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File metadata and controls

259 lines (213 loc) · 17.6 KB


Here are the userscripts related to the Most of them are provided under the common name of YourBooru (YDB). Most part of them should work on any philomena-based booru, but you need to manually include these sites in your userscript manager settings. Functional descriptions are available on the links below, this file is just technical informations.

Quick installation links and descriptions

YDB:Settings standalone is deprecated



YDB:Search Ex






Common libraries

CreateElement.js — implements React.createElement function with some small differences and on real DOM;

DerpibooruImitation.js — planned as generic library for application.js functional, right now only implements DB_processImages(targetNode, forcedDespoil) to process spoilers on images;

tagProcessor.js — implements search query parser and patcher parseSearch(searchString, extensions = { tags = [{ origin: string, result: string|function():string }], prefixes = [{origin: string, result: function(tag):string }] }). Result may be ran on specific image (not tested) and converted back to the search string .toString().

Common json-like databases

badgesDB.js returns badge implications;

tagDB.js returns tag categories regular expressions and matching tags list.

Detailed technical descriptions


Main settings provider which allows to construct UI-based settings for userscript on Derpibooru settings page. Can be used as separate userscript, since 0.9.12 can be used as library, through. Since 0.9.17, only UW-version is maintainable.

0.10 rewrite is planned, "API" will be changed.


Despite the fact that the script was developed for the internal needs of the YDB (this is evident in some elements of the design), you can use it for your own purposes. Due to the nature of its development, it's always working realtime as normal userscript (not as typical function-library), but always no more than one instance of the script is active (which was launched first). See YDB tab in settings to make sure, which instantion works right now.

If you want to guarantee it's startup in your work without having standalone installation of YDB:S, you need to require special library-based build of YDB:S and a few @grant's:

// @grant        unsafeWindow
// @grant        GM_addStyle
// @require

You must not add that lines if your script has run-at property set as document-start. You should provide to end users a link for a standalone version or just believe, that they have any other script which integrated YDB:S as a library.

Not -UW version leaved only for backend compability and shouldn't be used at all. You have to declare unsafeWindow and GM_addStyle and use unsafeWindow instead of window in your script, if you want settings being accessible.


Threre is a sample code of implementing settings by using YDB:S:

if (window._YDB_public == undefined) window._YDB_public = {};
if (window._YDB_public.settings == undefined) window._YDB_public.settings = {};
window._YDB_public.settings.feeds = {
    {type:'checkbox', name:'Keep watchlist', parameter:'doNotRemoveWatchList'},
    {type:'input', name:'Amount of images in a feed:', parameter:'imagesInFeeds', validation:{type:'int',min:1,max:25}},
    {type:'input', name:'Minimum feeds loaded at once:', parameter:'oneTimeLoad', validation:{type:'int',min:1,max:10}},
    {type:'checkbox', name:'Right-aligned layout', parameter:'watchFeedLinkOnRightSide'},
    {type:'checkbox', name:'Trim garbage from HTML', parameter:'optimizeLS', styleS:{display:'none'}},
    {type:'array', parameter:'feedz', addText:'Add feed', customOrder:true, s:[
        {type:'input', name:'Name', parameter:'name',styleI:{width:'33em', marginRight:'.5em'},validation:{type:'unique'}},
        {type:'select', name:'Sorting', parameter:'sort',styleI:{marginRight:'.5em'}, values:[
          {name:'Creation date', value:'created_at'},
          {name:'Score', value:'score'},
          {name:'Wilson score', value:'wilson'},
          {name:'Relevance', value:'relevance'},
          {name:'Width', value:'width'},
          {name:'Height', value:'height'},
          {name:'Comments', value:'comments'},
          {name:'Random', value:'random'},
          {name:'Gallery', value:'gallery_id'}
        ],i:function(module,elem) {
          let f = module.saved.feedz[];
          if (f == undefined || !f.sort.startsWith('gallery_id')) {
          else {
            let x = elem.querySelector('option[value="gallery_id"]');
            x.value = f.sort;
            x.selected = true;
        {type:'select', name:'Direction', parameter:'sd',styleI:{marginRight:'.5em'}, values:[
          {name:'Descending', value:'desc'},
          {name:'Ascending', value:'asc'}
        {type:'input', name:'Caching delay (minutes)', parameter:'cache',styleI:{width:'3em', marginRight:'.4em'}, validation:{type:'int',min:0,max:99999}},
        {type:'input', name:'...or caching interval', parameter:'ccache',styleI:{width:'3.2em', marginRight:'.4em'}, validation:{type:'int',min:0,max:99999}},
        {type:'checkbox', name:'Double size', parameter:'double',styleI:{marginRight:'.4em'}},
        {type:'checkbox', name:'Show on home page', parameter:'mainPage',styleI:{marginRight:'.4em'}},
        {type:'buttonLink', attrI:{title:'Copy-paste this link somewhere to share this feed!',target:'_blank'},styleI:{marginRight:'.5em'}, name:'Share', i:function(module,elem) {
          let f = module.saved.feedz[];
          if (f == undefined) {
            elem.innerHTML = '------';
          let q = f.query;
          if (window._YDB_public.funcs != undefined && window._YDB_public.funcs.tagAliases !=undefined)
            q = encodeURIComponent(window._YDB_public.funcs.tagAliases(f.query, {legacy:false}));
          elem.href = '/search?name='+encodeURIComponent('&q='+q.replace(/\%20/g,'+')+'&sf='+f.sort+'&sd=''&cache='+f.cache+'&ccache='+f.ccache;
        {type:'button', name:'Nuke cache  (╯°□°)╯', action:resetCache}
        {type:'textarea', name:'Query', parameter:'query',styleI:{width:'calc(100% - 11em)'}}
    ], template:{name:'New feed',sort:'',sd:'',cache:'30',ccache:'0',query:'*',double:false,mainPage:true}}

Let's look, how it's working.

First of all, you should define YDB and YDB:S public objects (because you don't know, which script will launch first):

if (window._YDB_public == undefined) window._YDB_public = {};
if (window._YDB_public.settings == undefined) window._YDB_public.settings = {};

Second this is that you need to define object which will contain all needed data about your script. Name of the object should be unique.

window._YDB_public.settings.feeds = { ... };

Fields (each except s, onChanges and hidden is string):

  • name[Required] displayable name of your script;
  • version[Required] displayable version of your script (common practice is using GM_info.script.version property);
  • container[Required] name of the localStorage object with your settings which content you are want to config with YDB:S;
  • link — if present, name of your script in YDB:S page will be hyperlink;
  • s — settings array, described bellow;
  • onChanges — object similar with s, described bellow;
  • hidden — if present and equal to true, your script won't be listed at the end.

Since YDB:S allows to store content on Derpibooru itself it's strongly recommended to keep settings and other script saved data, which you don't want to syncronize, separated, because it's saving whole container object. Also if want only to allow syncronize some data without configuring, you may want to don't define s object and set hidden to true.

The main thing is s array, which contains every setting you want to visually configure. Each element of array is object with these fields:

  • type[Required] string type of element. Can be:
    • checkbox — for boolean-type settings;
    • input — for string, integer and float settings;
    • textarea — for large string settings;
    • select — for selectable string settings;
    • array — for array-based settings;
    • button — normal button;
    • buttonLink — as button, but used for links;
    • header — static header (e.q. for subsection);
    • text — static text;
    • breakline — breakline (none of the above parameters puts them by themself).
  • name[Required] [except for array] string displayable name of parameter or inner value for static elements;
  • parameter[Required] [for checkbox, input, textarea, select, array] string property of provided settings object represents current option;
  • eventsI[for checkbox, input, textarea, select] object allows to attach events for editable (inputs) part of setting HTML-element;
  • eventsS[except for array] object allows to attach events for static (texts) part of setting HTML-element;
  • styleI[for checkbox, input, textarea, select] object allows to attach CSS-properies for editable (inputs) part of setting HTML-element;
  • styleS[except for array] object allows to attach CSS-properies for static (texts) part of setting HTML-element;
  • attrI[for checkbox, input, textarea, select] object allows to attach other attributes for editable (inputs) part of setting HTML-element;
  • attrS[except for array] object allows to attach other attributes for static (texts) part of setting HTML-element;
  • validation[for input and textarea] object allows to control input values. Has folowing subfields:
    • typestring type of validation. Can be:
      • int — tries to use parseInt on value. Throws warning if failed. Allows to use min and max parameters;
      • float — tries to use parseFloat on value. Throws warning if failed. Allows to use min and max parameters;
      • unique[only for input which are the children of array] checks if there is another option with that value and throws warning if it is.
    • minint/float throws warning if value is smaller than specified;
    • maxint/float throws warning if value is bigger than specified.
  • ifunction executes right after element injected with parameters setting-module and HTML-elem;
  • values[Required] [for select] array — possible values for setting. Each element of array is object with these fields:
    • name[Required] string displayable name of value;
    • value[Required] string value itself;
  • addText[Required] [for array] string text on button to add value in array setting;
  • customOrder[Required] [for array] boolean allows to reorder values in array;
  • s[Required] [for array] array of arrays. Each array represents one line and has the same structure as global s object;
  • template[for array] object default parameters values for new elements of array setting;
  • href[Required] [for buttonLink] string hyperlink.

Optional object onChanges consist of function map, allows to attach parsing function to setting properties by parameter values. If you want to implement setting to inner array properties, you should create an object and use inner properties parameter. If you want to implement setting to array itself, you should create an object and set function as value to field _ (underline). Sample:

  property:evalueProperty;              // executes when option changed
    innerProperty:evalueInnerProperty,  // executes when option changed
    _:evalueArrayProperty               // executes when any option of array changed

Functions executes when user clicks "Save settings" right before being written.

Usage for // @run-at document-start scripts

Since there is a different window object in that case, you should use other method to implement settings:

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {addElem('span', {style:'display:none', type:'text', dataset:{value:JSON.stringify(DATA_OBJECT),origin:'script'}, className:'_YDB_reserved_register'}, document.body);});

DATA_OBJECT is the same object as in common method with only one significant difference: no any functions allowed. If you want to do something with inserted HTML-elements, you should select them and add event listeners on your side.

Arguments objects

Functions, which can be placed as field i and action have 2 arguments: module and element.

Functions, which can be placed in field onChanges have 3 arguments: moduleData, element and callback.

  • callback — call this function if you changed value in your handler and want to save changed one. Have 3 arguments: moduleData, element and newValue. First 2 is the same, 3rd one — new value;
  • element — it's common HTML-element which was generated to represent current setting. For array type in onChanges is an array of moduleDatas for each child!
  • module — mostly consists of created earlier public objects fields:
    • changed — for internal usage, you may see "false" here even if something actually was changed. You may change it to true, thought, it will cause backups to be updated;
    • container — same as in public object;
    • name — same as in public object;
    • onChanges — same as in public object;
    • options — same as s in public object;
    • saved — saved content of this branch (see below).
  • moduleData — same as module.saved:
  property:evalueProperty;              // moduleData is {property:..., arrayProperty:{innerProperty:...}}
    innerProperty:evalueInnerProperty,  // moduleData is {innerProperty:...}
    _:evalueArrayProperty               // moduleData is {property:..., arrayProperty:{innerProperty:...}}


  • window._YDB_public.funcs.backgroundBackupfunction (callback) if user have backupping enabled, saves data cloudly on Derpibooru. Asynchronous, use callback;
  • window._YDB_public.funcs.callWindowfunction (element) renders simple window with HTML-element element;
  • window._YDB_public.funcs.getNoncefunction () returns unsafe unique value, use to prevent possible not critical unwanted actions which your script may do after parsing URL or other things. Randomizes each ~6 hours, not protected from overwriting;
  • window._YDB_public.handledint increment if your onChange handler is asynchronous to prevent page aborting function. Decrement upon completion;
  • window._YDB_public.funcs.logfunction (id, string, level) makes a record in global debug log. id should represent script, string is a main record, level represents importance (0 — error, 1 — normal, 2 — verbose).