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File metadata and controls

399 lines (301 loc) · 35.9 KB


This version is effectively a re-write with the goal of splitting every module into it's own package (simplifies maintenance for contributors and also installation for users) and bringing each Firebase module up to 100% testing coverage and 100% Firebase API Coverage.

Many of the manual native installation steps for Android & iOS have been removed / internally automated and most modules can now be used just by linking it (e.g. react-native link @react-native-firebase/analytics).

The following modules are completed and published to NPM and ready to be consumed (as patch versions only, until all modules are ready, at which point they will all be published starting from v6.0.0):

Name Downloads Coverage
Analytics badge badge
App badge badge
App Indexing badge badge
Cloud Functions badge badge
Cloud Firestore badge badge
Cloud Storage badge badge
Cloud Messaging badge badge
Crashlytics badge badge
Dynamic Links badge badge
In-app Messaging badge badge
Instance ID badge badge
ML Kit Natural Language badge badge
ML Kit Vision badge badge
Performance Monitoring badge badge
Realtime Database badge badge
Remote Config badge badge
Utils badge badge

The following modules are currently migration only for now (migrated from v5 to v6 with minimal changes), what this means:

  • no new work done on them (other than migrating to v6 internals)
  • no new tests added for them (but all existing tests pass)
  • flow types missing (but have TS types)

More work on these will be done in a later pre-v6 release.

Name Downloads Coverage
Authentication badge badge

If a module you use is not yet listed above please refrain from using v6 for now - attempting to use v6 alongside v5 can cause issues with dependencies.

Please tag any GitHub issues regarding v6 with [v6] in the title.

Migrating from v4 & v5

With the size of the changes mentioned above, it's recommended that you remove all native code/changes previously added for react-native-firebase (except for firebase initialisation code (e.g. [FIRApp configure]; ios, apply plugin: '' android).

Additionally, it's recommended to remove any native Firebase dependencies (the Firebase Android/iOS SDKs) in your iOS Podfile and your android/app/build.gradle file, e.g. pod 'Firebase/Core', '~> 5.15.0' or implementation ", as we now manage these dependencies and their versions internally.

Once all the old native installation changes have been removed you can follow the install guide below.

If you're migrating from v4, please ensure you've read up on any breaking changes from v4 to v5 here.


  1. Install the @react-native-firebase/app NPM package (all modules have a hard dependency requirement on this package):
yarn add @react-native-firebase/app
react-native link @react-native-firebase/app
  1. Install the NPM packages for the Firebase services you'd like to use, e.g. for analytics install @react-native-firebase/analytics. Repeat this step for each Firebase service you require.
yarn add @react-native-firebase/analytics
react-native link @react-native-firebase/analytics
  1. Some Firebase services such as Performance Monitoring require some minor additional native code steps for Android or iOS that can't be abstracted away, e.g. Perf on Android requires the gradle plugin. Please see the readme for each module (see the table above for links) where these changes are documented; these will later be moved to the new documentation hub.

Usage Example

// import the app module
import firebase from '@react-native-firebase/app';

// import the modules you'd like to use
import '@react-native-firebase/analytics';
import '@react-native-firebase/functions';

// use them

Optionally; you can also consume a module directly without needing the default export of @react-native-firebase/app, e.g.:

import { firebase } from '@react-native-firebase/analytics';

// use analytics

// ---- OR ----
import analytics from '@react-native-firebase/analytics';

// use analytics
await analytics().setUserId('12345678');

All Modules

  • [INTERNAL] Improved error codes & handling for all Firebase services;
    • Standardised native error to JS conversion
    • [DEVEX] Native promise rejection errors now contain additional properties to aid debugging
    • All React Native Firebase native methods should now always return an Error to JS - even if the Error occurred due to native code.
  • [BUGFIX] All native events are now queued natively until a JS listener is registered. This fixes several race conditions for events like onMessage, onNotification, onLink etc where the event would trigger before JS was ready.
  • [NEW][🔥] In an effort to further reduce manual native code changes when integrating and configuring React Native Firebase; we have added support for configuring various Firebase services & features via a firebase.json file in your project root.
  • [NEW][ios] CocoaPods static framework support for all modules (you can use use_frameworks! without issues relating to this lib)
  • [NEW][ios] Implemented a CocoaPods Firebase React Native modules auto-loader script for your Podfile; you only need to change your Podfile once (to add the script); this script will then automatically include all React Native Firebase modules found in your node_modules directory as Pods, manage additional required build phases (e.g. auto adds the crashlytics build phase (/Fabric/Run)), and allows the firebase.json functionality to work. Example Podfile with script included and sample pod install logs: pod install image

App (app)

  • [NEW] Added appConfig & method support for setAutomaticDataCollectionEnabled & automaticResourceManagement
  • [NEW] Added app options support for gaTrackingId
  • [NEW] The [DEFAULT] Firebase app can now be safely initialised in JS, however this has some caveats;
    • Firebase services such as Performance Monitoring & Remote Config require the default app to be initialised through the plist/json file.
  • [BREAKING] Waiting for apps to init via .onReady() has been removed. initializeApp() now returns a promise to the same effect
  • [BREAKING] Trying to initialise the [DEFAULT] Firebase app in JS when it was already initialised natively will now throw an error (formerly warned)

App Indexing (indexing) - [NEW]

Support for handling an incoming app index URL has been added to React Native Firebase.

  • [NEW] Handle the app opening via an app indexing URL with indexing().getInitialURL().
  • [NEW] Setup a realtime event listener to handle app indexing URL opening whilst the app is active with indexing().onOpenURL().

Support for Android events will be integrated post-v6 release. For now this is purely a wrapper around Linking in React Native.

App Invites (invites)

  • [BREAKING] this module has been deprecated by Firebase and now been removed, you should migrate to Dynamic Links.

Analytics (analytics)

  • [NEW] Added support for resetAnalyticsData()
  • [INTERNAL] setUserProperties now iterates properties natively (formerly 1 native call per property)
  • [BREAKING] all analytics methods now return a Promise, rather than formerly being 'fire and forget'

Crashlytics (crashlytics)

Blog post announcement: [Firebase Crashlytics for React Native]

  • [NEW] JavaScript stack traces now automatically captured and parsed js stack trace preview
  • [NEW] Optionally enable automatic reporting of JavaScript unhandled Promise rejections
  • [NEW] Added support for setUserName(userName: string)
  • [NEW] Added support for setUserEmail(userEmail: string)
  • [NEW] Added support for isCrashlyticsCollectionEnabled: boolean
  • [NEW][android] Added support for Crashlytics NDK reporting. This allows Crashlytics to capture Yoga related crashes generated from React Native.
  • [NEW][🔥] Added firebase.json support for crashlytics_ndk_enabled, this toggles NDK support as mentioned above, defaults to true
  • [NEW][🔥] Added firebase.json support for crashlytics_debug_enabled, this toggles Crashlytics native debug logging, defaults to false
  • [NEW][🔥] Added firebase.json support for crashlytics_auto_collection_enabled, this toggles Crashlytics error reporting, this is useful for user opt-in first flows, e.g. set to false and when your user agrees to opt-in then call setCrashlyticsCollectionEnabled(true) in your app, defaults to true
  • [BUGFIX][android] crash() now correctly crashes without being caught by React Native's RedBox
  • [BREAKING] setBoolValue, setFloatValue, setIntValue & setStringValue have been removed and replaced with two new methods (the Crashlytics SDK converted all these into strings internally anyway):
    • setAttribute(key: string, value: string): Promise<null> - set a singular key value to show alongside any subsequent crash reports
    • setAttributes(values: { [key: string]: string }): Promise<null> - set multiple key values to show alongside any subsequent crash reports
  • [BREAKING] all methods except crash, log & recordError now return a Promise that resolves when complete
  • [BREAKING] recordError(code: number, message: string)'s fn signature changed to recordError(error: Error) - now accepts a JS Error class instance
  • [BREAKING] setUserIdentifier() has been renamed to setUserId() to match analytics implementation
  • [BREAKING] enableCrashlyticsCollection()'s fn signature changed to setCrashlyticsCollectionEnabled(enabled: boolean)
    • This can be used in all scenarios (formerly only able to use this when automatic initialization of crashlytics was disabled)
    • Changes do not take effect until the next app startup
    • This persists between app restarts and only needs to be called once, can be used in conjunction with isCrashlyticsCollectionEnabled to reduce bridge startup traffic - though calling multiple times is still allowed

Cloud Firestore (firestore)

Cloud Firestore has undergone a complete overhaul of both JavaScript & native code, including a re-write of bridge serialisation, support for new features & heavy test coverage.

  • [NEW] Added support for collection group queries (firestore().collectionGroup()).
  • [NEW] Added support for isEqual() across most classes.
  • [NEW] Added support for SetOptions.mergeFields (DocumentReference.set() / Transaction.set()).
  • [NEW] Added support for handling snapshot metadata via the includeMetadataChanges flag which can be passed to CollectionReference.onSnapshot() and QuerySnapshot.docChanges() to return additional results from query snapshot listeners.
  • [NEW] Cache size can now be set to unlimited using the CACHE_SIZE_UNLIMITED static when passed to firestore().settings() (also added in v5.4).
  • [BUGFIX] Remove Metro circular reference warnings.
  • [BUGFIX] DocumentReference and CollectionReference snapshot observers now correctly handle the same args as the Web SDK.
  • [BUGFIX] Validate transaction gets must also have a write command (matches Web SDK).
  • [BUGFIX] Setting a negative infinity value (-Infinity) now correctly works as expected.
  • [BUGFIX] QuerySnapshot.forEach() can now correctly takes an optional context argument.
  • [BUGFIX] Snapshot metadata now correctly returns a SnapshotMetadata class (as per Web SDK).
  • [BUGFIX] CollectionReference now correctly extends a Query class. In v5 it is possible to chain calls from QueryCollectionReference which isn't possible on the Web SDK.
  • [BUGFIX] onSnapshot() calls now take the correct arguments, allowing for SnapshotListenOptions, inline function callbacks or an object containing next/error callbacks (as per the Web SDK).
  • [BUGFIX] Setting a Date on Firestore was setting an incorrect value. Date objects are now converted to a Timestamp as per the Web SDK.
  • [BUGFIX] Cursor queries in v5 (startAt, startAfter, endAt, endBefore) were incorrectly handling a DocumentSnapshot argument. It is now possible to perform a cursor query directly on a snapshot, or on snapshot fields, as per the Web SDK, for example ending at a specific snapshot with no order.
  • [BREAKING] Blob can no longer be constructed manually, as per the Web SDK.
  • [BREAKING] The v6 release includes a lot of additional JavaScript validation. This is more consistent with the Web SDK and helps catch native errors/crashes which may occur due to false-positive data being sent over the bridge.
    • Specifically, the Query class has undergone a rewrite, and includes a lot of additional checks which are not present in v5. Please check your Firestore queries once upgraded.
  • [BREAKING] Removed the Query.where single equals operator (=) as per the Web SDK. Use == instead.
  • [BREAKING] previously deprecated setTimestampsInSnapshotsEnabled on settings has now been removed.
  • [PERFORMANCE][🔥] [ANDROID] Data serialisation logic is now correctly performed off the main UI thread. This will help increase performance and reduce activity on the UI thread when sending large volumes of data to Firestore and back to the device.
  • [PERFORMANCE][🔥] The data serialisation logic has undergone a large rewrite for performance.
    • JavaScript data being sent over the native bridge has to be converted to it's native counterpart, and visa versa. When dealing with a large number of documents and/or large amounts document data, this process can be both time consuming and resource intensive. The rewrite keeps data being sent over the bridge at a minimum; mapping data types to smaller serialisation format that can be parsed by JS and Native code.
    • Sample comparisons against v5 have shown:
      • Data size sent over the bridge has been reduced by ~58%.
      • On large queries (4x documents with 1500 nested array items (containing all data types)) are over ~50% faster on v6. Smaller queries (1x document with 1500 nested array items) are over ~15% quicker.

Dynamic Links (dynamicLinks)

  • [BREAKING] the namespace for this module has changed, replace all usages of firebase.links() with firebase.dynamicLinks()
  • [BREAKING] onLink & getInitialLink now return a DynamicLink object with multiple properties, formally just provided just the url as a string
  • [NEW][ios][🔥] Manually adding AppDelegate methods to support receiving Dynamic Link open events is no longer required, we swizzle this at runtime and automatically intercept the required events.
  • [BUGFIX] Links should now always be accessible via onLink & getInitialLink
    • This fix is a 'side-effect' of the bugfix mentioned above in the all modules section ('All native events are now queued natively')
  • [BREAKING] Creating a Dynamic Link builder via new firebase.links.DynamicLink(link, domainURIPrefix) has been deprecated, use a plain object instead as an arg for buildLink() & buildShortLink().
  • [BREAKING] Some previously allowed parameter configurations will now throw an argument error, e.g. trying to set any DynamicLinkIOSParameters param without providing an iOS bundle id will now error.
    • these configurations were incorrect to begin with but were never flagged to user code so may have gone unnoticed

Functions (functions)

  • [BUGFIX] Fixed an issue where useFunctionsEmulator does not persist natively (Firebase iOS SDK requires chaining this method before other calls and does not modify the instance, Android however persists this)

In-App Messaging (fiam) - [NEW]

  • [NEW] Added support for firebase.fiam().isMessagesDisplaySuppressed: boolean;
  • [NEW] Added support for firebase.fiam().setMessagesDisplaySuppressed(enabled: boolean): Promise<null>;
  • [NEW] Added support for firebase.fiam().isAutomaticDataCollectionEnabled: boolean;
  • [NEW] Added support for firebase.fiam().setAutomaticDataCollectionEnabled(enabled: boolean): Promise<null>;

Instance Id (iid)

  • [NEW] Instance Id now supports multiple Firebase apps, e.g.'fooApp').iid().get()

Cloud Messaging (messaging)

  • [NEW] added support for onSendError events, an event that indicates a message (with id) failed to send

  • [NEW] added support for onMessageSent events, an event that indicates a message (with id) was successfully sent

  • [NEW] added support for onDeletedMessages events, an event that indicates the FCM server deleted pending messages

    • when your app instance receives this event, it should perform a full sync with your app server if it relies on message data
  • [NEW] getToken & deleteToken now optionally support authorizedEntity & scope arguments

    • authorizedEntity - defaults to
    • scope - defaults to FCM
  • [NEW][ios] added support for isRegisteredForRemoteNotifications: boolean;

  • [NEW][ios] added support for unregisterForRemoteNotifications(): Promise<void>;

  • [NEW][ios] requestPermission on iOS 12+ devices now uses the UNAuthorizationOptionProvisional option to request permission

    • this allows you to immediately start sending 'quiet' notifications to your users without their explicit permission, i.e., on a trial basis. requestPermission with this option will no longer show a permission request dialog to your user. Learn More
    • [WWDC 2018 Video] (30:00 onwards)
  • [NEW] added support for isAutoInitEnabled: boolean;

  • [NEW] added support for setAutoInitEnabled(enabled: boolean): Promise<void>;

  • [NEW] added support for disabling messaging auto initialisation via the new firebase.json configuration file

    • messaging_auto_init_enabled: true/false
  • [NEW][android] added support for configuring the background Headless task timeout via the new firebase.json configuration file

    • messaging_android_headless_task_timeout: number - milliseconds
  • [NEW][android] added support for registering the background message headless task via firebase.messaging().setBackgroundMessageHandler(handler: Function)

  • [BREAKING][android] manually registering the background message headless task handler via AppRegistry.registerHeadlessTask is no longer supported. Call firebase.messaging().setBackgroundMessageHandler(handler: Function) instead.

    • This is a pre-emptive change that will allow us to support background tasks for iOS in a future release (as it won't be via RN Headless Tasks as it's not supported on iOS)
  • [BREAKING][android] the manually added RNFirebaseMessagingService service in your AndroidManifest.xml file is no longer required - you can safely remove it.

    • Many manual code changes that existed in v5 are now automatically handled for you in v6
  • [BREAKING][ios] any the manually added AppDelegate.m changes for messaging on v5 are longer required - you can safely remove them (search for RNFirebaseMessaging in your AppDelegate)

    • Many manual code changes that existed in v5 are now automatically handled for you in v6
  • [BREAKING] constructing a RemoteMessage instance via new firebase.messaging.RemoteMessage() is no longer supported, use firebase.messaging().newRemoteMessage() to retrieve an new remote message builder instance.

  • [BREAKING][ios] the minimum supported iOS version is now 10

    • iOS 9 or lower only accounts for 0.% of all iPhone devices
    • to see a detailed device versions breakdown see this link
    • community contributions that add iOS 9 support are welcome

Performance Monitoring (perf)

The Performance Monitoring API has had a significant API change as originally highlighted would happen in the v5.x.x docs: image

  • [BREAKING] All Trace & HttpMetric methods (except for start & stop) are now synchronous and no longer return a Promise, extra attributes/metrics now only get sent to native when you call stop
  • [BREAKING] firebase.perf.Trace.incrementMetric will now create a metric if it could not be found
  • [BREAKING] firebase.perf.Trace.getMetric will now return 0 if a metric could not be found
  • [NEW] Added support for firebase.perf().isPerformanceCollectionEnabled: boolean
  • [NEW] Added firebase.perf().startTrace(identifier: string): Promise<Trace>; as a convenience method to create and immediately start a Trace

Realtime Database (database)

The Realtime Database module has had a large re-write, fixing various inconsistencies against the web SDK, along with improving data serialization on the native side by moving intensive serialization work off the UI thread.

  • [BREAKING][bugfix] The Reference class now extends a Query class (to match the web SDK). Currently in v5 everything is within the Reference class, allowing for incorrect behaviour such as chaining a reference only method to a query, e.g. ref().orderByKey().once(). This is now not possible and will cause a standard JavaScript error.
  • [BREAKING][bugfix] Internal validation for all methods has now been added. With v5 in some cases, incorrect values would be passed along to native and causing native exceptions/potential crashes.
  • [BREAKING][bugfix] All query based modifiers are now validated as per the Web SDK spec. In v5 it is possible to chain queries which are not allowed together causing native errors (e.g. .orderByKey().orderByPriority(), .startAt('foo', 'bar').orderByKey() etc). Doing so in v6 will now throw an error to keep it in-line with the Web SDK.
  • [BREAKING][bugfix] Reference.push now correctly mimics the Web SDK, returning a thenable reference.
  • [NEW] DatabaseSnapshot.forEach now returns the current index key.
  • [NEW] Many methods were missing an onComplete handler, which is now implemented as per the Web SDK.
  • [BUGFIX] DatabaseSnapshot.forEach correct iterates over "array" fields in the database.

Remote Config (config)

The Remote Config API has had a significant API change as originally highlighted would happen in the v5.x.x docs: image

  • [BREAKING] All Remote Config values can now be accessed synchronously in JS, see getValue(key: string): ConfigValue & getAll(): ConfigValues below
    • [BREAKING] These replace all the original async methods: getValue, getValues, getKeysByPrefix
  • [BREAKING] setDefaultsFromResource now returns a Promise that resolves when completed, this will reject with code config/resouce_not_found if the file could not be found
  • [BREAKING] setDefaultsFromResource now expects a resource file name for Android to match iOS, formerly this required a resource id (something you would not have in RN as this was generated at build time by Android)
    • And example for both platforms can be found in the tests. We'll writeup up a guide for this at some point to show how to use the plist/xml defaults files on each platform.
  • [BREAKING] enableDeveloperMode has been removed, you can now use setConfigSettings({ isDeveloperModeEnabled: boolean }) instead
  • [BREAKING] setDefaults now returns a Promise that resolves when completed
  • [NEW] Added a new fetchAndActivate method - this fetches the config and activates it without the need to call activate() separately
  • [NEW] Added the following properties to firebase.config(); lastFetchTime, lastFetchStatus & isDeveloperModeEnabled
  • [NEW] Added a new setConfigSettings method - this allows setting isDeveloperModeEnabled, replaces the enableDeveloperMode method
    • This is a generic settings function to pre-emotively account for an upcoming future change to the native sdks - more settings to be added.
  • [NEW] All previous get* methods have been removed and replaced with 2 synchronous methods:
    • getValue(key: string): ConfigValue - returns a single configuration value { value, source }
    • getAll(): ConfigValues - returns all configuration values e.g. { some_key: { value, source }, other_key: { value, source } }

Note: Multi-apps is not yet supported as the Firebase iOS SDK is missing support for it.

Cloud Storage (storage)

Blog post announcement (NOT LIVE YET): [Firebase Cloud Storage for React Native]

  • [NEW] Added support for put (Blob | ArrayBuffer | Uint8Array)
    • contentType mime type is automatically inferred from Blob
  • [NEW] Added support for putString and all StringFormat's (raw, base64, base64url & data_url)
    • contentType mime type is automatically inferred from data_url strings
  • [NEW] Added support multiple buckets, e.g.'gs://my-other-bucket')
  • [NEW] Added support pause(), resume() & cancel() for Upload & Download Storage tasks
  • [NEW] Added an error property to TaskSnapshot's for error state events - this is an instance of NativeFirebaseError (with code & message)
  • [NEW] Added support for StorageReference.list() & StorageReference.listAll().
  • [BREAKING] Removed formerly deprecated UploadTaskSnapshot.downloadUrl property, use StorageReference.getDownloadURL(): Promise<string> instead
  • [BREAKING] StorageReference.downloadFile() is now deprecated and will be removed in a later release, please rename usages of this to writeToFile() - renamed to match Native SDKs
  • [BREAKING] has moved to firebase.utils.Native
  • [BREAKING] firebase.utils.Native is now deprecated and will be removed in a later release, please rename usages of this to firebase.utils.FilePath
  • [BREAKING] firebase.utils.Native.* some properties have been renamed and deprecated and will be removed in a later release, follow the in-app console warnings on how to migrate
  • [BUGFIX][android] Update/set metadata now correctly supports removing metadata values by passing a null property value in customMetadata
  • [BUGFIX][android] contentType mime type is now correctly determined in all scenarios, there was an edge case where it would just use the default value
  • [INTERNAL][android] downloadFile no longer uses a StreamDownloadTask, replaced with the newer FileDownloadTask

ML Kit Natural Language (naturalLanguage) - [NEW]

  • [NEW] Implemented support for language identification APIs
    • Single Languages: identifyLanguage().
    • Multiple Languages: identifyPossibleLanguages()
  • [NEW] Implemented support for Smart Replies

ML Kit Translate APIs to come in a later release.

ML Kit Vision (vision) - [NEW]


  • [NEW] Added support via isRunningInTestLab for checking if an Android application is running inside a Firebase Test Lab environment
  • [NEW] Added a new FilePath utility that provides common file paths on the device, see firebase.utils.FilePath docs for more info, this is the replacement API for