Adds a google map with one marker to any page of your silverstripe website.
This is useful for adding a location of a business or the place of an event, etc... etc...
Nicolaas Francken [at]
see composer.json
Please contact author for more details.
Any bug reports and/or feature requests will be looked at in detail
We are also very happy to provide personalised support for this module in exchange for a small donation.
Find out how to add modules to SS and add module as per usual.
Review configs and add entries to app/_config/config.yml (or similar) as necessary. In the _config/ folder of this module you can usually find some examples of config options (if any). and create custom js file (if needed)
add <% include GoogleMapBasic %> to your template
go into CMS and add a map to a page type that can have maps (as set in config)
review on screen and code CSS for the right look and feel.