ns plugin add @nativescript/apple-pay
In order for Apple Pay to work in your iOS application you will need to complete the following steps. These steps are also outlined in the Apple PassKit documentation.
Create a merchant ID.
Create a Payment Processing certificate.
Enable Apple Pay in Xcode.
Follow the instructions in Configure Apple Pay (iOS, watchOS), which guide you to create the following:
Merchant ID. An identifier you register with Apple that uniquely identifies your business as a merchant able to accept payments. This ID never expires, and can be used in multiple websites and iOS apps. See Create a merchant identifier for the setup steps.
Payment Processing Certificate. A certificate associated with your merchant ID, used to secure transaction data. Apple Pay servers use the certificate’s public key to encrypt payment data. You (or your payment service provider) use the private key to decrypt the data to process payments. See Create a payment processing certificate for the setup steps.
Finally, you need to enable the Apple Pay capability in your Xcode project. See Enable Apple Pay for the setup steps.
For a video showing the configuration steps, see: Configuring Your Developer Account for Apple Pay.
Once that configuration is done for your Apple developer account, you will be able to use the PassKit framework for Apple Pay inside your iOS application.
import { ApplePayBtn, ApplePayContactFields, ApplePayEvents, ApplePayItems, ApplePayMerchantCapability, ApplePayNetworks, ApplePayPaymentItemType, ApplePayRequest, ApplePayTransactionStatus, AuthorizePaymentEventData } from '@nativescript/apple-pay';
export function onApplePayTap() {
try {
// just ensuring this runs only on iOS
if (global.isIOS) {
const applePayBtn = args.object as ApplePayBtn;
// setup the event listeners for the delegate for apple pay for our button
applePayBtn.once(ApplePayEvents.DidAuthorizePaymentHandler, async (args: AuthorizePaymentEventData) => {
// this is where you do backend processing with your payment provider (Stripe, PayPal, etc.)
// this payload is just a sample, your payload to a provider will likely be different
// you can see here how to access the encrypted values from Apple Pay inside the `args.data.paymentData`
const payloadToBackend = {
transaction_type: 'purchase',
merchant_ref: args.data.paymentData.header.transactionId,
method: '3DS',
'3DS': {
merchantIdentifier: <SomeIdentifierFromPaymentProvider>,
data: args.data.paymentData.data,
signature: args.data.paymentData.signature,
version: args.data.paymentData.version,
header: args.data.paymentData.header
const result = await someHttpMethodToYourProviderBackend(payloadToBackend);
if (result && result.value === true) {
// need this to call when the payment is successful to close the payment sheet correctly on iOS
// now you can follow through with your user flow since the transactin has been successful with your provider
} else {
// payment failed on the backend, so show the FAILURE to close the Apple Pay sheet
// these are the items your customer is paying for
const paymentItems = [
amount: 20.50,
label: 'Balance',
type: ApplePayPaymentItemType.Final,
] as ApplePayItems[];
const request = {
merchantId: <Your_Apple_Pay_Merchant_ID>, // the merchant ID for this app
merchantCapabilities: ApplePayMerchantCapability.ThreeDS,
countryCode: 'US',
currencyCode: 'USD',
shippingContactFields: [ApplePayContactFields.Name, ApplePayContactFields.PostalAddress],
billingContactFields: [ApplePayContactFields.Name, ApplePayContactFields.PostalAddress],
supportedNetworks: [ApplePayNetworks.Amex, ApplePayNetworks.Visa, ApplePayNetworks.Discover, ApplePayNetworks.MasterCard],
} as ApplePayRequest;
// `createPaymentRequest` will call into the Apple Pay SDK and present the user with the payment sheet for the configuration provided
await applePayBtn.createPaymentRequest(request).catch((err) => {
console.log('Apple Pay Error', err);
} catch (error) {
Name | Description |
createPaymentRequest(request: ApplePayRequest) | Creates the Apple Pay payment request and presents the user with the payment sheet. |
Key | Description |
DidAuthorizePaymentHandler | Tells the delegate that the user has authorized the payment request and asks for a result. |
AuthorizationDidFinish | Tells the delegate that payment authorization has completed. |
Key | Description |
EmailAddress | Indicates an email address field. |
Name | Indicates a name field. |
PhoneNumber | Indicates a phone number field. |
PhoneticName | Indicates a phonetic name field. |
PostalAddress | Indicates a postal address field. |
Key |
Amex |
CarteBancaire |
CarteBancaires |
ChinaUnionPay |
Discover |
Eftpos |
Electron |
Elo |
IDCredit |
Interac |
Jcb |
Mada |
Maestro |
MasterCard |
PrivateLabel |
QuicPay |
Suica |
Visa |
VPay |
Key | Value |
ThreeDS | PKMerchantCapability.Capability3DS |
EMV | PKMerchantCapability.CapabilityEMV |
Credit | PKMerchantCapability.CapabilityCredit |
Debit | PKMerchantCapability.CapabilityDebit |
Key | Value |
Success | PKPaymentAuthorizationStatus.Success |
Failure | PKPaymentAuthorizationStatus.Failure |
InvalidBillingPostalAddress | PKPaymentAuthorizationStatus.InvalidBillingPostalAddress |
InvalidShippingPostalAddress | PKPaymentAuthorizationStatus.InvalidShippingPostalAddress |
InvalidShippingContact | PKPaymentAuthorizationStatus.InvalidShippingContact |
PINRequired | PKPaymentAuthorizationStatus.PINRequired |
PINIncorrect | PKPaymentAuthorizationStatus.PINIncorrect |
PINLockout | PKPaymentAuthorizationStatus.PINLockout, |
Key | Value |
Final | PKPaymentSummaryItemType.Final |
Pending | PKPaymentSummaryItemType.Pending |
Key | Value |
Plain | PKPaymentButtonType.Plain |
Buy | PKPaymentButtonType.Buy |
Book | PKPaymentButtonType.Book |
Checkout | PKPaymentButtonType.Checkout |
Donate | PKPaymentButtonType.Donate |
InStore | PKPaymentButtonType.Book |
Subscribe | PKPaymentButtonType.Subscribe |
Key | Value |
White | PKPaymentButtonStyle.White |
WhiteOutline | PKPaymentButtonStyle.WhiteOutline |
Black | PKPaymentButtonStyle.Black |
interface ApplePayRequest {
paymentItems: Array<ApplePayItems>;
merchantId: string; // the merchant ID for this app
merchantCapabilities: number;
countryCode: string;
currencyCode: string;
supportedNetworks: Array<ApplePayNetworks>;
billingContactFields?: Array<ApplePayContactFields>;
shippingContactFields?: Array<ApplePayContactFields>;
shippingMethods?: Array<ApplePayShippingMethods>;
interface ApplePayItems {
label: string;
amount: number;
type: ApplePayPaymentItemType;
interface AuthorizePaymentEventData extends EventData {
eventName: string;
object: any;
data?: {
payment: PKPayment;
token: PKPaymentToken;
paymentData: ApplePayPaymentData;
billingContact: PKContact;
shippingContact: PKContact;
shippingMethod: PKShippingMethod;
completion: (status: ApplePayTransactionStatus) => void;
interface AuthorizationDidFinishEventData extends EventData {
eventName: string;
object: any;
interface ApplePayPaymentData {
* Encrypted payment data.
* Additional version-dependent information used to decrypt and verify the payment.
* Signature of the payment and header data. The signature includes the signing certificate, its intermediate CA certificate, and information about the signing algorithm.
* Version information about the payment token.
* The token uses EC_v1 for ECC-encrypted data, and RSA_v1 for RSA-encrypted data.
version: string;
Apache License Version 2.0