admin_alter_consumer_group_offsets - Alter Consumer Group Offsets
admin_create_acls - Create Access Control Lists
admin_create_topic - Create a topic
admin_delete_acls - Delete Access Control Lists using different filters
admin_delete_topics - Delete some topics
admin_delete_consumer_groups - Delete consumer groups
admin_delete_records - Delete records before a specified offset
admin_delete_topics - Delete topics
admin_describe_acls - Find Access Control Lists using a filter
admin_describe_cluster - Describe cluster
admin_describe_config - Describe broker, topic or group configs
admin_describe_consumer_groups - Describe one or more consumer groups
admin_describe_topics - Describe topics
admin_list_consumer_group_offsets - List consumer group offsets
admin_list_offsets - List partition offsets
admin_list_consumer_groups - List consumer groups
avro_generic_consumer_example - consumer with Schema Registry and Avro Generic Deserializer
avro_generic_producer_example - producer with Schema Registry and Avro Generic Serializer
avro_specific_consumer_example - consumer with Schema Registry and Avro Specific Deserializer
avro_specific_producer_example - producer with Schema Registry and Avro Specific Serializer
consumer_example - Function & callback based consumer
consumer_offset_metadata - Commit offset with metadata
consumer_rebalance_example - Use of rebalance callback with manual commit
cooperative_consumer_example - Using the cooperative incremental rebalancing protocol
confluent_cloud_example - Usage example with Confluent Cloud
go-kafkacat - Channel based kafkacat Go clone
idempotent_producer_example - Idempotent producer
json_consumer_example - consumer with Schema Registry and JSON Schema Deserializer
json_producer_example - producer with Schema Registry and JSON Schema Serializer
legacy - Legacy examples
library-version - Show the library version
mockcluster_example - Use a mock cluster for testing
mockcluster_failure_example - Use a mock cluster for failure testing
oauthbearer_consumer_example - Unsecured SASL/OAUTHBEARER consumer example
oauthbearer_oidc_example - SASL/OAUTHBEARER with OIDC method example
oauthbearer_producer_example - Unsecured SASL/OAUTHBEARER producer example
producer_custom_channel_example - Function based producer with a custom delivery channel
producer_example - Function based producer
protobuf_consumer_example - consumer with Schema Registry and Protocol Buffers Deserializer
protobuf_producer_example - producer with Schema Registry and Protocol Buffers Serializer
stats_example - Receiving stats events
transactions_example - Showcasing a transactional consume-process-produce application
$ cd consumer_example
$ go build (or 'go install')
$ ./consumer_example # see usage
$ ./consumer_example mybroker mygroup mytopic