provides the section motions [[
and ][
and text objects
and A][
. These motions and text objects account for both
Setext (=
and -
) as well as ATX-style (#
, ##
, etc.) headings.
I use NeoBundle:
NeoBundle 'gbgar/pandoc-sections.vim',
Retrieve pandoc-sections.vim and copy it to ~/.vim/ftplugins/pandoc/pandoc-sections.vim.
If you wish, add an autocommand to associate a filetype with pandoc in your vimrc or in $VIMFILES/ftdetect/pandoc.vim. For example:
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.pdk set filetype=pandoc
]] Skip forward one primary section header.
[[ Skip backward one primary section header.
][ Skip forward one section header in the second through sixth levels.
[] Skip backward one section header in the second through sixth levels.
Section text objects operate/select upon primary and secondary through sixth-level sections. Two types of section objects are available: simple and advanced.
Primary section objects work in any location, but with the addition of advanced text objects, the lower-level objects only function within lower-level headings. This is to prevent odd jumping behavior when lower-level text objects were used in an exclusively first-level heading.
Simple text objects operate strictly within or on the title of the current subheading and without reference to hierarchy.
i]] Inner primary section header.
i][ Inner secondary through sixth-level header.
a]] All of primary header.
a][ All of secondary through sixth-level header.
"Advanced" text objects operate with reference to header hierarchy. For example, an advanced section text object will operate on a third-level heading and any fourth-level through sixth-level headings beneath, until the bottom or a first- through third-level heading is reached.
I][ Hierarchy-aware inner secondary through sixth-level header.
A][ Hierarchy-aware all of secondary through sixth-level header.
This filetype plugin is based on Steve Losh's Learn Vimscript the Hard Way "Potions section movement" chapter, found here:
as well as
Pandoc is a document converter created by John MacFarlane: