Hello! My name is Svevo. I have worked as a Full Stack developer, UI/UX designer and project manager for over 20 years helping many brands with their online and offline marketing strategies.
- Languages: HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript
- Libraries and web technologies: WordPress, ExpressionEngine, Shopify, Node.js, React, TypeScript, Express.js, Tailwind CSS, Redux, MySQL, SQLite, MongoDB, APIs, CLIs, AWS
- Applicaions and OSs: Adobe CS, MS Office, Mac OS, Unix
- https://www.mavostudio.com
- https://www.effetto48.it
- https://www.aziendaagricolaacquaviva.it
- https://www.ilmegliodite.it
- https://www.pontediarchimedeproduzioni.it
- https://www.leonardogaito.it
- https://dev.mavostudio.com/impiccato/ (a hangman game developen in React)
- https://dev.mavostudio.com/post-it/ (small app written in vanilla JavaScript to create post-it notes)
- Career Development: After a few years of balancing fatherhood with freelance work, I am now looking for new opportunities in development and design.
- Lifelong learniong: Whenever I am not working on a live project I study. Among other resources, I believe Frontend Masters is an excellent e-learning platform for modern web technologies. There, I'm deeping my knowledge of the Node.js echosystem and I'm learning Python for AI applications. I am in fact fascinated by AI and data analysis, so I took a couple of online courses from Stanford University. I use ChatGPT Plus in my everyday life and I'm reading more about developing and training models with frameworks, especially Tensor Flow. I'm also looking into how to leverage AI in the tourism sector as I started a small venture in the holiday homes sector.