diff --git a/OPENAPI_VERSION b/OPENAPI_VERSION index ffd0a4e35..25f0421fb 100644 --- a/OPENAPI_VERSION +++ b/OPENAPI_VERSION @@ -1 +1 @@ -v189 \ No newline at end of file +v193 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lib/Checkout/Session.php b/lib/Checkout/Session.php index e7f09df60..9e885c435 100644 --- a/lib/Checkout/Session.php +++ b/lib/Checkout/Session.php @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ * @property string $success_url The URL the customer will be directed to after the payment or subscription creation is successful. * @property \Stripe\StripeObject $tax_id_collection * @property null|\Stripe\StripeObject $total_details Tax and discount details for the computed total amount. - * @property null|string $url The URL to the Checkout Session. Redirect customers to this URL to take them to Checkout. If you’re using Custom Domains, the URL will use your subdomain. Otherwise, it’ll use checkout.stripe.com. + * @property null|string $url The URL to the Checkout Session. Redirect customers to this URL to take them to Checkout. If you’re using Custom Domains, the URL will use your subdomain. Otherwise, it’ll use checkout.stripe.com. This value is only present when the session is active. */ class Session extends \Stripe\ApiResource { diff --git a/lib/Invoice.php b/lib/Invoice.php index d2baaed97..aa3461f84 100644 --- a/lib/Invoice.php +++ b/lib/Invoice.php @@ -78,9 +78,11 @@ * @property null|int $due_date The date on which payment for this invoice is due. This value will be null for invoices where collection_method=charge_automatically. * @property null|int $ending_balance Ending customer balance after the invoice is finalized. Invoices are finalized approximately an hour after successful webhook delivery or when payment collection is attempted for the invoice. If the invoice has not been finalized yet, this will be null. * @property null|string $footer Footer displayed on the invoice. + * @property null|\Stripe\StripeObject $from_invoice Details of the invoice that was cloned. See the revision documentation for more details. * @property null|string $hosted_invoice_url The URL for the hosted invoice page, which allows customers to view and pay an invoice. If the invoice has not been finalized yet, this will be null. * @property null|string $invoice_pdf The link to download the PDF for the invoice. If the invoice has not been finalized yet, this will be null. * @property null|\Stripe\StripeObject $last_finalization_error The error encountered during the previous attempt to finalize the invoice. This field is cleared when the invoice is successfully finalized. + * @property null|string|\Stripe\Invoice $latest_revision The ID of the most recent non-draft revision of this invoice * @property \Stripe\Collection<\Stripe\InvoiceLineItem> $lines The individual line items that make up the invoice. lines is sorted as follows: invoice items in reverse chronological order, followed by the subscription, if any. * @property bool $livemode Has the value true if the object exists in live mode or the value false if the object exists in test mode. * @property null|\Stripe\StripeObject $metadata Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. diff --git a/lib/PaymentMethod.php b/lib/PaymentMethod.php index a87386783..1ac4cee29 100644 --- a/lib/PaymentMethod.php +++ b/lib/PaymentMethod.php @@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ * @property \Stripe\StripeObject $oxxo * @property \Stripe\StripeObject $p24 * @property \Stripe\StripeObject $paynow + * @property \Stripe\StripeObject $pix * @property \Stripe\StripeObject $promptpay * @property \Stripe\StripeObject $radar_options Options to configure Radar. See Radar Session for more information. * @property \Stripe\StripeObject $sepa_debit diff --git a/lib/Treasury/CreditReversal.php b/lib/Treasury/CreditReversal.php index d00277b92..e142d811d 100644 --- a/lib/Treasury/CreditReversal.php +++ b/lib/Treasury/CreditReversal.php @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ * @property string $id Unique identifier for the object. * @property string $object String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value. * @property int $amount Amount (in cents) transferred. + * @property int $created Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. * @property string $currency Three-letter ISO currency code, in lowercase. Must be a supported currency. * @property string $financial_account The FinancialAccount to reverse funds from. * @property null|string $hosted_regulatory_receipt_url A hosted transaction receipt URL that is provided when money movement is considered regulated under Stripe's money transmission licenses. diff --git a/lib/Treasury/DebitReversal.php b/lib/Treasury/DebitReversal.php index 41d645e3e..fa5503317 100644 --- a/lib/Treasury/DebitReversal.php +++ b/lib/Treasury/DebitReversal.php @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ * @property string $id Unique identifier for the object. * @property string $object String representing the object's type. Objects of the same type share the same value. * @property int $amount Amount (in cents) transferred. + * @property int $created Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. * @property string $currency Three-letter ISO currency code, in lowercase. Must be a supported currency. * @property null|string $financial_account The FinancialAccount to reverse funds from. * @property null|string $hosted_regulatory_receipt_url A hosted transaction receipt URL that is provided when money movement is considered regulated under Stripe's money transmission licenses.