All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- fixed topbar
- link is now live, add it in the single series view
- stylings
- bugfix
- performance update upgrade
- tabs for seasons in series view
- Suche vorausgewählt beim auf die Seite gehen
- Serien Link von der Manage Seite, verbessertes Aussehen auf der Manage Seite
- Link appends the season number
- season toggle now in front of episodes
- changelog
- filter for animes or normal series by a dropdown
- fixed a bug where large animes wasn't toggleable
- fixed if not link, then dont append season (for example onepiece-tube)
- fixed login didn't forward after an error
- dayli update job for the series
- back - link from the view page
- link on image of the series to the view
- Update All button, because there is a dayli job that updates all series at 1 AM EST
- All methods related to this feature
- link to the view series page, it is now available by clicking the image
- toggle complete series in the board now
- restructured the complete project and replaced some duplicated code
- Arrows in the board series navigation
- unused functions
- PropTypes to some components
- Implement a definition less file, to manage the colors in one file
- Move the dropdown component into a subfolder of component
- Stylings outside of the dropdown.less
- Color styling from dropdown.less, a component should not inherit his own colors
- Travis + Docker + Codeclimate
- New link for otaku stream
- CSS adjustments
- Project structure
- Remove button in series view
- Test Coverage
- Test for toggleButton
- Unit tests
- Bug where data was corrupted when season number -1 came from moviedb
- Upgraded Dependencies in package.json
- Created a debug launch option for the unit tests
- New links got cleared when series was added again
- Preferences Dialog
- Integrate Compare to other users
- Compare and Add
- Button Toggles @Board
- Enhanced tooltips for Episodes
- Intgrate Jenkins and CD to
- Refactoring Code
- Removed some old console.log
- Refactoring Code
- Removed some old console.log
- removed console.log
- create patch script
- fix the converter from bstolink to links>bsto, he deleted the links after the 2nd load because he wrote empty bstolink in to links>bsto
- series filter system, using some instead of foreach to break the most iterations earlier
- update the load cycle, so the series will get a new 'watched' flag when they are saved - now only series with open episodes are loaded
- addSeries from managed did not set the completlyWatched Flag
- loadtime consoles
- implement message model
- implement message service
- implement message frontend
- couldnt toggle series that had no creator
- couldnt toggle series in view because missing converter
- implement eventbus
- implement eventhandler
- using eventhandler for the most repository calls, living the singleton pattern \o/
- Login and InputText
- promisify the moviedatabase api
- replace all references to the movie db api with the eventHandler
- refactor load cycle of series from api, to recursive load seasons and return the promise
- using eventHandler to write, get and clear Messaged
- series code in board view
- service part
- implement chat
- fix username input
- adding features to the chat
- implement chat messages
- implement user overview
- view series, didnt load from user repository
- add text input support for chat
- implement messages and offline / online states
- compare from chat with other users
- error when toggle episode in series view
- style@view
- series genres was undefined
- Fixed an error where episodes were unable to find while ticking them
- add sentry, for continous and better bug reports
- purify css from unused features