delta); + + if (aggressiveChecks && shouldCheckNode(node)) { + Debug.assert(text === newText.substring(node.pos, node.end)); + } + + forEachChild(node, visitNode as (node: Node) => void, visitArray as (nodes: NodeArray) => void); + if (hasJSDocNodes(node)) { + for (const jsDocComment of node.jsDoc!) { + visitNode(jsDocComment); + } + } + checkNodePositions(node, aggressiveChecks); + } + + function visitArray(array: NodeArray) { + setTextRangePosEnd(array, array.pos + delta, array.end + delta); + + for (const node of array) { + visitNode(node); + } + } + } + + function shouldCheckNode(node: Node) { + switch (node.kind) { + case SyntaxKind.StringLiteral: + case SyntaxKind.NumericLiteral: + case SyntaxKind.Identifier: + return true; + } + + return false; + } + + function adjustIntersectingElement(element: Node | NodeArray, changeStart: number, changeRangeOldEnd: number, changeRangeNewEnd: number, delta: number) { + Debug.assert(element.end >= changeStart, "Adjusting an element that was entirely before the change range"); + Debug.assert(element.pos <= changeRangeOldEnd, "Adjusting an element that was entirely after the change range"); + Debug.assert(element.pos <= element.end); + + // We have an element that intersects the change range in some way. It may have its + // start, or its end (or both) in the changed range. We want to adjust any part + // that intersects such that the final tree is in a consistent state. i.e. all + // children have spans within the span of their parent, and all siblings are ordered + // properly. + + // We may need to update both the 'pos' and the 'end' of the element. + + // If the 'pos' is before the start of the change, then we don't need to touch it. + // If it isn't, then the 'pos' must be inside the change. How we update it will + // depend if delta is positive or negative. If delta is positive then we have + // something like: + // + // -------------------AAA----------------- + // -------------------BBBCCCCCCC----------------- + // + // In this case, we consider any node that started in the change range to still be + // starting at the same position. + // + // however, if the delta is negative, then we instead have something like this: + // + // -------------------XXXYYYYYYY----------------- + // -------------------ZZZ----------------- + // + // In this case, any element that started in the 'X' range will keep its position. + // However any element that started after that will have their pos adjusted to be + // at the end of the new range. i.e. any node that started in the 'Y' range will + // be adjusted to have their start at the end of the 'Z' range. + // + // The element will keep its position if possible. Or Move backward to the new-end + // if it's in the 'Y' range. + const pos = Math.min(element.pos, changeRangeNewEnd); + + // If the 'end' is after the change range, then we always adjust it by the delta + // amount. However, if the end is in the change range, then how we adjust it + // will depend on if delta is positive or negative. If delta is positive then we + // have something like: + // + // -------------------AAA----------------- + // -------------------BBBCCCCCCC----------------- + // + // In this case, we consider any node that ended inside the change range to keep its + // end position. + // + // however, if the delta is negative, then we instead have something like this: + // + // -------------------XXXYYYYYYY----------------- + // -------------------ZZZ----------------- + // + // In this case, any element that ended in the 'X' range will keep its position. + // However any element that ended after that will have their pos adjusted to be + // at the end of the new range. i.e. any node that ended in the 'Y' range will + // be adjusted to have their end at the end of the 'Z' range. + const end = element.end >= changeRangeOldEnd ? + // Element ends after the change range. Always adjust the end pos. + element.end + delta : + // Element ends in the change range. The element will keep its position if + // possible. Or Move backward to the new-end if it's in the 'Y' range. + Math.min(element.end, changeRangeNewEnd); + + Debug.assert(pos <= end); + if ((element as any).parent) { + const parent = (element as any).parent as Node; + Debug.assertGreaterThanOrEqual(pos, parent.pos); + Debug.assertLessThanOrEqual(end, parent.end); + } + + setTextRangePosEnd(element, pos, end); + } + + function checkNodePositions(node: Node, aggressiveChecks: boolean) { + if (aggressiveChecks) { + let pos = node.pos; + const visitNode = (child: Node) => { + Debug.assert(child.pos >= pos); + pos = child.end; + }; + if (hasJSDocNodes(node)) { + for (const jsDocComment of node.jsDoc!) { + visitNode(jsDocComment); + } + } + forEachChild(node, visitNode); + Debug.assert(pos <= node.end); + } + } + + function updateTokenPositionsAndMarkElements( + sourceFile: SourceFile, + changeStart: number, + changeRangeOldEnd: number, + changeRangeNewEnd: number, + delta: number, + oldText: string, + newText: string, + aggressiveChecks: boolean, + ): void { + visitNode(sourceFile); + return; + + function visitNode(child: Node) { + Debug.assert(child.pos <= child.end); + if (child.pos > changeRangeOldEnd) { + // Node is entirely past the change range. We need to move both its pos and + // end, forward or backward appropriately. + moveElementEntirelyPastChangeRange(child, sourceFile, /*isArray*/ false, delta, oldText, newText, aggressiveChecks); + return; + } + + // Check if the element intersects the change range. If it does, then it is not + // reusable. Also, we'll need to recurse to see what constituent portions we may + // be able to use. + const fullEnd = child.end; + if (fullEnd >= changeStart) { + markAsIntersectingIncrementalChange(child); + unsetNodeChildren(child, sourceFile); + + // Adjust the pos or end (or both) of the intersecting element accordingly. + adjustIntersectingElement(child, changeStart, changeRangeOldEnd, changeRangeNewEnd, delta); + forEachChild(child, visitNode as (node: Node) => void, visitArray as (nodes: NodeArray) => void); + if (hasJSDocNodes(child)) { + for (const jsDocComment of child.jsDoc!) { + visitNode(jsDocComment); + } + } + checkNodePositions(child, aggressiveChecks); + return; + } + + // Otherwise, the node is entirely before the change range. No need to do anything with it. + Debug.assert(fullEnd < changeStart); + } + + function visitArray(array: NodeArray) { + Debug.assert(array.pos <= array.end); + if (array.pos > changeRangeOldEnd) { + // Array is entirely after the change range. We need to move it, and move any of + // its children. + moveElementEntirelyPastChangeRange(array, sourceFile, /*isArray*/ true, delta, oldText, newText, aggressiveChecks); + return; + } + + // Check if the element intersects the change range. If it does, then it is not + // reusable. Also, we'll need to recurse to see what constituent portions we may + // be able to use. + const fullEnd = array.end; + if (fullEnd >= changeStart) { + markAsIntersectingIncrementalChange(array); + + // Adjust the pos or end (or both) of the intersecting array accordingly. + adjustIntersectingElement(array, changeStart, changeRangeOldEnd, changeRangeNewEnd, delta); + for (const node of array) { + visitNode(node); + } + return; + } + + // Otherwise, the array is entirely before the change range. No need to do anything with it. + Debug.assert(fullEnd < changeStart); + } + } + + function extendToAffectedRange(sourceFile: SourceFile, changeRange: TextChangeRange): TextChangeRange { + // Consider the following code: + // void foo() { /; } + // + // If the text changes with an insertion of / just before the semicolon then we end up with: + // void foo() { //; } + // + // If we were to just use the changeRange a is, then we would not rescan the { token + // (as it does not intersect the actual original change range). Because an edit may + // change the token touching it, we actually need to look back *at least* one token so + // that the prior token sees that change. + const maxLookahead = 1; + + let start = changeRange.span.start; + + // the first iteration aligns us with the change start. subsequent iteration move us to + // the left by maxLookahead tokens. We only need to do this as long as we're not at the + // start of the tree. + for (let i = 0; start > 0 && i <= maxLookahead; i++) { + const nearestNode = findNearestNodeStartingBeforeOrAtPosition(sourceFile, start); + Debug.assert(nearestNode.pos <= start); + const position = nearestNode.pos; + + start = Math.max(0, position - 1); + } + + const finalSpan = createTextSpanFromBounds(start, textSpanEnd(changeRange.span)); + const finalLength = changeRange.newLength + (changeRange.span.start - start); + + return createTextChangeRange(finalSpan, finalLength); + } + + function findNearestNodeStartingBeforeOrAtPosition(sourceFile: SourceFile, position: number): Node { + let bestResult: Node = sourceFile; + let lastNodeEntirelyBeforePosition: Node | undefined; + + forEachChild(sourceFile, visit); + + if (lastNodeEntirelyBeforePosition) { + const lastChildOfLastEntireNodeBeforePosition = getLastDescendant(lastNodeEntirelyBeforePosition); + if (lastChildOfLastEntireNodeBeforePosition.pos > bestResult.pos) { + bestResult = lastChildOfLastEntireNodeBeforePosition; + } + } + + return bestResult; + + function getLastDescendant(node: Node): Node { + while (true) { + const lastChild = getLastChild(node); + if (lastChild) { + node = lastChild; + } + else { + return node; + } + } + } + + function visit(child: Node) { + if (nodeIsMissing(child)) { + // Missing nodes are effectively invisible to us. We never even consider them + // When trying to find the nearest node before us. + return; + } + + // If the child intersects this position, then this node is currently the nearest + // node that starts before the position. + if (child.pos <= position) { + if (child.pos >= bestResult.pos) { + // This node starts before the position, and is closer to the position than + // the previous best node we found. It is now the new best node. + bestResult = child; + } + + // Now, the node may overlap the position, or it may end entirely before the + // position. If it overlaps with the position, then either it, or one of its + // children must be the nearest node before the position. So we can just + // recurse into this child to see if we can find something better. + if (position < child.end) { + // The nearest node is either this child, or one of the children inside + // of it. We've already marked this child as the best so far. Recurse + // in case one of the children is better. + forEachChild(child, visit); + + // Once we look at the children of this node, then there's no need to + // continue any further. + return true; + } + else { + Debug.assert(child.end <= position); + // The child ends entirely before this position. Say you have the following + // (where $ is the position) + // + // ? $ : <...> <...> + // + // We would want to find the nearest preceding node in "complex expr 2". + // To support that, we keep track of this node, and once we're done searching + // for a best node, we recurse down this node to see if we can find a good + // result in it. + // + // This approach allows us to quickly skip over nodes that are entirely + // before the position, while still allowing us to find any nodes in the + // last one that might be what we want. + lastNodeEntirelyBeforePosition = child; + } + } + else { + Debug.assert(child.pos > position); + // We're now at a node that is entirely past the position we're searching for. + // This node (and all following nodes) could never contribute to the result, + // so just skip them by returning 'true' here. + return true; + } + } + } + + function checkChangeRange(sourceFile: SourceFile, newText: string, textChangeRange: TextChangeRange, aggressiveChecks: boolean) { + const oldText = sourceFile.text; + if (textChangeRange) { + Debug.assert((oldText.length - textChangeRange.span.length + textChangeRange.newLength) === newText.length); + + if (aggressiveChecks || Debug.shouldAssert(AssertionLevel.VeryAggressive)) { + const oldTextPrefix = oldText.substr(0, textChangeRange.span.start); + const newTextPrefix = newText.substr(0, textChangeRange.span.start); + Debug.assert(oldTextPrefix === newTextPrefix); + + const oldTextSuffix = oldText.substring(textSpanEnd(textChangeRange.span), oldText.length); + const newTextSuffix = newText.substring(textSpanEnd(textChangeRangeNewSpan(textChangeRange)), newText.length); + Debug.assert(oldTextSuffix === newTextSuffix); + } + } + } + + // Allows finding nodes in the source file at a certain position in an efficient manner. + // The implementation takes advantage of the calling pattern it knows the parser will + // make in order to optimize finding nodes as quickly as possible. + export interface SyntaxCursor { + currentNode(position: number): Node; + } + + export function createSyntaxCursor(sourceFile: SourceFile): SyntaxCursor { + let currentArray: NodeArray = sourceFile.statements; + let currentArrayIndex = 0; + + Debug.assert(currentArrayIndex < currentArray.length); + let current = currentArray[currentArrayIndex]; + let lastQueriedPosition = InvalidPosition.Value; + + return { + currentNode(position: number) { + // Only compute the current node if the position is different than the last time + // we were asked. The parser commonly asks for the node at the same position + // twice. Once to know if can read an appropriate list element at a certain point, + // and then to actually read and consume the node. + if (position !== lastQueriedPosition) { + // Much of the time the parser will need the very next node in the array that + // we just returned a node from.So just simply check for that case and move + // forward in the array instead of searching for the node again. + if (current && current.end === position && currentArrayIndex < (currentArray.length - 1)) { + currentArrayIndex++; + current = currentArray[currentArrayIndex]; + } + + // If we don't have a node, or the node we have isn't in the right position, + // then try to find a viable node at the position requested. + if (!current || current.pos !== position) { + findHighestListElementThatStartsAtPosition(position); + } + } + + // Cache this query so that we don't do any extra work if the parser calls back + // into us. Note: this is very common as the parser will make pairs of calls like + // 'isListElement -> parseListElement'. If we were unable to find a node when + // called with 'isListElement', we don't want to redo the work when parseListElement + // is called immediately after. + lastQueriedPosition = position; + + // Either we don'd have a node, or we have a node at the position being asked for. + Debug.assert(!current || current.pos === position); + return current; + }, + }; + + // Finds the highest element in the tree we can find that starts at the provided position. + // The element must be a direct child of some node list in the tree. This way after we + // return it, we can easily return its next sibling in the list. + function findHighestListElementThatStartsAtPosition(position: number) { + // Clear out any cached state about the last node we found. + currentArray = undefined!; + currentArrayIndex = InvalidPosition.Value; + current = undefined!; + + // Recurse into the source file to find the highest node at this position. + forEachChild(sourceFile, visitNode, visitArray); + return; + + function visitNode(node: Node) { + if (position >= node.pos && position < node.end) { + // Position was within this node. Keep searching deeper to find the node. + forEachChild(node, visitNode, visitArray); + + // don't proceed any further in the search. + return true; + } + + // position wasn't in this node, have to keep searching. + return false; + } + + function visitArray(array: NodeArray) { + if (position >= array.pos && position < array.end) { + // position was in this array. Search through this array to see if we find a + // viable element. + for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { + const child = array[i]; + if (child) { + if (child.pos === position) { + // Found the right node. We're done. + currentArray = array; + currentArrayIndex = i; + current = child; + return true; + } + else { + if (child.pos < position && position < child.end) { + // Position in somewhere within this child. Search in it and + // stop searching in this array. + forEachChild(child, visitNode, visitArray); + return true; + } + } + } + } + } + + // position wasn't in this array, have to keep searching. + return false; + } + } + } + + const enum InvalidPosition { + Value = -1, + } +} + +/** @internal */ +export function isDeclarationFileName(fileName: string): boolean { + return getDeclarationFileExtension(fileName) !== undefined; +} + +/** @internal */ +export function getDeclarationFileExtension(fileName: string): string | undefined { + const standardExtension = getAnyExtensionFromPath(fileName, supportedDeclarationExtensions, /*ignoreCase*/ false); + if (standardExtension) { + return standardExtension; + } + if (fileExtensionIs(fileName, Extension.Ts)) { + const baseName = getBaseFileName(fileName); + const index = baseName.lastIndexOf(".d."); + if (index >= 0) { + return baseName.substring(index); + } + } + return undefined; +} + +function parseResolutionMode(mode: string | undefined, pos: number, end: number, reportDiagnostic: PragmaDiagnosticReporter): ResolutionMode { + if (!mode) { + return undefined; + } + if (mode === "import") { + return ModuleKind.ESNext; + } + if (mode === "require") { + return ModuleKind.CommonJS; + } + reportDiagnostic(pos, end - pos, Diagnostics.resolution_mode_should_be_either_require_or_import); + return undefined; +} + +/** @internal */ +export function processCommentPragmas(context: PragmaContext, sourceText: string): void { + const pragmas: PragmaPseudoMapEntry[] = []; + + for (const range of getLeadingCommentRanges(sourceText, 0) || emptyArray) { + const comment = sourceText.substring(range.pos, range.end); + extractPragmas(pragmas, range, comment); + } + + context.pragmas = new Map() as PragmaMap; + for (const pragma of pragmas) { + if (context.pragmas.has(pragma.name)) { + const currentValue = context.pragmas.get(pragma.name); + if (currentValue instanceof Array) { + currentValue.push(pragma.args); + } + else { + context.pragmas.set(pragma.name, [currentValue, pragma.args]); + } + continue; + } + context.pragmas.set(pragma.name, pragma.args); + } +} + +/** @internal */ +export type PragmaDiagnosticReporter = (pos: number, length: number, message: DiagnosticMessage) => void; + +/** @internal */ +export function processPragmasIntoFields(context: PragmaContext, reportDiagnostic: PragmaDiagnosticReporter): void { + context.checkJsDirective = undefined; + context.referencedFiles = []; + context.typeReferenceDirectives = []; + context.libReferenceDirectives = []; + context.amdDependencies = []; + context.hasNoDefaultLib = false; + context.pragmas!.forEach((entryOrList, key) => { // TODO: GH#18217 + // TODO: The below should be strongly type-guarded and not need casts/explicit annotations, since entryOrList is related to + // key and key is constrained to a union; but it's not (see GH#21483 for at least partial fix) :( + switch (key) { + case "reference": { + const referencedFiles = context.referencedFiles; + const typeReferenceDirectives = context.typeReferenceDirectives; + const libReferenceDirectives = context.libReferenceDirectives; + forEach(toArray(entryOrList) as PragmaPseudoMap["reference"][], arg => { + const { types, lib, path, ["resolution-mode"]: res, preserve: _preserve } = arg.arguments; + const preserve = _preserve === "true" ? true : undefined; + if (arg.arguments["no-default-lib"] === "true") { + context.hasNoDefaultLib = true; + } + else if (types) { + const parsed = parseResolutionMode(res, types.pos, types.end, reportDiagnostic); + typeReferenceDirectives.push({ pos: types.pos, end: types.end, fileName: types.value, ...(parsed ? { resolutionMode: parsed } : {}), ...(preserve ? { preserve } : {}) }); + } + else if (lib) { + libReferenceDirectives.push({ pos: lib.pos, end: lib.end, fileName: lib.value, ...(preserve ? { preserve } : {}) }); + } + else if (path) { + referencedFiles.push({ pos: path.pos, end: path.end, fileName: path.value, ...(preserve ? { preserve } : {}) }); + } + else { + reportDiagnostic(arg.range.pos, arg.range.end - arg.range.pos, Diagnostics.Invalid_reference_directive_syntax); + } + }); + break; + } + case "amd-dependency": { + context.amdDependencies = map( + toArray(entryOrList) as PragmaPseudoMap["amd-dependency"][], + x => ({ name: x.arguments.name, path: x.arguments.path }), + ); + break; + } + case "amd-module": { + if (entryOrList instanceof Array) { + for (const entry of entryOrList) { + if (context.moduleName) { + // TODO: It's probably fine to issue this diagnostic on all instances of the pragma + reportDiagnostic(entry.range.pos, entry.range.end - entry.range.pos, Diagnostics.An_AMD_module_cannot_have_multiple_name_assignments); + } + context.moduleName = (entry as PragmaPseudoMap["amd-module"]).arguments.name; + } + } + else { + context.moduleName = (entryOrList as PragmaPseudoMap["amd-module"]).arguments.name; + } + break; + } + case "ts-nocheck": + case "ts-check": { + // _last_ of either nocheck or check in a file is the "winner" + forEach(toArray(entryOrList), entry => { + if (!context.checkJsDirective || entry.range.pos > context.checkJsDirective.pos) { + context.checkJsDirective = { + enabled: key === "ts-check", + end: entry.range.end, + pos: entry.range.pos, + }; + } + }); + break; + } + case "jsx": + case "jsxfrag": + case "jsximportsource": + case "jsxruntime": + return; // Accessed directly + default: + Debug.fail("Unhandled pragma kind"); // Can this be made into an assertNever in the future? + } + }); +} + +const namedArgRegExCache = new Map(); +function getNamedArgRegEx(name: string): RegExp { + if (namedArgRegExCache.has(name)) { + return namedArgRegExCache.get(name)!; + } + const result = new RegExp(`(\\s${name}\\s*=\\s*)(?:(?:'([^']*)')|(?:"([^"]*)"))`, "im"); + namedArgRegExCache.set(name, result); + return result; +} + +const tripleSlashXMLCommentStartRegEx = /^\/\/\/\s*<(\S+)\s.*?\/>/m; +const singleLinePragmaRegEx = /^\/\/\/?\s*@([^\s:]+)((?:[^\S\r\n]|:).*)?$/m; +function extractPragmas(pragmas: PragmaPseudoMapEntry[], range: CommentRange, text: string) { + const tripleSlash = range.kind === SyntaxKind.SingleLineCommentTrivia && tripleSlashXMLCommentStartRegEx.exec(text); + if (tripleSlash) { + const name = tripleSlash[1].toLowerCase() as keyof PragmaPseudoMap; // Technically unsafe cast, but we do it so the below check to make it safe typechecks + const pragma = commentPragmas[name] as PragmaDefinition; + if (!pragma || !(pragma.kind! & PragmaKindFlags.TripleSlashXML)) { + return; + } + if (pragma.args) { + const argument: { [index: string]: string | { value: string; pos: number; end: number; }; } = {}; + for (const arg of pragma.args) { + const matcher = getNamedArgRegEx(arg.name); + const matchResult = matcher.exec(text); + if (!matchResult && !arg.optional) { + return; // Missing required argument, don't parse + } + else if (matchResult) { + const value = matchResult[2] || matchResult[3]; + if (arg.captureSpan) { + const startPos = range.pos + matchResult.index + matchResult[1].length + 1; + argument[arg.name] = { + value, + pos: startPos, + end: startPos + value.length, + }; + } + else { + argument[arg.name] = value; + } + } + } + pragmas.push({ name, args: { arguments: argument, range } } as PragmaPseudoMapEntry); + } + else { + pragmas.push({ name, args: { arguments: {}, range } } as PragmaPseudoMapEntry); + } + return; + } + + const singleLine = range.kind === SyntaxKind.SingleLineCommentTrivia && singleLinePragmaRegEx.exec(text); + if (singleLine) { + return addPragmaForMatch(pragmas, range, PragmaKindFlags.SingleLine, singleLine); + } + + if (range.kind === SyntaxKind.MultiLineCommentTrivia) { + const multiLinePragmaRegEx = /@(\S+)(\s+(?:\S.*)?)?$/gm; // Defined inline since it uses the "g" flag, which keeps a persistent index (for iterating) + let multiLineMatch: RegExpExecArray | null; // eslint-disable-line no-restricted-syntax + while (multiLineMatch = multiLinePragmaRegEx.exec(text)) { + addPragmaForMatch(pragmas, range, PragmaKindFlags.MultiLine, multiLineMatch); + } + } +} + +function addPragmaForMatch(pragmas: PragmaPseudoMapEntry[], range: CommentRange, kind: PragmaKindFlags, match: RegExpExecArray) { + if (!match) return; + const name = match[1].toLowerCase() as keyof PragmaPseudoMap; // Technically unsafe cast, but we do it so they below check to make it safe typechecks + const pragma = commentPragmas[name] as PragmaDefinition; + if (!pragma || !(pragma.kind! & kind)) { + return; + } + const args = match[2]; // Split on spaces and match up positionally with definition + const argument = getNamedPragmaArguments(pragma, args); + if (argument === "fail") return; // Missing required argument, fail to parse it + pragmas.push({ name, args: { arguments: argument, range } } as PragmaPseudoMapEntry); + return; +} + +function getNamedPragmaArguments(pragma: PragmaDefinition, text: string | undefined): { [index: string]: string; } | "fail" { + if (!text) return {}; + if (!pragma.args) return {}; + const args = text.trim().split(/\s+/); + const argMap: { [index: string]: string; } = {}; + for (let i = 0; i < pragma.args.length; i++) { + const argument = pragma.args[i]; + if (!args[i] && !argument.optional) { + return "fail"; + } + if (argument.captureSpan) { + return Debug.fail("Capture spans not yet implemented for non-xml pragmas"); + } + argMap[argument.name] = args[i]; + } + return argMap; +} + +/** @internal */ +export function tagNamesAreEquivalent(lhs: JsxTagNameExpression, rhs: JsxTagNameExpression): boolean { + if (lhs.kind !== rhs.kind) { + return false; + } + + if (lhs.kind === SyntaxKind.Identifier) { + return lhs.escapedText === (rhs as Identifier).escapedText; + } + + if (lhs.kind === SyntaxKind.ThisKeyword) { + return true; + } + + if (lhs.kind === SyntaxKind.JsxNamespacedName) { + return lhs.namespace.escapedText === (rhs as JsxNamespacedName).namespace.escapedText && + lhs.name.escapedText === (rhs as JsxNamespacedName).name.escapedText; + } + + // If we are at this statement then we must have PropertyAccessExpression and because tag name in Jsx element can only + // take forms of JsxTagNameExpression which includes an identifier, "this" expression, or another propertyAccessExpression + // it is safe to case the expression property as such. See parseJsxElementName for how we parse tag name in Jsx element + return (lhs as PropertyAccessExpression).name.escapedText === (rhs as PropertyAccessExpression).name.escapedText && + tagNamesAreEquivalent((lhs as PropertyAccessExpression).expression as JsxTagNameExpression, (rhs as PropertyAccessExpression).expression as JsxTagNameExpression); +} diff --git a/crates/swc/benches/assets/renderer.ts b/crates/swc/benches/assets/renderer.ts new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..90cc22f54703 --- /dev/null +++ b/crates/swc/benches/assets/renderer.ts @@ -0,0 +1,2550 @@ +import { + Comment, + Fragment, + Static, + Text, + type VNode, + type VNodeArrayChildren, + type VNodeHook, + type VNodeProps, + cloneIfMounted, + createVNode, + invokeVNodeHook, + isSameVNodeType, + normalizeVNode, +} from './vnode' +import { + type ComponentInternalInstance, + type ComponentOptions, + type Data, + type LifecycleHook, + createComponentInstance, + setupComponent, +} from './component' +import { + filterSingleRoot, + renderComponentRoot, + shouldUpdateComponent, + updateHOCHostEl, +} from './componentRenderUtils' +import { + EMPTY_ARR, + EMPTY_OBJ, + NOOP, + PatchFlags, + ShapeFlags, + def, + getGlobalThis, + invokeArrayFns, + isArray, + isReservedProp, +} from '@vue/shared' +import { + type SchedulerJob, + SchedulerJobFlags, + type SchedulerJobs, + flushPostFlushCbs, + flushPreFlushCbs, + queueJob, + queuePostFlushCb, +} from './scheduler' +import { + EffectFlags, + ReactiveEffect, + pauseTracking, + resetTracking, +} from '@vue/reactivity' +import { updateProps } from './componentProps' +import { updateSlots } from './componentSlots' +import { popWarningContext, pushWarningContext, warn } from './warning' +import { type CreateAppFunction, createAppAPI } from './apiCreateApp' +import { setRef } from './rendererTemplateRef' +import { + type SuspenseBoundary, + type SuspenseImpl, + isSuspense, + queueEffectWithSuspense, +} from './components/Suspense' +import { + TeleportEndKey, + type TeleportImpl, + type TeleportVNode, +} from './components/Teleport' +import { type KeepAliveContext, isKeepAlive } from './components/KeepAlive' +import { isHmrUpdating, registerHMR, unregisterHMR } from './hmr' +import { type RootHydrateFunction, createHydrationFunctions } from './hydration' +import { invokeDirectiveHook } from './directives' +import { endMeasure, startMeasure } from './profiling' +import { + devtoolsComponentAdded, + devtoolsComponentRemoved, + devtoolsComponentUpdated, + setDevtoolsHook, +} from './devtools' +import { initFeatureFlags } from './featureFlags' +import { isAsyncWrapper } from './apiAsyncComponent' +import { isCompatEnabled } from './compat/compatConfig' +import { DeprecationTypes } from './compat/compatConfig' +import type { TransitionHooks } from './components/BaseTransition' + +export interface Renderer { + render: RootRenderFunction + createApp: CreateAppFunction +} + +export interface HydrationRenderer extends Renderer { + hydrate: RootHydrateFunction +} + +export type ElementNamespace = 'svg' | 'mathml' | undefined + +export type RootRenderFunction = ( + vnode: VNode | null, + container: HostElement, + namespace?: ElementNamespace, +) => void + +export interface RendererOptions< + HostNode = RendererNode, + HostElement = RendererElement, +> { + patchProp( + el: HostElement, + key: string, + prevValue: any, + nextValue: any, + namespace?: ElementNamespace, + parentComponent?: ComponentInternalInstance | null, + ): void + insert(el: HostNode, parent: HostElement, anchor?: HostNode | null): void + remove(el: HostNode): void + createElement( + type: string, + namespace?: ElementNamespace, + isCustomizedBuiltIn?: string, + vnodeProps?: (VNodeProps & { [key: string]: any }) | null, + ): HostElement + createText(text: string): HostNode + createComment(text: string): HostNode + setText(node: HostNode, text: string): void + setElementText(node: HostElement, text: string): void + parentNode(node: HostNode): HostElement | null + nextSibling(node: HostNode): HostNode | null + querySelector?(selector: string): HostElement | null + setScopeId?(el: HostElement, id: string): void + cloneNode?(node: HostNode): HostNode + insertStaticContent?( + content: string, + parent: HostElement, + anchor: HostNode | null, + namespace: ElementNamespace, + start?: HostNode | null, + end?: HostNode | null, + ): [HostNode, HostNode] +} + +// Renderer Node can technically be any object in the context of core renderer +// logic - they are never directly operated on and always passed to the node op +// functions provided via options, so the internal constraint is really just +// a generic object. +export interface RendererNode { + [key: string | symbol]: any +} + +export interface RendererElement extends RendererNode {} + +// An object exposing the internals of a renderer, passed to tree-shakeable +// features so that they can be decoupled from this file. Keys are shortened +// to optimize bundle size. +export interface RendererInternals< + HostNode = RendererNode, + HostElement = RendererElement, +> { + p: PatchFn + um: UnmountFn + r: RemoveFn + m: MoveFn + mt: MountComponentFn + mc: MountChildrenFn + pc: PatchChildrenFn + pbc: PatchBlockChildrenFn + n: NextFn + o: RendererOptions +} + +// These functions are created inside a closure and therefore their types cannot +// be directly exported. In order to avoid maintaining function signatures in +// two places, we declare them once here and use them inside the closure. +type PatchFn = ( + n1: VNode | null, // null means this is a mount + n2: VNode, + container: RendererElement, + anchor?: RendererNode | null, + parentComponent?: ComponentInternalInstance | null, + parentSuspense?: SuspenseBoundary | null, + namespace?: ElementNamespace, + slotScopeIds?: string[] | null, + optimized?: boolean, +) => void + +type MountChildrenFn = ( + children: VNodeArrayChildren, + container: RendererElement, + anchor: RendererNode | null, + parentComponent: ComponentInternalInstance | null, + parentSuspense: SuspenseBoundary | null, + namespace: ElementNamespace, + slotScopeIds: string[] | null, + optimized: boolean, + start?: number, +) => void + +type PatchChildrenFn = ( + n1: VNode | null, + n2: VNode, + container: RendererElement, + anchor: RendererNode | null, + parentComponent: ComponentInternalInstance | null, + parentSuspense: SuspenseBoundary | null, + namespace: ElementNamespace, + slotScopeIds: string[] | null, + optimized: boolean, +) => void + +type PatchBlockChildrenFn = ( + oldChildren: VNode[], + newChildren: VNode[], + fallbackContainer: RendererElement, + parentComponent: ComponentInternalInstance | null, + parentSuspense: SuspenseBoundary | null, + namespace: ElementNamespace, + slotScopeIds: string[] | null, +) => void + +type MoveFn = ( + vnode: VNode, + container: RendererElement, + anchor: RendererNode | null, + type: MoveType, + parentSuspense?: SuspenseBoundary | null, +) => void + +type NextFn = (vnode: VNode) => RendererNode | null + +type UnmountFn = ( + vnode: VNode, + parentComponent: ComponentInternalInstance | null, + parentSuspense: SuspenseBoundary | null, + doRemove?: boolean, + optimized?: boolean, +) => void + +type RemoveFn = (vnode: VNode) => void + +type UnmountChildrenFn = ( + children: VNode[], + parentComponent: ComponentInternalInstance | null, + parentSuspense: SuspenseBoundary | null, + doRemove?: boolean, + optimized?: boolean, + start?: number, +) => void + +export type MountComponentFn = ( + initialVNode: VNode, + container: RendererElement, + anchor: RendererNode | null, + parentComponent: ComponentInternalInstance | null, + parentSuspense: SuspenseBoundary | null, + namespace: ElementNamespace, + optimized: boolean, +) => void + +type ProcessTextOrCommentFn = ( + n1: VNode | null, + n2: VNode, + container: RendererElement, + anchor: RendererNode | null, +) => void + +export type SetupRenderEffectFn = ( + instance: ComponentInternalInstance, + initialVNode: VNode, + container: RendererElement, + anchor: RendererNode | null, + parentSuspense: SuspenseBoundary | null, + namespace: ElementNamespace, + optimized: boolean, +) => void + +export enum MoveType { + ENTER, + LEAVE, + REORDER, +} + +export const queuePostRenderEffect: ( + fn: SchedulerJobs, + suspense: SuspenseBoundary | null, +) => void = __FEATURE_SUSPENSE__ + ? __TEST__ + ? // vitest can't seem to handle eager circular dependency + (fn: Function | Function[], suspense: SuspenseBoundary | null) => + queueEffectWithSuspense(fn, suspense) + : queueEffectWithSuspense + : queuePostFlushCb + +/** + * The createRenderer function accepts two generic arguments: + * HostNode and HostElement, corresponding to Node and Element types in the + * host environment. For example, for runtime-dom, HostNode would be the DOM + * `Node` interface and HostElement would be the DOM `Element` interface. + * + * Custom renderers can pass in the platform specific types like this: + * + * ``` js + * const { render, createApp } = createRenderer({ + * patchProp, + * ...nodeOps + * }) + * ``` + */ +export function createRenderer< + HostNode = RendererNode, + HostElement = RendererElement, +>(options: RendererOptions): Renderer { + return baseCreateRenderer(options) +} + +// Separate API for creating hydration-enabled renderer. +// Hydration logic is only used when calling this function, making it +// tree-shakable. +export function createHydrationRenderer( + options: RendererOptions, +): HydrationRenderer { + return baseCreateRenderer(options, createHydrationFunctions) +} + +// overload 1: no hydration +function baseCreateRenderer< + HostNode = RendererNode, + HostElement = RendererElement, +>(options: RendererOptions): Renderer + +// overload 2: with hydration +function baseCreateRenderer( + options: RendererOptions, + createHydrationFns: typeof createHydrationFunctions, +): HydrationRenderer + +// implementation +function baseCreateRenderer( + options: RendererOptions, + createHydrationFns?: typeof createHydrationFunctions, +): any { + // compile-time feature flags check + if (__ESM_BUNDLER__ && !__TEST__) { + initFeatureFlags() + } + + const target = getGlobalThis() + target.__VUE__ = true + if (__DEV__ || __FEATURE_PROD_DEVTOOLS__) { + setDevtoolsHook(target.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__, target) + } + + const { + insert: hostInsert, + remove: hostRemove, + patchProp: hostPatchProp, + createElement: hostCreateElement, + createText: hostCreateText, + createComment: hostCreateComment, + setText: hostSetText, + setElementText: hostSetElementText, + parentNode: hostParentNode, + nextSibling: hostNextSibling, + setScopeId: hostSetScopeId = NOOP, + insertStaticContent: hostInsertStaticContent, + } = options + + // Note: functions inside this closure should use `const xxx = () => {}` + // style in order to prevent being inlined by minifiers. + const patch: PatchFn = ( + n1, + n2, + container, + anchor = null, + parentComponent = null, + parentSuspense = null, + namespace = undefined, + slotScopeIds = null, + optimized = __DEV__ && isHmrUpdating ? false : !!n2.dynamicChildren, + ) => { + if (n1 === n2) { + return + } + + // patching & not same type, unmount old tree + if (n1 && !isSameVNodeType(n1, n2)) { + anchor = getNextHostNode(n1) + unmount(n1, parentComponent, parentSuspense, true) + n1 = null + } + + if (n2.patchFlag === PatchFlags.BAIL) { + optimized = false + n2.dynamicChildren = null + } + + const { type, ref, shapeFlag } = n2 + switch (type) { + case Text: + processText(n1, n2, container, anchor) + break + case Comment: + processCommentNode(n1, n2, container, anchor) + break + case Static: + if (n1 == null) { + mountStaticNode(n2, container, anchor, namespace) + } else if (__DEV__) { + patchStaticNode(n1, n2, container, namespace) + } + break + case Fragment: + processFragment( + n1, + n2, + container, + anchor, + parentComponent, + parentSuspense, + namespace, + slotScopeIds, + optimized, + ) + break + default: + if (shapeFlag & ShapeFlags.ELEMENT) { + processElement( + n1, + n2, + container, + anchor, + parentComponent, + parentSuspense, + namespace, + slotScopeIds, + optimized, + ) + } else if (shapeFlag & ShapeFlags.COMPONENT) { + processComponent( + n1, + n2, + container, + anchor, + parentComponent, + parentSuspense, + namespace, + slotScopeIds, + optimized, + ) + } else if (shapeFlag & ShapeFlags.TELEPORT) { + ;(type as typeof TeleportImpl).process( + n1 as TeleportVNode, + n2 as TeleportVNode, + container, + anchor, + parentComponent, + parentSuspense, + namespace, + slotScopeIds, + optimized, + internals, + ) + } else if (__FEATURE_SUSPENSE__ && shapeFlag & ShapeFlags.SUSPENSE) { + ;(type as typeof SuspenseImpl).process( + n1, + n2, + container, + anchor, + parentComponent, + parentSuspense, + namespace, + slotScopeIds, + optimized, + internals, + ) + } else if (__DEV__) { + warn('Invalid VNode type:', type, `(${typeof type})`) + } + } + + // set ref + if (ref != null && parentComponent) { + setRef(ref, n1 && n1.ref, parentSuspense, n2 || n1, !n2) + } + } + + const processText: ProcessTextOrCommentFn = (n1, n2, container, anchor) => { + if (n1 == null) { + hostInsert( + (n2.el = hostCreateText(n2.children as string)), + container, + anchor, + ) + } else { + const el = (n2.el = n1.el!) + if (n2.children !== n1.children) { + hostSetText(el, n2.children as string) + } + } + } + + const processCommentNode: ProcessTextOrCommentFn = ( + n1, + n2, + container, + anchor, + ) => { + if (n1 == null) { + hostInsert( + (n2.el = hostCreateComment((n2.children as string) || '')), + container, + anchor, + ) + } else { + // there's no support for dynamic comments + n2.el = n1.el + } + } + + const mountStaticNode = ( + n2: VNode, + container: RendererElement, + anchor: RendererNode | null, + namespace: ElementNamespace, + ) => { + // static nodes are only present when used with compiler-dom/runtime-dom + // which guarantees presence of hostInsertStaticContent. + ;[n2.el, n2.anchor] = hostInsertStaticContent!( + n2.children as string, + container, + anchor, + namespace, + n2.el, + n2.anchor, + ) + } + + /** + * Dev / HMR only + */ + const patchStaticNode = ( + n1: VNode, + n2: VNode, + container: RendererElement, + namespace: ElementNamespace, + ) => { + // static nodes are only patched during dev for HMR + if (n2.children !== n1.children) { + const anchor = hostNextSibling(n1.anchor!) + // remove existing + removeStaticNode(n1) + // insert new + ;[n2.el, n2.anchor] = hostInsertStaticContent!( + n2.children as string, + container, + anchor, + namespace, + ) + } else { + n2.el = n1.el + n2.anchor = n1.anchor + } + } + + const moveStaticNode = ( + { el, anchor }: VNode, + container: RendererElement, + nextSibling: RendererNode | null, + ) => { + let next + while (el && el !== anchor) { + next = hostNextSibling(el) + hostInsert(el, container, nextSibling) + el = next + } + hostInsert(anchor!, container, nextSibling) + } + + const removeStaticNode = ({ el, anchor }: VNode) => { + let next + while (el && el !== anchor) { + next = hostNextSibling(el) + hostRemove(el) + el = next + } + hostRemove(anchor!) + } + + const processElement = ( + n1: VNode | null, + n2: VNode, + container: RendererElement, + anchor: RendererNode | null, + parentComponent: ComponentInternalInstance | null, + parentSuspense: SuspenseBoundary | null, + namespace: ElementNamespace, + slotScopeIds: string[] | null, + optimized: boolean, + ) => { + if (n2.type === 'svg') { + namespace = 'svg' + } else if (n2.type === 'math') { + namespace = 'mathml' + } + + if (n1 == null) { + mountElement( + n2, + container, + anchor, + parentComponent, + parentSuspense, + namespace, + slotScopeIds, + optimized, + ) + } else { + patchElement( + n1, + n2, + parentComponent, + parentSuspense, + namespace, + slotScopeIds, + optimized, + ) + } + } + + const mountElement = ( + vnode: VNode, + container: RendererElement, + anchor: RendererNode | null, + parentComponent: ComponentInternalInstance | null, + parentSuspense: SuspenseBoundary | null, + namespace: ElementNamespace, + slotScopeIds: string[] | null, + optimized: boolean, + ) => { + let el: RendererElement + let vnodeHook: VNodeHook | undefined | null + const { props, shapeFlag, transition, dirs } = vnode + + el = vnode.el = hostCreateElement( + vnode.type as string, + namespace, + props && props.is, + props, + ) + + // mount children first, since some props may rely on child content + // being already rendered, e.g. `