package main

import (



// extended cursor location (includes absolute bytes offset)

type cursor_location_ex struct {
	abs_boffset int

func make_cursor_location_ex(cursor cursor_location) cursor_location_ex {
	off := cursor.boffset
	line := cursor.line.prev
	for line != nil {
		off += len( + 1 // plus one is for '\n'
		line = line.prev
	return cursor_location_ex{
		cursor_location: cursor,
		abs_boffset:     off,

// autocompletion

const ac_max_filtered = 200
const ac_ui_max_lines = 14

type ac_proposal struct {
	display []byte
	content []byte

type (
	ac_func        func(view *view) ([]ac_proposal, int)
	ac_decide_func func(view *view) ac_func

type autocompl struct {
	// data
	origin    cursor_location
	current   cursor_location
	proposals []ac_proposal
	filtered  []ac_proposal

	// ui
	cursor int
	view   int
	tmpbuf bytes.Buffer

// Creates a new autocompletion object and makes a query for ac proposals, may
// take a while.
func new_autocompl(f ac_func, view *view) *autocompl {
	var charsback int
	ac := new(autocompl)
	ac.filtered = make([]ac_proposal, 0, ac_max_filtered)
	ac.proposals, charsback = f(view)
	if len(ac.proposals) == 0 {
		return nil

	if charsback > 0 {
		origin := view.cursor

		// adjust origin if we have positive 'charsback'
		for charsback > 0 {

		// delete region between the origin and the new cursor position
		view.action_delete(view.cursor, view.cursor.distance(origin))
	ac.origin = view.cursor
	ac.current = view.cursor

	// insert the common part of all the autocompletion proposals
	common := ac.common()
	if len(common) > 0 {
		c := view.cursor
		view.action_insert(c, common)
		c.boffset += len(common)
	return ac

func (ac *autocompl) common() []byte {
	common := ac.proposals[0].content
	common_n := len(common)
	for _, p := range ac.proposals {
		if len(p.content) < common_n {
			common_n = len(p.content)

		for i := 0; i < common_n; i++ {
			if common[i] != p.content[i] {
				common_n = i

	return clone_byte_slice(common[:common_n])

func (ac *autocompl) actual_proposals() []ac_proposal {
	if ac.origin.boffset != ac.current.boffset {
		return ac.filtered
	return ac.proposals

// Returns 'true' if update was successful, 'false' if autocompletion should be
// discarded.
func (ac *autocompl) update(current cursor_location) bool {
	if ac.origin.line_num != current.line_num {
		return false
	if ac.origin.boffset > current.boffset {
		return false

	if ac.current.boffset == current.boffset {
		// false update, skip it
		return true

	ac.current = current
	if ac.current.boffset == ac.origin.boffset {
		// simply discard filtered stuff
		return true

	ac.filtered = ac.filtered[:0]
	filter := bytes_between(ac.origin, ac.current)
	j := 0
	for i := 0; i < ac_max_filtered; i++ {
		if j >= len(ac.proposals) {
		if bytes.HasPrefix(ac.proposals[j].content, filter) {
			ac.filtered = append(ac.filtered, ac.proposals[j])
		} else {
	if len(ac.filtered) == 0 {
		// no filtered stuff, cancel autocompletion
		return false
	return true

func (ac *autocompl) move_cursor_down() {
	if ac.cursor >= len(ac.actual_proposals())-1 {

func (ac *autocompl) move_cursor_up() {
	if ac.cursor <= 0 {

func (ac *autocompl) tab(view *view) {
	// finalize first, to capture chosen directory/file.
	// then init again, to recurse into the chosen directory/file.

func (ac *autocompl) desired_height() int {
	proposals := ac.actual_proposals()
	minh := 0
	for i := 0; i < ac_ui_max_lines; i++ {
		n := ac.view + i
		if n >= len(proposals) {
	return minh

func (ac *autocompl) desired_width(height int) int {
	proposals := ac.actual_proposals()
	minw := 0
	for i := 0; i < height; i++ {
		n := ac.view + i
		line_len := utf8.RuneCount(proposals[n].display)
		if line_len > minw {
			minw = line_len
	return minw + 2

func (ac *autocompl) adjust_view(height int) {
	if ac.cursor < ac.view {
		ac.view = ac.cursor

	if ac.cursor >= ac.view+height {
		ac.view = ac.cursor - height + 1

func (ac *autocompl) validate_cursor() {
	if ac.cursor >= len(ac.actual_proposals()) {
		ac.cursor = 0
		ac.view = 0

// -1 if no need to make a slider
func (ac *autocompl) slider_pos_and_rune(height int) (int, rune) {
	proposals := ac.actual_proposals()
	if len(proposals) == height {
		return -1, 0
	max := len(proposals) - height
	if ac.view == max {
		return height - 1, '▄'

	var r rune
	progress := int((float32(ac.view) / float32(max)) * float32(height*2))
	if progress&1 != 0 {
		r = '▄'
	} else {
		r = '▀'
	return progress / 2, r

func (ac *autocompl) draw_onto(buf *tulib.Buffer, x, y int) {

	h := ac.desired_height()
	dst := find_place_for_rect(buf.Rect, tulib.Rect{x, y + 1, 1, h})
	w := ac.desired_width(dst.Height)
	dst = find_place_for_rect(buf.Rect, tulib.Rect{x, y + 1, w, h})

	slider_i, slider_r := ac.slider_pos_and_rune(dst.Height)
	lp := default_label_params

	r := dst
	r.Height = 1
	for i := 0; i < dst.Height; i++ {
		lp.Fg = termbox.ColorBlack
		lp.Bg = termbox.ColorWhite

		n := ac.view + i
		if n == ac.cursor {
			lp.Fg = termbox.ColorWhite
			lp.Bg = termbox.ColorBlue
		buf.Fill(r, termbox.Cell{
			Fg: lp.Fg,
			Bg: lp.Bg,
			Ch: ' ',
		buf.DrawLabel(r, &lp, ac.actual_proposals()[n].display)

		sr := ' '
		if i == slider_i {
			sr = slider_r
		buf.Set(r.X+r.Width, r.Y, termbox.Cell{
			Fg: termbox.ColorWhite,
			Bg: termbox.ColorBlue,
			Ch: sr,

func (ac *autocompl) finalize(view *view) {
	d := ac.origin.distance(ac.current)
	if d < 0 {
		panic("something went really wrong, oops..")
	data := clone_byte_slice(ac.actual_proposals()[ac.cursor].content[d:])
	view.action_insert(ac.current, data)
	ac.current.boffset += len(data) // ac.current is a cursor location.

// local buffer autocompletion

func local_ac(view *view) ([]ac_proposal, int) {
	var dups llrb_tree
	var others llrb_tree
	proposals := make([]ac_proposal, 0, 100)
	prefix := view.cursor.word_under_cursor()

	// update word caches
	view.other_buffers(func(buf *buffer) {

	collect := func(ignorecase bool) {
		words := view.collect_words([][]byte(nil), &dups, ignorecase)
		for _, word := range words {
			proposals = append(proposals, ac_proposal{
				display: word,
				content: word,

		lprefix := prefix
		if ignorecase {
			lprefix = bytes.ToLower(prefix)
		view.other_buffers(func(buf *buffer) {
			buf.words_cache.walk(func(word []byte) {
				lword := word
				if ignorecase {
					lword = bytes.ToLower(word)
				if bytes.HasPrefix(lword, lprefix) {
					ok := dups.insert_maybe(word)
					if !ok {
		others.walk(func(word []byte) {
			proposals = append(proposals, ac_proposal{
				display: word,
				content: word,
	if len(proposals) == 0 {

	if prefix != nil {
		return proposals, utf8.RuneCount(prefix)
	return proposals, 0

// gocode autocompletion

func gocode_ac(view *view) ([]ac_proposal, int) {
	cursor_ex := make_cursor_location_ex(view.cursor)
	var out bytes.Buffer
	gocode := exec.Command("gocode", "-f=godit", "autocomplete",
		view.buf.path, strconv.Itoa(cursor_ex.abs_boffset))
	gocode.Stdin = view.buf.reader()
	gocode.Stdout = &out

	err := gocode.Run()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, 0

	lr := new_line_reader(out.Bytes())
	charsback_str, proposals_n_str := split_double_csv(lr.read_line())
	charsback, err := atoi(charsback_str)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, 0
	proposals_n, err := atoi(proposals_n_str)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, 0

	proposals := make([]ac_proposal, proposals_n)
	for i := 0; i < proposals_n; i++ {
		d, c := split_double_csv(lr.read_line())
		proposals[i].display = d
		proposals[i].content = c
	return proposals, charsback

// buffer autocompletion

func make_gemacs_buffer_ac_decide(gemacs *gemacs) ac_decide_func {
	return func(view *view) ac_func {
		return make_gemacs_buffer_ac(gemacs)

func make_gemacs_buffer_ac(gemacs *gemacs) ac_func {
	return func(view *view) ([]ac_proposal, int) {
		prefix := string(view.buf.contents()[:view.cursor.boffset])
		proposals := make([]ac_proposal, 0, 20)
		for _, buf := range gemacs.buffers {
			if strings.HasPrefix(, prefix) {
				display := make([]byte, len(, len(
				content := display
				if !buf.synced_with_disk() {
					display = display[:len(display)+5]
					copy(display[len(content):], " (**)")
				proposals = append(proposals, ac_proposal{
					display: display,
					content: content,

		return proposals, view.cursor_coffset

// file system autocompletion

func filesystem_line_ac_decide(view *view) ac_func {
	return filesystem_line_ac

type filesystem_slice []os.FileInfo

func (s filesystem_slice) Len() int      { return len(s) }
func (s filesystem_slice) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] }
func (s filesystem_slice) Less(i, j int) bool {
	idir := s[i].IsDir()
	jdir := s[j].IsDir()
	if idir != jdir {
		if idir {
			return true
		return false

	return s[i].Name() < s[j].Name()

func filesystem_line_ac(view *view) ([]ac_proposal, int) {
	var dirfd *os.File
	var err error
	path := string(view.buf.contents()[:view.cursor.boffset])
	path = substitute_home(path)
	path = substitute_symlinks(path)
	dir, partfile := filepath.Split(path)
	if dir == "" {
		dirfd, err = os.Open(".")
	} else {
		dirfd, err = os.Open(dir)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, 0
	fis, err := readdir_stat(dir, dirfd)
	if err != nil {
		// can we recover something from here?
		return nil, 0
	proposals := make([]ac_proposal, 0, 20)
	match_files := func(ignorecase bool) {
		if ignorecase {
			partfile = strings.ToLower(partfile)
		for _, fi := range fis {
			name := fi.Name()
			if is_file_hidden(name) {
			tmpname := name
			if ignorecase {
				tmpname = strings.ToLower(tmpname)
			if strings.HasPrefix(tmpname, partfile) {
				suffix := ""
				if fi.IsDir() {
					suffix = string(filepath.Separator)
				proposals = append(proposals, ac_proposal{
					display: []byte(dir + name + suffix),
					content: []byte(dir + name + suffix),
	if len(proposals) == 0 {
	return proposals, view.cursor_coffset