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Welcome to DataAssimilationBenchmarks.jl!


This is my personal data assimilation benchmark research code with an emphasis on testing and validation of ensemble-based filters and sequential smoothers in chaotic toy models. The code is meant to be performant, in the sense that large hyper-parameter discretizations can be explored to determine structural sensitivity and reliability of results across different experimental regimes, with parallel implementations in Slurm. This includes code for developing and testing data assimilation schemes in the L96-s model currently, with further models in development. This project supported the development of all numerical results and benchmark simulations considered in the pre-print A fast, single-iteration ensemble Kalman smoother for sequential data assimilation available currently in open review in Geoscientific Model Development.

Lines of code counter (without comments or blank lines) courtesy of Tokei.

Validated methods currently in use

Estimator / implemented techniques Tuned multiplicative inflation Adaptive inflation, finite-size formalism (perfect model dual / primal) Adaptive inflation, finite-size formalism (imperfect model) Linesearch Localization / Hybridization Multiple data assimilation (general shift and lag)
EnKF, perturbed obs.XXNANA
MLEF, transform / bundle variantsXXXNA
EnKS, perturbed obs.XXNANA
MLES, transform / bundle variantsXXXNA
SIEnKS, perturbed obs / ETKF / MLEF variantsXXXX
Gauss-Newton IEnKS, transform / bundle variantsXXX


The directory is structured as follows:

  • src - contains the main wrapper module
    • models - contains code for defining the dynamic model equations in twin experiments.
    • methods - contains DA solvers and general numerical routines for running twin experiments.
    • experiments - contains the outer-loop scripts that set up twin experiments.
    • data - this is an input / output directory for the inputs to and ouptuts from experiments.
    • analysis - contains auxilliary scripts for batch processing experiment results and for plotting in Python.
  • scratch - this is a storage directory for backups.
  • test - contains test cases for the package, currently under development.


The main module DataAssimilationBenchmarks.jl is a wrapper module including the core numerical solvers for ordinary and stochastic differential equations, solvers for data assimilation routines and the core process model code for running twin experiments with benchmark models. These methods can be run stand-alone in other programs by calling these functions from the DeSolvers, EnsembleKalmanSchemes and L96 sub-modules from this library. Future solvers and models will be added as sub-modules in the methods and models directories respectively.

In order to get the full functionality of this package you you will need to install the dev version. This provides the access to edit all of the outer-loop routines for setting up twin experiments. These routines are defined in the modules in the "experiments" directory. The "slurm_submit_scripts" directory includes routines for parallel submission of experiments in Slurm. Data processing scripts and visualization scripts (written in Python with Matplotlib and Seaborn) are included in the "analysis" directory.

Installing a dev package from the Julia General registries

In order to install the dev version to your Julia environment, you can use the following commands in the REPL

pkg> dev DataAssimilationBenchmarks

The installed version will be included in your


on Linux and the analogous directory with respect Windows and Mac systems.

Alternatively, you can install this from my Github directly as follows:

pkg> dev

Using solvers in DataAssimilationBenchmarks

The methods directory currently contains two types of solvers, differential equation solvers in the DeSolvers.jl sub-module, and ensemble-Kalman-filter-based data assimilation routines and utilities in the EnsembleKalmanSchemes.jl sub-module.

API for differential equation solvers

Three general schemes are developed for ordinary and stochastic differential equations, the four-stage Runge-Kutta, second order Taylor, and the Euler-(Maruyama) schemes. Because the second order Taylor-Stratonovich scheme relies specifically on the structure of the Lorenz-96 model with additive noise, this is included separately in the models/L96.jl sub-module.

General schemes such as the four-stage Runge-Kutta and the Euler-(Maruyama) schemes are built to take in arguments of the form

(x::VecA, t::Float64, kwargs::Dict{String,Any})
VecA = Union{Vector{Float64}, SubArray{Float64, 1}}

x            -- array or sub-array of a single state possibly including parameter values
t            -- time point
kwargs       -- this should include dx_dt, the paramters for the dx_dt and optional arguments
dx_dt        -- time derivative function with arguments x and dx_params
dx_params    -- ParamDict of parameters necessary to resolve dx_dt, not including those in the
                extended state vector
h            -- numerical discretization step size
diffusion    -- tunes the standard deviation of the Wiener process, equal to
                sqrt(h) * diffusion
diff_mat     -- structure matrix for the diffusion coefficients, replaces the default
                uniform scaling
state_dim    -- keyword for parameter estimation, dimension of the dynamic state < dimension
                of full extended state
param_sample -- ParamSample dictionary for merging extended state with dx_params
ξ            -- random array size state_dim, can be defined in kwargs to provide a
                particular realization of the Wiener process

# dictionary for model parameters
ParamDict = Union{Dict{String, Array{Float64}}, Dict{String, Vector{Float64}}}

# dictionary containing key and index pairs to subset the state vector
# and merge with dx_params
ParamSample = Dict{String, Vector{UnitRange{Int64}}}

with reduced options for the less-commonly used first order Euler(-Maruyama) scheme.

The time steppers over-write the value of x in place as a vector or a view of an array for efficient ensemble integration. We follow the convention in data assimilation of the extended state formalism for parameter estimation where the parameter sample should be included as trailing state variables in the columns of the ensemble array. If

true == haskey(kwargs, "param_sample")

the state_dim parameter will specify the dimension of the dynamical states and create a view of the vector x including all entries up to this index. The remaining entries in the vector x will be passed to the dx_dt function in a dictionary merged with the dx_params dictionary, according to the param_sample indices and parameter values specified in param_sample. The parameter sample values will remain unchanged by the time stepper when the dynamical state entries in x are over-written in place.

Setting diffusion > 0.0 above introduces additive noise to the dynamical system. The main rk4_step! has convergence on order 4.0 when diffusion is equal to zero, and both strong and weak convergence on order 1.0 when stochasticity is introduced. Nonetheless, this is the recommended out-of-the-box solver for any generic DA simulation for the statistically robust performance, versus Euler-(Maruyama). When specifically generating the truth-twin for the Lorenz-96 model with additive noise, this should be performed with the l96s_tay2_step! in the models/L96.jl sub-module while the ensemble should be generated with the rk4_step!. See the benchmarks on the L96-s model for a full discussion of statistically robust model configurations.

API for data assimilation solvers

Different filter and smoothing schemes are run through the routines including

ensemble_filter(analysis::String, ens::Array{Float64,2}, obs::Vector{Float64},
                         obs_cov::CovM, state_infl::Float64, kwargs::Dict{String,Any})

ls_smoother_classic(analysis::String, ens::Array{Float64,2}, obs::Array{Float64,2},
                             obs_cov::CovM, state_infl::Float64, kwargs::Dict{String,Any})

ls_smoother_single_iteration(analysis::String, ens::Array{Float64,2}, obs::Array{Float64,2},
                             obs_cov::CovM, state_infl::Float64, kwargs::Dict{String,Any})

ls_smoother_gauss_newton(analysis::String, ens::Array{Float64,2}, obs::Array{Float64,2},
                             obs_cov::CovM, state_infl::Float64, kwargs::Dict{String,Any};
                             ϵ::Float64=0.0001, tol::Float64=0.001, max_iter::Int64=10)

# type union for multiple dispatch over specific types of covariance matrices
CovM = Union{UniformScaling{Float64}, Diagonal{Float64}, Symmetric{Float64}}

analysis   -- string of the DA scheme string name, given to the transform sub-routine in
ens        -- ensemble matrix defined by the array with columns given by the replicates of
              the model state
obs        -- observation vector for the current analysis in ensemble_filter / array with
              columns given by the observation vectors for the ordered sequence of analysis
							times in the current smoothing window
obs_cov    -- observation error covariance matrix, must be positive definite of type CovM
state_infl -- multiplicative covariance inflation factor for the state variable covariance
              matrix, set to one this is the standard Kalman-like update
kwargs     -- keyword arguments for parameter estimation or other functionality, including
              integration parameters for the state model in smoothing schemes

The type of analysis to be passed to the transform step is specified with the analysis string. Observations for the filter schemes correspond to information available at a single analysis time while the ls (lag-shift) smoothers require an array of observations corresponding to all analysis times within the DAW. Observation covariances should be typed according to the type union above for efficiency. The state_infl is a required tuneable parameter for multiplicative covariance inflation. Extended parameter state covariance inflation can be specified in kwargs. These outer loops will pass the required values to the transform function that generates the ensemble transform for conditioning on observations. Different outer-loop schemes can be built around the transform function alone in order to use validated ensemble transform schemes. Utility scripts to generate observation operators, analyze ensemble statistics, etc, are included in the EnsembleKalmanSchemes.jl sub-module. See the experiments directory discussed below for example usage.

Using experiments in dev package

In order to use the full experiment drivers, to both generate time series for the truth twin and for running the twin experiments, one must have access to the sub-modules in the experiments directory.


GenerateTimeSeries is a sub-module used to generate a time series for a twin experiment based on tuneable configuration parameters. Currently, this only includes the L96s model, with parameters defined as

seed, state_dim, tanl, nanl, spin, diffusion, F = args

The args tuple includes the pseudo-random seed seed, the size of the Lorenz system state_dim, the length of continuous time in between sequential observations / analyses tanl, the number of observations / analyses to be saved nanl, the length of the warm-up integration of the dynamical system solution to guarantee an observation generating process on the attractor spin, the diffusion parameter determining the intensity of the random perturbations diffusion and the forcing parameter F. This automates the selection of the correct time stepper for the truth twin when using deterministic or stochastic integration. Results are saved in .jld2 format in the data directory.


The FilterExps.jl sub-module configures twin experiments using stored time series data as generated above for efficiency when using the same base-line time series to generate possibly different experiment configurations. Experiment configurations are generated by

time_series, method, seed, nanl, obs_un, obs_dim, γ, N_ens, infl = args

where time_series specifies the path to the .jld2 truth twin, method specifies the filter scheme, seed specifies the pseudo-random seed, nanl is the number of observation / analysis times to produce a posterior estimate for, obs_un specifies the observation error standard deviation, assuming a uniform scaling observation error covariance, obs_dim specifies the dimension of the observation vector, γ specifies the level of the nonliearity in the alternating_obs_operator, N_ens specifies the ensemble size and infl specifies the (static) multiplicative inflation.

Similar conventions follow for parameter estimation experiments

time_series, method, seed, nanl, obs_un, obs_dim,
γ, param_err, param_wlk, N_ens, state_infl, param_infl = args

with the exception of including the standard deviation, param_err, of the initial iid Gaussian draw of the parameter sample centered at the true value, the standard deviation, param_wlk, of the random walk applied to the parameter sample after each analysis and the multiplicative covariance inflation applied separately to the extended parameter states alone param_infl.


The SmootherExps.jl sub-module configures twin experiments using stored time series data as generated above for efficiency when using the same base-line time series to generate possibly different experiment configurations. Experiment configurations are generated by function calls as with the filter experiments, but with the additional options of how the outer-loop is configured with a classic, single-iteration or the fully iterative Gauss-Newton style smoother. The parameters lag and shift specify how the data assimilation windows are translated in over the observation and analysis times. The mda parameter is only applicable to the single-iteration and Gauss-Newton style smoothers, utlizing sequential multiple data assimilation. Note, the single-iteration and fully iterative Gauss-Newton style smoothers are only defined for MDA compatible values of lag and shift where the lag is an integer multiple of the shift.

Currently debugged and validated smoother experiment configurations include

classic_state          -- classic EnKS style state estimation
classic_param          -- classic EnKS style state-parameter estimation
single_iteration_state -- single-iteration EnKS state estimation
single_iteration_param -- single-iteration EnKS state-parameter estimation
iterative_state        -- Gauss-Newton style state estimation
iterative_param        -- Gauss-Newton style state-parameter estimation

Other techniques are still in debugging and validation. Each of these takes an analysis type as used in the transform function in the EnsembleKalmanSchemes.jl sub-module, like the filter analyses in the filter experiments.

SingleExperimentDriver / ParallelExperimentDriver

While the above filter experiments and smoother experiments configure twin experiments, run them and save the outputs, the SingleExperimentDriver.jl and ParallelExperimentDriver.jl can be used as wrappers to run generic model settings for debugging and validation, or to use built-in Julia parallelism to run a collection experiments over a parameter grid. The SingleExperimentDriver.jl is primarily for debugging purposes with tools like BenchmarkTools.jl and Debugger.jl, so that standard inputs can be run with the experiment called with macros.

The ParallelExperimentDriver.jl is a simple parallel implementation, though currently lacks a soft-fail when numerical instability is encountered. This means that if a single experiment configuration in the collection fails due to overflow, the entire collection will cancel. A fix for this is being explored, but the recommendation is to use the slurm submit scripts below as templates for generating large parameter grid configurations and running them on servers.


These are a collection of templates for automatically generating an array of parameter tuples to pass to the experiment functions as configurations. This uses a simple looping strategy, while writing out the configurations to a .jld2 file to be read by the parallel experiment driver within the slurm_submit_scripts directory. The paralell submit script should be run within the slurm_submit_scripts directory to specify the correct paths to the time series data, the experiment configuration data and to save to the correct output directory, specified by the method used.

Processing experiment outputs

The analysis directory contains scripts for batch processing the outputs from experiments into time-averaged RMSE and spread and arranging these outputs in an array for plotting. This should be modified based on the local paths to stored data. This will try to load files based on parameter settings written in the name of the output .jld2 file and if this is not available, this will store Inf values in the place of missing data.

Validating results

Benchmark configurations for the above filtering and smoothing experiments are available in the open access article A fast, single-iteration ensemble Kalman smoother for sequential data assimilation, with details on the algorithm and parameter specifications discussed in the experiments section. Performance of filtering and smoothing schemes should be validated versus the numerical results presented there for root mean square error and ensemble spread. Formal test cases for the package are currently in development. The deterministic Runge-Kutta and Euler scheme for ODEs are validated in the package tests, estimating the order of convergence with the least-squares log-10 line fit between step size and discretization error. Test cases for the stochastic integration schemes are in development, but numerical results with these schemes can be validated versus the results in the open-access article On the numerical integration of the Lorenz-96 model, with scalar additive noise, for benchmark twin experiments.

To do

  • Build additional tests for the library
  • Expand on the existing schemes and models


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  • Julia 74.1%
  • Python 25.3%
  • Other 0.6%