Smart Contracts are written in Solidity, a statically-typed programming language designed for Ethereum and other EVM-compatible chains. This tutorial uses Remix, a browser-based IDE that requires minimal setup.
1.Open Remix IDE: Navigate to Remix.
2.Create a New Contract: In the workspace, create a new file with the ".sol" extension, e.g., "MyFirstContract.sol".
3.Code a Basic Contract:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
contract MessageContract {
string private message;
function writeMessage(string calldata newMessage) public {
message = newMessage;
function readMessage() public view returns (string memory) {
return message;
Remix automatically compiles the contract when saved. Ensure there are no compilation errors.
4.Compile Manually (Optional): Click the "Advanced Configurations" tab and select the Solidity version london
5.Deploy the Contract: Click the "Deploy" icon logo (it looks like an Ethereum logo with an arrow pointing to the right).
6.Configure Deployment:
- Select the basic contract.
- Under "Environment," choose "Injected Provider - MetaMask."
- Connect Remix to MetaMask.
7.Initiate Deployment: Click "Deploy" and confirm the MetaMask transaction.
8.Interact With Your Contract:
Step1: After deployment, find your contract under "Deployed Contracts."
Step2: Expand the contract and call writeMessage
by entering a message and clicking the button.
Step3: Confirm the MetaMask transaction.
Step4: Read the Message:
Click the blue "readMessage" button to read the on-chain message.
Now you've successfully deployed and interacted with your first smart contract using Remix and MetaMask.