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Migration of production Spark workload to SpotVMs

This project migrates an existing production workload to Spot VMs. We worked with a production-grade Spark workload of a previous engagement with Energinet (as part of the Green Energy Hub) as an example, leveraging the scenario and assets created in the engagement.

Authors and project team in alphabetical order: Brandy Brown, Charles Zipp, Christoph Schittko, Chuck Heinzelman, Neeraj Joshi, Olha Konstantinova, Sherryl Manalo, Sujit D'Mello

Workload Scenario

The Energinet data aggregation stream focuses on processing electricity metering data and making reports available to Grid operators, power stations and Retail energy providers.

Data is collected from IoT devices in Danish households and sent to IoT Hub to be processed further. The real-world scenario currently foresees 16 million time series values to be sent per hour, incoming from metering points every hour or 15 minutes. They plan to achieve higher resolutions up to 1 minute in the future (see Green Energy Hub Time series).

Another CSE team worked with Energinet until earlier in the year 2021 on this engagement and published generalized artifacts of the Spark workload processing the incoming data on GitHub. In this generalized workload, a Databricks job fetches the time series data from Event Hub, and stores them in Delta Lake in parquet files to make it available for further processing and aggregation.

As a side note, we deployed the infrastructure above with the Github workflow infra-cd.yml, leveraging Terraform resource creation on Azure. The workflow deploying the Spark streaming job on Databricks streaming-cd.yml creates a new cluster for the job with a specific Spark version, node type, and number of workers.

Solutioning: Our Approach

Replacing Regular VMs with Spot VMs

Since Databricks supports leveraging Spot VMs for the Worker nodes, we were able to deploy the Databricks job by upgrading the Terraform provider to a version supporting the deployment of Spot VMs (0.3.4) and by adding azure_attributes to the deployment configuration of the new cluster. An example configuration for one node, specific spark version and VM node type could be:

new_cluster {
    spark_version  = "7.2.x-scala2.12"
    node_type_id   = "Standard_DS3_v2"
    num_workers    = 1
    azure_attributes {
      availability       = "SPOT_WITH_FALLBACK_AZURE"
      first_on_demand    = 1
      spot_bid_max_price = -1

The deployment was successful as could be seen in the job cluster configuration:

eviction approach

Findings on configuration settings used to control Spot VMs changing to regular VMs

The docs say that setting a value greater than 0 will result in the first few nodes with on-demand pricing, which is consistent with our test results. However, setting this value to 0 does not fail the cluster creation as the docs say. After trial-and-error, we discovered that the driver node (first node) is always placed on on-demand instances. So in effect, a setting of first_on_demand=1 is used even if you set the value to 0 or do not specify the value at all. This is not a problem for our design as we wanted the driver node to be on-demand to ensure a stable cluster.

In order to confirm wheter the system resorts to on-demand instances in case the Spot instances are not available, the spot_max_bid_price can be set to a value just below the current Spot asking price.

Our expectation was, that the cluster Worker node would be created on on-demand instances. However, the cluster creation fails consistently. The possible explanation is that the setting availability=SPOT_WITH_FALLBACK_AZURE only goes into effect once a cluster is up and running and that it initially tries to use Spot VMs for the Worker nodes. This will fail since the Spot price is too low.

Changing the spot_max_bid_price to a value just above the current Spot asking price results in the cluster successfully being created.


To detect evictions, a detect eviction cron job was created that polls the scheduled events API at a regular interval. This script should be bootstrapped to the VM upon its creation. This satisfies the first requirement by executing from within the VM itself.

Once the job detects eviction, it makes a request to the API responsible for handling the eviction notice asynchronously. This adheres to the second requirement by invoking a fire-and-forget operation that should take milliseconds to complete, which is well within the window of the VM actually being shutdown.

In our scenario with Databricks, the eviction detection script was added to the Terraform configuration for the streaming job creation as a resource databricks_global_init_script:

resource "databricks_global_init_script" "evictionnotice" {
  source = "${path.module}/scripts/"
  name = "Eviction notice"

Since Databricks has its in-built compensation mechanism to prevent the disruption of the service with spot_bid_max_price=-1, or the setting to fall back to standard instances with availability=SPOT_WITH_FALLBACK_AZURE, it is not necessary to restart or provision VM instances. The Action set here could be a notification to service administrators or a modification of the cluster configuration with another available Spot VM type and restarting the job.

Standalone Spark Environment

eviction approach

Due to access restrictions to the instances on Databricks, we were not able to simulate an actual eviction. To simulate the eviction, we manually created a cluster and installed the necessary Spark binaries to run the workload from the scenario running on Databricks and submitted it as a Spark job to run on the cluster. The workload code was only modified to run on the standalone Spark environment without changing its functionality. The setup contains:

  • a Spark Driver VM (Non-Spot),
  • a Spark Worker VM (Non-Spot),
  • and an additional Spark Worker VM (Spot).

We simulated various evictions:

  • Spark process on Worker node fails: The remaining node picked up the work as expected.
  • Restart Spark process on Worker node: The node rejoins the cluster and starts getting work (as expected).
  • Evict Spot VM: When the VM gets deallocated, the remaining Non-Spot node picked up the work as expected.
  • Restart Spot VM: When the Spot VM came back up, it joined the cluster and started getting work (as expected).

The Driver node keeps track of the job and task completion of the workload on the Worker nodes and intructs either the remaining Non-Spot node or a restarted node to continue processing the job/tasks.

Notice Handling (Eviction Compensation)

To handle the eviction notice, we created an Eviction Handler Azure Function. This function exposes a single endpoint that accepts information about the VM being evicted. The API responds with 202 Accepted, which acknowledges receipt of the eviction and indicates it will be handled asynchronously.

const httpTrigger: AzureFunction = async function (context: Context, req: HttpRequest): Promise<void> {'eviction notice received from ' + JSON.stringify( req.body ) );

    // call Action upon eviction notice
    try {
        Action(, context.req.body.rgname );
        context.res = {
            status: 202,
            body: context.req.body
    catch( err ) {    
    // code to catch

The API is expected to execute a compensation strategy in Action which may include restarting the VM or provisioning an additional VM to replace the one being evicted.

    function Action( vmName:string, rgName: string ) {

        // code relating to action


Financial Impacts + Considerations

Spot VM Price Checks

Pricing for Azure Spot Virtual Machines is based on a region and SKU. Pricing information can be queried using the Azure Retail Prices API.

Azure Retail Prices API

To query a Spot VM price the meterName and skuName parameters should both contain Spot. Here is an example what the output looks like:

        "currencyCode": "USD",
        "tierMinimumUnits": 0.0,
        "retailPrice": 0.176346,
        "unitPrice": 0.176346,
        "armRegionName": "westeurope",
        "location": "EU West",
        "effectiveStartDate": "2020-08-01T00:00:00Z",
        "meterId": "000a794b-bdb0-58be-a0cd-0c3a0f222923",
        "meterName": "F16s Spot",
        "productId": "DZH318Z0BQPS",
        "skuId": "DZH318Z0BQPS/00TG",
        "productName": "Virtual Machines FS Series Windows",
        "skuName": "F16s Spot",
        "serviceName": "Virtual Machines",
        "serviceId": "DZH313Z7MMC8",
        "serviceFamily": "Compute",
        "unitOfMeasure": "1 Hour",
        "type": "DevTestConsumption",
        "isPrimaryMeterRegion": true,
        "armSkuName": "Standard_F16s"

Price Checking Script

This script checks Azure Spot prices in different regions:

Parameter Name Required? Default Value Data Type
-s sku name No DS3 v2 string
-p product name of the offering No Virtual Machines DSv2 Series string
-l location No US East string
-r repeat price checking No false bool

If the parameter -r is set to true, the script will check a price every 60 seconds and ask the user to confirm this with inputting (y) for yes or (n) for no.

Query contains next filters:

  • skuName
  • location
  • serviceName
  • reservationTerm
    • Applicable to regular VMs so pay as you go pricing is being checked, and not price for Reserved Virtual Machine Instances
  • productName
    • to separate Linux from Windows machines

Analysis - How to change Spot VM prices on a running cluster

The Databricks Cluster CLI allows editing of various parameters of the cluster. One of them is the spot_bid_max_price of the Worker nodes used in the cluster. The JSON file used to configure the cluster via the API looks like this:

    "cluster_id" : "0520-195721-vivas527", 
    "spark_version" : "7.2.x-scala2.12",
    "node_type_id" : "Standard_DS3_v2",
    "num_workers" : "2",

    "azure_attributes" : {
      "availability" : "SPOT_WITH_FALLBACK_AZURE",
      "spot_bid_max_price" : "0.144",
      "first_on_demand" : "1"

Where cluster_id is the existing cluster ID.

Note that it is not possible to change the spot_bid_max_price of a running cluster.

Once you issue the databricks clusters edit --json-file <config.json> command, the cluster is stopped and resources deallocated, and a new cluster with the configuration settings is created. Jobs can then be re-run on the new cluster. The cluster_id remains the same after the update.

If the spot_bid_max_price specified is below the current asking price for Spot VMs of the specified node_type_id, then the cluster creation will fail.