Delete duplicates from a single LinkedList.
Sort a Linked List.
Odd Even LinkedList
Check if a single linked list is a palindrome.
Largest square of all 1's inside matrix.
Sum of LinkedList with Unit Digit as first Node.
Reverse Alternate K Nodes of a LinedList
Reverse LinkedList
LinkedList datastructure
Largest element in unsorted array.
Print all palindrome partition
Graph datastructure
Leetcode problem 771 Jewels and Stone.
Number disappeared in an array.
Quick Sort Algorithm
Missing number in duplicate array.
Find the element occuring odd number of times in an array.
First index of an element in a sorted array with duplicates
Last index of an element in a sorted array with duplicates
Determine if a String has all unique characters
Check if 2 Strings are anagrams of each other
Exponential Search Algorithm
Insertion Sort Algorithm
Selection Sort algorithm
Bubble Sort algorithm.
Worked on the Egg Dropping Problem.
Worked on the LCS problem to return the Longest Subsequence instead of length.
Solved the Longest Common Subsequence problem.
Worked on the Longest Increasing Subsequence problem to return the longest subsequence.
Worked on the O(nLog n) solution of the Longest Increasing Subsequence problem.
Worked on basic DP algorithms
Worked on searching algorithms like Linear Search, Binary Search, Ternary Search and Interpolation Search.
Started with the basic set up.