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[The migration guide](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/wiki/Migration-guide-for-v7) contains a detailed list of backwards-incompatible changes with upgrade instructions. + +Pull requests included in this release (cf. [#606](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/606)) (⚠️ = breaking changes): + +- ⚠️ Drop support for Node 4, 5 and 7 ([#606](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/606)) +- Prettier formatting ([#604](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/604)) +- Alphabetize “basic” methods ([#610](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/610)) +- Use `id` for single positional arguments ([#611](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/611)) +- Modernize ES5 to ES6 with lebab ([#607](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/607)) +- ⚠️ Remove deprecated methods ([#613](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/613)) +- Add VSCode and EditorConfig files ([#620](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/620)) +- ⚠️ Drop support for Node 9 and bump dependencies to latest versions ([#614](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/614)) +- Misc. manual formatting ([#623](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/623)) +- ⚠️ Remove legacy parameter support in `invoices.retrieveUpcoming()` ([#621](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/621)) +- ⚠️ Remove curried urlData and manually specified urlParams ([#625](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/625)) +- Extract resources file ([#626](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/626)) + ## 6.36.0 - 2019-05-14 -* [#622](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/622) Add support for the `Capability` resource and APIs + +- [#622](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/622) Add support for the `Capability` resource and APIs ## 6.35.0 - 2019-05-14 -* [#627](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/627) Add `listLineItems` and `listUpcomingLineItems` methods to `Invoice` + +- [#627](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/627) Add `listLineItems` and `listUpcomingLineItems` methods to `Invoice` ## 6.34.0 - 2019-05-08 -* [#619](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/619) Move `generateTestHeaderString` to stripe.webhooks (fixes a bug in 6.33.0) + +- [#619](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/619) Move `generateTestHeaderString` to stripe.webhooks (fixes a bug in 6.33.0) ## 6.33.0 - 2019-05-08 - UNRELEASED **Important**: This version is non-functional and has been yanked in favor of 6.32.0. -* [#609](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/609) Add `generateWebhookHeaderString` to make it easier to mock webhook events +- [#609](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/609) Add `generateWebhookHeaderString` to make it easier to mock webhook events ## 6.32.0 - 2019-05-07 -* [#612](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/612) Add `balanceTransactions` resource + +- [#612](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/612) Add `balanceTransactions` resource ## 6.31.2 - 2019-05-03 -* [#602](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/602) Handle errors from the oauth/token endpoint + +- [#602](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/602) Handle errors from the oauth/token endpoint ## 6.31.1 - 2019-04-26 -* [#600](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/600) Fix encoding of nested parameters in multipart requests + +- [#600](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/600) Fix encoding of nested parameters in multipart requests ## 6.31.0 - 2019-04-24 -* [#588](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/588) Add support for the `TaxRate` resource and APIs + +- [#588](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/588) Add support for the `TaxRate` resource and APIs ## 6.30.0 - 2019-04-22 -* [#589](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/589) Add support for the `TaxId` resource and APIs -* [#593](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/593) `retrieveUpcoming` on `Invoice` can now take one hash as parameter instead of requiring a customer id. + +- [#589](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/589) Add support for the `TaxId` resource and APIs +- [#593](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/593) `retrieveUpcoming` on `Invoice` can now take one hash as parameter instead of requiring a customer id. ## 6.29.0 - 2019-04-18 -* [#585](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/585) Add support for the `CreditNote` resource and APIs + +- [#585](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/585) Add support for the `CreditNote` resource and APIs ## 6.28.0 - 2019-03-18 -* [#570](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/570) Add support for the `PaymentMethod` resource and APIs -* [#578](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/578) Add support for retrieving a Checkout `Session` + +- [#570](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/570) Add support for the `PaymentMethod` resource and APIs +- [#578](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/578) Add support for retrieving a Checkout `Session` ## 6.27.0 - 2019-03-15 -* [#581](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/581) Add support for deleting Terminal `Location` and `Reader` + +- [#581](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/581) Add support for deleting Terminal `Location` and `Reader` ## 6.26.1 - 2019-03-14 -* [#580](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/580) Fix support for HTTPS proxies + +- [#580](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/580) Fix support for HTTPS proxies ## 6.26.0 - 2019-03-11 -* [#574](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/574) Encode `Date`s as Unix timestamps + +- [#574](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/574) Encode `Date`s as Unix timestamps ## 6.25.1 - 2019-02-14 -* [#565](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/565) Always encode arrays as integer-indexed hashes + +- [#565](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/565) Always encode arrays as integer-indexed hashes ## 6.25.0 - 2019-02-13 -* [#559](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/559) Add `stripe.setMaxNetworkRetries(n)` for automatic network retries + +- [#559](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/559) Add `stripe.setMaxNetworkRetries(n)` for automatic network retries ## 6.24.0 - 2019-02-12 -* [#562](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/562) Add support for `SubscriptionSchedule` and `SubscriptionScheduleRevision` + +- [#562](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/562) Add support for `SubscriptionSchedule` and `SubscriptionScheduleRevision` ## 6.23.1 - 2019-02-04 -* [#560](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/560) Enable persistent connections by default + +- [#560](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/560) Enable persistent connections by default ## 6.23.0 - 2019-01-30 -* [#557](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/557) Add configurable telemetry to gather information on client-side request latency + +- [#557](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/557) Add configurable telemetry to gather information on client-side request latency ## 6.22.0 - 2019-01-25 -* [#555](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/555) Add support for OAuth methods + +- [#555](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/555) Add support for OAuth methods ## 6.21.0 - 2019-01-23 -* [#551](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/551) Rename `CheckoutSession` to `Session` and move it under the `checkout` namespace. This is a breaking change, but we've reached out to affected merchants and all new merchants would use the new approach. + +- [#551](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/551) Rename `CheckoutSession` to `Session` and move it under the `checkout` namespace. This is a breaking change, but we've reached out to affected merchants and all new merchants would use the new approach. ## 6.20.1 - 2019-01-17 -* [#552](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/552) Fix `Buffer` deprecation warnings + +- [#552](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/552) Fix `Buffer` deprecation warnings ## 6.20.0 - 2018-12-21 -* [#539](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/539) Add support for the `CheckoutSession` resource + +- [#539](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/539) Add support for the `CheckoutSession` resource ## 6.19.0 - 2018-12-10 -* [#535](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/535) Add support for account links + +- [#535](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/535) Add support for account links ## 6.18.1 - 2018-12-07 -* [#534](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/534) Fix iterating on `files.list` method + +- [#534](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/534) Fix iterating on `files.list` method ## 6.18.0 - 2018-12-06 -* [#530](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/530) Export errors on root Stripe object + +- [#530](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/530) Export errors on root Stripe object ## 6.17.0 - 2018-11-28 -* [#527](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/527) Add support for the `Review` APIs + +- [#527](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/527) Add support for the `Review` APIs ## 6.16.0 - 2018-11-27 -* [#515](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/515) Add support for `ValueLists` and `ValueListItems` for Radar + +- [#515](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/515) Add support for `ValueLists` and `ValueListItems` for Radar ## 6.15.2 - 2018-11-26 -* [#526](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/526) Fixes an accidental mutation of input in rare cases + +- [#526](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/526) Fixes an accidental mutation of input in rare cases ## 6.15.1 - 2018-11-23 -* [#523](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/523) Handle `Buffer` instances in `Webhook.constructEvent` + +- [#523](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/523) Handle `Buffer` instances in `Webhook.constructEvent` ## 6.15.0 - 2018-11-12 -* [#474](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/474) Add support for `partner_id` in `setAppInfo` + +- [#474](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/474) Add support for `partner_id` in `setAppInfo` ## 6.14.0 - 2018-11-09 -* [#509](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/509) Add support for new `Invoice` methods + +- [#509](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/509) Add support for new `Invoice` methods ## 6.13.0 - 2018-10-30 -* [#507](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/507) Add support for persons -* [#510](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/510) Add support for webhook endpoints + +- [#507](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/507) Add support for persons +- [#510](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/510) Add support for webhook endpoints ## 6.12.1 - 2018-09-24 -* [#502](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/502) Fix test suite + +- [#502](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/502) Fix test suite ## 6.12.0 - 2018-09-24 -* [#498](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/498) Add support for Stripe Terminal -* [#500](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/500) Rename `FileUploads` to `Files`. For backwards compatibility, `Files` is aliased to `FileUploads`. `FileUploads` is deprecated and will be removed from the next major version. + +- [#498](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/498) Add support for Stripe Terminal +- [#500](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/500) Rename `FileUploads` to `Files`. For backwards compatibility, `Files` is aliased to `FileUploads`. `FileUploads` is deprecated and will be removed from the next major version. ## 6.11.0 - 2018-09-18 -* [#496](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/496) Add auto-pagination + +- [#496](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/496) Add auto-pagination ## 6.10.0 - 2018-09-05 -* [#491](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/491) Add support for usage record summaries + +- [#491](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/491) Add support for usage record summaries ## 6.9.0 - 2018-09-05 -* [#493](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/493) Add support for reporting resources + +- [#493](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/493) Add support for reporting resources ## 6.8.0 - 2018-08-27 -* [#488](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/488) Remove support for `BitcoinReceivers` write-actions + +- [#488](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/488) Remove support for `BitcoinReceivers` write-actions ## 6.7.0 - 2018-08-03 -* [#485](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/485) Add support for `cancel` on topups + +- [#485](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/485) Add support for `cancel` on topups ## 6.6.0 - 2018-08-02 -* [#483](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/483) Add support for file links + +- [#483](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/483) Add support for file links ## 6.5.0 - 2018-07-28 -* [#482](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/482) Add support for Sigma scheduled query runs + +- [#482](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/482) Add support for Sigma scheduled query runs ## 6.4.0 - 2018-07-26 -* [#481](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/481) Add support for Stripe Issuing + +- [#481](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/481) Add support for Stripe Issuing ## 6.3.0 - 2018-07-18 -* [#471](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/471) Add support for streams in file uploads + +- [#471](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/471) Add support for streams in file uploads ## 6.2.1 - 2018-07-03 -* [#475](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/475) Fixes array encoding of subscription items for the upcoming invoices endpoint. + +- [#475](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/475) Fixes array encoding of subscription items for the upcoming invoices endpoint. ## 6.2.0 - 2018-06-28 -* [#473](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/473) Add support for payment intents + +- [#473](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/473) Add support for payment intents ## 6.1.1 - 2018-06-07 -* [#469](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/469) Add `.npmignore` to create a lighter package (minus examples and tests) + +- [#469](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/469) Add `.npmignore` to create a lighter package (minus examples and tests) ## 6.1.0 - 2018-06-01 -* [#465](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/465) Warn when unknown options are passed to functions + +- [#465](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/465) Warn when unknown options are passed to functions ## 6.0.0 - 2018-05-14 -* [#453](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/453) Re-implement usage record's `create` so that it correctly passes all arguments (this is a very minor breaking change) + +- [#453](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/453) Re-implement usage record's `create` so that it correctly passes all arguments (this is a very minor breaking change) ## 5.10.0 - 2018-05-14 -* [#459](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/459) Export error types on `stripe.errors` so that errors can be matched with `instanceof` instead of comparing the strings generated by `type` + +- [#459](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/459) Export error types on `stripe.errors` so that errors can be matched with `instanceof` instead of comparing the strings generated by `type` ## 5.9.0 - 2018-05-09 -* [#456](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/456) Add support for issuer fraud records + +- [#456](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/456) Add support for issuer fraud records ## 5.8.0 - 2018-04-04 -* [#444](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/444) Introduce flexible billing primitives for subscriptions + +- [#444](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/444) Introduce flexible billing primitives for subscriptions ## 5.7.0 - 2018-04-02 -* [#441](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/441) Write directly to a connection that's known to be still open + +- [#441](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/441) Write directly to a connection that's known to be still open ## 5.6.1 - 2018-03-25 -* [#437](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/437) Fix error message when passing invalid parameters to some API methods + +- [#437](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/437) Fix error message when passing invalid parameters to some API methods ## 5.6.0 - 2018-03-24 -* [#439](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/439) Drop Bluebird dependency and use native ES6 promises + +- [#439](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/439) Drop Bluebird dependency and use native ES6 promises ## 5.5.0 - 2018-02-21 -* [#425](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/425) Add support for topups + +- [#425](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/425) Add support for topups ## 5.4.0 - 2017-12-05 -* [#412](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/412) Add `StripeIdempotencyError` type for new kind of stripe error + +- [#412](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/412) Add `StripeIdempotencyError` type for new kind of stripe error ## 5.3.0 - 2017-10-31 -* [#405](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/405) Support for exchange rates APIs + +- [#405](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/405) Support for exchange rates APIs ## 5.2.0 - 2017-10-26 -* [#404](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/404) Support for listing source transactions + +- [#404](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/404) Support for listing source transactions ## 5.1.1 - 2017-10-04 -* [#394](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/394) Fix improper warning for requests that have options but no parameters + +- [#394](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/pull/394) Fix improper warning for requests that have options but no parameters ## 5.1.0 - 2017-09-25 -* Add check for when options are accidentally included in an arguments object -* Use safe-buffer package instead of building our own code -* Remove dependency on object-assign package -* Bump required versions of bluebird and qs + +- Add check for when options are accidentally included in an arguments object +- Use safe-buffer package instead of building our own code +- Remove dependency on object-assign package +- Bump required versions of bluebird and qs ## 5.0.0 - 2017-09-12 -* Drop support for Node 0.x (minimum required version is now >= 4) + +- Drop support for Node 0.x (minimum required version is now >= 4) ## 4.25.0 - 2017-09-05 -* Switch to Bearer token authentication on API requests + +- Switch to Bearer token authentication on API requests ## 4.24.1 - 2017-08-25 -* Specify UTF-8 encoding when verifying HMAC-SHA256 payloads + +- Specify UTF-8 encoding when verifying HMAC-SHA256 payloads ## 4.24.0 - 2017-08-10 -* Support informational events with `Stripe.on` (see README for details) + +- Support informational events with `Stripe.on` (see README for details) ## 4.23.2 - 2017-08-03 -* Handle `Buffer.from` incompatibility for Node versions prior to 4.5.x + +- Handle `Buffer.from` incompatibility for Node versions prior to 4.5.x ## 4.23.1 - 2017-06-24 -* Properly encode subscription items when retrieving upcoming invoice + +- Properly encode subscription items when retrieving upcoming invoice ## 4.23.0 - 2017-06-20 -* Add support for ephemeral keys + +- Add support for ephemeral keys ## 4.22.1 - 2017-06-20 -* Fix usage of hasOwnProperty in utils + +- Fix usage of hasOwnProperty in utils ## 4.22.0 - 2017-05-25 -* Make response headers accessible on error objects + +- Make response headers accessible on error objects ## 4.21.0 - 2017-05-25 -* Add support for account login links + +- Add support for account login links ## 4.20.0 - 2017-05-24 -* Add `stripe.setAppInfo` for plugin authors to register app information + +- Add `stripe.setAppInfo` for plugin authors to register app information ## 4.19.1 - 2017-05-18 -* Tweak class initialization for compatibility with divergent JS engines + +- Tweak class initialization for compatibility with divergent JS engines ## 4.19.0 - 2017-05-11 -* Support for checking webhook signatures + +- Support for checking webhook signatures ## 4.18.0 - 2017-04-12 -* Reject ID parameters that don't look like strings + +- Reject ID parameters that don't look like strings ## 4.17.1 - 2017-04-05 -* Fix paths in error messages on bad arguments + +- Fix paths in error messages on bad arguments ## 4.17.0 - 2017-03-31 -* Add support for payouts + +- Add support for payouts ## 4.16.1 - 2017-03-30 -* Fix bad reference to `requestId` when initializing errors + +- Fix bad reference to `requestId` when initializing errors ## 4.16.0 - 2017-03-22 -* Make `requestId` available on resource `lastResponse` objects + +- Make `requestId` available on resource `lastResponse` objects ## 4.15.1 - 2017-03-08 -* Update required version of "qs" dependency to 6.0.4+ + +- Update required version of "qs" dependency to 6.0.4+ ## 4.15.0 - 2017-01-18 -* Add support for updating sources + +- Add support for updating sources ## 4.14.0 - 2016-12-01 -* Add support for verifying sources + +- Add support for verifying sources ## 4.13.0 - 2016-11-21 -* Add retrieve method for 3-D Secure resources + +- Add retrieve method for 3-D Secure resources ## 4.12.0 - 2016-10-18 -* Support for 403 status codes (permission denied) + +- Support for 403 status codes (permission denied) ## 4.11.0 - 2016-09-16 -* Add support for Apple Pay domains + +- Add support for Apple Pay domains ## 4.10.0 - 2016-08-29 -* Refactor deprecated uses of Bluebird's `Promise.defer` + +- Refactor deprecated uses of Bluebird's `Promise.defer` ## 4.9.1 - 2016-08-22 -* URI-encode unames for Stripe user agents so we don't fail on special characters + +- URI-encode unames for Stripe user agents so we don't fail on special characters ## 4.9.0 - 2016-07-19 -* Add `Source` model for generic payment sources support (experimental) + +- Add `Source` model for generic payment sources support (experimental) ## 4.8.0 - 2016-07-14 -* Add `ThreeDSecure` model for 3-D secure payments + +- Add `ThreeDSecure` model for 3-D secure payments ## 4.7.0 - 2016-05-25 -* Add support for returning Relay orders + +- Add support for returning Relay orders ## 4.6.0 - 2016-05-04 -* Add `update`, `create`, `retrieve`, `list` and `del` methods to `stripe.subscriptions` + +- Add `update`, `create`, `retrieve`, `list` and `del` methods to `stripe.subscriptions` ## 4.5.0 - 2016-03-15 -* Add `reject` on `Account` to support the new API feature + +- Add `reject` on `Account` to support the new API feature ## 4.4.0 - 2016-02-08 -* Add `CountrySpec` model for looking up country payment information + +- Add `CountrySpec` model for looking up country payment information ## 4.3.0 - 2016-01-26 -* Add support for deleting Relay SKUs and products + +- Add support for deleting Relay SKUs and products ## 4.2.0 - 2016-01-13 -* Add `lastResponse` property on `StripeResource` objects -* Return usage errors of `stripeMethod` through callback instead of raising -* Use latest year for expiry years in tests to avoid new year problems + +- Add `lastResponse` property on `StripeResource` objects +- Return usage errors of `stripeMethod` through callback instead of raising +- Use latest year for expiry years in tests to avoid new year problems ## 4.1.0 - 2015-12-02 -* Add a verification routine for external accounts + +- Add a verification routine for external accounts ## 4.0.0 - 2015-09-17 -* Remove ability for API keys to be passed as 1st param to acct.retrieve -* Rename StripeInvalidRequest to StripeInvalidRequestError + +- Remove ability for API keys to be passed as 1st param to acct.retrieve +- Rename StripeInvalidRequest to StripeInvalidRequestError ## 3.9.0 - 2015-09-14 -* Add Relay resources: Products, SKUs, and Orders + +- Add Relay resources: Products, SKUs, and Orders ## 3.8.0 - 2015-09-11 -* Added rate limiting responses + +- Added rate limiting responses ## 3.7.1 - 2015-08-17 -* Added refund object with listing, retrieval, updating, and creation. + +- Added refund object with listing, retrieval, updating, and creation. ## 3.7.0 - 2015-08-03 -* Added managed account deletion -* Added dispute listing and retrieval + +- Added managed account deletion +- Added dispute listing and retrieval ## 3.6.0 - 2015-07-07 -* Added request IDs to all Stripe errors + +- Added request IDs to all Stripe errors ## 3.5.2 - 2015-06-30 -* [BUGFIX] Fixed issue with uploading binary files (Gabriel Chagas Marques) + +- [BUGFIX] Fixed issue with uploading binary files (Gabriel Chagas Marques) ## 3.5.1 - 2015-06-30 -* [BUGFIX] Fixed issue with passing arrays of objects + +- [BUGFIX] Fixed issue with passing arrays of objects ## 3.5.0 - 2015-06-11 -* Added support for optional parameters when retrieving an upcoming invoice -(Matthew Arkin) + +- Added support for optional parameters when retrieving an upcoming invoice + (Matthew Arkin) ## 3.4.0 - 2015-06-10 -* Added support for bank accounts and debit cards in managed accounts + +- Added support for bank accounts and debit cards in managed accounts ## 3.3.4 - 2015-04-02 -* Remove SSL revocation tests and check + +- Remove SSL revocation tests and check ## 3.3.3 - 2015-03-31 -* [BUGFIX] Fix support for both stripe.account and stripe.accounts + +- [BUGFIX] Fix support for both stripe.account and stripe.accounts ## 3.3.2 - 2015-02-24 -* Support transfer reversals. + +- Support transfer reversals. ## 3.3.1 - 2015-02-21 -* [BUGFIX] Fix passing in only a callback to the Account resource. (Matthew Arkin) + +- [BUGFIX] Fix passing in only a callback to the Account resource. (Matthew Arkin) ## 3.3.0 - 2015-02-19 -* Support BitcoinReceiver update & delete actions -* Add methods for manipulating customer sources as per 2015-02-18 API version -* The Account resource will now take an account ID. However, legacy use of the resource (without an account ID) will still work. + +- Support BitcoinReceiver update & delete actions +- Add methods for manipulating customer sources as per 2015-02-18 API version +- The Account resource will now take an account ID. However, legacy use of the resource (without an account ID) will still work. ## 3.2.0 - 2015-02-05 -* [BUGFIX] Fix incorrect failing tests for headers support -* Update all dependencies (remove mocha-as-promised) -* Switch to bluebird for promises + +- [BUGFIX] Fix incorrect failing tests for headers support +- Update all dependencies (remove mocha-as-promised) +- Switch to bluebird for promises ## 3.1.0 - 2015-01-21 -* Support making bitcoin charges through BitcoinReceiver source object + +- Support making bitcoin charges through BitcoinReceiver source object ## 3.0.3 - 2014-12-23 -* Adding file uploads as a resource. + +- Adding file uploads as a resource. ## 3.0.2 - 2014-11-26 -* [BUGFIX] Fix issue where multiple expand params were not getting passed through (#130) + +- [BUGFIX] Fix issue where multiple expand params were not getting passed through (#130) ## 3.0.1 - 2014-11-26 -* (Version skipped due to npm mishap) + +- (Version skipped due to npm mishap) ## 3.0.0 - 2014-11-18 -* [BUGFIX] Fix `stringifyRequestData` to deal with nested objs correctly -* Bump MAJOR as we're no longer supporting Node 0.8 + +- [BUGFIX] Fix `stringifyRequestData` to deal with nested objs correctly +- Bump MAJOR as we're no longer supporting Node 0.8 ## 2.9.0 - 2014-11-12 -* Allow setting of HTTP agent (proxy) (issue #124) -* Add stack traces to all Stripe Errors + +- Allow setting of HTTP agent (proxy) (issue #124) +- Add stack traces to all Stripe Errors ## 2.8.0 - 2014-07-26 -* Make application fee refunds a list instead of array + +- Make application fee refunds a list instead of array ## 2.7.4 - 2014-07-17 -* [BUGFIX] Fix lack of subscription param in `invoices#retrieveUpcoming` method -* Add support for an `optional!` annotation on `urlParams` + +- [BUGFIX] Fix lack of subscription param in `invoices#retrieveUpcoming` method +- Add support for an `optional!` annotation on `urlParams` ## 2.7.3 - 2014-06-17 -* Add metadata to disputes and refunds + +- Add metadata to disputes and refunds ## 2.6.3 - 2014-05-21 -* Support cards for recipients. + +- Support cards for recipients. ## 2.5.3 - 2014-05-16 -* Allow the `update` method on coupons for metadata changes + +- Allow the `update` method on coupons for metadata changes ## 2.5.2 - 2014-04-28 -* [BUGFIX] Fix when.js version string in package.json to support older npm versions + +- [BUGFIX] Fix when.js version string in package.json to support older npm versions ## 2.5.1 - 2014-04-25 -* [BUGFIX] Fix revoked-ssl check -* Upgrade when.js to 3.1.0 + +- [BUGFIX] Fix revoked-ssl check +- Upgrade when.js to 3.1.0 ## 2.5.0 - 2014-04-09 -* Ensure we prevent requests using revoked SSL certs + +- Ensure we prevent requests using revoked SSL certs ## 2.4.5 - 2014-04-08 -* Add better checks for incorrect arguments (throw exceptions accordingly). -* Validate the Connect Auth key, if passed + +- Add better checks for incorrect arguments (throw exceptions accordingly). +- Validate the Connect Auth key, if passed ## 2.4.4 - 2014-03-27 -* [BUGFIX] Fix URL encoding issue (not encoding interpolated URL params, see issue #93) + +- [BUGFIX] Fix URL encoding issue (not encoding interpolated URL params, see issue #93) ## 2.4.3 - 2014-03-27 -* Add more debug information to the case of a failed `JSON.parse()` + +- Add more debug information to the case of a failed `JSON.parse()` ## 2.4.2 - 2014-02-20 -* Add binding for `transfers/{tr_id}/transactions` endpoint + +- Add binding for `transfers/{tr_id}/transactions` endpoint ## 2.4.1 - 2014-02-07 -* Ensure raw error object is accessible on the generated StripeError + +- Ensure raw error object is accessible on the generated StripeError ## 2.4.0 - 2014-01-29 -* Support multiple subscriptions per customer + +- Support multiple subscriptions per customer ## 2.3.4 - 2014-01-11 -* [BUGFIX] Fix #76, pass latest as version to api & fix constructor arg signature + +- [BUGFIX] Fix #76, pass latest as version to api & fix constructor arg signature ## 2.3.3 - 2014-01-10 -* Document cancelSubscription method params and add specs for `at_period_end` + +- Document cancelSubscription method params and add specs for `at_period_end` ## 2.3.2 - 2013-12-02 -* Add application fees API + +- Add application fees API ## 2.2.2 - 2013-11-20 -* [BUGFIX] Fix incorrect deleteDiscount method & related spec(s) + +- [BUGFIX] Fix incorrect deleteDiscount method & related spec(s) ### 2.2.1 -* [BUGFIX] Fix user-agent header issue (see issue #75) + +- [BUGFIX] Fix user-agent header issue (see issue #75) ## 2.2.0 - 2013-11-09 -* Add support for setTimeout -* Add specs for invoice-item listing/querying via timestamp + +- Add support for setTimeout +- Add specs for invoice-item listing/querying via timestamp ## 2.1.0 - 2013-11-07 -* Support single key/value setting on setMetadata method -* [BUGFIX] Fix Windows url-path issue -* Add missing stripe.charges.update method -* Support setting auth_token per request (useful in Connect) -* Remove global 'resources' variable + +- Support single key/value setting on setMetadata method +- [BUGFIX] Fix Windows url-path issue +- Add missing stripe.charges.update method +- Support setting auth_token per request (useful in Connect) +- Remove global 'resources' variable ## 2.0.0 - 2013-10-18 -* API overhaul and refactor, including addition of promises. -* Release of version 2.0.0 + +- API overhaul and refactor, including addition of promises. +- Release of version 2.0.0 ## 1.3.0 - 2013-01-30 -* Requests return Javascript Errors (Guillaume Flandre) + +- Requests return Javascript Errors (Guillaume Flandre) ## 1.2.0 - 2012-08-03 -* Added events API (Jonathan Hollinger) -* Added plans update API (Pavan Kumar Sunkara) -* Various test fixes, node 0.8.x tweaks (Jan Lehnardt) + +- Added events API (Jonathan Hollinger) +- Added plans update API (Pavan Kumar Sunkara) +- Various test fixes, node 0.8.x tweaks (Jan Lehnardt) ## 1.1.0 - 2012-02-01 -* Add Coupons API (Ryan) -* Pass a more robust error object to the callback (Ryan) -* Fix duplicate callbacks from some functions when called incorrectly (bug #24, reported by Kishore Nallan) + +- Add Coupons API (Ryan) +- Pass a more robust error object to the callback (Ryan) +- Fix duplicate callbacks from some functions when called incorrectly (bug #24, reported by Kishore Nallan) ## 1.0.0 - 2011-12-06 -* Add APIs and tests for Plans and "Invoice Items" -(both changes by Ryan Ettipio) + +- Add APIs and tests for Plans and "Invoice Items" + (both changes by Ryan Ettipio) ## 0.0.5 - 2011-11-26 -* Add Subscription API (John Ku, #3) -* Add Invoices API (Chris Winn, #6) -* [BUGFIX] Fix a bug where callback could be called twice, if the callback() threw an error itself (Peteris Krumins) -* [BUGFIX] Fix bug in tokens.retrieve API (Xavi) -* Change documentation links (Stripe changed their URL structure) -* Make tests pass again (error in callback is null instead of 0 if all is well) -* Amount in stripe.charges.refund is optional (Branko Vukelic) -* Various documentation fixes (Xavi) -* Only require node 0.4.0 + +- Add Subscription API (John Ku, #3) +- Add Invoices API (Chris Winn, #6) +- [BUGFIX] Fix a bug where callback could be called twice, if the callback() threw an error itself (Peteris Krumins) +- [BUGFIX] Fix bug in tokens.retrieve API (Xavi) +- Change documentation links (Stripe changed their URL structure) +- Make tests pass again (error in callback is null instead of 0 if all is well) +- Amount in stripe.charges.refund is optional (Branko Vukelic) +- Various documentation fixes (Xavi) +- Only require node 0.4.0 ## 0.0.3 - 2011-10-05 -* Add Charges API (issue #1, brackishlake) -* Add customers.list API + +- Add Charges API (issue #1, brackishlake) +- Add customers.list API ## 0.0.2 - 2011-09-28 -* Initial release with customers and tokens APIs + +- Initial release with customers and tokens APIs diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 8365287d90..0a14efdf6c 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -30,28 +30,14 @@ The package needs to be configured with your account's secret key which is available in your [Stripe Dashboard][api-keys]. Require it with the key's value: -``` js +```js const stripe = require('stripe')('sk_test_...'); const customer = await stripe.customers.create({ - email: 'customer@example.com' + email: 'customer@example.com', }); ``` -Or with versions of Node.js prior to v7.9: - -``` js -var stripe = require('stripe')('sk_test_...'); - -stripe.customers.create( - { email: 'customer@example.com' }, - function(err, customer) { - err; // null if no error occurred - customer; // the created customer object - } -); -``` - Or using ES modules, this looks more like: ```js @@ -60,6 +46,9 @@ const stripe = Stripe('sk_test_...'); //… ``` +On older versions of Node, you can use [promises](#using-promises) +or [callbacks](#using-callbacks) instead of `async`/`await`. + ### Usage with TypeScript Stripe does not currently maintain typings for this package, but there are @@ -78,7 +67,9 @@ To use: import * as Stripe from 'stripe'; const stripe = new Stripe('sk_test_...'); -const customer: Promise = stripe.customers.create(/* ... */); +const customer: Promise< + Stripe.customers.ICustomer +> = stripe.customers.create(/* ... */); ``` ### Using Promises @@ -88,30 +79,57 @@ callback: ```js // Create a new customer and then a new charge for that customer: -stripe.customers.create({ - email: 'foo-customer@example.com' -}).then((customer) => { - return stripe.customers.createSource(customer.id, { - source: 'tok_visa' - }); -}).then((source) => { - return stripe.charges.create({ - amount: 1600, - currency: 'usd', - customer: source.customer +stripe.customers + .create({ + email: 'foo-customer@example.com', + }) + .then((customer) => { + return stripe.customers.createSource(customer.id, { + source: 'tok_visa', + }); + }) + .then((source) => { + return stripe.charges.create({ + amount: 1600, + currency: 'usd', + customer: source.customer, + }); + }) + .then((charge) => { + // New charge created on a new customer + }) + .catch((err) => { + // Deal with an error }); -}).then((charge) => { - // New charge created on a new customer -}).catch((err) => { - // Deal with an error -}); +``` + +### Using callbacks + +On versions of Node.js prior to v7.9: + +```js +var stripe = require('stripe')('sk_test_...'); + +stripe.customers.create( + { + email: 'customer@example.com', + }, + function(err, customer) { + if (err) { + // Deal with an error (will be `null` if no error occurred). + } + + // Do something with created customer object + console.log(customer.id); + } +); ``` ### Configuring Timeout Request timeout is configurable (the default is Node's default of 120 seconds): -``` js +```js stripe.setTimeout(20000); // in ms (this is 20 seconds) ``` @@ -120,15 +138,18 @@ stripe.setTimeout(20000); // in ms (this is 20 seconds) A per-request `Stripe-Account` header for use with [Stripe Connect][connect] can be added to any method: -``` js +```js // Retrieve the balance for a connected account: -stripe.balance.retrieve({ - stripe_account: 'acct_foo' -}).then((balance) => { - // The balance object for the connected account -}).catch((err) => { - // Error -}); +stripe.balance + .retrieve({ + stripe_account: 'acct_foo', + }) + .then((balance) => { + // The balance object for the connected account + }) + .catch((err) => { + // Error + }); ``` ### Configuring a Proxy @@ -136,7 +157,7 @@ stripe.balance.retrieve({ An [https-proxy-agent][https-proxy-agent] can be configured with `setHttpAgent`. -To use stripe behind a proxy you can pass to sdk: +To use stripe behind a proxy you can pass to sdk: ```js if (process.env.http_proxy) { @@ -147,7 +168,9 @@ if (process.env.http_proxy) { ### Network retries -Automatic network retries can be enabled with `setMaxNetworkRetries`. This will retry requests `n` times with exponential backoff if they fail due to an intermittent network problem. [Idempotency keys](https://stripe.com/docs/api/idempotent_requests) are added where appropriate to prevent duplication. +Automatic network retries can be enabled with `setMaxNetworkRetries`. +This will retry requests `n` times with exponential backoff if they fail due to an intermittent network problem. +[Idempotency keys](https://stripe.com/docs/api/idempotent_requests) are added where appropriate to prevent duplication. ```js // Retry a request once before giving up @@ -160,20 +183,20 @@ Some information about the response which generated a resource is available with the `lastResponse` property: ```js -charge.lastResponse.requestId // see: https://stripe.com/docs/api/node#request_ids -charge.lastResponse.statusCode +charge.lastResponse.requestId; // see: https://stripe.com/docs/api/node#request_ids +charge.lastResponse.statusCode; ``` ### `request` and `response` events -The Stripe object emits `request` and `response` events. You can use them like this: +The Stripe object emits `request` and `response` events. You can use them like this: ```js const stripe = require('stripe')('sk_test_...'); const onRequest = (request) => { // Do something. -} +}; // Add the event handler function: stripe.on('request', onRequest); @@ -183,6 +206,7 @@ stripe.off('request', onRequest); ``` #### `request` object + ```js { api_version: 'latest', @@ -194,6 +218,7 @@ stripe.off('request', onRequest); ``` #### `response` object + ```js { api_version: 'latest', @@ -209,7 +234,7 @@ stripe.off('request', onRequest); ### Webhook signing -Stripe can optionally sign the webhook events it sends to your endpoint, allowing you to validate that they were not sent by a third-party. You can read more about it [here](https://stripe.com/docs/webhooks#signatures). +Stripe can optionally sign the webhook events it sends to your endpoint, allowing you to validate that they were not sent by a third-party. You can read more about it [here](https://stripe.com/docs/webhooks#signatures). Please note that you must pass the _raw_ request body, exactly as received from Stripe, to the `constructEvent()` function; this will not work with a parsed (i.e., JSON) request body. @@ -266,7 +291,6 @@ This information is passed along when the library makes calls to the Stripe API. As of stripe-node 6.11.0, you may auto-paginate list methods. We provide a few different APIs for this to aid with a variety of node versions and styles. - #### Async iterators (`for-await-of`) If you are in a Node environment that has support for [async iteration](https://github.com/tc39/proposal-async-iteration#the-async-iteration-statement-for-await-of), @@ -293,22 +317,26 @@ await stripe.customers.list().autoPagingEach(async (customer) => { if (shouldBreak()) { return false; } -}) +}); console.log('Done iterating.'); ``` Equivalently, without `await`, you may return a Promise, which can resolve to `false` to break: ```js -stripe.customers.list().autoPagingEach((customer) => { - return doSomething(customer).then(() => { - if (shouldBreak()) { - return false; - } - }); -}).then(() => { - console.log('Done iterating.'); -}).catch(handleError); +stripe.customers + .list() + .autoPagingEach((customer) => { + return doSomething(customer).then(() => { + if (shouldBreak()) { + return false; + } + }); + }) + .then(() => { + console.log('Done iterating.'); + }) + .catch(handleError); ``` If you prefer callbacks to promises, you may also use a `next` callback and a second `onDone` callback: @@ -331,7 +359,7 @@ stripe.customers.list().autoPagingEach( console.log('Done iterating.'); } } -) +); ``` If your `onItem` function does not accept a `next` callback parameter _or_ return a Promise, @@ -346,44 +374,55 @@ to prevent runaway list growth from consuming too much memory. Returns a promise of an array of all items across pages for a list request. ```js -const allNewCustomers = await stripe.customers.list({created: {gt: lastMonth}}) +const allNewCustomers = await stripe.customers + .list({created: {gt: lastMonth}}) .autoPagingToArray({limit: 10000}); ``` ## More Information - * [REST API Version](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/wiki/REST-API-Version) - * [Error Handling](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/wiki/Error-Handling) - * [Passing Options](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/wiki/Passing-Options) - * [Using Stripe Connect](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/wiki/Using-Stripe-Connect-with-node.js) +- [REST API Version](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/wiki/REST-API-Version) +- [Error Handling](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/wiki/Error-Handling) +- [Passing Options](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/wiki/Passing-Options) +- [Using Stripe Connect](https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/wiki/Using-Stripe-Connect-with-node.js) ## Development Run all tests: ```bash -$ npm install -$ npm test +$ yarn install +$ yarn test ``` +If you do not have `yarn` installed, you can get it with `npm install --global yarn`. + Run a single test suite: ```bash -$ npm run mocha -- test/Error.spec.js +$ yarn mocha test/Error.spec.js ``` Run a single test (case sensitive): ```bash -$ npm run mocha -- test/Error.spec.js --grep 'Populates with type' +$ yarn mocha test/Error.spec.js --grep 'Populates with type' ``` -If you wish, you may run tests using your Stripe *Test* API key by setting the +If you wish, you may run tests using your Stripe _Test_ API key by setting the environment variable `STRIPE_TEST_API_KEY` before running the tests: ```bash $ export STRIPE_TEST_API_KEY='sk_test....' -$ npm test +$ yarn test +``` + +Run prettier: + +Add an [editor integration](https://prettier.io/docs/en/editors.html) or: + +```bash +$ yarn fix ``` [api-keys]: https://dashboard.stripe.com/account/apikeys diff --git a/examples/webhook-signing/express.js b/examples/webhook-signing/express.js index 2c64e12012..9317c86f7d 100644 --- a/examples/webhook-signing/express.js +++ b/examples/webhook-signing/express.js @@ -14,25 +14,29 @@ const webhookSecret = process.env.WEBHOOK_SECRET; const app = express(); // Stripe requires the raw body to construct the event -app.post('/webhooks', bodyParser.raw({type: 'application/json'}), (req, res) => { - const sig = req.headers['stripe-signature']; - - let event; - - try { - event = stripe.webhooks.constructEvent(req.body, sig, webhookSecret); - } catch (err) { - // On error, return the error message - return res.status(400).send(`Webhook Error: ${err.message}`); +app.post( + '/webhooks', + bodyParser.raw({type: 'application/json'}), + (req, res) => { + const sig = req.headers['stripe-signature']; + + let event; + + try { + event = stripe.webhooks.constructEvent(req.body, sig, webhookSecret); + } catch (err) { + // On error, return the error message + return res.status(400).send(`Webhook Error: ${err.message}`); + } + + // Do something with event + console.log('Success:', event.id); + + // Return a response to acknowledge receipt of the event + res.json({received: true}); } +); - // Do something with event - console.log('Success:', event.id); - - // Return a response to acknowledge receipt of the event - res.json({received: true}); -}); - -app.listen(3000, function() { - console.log('Example app listening on port 3000!') +app.listen(3000, () => { + console.log('Example app listening on port 3000!'); }); diff --git a/lib/Error.js b/lib/Error.js index 831aaa6eca..6e5bd43e67 100644 --- a/lib/Error.js +++ b/lib/Error.js @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ 'use strict'; -var utils = require('./utils'); +const utils = require('./utils'); module.exports = _Error; @@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ module.exports = _Error; * Generic Error klass to wrap any errors returned by stripe-node */ function _Error(raw) { - this.populate.apply(this, arguments); - this.stack = (new Error(this.message)).stack; + this.populate(...arguments); + this.stack = new Error(this.message).stack; } // Extend Native Error @@ -27,13 +27,13 @@ _Error.extend = utils.protoExtend; * Create subclass of internal Error klass * (Specifically for errors returned from Stripe's REST API) */ -var StripeError = _Error.StripeError = _Error.extend({ +const StripeError = (_Error.StripeError = _Error.extend({ type: 'StripeError', - populate: function(raw) { + populate(raw) { // Move from prototype def (so it appears in stringified obj) this.type = this.type; - this.stack = (new Error(raw.message)).stack; + this.stack = new Error(raw.message).stack; this.rawType = raw.type; this.code = raw.code; this.param = raw.param; @@ -44,35 +44,51 @@ var StripeError = _Error.StripeError = _Error.extend({ this.requestId = raw.requestId; this.statusCode = raw.statusCode; }, -}); +})); /** * Helper factory which takes raw stripe errors and outputs wrapping instances */ -StripeError.generate = function(rawStripeError) { +StripeError.generate = (rawStripeError) => { switch (rawStripeError.type) { - case 'card_error': - return new _Error.StripeCardError(rawStripeError); - case 'invalid_request_error': - return new _Error.StripeInvalidRequestError(rawStripeError); - case 'api_error': - return new _Error.StripeAPIError(rawStripeError); - case 'idempotency_error': - return new _Error.StripeIdempotencyError(rawStripeError); - case 'invalid_grant': - return new _Error.StripeInvalidGrantError(rawStripeError); + case 'card_error': + return new _Error.StripeCardError(rawStripeError); + case 'invalid_request_error': + return new _Error.StripeInvalidRequestError(rawStripeError); + case 'api_error': + return new _Error.StripeAPIError(rawStripeError); + case 'idempotency_error': + return new _Error.StripeIdempotencyError(rawStripeError); + case 'invalid_grant': + return new _Error.StripeInvalidGrantError(rawStripeError); } return new _Error('Generic', 'Unknown Error'); }; // Specific Stripe Error types: _Error.StripeCardError = StripeError.extend({type: 'StripeCardError'}); -_Error.StripeInvalidRequestError = StripeError.extend({type: 'StripeInvalidRequestError'}); +_Error.StripeInvalidRequestError = StripeError.extend({ + type: 'StripeInvalidRequestError', +}); _Error.StripeAPIError = StripeError.extend({type: 'StripeAPIError'}); -_Error.StripeAuthenticationError = StripeError.extend({type: 'StripeAuthenticationError'}); -_Error.StripePermissionError = StripeError.extend({type: 'StripePermissionError'}); -_Error.StripeRateLimitError = StripeError.extend({type: 'StripeRateLimitError'}); -_Error.StripeConnectionError = StripeError.extend({type: 'StripeConnectionError'}); -_Error.StripeSignatureVerificationError = StripeError.extend({type: 'StripeSignatureVerificationError'}); -_Error.StripeIdempotencyError = StripeError.extend({type: 'StripeIdempotencyError'}); -_Error.StripeInvalidGrantError = StripeError.extend({type: 'StripeInvalidGrantError'}); +_Error.StripeAuthenticationError = StripeError.extend({ + type: 'StripeAuthenticationError', +}); +_Error.StripePermissionError = StripeError.extend({ + type: 'StripePermissionError', +}); +_Error.StripeRateLimitError = StripeError.extend({ + type: 'StripeRateLimitError', +}); +_Error.StripeConnectionError = StripeError.extend({ + type: 'StripeConnectionError', +}); +_Error.StripeSignatureVerificationError = StripeError.extend({ + type: 'StripeSignatureVerificationError', +}); +_Error.StripeIdempotencyError = StripeError.extend({ + type: 'StripeIdempotencyError', +}); +_Error.StripeInvalidGrantError = StripeError.extend({ + type: 'StripeInvalidGrantError', +}); diff --git a/lib/MultipartDataGenerator.js b/lib/MultipartDataGenerator.js index 4225375c40..76b8cb2962 100644 --- a/lib/MultipartDataGenerator.js +++ b/lib/MultipartDataGenerator.js @@ -1,19 +1,21 @@ 'use strict'; -var Buffer = require('safe-buffer').Buffer; -var utils = require('./utils'); +const Buffer = require('safe-buffer').Buffer; +const utils = require('./utils'); // Method for formatting HTTP body for the multipart/form-data specification // Mostly taken from Fermata.js // https://github.com/natevw/fermata/blob/5d9732a33d776ce925013a265935facd1626cc88/fermata.js#L315-L343 function multipartDataGenerator(method, data, headers) { - var segno = (Math.round(Math.random() * 1e16) + Math.round(Math.random() * 1e16)).toString(); - headers['Content-Type'] = ('multipart/form-data; boundary=' + segno); - var buffer = Buffer.alloc(0); + const segno = ( + Math.round(Math.random() * 1e16) + Math.round(Math.random() * 1e16) + ).toString(); + headers['Content-Type'] = `multipart/form-data; boundary=${segno}`; + let buffer = Buffer.alloc(0); function push(l) { - var prevBuffer = buffer; - var newBuffer = (l instanceof Buffer) ? l : Buffer.from(l); + const prevBuffer = buffer; + const newBuffer = l instanceof Buffer ? l : Buffer.from(l); buffer = Buffer.alloc(prevBuffer.length + newBuffer.length + 2); prevBuffer.copy(buffer); newBuffer.copy(buffer, prevBuffer.length); @@ -21,24 +23,28 @@ function multipartDataGenerator(method, data, headers) { } function q(s) { - return '"' + s.replace(/"|"/g, '%22').replace(/\r\n|\r|\n/g, ' ') + '"'; + return `"${s.replace(/"|"/g, '%22').replace(/\r\n|\r|\n/g, ' ')}"`; } - for (var k in utils.flattenAndStringify(data)) { - var v = data[k]; - push('--' + segno); + for (const k in utils.flattenAndStringify(data)) { + const v = data[k]; + push(`--${segno}`); if (v.hasOwnProperty('data')) { - push('Content-Disposition: form-data; name=' + q(k) + '; filename=' + q(v.name || 'blob')); - push('Content-Type: ' + (v.type || 'application/octet-stream')); + push( + `Content-Disposition: form-data; name=${q(k)}; filename=${q( + v.name || 'blob' + )}` + ); + push(`Content-Type: ${v.type || 'application/octet-stream'}`); push(''); push(v.data); } else { - push('Content-Disposition: form-data; name=' + q(k)); + push(`Content-Disposition: form-data; name=${q(k)}`); push(''); push(v); } } - push('--' + segno + '--'); + push(`--${segno}--`); return buffer; } diff --git a/lib/ResourceNamespace.js b/lib/ResourceNamespace.js index 872b9c4664..0d76787d81 100644 --- a/lib/ResourceNamespace.js +++ b/lib/ResourceNamespace.js @@ -4,17 +4,17 @@ // It also works recursively, so you could do i.e. `stripe.billing.invoicing.pay`. function ResourceNamespace(stripe, resources) { - for (var name in resources) { - var camelCaseName = name[0].toLowerCase() + name.substring(1); + for (const name in resources) { + const camelCaseName = name[0].toLowerCase() + name.substring(1); - var resource = new resources[name](stripe); + const resource = new resources[name](stripe); this[camelCaseName] = resource; } } module.exports = function(namespace, resources) { - return function (stripe) { + return function(stripe) { return new ResourceNamespace(stripe, resources); }; }; diff --git a/lib/StripeMethod.basic.js b/lib/StripeMethod.basic.js index cef6d8d597..c807ea1849 100644 --- a/lib/StripeMethod.basic.js +++ b/lib/StripeMethod.basic.js @@ -1,11 +1,8 @@ 'use strict'; -var isPlainObject = require('lodash.isplainobject'); -var stripeMethod = require('./StripeMethod'); -var utils = require('./utils'); +const stripeMethod = require('./StripeMethod'); module.exports = { - create: stripeMethod({ method: 'POST', }), @@ -18,95 +15,16 @@ module.exports = { retrieve: stripeMethod({ method: 'GET', path: '/{id}', - urlParams: ['id'], }), update: stripeMethod({ method: 'POST', path: '{id}', - urlParams: ['id'], }), // Avoid 'delete' keyword in JS del: stripeMethod({ method: 'DELETE', path: '{id}', - urlParams: ['id'], }), - - setMetadata: function(id, key, value, auth, cb) { - var self = this; - var data = key; - var isObject = isPlainObject(key); - // We assume null for an empty object - var isNull = data === null || (isObject && !Object.keys(data).length); - - // Allow optional passing of auth & cb: - if ((isNull || isObject) && typeof value == 'string') { - auth = value; - } else if (typeof auth != 'string') { - if (!cb && typeof auth == 'function') { - cb = auth; - } - auth = null; - } - - var urlData = this.createUrlData(); - var path = this.createFullPath('/' + id, urlData); - - return utils.callbackifyPromiseWithTimeout(new Promise((function(resolve, reject) { - if (isNull) { - // Reset metadata: - sendMetadata(null, auth); - } else if (!isObject) { - // Set individual metadata property: - var metadata = {}; - metadata[key] = value; - sendMetadata(metadata, auth); - } else { - // Set entire metadata object after resetting it: - this._request('POST', null, path, { - metadata: null, - }, auth, {}, function(err, response) { - if (err) { - return reject(err); - } - sendMetadata(data, auth); - }); - } - - function sendMetadata(metadata, auth) { - self._request('POST', null, path, { - metadata: metadata, - }, auth, {}, function(err, response) { - if (err) { - reject(err); - } else { - resolve(response.metadata); - } - }); - } - }).bind(this)), cb); - }, - - getMetadata: function(id, auth, cb) { - if (!cb && typeof auth == 'function') { - cb = auth; - auth = null; - } - - var urlData = this.createUrlData(); - var path = this.createFullPath('/' + id, urlData); - - return utils.callbackifyPromiseWithTimeout(new Promise((function(resolve, reject) { - this._request('GET', null, path, {}, auth, {}, function(err, response) { - if (err) { - reject(err); - } else { - resolve(response.metadata); - } - }); - }).bind(this)), cb); - }, - }; diff --git a/lib/StripeMethod.js b/lib/StripeMethod.js index 74bdfae7d5..dd8c6b846e 100644 --- a/lib/StripeMethod.js +++ b/lib/StripeMethod.js @@ -1,8 +1,9 @@ 'use strict'; -var utils = require('./utils'); -var makeRequest = require('./makeRequest'); -var makeAutoPaginationMethods = require('./autoPagination').makeAutoPaginationMethods; +const utils = require('./utils'); +const makeRequest = require('./makeRequest'); +const makeAutoPaginationMethods = require('./autoPagination') + .makeAutoPaginationMethods; /** * Create an API method from the declared spec. @@ -20,15 +21,27 @@ var makeAutoPaginationMethods = require('./autoPagination').makeAutoPaginationMe */ function stripeMethod(spec) { return function() { - var self = this; - var args = [].slice.call(arguments); + const self = this; + const args = [].slice.call(arguments); - var callback = typeof args[args.length - 1] == 'function' && args.pop(); + const callback = typeof args[args.length - 1] == 'function' && args.pop(); - var requestPromise = utils.callbackifyPromiseWithTimeout(makeRequest(self, args, spec, {}), callback) + spec.urlParams = utils.extractUrlParams( + self.createResourcePathWithSymbols(spec.path || '') + ); + + const requestPromise = utils.callbackifyPromiseWithTimeout( + makeRequest(self, args, spec, {}), + callback + ); if (spec.methodType === 'list') { - var autoPaginationMethods = makeAutoPaginationMethods(self, args, spec, requestPromise); + const autoPaginationMethods = makeAutoPaginationMethods( + self, + args, + spec, + requestPromise + ); Object.assign(requestPromise, autoPaginationMethods); } diff --git a/lib/StripeResource.js b/lib/StripeResource.js index bea29419ea..cfe509156a 100644 --- a/lib/StripeResource.js +++ b/lib/StripeResource.js @@ -1,17 +1,15 @@ 'use strict'; -var http = require('http'); -var https = require('https'); -var path = require('path'); -var uuid = require('uuid/v4'); +const http = require('http'); +const https = require('https'); +const path = require('path'); +const uuid = require('uuid/v4'); -var utils = require('./utils'); -var Error = require('./Error'); +const utils = require('./utils'); +const Error = require('./Error'); -var hasOwn = {}.hasOwnProperty; - -var defaultHttpAgent = new http.Agent({keepAlive: true}); -var defaultHttpsAgent = new https.Agent({keepAlive: true}); +const defaultHttpAgent = new http.Agent({keepAlive: true}); +const defaultHttpsAgent = new https.Agent({keepAlive: true}); // Provide extension mechanism for Stripe Resource Sub-Classes StripeResource.extend = utils.protoExtend; @@ -25,11 +23,17 @@ StripeResource.MAX_BUFFERED_REQUEST_METRICS = 100; /** * Encapsulates request logic for a Stripe Resource */ -function StripeResource(stripe, urlData) { +function StripeResource(stripe, deprecatedUrlData) { this._stripe = stripe; - this._urlData = urlData || {}; + if (deprecatedUrlData) { + throw new Error( + 'Support for curried url params was dropped in stripe-node v7.0.0. Instead, pass two ids.' + ); + } - this.basePath = utils.makeURLInterpolator(this.basePath || stripe.getApiField('basePath')); + this.basePath = utils.makeURLInterpolator( + this.basePath || stripe.getApiField('basePath') + ); this.resourcePath = this.path; this.path = utils.makeURLInterpolator(this.path); @@ -39,17 +43,16 @@ function StripeResource(stripe, urlData) { }, this); } - this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); + this.initialize(...arguments); } StripeResource.prototype = { - path: '', // Methods that don't use the API's default '/v1' path can override it with this setting. basePath: null, - initialize: function() {}, + initialize() {}, // Function to override the default data processor. This allows full control // over how a StripeResource's request data will get converted into an HTTP @@ -61,43 +64,32 @@ StripeResource.prototype = { // be thrown, and they will be passed to the callback/promise. validateRequest: null, - createFullPath: function(commandPath, urlData) { - return path.join( - this.basePath(urlData), - this.path(urlData), - typeof commandPath == 'function' ? - commandPath(urlData) : commandPath - ).replace(/\\/g, '/'); // ugly workaround for Windows + createFullPath(commandPath, urlData) { + return path + .join( + this.basePath(urlData), + this.path(urlData), + typeof commandPath == 'function' ? commandPath(urlData) : commandPath + ) + .replace(/\\/g, '/'); // ugly workaround for Windows }, // Creates a relative resource path with symbols left in (unlike // createFullPath which takes some data to replace them with). For example it // might produce: /invoices/{id} - createResourcePathWithSymbols: function(pathWithSymbols) { - return '/' + path.join( - this.resourcePath, - pathWithSymbols || '' - ).replace(/\\/g, '/'); // ugly workaround for Windows - }, - - createUrlData: function() { - var urlData = {}; - // Merge in baseData - for (var i in this._urlData) { - if (hasOwn.call(this._urlData, i)) { - urlData[i] = this._urlData[i]; - } - } - return urlData; + createResourcePathWithSymbols(pathWithSymbols) { + return `/${path + .join(this.resourcePath, pathWithSymbols || '') + .replace(/\\/g, '/')}`; // ugly workaround for Windows }, // DEPRECATED: Here for backcompat in case users relied on this. wrapTimeout: utils.callbackifyPromiseWithTimeout, - _timeoutHandler: function(timeout, req, callback) { - var self = this; - return function() { - var timeoutErr = new Error('ETIMEDOUT'); + _timeoutHandler(timeout, req, callback) { + const self = this; + return () => { + const timeoutErr = new Error('ETIMEDOUT'); timeoutErr.code = 'ETIMEDOUT'; req._isAborted = true; @@ -106,34 +98,34 @@ StripeResource.prototype = { callback.call( self, new Error.StripeConnectionError({ - message: 'Request aborted due to timeout being reached (' + timeout + 'ms)', + message: `Request aborted due to timeout being reached (${timeout}ms)`, detail: timeoutErr, }), null ); - } + }; }, - _responseHandler: function(req, callback) { - var self = this; - return function(res) { - var response = ''; + _responseHandler(req, callback) { + const self = this; + return (res) => { + let response = ''; res.setEncoding('utf8'); - res.on('data', function(chunk) { + res.on('data', (chunk) => { response += chunk; }); - res.on('end', function() { - var headers = res.headers || {}; + res.on('end', () => { + const headers = res.headers || {}; // NOTE: Stripe responds with lowercase header names/keys. // For convenience, make Request-Id easily accessible on // lastResponse. res.requestId = headers['request-id']; - var requestDurationMs = Date.now() - req._requestStart; + const requestDurationMs = Date.now() - req._requestStart; - var responseEvent = utils.removeEmpty({ + const responseEvent = utils.removeEmpty({ api_version: headers['stripe-version'], account: headers['stripe-account'], idempotency_key: headers['idempotency-key'], @@ -150,15 +142,15 @@ StripeResource.prototype = { response = JSON.parse(response); if (response.error) { - var err; + let err; // Convert OAuth error responses into a standard format // so that the rest of the error logic can be shared if (typeof response.error === 'string') { response.error = { type: response.error, - message: response.error_description - } + message: response.error_description, + }; } response.error.headers = headers; @@ -181,7 +173,7 @@ StripeResource.prototype = { self, new Error.StripeAPIError({ message: 'Invalid JSON received from the Stripe API', - response: response, + response, exception: e, requestId: headers['request-id'], }), @@ -202,13 +194,15 @@ StripeResource.prototype = { }; }, - _generateConnectionErrorMessage: function(requestRetries) { - return 'An error occurred with our connection to Stripe.' + (requestRetries > 0 ? ' Request was retried ' + requestRetries + ' times.' : ''); + _generateConnectionErrorMessage(requestRetries) { + return `An error occurred with our connection to Stripe.${ + requestRetries > 0 ? ` Request was retried ${requestRetries} times.` : '' + }`; }, - _errorHandler: function(req, requestRetries, callback) { - var self = this; - return function(error) { + _errorHandler(req, requestRetries, callback) { + const self = this; + return (error) => { if (req._isAborted) { // already handled return; @@ -221,10 +215,10 @@ StripeResource.prototype = { }), null ); - } + }; }, - _shouldRetry: function(res, numRetries) { + _shouldRetry(res, numRetries) { // Do not retry if we are out of retries. if (numRetries >= this._stripe.getMaxNetworkRetries()) { return false; @@ -249,14 +243,14 @@ StripeResource.prototype = { return false; }, - _getSleepTimeInMS: function(numRetries) { - var initialNetworkRetryDelay = this._stripe.getInitialNetworkRetryDelay(); - var maxNetworkRetryDelay = this._stripe.getMaxNetworkRetryDelay(); + _getSleepTimeInMS(numRetries) { + const initialNetworkRetryDelay = this._stripe.getInitialNetworkRetryDelay(); + const maxNetworkRetryDelay = this._stripe.getMaxNetworkRetryDelay(); // Apply exponential backoff with initialNetworkRetryDelay on the // number of numRetries so far as inputs. Do not allow the number to exceed // maxNetworkRetryDelay. - var sleepSeconds = Math.min( + let sleepSeconds = Math.min( initialNetworkRetryDelay * Math.pow(numRetries - 1, 2), maxNetworkRetryDelay ); @@ -271,19 +265,19 @@ StripeResource.prototype = { return sleepSeconds * 1000; }, - _defaultHeaders: function(auth, contentLength, apiVersion) { - var userAgentString = 'Stripe/v1 NodeBindings/' + this._stripe.getConstant('PACKAGE_VERSION'); + _defaultHeaders(auth, contentLength, apiVersion) { + let userAgentString = `Stripe/v1 NodeBindings/${this._stripe.getConstant( + 'PACKAGE_VERSION' + )}`; if (this._stripe._appInfo) { - userAgentString += ' ' + this._stripe.getAppInfoAsString(); + userAgentString += ` ${this._stripe.getAppInfoAsString()}`; } - var headers = { + const headers = { // Use specified auth token or use default from this stripe instance: - 'Authorization': auth ? - 'Bearer ' + auth : - this._stripe.getApiField('auth'), - 'Accept': 'application/json', + Authorization: auth ? `Bearer ${auth}` : this._stripe.getApiField('auth'), + Accept: 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Content-Length': contentLength, 'User-Agent': userAgentString, @@ -296,45 +290,54 @@ StripeResource.prototype = { return headers; }, - _addTelemetryHeader: function(headers) { - if (this._stripe.getTelemetryEnabled() && this._stripe._prevRequestMetrics.length > 0) { - var metrics = this._stripe._prevRequestMetrics.shift(); + _addTelemetryHeader(headers) { + if ( + this._stripe.getTelemetryEnabled() && + this._stripe._prevRequestMetrics.length > 0 + ) { + const metrics = this._stripe._prevRequestMetrics.shift(); headers['X-Stripe-Client-Telemetry'] = JSON.stringify({ - 'last_request_metrics': metrics + last_request_metrics: metrics, }); } }, - _recordRequestMetrics: function(requestId, requestDurationMs) { + _recordRequestMetrics(requestId, requestDurationMs) { if (this._stripe.getTelemetryEnabled() && requestId) { - if (this._stripe._prevRequestMetrics.length > StripeResource.MAX_BUFFERED_REQUEST_METRICS) { - utils.emitWarning('Request metrics buffer is full, dropping telemetry message.'); + if ( + this._stripe._prevRequestMetrics.length > + StripeResource.MAX_BUFFERED_REQUEST_METRICS + ) { + utils.emitWarning( + 'Request metrics buffer is full, dropping telemetry message.' + ); } else { this._stripe._prevRequestMetrics.push({ - 'request_id': requestId, - 'request_duration_ms': requestDurationMs, + request_id: requestId, + request_duration_ms: requestDurationMs, }); } } }, - _request: function(method, host, path, data, auth, options, callback) { - var self = this; - var requestData; + _request(method, host, path, data, auth, options, callback) { + const self = this; + let requestData; function makeRequestWithData(error, data) { - var apiVersion; - var headers; - if (error) { return callback(error); } - apiVersion = self._stripe.getApiField('version'); + const apiVersion = self._stripe.getApiField('version'); requestData = data; - headers = self._defaultHeaders(auth, requestData.length, apiVersion); + const headers = self._defaultHeaders( + auth, + requestData.length, + apiVersion + ); - self._stripe.getClientUserAgent(function(cua) { + self._stripe.getClientUserAgent((cua) => { headers['X-Stripe-Client-User-Agent'] = cua; if (options.headers) { @@ -348,7 +351,12 @@ StripeResource.prototype = { } if (self.requestDataProcessor) { - self.requestDataProcessor(method, data, options.headers, makeRequestWithData); + self.requestDataProcessor( + method, + data, + options.headers, + makeRequestWithData + ); } else { makeRequestWithData(null, utils.stringifyRequestData(data || {})); } @@ -366,22 +374,21 @@ StripeResource.prototype = { } function makeRequest(apiVersion, headers, numRetries) { - var timeout = self._stripe.getApiField('timeout'); - var isInsecureConnection = self._stripe.getApiField('protocol') == 'http'; - var agent = self._stripe.getApiField('agent'); + const timeout = self._stripe.getApiField('timeout'); + const isInsecureConnection = + self._stripe.getApiField('protocol') == 'http'; + let agent = self._stripe.getApiField('agent'); if (agent == null) { agent = isInsecureConnection ? defaultHttpAgent : defaultHttpsAgent; } - var req = ( - isInsecureConnection ? http : https - ).request({ + const req = (isInsecureConnection ? http : https).request({ host: host || self._stripe.getApiField('host'), port: self._stripe.getApiField('port'), - path: path, - method: method, - agent: agent, - headers: headers, + path, + method, + agent, + headers, ciphers: 'DEFAULT:!aNULL:!eNULL:!LOW:!EXPORT:!SSLv2:!MD5', }); @@ -393,15 +400,15 @@ StripeResource.prototype = { } } - var requestEvent = utils.removeEmpty({ + const requestEvent = utils.removeEmpty({ api_version: apiVersion, account: headers['Stripe-Account'], idempotency_key: headers['Idempotency-Key'], - method: method, - path: path, + method, + path, }); - var requestRetries = numRetries || 0; + const requestRetries = numRetries || 0; req._requestEvent = requestEvent; @@ -411,7 +418,7 @@ StripeResource.prototype = { req.setTimeout(timeout, self._timeoutHandler(timeout, req, callback)); - req.on('response', function(res) { + req.on('response', (res) => { if (self._shouldRetry(res, requestRetries)) { return retryRequest(makeRequest, apiVersion, headers, requestRetries); } else { @@ -419,7 +426,7 @@ StripeResource.prototype = { } }); - req.on('error', function(error) { + req.on('error', (error) => { if (self._shouldRetry(null, requestRetries)) { return retryRequest(makeRequest, apiVersion, headers, requestRetries); } else { @@ -427,9 +434,9 @@ StripeResource.prototype = { } }); - req.on('socket', function(socket) { + req.on('socket', (socket) => { if (socket.connecting) { - socket.on((isInsecureConnection ? 'connect' : 'secureConnect'), function() { + socket.on(isInsecureConnection ? 'connect' : 'secureConnect', () => { // Send payload; we're safe: req.write(requestData); req.end(); diff --git a/lib/Webhooks.js b/lib/Webhooks.js index d27c58d6a4..cb5a45a4d0 100644 --- a/lib/Webhooks.js +++ b/lib/Webhooks.js @@ -1,18 +1,23 @@ 'use strict'; -var Buffer = require('safe-buffer').Buffer; -var crypto = require('crypto'); +const Buffer = require('safe-buffer').Buffer; +const crypto = require('crypto'); -var utils = require('./utils'); -var Error = require('./Error'); +const utils = require('./utils'); +const Error = require('./Error'); -var Webhook = { +const Webhook = { DEFAULT_TOLERANCE: 300, // 5 minutes - constructEvent: function(payload, header, secret, tolerance) { - this.signature.verifyHeader(payload, header, secret, tolerance || Webhook.DEFAULT_TOLERANCE); + constructEvent(payload, header, secret, tolerance) { + this.signature.verifyHeader( + payload, + header, + secret, + tolerance || Webhook.DEFAULT_TOLERANCE + ); - var jsonPayload = JSON.parse(payload); + const jsonPayload = JSON.parse(payload); return jsonPayload; }, @@ -33,11 +38,16 @@ var Webhook = { }); } - opts.timestamp = Math.floor(opts.timestamp) || Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000); + opts.timestamp = + Math.floor(opts.timestamp) || Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000); opts.scheme = opts.scheme || signature.EXPECTED_SCHEME; - opts.signature = opts.signature || - signature._computeSignature(opts.timestamp + '.' + opts.payload, opts.secret); + opts.signature = + opts.signature || + signature._computeSignature( + opts.timestamp + '.' + opts.payload, + opts.secret + ); var generatedHeader = [ 't=' + opts.timestamp, @@ -48,27 +58,28 @@ var Webhook = { }, }; -var signature = { +const signature = { EXPECTED_SCHEME: 'v1', - _computeSignature: function(payload, secret) { - return crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret) + _computeSignature: (payload, secret) => { + return crypto + .createHmac('sha256', secret) .update(payload, 'utf8') .digest('hex'); }, - verifyHeader: function(payload, header, secret, tolerance) { + verifyHeader(payload, header, secret, tolerance) { payload = Buffer.isBuffer(payload) ? payload.toString('utf8') : payload; header = Buffer.isBuffer(header) ? header.toString('utf8') : header; - var details = parseHeader(header, this.EXPECTED_SCHEME); + const details = parseHeader(header, this.EXPECTED_SCHEME); if (!details || details.timestamp === -1) { throw new Error.StripeSignatureVerificationError({ message: 'Unable to extract timestamp and signatures from header', detail: { - header: header, - payload: payload, + header, + payload, }, }); } @@ -77,38 +88,42 @@ var signature = { throw new Error.StripeSignatureVerificationError({ message: 'No signatures found with expected scheme', detail: { - header: header, - payload: payload, + header, + payload, }, }); } - var expectedSignature = this._computeSignature(details.timestamp + '.' + payload, secret); + const expectedSignature = this._computeSignature( + `${details.timestamp}.${payload}`, + secret + ); - var signatureFound = !!details.signatures - .filter(utils.secureCompare.bind(utils, expectedSignature)) - .length; + const signatureFound = !!details.signatures.filter( + utils.secureCompare.bind(utils, expectedSignature) + ).length; if (!signatureFound) { throw new Error.StripeSignatureVerificationError({ - message: 'No signatures found matching the expected signature for payload.' + + message: + 'No signatures found matching the expected signature for payload.' + ' Are you passing the raw request body you received from Stripe?' + ' https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node#webhook-signing', detail: { - header: header, - payload: payload, + header, + payload, }, }); } - var timestampAge = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) - details.timestamp; + const timestampAge = Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000) - details.timestamp; if (tolerance > 0 && timestampAge > tolerance) { throw new Error.StripeSignatureVerificationError({ message: 'Timestamp outside the tolerance zone', detail: { - header: header, - payload: payload, + header, + payload, }, }); } @@ -122,22 +137,25 @@ function parseHeader(header, scheme) { return null; } - return header.split(',').reduce(function(accum, item) { - var kv = item.split('='); + return header.split(',').reduce( + (accum, item) => { + const kv = item.split('='); - if (kv[0] === 't') { - accum.timestamp = kv[1]; - } + if (kv[0] === 't') { + accum.timestamp = kv[1]; + } - if (kv[0] === scheme) { - accum.signatures.push(kv[1]); - } + if (kv[0] === scheme) { + accum.signatures.push(kv[1]); + } - return accum; - }, { - timestamp: -1, - signatures: [], - }); + return accum; + }, + { + timestamp: -1, + signatures: [], + } + ); } Webhook.signature = signature; diff --git a/lib/autoPagination.js b/lib/autoPagination.js index 2a21c416c2..c3f052169b 100644 --- a/lib/autoPagination.js +++ b/lib/autoPagination.js @@ -1,34 +1,44 @@ 'use strict'; -var makeRequest = require('./makeRequest'); -var utils = require('./utils'); +const makeRequest = require('./makeRequest'); +const utils = require('./utils'); function makeAutoPaginationMethods(self, requestArgs, spec, firstPagePromise) { - var promiseCache = {currentPromise: null}; - var listPromise = firstPagePromise; - var i = 0; + const promiseCache = {currentPromise: null}; + let listPromise = firstPagePromise; + let i = 0; function iterate(listResult) { - if (!(listResult && listResult.data && typeof listResult.data.length === 'number')) { - throw Error('Unexpected: Stripe API response does not have a well-formed `data` array.'); + if ( + !( + listResult && + listResult.data && + typeof listResult.data.length === 'number' + ) + ) { + throw Error( + 'Unexpected: Stripe API response does not have a well-formed `data` array.' + ); } if (i < listResult.data.length) { - var value = listResult.data[i]; + const value = listResult.data[i]; i += 1; - return {value: value, done: false}; + return {value, done: false}; } else if (listResult.has_more) { // Reset counter, request next page, and recurse. i = 0; - var lastId = getLastId(listResult); - listPromise = makeRequest(self, requestArgs, spec, {starting_after: lastId}); + const lastId = getLastId(listResult); + listPromise = makeRequest(self, requestArgs, spec, { + starting_after: lastId, + }); return listPromise.then(iterate); } return {value: undefined, done: true}; } function asyncIteratorNext() { - return memoizedPromise(promiseCache, function(resolve, reject) { + return memoizedPromise(promiseCache, (resolve, reject) => { return listPromise .then(iterate) .then(resolve) @@ -36,22 +46,22 @@ function makeAutoPaginationMethods(self, requestArgs, spec, firstPagePromise) { }); } - var autoPagingEach = makeAutoPagingEach(asyncIteratorNext); - var autoPagingToArray = makeAutoPagingToArray(autoPagingEach); + const autoPagingEach = makeAutoPagingEach(asyncIteratorNext); + const autoPagingToArray = makeAutoPagingToArray(autoPagingEach); - var autoPaginationMethods = { - autoPagingEach: autoPagingEach, - autoPagingToArray: autoPagingToArray, + const autoPaginationMethods = { + autoPagingEach, + autoPagingToArray, // Async iterator functions: next: asyncIteratorNext, - return: function() { + return: () => { // This is required for `break`. return {}; }, - [getAsyncIteratorSymbol()]: function() { + [getAsyncIteratorSymbol()]: () => { return autoPaginationMethods; - } + }, }; return autoPaginationMethods; } @@ -76,9 +86,11 @@ function getDoneCallback(args) { if (args.length < 2) { return undefined; } - var onDone = args[1]; + const onDone = args[1]; if (typeof onDone !== 'function') { - throw Error('The second argument to autoPagingEach, if present, must be a callback function; receieved ' + typeof onDone); + throw Error( + `The second argument to autoPagingEach, if present, must be a callback function; receieved ${typeof onDone}` + ); } return onDone; } @@ -98,9 +110,11 @@ function getItemCallback(args) { if (args.length === 0) { return undefined; } - var onItem = args[0]; + const onItem = args[0]; if (typeof onItem !== 'function') { - throw Error('The first argument to autoPagingEach, if present, must be a callback function; receieved ' + typeof onItem); + throw Error( + `The first argument to autoPagingEach, if present, must be a callback function; receieved ${typeof onItem}` + ); } // 4. `.autoPagingEach((item, next) => { doSomething(item); next(false); });` @@ -109,7 +123,9 @@ function getItemCallback(args) { } if (onItem.length > 2) { - throw Error('The `onItem` callback function passed to autoPagingEach must accept at most two arguments; got ' + onItem); + throw Error( + `The \`onItem\` callback function passed to autoPagingEach must accept at most two arguments; got ${onItem}` + ); } // This magically handles all three of these usecases (the latter two being functionally identical): @@ -117,17 +133,19 @@ function getItemCallback(args) { // 2. `.autoPagingEach(async (item) => { await doSomething(item); return false; });` // 3. `.autoPagingEach((item) => doSomething(item).then(() => false));` return function _onItem(item, next) { - var shouldContinue = onItem(item); + const shouldContinue = onItem(item); next(shouldContinue); }; } function getLastId(listResult) { - var lastIdx = listResult.data.length - 1; - var lastItem = listResult.data[lastIdx]; - var lastId = lastItem && lastItem.id; + const lastIdx = listResult.data.length - 1; + const lastItem = listResult.data[lastIdx]; + const lastId = lastItem && lastItem.id; if (!lastId) { - throw Error('Unexpected: No `id` found on the last item while auto-paging a list.'); + throw Error( + 'Unexpected: No `id` found on the last item while auto-paging a list.' + ); } return lastId; } @@ -141,7 +159,7 @@ function memoizedPromise(promiseCache, cb) { if (promiseCache.currentPromise) { return promiseCache.currentPromise; } - promiseCache.currentPromise = new Promise(cb).then(function(ret) { + promiseCache.currentPromise = new Promise(cb).then((ret) => { promiseCache.currentPromise = undefined; return ret; }); @@ -150,57 +168,66 @@ function memoizedPromise(promiseCache, cb) { function makeAutoPagingEach(asyncIteratorNext) { return function autoPagingEach(/* onItem?, onDone? */) { - var args = [].slice.call(arguments); - var onItem = getItemCallback(args); - var onDone = getDoneCallback(args); + const args = [].slice.call(arguments); + const onItem = getItemCallback(args); + const onDone = getDoneCallback(args); if (args.length > 2) { throw Error('autoPagingEach takes up to two arguments; received:', args); } - var autoPagePromise = wrapAsyncIteratorWithCallback(asyncIteratorNext, onItem); + const autoPagePromise = wrapAsyncIteratorWithCallback( + asyncIteratorNext, + onItem + ); return utils.callbackifyPromiseWithTimeout(autoPagePromise, onDone); - } + }; } function makeAutoPagingToArray(autoPagingEach) { return function autoPagingToArray(opts, onDone) { - var limit = opts && opts.limit; + const limit = opts && opts.limit; if (!limit) { - throw Error('You must pass a `limit` option to autoPagingToArray, eg; `autoPagingToArray({limit: 1000});`.'); + throw Error( + 'You must pass a `limit` option to autoPagingToArray, eg; `autoPagingToArray({limit: 1000});`.' + ); } if (limit > 10000) { - throw Error('You cannot specify a limit of more than 10,000 items to fetch in `autoPagingToArray`; use `autoPagingEach` to iterate through longer lists.'); + throw Error( + 'You cannot specify a limit of more than 10,000 items to fetch in `autoPagingToArray`; use `autoPagingEach` to iterate through longer lists.' + ); } - var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { - var items = []; - autoPagingEach(function(item) { + const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + const items = []; + autoPagingEach((item) => { items.push(item); if (items.length >= limit) { return false; } - }).then(function() { - resolve(items); - }).catch(reject); + }) + .then(() => { + resolve(items); + }) + .catch(reject); }); return utils.callbackifyPromiseWithTimeout(promise, onDone); - } + }; } function wrapAsyncIteratorWithCallback(asyncIteratorNext, onItem) { - return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { + return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { function handleIteration(iterResult) { if (iterResult.done) { resolve(); return; } - var item = iterResult.value; - return new Promise(function(next) { + const item = iterResult.value; + return new Promise((next) => { // Bit confusing, perhaps; we pass a `resolve` fn // to the user, so they can decide when and if to continue. // They can return false, or a promise which resolves to false, to break. onItem(item, next); - }).then(function(shouldContinue) { + }).then((shouldContinue) => { if (shouldContinue === false) { return handleIteration({done: true}); } else { @@ -209,6 +236,8 @@ function wrapAsyncIteratorWithCallback(asyncIteratorNext, onItem) { }); } - asyncIteratorNext().then(handleIteration).catch(reject); + asyncIteratorNext() + .then(handleIteration) + .catch(reject); }); } diff --git a/lib/makeRequest.js b/lib/makeRequest.js index c55ac3aaa3..c6b105b980 100644 --- a/lib/makeRequest.js +++ b/lib/makeRequest.js @@ -1,92 +1,63 @@ 'use strict'; -var utils = require('./utils'); -var OPTIONAL_REGEX = /^optional!/; +const utils = require('./utils'); function getRequestOpts(self, requestArgs, spec, overrideData) { // Extract spec values with defaults. - var commandPath = typeof spec.path == 'function' ? spec.path - : utils.makeURLInterpolator(spec.path || ''); - var requestMethod = (spec.method || 'GET').toUpperCase(); - var urlParams = spec.urlParams || []; - var encode = spec.encode || function(data) {return data;}; - var host = spec.host; + const commandPath = utils.makeURLInterpolator(spec.path || ''); + const requestMethod = (spec.method || 'GET').toUpperCase(); + const urlParams = spec.urlParams || []; + const encode = spec.encode || ((data) => data); + const host = spec.host; + const path = self.createResourcePathWithSymbols(spec.path); // Don't mutate args externally. - var args = [].slice.call(requestArgs); + const args = [].slice.call(requestArgs); // Generate and validate url params. - var urlData = self.createUrlData(); - for (var i = 0, l = urlParams.length; i < l; ++i) { - var path; - - // Note that we shift the args array after every iteration so this just - // grabs the "next" argument for use as a URL parameter. - var arg = args[0]; - - var param = urlParams[i]; - - var isOptional = OPTIONAL_REGEX.test(param); - param = param.replace(OPTIONAL_REGEX, ''); - - if (param == 'id' && typeof arg !== 'string') { - path = self.createResourcePathWithSymbols(spec.path); - throw new Error( - 'Stripe: "id" must be a string, but got: ' + typeof arg + - ' (on API request to `' + requestMethod + ' ' + path + '`)' - ); - } - - if (!arg) { - if (isOptional) { - urlData[param] = ''; - continue; - } - - path = self.createResourcePathWithSymbols(spec.path); + const urlData = urlParams.reduce((urlData, param) => { + const arg = args.shift(); + if (typeof arg !== 'string') { throw new Error( - 'Stripe: Argument "' + urlParams[i] + '" required, but got: ' + arg + - ' (on API request to `' + requestMethod + ' ' + path + '`)' + `Stripe: Argument "${param}" must be a string, but got: ${arg} (on API request to \`${requestMethod} ${path}\`)` ); } - urlData[param] = args.shift(); - } + urlData[param] = arg; + return urlData; + }, {}); // Pull request data and options (headers, auth) from args. - var dataFromArgs = utils.getDataFromArgs(args); - var data = encode(Object.assign({}, dataFromArgs, overrideData)); - var options = utils.getOptionsFromArgs(args); + const dataFromArgs = utils.getDataFromArgs(args); + const data = encode(Object.assign({}, dataFromArgs, overrideData)); + const options = utils.getOptionsFromArgs(args); // Validate that there are no more args. if (args.length) { - path = self.createResourcePathWithSymbols(spec.path); throw new Error( - 'Stripe: Unknown arguments (' + args + '). Did you mean to pass an options ' + - 'object? See https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/wiki/Passing-Options.' + - ' (on API request to ' + requestMethod + ' `' + path + '`)' + `Stripe: Unknown arguments (${args}). Did you mean to pass an options object? See https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/wiki/Passing-Options. (on API request to ${requestMethod} \`${path}\`)` ); } - var requestPath = self.createFullPath(commandPath, urlData); - var headers = Object.assign(options.headers, spec.headers); + const requestPath = self.createFullPath(commandPath, urlData); + const headers = Object.assign(options.headers, spec.headers); if (spec.validator) { - spec.validator(data, {headers: headers}); + spec.validator(data, {headers}); } return { - requestMethod: requestMethod, - requestPath: requestPath, - data: data, + requestMethod, + requestPath, + data, auth: options.auth, - headers: headers, - host: host, + headers, + host, }; } function makeRequest(self, requestArgs, spec, overrideData) { - return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { + return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { try { var opts = getRequestOpts(self, requestArgs, spec, overrideData); } catch (err) { @@ -99,14 +70,22 @@ function makeRequest(self, requestArgs, spec, overrideData) { reject(err); } else { resolve( - spec.transformResponseData ? - spec.transformResponseData(response) : - response + spec.transformResponseData + ? spec.transformResponseData(response) + : response ); } } - self._request(opts.requestMethod, opts.host, opts.requestPath, opts.data, opts.auth, {headers: opts.headers}, requestCallback); + self._request( + opts.requestMethod, + opts.host, + opts.requestPath, + opts.data, + opts.auth, + {headers: opts.headers}, + requestCallback + ); }); } diff --git a/lib/resources.js b/lib/resources.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..44dc03574c --- /dev/null +++ b/lib/resources.js @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +'use strict'; + +const resourceNamespace = require('./ResourceNamespace'); + +module.exports = { + // Support Accounts for consistency, Account for backwards compatibility + Account: require('./resources/Accounts'), + Accounts: require('./resources/Accounts'), + AccountLinks: require('./resources/AccountLinks'), + ApplePayDomains: require('./resources/ApplePayDomains'), + ApplicationFees: require('./resources/ApplicationFees'), + Balance: require('./resources/Balance'), + BalanceTransactions: require('./resources/BalanceTransactions'), + BitcoinReceivers: require('./resources/BitcoinReceivers'), + Charges: require('./resources/Charges'), + CountrySpecs: require('./resources/CountrySpecs'), + Coupons: require('./resources/Coupons'), + CreditNotes: require('./resources/CreditNotes'), + Customers: require('./resources/Customers'), + Disputes: require('./resources/Disputes'), + EphemeralKeys: require('./resources/EphemeralKeys'), + Events: require('./resources/Events'), + ExchangeRates: require('./resources/ExchangeRates'), + Files: require('./resources/Files'), + FileLinks: require('./resources/FileLinks'), + InvoiceItems: require('./resources/InvoiceItems'), + Invoices: require('./resources/Invoices'), + IssuerFraudRecords: require('./resources/IssuerFraudRecords'), + OAuth: require('./resources/OAuth'), + OrderReturns: require('./resources/OrderReturns'), + Orders: require('./resources/Orders'), + PaymentIntents: require('./resources/PaymentIntents'), + PaymentMethods: require('./resources/PaymentMethods'), + Payouts: require('./resources/Payouts'), + Plans: require('./resources/Plans'), + Products: require('./resources/Products'), + Recipients: require('./resources/Recipients'), + Refunds: require('./resources/Refunds'), + Reviews: require('./resources/Reviews'), + Skus: require('./resources/SKUs'), + Sources: require('./resources/Sources'), + SubscriptionItems: require('./resources/SubscriptionItems'), + SubscriptionSchedules: require('./resources/SubscriptionSchedules'), + Subscriptions: require('./resources/Subscriptions'), + TaxRates: require('./resources/TaxRates'), + ThreeDSecure: require('./resources/ThreeDSecure'), + Tokens: require('./resources/Tokens'), + Topups: require('./resources/Topups'), + Transfers: require('./resources/Transfers'), + UsageRecords: require('./resources/UsageRecords'), + UsageRecordSummaries: require('./resources/UsageRecordSummaries'), + WebhookEndpoints: require('./resources/WebhookEndpoints'), + Checkout: resourceNamespace('checkout', { + Sessions: require('./resources/Checkout/Sessions'), + }), + Issuing: resourceNamespace('issuing', { + Authorizations: require('./resources/Issuing/Authorizations'), + Cardholders: require('./resources/Issuing/Cardholders'), + Cards: require('./resources/Issuing/Cards'), + Disputes: require('./resources/Issuing/Disputes'), + Transactions: require('./resources/Issuing/Transactions'), + }), + Radar: resourceNamespace('radar', { + ValueLists: require('./resources/Radar/ValueLists'), + ValueListItems: require('./resources/Radar/ValueListItems'), + }), + Reporting: resourceNamespace('reporting', { + ReportRuns: require('./resources/Reporting/ReportRuns'), + ReportTypes: require('./resources/Reporting/ReportTypes'), + }), + Sigma: resourceNamespace('sigma', { + ScheduledQueryRuns: require('./resources/Sigma/ScheduledQueryRuns'), + }), + Terminal: resourceNamespace('terminal', { + ConnectionTokens: require('./resources/Terminal/ConnectionTokens'), + Locations: require('./resources/Terminal/Locations'), + Readers: require('./resources/Terminal/Readers'), + }), +}; diff --git a/lib/resources/AccountLinks.js b/lib/resources/AccountLinks.js index 33bd4a2940..e7e11a63bc 100644 --- a/lib/resources/AccountLinks.js +++ b/lib/resources/AccountLinks.js @@ -1,7 +1,9 @@ 'use strict'; -module.exports = require('../StripeResource').extend({ +const StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); + +module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ path: 'account_links', + includeBasic: ['create'], }); - diff --git a/lib/resources/Accounts.js b/lib/resources/Accounts.js index 1968c48b0e..2a009990f0 100644 --- a/lib/resources/Accounts.js +++ b/lib/resources/Accounts.js @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ 'use strict'; -var StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); -var stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; +const StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); +const stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ // Since path can either be `account` or `accounts`, support both through stripeMethod path @@ -20,30 +20,26 @@ module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ update: stripeMethod({ method: 'POST', path: 'accounts/{id}', - urlParams: ['id'], }), // Avoid 'delete' keyword in JS del: stripeMethod({ method: 'DELETE', path: 'accounts/{id}', - urlParams: ['id'], }), reject: stripeMethod({ method: 'POST', path: 'accounts/{id}/reject', - urlParams: ['id'], }), - retrieve: function(id) { + retrieve(id) { // No longer allow an api key to be passed as the first string to this function due to ambiguity between // old account ids and api keys. To request the account for an api key, send null as the id if (typeof id === 'string') { return stripeMethod({ method: 'GET', path: 'accounts/{id}', - urlParams: ['id'], }).apply(this, arguments); } else { if (id === null || id === undefined) { @@ -64,20 +60,17 @@ module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ listCapabilities: stripeMethod({ method: 'GET', path: 'accounts/{accountId}/capabilities', - urlParams: ['accountId'], methodType: 'list', }), retrieveCapability: stripeMethod({ method: 'GET', path: 'accounts/{accountId}/capabilities/{capabilityId}', - urlParams: ['accountId', 'capabilityId'], }), updateCapability: stripeMethod({ method: 'POST', path: 'accounts/{accountId}/capabilities/{capabilityId}', - urlParams: ['accountId', 'capabilityId'], }), /** @@ -87,42 +80,36 @@ module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ createExternalAccount: stripeMethod({ method: 'POST', path: 'accounts/{accountId}/external_accounts', - urlParams: ['accountId'], }), listExternalAccounts: stripeMethod({ method: 'GET', path: 'accounts/{accountId}/external_accounts', - urlParams: ['accountId'], methodType: 'list', }), retrieveExternalAccount: stripeMethod({ method: 'GET', path: 'accounts/{accountId}/external_accounts/{externalAccountId}', - urlParams: ['accountId', 'externalAccountId'], }), updateExternalAccount: stripeMethod({ method: 'POST', path: 'accounts/{accountId}/external_accounts/{externalAccountId}', - urlParams: ['accountId', 'externalAccountId'], }), deleteExternalAccount: stripeMethod({ method: 'DELETE', path: 'accounts/{accountId}/external_accounts/{externalAccountId}', - urlParams: ['accountId', 'externalAccountId'], }), /** - * Accounts: LoginLink methods - */ + * Accounts: LoginLink methods + */ createLoginLink: stripeMethod({ method: 'POST', path: 'accounts/{accountId}/login_links', - urlParams: ['accountId'], }), /** @@ -132,31 +119,26 @@ module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ createPerson: stripeMethod({ method: 'POST', path: 'accounts/{accountId}/persons', - urlParams: ['accountId'], }), listPersons: stripeMethod({ method: 'GET', path: 'accounts/{accountId}/persons', - urlParams: ['accountId'], methodType: 'list', }), retrievePerson: stripeMethod({ method: 'GET', path: 'accounts/{accountId}/persons/{personId}', - urlParams: ['accountId', 'personId'], }), updatePerson: stripeMethod({ method: 'POST', path: 'accounts/{accountId}/persons/{personId}', - urlParams: ['accountId', 'personId'], }), deletePerson: stripeMethod({ method: 'DELETE', path: 'accounts/{accountId}/persons/{personId}', - urlParams: ['accountId', 'personId'], }), }); diff --git a/lib/resources/ApplePayDomains.js b/lib/resources/ApplePayDomains.js index 4d05c2523b..21c8cf82e8 100644 --- a/lib/resources/ApplePayDomains.js +++ b/lib/resources/ApplePayDomains.js @@ -1,6 +1,9 @@ 'use strict'; -module.exports = require('../StripeResource').extend({ +const StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); + +module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ path: 'apple_pay/domains', - includeBasic: ['create', 'list', 'retrieve', 'del'], + + includeBasic: ['create', 'del', 'list', 'retrieve'], }); diff --git a/lib/resources/ApplicationFeeRefunds.js b/lib/resources/ApplicationFeeRefunds.js deleted file mode 100644 index e73a018cd4..0000000000 --- a/lib/resources/ApplicationFeeRefunds.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; - -var StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); - -/** - * ApplicationFeeRefunds is a unique resource in that, upon instantiation, - * requires an application fee id , and therefore each of its methods only - * require the refundId argument. - * - * This streamlines the API specifically for the case of accessing refunds - * on a returned application fee object. - * - * E.g. applicationFeeObject.refunds.retrieve(refundId) - * (As opposed to the also-supported stripe.applicationFees.retrieveRefund(chargeId, - * refundId)) - */ -module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ - path: 'application_fees/{feeId}/refunds', - includeBasic: ['create', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update'], -}); diff --git a/lib/resources/ApplicationFees.js b/lib/resources/ApplicationFees.js index 0e96e4ed65..0a439cc1d0 100644 --- a/lib/resources/ApplicationFees.js +++ b/lib/resources/ApplicationFees.js @@ -1,44 +1,31 @@ 'use strict'; -var StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); -var stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; +const StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); +const stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ - path: 'application_fees', - includeBasic: [ - 'list', 'retrieve', - ], - - refund: stripeMethod({ - method: 'POST', - path: '/{id}/refund', - urlParams: ['id'], - }), + includeBasic: ['list', 'retrieve'], createRefund: stripeMethod({ method: 'POST', path: '/{feeId}/refunds', - urlParams: ['feeId'], }), listRefunds: stripeMethod({ method: 'GET', path: '/{feeId}/refunds', - urlParams: ['feeId'], methodType: 'list', }), retrieveRefund: stripeMethod({ method: 'GET', path: '/{feeId}/refunds/{refundId}', - urlParams: ['feeId', 'refundId'], }), updateRefund: stripeMethod({ method: 'POST', path: '/{feeId}/refunds/{refundId}', - urlParams: ['feeId', 'refundId'], }), }); diff --git a/lib/resources/Balance.js b/lib/resources/Balance.js index a6c5f1655c..cdb30b26a5 100644 --- a/lib/resources/Balance.js +++ b/lib/resources/Balance.js @@ -1,26 +1,12 @@ 'use strict'; -var StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); -var stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; +const StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); +const stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ - path: 'balance', retrieve: stripeMethod({ method: 'GET', }), - - listTransactions: stripeMethod({ - method: 'GET', - path: 'history', - methodType: 'list', - }), - - retrieveTransaction: stripeMethod({ - method: 'GET', - path: 'history/{transactionId}', - urlParams: ['transactionId'], - }), - }); diff --git a/lib/resources/BalanceTransactions.js b/lib/resources/BalanceTransactions.js index c8095d4bdf..3e3a6c7dcd 100644 --- a/lib/resources/BalanceTransactions.js +++ b/lib/resources/BalanceTransactions.js @@ -1,6 +1,9 @@ 'use strict'; -module.exports = require('../StripeResource').extend({ +const StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); + +module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ path: 'balance/history', + includeBasic: ['list', 'retrieve'], }); diff --git a/lib/resources/BitcoinReceivers.js b/lib/resources/BitcoinReceivers.js index 430db040ed..1ee13383e0 100644 --- a/lib/resources/BitcoinReceivers.js +++ b/lib/resources/BitcoinReceivers.js @@ -1,20 +1,16 @@ 'use strict'; -var StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); -var stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; +const StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); +const stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ - path: 'bitcoin/receivers', - includeBasic: [ - 'list', 'retrieve', 'getMetadata', - ], + includeBasic: ['list', 'retrieve'], listTransactions: stripeMethod({ method: 'GET', - path: '/{receiverId}/transactions', - urlParams: ['receiverId'], + path: '/{id}/transactions', methodType: 'list', }), }); diff --git a/lib/resources/Capabilities.js b/lib/resources/Capabilities.js deleted file mode 100644 index 42186890f7..0000000000 --- a/lib/resources/Capabilities.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,9 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; - -var StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); - -module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ - path: 'accounts/{accountId}/capabilities', - includeBasic: ['list', 'retrieve', 'update'], -}); - diff --git a/lib/resources/ChargeRefunds.js b/lib/resources/ChargeRefunds.js deleted file mode 100644 index f6de00306d..0000000000 --- a/lib/resources/ChargeRefunds.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; - -var StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); - -/** - * ChargeRefunds is a unique resource in that, upon instantiation, - * requires a chargeId, and therefore each of its methods only - * require the refundId argument. - * - * This streamlines the API specifically for the case of accessing refunds - * on a returned charge object. - * - * E.g. chargeObject.refunds.retrieve(refundId) - * (As opposed to the also-supported stripe.charges.retrieveRefund(chargeId, - * refundId)) - */ -module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ - path: 'charges/{chargeId}/refunds', - includeBasic: ['create', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update'], -}); diff --git a/lib/resources/Charges.js b/lib/resources/Charges.js index 28a0798aeb..1c5dd469eb 100644 --- a/lib/resources/Charges.js +++ b/lib/resources/Charges.js @@ -1,75 +1,15 @@ 'use strict'; -var StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); -var stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; +const StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); +const stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ - path: 'charges', - includeBasic: [ - 'create', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update', - 'setMetadata', 'getMetadata', - ], + includeBasic: ['create', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update'], capture: stripeMethod({ method: 'POST', path: '/{id}/capture', - urlParams: ['id'], - }), - - refund: stripeMethod({ - method: 'POST', - path: '/{id}/refund', - urlParams: ['id'], - }), - - updateDispute: stripeMethod({ - method: 'POST', - path: '/{id}/dispute', - urlParams: ['id'], - }), - - closeDispute: stripeMethod({ - method: 'POST', - path: '/{id}/dispute/close', - urlParams: ['id'], - }), - - /** - * Charge: Refund methods - * (Deprecated) - */ - createRefund: stripeMethod({ - method: 'POST', - path: '/{chargeId}/refunds', - urlParams: ['chargeId'], - }), - - listRefunds: stripeMethod({ - method: 'GET', - path: '/{chargeId}/refunds', - urlParams: ['chargeId'], - methodType: 'list', - }), - - retrieveRefund: stripeMethod({ - method: 'GET', - path: '/{chargeId}/refunds/{refundId}', - urlParams: ['chargeId', 'refundId'], }), - - updateRefund: stripeMethod({ - method: 'POST', - path: '/{chargeId}/refunds/{refundId}', - urlParams: ['chargeId', 'refundId'], - }), - - markAsSafe: function(chargeId) { - return this.update(chargeId, {'fraud_details': {'user_report': 'safe'}}) - }, - - markAsFraudulent: function(chargeId) { - return this.update(chargeId, {'fraud_details': {'user_report': 'fraudulent'}}) - }, }); diff --git a/lib/resources/Checkout/Sessions.js b/lib/resources/Checkout/Sessions.js index 3accef7cc0..8aa1fb56de 100644 --- a/lib/resources/Checkout/Sessions.js +++ b/lib/resources/Checkout/Sessions.js @@ -1,8 +1,9 @@ 'use strict'; -var StripeResource = require('../../StripeResource'); +const StripeResource = require('../../StripeResource'); module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ path: 'checkout/sessions', + includeBasic: ['create', 'retrieve'], -}) +}); diff --git a/lib/resources/CountrySpecs.js b/lib/resources/CountrySpecs.js index 25210ac31a..b6d5477afe 100644 --- a/lib/resources/CountrySpecs.js +++ b/lib/resources/CountrySpecs.js @@ -1,12 +1,9 @@ 'use strict'; -var StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); +const StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ - path: 'country_specs', - includeBasic: [ - 'list', 'retrieve', - ], + includeBasic: ['list', 'retrieve'], }); diff --git a/lib/resources/Coupons.js b/lib/resources/Coupons.js index a9f519afa3..d7a50d88bb 100644 --- a/lib/resources/Coupons.js +++ b/lib/resources/Coupons.js @@ -1,7 +1,9 @@ 'use strict'; -module.exports = require('../StripeResource').extend({ +const StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); + +module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ path: 'coupons', - includeBasic: ['create', 'list', 'update', 'retrieve', 'del'], -}); + includeBasic: ['create', 'del', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update'], +}); diff --git a/lib/resources/CreditNotes.js b/lib/resources/CreditNotes.js index 24df5aca90..e38dd295ca 100644 --- a/lib/resources/CreditNotes.js +++ b/lib/resources/CreditNotes.js @@ -1,16 +1,15 @@ 'use strict'; -var StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); -var stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; +const StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); +const stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ - path: 'credit_notes', + includeBasic: ['create', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update'], voidCreditNote: stripeMethod({ method: 'POST', - path: '{creditNoteId}/void', - urlParams: ['creditNoteId'], + path: '/{id}/void', }), }); diff --git a/lib/resources/CustomerCards.js b/lib/resources/CustomerCards.js deleted file mode 100644 index 059c403de2..0000000000 --- a/lib/resources/CustomerCards.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; - -var StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); - -/** - * CustomerCard is a unique resource in that, upon instantiation, - * requires a customerId, and therefore each of its methods only - * require the cardId argument. - * - * This streamlines the API specifically for the case of accessing cards - * on a returned customer object. - * - * E.g. customerObject.cards.retrieve(cardId) - * (As opposed to the also-supported stripe.customers.retrieveCard(custId, cardId)) - */ -module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ - path: 'customers/{customerId}/cards', - includeBasic: ['create', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update', 'del'], -}); diff --git a/lib/resources/CustomerSubscriptions.js b/lib/resources/CustomerSubscriptions.js deleted file mode 100644 index 3082d84049..0000000000 --- a/lib/resources/CustomerSubscriptions.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; - -var StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); -var stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; - -/** - * CustomerSubscription is a unique resource in that, upon instantiation, - * requires a customerId, and therefore each of its methods only - * require the subscriptionId argument. - * - * This streamlines the API specifically for the case of accessing cards - * on a returned customer object. - * - * E.g. customerObject.cards.retrieve(cardId) - * (As opposed to the also-supported stripe.customers.retrieveCard(custId, cardId)) - */ -module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ - path: 'customers/{customerId}/subscriptions', - includeBasic: ['create', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update', 'del'], - - /** - * Customer: Discount methods - */ - - deleteDiscount: stripeMethod({ - method: 'DELETE', - path: '/{subscriptionId}/discount', - urlParams: ['customerId', 'subscriptionId'], - }), -}); diff --git a/lib/resources/Customers.js b/lib/resources/Customers.js index 6a182612ad..1255184b93 100644 --- a/lib/resources/Customers.js +++ b/lib/resources/Customers.js @@ -1,115 +1,20 @@ 'use strict'; -var StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); -var utils = require('../utils'); -var stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; +const StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); +const stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ - path: 'customers', - includeBasic: [ - 'create', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update', 'del', - 'setMetadata', 'getMetadata', - ], - - /** - * Customer: Subscription methods - */ - - _legacyUpdateSubscription: stripeMethod({ - method: 'POST', - path: '{customerId}/subscription', - urlParams: ['customerId'], - }), - _newstyleUpdateSubscription: stripeMethod({ - method: 'POST', - path: '/{customerId}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}', - urlParams: ['customerId', 'subscriptionId'], - }), - - _legacyCancelSubscription: stripeMethod({ - method: 'DELETE', - path: '{customerId}/subscription', - urlParams: ['customerId'], - }), - - _newstyleCancelSubscription: stripeMethod({ - method: 'DELETE', - path: '/{customerId}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}', - urlParams: ['customerId', 'subscriptionId'], - }), - - createSubscription: stripeMethod({ - method: 'POST', - path: '/{customerId}/subscriptions', - urlParams: ['customerId'], - }), - - listSubscriptions: stripeMethod({ - method: 'GET', - path: '/{customerId}/subscriptions', - urlParams: ['customerId'], - methodType: 'list', - }), - - retrieveSubscription: stripeMethod({ - method: 'GET', - path: '/{customerId}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}', - urlParams: ['customerId', 'subscriptionId'], - }), - - updateSubscription: function(customerId, subscriptionId) { - if (typeof subscriptionId == 'string') { - return this._newstyleUpdateSubscription.apply(this, arguments); - } else { - return this._legacyUpdateSubscription.apply(this, arguments); - } - }, - - cancelSubscription: function(customerId, subscriptionId) { - // This is a hack, but it lets us maximize our overloading. - // Precarious assumption: If it's not an auth key it _could_ be a sub id: - if (typeof subscriptionId == 'string' && !utils.isAuthKey(subscriptionId)) { - return this._newstyleCancelSubscription.apply(this, arguments); - } else { - return this._legacyCancelSubscription.apply(this, arguments); - } - }, + includeBasic: ['create', 'del', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update'], /** - * Customer: Card methods + * Customer: Discount methods */ - createCard: stripeMethod({ - method: 'POST', - path: '/{customerId}/cards', - urlParams: ['customerId'], - }), - - listCards: stripeMethod({ - method: 'GET', - path: '/{customerId}/cards', - urlParams: ['customerId'], - methodType: 'list', - }), - - retrieveCard: stripeMethod({ - method: 'GET', - path: '/{customerId}/cards/{cardId}', - urlParams: ['customerId', 'cardId'], - }), - - updateCard: stripeMethod({ - method: 'POST', - path: '/{customerId}/cards/{cardId}', - urlParams: ['customerId', 'cardId'], - }), - - deleteCard: stripeMethod({ + deleteDiscount: stripeMethod({ method: 'DELETE', - path: '/{customerId}/cards/{cardId}', - urlParams: ['customerId', 'cardId'], + path: '/{customerId}/discount', }), /** @@ -119,54 +24,32 @@ module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ createSource: stripeMethod({ method: 'POST', path: '/{customerId}/sources', - urlParams: ['customerId'], }), listSources: stripeMethod({ method: 'GET', path: '/{customerId}/sources', - urlParams: ['customerId'], methodType: 'list', }), retrieveSource: stripeMethod({ method: 'GET', path: '/{customerId}/sources/{sourceId}', - urlParams: ['customerId', 'sourceId'], }), updateSource: stripeMethod({ method: 'POST', path: '/{customerId}/sources/{sourceId}', - urlParams: ['customerId', 'sourceId'], }), deleteSource: stripeMethod({ method: 'DELETE', path: '/{customerId}/sources/{sourceId}', - urlParams: ['customerId', 'sourceId'], }), verifySource: stripeMethod({ method: 'POST', path: '/{customerId}/sources/{sourceId}/verify', - urlParams: ['customerId', 'sourceId'], - }), - - /** - * Customer: Discount methods - */ - - deleteDiscount: stripeMethod({ - method: 'DELETE', - path: '/{customerId}/discount', - urlParams: ['customerId'], - }), - - deleteSubscriptionDiscount: stripeMethod({ - method: 'DELETE', - path: '/{customerId}/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/discount', - urlParams: ['customerId', 'subscriptionId'], }), /** @@ -176,25 +59,21 @@ module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ createTaxId: stripeMethod({ method: 'POST', path: '/{customerId}/tax_ids', - urlParams: ['customerId'], }), deleteTaxId: stripeMethod({ method: 'DELETE', path: '/{customerId}/tax_ids/{taxIdId}', - urlParams: ['customerId', 'taxIdId'], }), listTaxIds: stripeMethod({ method: 'GET', path: '/{customerId}/tax_ids', - urlParams: ['customerId'], methodType: 'list', }), retrieveTaxId: stripeMethod({ method: 'GET', path: '/{customerId}/tax_ids/{taxIdId}', - urlParams: ['customerId', 'taxIdId'], }), }); diff --git a/lib/resources/Disputes.js b/lib/resources/Disputes.js index eff2aba687..1d476249a0 100644 --- a/lib/resources/Disputes.js +++ b/lib/resources/Disputes.js @@ -1,21 +1,15 @@ 'use strict'; -var StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); -var stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; +const StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); +const stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ - path: 'disputes', - includeBasic: [ - 'list', 'retrieve', 'update', 'setMetadata', 'getMetadata', - ], + includeBasic: ['list', 'retrieve', 'update'], close: stripeMethod({ method: 'POST', path: '/{id}/close', - urlParams: ['id'], }), - }); - diff --git a/lib/resources/EphemeralKeys.js b/lib/resources/EphemeralKeys.js index 2be6f9c9d5..fe9d7d5bb8 100644 --- a/lib/resources/EphemeralKeys.js +++ b/lib/resources/EphemeralKeys.js @@ -1,19 +1,21 @@ 'use strict'; -var StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); -var stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; +const StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); +const stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ + path: 'ephemeral_keys', + + includeBasic: ['del'], + create: stripeMethod({ method: 'POST', - validator: function(data, options) { + validator: (data, options) => { if (!options.headers || !options.headers['Stripe-Version']) { - throw new Error('stripe_version must be specified to create an ephemeral key'); + throw new Error( + 'stripe_version must be specified to create an ephemeral key' + ); } }, }), - - path: 'ephemeral_keys', - - includeBasic: ['del'], }); diff --git a/lib/resources/Events.js b/lib/resources/Events.js index ae4f092432..16745f149b 100644 --- a/lib/resources/Events.js +++ b/lib/resources/Events.js @@ -1,7 +1,9 @@ 'use strict'; -module.exports = require('../StripeResource').extend({ +const StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); + +module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ path: 'events', + includeBasic: ['list', 'retrieve'], }); - diff --git a/lib/resources/ExchangeRates.js b/lib/resources/ExchangeRates.js index a7d3b10853..7a314cadca 100644 --- a/lib/resources/ExchangeRates.js +++ b/lib/resources/ExchangeRates.js @@ -1,12 +1,9 @@ 'use strict'; -var StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); +const StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ - path: 'exchange_rates', - includeBasic: [ - 'list', 'retrieve', - ], + includeBasic: ['list', 'retrieve'], }); diff --git a/lib/resources/FileLinks.js b/lib/resources/FileLinks.js index 8052fc7f02..580b038562 100644 --- a/lib/resources/FileLinks.js +++ b/lib/resources/FileLinks.js @@ -1,11 +1,9 @@ 'use strict'; -var StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); +const StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ - path: 'file_links', - includeBasic: [ - 'create', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update', 'setMetadata', 'getMetadata', - ], + + includeBasic: ['create', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update'], }); diff --git a/lib/resources/Files.js b/lib/resources/Files.js index 0315d3092d..424475c0e2 100644 --- a/lib/resources/Files.js +++ b/lib/resources/Files.js @@ -1,15 +1,18 @@ 'use strict'; -var Buffer = require('safe-buffer').Buffer; -var utils = require('../utils'); -var StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); -var stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; -var multipartDataGenerator = require('../MultipartDataGenerator'); -var Error = require('../Error'); +const Buffer = require('safe-buffer').Buffer; +const utils = require('../utils'); +const multipartDataGenerator = require('../MultipartDataGenerator'); +const Error = require('../Error'); +const StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); +const stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ + path: 'files', + + includeBasic: ['list', 'retrieve'], - requestDataProcessor: function(method, data, headers, callback) { + requestDataProcessor(method, data, headers, callback) { data = data || {}; if (method === 'POST') { @@ -19,54 +22,55 @@ module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ } function getProcessorForSourceType(data) { - var isStream = utils.checkForStream(data); + const isStream = utils.checkForStream(data); if (isStream) { return streamProcessor(multipartDataGenerator); } else { - var buffer = multipartDataGenerator(method, data, headers); + const buffer = multipartDataGenerator(method, data, headers); return callback(null, buffer); } } - function streamProcessor (fn) { - var bufferArray = []; - data.file.data.on('data', function(line) { - bufferArray.push(line); - }).on('end', function() { - var bufferData = Object.assign({}, data); - bufferData.file.data = Buffer.concat(bufferArray); - var buffer = fn(method, bufferData, headers); - callback(null, buffer); - }).on('error', function(err) { - var errorHandler = streamError(callback); - errorHandler(err); - }); + function streamProcessor(fn) { + const bufferArray = []; + data.file.data + .on('data', (line) => { + bufferArray.push(line); + }) + .on('end', () => { + const bufferData = Object.assign({}, data); + bufferData.file.data = Buffer.concat(bufferArray); + const buffer = fn(method, bufferData, headers); + callback(null, buffer); + }) + .on('error', (err) => { + const errorHandler = streamError(callback); + errorHandler(err); + }); } function streamError(callback) { - var StreamProcessingError = Error.extend({ + const StreamProcessingError = Error.extend({ type: 'StreamProcessingError', - populate: function(raw) { + populate(raw) { this.type = this.type; this.message = raw.message; this.detail = raw.detail; - } + }, }); - return function(error) { + return (error) => { callback( new StreamProcessingError({ - message: 'An error occurred while attempting to process the file for upload.', + message: + 'An error occurred while attempting to process the file for upload.', detail: error, }), null ); - } + }; } }, - path: 'files', - includeBasic: ['list', 'retrieve'], - create: stripeMethod({ method: 'POST', headers: { diff --git a/lib/resources/InvoiceItems.js b/lib/resources/InvoiceItems.js index 00af738ed5..0a17e43ee1 100644 --- a/lib/resources/InvoiceItems.js +++ b/lib/resources/InvoiceItems.js @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ 'use strict'; -module.exports = require('../StripeResource').extend({ +const StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); + +module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ path: 'invoiceitems', - includeBasic: [ - 'create', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update', 'del', - 'setMetadata', 'getMetadata', - ], -}); + includeBasic: ['create', 'del', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update'], +}); diff --git a/lib/resources/Invoices.js b/lib/resources/Invoices.js index bc3f483bb8..5faca3ff0c 100644 --- a/lib/resources/Invoices.js +++ b/lib/resources/Invoices.js @@ -1,36 +1,21 @@ 'use strict'; -var StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); -var stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; -var utils = require('../utils'); +const StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); +const stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ - path: 'invoices', - includeBasic: ['create', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update', 'del'], - - finalizeInvoice: stripeMethod({ - method: 'POST', - path: '{invoiceId}/finalize', - urlParams: ['invoiceId'], - }), - markUncollectible: stripeMethod({ - method: 'POST', - path: '{invoiceId}/mark_uncollectible', - urlParams: ['invoiceId'], - }), + includeBasic: ['create', 'del', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update'], - pay: stripeMethod({ + finalizeInvoice: stripeMethod({ method: 'POST', - path: '{invoiceId}/pay', - urlParams: ['invoiceId'], + path: '{id}/finalize', }), listLineItems: stripeMethod({ method: 'GET', - path: '{invoiceId}/lines', - urlParams: ['invoiceId'], + path: '{id}/lines', }), listUpcomingLineItems: stripeMethod({ @@ -38,50 +23,28 @@ module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ path: 'upcoming/lines', }), - // deprecated in favor of `listLineItems` - retrieveLines: stripeMethod({ - method: 'GET', - path: '{invoiceId}/lines', - urlParams: ['invoiceId'], + markUncollectible: stripeMethod({ + method: 'POST', + path: '{id}/mark_uncollectible', + }), + + pay: stripeMethod({ + method: 'POST', + path: '{id}/pay', }), retrieveUpcoming: stripeMethod({ method: 'GET', - path: function(urlData) { - var url = 'upcoming?'; - var hasParam = false; - - // If you pass just a hash with the relevant parameters, including customer id inside. - if (urlData.invoiceOptionsOrCustomerId && typeof urlData.invoiceOptionsOrCustomerId === 'object') { - return url + utils.stringifyRequestData(urlData.invoiceOptionsOrCustomerId); - } - - // Legacy implementation where the first parameter is a customer id as a string - if (urlData.invoiceOptionsOrCustomerId && typeof urlData.invoiceOptionsOrCustomerId === 'string') { - url = url + 'customer=' + urlData.invoiceOptionsOrCustomerId; - hasParam = true; - } - - // Legacy support where second argument is the subscription id - if (urlData.invoiceOptionsOrSubscriptionId && typeof urlData.invoiceOptionsOrSubscriptionId === 'string') { - return url + (hasParam ? '&' : '') + 'subscription=' + urlData.invoiceOptionsOrSubscriptionId; - } else if (urlData.invoiceOptionsOrSubscriptionId && typeof urlData.invoiceOptionsOrSubscriptionId === 'object') { - return url + (hasParam ? '&' : '') + utils.stringifyRequestData(urlData.invoiceOptionsOrSubscriptionId); - } - return url; - }, - urlParams: ['optional!invoiceOptionsOrCustomerId', 'optional!invoiceOptionsOrSubscriptionId'], + path: 'upcoming', }), sendInvoice: stripeMethod({ method: 'POST', - path: '{invoiceId}/send', - urlParams: ['invoiceId'], + path: '{id}/send', }), voidInvoice: stripeMethod({ method: 'POST', - path: '{invoiceId}/void', - urlParams: ['invoiceId'], + path: '{id}/void', }), }); diff --git a/lib/resources/IssuerFraudRecords.js b/lib/resources/IssuerFraudRecords.js index 76c1e1e4d0..97d38fd133 100644 --- a/lib/resources/IssuerFraudRecords.js +++ b/lib/resources/IssuerFraudRecords.js @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ 'use strict'; -var StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); +const StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ path: 'issuer_fraud_records', diff --git a/lib/resources/Issuing/Authorizations.js b/lib/resources/Issuing/Authorizations.js index a17deec892..1be1546969 100644 --- a/lib/resources/Issuing/Authorizations.js +++ b/lib/resources/Issuing/Authorizations.js @@ -1,22 +1,20 @@ 'use strict'; -var StripeResource = require('../../StripeResource'); -var stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; +const StripeResource = require('../../StripeResource'); +const stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ path: 'issuing/authorizations', - includeBasic: ['list', 'retrieve', 'update', 'setMetadata', 'getMetadata'], + includeBasic: ['list', 'retrieve', 'update'], approve: stripeMethod({ method: 'POST', path: '/{id}/approve', - urlParams: ['id'], }), decline: stripeMethod({ method: 'POST', path: '/{id}/decline', - urlParams: ['id'], }), }); diff --git a/lib/resources/Issuing/Cardholders.js b/lib/resources/Issuing/Cardholders.js index e8a175e918..9bd9572f7e 100644 --- a/lib/resources/Issuing/Cardholders.js +++ b/lib/resources/Issuing/Cardholders.js @@ -1,8 +1,9 @@ 'use strict'; -var StripeResource = require('../../StripeResource'); +const StripeResource = require('../../StripeResource'); module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ path: 'issuing/cardholders', - includeBasic: ['create', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update', 'setMetadata', 'getMetadata'], + + includeBasic: ['create', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update'], }); diff --git a/lib/resources/Issuing/Cards.js b/lib/resources/Issuing/Cards.js index 99199642e8..81475c9524 100644 --- a/lib/resources/Issuing/Cards.js +++ b/lib/resources/Issuing/Cards.js @@ -1,16 +1,15 @@ 'use strict'; -var StripeResource = require('../../StripeResource'); -var stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; +const StripeResource = require('../../StripeResource'); +const stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ path: 'issuing/cards', - includeBasic: ['create', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update', 'setMetadata', 'getMetadata'], + includeBasic: ['create', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update'], retrieveDetails: stripeMethod({ method: 'GET', path: '/{id}/details', - urlParams: ['id'], }), }); diff --git a/lib/resources/Issuing/Disputes.js b/lib/resources/Issuing/Disputes.js index 296fa779f7..90ebc0cc3d 100644 --- a/lib/resources/Issuing/Disputes.js +++ b/lib/resources/Issuing/Disputes.js @@ -1,8 +1,9 @@ 'use strict'; -var StripeResource = require('../../StripeResource'); +const StripeResource = require('../../StripeResource'); module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ path: 'issuing/disputes', - includeBasic: ['create', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update', 'setMetadata', 'getMetadata'], + + includeBasic: ['create', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update'], }); diff --git a/lib/resources/Issuing/Transactions.js b/lib/resources/Issuing/Transactions.js index f7f004bbd8..2f8399fa16 100644 --- a/lib/resources/Issuing/Transactions.js +++ b/lib/resources/Issuing/Transactions.js @@ -1,8 +1,9 @@ 'use strict'; -var StripeResource = require('../../StripeResource'); +const StripeResource = require('../../StripeResource'); module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ path: 'issuing/transactions', - includeBasic: ['list', 'retrieve', 'update', 'setMetadata', 'getMetadata'], + + includeBasic: ['list', 'retrieve', 'update'], }); diff --git a/lib/resources/LoginLinks.js b/lib/resources/LoginLinks.js deleted file mode 100644 index ac82bc71c9..0000000000 --- a/lib/resources/LoginLinks.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; - -var StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); - -module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ - path: 'accounts/{accountId}/login_links', - includeBasic: ['create'], -}); diff --git a/lib/resources/OAuth.js b/lib/resources/OAuth.js index 1649599119..70ce4a2358 100644 --- a/lib/resources/OAuth.js +++ b/lib/resources/OAuth.js @@ -1,23 +1,23 @@ 'use strict'; -var StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); -var stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; -var utils = require('../utils'); +const StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); +const stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; +const utils = require('../utils'); -var oAuthHost = 'connect.stripe.com'; +const oAuthHost = 'connect.stripe.com'; module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ basePath: '/', - authorizeUrl: function(params, options) { + authorizeUrl(params, options) { params = params || {}; options = options || {}; - var path = 'oauth/authorize'; + let path = 'oauth/authorize'; // For Express accounts, the path changes if (options.express) { - path = 'express/' + path; + path = `express/${path}`; } if (!params.response_type) { @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ params.scope = 'read_write'; } - return 'https://' + oAuthHost + '/' + path + '?' + utils.stringifyRequestData(params); + return `https://${oAuthHost}/${path}?${utils.stringifyRequestData(params)}`; }, token: stripeMethod({ @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ host: oAuthHost, }), - deauthorize: function(spec) { + deauthorize(spec) { if (!spec.client_id) { spec.client_id = this._stripe.getClientId(); } diff --git a/lib/resources/OrderReturns.js b/lib/resources/OrderReturns.js index 777821a682..058c702c87 100644 --- a/lib/resources/OrderReturns.js +++ b/lib/resources/OrderReturns.js @@ -1,12 +1,9 @@ 'use strict'; -var StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); +const StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ - path: 'order_returns', - includeBasic: [ - 'list', 'retrieve', - ], + includeBasic: ['list', 'retrieve'], }); diff --git a/lib/resources/Orders.js b/lib/resources/Orders.js index 0e32b3fdca..b242e3cf30 100644 --- a/lib/resources/Orders.js +++ b/lib/resources/Orders.js @@ -1,26 +1,20 @@ 'use strict'; -var StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); -var stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; +const StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); +const stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ - path: 'orders', - includeBasic: [ - 'create', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update', - ], + includeBasic: ['create', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update'], pay: stripeMethod({ method: 'POST', - path: '/{orderId}/pay', - urlParams: ['orderId'], + path: '/{id}/pay', }), returnOrder: stripeMethod({ method: 'POST', - path: '/{orderId}/returns', - urlParams: ['orderId'], + path: '/{id}/returns', }), - }); diff --git a/lib/resources/PaymentIntents.js b/lib/resources/PaymentIntents.js index fae0950b27..54da65e251 100644 --- a/lib/resources/PaymentIntents.js +++ b/lib/resources/PaymentIntents.js @@ -1,28 +1,25 @@ 'use strict'; -var StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); -var stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; +const StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); +const stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ path: 'payment_intents', + includeBasic: ['create', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update'], cancel: stripeMethod({ method: 'POST', - path: '{paymentIntentId}/cancel', - urlParams: ['paymentIntentId'], + path: '/{id}/cancel', }), capture: stripeMethod({ method: 'POST', - path: '{paymentIntentId}/capture', - urlParams: ['paymentIntentId'], + path: '/{id}/capture', }), confirm: stripeMethod({ method: 'POST', - path: '{paymentIntentId}/confirm', - urlParams: ['paymentIntentId'], + path: '/{id}/confirm', }), }); - diff --git a/lib/resources/PaymentMethods.js b/lib/resources/PaymentMethods.js index 54f3c829c5..38e3bd893a 100644 --- a/lib/resources/PaymentMethods.js +++ b/lib/resources/PaymentMethods.js @@ -1,22 +1,20 @@ 'use strict'; -var StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); -var stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; +const StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); +const stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ - path: 'payment_methods', + includeBasic: ['create', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update'], attach: stripeMethod({ method: 'POST', - path: '{paymentMethodId}/attach', - urlParams: ['paymentMethodId'], + path: '/{id}/attach', }), detach: stripeMethod({ method: 'POST', - path: '{paymentMethodId}/detach', - urlParams: ['paymentMethodId'], + path: '/{id}/detach', }), }); diff --git a/lib/resources/Payouts.js b/lib/resources/Payouts.js index 433b5b04ae..31785ef458 100644 --- a/lib/resources/Payouts.js +++ b/lib/resources/Payouts.js @@ -1,28 +1,15 @@ 'use strict'; -var StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); -var stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; +const StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); +const stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ - path: 'payouts', - includeBasic: [ - 'create', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update', - 'setMetadata', 'getMetadata', - ], + includeBasic: ['create', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update'], cancel: stripeMethod({ method: 'POST', - path: '{payoutId}/cancel', - urlParams: ['payoutId'], - }), - - listTransactions: stripeMethod({ - method: 'GET', - path: '{payoutId}/transactions', - urlParams: ['payoutId'], - methodType: 'list', + path: '/{id}/cancel', }), }); - diff --git a/lib/resources/Persons.js b/lib/resources/Persons.js deleted file mode 100644 index 605bd24b48..0000000000 --- a/lib/resources/Persons.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; - -var StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); - -/** - * Persons is a unique resource in that, upon instantiation, - * requires an accountId, and therefore each of its methods only - * require the personId argument. - * - * This streamlines the API specifically for the case of accessing person - * on a returned transfer object. - * - * E.g. accountObject.person.retrieve(personId) - * (As opposed to the also-supported stripe.accounts.retrievePerson(accountId, - * personId)) - */ -module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ - path: 'accounts/{accountId}/persons', - includeBasic: ['create', 'del', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update'], -}); - diff --git a/lib/resources/Plans.js b/lib/resources/Plans.js index a7d01bae8a..8ab81fba9f 100644 --- a/lib/resources/Plans.js +++ b/lib/resources/Plans.js @@ -1,7 +1,9 @@ 'use strict'; -module.exports = require('../StripeResource').extend({ +const StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); + +module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ path: 'plans', - includeBasic: ['create', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update', 'del'], -}); + includeBasic: ['create', 'del', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update'], +}); diff --git a/lib/resources/Products.js b/lib/resources/Products.js index d8bcedef5c..02da55d5da 100644 --- a/lib/resources/Products.js +++ b/lib/resources/Products.js @@ -1,13 +1,9 @@ 'use strict'; -var StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); +const StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ - path: 'products', - includeBasic: [ - 'create', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update', 'del', - ], - + includeBasic: ['create', 'del', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update'], }); diff --git a/lib/resources/Radar/ValueListItems.js b/lib/resources/Radar/ValueListItems.js index f15d4e69b2..d21d48d976 100644 --- a/lib/resources/Radar/ValueListItems.js +++ b/lib/resources/Radar/ValueListItems.js @@ -1,8 +1,9 @@ 'use strict'; -var StripeResource = require('../../StripeResource'); +const StripeResource = require('../../StripeResource'); module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ path: 'radar/value_list_items', - includeBasic: ['create', 'list', 'retrieve', 'del'], + + includeBasic: ['create', 'del', 'list', 'retrieve'], }); diff --git a/lib/resources/Radar/ValueLists.js b/lib/resources/Radar/ValueLists.js index afda83a75c..c1071b3b9f 100644 --- a/lib/resources/Radar/ValueLists.js +++ b/lib/resources/Radar/ValueLists.js @@ -1,8 +1,9 @@ 'use strict'; -var StripeResource = require('../../StripeResource'); +const StripeResource = require('../../StripeResource'); module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ path: 'radar/value_lists', - includeBasic: ['create', 'list', 'update', 'retrieve', 'del'], + + includeBasic: ['create', 'del', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update'], }); diff --git a/lib/resources/RecipientCards.js b/lib/resources/RecipientCards.js deleted file mode 100644 index 2986003798..0000000000 --- a/lib/resources/RecipientCards.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; - -var StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); - -/** - * RecipientCard is similar to CustomerCard in that, upon instantiation, it - * requires a recipientId, and therefore each of its methods only - * require the cardId argument. - * - * This streamlines the API specifically for the case of accessing cards - * on a returned recipient object. - * - * E.g. recipientObject.cards.retrieve(cardId) - * (As opposed to the also-supported stripe.recipients.retrieveCard(recipientId, cardId)) - */ -module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ - path: 'recipients/{recipientId}/cards', - includeBasic: ['create', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update', 'del'], -}); diff --git a/lib/resources/Recipients.js b/lib/resources/Recipients.js index 536e98f730..84e594e701 100644 --- a/lib/resources/Recipients.js +++ b/lib/resources/Recipients.js @@ -1,46 +1,40 @@ 'use strict'; -var StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); -var stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; +const StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); +const stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ - path: 'recipients', - includeBasic: [ - 'create', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update', 'del', - 'setMetadata', 'getMetadata', - ], + + includeBasic: ['create', 'del', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update'], + + /** + * Recipient: Card methods + */ createCard: stripeMethod({ method: 'POST', - path: '/{recipientId}/cards', - urlParams: ['recipientId'], + path: '/{id}/cards', }), listCards: stripeMethod({ method: 'GET', - path: '/{recipientId}/cards', - urlParams: ['recipientId'], + path: '/{id}/cards', methodType: 'list', }), retrieveCard: stripeMethod({ method: 'GET', path: '/{recipientId}/cards/{cardId}', - urlParams: ['recipientId', 'cardId'], }), updateCard: stripeMethod({ method: 'POST', path: '/{recipientId}/cards/{cardId}', - urlParams: ['recipientId', 'cardId'], }), deleteCard: stripeMethod({ method: 'DELETE', path: '/{recipientId}/cards/{cardId}', - urlParams: ['recipientId', 'cardId'], }), - }); - diff --git a/lib/resources/Refunds.js b/lib/resources/Refunds.js index e4e70c1eb4..76373c92c0 100644 --- a/lib/resources/Refunds.js +++ b/lib/resources/Refunds.js @@ -1,13 +1,9 @@ 'use strict'; -var StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); +const StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ - path: 'refunds', - includeBasic: [ - 'create', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update', - ], + includeBasic: ['create', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update'], }); - diff --git a/lib/resources/Reporting/ReportRuns.js b/lib/resources/Reporting/ReportRuns.js index 46d8a989d6..12c7c72598 100644 --- a/lib/resources/Reporting/ReportRuns.js +++ b/lib/resources/Reporting/ReportRuns.js @@ -1,8 +1,9 @@ 'use strict'; -var StripeResource = require('../../StripeResource'); +const StripeResource = require('../../StripeResource'); module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ path: 'reporting/report_runs', + includeBasic: ['create', 'list', 'retrieve'], }); diff --git a/lib/resources/Reporting/ReportTypes.js b/lib/resources/Reporting/ReportTypes.js index 576c2aad4b..f516580244 100644 --- a/lib/resources/Reporting/ReportTypes.js +++ b/lib/resources/Reporting/ReportTypes.js @@ -1,8 +1,9 @@ 'use strict'; -var StripeResource = require('../../StripeResource'); +const StripeResource = require('../../StripeResource'); module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ path: 'reporting/report_types', + includeBasic: ['list', 'retrieve'], }); diff --git a/lib/resources/Reviews.js b/lib/resources/Reviews.js index 9eeb7f413e..8bbd670cff 100644 --- a/lib/resources/Reviews.js +++ b/lib/resources/Reviews.js @@ -1,10 +1,9 @@ 'use strict'; -var StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); -var stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; +const StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); +const stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ - path: 'reviews', includeBasic: ['list', 'retrieve'], @@ -12,7 +11,5 @@ module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ approve: stripeMethod({ method: 'POST', path: '/{id}/approve', - urlParams: ['id'], }), }); - diff --git a/lib/resources/SKUs.js b/lib/resources/SKUs.js index 0364ed4ed2..9fd01cf439 100644 --- a/lib/resources/SKUs.js +++ b/lib/resources/SKUs.js @@ -1,13 +1,9 @@ 'use strict'; -var StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); +const StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ - path: 'skus', - includeBasic: [ - 'create', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update', 'del', - ], - + includeBasic: ['create', 'del', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update'], }); diff --git a/lib/resources/Sigma/ScheduledQueryRuns.js b/lib/resources/Sigma/ScheduledQueryRuns.js index bc80b40040..0714497062 100644 --- a/lib/resources/Sigma/ScheduledQueryRuns.js +++ b/lib/resources/Sigma/ScheduledQueryRuns.js @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ 'use strict'; -var StripeResource = require('../../StripeResource'); +const StripeResource = require('../../StripeResource'); module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ path: 'sigma/scheduled_query_runs', diff --git a/lib/resources/Sources.js b/lib/resources/Sources.js index 255896dd38..6afc7bbfe0 100644 --- a/lib/resources/Sources.js +++ b/lib/resources/Sources.js @@ -1,27 +1,21 @@ 'use strict'; -var StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); -var stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; +const StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); +const stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ - path: 'sources', - includeBasic: [ - 'create', 'retrieve', 'update', 'setMetadata', 'getMetadata', - ], + includeBasic: ['create', 'retrieve', 'update'], listSourceTransactions: stripeMethod({ method: 'GET', path: '/{id}/source_transactions', - urlParams: ['id'], methodType: 'list', }), verify: stripeMethod({ method: 'POST', path: '/{id}/verify', - urlParams: ['id'], }), - }); diff --git a/lib/resources/SubscriptionItems.js b/lib/resources/SubscriptionItems.js index ea6e8e006e..13f2591634 100644 --- a/lib/resources/SubscriptionItems.js +++ b/lib/resources/SubscriptionItems.js @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ 'use strict'; -var StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); +const StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ path: 'subscription_items', - includeBasic: ['create', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update', 'del',], -}); + includeBasic: ['create', 'del', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update'], +}); diff --git a/lib/resources/SubscriptionScheduleRevisions.js b/lib/resources/SubscriptionScheduleRevisions.js deleted file mode 100644 index c230e37379..0000000000 --- a/lib/resources/SubscriptionScheduleRevisions.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,20 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; - -var StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); - -/** - * SubscriptionScheduleRevisions is a unique resource in that, upon instantiation, - * requires a subscription schedule id, and therefore each of its methods only - * require the scheduleId argument. - * - * This streamlines the API specifically for the case of accessing a revision - * on a returned subscription schedule object. - * - * E.g. scheduleObject.revisions.retrieve(revisionId) - * (As opposed to the also-supported stripe.subscriptionSchedules.retrieveRevision(scheduleId, - * revisionId)) - */ -module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ - path: 'subscription_schedules/{scheduleId}/revisions', - includeBasic: ['list', 'retrieve',], -}); diff --git a/lib/resources/SubscriptionSchedules.js b/lib/resources/SubscriptionSchedules.js index 0f838bdbb1..e803533c2c 100644 --- a/lib/resources/SubscriptionSchedules.js +++ b/lib/resources/SubscriptionSchedules.js @@ -1,43 +1,31 @@ 'use strict'; -var StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); -var stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; +const StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); +const stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ - path: 'subscription_schedules', - includeBasic: [ - 'create', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update', - 'setMetadata', 'getMetadata', - ], - - release: stripeMethod({ - method: 'POST', - path: '/{id}/release', - urlParams: ['id'], - }), + includeBasic: ['create', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update'], cancel: stripeMethod({ method: 'POST', path: '/{id}/cancel', - urlParams: ['id'], }), - /** - * SubscriptionSchedules: SubscriptionScheduleRevisions methods - */ + release: stripeMethod({ + method: 'POST', + path: '/{id}/release', + }), listRevisions: stripeMethod({ method: 'GET', path: '/{scheduleId}/revisions', - urlParams: ['scheduleId'], methodType: 'list', }), retrieveRevision: stripeMethod({ method: 'GET', path: '/{scheduleId}/revisions/{revisionId}', - urlParams: ['scheduleId', 'revisionId'], }), }); diff --git a/lib/resources/Subscriptions.js b/lib/resources/Subscriptions.js index a014c5d85a..3b404c2eb8 100644 --- a/lib/resources/Subscriptions.js +++ b/lib/resources/Subscriptions.js @@ -1,19 +1,15 @@ 'use strict'; -var StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); -var stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; +const StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); +const stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ - path: 'subscriptions', - includeBasic: ['create', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update', 'del',], - /** - * Subscription: Discount methods - */ + includeBasic: ['create', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update', 'del'], + deleteDiscount: stripeMethod({ method: 'DELETE', - path: '/{subscriptionId}/discount', - urlParams: ['subscriptionId'], + path: '/{id}/discount', }), }); diff --git a/lib/resources/TaxIds.js b/lib/resources/TaxIds.js deleted file mode 100644 index bc8d860452..0000000000 --- a/lib/resources/TaxIds.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; - -var StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); - -/** - * TaxIds is a unique resource in that, upon instantiation, - * requires a customerId, and therefore each of its methods only - * require the taxId argument. - * - * This streamlines the API specifically for the case of accessing a tax id - * on a returned customer object. - * - * E.g. customerObject.tax_ids.retrieve(taxIdId) - * (As opposed to the also-supported stripe.customers.retrieveTaxId(customerId, taxIdId)) - */ -module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ - path: 'customers/{customerId}/tax_ids', - includeBasic: ['create', 'del', 'list', 'retrieve'], -}); diff --git a/lib/resources/TaxRates.js b/lib/resources/TaxRates.js index 7bea8e7f33..4c3ccf7055 100644 --- a/lib/resources/TaxRates.js +++ b/lib/resources/TaxRates.js @@ -1,7 +1,9 @@ 'use strict'; -module.exports = require('../StripeResource').extend({ +const StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); + +module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ path: 'tax_rates', - includeBasic: ['create', 'list', 'update', 'retrieve'], -}); + includeBasic: ['create', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update'], +}); diff --git a/lib/resources/Terminal/ConnectionTokens.js b/lib/resources/Terminal/ConnectionTokens.js index a7c4d68f3b..e4587b9b76 100644 --- a/lib/resources/Terminal/ConnectionTokens.js +++ b/lib/resources/Terminal/ConnectionTokens.js @@ -1,8 +1,9 @@ 'use strict'; -var StripeResource = require('../../StripeResource'); +const StripeResource = require('../../StripeResource'); module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ path: 'terminal/connection_tokens', + includeBasic: ['create'], -}) +}); diff --git a/lib/resources/Terminal/Locations.js b/lib/resources/Terminal/Locations.js index 0f2dccaf03..745774d9db 100644 --- a/lib/resources/Terminal/Locations.js +++ b/lib/resources/Terminal/Locations.js @@ -1,8 +1,9 @@ 'use strict'; -var StripeResource = require('../../StripeResource'); +const StripeResource = require('../../StripeResource'); module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ path: 'terminal/locations', - includeBasic: ['create', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update', 'del'], -}) + + includeBasic: ['create', 'del', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update'], +}); diff --git a/lib/resources/Terminal/Readers.js b/lib/resources/Terminal/Readers.js index a4b2322a4e..7d213b7e5c 100644 --- a/lib/resources/Terminal/Readers.js +++ b/lib/resources/Terminal/Readers.js @@ -1,8 +1,9 @@ 'use strict'; -var StripeResource = require('../../StripeResource'); +const StripeResource = require('../../StripeResource'); module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ path: 'terminal/readers', - includeBasic: ['create', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update', 'del'], -}) + + includeBasic: ['create', 'del', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update'], +}); diff --git a/lib/resources/ThreeDSecure.js b/lib/resources/ThreeDSecure.js index 52a49e579b..96248d1ea9 100644 --- a/lib/resources/ThreeDSecure.js +++ b/lib/resources/ThreeDSecure.js @@ -1,13 +1,9 @@ 'use strict'; -var StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); +const StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ - path: '3d_secure', - includeBasic: [ - 'create', - 'retrieve', - ], + includeBasic: ['create', 'retrieve'], }); diff --git a/lib/resources/Tokens.js b/lib/resources/Tokens.js index 120bf0e3c3..2d4f5ed983 100644 --- a/lib/resources/Tokens.js +++ b/lib/resources/Tokens.js @@ -1,6 +1,9 @@ 'use strict'; -module.exports = require('../StripeResource').extend({ +const StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); + +module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ path: 'tokens', + includeBasic: ['create', 'retrieve'], }); diff --git a/lib/resources/Topups.js b/lib/resources/Topups.js index 72875168ba..eecb88207d 100644 --- a/lib/resources/Topups.js +++ b/lib/resources/Topups.js @@ -1,15 +1,15 @@ 'use strict'; -var StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); -var stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; +const StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); +const stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ path: 'topups', - includeBasic: ['create', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update', 'setMetadata', 'getMetadata'], + + includeBasic: ['create', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update'], cancel: stripeMethod({ method: 'POST', - path: '{topupId}/cancel', - urlParams: ['topupId'], + path: '/{id}/cancel', }), }); diff --git a/lib/resources/TransferReversals.js b/lib/resources/TransferReversals.js deleted file mode 100644 index a73081f12d..0000000000 --- a/lib/resources/TransferReversals.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; - -var StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); - -/** - * TransferReversals is a unique resource in that, upon instantiation, - * requires a transferId, and therefore each of its methods only - * require the reversalId argument. - * - * This streamlines the API specifically for the case of accessing reversals - * on a returned transfer object. - * - * E.g. transferObject.reversals.retrieve(reversalId) - * (As opposed to the also-supported stripe.transfers.retrieveReversal(transferId, - * reversalId)) - */ -module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ - path: 'transfers/{transferId}/reversals', - includeBasic: ['create', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update'], -}); - diff --git a/lib/resources/Transfers.js b/lib/resources/Transfers.js index f93a20f684..75f0007ac7 100644 --- a/lib/resources/Transfers.js +++ b/lib/resources/Transfers.js @@ -1,62 +1,34 @@ 'use strict'; -var StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); -var stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; +const StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); +const stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ - path: 'transfers', - includeBasic: [ - 'create', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update', - 'setMetadata', 'getMetadata', - ], - - reverse: stripeMethod({ - method: 'POST', - path: '/{transferId}/reversals', - urlParams: ['transferId'], - }), - - cancel: stripeMethod({ - method: 'POST', - path: '{transferId}/cancel', - urlParams: ['transferId'], - }), - - listTransactions: stripeMethod({ - method: 'GET', - path: '{transferId}/transactions', - urlParams: ['transferId'], - methodType: 'list', - }), + includeBasic: ['create', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update'], /** * Transfer: Reversal methods */ createReversal: stripeMethod({ method: 'POST', - path: '/{transferId}/reversals', - urlParams: ['transferId'], + path: '/{id}/reversals', }), listReversals: stripeMethod({ method: 'GET', - path: '/{transferId}/reversals', - urlParams: ['transferId'], + path: '/{id}/reversals', methodType: 'list', }), retrieveReversal: stripeMethod({ method: 'GET', path: '/{transferId}/reversals/{reversalId}', - urlParams: ['transferId', 'reversalId'], }), updateReversal: stripeMethod({ method: 'POST', path: '/{transferId}/reversals/{reversalId}', - urlParams: ['transferId', 'reversalId'], }), }); - diff --git a/lib/resources/UsageRecordSummaries.js b/lib/resources/UsageRecordSummaries.js index f0f438f33e..db4722188a 100644 --- a/lib/resources/UsageRecordSummaries.js +++ b/lib/resources/UsageRecordSummaries.js @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ 'use strict'; -var StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); -var stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; +const StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); +const stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ path: 'subscription_items', @@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ list: stripeMethod({ method: 'GET', path: '{subscriptionItem}/usage_record_summaries', - urlParams: ['subscriptionItem'], methodType: 'list', }), }); diff --git a/lib/resources/UsageRecords.js b/lib/resources/UsageRecords.js index fb4eb1436a..ad8960b8b2 100644 --- a/lib/resources/UsageRecords.js +++ b/lib/resources/UsageRecords.js @@ -1,14 +1,13 @@ 'use strict'; -var StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); -var stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; +const StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); +const stripeMethod = StripeResource.method; module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ path: 'subscription_items', create: stripeMethod({ method: 'POST', - path: '{subscriptionItem}/usage_records', - urlParams: ['subscriptionItem'], + path: '/{id}/usage_records', }), }); diff --git a/lib/resources/WebhookEndpoints.js b/lib/resources/WebhookEndpoints.js index 149d4cd888..dab4a4b0b2 100644 --- a/lib/resources/WebhookEndpoints.js +++ b/lib/resources/WebhookEndpoints.js @@ -1,7 +1,9 @@ 'use strict'; -module.exports = require('../StripeResource').extend({ +const StripeResource = require('../StripeResource'); + +module.exports = StripeResource.extend({ path: 'webhook_endpoints', - includeBasic: ['create', 'list', 'update', 'retrieve', 'del'], -}); + includeBasic: ['create', 'del', 'list', 'retrieve', 'update'], +}); diff --git a/lib/stripe.js b/lib/stripe.js index 0e77ef520a..7a22138d8c 100644 --- a/lib/stripe.js +++ b/lib/stripe.js @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ 'use strict'; +const resources = require('./resources'); + Stripe.DEFAULT_HOST = 'api.stripe.com'; Stripe.DEFAULT_PORT = '443'; Stripe.DEFAULT_BASE_PATH = '/v1/'; @@ -24,106 +26,10 @@ Stripe.USER_AGENT_SERIALIZED = null; Stripe.MAX_NETWORK_RETRY_DELAY_SEC = 2; Stripe.INITIAL_NETWORK_RETRY_DELAY_SEC = 0.5; -var APP_INFO_PROPERTIES = ['name', 'version', 'url', 'partner_id']; - -var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; -var utils = require('./utils'); - -var resourceNamespace = require('./ResourceNamespace'); - -var resources = { - // Support Accounts for consistency, Account for backwards compat - Account: require('./resources/Accounts'), - Accounts: require('./resources/Accounts'), - AccountLinks: require('./resources/AccountLinks'), - ApplePayDomains: require('./resources/ApplePayDomains'), - ApplicationFees: require('./resources/ApplicationFees'), - Balance: require('./resources/Balance'), - BalanceTransactions: require('./resources/BalanceTransactions'), - BitcoinReceivers: require('./resources/BitcoinReceivers'), - Charges: require('./resources/Charges'), - CountrySpecs: require('./resources/CountrySpecs'), - Coupons: require('./resources/Coupons'), - CreditNotes: require('./resources/CreditNotes'), - Customers: require('./resources/Customers'), - Disputes: require('./resources/Disputes'), - EphemeralKeys: require('./resources/EphemeralKeys'), - Events: require('./resources/Events'), - ExchangeRates: require('./resources/ExchangeRates'), - Files: require('./resources/Files'), - FileLinks: require('./resources/FileLinks'), - InvoiceItems: require('./resources/InvoiceItems'), - Invoices: require('./resources/Invoices'), - IssuerFraudRecords: require('./resources/IssuerFraudRecords'), - LoginLinks: require('./resources/LoginLinks'), - OAuth: require('./resources/OAuth'), - OrderReturns: require('./resources/OrderReturns'), - Orders: require('./resources/Orders'), - PaymentIntents: require('./resources/PaymentIntents'), - PaymentMethods: require('./resources/PaymentMethods'), - Payouts: require('./resources/Payouts'), - Plans: require('./resources/Plans'), - Products: require('./resources/Products'), - RecipientCards: require('./resources/RecipientCards'), - Recipients: require('./resources/Recipients'), - Refunds: require('./resources/Refunds'), - Reviews: require('./resources/Reviews'), - Skus: require('./resources/SKUs'), - Sources: require('./resources/Sources'), - SubscriptionItems: require('./resources/SubscriptionItems'), - SubscriptionSchedules: require('./resources/SubscriptionSchedules'), - Subscriptions: require('./resources/Subscriptions'), - TaxRates: require('./resources/TaxRates'), - ThreeDSecure: require('./resources/ThreeDSecure'), - Tokens: require('./resources/Tokens'), - Topups: require('./resources/Topups'), - Transfers: require('./resources/Transfers'), - UsageRecords: require('./resources/UsageRecords'), - UsageRecordSummaries: require('./resources/UsageRecordSummaries'), - WebhookEndpoints: require('./resources/WebhookEndpoints'), - - // The following rely on pre-filled IDs: - ApplicationFeeRefunds: require('./resources/ApplicationFeeRefunds'), - Capabilities: require('./resources/Capabilities'), - ChargeRefunds: require('./resources/ChargeRefunds'), - CustomerCards: require('./resources/CustomerCards'), - CustomerSubscriptions: require('./resources/CustomerSubscriptions'), - Persons: require('./resources/Persons'), - SubscriptionScheduleRevisions: require('./resources/SubscriptionScheduleRevisions'), - TaxIds: require('./resources/TaxIds'), - TransferReversals: require('./resources/TransferReversals'), - - // Namespaced resources - Checkout: resourceNamespace('checkout', { - Sessions: require('./resources/Checkout/Sessions'), - }), - Issuing: resourceNamespace('issuing', { - Authorizations: require('./resources/Issuing/Authorizations'), - Cardholders: require('./resources/Issuing/Cardholders'), - Cards: require('./resources/Issuing/Cards'), - Disputes: require('./resources/Issuing/Disputes'), - Transactions: require('./resources/Issuing/Transactions'), - }), - Radar: resourceNamespace('radar', { - ValueLists: require('./resources/Radar/ValueLists'), - ValueListItems: require('./resources/Radar/ValueListItems'), - }), - Reporting: resourceNamespace('reporting', { - ReportRuns: require('./resources/Reporting/ReportRuns'), - ReportTypes: require('./resources/Reporting/ReportTypes'), - }), - Sigma: resourceNamespace('sigma', { - ScheduledQueryRuns: require('./resources/Sigma/ScheduledQueryRuns'), - }), - Terminal: resourceNamespace('terminal', { - ConnectionTokens: require('./resources/Terminal/ConnectionTokens'), - Locations: require('./resources/Terminal/Locations'), - Readers: require('./resources/Terminal/Readers'), - }), -}; +const APP_INFO_PROPERTIES = ['name', 'version', 'url', 'partner_id']; -// For backwards compatibility, `Files` is aliased to `FileUploads` -resources.FileUploads = resources.Files; +const EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; +const utils = require('./utils'); Stripe.StripeResource = require('./StripeResource'); Stripe.resources = resources; @@ -170,7 +76,7 @@ Stripe.errors = require('./Error'); Stripe.webhooks = require('./Webhooks'); Stripe.prototype = { - setHost: function(host, port, protocol) { + setHost(host, port, protocol) { this._setApiField('host', host); if (port) { this.setPort(port); @@ -180,37 +86,34 @@ Stripe.prototype = { } }, - setProtocol: function(protocol) { + setProtocol(protocol) { this._setApiField('protocol', protocol.toLowerCase()); }, - setPort: function(port) { + setPort(port) { this._setApiField('port', port); }, - setApiVersion: function(version) { + setApiVersion(version) { if (version) { this._setApiField('version', version); } }, - setApiKey: function(key) { + setApiKey(key) { if (key) { - this._setApiField( - 'auth', - 'Bearer ' + key - ); + this._setApiField('auth', `Bearer ${key}`); } }, - setTimeout: function(timeout) { + setTimeout(timeout) { this._setApiField( 'timeout', timeout == null ? Stripe.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT : timeout ); }, - setAppInfo: function(info) { + setAppInfo(info) { if (info && typeof info !== 'object') { throw new Error('AppInfo must be an object.'); } @@ -221,7 +124,7 @@ Stripe.prototype = { info = info || {}; - var appInfo = APP_INFO_PROPERTIES.reduce(function(accum, prop) { + const appInfo = APP_INFO_PROPERTIES.reduce((accum, prop) => { if (typeof info[prop] == 'string') { accum = accum || {}; @@ -237,70 +140,73 @@ Stripe.prototype = { this._appInfo = appInfo; }, - setHttpAgent: function(agent) { + setHttpAgent(agent) { this._setApiField('agent', agent); }, - _setApiField: function(key, value) { + _setApiField(key, value) { this._api[key] = value; }, - getApiField: function(key) { + getApiField(key) { return this._api[key]; }, - setClientId: function(clientId) { + setClientId(clientId) { this._clientId = clientId; }, - getClientId: function() { + getClientId() { return this._clientId; }, - getConstant: function(c) { + getConstant: (c) => { return Stripe[c]; }, - getMaxNetworkRetries: function() { + getMaxNetworkRetries() { return this.getApiField('maxNetworkRetries'); }, - setMaxNetworkRetries: function(maxNetworkRetries) { - if ((maxNetworkRetries && typeof maxNetworkRetries !== 'number') || arguments.length < 1) { + setMaxNetworkRetries(maxNetworkRetries) { + if ( + (maxNetworkRetries && typeof maxNetworkRetries !== 'number') || + arguments.length < 1 + ) { throw new Error('maxNetworkRetries must be a number.'); } this._setApiField('maxNetworkRetries', maxNetworkRetries); }, - getMaxNetworkRetryDelay: function() { + getMaxNetworkRetryDelay() { return this.getConstant('MAX_NETWORK_RETRY_DELAY_SEC'); }, - getInitialNetworkRetryDelay: function() { + getInitialNetworkRetryDelay() { return this.getConstant('INITIAL_NETWORK_RETRY_DELAY_SEC'); }, // Gets a JSON version of a User-Agent and uses a cached version for a slight // speed advantage. - getClientUserAgent: function(cb) { + getClientUserAgent(cb) { if (Stripe.USER_AGENT_SERIALIZED) { return cb(Stripe.USER_AGENT_SERIALIZED); } - this.getClientUserAgentSeeded(Stripe.USER_AGENT, function(cua) { + this.getClientUserAgentSeeded(Stripe.USER_AGENT, (cua) => { Stripe.USER_AGENT_SERIALIZED = cua; cb(Stripe.USER_AGENT_SERIALIZED); - }) + }); }, // Gets a JSON version of a User-Agent by encoding a seeded object and // fetching a uname from the system. - getClientUserAgentSeeded: function(seed, cb) { - var self = this; + getClientUserAgentSeeded(seed, cb) { + const self = this; - utils.safeExec('uname -a', function(err, uname) { - var userAgent = {}; - for (var field in seed) { + utils.safeExec('uname -a', (err, uname) => { + const userAgent = {}; + for (const field in seed) { userAgent[field] = encodeURIComponent(seed[field]); } @@ -311,38 +217,38 @@ Stripe.prototype = { userAgent.application = self._appInfo; } - cb(JSON.stringify(userAgent)) + cb(JSON.stringify(userAgent)); }); }, - getAppInfoAsString: function() { + getAppInfoAsString() { if (!this._appInfo) { return ''; } - var formatted = this._appInfo.name; + let formatted = this._appInfo.name; if (this._appInfo.version) { - formatted += '/' + this._appInfo.version; + formatted += `/${this._appInfo.version}`; } if (this._appInfo.url) { - formatted += ' (' + this._appInfo.url + ')'; + formatted += ` (${this._appInfo.url})`; } return formatted; }, - setTelemetryEnabled: function(enableTelemetry) { + setTelemetryEnabled(enableTelemetry) { this._enableTelemetry = enableTelemetry; }, - getTelemetryEnabled: function() { + getTelemetryEnabled() { return this._enableTelemetry; }, - _prepResources: function() { - for (var name in resources) { + _prepResources() { + for (const name in resources) { this[utils.pascalToCamelCase(name)] = new resources[name](this); } }, diff --git a/lib/utils.js b/lib/utils.js index d74ea0f432..d2aeb370e1 100644 --- a/lib/utils.js +++ b/lib/utils.js @@ -1,38 +1,46 @@ 'use strict'; -var Buffer = require('safe-buffer').Buffer; -var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; -var exec = require('child_process').exec; -var qs = require('qs'); -var crypto = require('crypto'); - -var hasOwn = {}.hasOwnProperty; -var isPlainObject = require('lodash.isplainobject'); - -var OPTIONS_KEYS = ['api_key', 'idempotency_key', 'stripe_account', 'stripe_version']; - -var utils = module.exports = { - - isAuthKey: function(key) { +const Buffer = require('safe-buffer').Buffer; +const EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; +const exec = require('child_process').exec; +const qs = require('qs'); +const crypto = require('crypto'); + +const hasOwn = {}.hasOwnProperty; +const isPlainObject = require('lodash.isplainobject'); + +const OPTIONS_KEYS = [ + 'api_key', + 'idempotency_key', + 'stripe_account', + 'stripe_version', +]; + +const utils = (module.exports = { + isAuthKey: (key) => { return typeof key == 'string' && /^(?:[a-z]{2}_)?[A-z0-9]{32}$/.test(key); }, - isOptionsHash: function(o) { - return isPlainObject(o) && OPTIONS_KEYS.some(function(key) { - return hasOwn.call(o, key); - }); + isOptionsHash: (o) => { + return isPlainObject(o) && OPTIONS_KEYS.some((key) => hasOwn.call(o, key)); }, /** * Stringifies an Object, accommodating nested objects * (forming the conventional key 'parent[child]=value') */ - stringifyRequestData: function(data) { - return qs.stringify(data, {serializeDate: function (d) { return Math.floor(d.getTime() / 1000); }}) - // Don't use strict form encoding by changing the square bracket control - // characters back to their literals. This is fine by the server, and - // makes these parameter strings easier to read. - .replace(/%5B/g, '[').replace(/%5D/g, ']'); + stringifyRequestData: (data) => { + return ( + qs + .stringify(data, { + serializeDate: (d) => Math.floor(d.getTime() / 1000), + }) + // Don't use strict form encoding by changing the square bracket control + // characters back to their literals. This is fine by the server, and + // makes these parameter strings easier to read. + .replace(/%5B/g, '[') + .replace(/%5D/g, ']') + ); }, /** @@ -41,27 +49,36 @@ var utils = module.exports = { * var fn = makeURLInterpolator('some/url/{param1}/{param2}'); * fn({ param1: 123, param2: 456 }); // => 'some/url/123/456' */ - makeURLInterpolator: (function() { - var rc = { - '\n': '\\n', '\"': '\\\"', - '\u2028': '\\u2028', '\u2029': '\\u2029', + makeURLInterpolator: (() => { + const rc = { + '\n': '\\n', + '"': '\\"', + '\u2028': '\\u2028', + '\u2029': '\\u2029', }; - return function makeURLInterpolator(str) { - var cleanString = str.replace(/["\n\r\u2028\u2029]/g, function($0) { - return rc[$0]; - }); - return function(outputs) { - return cleanString.replace(/\{([\s\S]+?)\}/g, function($0, $1) { - return encodeURIComponent(outputs[$1] || ''); - }); + return (str) => { + const cleanString = str.replace(/["\n\r\u2028\u2029]/g, ($0) => rc[$0]); + return (outputs) => { + return cleanString.replace(/\{([\s\S]+?)\}/g, ($0, $1) => + encodeURIComponent(outputs[$1] || '') + ); }; }; - }()), + })(), + + extractUrlParams: (path) => { + const params = path.match(/\{\w+\}/g); + if (!params) { + return []; + } + + return params.map((param) => param.replace(/[{}]/g, '')); + }, /** * Return the data argument from a list of arguments */ - getDataFromArgs: function(args) { + getDataFromArgs: (args) => { if (args.length < 1 || !isPlainObject(args[0])) { return {}; } @@ -70,20 +87,24 @@ var utils = module.exports = { return args.shift(); } - var argKeys = Object.keys(args[0]); + const argKeys = Object.keys(args[0]); - var optionKeysInArgs = argKeys.filter(function(key) { - return OPTIONS_KEYS.indexOf(key) > -1; - }); + const optionKeysInArgs = argKeys.filter((key) => + OPTIONS_KEYS.includes(key) + ); // In some cases options may be the provided as the first argument. // Here we're detecting a case where there are two distinct arguments // (the first being args and the second options) and with known // option keys in the first so that we can warn the user about it. - if (optionKeysInArgs.length > 0 && optionKeysInArgs.length !== argKeys.length) { + if ( + optionKeysInArgs.length > 0 && + optionKeysInArgs.length !== argKeys.length + ) { emitWarning( - 'Options found in arguments (' + optionKeysInArgs.join(', ') + '). Did you mean to pass an options ' + - 'object? See https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/wiki/Passing-Options.' + `Options found in arguments (${optionKeysInArgs.join( + ', ' + )}). Did you mean to pass an options object? See https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/wiki/Passing-Options.` ); } @@ -93,24 +114,26 @@ var utils = module.exports = { /** * Return the options hash from a list of arguments */ - getOptionsFromArgs: function(args) { - var opts = { + getOptionsFromArgs: (args) => { + const opts = { auth: null, headers: {}, }; if (args.length > 0) { - var arg = args[args.length - 1]; + const arg = args[args.length - 1]; if (utils.isAuthKey(arg)) { opts.auth = args.pop(); } else if (utils.isOptionsHash(arg)) { - var params = args.pop(); + const params = args.pop(); - var extraKeys = Object.keys(params).filter(function(key) { - return OPTIONS_KEYS.indexOf(key) == -1; - }); + const extraKeys = Object.keys(params).filter( + (key) => !OPTIONS_KEYS.includes(key) + ); if (extraKeys.length) { - emitWarning('Invalid options found (' + extraKeys.join(', ') + '); ignoring.'); + emitWarning( + `Invalid options found (${extraKeys.join(', ')}); ignoring.` + ); } if (params.api_key) { @@ -133,11 +156,13 @@ var utils = module.exports = { /** * Provide simple "Class" extension mechanism */ - protoExtend: function(sub) { - var Super = this; - var Constructor = hasOwn.call(sub, 'constructor') ? sub.constructor : function() { - Super.apply(this, arguments); - }; + protoExtend(sub) { + const Super = this; + const Constructor = hasOwn.call(sub, 'constructor') + ? sub.constructor + : function(...args) { + Super.apply(this, args); + }; // This initialization logic is somewhat sensitive to be compatible with // divergent JS implementations like the one found in Qt. See here for more @@ -152,9 +177,9 @@ var utils = module.exports = { }, /** - * Secure compare, from https://github.com/freewil/scmp - */ - secureCompare: function(a, b) { + * Secure compare, from https://github.com/freewil/scmp + */ + secureCompare: (a, b) => { a = Buffer.from(a); b = Buffer.from(b); @@ -170,24 +195,24 @@ var utils = module.exports = { return crypto.timingSafeEqual(a, b); } - var len = a.length; - var result = 0; + const len = a.length; + let result = 0; - for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) { + for (let i = 0; i < len; ++i) { result |= a[i] ^ b[i]; } return result === 0; }, /** - * Remove empty values from an object - */ - removeEmpty: function(obj) { + * Remove empty values from an object + */ + removeEmpty: (obj) => { if (typeof obj !== 'object') { throw new Error('Argument must be an object'); } - Object.keys(obj).forEach(function(key) { + Object.keys(obj).forEach((key) => { if (obj[key] === null || obj[key] === undefined) { delete obj[key]; } @@ -197,24 +222,31 @@ var utils = module.exports = { }, /** - * Determine if file data is a derivative of EventEmitter class. - * https://nodejs.org/api/events.html#events_events - */ - checkForStream: function (obj) { + * Determine if file data is a derivative of EventEmitter class. + * https://nodejs.org/api/events.html#events_events + */ + checkForStream: (obj) => { if (obj.file && obj.file.data) { return obj.file.data instanceof EventEmitter; } return false; }, - callbackifyPromiseWithTimeout: function(promise, callback) { + callbackifyPromiseWithTimeout: (promise, callback) => { if (callback) { // Ensure callback is called outside of promise stack. - return promise.then(function(res) { - setTimeout(function() { callback(null, res) }, 0); - }, function(err) { - setTimeout(function() { callback(err, null); }, 0); - }); + return promise.then( + (res) => { + setTimeout(() => { + callback(null, res); + }, 0); + }, + (err) => { + setTimeout(() => { + callback(err, null); + }, 0); + } + ); } return promise; @@ -223,7 +255,7 @@ var utils = module.exports = { /** * Allow for special capitalization cases (such as OAuth) */ - pascalToCamelCase: function(name) { + pascalToCamelCase: (name) => { if (name === 'OAuth') { return 'oauth'; } else { @@ -231,7 +263,7 @@ var utils = module.exports = { } }, - emitWarning: emitWarning, + emitWarning, /** * Node's built in `exec` function sometimes throws outright, @@ -240,7 +272,7 @@ var utils = module.exports = { * * This unifies that interface. */ - safeExec: function safeExec(cmd, cb) { + safeExec: (cmd, cb) => { try { utils._exec(cmd, cb); } catch (e) { @@ -251,20 +283,20 @@ var utils = module.exports = { // For mocking in tests. _exec: exec, - isObject: function isObject(obj) { - var type = typeof obj; + isObject: (obj) => { + const type = typeof obj; return (type === 'function' || type === 'object') && !!obj; }, // For use in multipart requests - flattenAndStringify: function flattenAndStringify(data) { - var result = {}; + flattenAndStringify: (data) => { + const result = {}; - function step(obj, prevKey) { - Object.keys(obj).forEach(function (key) { - var value = obj[key]; + const step = (obj, prevKey) => { + Object.keys(obj).forEach((key) => { + const value = obj[key]; - var newKey = prevKey ? `${prevKey}[${key}]` : key; + const newKey = prevKey ? `${prevKey}[${key}]` : key; if (utils.isObject(value)) { if (!Buffer.isBuffer(value) && !value.hasOwnProperty('data')) { @@ -278,18 +310,20 @@ var utils = module.exports = { // Primitives are converted to strings result[newKey] = String(value); } - }) - } + }); + }; step(data); return result; }, -}; +}); function emitWarning(warning) { if (typeof process.emitWarning !== 'function') { - return console.warn('Stripe: ' + warning); /* eslint-disable-line no-console */ + return console.warn( + `Stripe: ${warning}` + ); /* eslint-disable-line no-console */ } return process.emitWarning(warning, 'Stripe'); diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index 50e1d8fd36..79285f5baa 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -22,18 +22,23 @@ }, "bugs:": "https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/issues", "engines": { - "node": ">=4" + "node": "^6 || ^8.1 || >=10.*" }, "main": "lib/stripe.js", "devDependencies": { - "chai": "~4.1.2", + "babel-eslint": "^10.0.1", + "chai": "~4.2.0", "chai-as-promised": "~7.1.1", "coveralls": "^3.0.0", - "eslint": "^4.19.1", + "eslint": "^5.16.0", + "eslint-config-prettier": "^4.1.0", "eslint-plugin-chai-friendly": "^0.4.0", - "mocha": "~5.0.5", - "nock": "^9.0.0", - "nyc": "^11.3.0" + "eslint-plugin-flowtype": "^3.8.1", + "eslint-plugin-prettier": "^3.0.1", + "mocha": "~6.1.4", + "nock": "^10.0.6", + "nyc": "^14.1.0", + "prettier": "^1.16.4" }, "dependencies": { "lodash.isplainobject": "^4.0.6", @@ -45,8 +50,10 @@ "scripts": { "clean": "rm -rf ./.nyc_output ./node_modules/.cache ./coverage", "mocha": "nyc mocha", + "mocha-only": "mocha", "test": "npm run lint && npm run mocha", - "lint": "eslint .", + "lint": "eslint --ext .js,.jsx .", + "fix": "yarn lint --fix", "report": "nyc -r text -r lcov report", "coveralls": "cat coverage/lcov.info | ./node_modules/coveralls/bin/coveralls.js" } diff --git a/test/Error.spec.js b/test/Error.spec.js index ff8f649eff..91b7ad9bc6 100644 --- a/test/Error.spec.js +++ b/test/Error.spec.js @@ -2,40 +2,55 @@ require('../testUtils'); -var Error = require('../lib/Error'); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const Error = require('../lib/Error'); +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('Error', function() { - it('Populates with type and message params', function() { - var e = new Error('FooError', 'Foo happened'); +describe('Error', () => { + it('Populates with type and message params', () => { + const e = new Error('FooError', 'Foo happened'); expect(e).to.have.property('type', 'FooError'); expect(e).to.have.property('message', 'Foo happened'); expect(e).to.have.property('stack'); }); - describe('StripeError', function() { - it('Generates specific instance depending on error-type', function() { - expect(Error.StripeError.generate({type: 'card_error'})).to.be.instanceOf(Error.StripeCardError); - expect(Error.StripeError.generate({type: 'invalid_request_error'})).to.be.instanceOf( - Error.StripeInvalidRequestError + describe('StripeError', () => { + it('Generates specific instance depending on error-type', () => { + expect(Error.StripeError.generate({type: 'card_error'})).to.be.instanceOf( + Error.StripeCardError ); - expect(Error.StripeError.generate({type: 'api_error'})).to.be.instanceOf(Error.StripeAPIError); - expect(Error.StripeError.generate({type: 'idempotency_error'})).to.be.instanceOf(Error.StripeIdempotencyError); + expect( + Error.StripeError.generate({type: 'invalid_request_error'}) + ).to.be.instanceOf(Error.StripeInvalidRequestError); + expect(Error.StripeError.generate({type: 'api_error'})).to.be.instanceOf( + Error.StripeAPIError + ); + expect( + Error.StripeError.generate({type: 'idempotency_error'}) + ).to.be.instanceOf(Error.StripeIdempotencyError); }); - it('Pulls in headers', function() { - var headers = {'Request-Id': '123'}; - var e = Error.StripeError.generate({type: 'card_error', headers: headers}); + it('Pulls in headers', () => { + const headers = {'Request-Id': '123'}; + const e = Error.StripeError.generate({ + type: 'card_error', + headers, + }); expect(e).to.have.property('headers', headers); }); - it('Pulls in request IDs', function() { - var e = Error.StripeError.generate({type: 'card_error', requestId: 'foo'}); + it('Pulls in request IDs', () => { + const e = Error.StripeError.generate({ + type: 'card_error', + requestId: 'foo', + }); expect(e).to.have.property('requestId', 'foo'); }); - it('Pulls in HTTP status code', function() { - var e = Error.StripeError.generate({type: 'card_error', statusCode: 400}); + it('Pulls in HTTP status code', () => { + const e = Error.StripeError.generate({ + type: 'card_error', + statusCode: 400, + }); expect(e).to.have.property('statusCode', 400); }); }); diff --git a/test/StripeResource.spec.js b/test/StripeResource.spec.js index 7b19d898a5..7fac0c5cb4 100644 --- a/test/StripeResource.spec.js +++ b/test/StripeResource.spec.js @@ -1,55 +1,60 @@ 'use strict'; -var utils = require('../testUtils'); -var uuid = require('uuid/v4'); +const utils = require('../testUtils'); +const uuid = require('uuid/v4'); -var nock = require('nock'); +const nock = require('nock'); -var stripe = require('../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const stripe = require('../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('StripeResource', function() { - describe('createResourcePathWithSymbols', function() { - it('Generates a path', function() { +describe('StripeResource', () => { + describe('createResourcePathWithSymbols', () => { + it('Generates a path', () => { stripe.invoices.create({}); - var path = stripe.invoices.createResourcePathWithSymbols('{id}'); + const path = stripe.invoices.createResourcePathWithSymbols('{id}'); expect(path).to.equal('/invoices/{id}'); }); }); - describe('_defaultHeaders', function() { - it('sets the Authorization header with Bearer auth using the global API key', function() { - var headers = stripe.invoices._defaultHeaders(null, 0, null); + describe('_defaultHeaders', () => { + it('sets the Authorization header with Bearer auth using the global API key', () => { + const headers = stripe.invoices._defaultHeaders(null, 0, null); expect(headers.Authorization).to.equal('Bearer fakeAuthToken'); }); - it('sets the Authorization header with Bearer auth using the specified API key', function() { - var headers = stripe.invoices._defaultHeaders('anotherFakeAuthToken', 0, null); + it('sets the Authorization header with Bearer auth using the specified API key', () => { + const headers = stripe.invoices._defaultHeaders( + 'anotherFakeAuthToken', + 0, + null + ); expect(headers.Authorization).to.equal('Bearer anotherFakeAuthToken'); }); - it('sets the Stripe-Version header if an API version is provided', function() { - var headers = stripe.invoices._defaultHeaders(null, 0, '1970-01-01'); + it('sets the Stripe-Version header if an API version is provided', () => { + const headers = stripe.invoices._defaultHeaders(null, 0, '1970-01-01'); expect(headers['Stripe-Version']).to.equal('1970-01-01'); }); - it('does not the set the Stripe-Version header if no API version is provided', function() { - var headers = stripe.invoices._defaultHeaders(null, 0, null); + it('does not the set the Stripe-Version header if no API version is provided', () => { + const headers = stripe.invoices._defaultHeaders(null, 0, null); expect(headers).to.not.include.keys('Stripe-Version'); }); }); - describe('Parameter encoding', function() { + describe('Parameter encoding', () => { // Use a real instance of stripe as we're mocking the http.request responses. - var realStripe = require('../lib/stripe')(utils.getUserStripeKey()); + const realStripe = require('../lib/stripe')(utils.getUserStripeKey()); - after(function() { + after(() => { nock.cleanAll(); - }) + }); - describe('_request', function() { - it('encodes the query string in GET requests', function(done) { - var options = { + describe('_request', () => { + it('encodes the body in GET requests', (done) => { + const options = { host: stripe.getConstant('DEFAULT_HOST'), path: '/v1/invoices/upcoming', data: { + customer: 'cus_123', subscription_items: [ {plan: 'foo', quantity: 2}, {id: 'si_123', deleted: true}, @@ -57,88 +62,87 @@ describe('StripeResource', function() { }, }; - const scope = nock('https://' + options.host) - .get(options.path) - .query(Object.assign({customer: 'cus_123'}, options.data)) + const scope = nock(`https://${options.host}`) + .get(options.path, options.data) .reply(200, '{}'); - realStripe.invoices.retrieveUpcoming('cus_123', options.data, function(err, response) { + realStripe.invoices.retrieveUpcoming(options.data, (err, response) => { done(); scope.done(); }); }); - it('encodes the body in POST requests', function(done) { - var options = { + it('encodes the body in POST requests', (done) => { + const options = { host: stripe.getConstant('DEFAULT_HOST'), path: '/v1/subscriptions/sub_123', data: { customer: 'cus_123', - items: [ - {plan: 'foo', quantity: 2}, - {id: 'si_123', deleted: true}, - ], + items: [{plan: 'foo', quantity: 2}, {id: 'si_123', deleted: true}], }, - body: 'customer=cus_123&items[0][plan]=foo&items[0][quantity]=2&items[1][id]=si_123&items[1][deleted]=true', + body: + 'customer=cus_123&items[0][plan]=foo&items[0][quantity]=2&items[1][id]=si_123&items[1][deleted]=true', }; - const scope = nock('https://' + options.host) + const scope = nock(`https://${options.host}`) .post(options.path, options.body) .reply(200, '{}'); - realStripe.subscriptions.update('sub_123', options.data, function(err, response) { - done(); - scope.done(); - }); + realStripe.subscriptions.update( + 'sub_123', + options.data, + (err, response) => { + done(); + scope.done(); + } + ); }); }); }); - describe('Retry Network Requests', function() { + describe('Retry Network Requests', () => { // Use a real instance of stripe as we're mocking the http.request responses. - var realStripe = require('../lib/stripe')(utils.getUserStripeKey()); + const realStripe = require('../lib/stripe')(utils.getUserStripeKey()); // Override the sleep timer to speed up tests - realStripe.charges._getSleepTimeInMS = function() { - return 0; - }; + realStripe.charges._getSleepTimeInMS = () => 0; - var options = { + const options = { host: stripe.getConstant('DEFAULT_HOST'), path: '/v1/charges', data: { amount: 1000, currency: 'usd', source: 'tok_visa', - description: 'test' + description: 'test', }, - params: 'amount=1000¤cy=usd&source=tok_visa&description=test' + params: 'amount=1000¤cy=usd&source=tok_visa&description=test', }; - afterEach(function() { + afterEach(() => { realStripe.setMaxNetworkRetries(0); stripe.setMaxNetworkRetries(0); }); - after(function() { + after(() => { nock.cleanAll(); - }) + }); - describe('_request', function() { - it('throws an error on connection failure', function(done) { + describe('_request', () => { + it('throws an error on connection failure', (done) => { // Mock the connection error. - nock('https://' + options.host) + nock(`https://${options.host}`) .post(options.path, options.params) .replyWithError('bad stuff'); - realStripe.charges.create(options.data, function(err) { + realStripe.charges.create(options.data, (err) => { expect(err.detail.message).to.deep.equal('bad stuff'); done(); }); }); - it('should retry the request if max retries are set', function(done) { - nock('https://' + options.host) + it('should retry the request if max retries are set', (done) => { + nock(`https://${options.host}`) .post(options.path, options.params) .replyWithError('bad stuff') .post(options.path, options.params) @@ -146,16 +150,18 @@ describe('StripeResource', function() { realStripe.setMaxNetworkRetries(1); - realStripe.charges.create(options.data, function(err) { - var errorMessage = realStripe.invoices._generateConnectionErrorMessage(1); + realStripe.charges.create(options.data, (err) => { + const errorMessage = realStripe.invoices._generateConnectionErrorMessage( + 1 + ); expect(err.message).to.equal(errorMessage); expect(err.detail.message).to.deep.equal('worse stuff'); done(); }); }); - it('should stop retrying after a successful retry', function(done) { - nock('https://' + options.host) + it('should stop retrying after a successful retry', (done) => { + nock(`https://${options.host}`) .post(options.path, options.params) .replyWithError('bad stuff') .post(options.path, options.params) @@ -167,19 +173,19 @@ describe('StripeResource', function() { realStripe.setMaxNetworkRetries(2); - realStripe.charges.create(options.data, function(err, charge) { + realStripe.charges.create(options.data, (err, charge) => { expect(charge.id).to.equal('ch_123'); done(); }); }); - it('should retry on a 409 error', function(done) { - nock('https://' + options.host) + it('should retry on a 409 error', (done) => { + nock(`https://${options.host}`) .post(options.path, options.params) .reply(409, { error: { - message: 'Conflict' - } + message: 'Conflict', + }, }) .post(options.path, options.params) .reply(200, { @@ -190,69 +196,70 @@ describe('StripeResource', function() { realStripe.setMaxNetworkRetries(1); - realStripe.charges.create(options.data, function(err, charge) { + realStripe.charges.create(options.data, (err, charge) => { expect(charge.id).to.equal('ch_123'); done(); }); }); - it('should not retry on a 400 error', function(done) { - nock('https://' + options.host) + it('should not retry on a 400 error', (done) => { + nock(`https://${options.host}`) .post(options.path, options.params) .reply(400, { error: { - type: 'card_error' - } + type: 'card_error', + }, }); realStripe.setMaxNetworkRetries(1); - realStripe.charges.create(options.data, function(err) { + realStripe.charges.create(options.data, (err) => { expect(err.type).to.equal('StripeCardError'); done(); }); }); - it('should not retry on a 500 error when the method is POST', function(done) { - nock('https://' + options.host) + it('should not retry on a 500 error when the method is POST', (done) => { + nock(`https://${options.host}`) .post(options.path, options.params) .reply(500, { error: { - type: 'api_error' - } + type: 'api_error', + }, }); realStripe.setMaxNetworkRetries(1); - realStripe.charges.create(options.data, function(err) { + realStripe.charges.create(options.data, (err) => { expect(err.type).to.equal('StripeAPIError'); done(); }); }); - it('should handle OAuth errors gracefully', function (done) { + it('should handle OAuth errors gracefully', (done) => { nock('https://connect.stripe.com') .post('/oauth/token') .reply(400, { error: 'invalid_grant', - error_description: 'This authorization code has already been used. All tokens issued with this code have been revoked.' + error_description: + 'This authorization code has already been used. All tokens issued with this code have been revoked.', }); realStripe.setMaxNetworkRetries(1); - realStripe.oauth.token(options.data, function (err) { + realStripe.oauth.token(options.data, (err) => { expect(err.type).to.equal('StripeInvalidGrantError'); done(); }); }); - it('should retry on a 503 error when the method is POST', function(done) { - nock('https://' + options.host) + it('should retry on a 503 error when the method is POST', (done) => { + nock(`https://${options.host}`) .post(options.path, options.params) .reply(503, { error: { - message: 'Service unavailable' - } + message: 'Service unavailable', + }, }) .post(options.path, options.params) .reply(200, { @@ -263,21 +270,21 @@ describe('StripeResource', function() { realStripe.setMaxNetworkRetries(1); - realStripe.charges.create(options.data, function(err, charge) { + realStripe.charges.create(options.data, (err, charge) => { expect(charge.id).to.equal('ch_123'); done(); }); }); - it('should retry on a 500 error when the method is GET', function(done) { - nock('https://' + options.host) - .get(options.path + '/ch_123') + it('should retry on a 500 error when the method is GET', (done) => { + nock(`https://${options.host}`) + .get(`${options.path}/ch_123`) .reply(500, { error: { - type: 'api_error' - } + type: 'api_error', + }, }) - .get(options.path + '/ch_123') + .get(`${options.path}/ch_123`) .reply(200, { id: 'ch_123', object: 'charge', @@ -286,144 +293,168 @@ describe('StripeResource', function() { realStripe.setMaxNetworkRetries(1); - realStripe.charges.retrieve('ch_123', function(err, charge) { + realStripe.charges.retrieve('ch_123', (err, charge) => { expect(charge.id).to.equal('ch_123'); done(); }); }); - it('should add an idempotency key for retries using the POST method', function(done) { - var headers; + it('should add an idempotency key for retries using the POST method', (done) => { + let headers; // Fail the first request but succeed on the 2nd. - nock('https://' + options.host) + nock(`https://${options.host}`) .post(options.path, options.params) .replyWithError('bad stuff') .post(options.path, options.params) .reply(function(uri, requestBody, cb) { headers = this.req.headers; - return cb(null, [200, { - id: 'ch_123"', - object: 'charge', - amount: 1000, - }]); + return cb(null, [ + 200, + { + id: 'ch_123"', + object: 'charge', + amount: 1000, + }, + ]); }); realStripe.setMaxNetworkRetries(1); - realStripe.charges.create(options.data, function() { + realStripe.charges.create(options.data, () => { expect(headers).to.have.property('idempotency-key'); done(); }); }); - it('should not add idempotency key for retries using the GET method', function(done) { - var headers; + it('should not add idempotency key for retries using the GET method', (done) => { + let headers; - nock('https://' + options.host) - .get(options.path + '/ch_123') + nock(`https://${options.host}`) + .get(`${options.path}/ch_123`) .replyWithError('bad stuff') - .get(options.path + '/ch_123') + .get(`${options.path}/ch_123`) .reply(function(uri, requestBody, cb) { headers = this.req.headers; - return cb(null, [200, { - id: 'ch_123"', - object: 'charge', - amount: 1000, - }]); + return cb(null, [ + 200, + { + id: 'ch_123"', + object: 'charge', + amount: 1000, + }, + ]); }); realStripe.setMaxNetworkRetries(1); - realStripe.charges.retrieve('ch_123', function() { + realStripe.charges.retrieve('ch_123', () => { expect(headers).to.not.have.property('idempotency-key'); done(); }); }); - it('should reuse the given idempotency key provided for retries', function(done) { - var key = uuid(); - var headers; + it('should reuse the given idempotency key provided for retries', (done) => { + const key = uuid(); + let headers; - nock('https://' + options.host) + nock(`https://${options.host}`) .post(options.path, options.params) .replyWithError('bad stuff') .post(options.path, options.params) .reply(function(uri, requestBody, cb) { headers = this.req.headers; - return cb(null, [200, { - id: 'ch_123"', - object: 'charge', - amount: 1000, - }]); + return cb(null, [ + 200, + { + id: 'ch_123"', + object: 'charge', + amount: 1000, + }, + ]); }); realStripe.setMaxNetworkRetries(1); - realStripe.charges.create(options.data, {idempotency_key: key}, function() { + realStripe.charges.create(options.data, {idempotency_key: key}, () => { expect(headers['idempotency-key']).to.equal(key); done(); }); }); }); - describe('_shouldRetry', function() { - it('should return false if we\'ve reached maximum retries', function() { + describe('_shouldRetry', () => { + it("should return false if we've reached maximum retries", () => { stripe.setMaxNetworkRetries(1); - var res = stripe.invoices._shouldRetry({ - statusCode: 409 - }, 1); + const res = stripe.invoices._shouldRetry( + { + statusCode: 409, + }, + 1 + ); expect(res).to.equal(false); }); - it('should return true if we have more retries available', function() { + it('should return true if we have more retries available', () => { stripe.setMaxNetworkRetries(1); - var res = stripe.invoices._shouldRetry({ - statusCode: 409 - }, 0); + const res = stripe.invoices._shouldRetry( + { + statusCode: 409, + }, + 0 + ); expect(res).to.equal(true); }); - it('should return true if the error code is either 409 or 503', function() { + it('should return true if the error code is either 409 or 503', () => { stripe.setMaxNetworkRetries(1); - var res = stripe.invoices._shouldRetry({ - statusCode: 409 - }, 0); + let res = stripe.invoices._shouldRetry( + { + statusCode: 409, + }, + 0 + ); expect(res).to.equal(true); - res = stripe.invoices._shouldRetry({ - statusCode: 503 - }, 0); + res = stripe.invoices._shouldRetry( + { + statusCode: 503, + }, + 0 + ); expect(res).to.equal(true); }); - it('should return false if the status is 200', function() { + it('should return false if the status is 200', () => { stripe.setMaxNetworkRetries(2); // mocking that we're on our 2nd request - var res = stripe.invoices._shouldRetry({ - statusCode: 200, - req: {_requestEvent: {method: 'POST'}} - }, 1); + const res = stripe.invoices._shouldRetry( + { + statusCode: 200, + req: {_requestEvent: {method: 'POST'}}, + }, + 1 + ); expect(res).to.equal(false); }); }); - describe('_getSleepTimeInMS', function() { - it('should not exceed the maximum or minimum values', function() { - var sleepSeconds; - var max = stripe.getMaxNetworkRetryDelay(); - var min = stripe.getInitialNetworkRetryDelay(); + describe('_getSleepTimeInMS', () => { + it('should not exceed the maximum or minimum values', () => { + let sleepSeconds; + const max = stripe.getMaxNetworkRetryDelay(); + const min = stripe.getInitialNetworkRetryDelay(); - for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { + for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { sleepSeconds = stripe.invoices._getSleepTimeInMS(i) / 1000; expect(sleepSeconds).to.be.at.most(max); diff --git a/test/Webhook.spec.js b/test/Webhook.spec.js index ab957f1489..f1f1c089c0 100644 --- a/test/Webhook.spec.js +++ b/test/Webhook.spec.js @@ -1,26 +1,26 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; -var Buffer = require('safe-buffer').Buffer; +const stripe = require('../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const expect = require('chai').expect; +const Buffer = require('safe-buffer').Buffer; -var EVENT_PAYLOAD = { +const EVENT_PAYLOAD = { id: 'evt_test_webhook', object: 'event', }; -var EVENT_PAYLOAD_STRING = JSON.stringify(EVENT_PAYLOAD, null, 2); -var SECRET = 'whsec_test_secret'; - -describe('Webhooks', function() { - describe('.generateTestHeaderString', function() { - it('should throw when no opts are passed', function() { - expect(function() { - stripe.webhooks.generateTestHeaderString() +const EVENT_PAYLOAD_STRING = JSON.stringify(EVENT_PAYLOAD, null, 2); +const SECRET = 'whsec_test_secret'; + +describe('Webhooks', () => { + describe('.generateTestHeaderString', () => { + it('should throw when no opts are passed', () => { + expect(() => { + stripe.webhooks.generateTestHeaderString(); }).to.throw(); }); - it('should correctly construct a webhook header', function() { - var header = stripe.webhooks.generateTestHeaderString({ + it('should correctly construct a webhook header', () => { + const header = stripe.webhooks.generateTestHeaderString({ payload: EVENT_PAYLOAD_STRING, secret: SECRET, }); @@ -30,142 +30,217 @@ describe('Webhooks', function() { }); }); - describe('.constructEvent', function() { - it('should return an Event instance from a valid JSON payload and valid signature header', function() { - var header = stripe.webhooks.generateTestHeaderString({ + describe('.constructEvent', () => { + it('should return an Event instance from a valid JSON payload and valid signature header', () => { + const header = stripe.webhooks.generateTestHeaderString({ payload: EVENT_PAYLOAD_STRING, secret: SECRET, }); - var event = stripe.webhooks.constructEvent(EVENT_PAYLOAD_STRING, header, SECRET); + const event = stripe.webhooks.constructEvent( + EVENT_PAYLOAD_STRING, + header, + SECRET + ); expect(event.id).to.equal(EVENT_PAYLOAD.id); }); - it('should raise a JSON error from invalid JSON payload', - function() { - var header = stripe.webhooks.generateTestHeaderString({ - payload: '} I am not valid JSON; 123][', - secret: SECRET, - }); - expect(function() { - stripe.webhooks.constructEvent('} I am not valid JSON; 123][', header, SECRET); - }).to.throw(/Unexpected token/); + it('should raise a JSON error from invalid JSON payload', () => { + const header = stripe.webhooks.generateTestHeaderString({ + payload: '} I am not valid JSON; 123][', + secret: SECRET, }); + expect(() => { + stripe.webhooks.constructEvent( + '} I am not valid JSON; 123][', + header, + SECRET + ); + }).to.throw(/Unexpected token/); + expect(() => { + stripe.webhooks.constructEvent( + '} I am not valid JSON; 123][', + header, + SECRET + ); + }).to.throw(/Unexpected token/); + }); - it('should raise a SignatureVerificationError from a valid JSON payload and an invalid signature header', - function() { - var header = 'bad_header'; + it('should raise a SignatureVerificationError from a valid JSON payload and an invalid signature header', () => { + const header = 'bad_header'; - expect(function() { - stripe.webhooks.constructEvent(EVENT_PAYLOAD_STRING, header, SECRET); - }).to.throw(/Unable to extract timestamp and signatures from header/); - }); + expect(() => { + stripe.webhooks.constructEvent(EVENT_PAYLOAD_STRING, header, SECRET); + }).to.throw(/Unable to extract timestamp and signatures from header/); + }); }); - describe('.verifySignatureHeader', function() { - it('should raise a SignatureVerificationError when the header does not have the expected format', function() { - var header = "I'm not even a real signature header"; + describe('.verifySignatureHeader', () => { + it('should raise a SignatureVerificationError when the header does not have the expected format', () => { + const header = "I'm not even a real signature header"; - var expectedMessage = /Unable to extract timestamp and signatures from header/; + const expectedMessage = /Unable to extract timestamp and signatures from header/; - expect(function() { - stripe.webhooks.signature.verifyHeader(EVENT_PAYLOAD_STRING, header, SECRET); + expect(() => { + stripe.webhooks.signature.verifyHeader( + EVENT_PAYLOAD_STRING, + header, + SECRET + ); }).to.throw(expectedMessage); - expect(function() { - stripe.webhooks.signature.verifyHeader(EVENT_PAYLOAD_STRING, null, SECRET); + expect(() => { + stripe.webhooks.signature.verifyHeader( + EVENT_PAYLOAD_STRING, + null, + SECRET + ); }).to.throw(expectedMessage); - expect(function() { - stripe.webhooks.signature.verifyHeader(EVENT_PAYLOAD_STRING, undefined, SECRET); + expect(() => { + stripe.webhooks.signature.verifyHeader( + EVENT_PAYLOAD_STRING, + undefined, + SECRET + ); }).to.throw(expectedMessage); - expect(function() { - stripe.webhooks.signature.verifyHeader(EVENT_PAYLOAD_STRING, '', SECRET); + expect(() => { + stripe.webhooks.signature.verifyHeader( + EVENT_PAYLOAD_STRING, + '', + SECRET + ); }).to.throw(expectedMessage); }); - it('should raise a SignatureVerificationError when there are no signatures with the expected scheme', function() { - var header = stripe.webhooks.generateTestHeaderString({ + it('should raise a SignatureVerificationError when there are no signatures with the expected scheme', () => { + const header = stripe.webhooks.generateTestHeaderString({ payload: EVENT_PAYLOAD_STRING, secret: SECRET, scheme: 'v0', }); - expect(function() { - stripe.webhooks.signature.verifyHeader(EVENT_PAYLOAD_STRING, header, SECRET); + expect(() => { + stripe.webhooks.signature.verifyHeader( + EVENT_PAYLOAD_STRING, + header, + SECRET + ); }).to.throw(/No signatures found with expected scheme/); }); - it('should raise a SignatureVerificationError when there are no valid signatures for the payload', function() { - var header = stripe.webhooks.generateTestHeaderString({ + it('should raise a SignatureVerificationError when there are no valid signatures for the payload', () => { + const header = stripe.webhooks.generateTestHeaderString({ payload: EVENT_PAYLOAD_STRING, secret: SECRET, signature: 'bad_signature', }); - expect(function() { - stripe.webhooks.signature.verifyHeader(EVENT_PAYLOAD_STRING, header, SECRET); - }).to.throw(/No signatures found matching the expected signature for payload/); + expect(() => { + stripe.webhooks.signature.verifyHeader( + EVENT_PAYLOAD_STRING, + header, + SECRET + ); + }).to.throw( + /No signatures found matching the expected signature for payload/ + ); }); - it('should raise a SignatureVerificationError when the timestamp is not within the tolerance', function() { - var header = stripe.webhooks.generateTestHeaderString({ - timestamp: (Date.now() / 1000) - 15, + it('should raise a SignatureVerificationError when the timestamp is not within the tolerance', () => { + const header = stripe.webhooks.generateTestHeaderString({ + timestamp: Date.now() / 1000 - 15, payload: EVENT_PAYLOAD_STRING, secret: SECRET, }); - expect(function() { - stripe.webhooks.signature.verifyHeader(EVENT_PAYLOAD_STRING, header, SECRET, 10); + expect(() => { + stripe.webhooks.signature.verifyHeader( + EVENT_PAYLOAD_STRING, + header, + SECRET, + 10 + ); }).to.throw(/Timestamp outside the tolerance zone/); }); - it('should return true when the header contains a valid signature and ' + - 'the timestamp is within the tolerance', - function() { - var header = stripe.webhooks.generateTestHeaderString({ - timestamp: (Date.now() / 1000), - payload: EVENT_PAYLOAD_STRING, - secret: SECRET, - }); - - expect(stripe.webhooks.signature.verifyHeader(EVENT_PAYLOAD_STRING, header, SECRET, 10)).to.equal(true); - }); + it( + 'should return true when the header contains a valid signature and ' + + 'the timestamp is within the tolerance', + () => { + const header = stripe.webhooks.generateTestHeaderString({ + timestamp: Date.now() / 1000, + payload: EVENT_PAYLOAD_STRING, + secret: SECRET, + }); - it('should return true when the header contains at least one valid signature', function() { - var header = stripe.webhooks.generateTestHeaderString({ - timestamp: (Date.now() / 1000), + expect( + stripe.webhooks.signature.verifyHeader( + EVENT_PAYLOAD_STRING, + header, + SECRET, + 10 + ) + ).to.equal(true); + } + ); + + it('should return true when the header contains at least one valid signature', () => { + let header = stripe.webhooks.generateTestHeaderString({ + timestamp: Date.now() / 1000, payload: EVENT_PAYLOAD_STRING, secret: SECRET, }); header += ',v1=potato'; - expect(stripe.webhooks.signature.verifyHeader(EVENT_PAYLOAD_STRING, header, SECRET, 10)).to.equal(true); + expect( + stripe.webhooks.signature.verifyHeader( + EVENT_PAYLOAD_STRING, + header, + SECRET, + 10 + ) + ).to.equal(true); }); - it('should return true when the header contains a valid signature ' + - 'and the timestamp is off but no tolerance is provided', - function() { - var header = stripe.webhooks.generateTestHeaderString({ - timestamp: 12345, - payload: EVENT_PAYLOAD_STRING, - secret: SECRET, - }); - - expect(stripe.webhooks.signature.verifyHeader(EVENT_PAYLOAD_STRING, header, SECRET)).to.equal(true); - }); + it( + 'should return true when the header contains a valid signature ' + + 'and the timestamp is off but no tolerance is provided', + () => { + const header = stripe.webhooks.generateTestHeaderString({ + timestamp: 12345, + payload: EVENT_PAYLOAD_STRING, + secret: SECRET, + }); - it('should accept Buffer instances for the payload and header', function() { - var header = stripe.webhooks.generateTestHeaderString({ - timestamp: (Date.now() / 1000), + expect( + stripe.webhooks.signature.verifyHeader( + EVENT_PAYLOAD_STRING, + header, + SECRET + ) + ).to.equal(true); + } + ); + + it('should accept Buffer instances for the payload and header', () => { + const header = stripe.webhooks.generateTestHeaderString({ + timestamp: Date.now() / 1000, payload: EVENT_PAYLOAD_STRING, secret: SECRET, }); - expect(stripe.webhooks.signature.verifyHeader(Buffer.from(EVENT_PAYLOAD_STRING), Buffer.from(header), SECRET, 10)).to.equal(true); + expect( + stripe.webhooks.signature.verifyHeader( + Buffer.from(EVENT_PAYLOAD_STRING), + Buffer.from(header), + SECRET, + 10 + ) + ).to.equal(true); }); }); }); diff --git a/test/autoPagination.spec.js b/test/autoPagination.spec.js index 6674462d78..3cc3d9e35c 100644 --- a/test/autoPagination.spec.js +++ b/test/autoPagination.spec.js @@ -2,421 +2,485 @@ /* eslint-disable callback-return */ -var testUtils = require('../testUtils'); -var stripe = require('../lib/stripe')( - testUtils.getUserStripeKey(), - 'latest' -); +const testUtils = require('../testUtils'); +const stripe = require('../lib/stripe')(testUtils.getUserStripeKey(), 'latest'); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const expect = require('chai').expect; -var LIMIT = 7; -var TOTAL_OBJECTS = 8; +const LIMIT = 7; +const TOTAL_OBJECTS = 8; describe('auto pagination', function() { this.timeout(20000); - var email = 'test.' + Date.now() + '@example.com'; - var realCustomerIds; - before(function() { - return new Promise(function(resolve) { - var createReqs = []; - for (var i = 0; i < TOTAL_OBJECTS; i++) { - createReqs.push(stripe.customers.create({email: email})); - } - return Promise.all(createReqs).then(function() { - // re-fetch to ensure correct order - return stripe.customers.list({email: email}).then(function(customers) { - realCustomerIds = customers.data.map(function(customer) {return customer.id}); - }) - }).then(resolve); - }); - }); - - after(function() { - return new Promise(function(resolve) { - Promise.all(realCustomerIds.map(function(customerId) { - return stripe.customers.del(customerId); - })).then(resolve); - }); - }); + const email = `test.${Date.now()}@example.com`; + let realCustomerIds; + before( + () => + new Promise((resolve) => { + const createReqs = []; + for (let i = 0; i < TOTAL_OBJECTS; i++) { + createReqs.push(stripe.customers.create({email})); + } + return Promise.all(createReqs) + .then(() => + // re-fetch to ensure correct order + stripe.customers.list({email}).then((customers) => { + realCustomerIds = customers.data.map((customer) => customer.id); + }) + ) + .then(resolve); + }) + ); + + after( + () => + new Promise((resolve) => { + Promise.all( + realCustomerIds.map((customerId) => stripe.customers.del(customerId)) + ).then(resolve); + }) + ); + + describe('callbacks', () => { + it('lets you call `next()` to iterate and `next(false)` to break', () => + expect( + new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + const customerIds = []; + function onCustomer(customer, next) { + customerIds.push(customer.id); + if (customerIds.length === LIMIT) { + next(false); + } else { + expect(customerIds.length).to.be.lessThan(LIMIT); + next(); + } + } + function onDone(err) { + if (err) { + reject(err); + } else { + resolve(customerIds); + } + } - describe('callbacks', function() { - it('lets you call `next()` to iterate and `next(false)` to break', function() { - return expect(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { - var customerIds = []; - function onCustomer(customer, next) { - customerIds.push(customer.id); - if (customerIds.length === LIMIT) { - next(false); - } else { - expect(customerIds.length).to.be.lessThan(LIMIT); - next(); + stripe.customers + .list({limit: 3, email}) + .autoPagingEach(onCustomer, onDone); + }) + ).to.eventually.deep.equal(realCustomerIds.slice(0, LIMIT))); + + it('lets you ignore the second arg and `return false` to break', () => + expect( + new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + const customerIds = []; + function onCustomer(customer) { + customerIds.push(customer.id); + if (customerIds.length === LIMIT) { + return false; + } else { + expect(customerIds.length).to.be.lessThan(LIMIT); + } } - } - function onDone(err) { - if (err) { - reject(err); - } else { - resolve(customerIds); + function onDone(err) { + if (err) { + reject(err); + } else { + resolve(customerIds); + } } - } - stripe.customers.list({limit: 3, email: email}) - .autoPagingEach(onCustomer, onDone); - })).to.eventually.deep.equal(realCustomerIds.slice(0, LIMIT)); - }); - - it('lets you ignore the second arg and `return false` to break', function() { - return expect(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { - var customerIds = []; - function onCustomer(customer) { - customerIds.push(customer.id); - if (customerIds.length === LIMIT) { - return false; - } else { - expect(customerIds.length).to.be.lessThan(LIMIT); + stripe.customers + .list({limit: 3, email}) + .autoPagingEach(onCustomer, onDone); + }) + ).to.eventually.deep.equal(realCustomerIds.slice(0, LIMIT))); + + it('lets you ignore the second arg and return a Promise which returns `false` to break', () => + expect( + new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + const customerIds = []; + function onCustomer(customer) { + customerIds.push(customer.id); + if (customerIds.length === LIMIT) { + return Promise.resolve(false); + } else { + expect(customerIds.length).to.be.lessThan(LIMIT); + return Promise.resolve(); + } } - } - function onDone(err) { - if (err) { - reject(err); - } else { - resolve(customerIds); + function onDone(err) { + if (err) { + reject(err); + } else { + resolve(customerIds); + } } - } - stripe.customers.list({limit: 3, email: email}) - .autoPagingEach(onCustomer, onDone); - })).to.eventually.deep.equal(realCustomerIds.slice(0, LIMIT)); - }); - - it('lets you ignore the second arg and return a Promise which returns `false` to break', function() { - return expect(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { - var customerIds = []; - function onCustomer(customer) { - customerIds.push(customer.id); - if (customerIds.length === LIMIT) { - return Promise.resolve(false); - } else { - expect(customerIds.length).to.be.lessThan(LIMIT); - return Promise.resolve(); + stripe.customers + .list({limit: 3, email}) + .autoPagingEach(onCustomer, onDone); + }) + ).to.eventually.deep.equal(realCustomerIds.slice(0, LIMIT))); + + it('can use a promise instead of a callback for onDone', () => + expect( + new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + const customerIds = []; + function onCustomer(customer) { + customerIds.push(customer.id); } - } - function onDone(err) { - if (err) { - reject(err); - } else { + function onDone() { resolve(customerIds); } - } - - stripe.customers.list({limit: 3, email: email}) - .autoPagingEach(onCustomer, onDone); - })).to.eventually.deep.equal(realCustomerIds.slice(0, LIMIT)); - }); - - it('can use a promise instead of a callback for onDone', function() { - return expect(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { - var customerIds = []; - function onCustomer(customer) { - customerIds.push(customer.id); - } - function onDone() { - resolve(customerIds); - } - stripe.customers.list({limit: 3, email: email}) - .autoPagingEach(onCustomer) - .then(onDone) - .catch(reject); - })).to.eventually.deep.equal(realCustomerIds); - }); - - it('handles the end of a list properly when the last page is full', function() { - return expect(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { - var customerIds = []; - return stripe.customers.list({email: email, limit: TOTAL_OBJECTS / 2}) - .autoPagingEach(function(customer) { customerIds.push(customer.id); }) - .catch(reject) - .then(function() { - resolve(customerIds); - }); - })).to.eventually.deep.equal(realCustomerIds); - }); - - it('handles the end of a list properly when the last page is not full', function() { - return expect(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { - var customerIds = []; - return stripe.customers.list({email: email, limit: TOTAL_OBJECTS - 2}) - .autoPagingEach(function(customer) { customerIds.push(customer.id); }) - .catch(reject) - .then(function() { - resolve(customerIds); - }); - })).to.eventually.deep.equal(realCustomerIds); - }); - - it('handles a list which is shorter than the page size properly', function() { - return expect(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { - var customerIds = []; - return stripe.customers.list({email: email, limit: TOTAL_OBJECTS + 2}) - .autoPagingEach(function(customer) { customerIds.push(customer.id); }) - .catch(reject) - .then(function() { - resolve(customerIds); - }); - })).to.eventually.deep.equal(realCustomerIds); - }); - - it('handles errors after the first page correctly (callback)', function() { - return expect(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { - var i = 0; - function onCustomer() { - i += 1; - if (i > 4) { - throw Error('Simulated error'); + stripe.customers + .list({limit: 3, email}) + .autoPagingEach(onCustomer) + .then(onDone) + .catch(reject); + }) + ).to.eventually.deep.equal(realCustomerIds)); + + it('handles the end of a list properly when the last page is full', () => + expect( + new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + const customerIds = []; + return stripe.customers + .list({email, limit: TOTAL_OBJECTS / 2}) + .autoPagingEach((customer) => { + customerIds.push(customer.id); + }) + .catch(reject) + .then(() => { + resolve(customerIds); + }); + }) + ).to.eventually.deep.equal(realCustomerIds)); + + it('handles the end of a list properly when the last page is not full', () => + expect( + new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + const customerIds = []; + return stripe.customers + .list({email, limit: TOTAL_OBJECTS - 2}) + .autoPagingEach((customer) => { + customerIds.push(customer.id); + }) + .catch(reject) + .then(() => { + resolve(customerIds); + }); + }) + ).to.eventually.deep.equal(realCustomerIds)); + + it('handles a list which is shorter than the page size properly', () => + expect( + new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + const customerIds = []; + return stripe.customers + .list({email, limit: TOTAL_OBJECTS + 2}) + .autoPagingEach((customer) => { + customerIds.push(customer.id); + }) + .catch(reject) + .then(() => { + resolve(customerIds); + }); + }) + ).to.eventually.deep.equal(realCustomerIds)); + + it('handles errors after the first page correctly (callback)', () => + expect( + new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + let i = 0; + function onCustomer() { + i += 1; + if (i > 4) { + throw Error('Simulated error'); + } } - } - return stripe.customers.list({email: email, limit: 3}) - .autoPagingEach(onCustomer, function(err) { - if (err) { - resolve(err.message); - } else { - reject(Error('Expected an error, did not get one.')); + return stripe.customers + .list({email, limit: 3}) + .autoPagingEach(onCustomer, (err) => { + if (err) { + resolve(err.message); + } else { + reject(Error('Expected an error, did not get one.')); + } + }); + }) + ).to.eventually.deep.equal('Simulated error')); + + it('handles errors after the first page correctly (promise)', () => + expect( + new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + let i = 0; + function onCustomer() { + i += 1; + if (i > 4) { + throw Error('Simulated error'); } - }); - })).to.eventually.deep.equal('Simulated error'); - }); - - it('handles errors after the first page correctly (promise)', function() { - return expect(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { - var i = 0; - function onCustomer() { - i += 1; - if (i > 4) { - throw Error('Simulated error'); } - } - return stripe.customers.list({email: email, limit: 3}) - .autoPagingEach(onCustomer) - .then(function() { - reject(Error('Expected an error, did not get one.')); - }) - .catch(function(err) { - resolve(err.message); - }); - })).to.eventually.deep.equal('Simulated error'); - }); + return stripe.customers + .list({email, limit: 3}) + .autoPagingEach(onCustomer) + .then(() => { + reject(Error('Expected an error, did not get one.')); + }) + .catch((err) => { + resolve(err.message); + }); + }) + ).to.eventually.deep.equal('Simulated error')); }); - describe('async iterators', function() { - + describe('async iterators', () => { if (testUtils.envSupportsForAwait()) { // `for await` throws a syntax error everywhere but node 10, // so we must conditionally require it. - var forAwaitUntil = require('../testUtils/forAwait.node10').forAwaitUntil; - - it('works with `for await` when that feature exists (user break)', function() { - return expect(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { - forAwaitUntil(stripe.customers.list({limit: 3, email: email}), LIMIT) - .then(function(customers) { - resolve(customers.map(function(customer) { return customer.id; })); - }) - .catch(reject) - })).to.eventually.deep.equal(realCustomerIds.slice(0, LIMIT)); - }); - - it('works with `for await` when that feature exists (end of list)', function() { - return expect(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { - forAwaitUntil(stripe.customers.list({limit: 3, email: email}), TOTAL_OBJECTS + 1) - .then(function(customers) { - resolve(customers.map(function(customer) { return customer.id; })); - }) - .catch(reject); - })).to.eventually.deep.equal(realCustomerIds); - }); + const forAwaitUntil = require('../testUtils/forAwait.node10') + .forAwaitUntil; + + it('works with `for await` when that feature exists (user break)', () => + expect( + new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + forAwaitUntil(stripe.customers.list({limit: 3, email}), LIMIT) + .then((customers) => { + resolve(customers.map((customer) => customer.id)); + }) + .catch(reject); + }) + ).to.eventually.deep.equal(realCustomerIds.slice(0, LIMIT))); + + it('works with `for await` when that feature exists (end of list)', () => + expect( + new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + forAwaitUntil( + stripe.customers.list({limit: 3, email}), + TOTAL_OBJECTS + 1 + ) + .then((customers) => { + resolve(customers.map((customer) => customer.id)); + }) + .catch(reject); + }) + ).to.eventually.deep.equal(realCustomerIds)); } if (testUtils.envSupportsAwait()) { // Similarly, `await` throws a syntax error below Node 7.6. - var awaitUntil = require('../testUtils/await.node7').awaitUntil; + const awaitUntil = require('../testUtils/await.node7').awaitUntil; + + it('works with `await` and a while loop when await exists', () => + expect( + new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + awaitUntil(stripe.customers.list({limit: 3, email}), LIMIT) + .then((customers) => { + resolve(customers.map((customer) => customer.id)); + }) + .catch(reject); + }) + ).to.eventually.deep.equal(realCustomerIds.slice(0, LIMIT))); + } + + it('returns an empty object from .return() so that `break;` works in for-await', () => + expect( + new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + const iter = stripe.customers.list({limit: 3, email}); + + const customerIds = []; + function handleIter(result) { + customerIds.push(result.value.id); + expect(iter.return()).to.deep.equal({}); + } - it('works with `await` and a while loop when await exists', function() { - return expect(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { - awaitUntil(stripe.customers.list({limit: 3, email: email}), LIMIT) - .then(function(customers) { - resolve(customers.map(function(customer) { return customer.id; })); + iter + .next() + .then(handleIter) + .then(() => { + resolve(customerIds); }) .catch(reject); - })).to.eventually.deep.equal(realCustomerIds.slice(0, LIMIT)); - }); - } - - it('returns an empty object from .return() so that `break;` works in for-await', function() { - return expect(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { - var iter = stripe.customers.list({limit: 3, email: email}); + }) + ).to.eventually.deep.equal(realCustomerIds.slice(0, 1))); + + it('works when you call it sequentially', () => + expect( + new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + const iter = stripe.customers.list({limit: 3, email}); + + const customerIds = []; + function handleIter(result) { + customerIds.push(result.value.id); + if (customerIds.length < 7) { + return iter.next().then(handleIter); + } + } + iter + .next() + .then(handleIter) + .then(() => { + resolve(customerIds); + }) + .catch(reject); + }) + ).to.eventually.deep.equal(realCustomerIds.slice(0, LIMIT))); - var customerIds = []; - function handleIter(result) { - customerIds.push(result.value.id); - expect(iter.return()).to.deep.equal({}); - } + it('gives you the same result each time when you call it multiple times in parallel', () => + expect( + new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + const iter = stripe.customers.list({limit: 3, email}); - iter.next().then(handleIter).then(function() { - resolve(customerIds); - }).catch(reject); - })).to.eventually.deep.equal(realCustomerIds.slice(0, 1)); - }); - - it('works when you call it sequentially', function() { - return expect(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { - var iter = stripe.customers.list({limit: 3, email: email}); - - var customerIds = []; - function handleIter(result) { - customerIds.push(result.value.id); - if (customerIds.length < 7) { - return iter.next().then(handleIter); + const customerIds = []; + function handleIter(result) { + customerIds.push(result.value.id); } - } - iter.next().then(handleIter).then(function() { - resolve(customerIds); - }).catch(reject); - })).to.eventually.deep.equal(realCustomerIds.slice(0, LIMIT)); - }); - - it('gives you the same result each time when you call it multiple times in parallel', function() { - return expect(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { - var iter = stripe.customers.list({limit: 3, email: email}); - - var customerIds = [] - function handleIter(result) { - customerIds.push(result.value.id); - } - Promise.all([ - iter.next().then(handleIter), - iter.next().then(handleIter).then(function() { - return Promise.all([ - iter.next().then(handleIter), - iter.next().then(handleIter), - ]) - }).then(function() { - return Promise.all([ - iter.next().then(handleIter), - iter.next().then(handleIter), - ]) - }).then(function() { - return Promise.all([ - iter.next().then(handleIter), - iter.next().then(handleIter), - ]) - }) - ]).then(function() { - resolve(customerIds); - }).catch(reject); - })).to.eventually.deep.equal(realCustomerIds.slice(0, 4).reduce(function(acc, x) { - acc.push(x); - acc.push(x); - return acc; - }, [])); - }); + Promise.all([ + iter.next().then(handleIter), + iter + .next() + .then(handleIter) + .then(() => + Promise.all([ + iter.next().then(handleIter), + iter.next().then(handleIter), + ]) + ) + .then(() => + Promise.all([ + iter.next().then(handleIter), + iter.next().then(handleIter), + ]) + ) + .then(() => + Promise.all([ + iter.next().then(handleIter), + iter.next().then(handleIter), + ]) + ), + ]) + .then(() => { + resolve(customerIds); + }) + .catch(reject); + }) + ).to.eventually.deep.equal( + realCustomerIds.slice(0, 4).reduce((acc, x) => { + acc.push(x); + acc.push(x); + return acc; + }, []) + )); }); - describe('autoPagingToArray', function() { - it('can go to the end', function() { - return expect(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { - stripe.customers.list({limit: 3, email: email}) - .autoPagingToArray({limit: TOTAL_OBJECTS + 1}) - .then(function(customers) { - return customers.map(function(customer) { return customer.id; }); - }) - .then(resolve) - .catch(reject); - })).to.eventually.deep.equal(realCustomerIds); - }); - - it('returns a promise of an array', function() { - return expect(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { - stripe.customers.list({limit: 3, email: email}) - .autoPagingToArray({limit: LIMIT}) - .then(function(customers) { - return customers.map(function(customer) { return customer.id; }); - }) - .then(resolve) - .catch(reject); - })).to.eventually.deep.equal(realCustomerIds.slice(0, LIMIT)); - }); - - it('accepts an onDone callback, passing an array', function() { - return expect(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { - function onDone(err, customers) { - if (err) { - reject(err); - } else { - resolve(customers.map(function(customer) { return customer.id; })); + describe('autoPagingToArray', () => { + it('can go to the end', () => + expect( + new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + stripe.customers + .list({limit: 3, email}) + .autoPagingToArray({limit: TOTAL_OBJECTS + 1}) + .then((customers) => customers.map((customer) => customer.id)) + .then(resolve) + .catch(reject); + }) + ).to.eventually.deep.equal(realCustomerIds)); + + it('returns a promise of an array', () => + expect( + new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + stripe.customers + .list({limit: 3, email}) + .autoPagingToArray({limit: LIMIT}) + .then((customers) => customers.map((customer) => customer.id)) + .then(resolve) + .catch(reject); + }) + ).to.eventually.deep.equal(realCustomerIds.slice(0, LIMIT))); + + it('accepts an onDone callback, passing an array', () => + expect( + new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + function onDone(err, customers) { + if (err) { + reject(err); + } else { + resolve(customers.map((customer) => customer.id)); + } } - } - stripe.customers.list({limit: 3, email: email}) - .autoPagingToArray({limit: LIMIT}, onDone); - })).to.eventually.deep.equal(realCustomerIds.slice(0, LIMIT)); - }); - - it('enforces a `limit` arg', function() { - return expect(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { - try { - stripe.customers.list({limit: 3, email: email}) - .autoPagingToArray(); - reject(Error('Should have thrown.')); - } catch (err) { - resolve(err.message); - } - })).to.eventually.equal('You must pass a `limit` option to autoPagingToArray, eg; `autoPagingToArray({limit: 1000});`.'); - }); - - it('caps the `limit` arg to a reasonable ceiling', function() { - return expect(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { - try { - stripe.customers.list({limit: 3, email: email}) - .autoPagingToArray({limit: 1000000}); - reject(Error('Should have thrown.')); - } catch (err) { - resolve(err.message); - } - })).to.eventually.equal('You cannot specify a limit of more than 10,000 items to fetch in `autoPagingToArray`; use `autoPagingEach` to iterate through longer lists.'); - }); + stripe.customers + .list({limit: 3, email}) + .autoPagingToArray({limit: LIMIT}, onDone); + }) + ).to.eventually.deep.equal(realCustomerIds.slice(0, LIMIT))); + + it('enforces a `limit` arg', () => + expect( + new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + try { + stripe.customers.list({limit: 3, email}).autoPagingToArray(); + reject(Error('Should have thrown.')); + } catch (err) { + resolve(err.message); + } + }) + ).to.eventually.equal( + 'You must pass a `limit` option to autoPagingToArray, eg; `autoPagingToArray({limit: 1000});`.' + )); + + it('caps the `limit` arg to a reasonable ceiling', () => + expect( + new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + try { + stripe.customers + .list({limit: 3, email}) + .autoPagingToArray({limit: 1000000}); + reject(Error('Should have thrown.')); + } catch (err) { + resolve(err.message); + } + }) + ).to.eventually.equal( + 'You cannot specify a limit of more than 10,000 items to fetch in `autoPagingToArray`; use `autoPagingEach` to iterate through longer lists.' + )); }); - describe('api compat edge cases', function() { - it('lets you listen to the first request as its own promise, and separately each item, but only sends one request for the first page.', function() { - return expect(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { - // Count requests: we want one for the first page (not two), and then one for the second page. - var reqCount = 0; - function onRequest() { - reqCount += 1; - } - stripe.on('request', onRequest); - - var customerIds = []; - var p = stripe.customers.list({email: email, limit: 4}) - Promise.all([ - p, - p.autoPagingEach(function(customer) { customerIds.push(customer.id); }), - ]).then(function(results) { - stripe.off('request', onRequest); - expect(reqCount).to.equal(2); // not 3. - - resolve({ - firstReq: results[0].data.map(function(customer) { return customer.id; }), - paginated: customerIds, - }); - }).catch(reject); - })).to.eventually.deep.equal({ + describe('api compat edge cases', () => { + it('lets you listen to the first request as its own promise, and separately each item, but only sends one request for the first page.', () => + expect( + new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + // Count requests: we want one for the first page (not two), and then one for the second page. + let reqCount = 0; + function onRequest() { + reqCount += 1; + } + stripe.on('request', onRequest); + + const customerIds = []; + const p = stripe.customers.list({email, limit: 4}); + Promise.all([ + p, + p.autoPagingEach((customer) => { + customerIds.push(customer.id); + }), + ]) + .then((results) => { + stripe.off('request', onRequest); + expect(reqCount).to.equal(2); // not 3. + + resolve({ + firstReq: results[0].data.map((customer) => customer.id), + paginated: customerIds, + }); + }) + .catch(reject); + }) + ).to.eventually.deep.equal({ firstReq: realCustomerIds.slice(0, 4), paginated: realCustomerIds, - }); - }); + })); }); }); diff --git a/test/flows.spec.js b/test/flows.spec.js index 879918c07a..28a98be4a6 100644 --- a/test/flows.spec.js +++ b/test/flows.spec.js @@ -1,433 +1,329 @@ 'use strict'; -var testUtils = require('../testUtils'); -var chai = require('chai'); -var stripe = require('../lib/stripe')( - testUtils.getUserStripeKey(), - 'latest' -); -var fs = require('fs'); -var path = require('path'); -var stream = require('stream'); -var expect = chai.expect; - -var CUSTOMER_DETAILS = { +const testUtils = require('../testUtils'); +const chai = require('chai'); +const stripe = require('../lib/stripe')(testUtils.getUserStripeKey(), 'latest'); +const fs = require('fs'); +const path = require('path'); +const stream = require('stream'); +const expect = chai.expect; + +const CUSTOMER_DETAILS = { description: 'Some customer', card: 'tok_visa', }; -var CURRENCY = '_DEFAULT_CURRENCY_NOT_YET_GOTTEN_'; +let CURRENCY = '_DEFAULT_CURRENCY_NOT_YET_GOTTEN_'; describe('Flows', function() { // Note: These tests must be run as one so we can retrieve the // default_currency (required in subsequent tests); - var cleanup = new testUtils.CleanupUtility(); + const cleanup = new testUtils.CleanupUtility(); this.timeout(30000); - it('Allows me to retrieve default_currency', function() { - return expect( - stripe.account.retrieve() - .then(function(acct) { - CURRENCY = acct.default_currency; - return acct; - }) - ).to.eventually.have.property('default_currency'); - }); - - describe('Plan+Subscription flow', function() { - it('Allows me to: Create a plan and subscribe a customer to it', function() { - return expect( + it('Allows me to retrieve default_currency', () => + expect( + stripe.account.retrieve().then((acct) => { + CURRENCY = acct.default_currency; + return acct; + }) + ).to.eventually.have.property('default_currency')); + + describe('Plan+Subscription flow', () => { + it('Allows me to: Create a plan and subscribe a customer to it', () => + expect( Promise.all([ stripe.plans.create({ - id: 'plan' + testUtils.getRandomString(), + id: `plan${testUtils.getRandomString()}`, amount: 1700, currency: CURRENCY, interval: 'month', nickname: 'Gold Super Amazing Tier', product: { - name: 'product' + testUtils.getRandomString(), + name: `product${testUtils.getRandomString()}`, }, }), - stripe.customers.create(CUSTOMER_DETAILS) - ]).then(function(j) { - var plan = j[0]; - var customer = j[1]; + stripe.customers.create(CUSTOMER_DETAILS), + ]).then((j) => { + const plan = j[0]; + const customer = j[1]; cleanup.deleteCustomer(customer.id); cleanup.deletePlan(plan.id); - return stripe.customers.updateSubscription(customer.id, { + return stripe.subscriptions.create({ + customer: customer.id, plan: plan.id, }); }) - ).to.eventually.have.property('status', 'active'); - }); + ).to.eventually.have.property('status', 'active')); - it( - 'Allows me to: Create a plan and subscribe a customer to it, and update subscription (multi-subs API)', - function() { - var plan; - return expect( - Promise.all([ - stripe.plans.create({ - id: 'plan' + testUtils.getRandomString(), - amount: 1700, - currency: CURRENCY, - interval: 'month', - nickname: 'Gold Super Amazing Tier', - product: { - name: 'product' + testUtils.getRandomString(), - }, - }), - stripe.customers.create(CUSTOMER_DETAILS) - ]).then(function(j) { + it('Allows me to: Create a plan and subscribe a customer to it, and update subscription', () => { + let plan; + return expect( + Promise.all([ + stripe.plans.create({ + id: `plan${testUtils.getRandomString()}`, + amount: 1700, + currency: CURRENCY, + interval: 'month', + nickname: 'Gold Super Amazing Tier', + product: { + name: `product${testUtils.getRandomString()}`, + }, + }), + stripe.customers.create(CUSTOMER_DETAILS), + ]) + .then((j) => { plan = j[0]; - var customer = j[1]; + const customer = j[1]; cleanup.deleteCustomer(customer.id); cleanup.deletePlan(plan.id); - return stripe.customers.createSubscription(customer.id, { + return stripe.subscriptions.create({ + customer: customer.id, plan: plan.id, }); - }).then(function(subscription) { - return stripe.customers.updateSubscription(subscription.customer, subscription.id, { - plan: plan.id, quantity: '3', - }); - }).then(function(subscription) { - return [subscription.status, subscription.quantity]; }) - ).to.eventually.deep.equal(['active', 3]); - } - ); - - it('Errors when I attempt to subscribe a customer to a non-existent plan', function() { - return expect( - stripe.customers.create(CUSTOMER_DETAILS) - .then(function(customer) { - cleanup.deleteCustomer(customer.id); - - return stripe.customers.updateSubscription(customer.id, { - plan: 'someNonExistentPlan' + testUtils.getRandomString(), - }).then(null, function(err) { - // Resolve with the error so we can inspect it below - return err; - }); - }) - ).to.eventually.satisfy(function(err) { - return err.type === 'StripeInvalidRequestError' && - err.rawType === 'invalid_request_error'; - }); + .then((subscription) => + stripe.subscriptions.update(subscription.id, { + plan: plan.id, + quantity: 3, + }) + ) + .then((subscription) => [subscription.status, subscription.quantity]) + ).to.eventually.deep.equal(['active', 3]); }); - it('Allows me to: subscribe then update with `cancel_at_period_end` defined', function() { - return expect( + it('Errors when I attempt to subscribe a customer to a non-existent plan', () => + expect( + stripe.customers.create(CUSTOMER_DETAILS).then((customer) => { + cleanup.deleteCustomer(customer.id); + + return stripe.subscriptions + .create({ + customer: customer.id, + plan: `someNonExistentPlan${testUtils.getRandomString()}`, + }) + .then( + null, + (err) => + // Resolve with the error so we can inspect it below + err + ); + }) + ).to.eventually.satisfy( + (err) => + err.type === 'StripeInvalidRequestError' && + err.rawType === 'invalid_request_error' + )); + + it('Allows me to: subscribe then update with `cancel_at_period_end` defined', () => + expect( Promise.all([ stripe.plans.create({ - id: 'plan' + testUtils.getRandomString(), + id: `plan${testUtils.getRandomString()}`, amount: 1700, currency: CURRENCY, interval: 'month', nickname: 'Silver Super Amazing Tier', product: { - name: 'product' + testUtils.getRandomString(), + name: `product${testUtils.getRandomString()}`, }, }), - stripe.customers.create(CUSTOMER_DETAILS) - ]).then(function(j) { - var plan = j[0]; - var customer = j[1]; + stripe.customers.create(CUSTOMER_DETAILS), + ]) + .then((j) => { + const plan = j[0]; + const customer = j[1]; - cleanup.deleteCustomer(customer.id); - cleanup.deletePlan(plan.id); + cleanup.deleteCustomer(customer.id); + cleanup.deletePlan(plan.id); - return stripe.customers.updateSubscription(customer.id, { - plan: plan.id, - cancel_at_period_end: true, - }); - }) - ).to.eventually.have.property('cancel_at_period_end', true); - }); + return stripe.subscriptions.create({ + customer: customer.id, + plan: plan.id, + }); + }) + .then((subscription) => + stripe.subscriptions.update(subscription.id, { + cancel_at_period_end: true, + }) + ) + ).to.eventually.have.property('cancel_at_period_end', true)); - describe('Plan name variations', function() { + describe('Plan name variations', () => { [ - '34535_355453' + testUtils.getRandomString(), - 'TEST_239291' + testUtils.getRandomString(), - 'TEST_a-i' + testUtils.getRandomString(), - 'foobarbazteston___etwothree' + testUtils.getRandomString(), - ].forEach(function(planID) { - it('Allows me to create and retrieve plan with ID: ' + planID, function() { - return expect( - stripe.plans.create({ - id: planID, - amount: 1700, - currency: CURRENCY, - interval: 'month', - nickname: 'generic', - product: { - name: 'product' + testUtils.getRandomString(), - }, - }).then(function() { - cleanup.deletePlan(planID); - return stripe.plans.retrieve(planID); - }) - ).to.eventually.have.property('id', planID); - }); + `34535_355453${testUtils.getRandomString()}`, + `TEST_239291${testUtils.getRandomString()}`, + `TEST_a-i${testUtils.getRandomString()}`, + `foobarbazteston___etwothree${testUtils.getRandomString()}`, + ].forEach((planID) => { + it(`Allows me to create and retrieve plan with ID: ${planID}`, () => + expect( + stripe.plans + .create({ + id: planID, + amount: 1700, + currency: CURRENCY, + interval: 'month', + nickname: 'generic', + product: { + name: `product${testUtils.getRandomString()}`, + }, + }) + .then(() => { + cleanup.deletePlan(planID); + return stripe.plans.retrieve(planID); + }) + ).to.eventually.have.property('id', planID)); }); }); }); - describe('Coupon flow', function() { - var customer; - var coupon; + describe('Coupon flow', () => { + let customer; + let coupon; - describe('When I create a coupon & customer', function() { - it('Does so', function() { - return expect( + describe('When I create a coupon & customer', () => { + it('Does so', () => + expect( Promise.all([ stripe.coupons.create({ percent_off: 20, duration: 'once', }), - stripe.customers.create(CUSTOMER_DETAILS) - ]).then(function(joined) { + stripe.customers.create(CUSTOMER_DETAILS), + ]).then((joined) => { coupon = joined[0]; customer = joined[1]; }) - ).to.not.be.eventually.rejected; - }); - describe('And I apply the coupon to the customer', function() { - it('Does so', function() { - return expect( + ).to.not.be.eventually.rejected); + describe('And I apply the coupon to the customer', () => { + it('Does so', () => + expect( stripe.customers.update(customer.id, { coupon: coupon.id, }) - ).to.not.be.eventually.rejected; - }); - it('Can be retrieved from that customer', function() { - return expect( + ).to.not.be.eventually.rejected); + it('Can be retrieved from that customer', () => + expect( stripe.customers.retrieve(customer.id) - ).to.eventually.have.nested.property('discount.coupon.id', coupon.id); - }); - describe('The resulting discount', function() { - it('Can be removed', function() { - return expect( + ).to.eventually.have.nested.property( + 'discount.coupon.id', + coupon.id + )); + describe('The resulting discount', () => { + it('Can be removed', () => + expect( stripe.customers.deleteDiscount(customer.id) - ).to.eventually.have.property('deleted', true); - }); - describe('Re-querying it', function() { - it('Does indeed indicate that it is deleted', function() { - return expect( + ).to.eventually.have.property('deleted', true)); + describe('Re-querying it', () => { + it('Does indeed indicate that it is deleted', () => + expect( stripe.customers.retrieve(customer.id) - ).to.eventually.have.property('discount', null); - }); + ).to.eventually.have.property('discount', null)); }); }); }); }); }); - describe('Metadata flow', function() { - it('Can save and retrieve metadata', function() { - var customer; - return expect( - stripe.customers.create(CUSTOMER_DETAILS) - .then(function(cust) { - customer = cust; - cleanup.deleteCustomer(cust.id); - return stripe.customers.setMetadata(cust.id, {foo: '123'}); - }) - .then(function() { - return stripe.customers.getMetadata(customer.id); - }) - ).to.eventually.deep.equal({foo: '123'}); - }); - it('Can reset metadata', function() { - var customer; - return expect( - stripe.customers.create(CUSTOMER_DETAILS) - .then(function(cust) { - customer = cust; - cleanup.deleteCustomer(cust.id); - return stripe.customers.setMetadata(cust.id, {baz: '123'}); - }) - .then(function() { - return stripe.customers.setMetadata(customer.id, null); - }) - .then(function() { - return stripe.customers.getMetadata(customer.id); - }) - ).to.eventually.deep.equal({}); - }); - it('Resets metadata when setting new metadata', function() { - var customer; - return expect( - stripe.customers.create(CUSTOMER_DETAILS) - .then(function(cust) { - customer = cust; - cleanup.deleteCustomer(cust.id); - return stripe.customers.setMetadata(cust.id, {foo: '123'}); - }) - .then(function() { - return stripe.customers.setMetadata(customer.id, {baz: '456'}); - }) - ).to.eventually.deep.equal({baz: '456'}); - }); - it('Can set individual key/value pairs', function() { - var customer; - return expect( - stripe.customers.create(CUSTOMER_DETAILS) - .then(function(cust) { - customer = cust; - cleanup.deleteCustomer(cust.id); - }) - .then(function() { - return stripe.customers.setMetadata(customer.id, 'baz', 456); - }) - .then(function() { - return stripe.customers.setMetadata(customer.id, '_other_', 999); - }) - .then(function() { - return stripe.customers.setMetadata(customer.id, 'foo', 123); - }) - .then(function() { - // Change foo - return stripe.customers.setMetadata(customer.id, 'foo', 222); - }) - .then(function() { - // Delete baz - return stripe.customers.setMetadata(customer.id, 'baz', null); - }) - .then(function() { - return stripe.customers.getMetadata(customer.id); - }) - ).to.eventually.deep.equal({_other_: '999', foo: '222'}); - }); - it('Can set individual key/value pairs [with per request token]', function() { - var customer; - var authToken = testUtils.getUserStripeKey(); - return expect( - stripe.customers.create(CUSTOMER_DETAILS) - .then(function(cust) { - customer = cust; + describe('Expanding', () => { + describe('A customer within a charge', () => { + it('Allows you to expand a customer object', () => + expect( + stripe.customers.create(CUSTOMER_DETAILS).then((cust) => { cleanup.deleteCustomer(cust.id); + return stripe.charges.create({ + customer: cust.id, + amount: 1700, + currency: CURRENCY, + expand: ['customer'], + }); }) - .then(function() { - return stripe.customers.setMetadata(customer.id, {'baz': 456}, authToken); - }) - .then(function() { - return stripe.customers.setMetadata(customer.id, '_other_', 999, authToken); - }) - .then(function() { - return stripe.customers.setMetadata(customer.id, 'foo', 123, authToken); - }) - .then(function() { - // Change foo - return stripe.customers.setMetadata(customer.id, 'foo', 222, authToken); - }) - .then(function() { - // Delete baz - return stripe.customers.setMetadata(customer.id, 'baz', null, authToken); - }) - .then(function() { - return stripe.customers.getMetadata(customer.id, authToken); - }) - ).to.eventually.deep.equal({_other_: '999', foo: '222'}); + ).to.eventually.have.nested.property('customer.created')); }); - }); - - describe('Expanding', function() { - describe('A customer within a charge', function() { - it('Allows you to expand a customer object', function() { - return expect( - stripe.customers.create(CUSTOMER_DETAILS) - .then(function(cust) { - cleanup.deleteCustomer(cust.id); - return stripe.charges.create({ - customer: cust.id, - amount: 1700, - currency: CURRENCY, - expand: ['customer'], - }); + describe("A customer's default source", () => { + it('Allows you to expand a default_source', () => + expect( + stripe.customers + .create({ + description: 'Some customer', + source: 'tok_visa', + expand: ['default_source'], }) - ).to.eventually.have.nested.property('customer.created'); - }); - }); - describe('A customer\'s default source', function() { - it('Allows you to expand a default_source', function() { - return expect( - stripe.customers.create({ - description: 'Some customer', - source: 'tok_visa', - expand: ['default_source'], - }) - .then(function(cust) { + .then((cust) => { cleanup.deleteCustomer(cust.id); return cust; }) // Confirm it's expanded by checking that some prop (e.g. exp_year) exists: - ).to.eventually.have.nested.property('default_source.exp_year'); - }); + ).to.eventually.have.nested.property('default_source.exp_year')); }); }); - describe('Charge', function() { - it('Allows you to create a charge', function() { - return expect( - stripe.charges.create({ - amount: 1234, - currency: CURRENCY, - card: 'tok_chargeDeclined', - shipping: { - name: 'Bobby Tables', - address: { - line1: '1 Foo St.', + describe('Charge', () => { + it('Allows you to create a charge', () => + expect( + stripe.charges + .create({ + amount: 1234, + currency: CURRENCY, + card: 'tok_chargeDeclined', + shipping: { + name: 'Bobby Tables', + address: { + line1: '1 Foo St.', + }, }, - }, - }).then(null, function(error) { - return error; - }) - ).to.eventually.have.nested.property('raw.charge'); - }); + }) + .then(null, (error) => error) + ).to.eventually.have.nested.property('raw.charge')); }); - describe('Getting balance', function() { - it('Allows me to do so', function() { - return expect( - stripe.balance.retrieve() - ).to.eventually.have.property('object', 'balance'); - }); - it('Allows me to do so with specified auth key', function() { - return expect( + describe('Getting balance', () => { + it('Allows me to do so', () => + expect(stripe.balance.retrieve()).to.eventually.have.property( + 'object', + 'balance' + )); + it('Allows me to do so with specified auth key', () => + expect( stripe.balance.retrieve(testUtils.getUserStripeKey()) - ).to.eventually.have.property('object', 'balance'); - }); + ).to.eventually.have.property('object', 'balance')); }); - describe('Request/Response Events', function() { - var connectedAccountId; + describe('Request/Response Events', () => { + let connectedAccountId; - before(function(done) { + before((done) => { // Pick a random connected account to use in the `Stripe-Account` header - stripe.accounts.list({ - limit: 1, - }).then(function(accounts) { - if (accounts.data.length < 1) { - return done( - new Error('Test requires at least one Connected Account in the Test Account') - ); - } - - connectedAccountId = accounts.data[0].id; - - done(); - }); + stripe.accounts + .list({ + limit: 1, + }) + .then((accounts) => { + if (accounts.data.length < 1) { + return done( + new Error( + 'Test requires at least one Connected Account in the Test Account' + ) + ); + } + + connectedAccountId = accounts.data[0].id; + + done(); + }); }); - it('should emit a `request` event to listeners on request', function(done) { - var apiVersion = '2017-06-05'; - var idempotencyKey = Math.random().toString(36).slice(2); + it('should emit a `request` event to listeners on request', (done) => { + const apiVersion = '2017-06-05'; + const idempotencyKey = Math.random() + .toString(36) + .slice(2); function onRequest(request) { stripe.off('request', onRequest); @@ -445,22 +341,29 @@ describe('Flows', function() { stripe.on('request', onRequest); - stripe.charges.create({ - amount: 1234, - currency: 'usd', - card: 'tok_chargeDeclined', - }, { - stripe_version: apiVersion, - idempotency_key: idempotencyKey, - stripe_account: connectedAccountId, - }).then(null, function() { - // I expect there to be an error here. - }); + stripe.charges + .create( + { + amount: 1234, + currency: 'usd', + card: 'tok_chargeDeclined', + }, + { + stripe_version: apiVersion, + idempotency_key: idempotencyKey, + stripe_account: connectedAccountId, + } + ) + .then(null, () => { + // I expect there to be an error here. + }); }); - it('should emit a `response` event to listeners on response', function(done) { - var apiVersion = '2017-06-05'; - var idempotencyKey = Math.random().toString(36).slice(2); + it('should emit a `response` event to listeners on response', (done) => { + const apiVersion = '2017-06-05'; + const idempotencyKey = Math.random() + .toString(36) + .slice(2); function onResponse(response) { // On the off chance we're picking up a response from a differentrequest @@ -485,20 +388,25 @@ describe('Flows', function() { stripe.on('response', onResponse); - stripe.charges.create({ - amount: 1234, - currency: 'usd', - card: 'tok_chargeDeclined', - }, { - stripe_version: apiVersion, - idempotency_key: idempotencyKey, - stripe_account: connectedAccountId, - }).then(null, function() { - // I expect there to be an error here. - }); + stripe.charges + .create( + { + amount: 1234, + currency: 'usd', + card: 'tok_chargeDeclined', + }, + { + stripe_version: apiVersion, + idempotency_key: idempotencyKey, + stripe_account: connectedAccountId, + } + ) + .then(null, () => { + // I expect there to be an error here. + }); }); - it('should not emit a `response` event to removed listeners on response', function(done) { + it('should not emit a `response` event to removed listeners on response', (done) => { function onResponse(response) { done(new Error('How did you get here?')); } @@ -506,76 +414,82 @@ describe('Flows', function() { stripe.on('response', onResponse); stripe.off('response', onResponse); - stripe.charges.create({ - amount: 1234, - currency: 'usd', - card: 'tok_visa', - }).then(function() { - done(); - }); + stripe.charges + .create({ + amount: 1234, + currency: 'usd', + card: 'tok_visa', + }) + .then(() => { + done(); + }); }); }); - describe('FileUpload', function() { - it('Allows you to upload a file as a stream', function() { - var testFilename = path.join(__dirname, 'resources/data/minimal.pdf'); - var f = fs.createReadStream(testFilename); + describe('File', () => { + it('Allows you to upload a file as a stream', () => { + const testFilename = path.join(__dirname, 'resources/data/minimal.pdf'); + const f = fs.createReadStream(testFilename); return expect( - stripe.fileUploads.create({ - purpose: 'dispute_evidence', - file: { - data: f, - name: 'minimal.pdf', - type: 'application/octet-stream', - }, - }).then(null, function(error) { - return error; - }) + stripe.files + .create({ + purpose: 'dispute_evidence', + file: { + data: f, + name: 'minimal.pdf', + type: 'application/octet-stream', + }, + }) + .then(null, (error) => error) ).to.eventually.have.nested.property('size', 739); }); - it('Allows you to upload a file synchronously', function() { - var testFilename = path.join(__dirname, 'resources/data/minimal.pdf'); - var f = fs.readFileSync(testFilename); + it('Allows you to upload a file synchronously', () => { + const testFilename = path.join(__dirname, 'resources/data/minimal.pdf'); + const f = fs.readFileSync(testFilename); return expect( - stripe.fileUploads.create({ - purpose: 'dispute_evidence', - file: { - data: f, - name: 'minimal.pdf', - type: 'application/octet-stream', - }, - }).then(null, function(error) { - return error; - }) + stripe.files + .create({ + purpose: 'dispute_evidence', + file: { + data: f, + name: 'minimal.pdf', + type: 'application/octet-stream', + }, + }) + .then(null, (error) => error) ).to.eventually.have.nested.property('size', 739); }); - it('Surfaces stream errors correctly', function(done) { - var mockedStream = new stream.Readable(); - mockedStream._read = function() {}; + it('Surfaces stream errors correctly', (done) => { + const mockedStream = new stream.Readable(); + mockedStream._read = () => {}; - var fakeError = new Error('I am a fake error'); + const fakeError = new Error('I am a fake error'); - process.nextTick(function() { + process.nextTick(() => { mockedStream.emit('error', fakeError); }); - stripe.fileUploads.create({ - purpose: 'dispute_evidence', - file: { - data: mockedStream, - name: 'minimal.pdf', - type: 'application/octet-stream', - }, - }).catch(function(error) { - expect(error.message).to.equal('An error occurred while attempting to process the file for upload.'); - expect(error.detail).to.equal(fakeError); + stripe.files + .create({ + purpose: 'dispute_evidence', + file: { + data: mockedStream, + name: 'minimal.pdf', + type: 'application/octet-stream', + }, + }) + .catch((error) => { + expect(error.message).to.equal( + 'An error occurred while attempting to process the file for upload.' + ); + expect(error.detail).to.equal(fakeError); - done(); - }); + done(); + }); }); }); }); diff --git a/test/resources/Account.spec.js b/test/resources/Account.spec.js index 5ec0f9ab6c..5a4a2b1552 100644 --- a/test/resources/Account.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/Account.spec.js @@ -1,17 +1,17 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const expect = require('chai').expect; -var TEST_AUTH_KEY = 'aGN0bIwXnHdw5645VABjPdSn8nWY7G11'; +const TEST_AUTH_KEY = 'aGN0bIwXnHdw5645VABjPdSn8nWY7G11'; -describe('Account Resource', function() { +describe('Account Resource', () => { function uniqueEmail() { - return Math.random() + 'bob@example.com'; + return `${Math.random()}bob@example.com`; } - describe('create', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - var data = { + describe('create', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { + const data = { managed: false, country: 'US', email: uniqueEmail(), @@ -20,14 +20,14 @@ describe('Account Resource', function() { expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', url: '/v1/accounts', - data: data, + data, headers: {}, }); }); }); - describe('delete', function() { - it('deletes an account successfully', function() { + describe('delete', () => { + it('deletes an account successfully', () => { stripe.account.del('acct_16Tzq6DBahdM4C8s'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'DELETE', @@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ describe('Account Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('reject', function() { - it('rejects an account successfully', function() { + describe('reject', () => { + it('rejects an account successfully', () => { stripe.account.reject('acct_16Tzq6DBahdM4C8s', {reason: 'fraud'}); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', @@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ describe('Account Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request with no params', function() { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request with no params', () => { stripe.account.retrieve(); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ describe('Account Resource', function() { }); }); - it('Sends the correct request with ID param', function() { + it('Sends the correct request with ID param', () => { stripe.account.retrieve('foo'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ describe('Account Resource', function() { }); }); - it('Sends the correct request with secret key', function() { - var key = 'sk_12345678901234567890123456789012'; + it('Sends the correct request with secret key', () => { + const key = 'sk_12345678901234567890123456789012'; stripe.account.retrieve(null, key); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ auth: key, @@ -83,8 +83,8 @@ describe('Account Resource', function() { }); }); - it('Sends the correct request with secret key as first object', function() { - var params = {api_key: 'sk_12345678901234567890123456789012'}; + it('Sends the correct request with secret key as first object', () => { + const params = {api_key: 'sk_12345678901234567890123456789012'}; stripe.account.retrieve(params); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ auth: params.api_key, @@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ describe('Account Resource', function() { }); }); - it('Sends the correct request with a callback', function() { - stripe.account.retrieve(function(err, account) {}); + it('Sends the correct request with a callback', () => { + stripe.account.retrieve((err, account) => {}); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', url: '/v1/account', @@ -106,9 +106,9 @@ describe('Account Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('Capability methods', function() { - describe('listCapabilities', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('Capability methods', () => { + describe('listCapabilities', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.account.listCapabilities('acct_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ describe('Account Resource', function() { }); }); - it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', function() { + it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', () => { stripe.account.listCapabilities('acct_123', TEST_AUTH_KEY); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -130,8 +130,8 @@ describe('Account Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('retrieveCapability', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('retrieveCapability', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.account.retrieveCapability('acct_123', 'acap_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -141,8 +141,12 @@ describe('Account Resource', function() { }); }); - it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', function() { - stripe.account.retrieveCapability('acct_123', 'acap_123', TEST_AUTH_KEY); + it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', () => { + stripe.account.retrieveCapability( + 'acct_123', + 'acap_123', + TEST_AUTH_KEY + ); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', url: '/v1/accounts/acct_123/capabilities/acap_123', @@ -153,8 +157,8 @@ describe('Account Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('updateCapability', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('updateCapability', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.account.updateCapability('acct_123', 'acap_123', { first_name: 'John', }); @@ -166,10 +170,15 @@ describe('Account Resource', function() { }); }); - it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', function() { - stripe.account.updateCapability('acct_123', 'acap_123', { - first_name: 'John', - }, TEST_AUTH_KEY); + it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', () => { + stripe.account.updateCapability( + 'acct_123', + 'acap_123', + { + first_name: 'John', + }, + TEST_AUTH_KEY + ); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', url: '/v1/accounts/acct_123/capabilities/acap_123', @@ -181,23 +190,32 @@ describe('Account Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('External account methods', function() { - describe('retrieveExternalAccount', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - stripe.account.retrieveExternalAccount('accountIdFoo321', 'externalAccountIdFoo456'); + describe('External account methods', () => { + describe('retrieveExternalAccount', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { + stripe.account.retrieveExternalAccount( + 'accountIdFoo321', + 'externalAccountIdFoo456' + ); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/accounts/accountIdFoo321/external_accounts/externalAccountIdFoo456', + url: + '/v1/accounts/accountIdFoo321/external_accounts/externalAccountIdFoo456', headers: {}, data: {}, }); }); - it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', function() { - stripe.account.retrieveExternalAccount('accountIdFoo321', 'externalAccountIdFoo456', TEST_AUTH_KEY); + it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', () => { + stripe.account.retrieveExternalAccount( + 'accountIdFoo321', + 'externalAccountIdFoo456', + TEST_AUTH_KEY + ); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/accounts/accountIdFoo321/external_accounts/externalAccountIdFoo456', + url: + '/v1/accounts/accountIdFoo321/external_accounts/externalAccountIdFoo456', headers: {}, data: {}, auth: TEST_AUTH_KEY, @@ -205,10 +223,12 @@ describe('Account Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('createExternalAccount', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('createExternalAccount', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.account.createExternalAccount('accountIdFoo321', { - number: '123456', currency: 'usd', country: 'US', + number: '123456', + currency: 'usd', + country: 'US', }); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', @@ -218,10 +238,16 @@ describe('Account Resource', function() { }); }); - it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', function() { - stripe.account.createExternalAccount('accountIdFoo321', { - number: '123456', currency: 'usd', country: 'US', - }, TEST_AUTH_KEY); + it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', () => { + stripe.account.createExternalAccount( + 'accountIdFoo321', + { + number: '123456', + currency: 'usd', + country: 'US', + }, + TEST_AUTH_KEY + ); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', url: '/v1/accounts/accountIdFoo321/external_accounts', @@ -232,36 +258,50 @@ describe('Account Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('updateExternalAccount', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - stripe.account.updateExternalAccount('accountIdFoo321', 'externalAccountIdFoo456', { - default_for_currency: true, - }); + describe('updateExternalAccount', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { + stripe.account.updateExternalAccount( + 'accountIdFoo321', + 'externalAccountIdFoo456', + { + default_for_currency: true, + } + ); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/accounts/accountIdFoo321/external_accounts/externalAccountIdFoo456', + url: + '/v1/accounts/accountIdFoo321/external_accounts/externalAccountIdFoo456', headers: {}, data: {default_for_currency: true}, }); }); }); - describe('deleteExternalAccount', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - stripe.account.deleteExternalAccount('accountIdFoo321', 'externalAccountIdFoo456'); + describe('deleteExternalAccount', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { + stripe.account.deleteExternalAccount( + 'accountIdFoo321', + 'externalAccountIdFoo456' + ); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'DELETE', - url: '/v1/accounts/accountIdFoo321/external_accounts/externalAccountIdFoo456', + url: + '/v1/accounts/accountIdFoo321/external_accounts/externalAccountIdFoo456', headers: {}, data: {}, }); }); - it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', function() { - stripe.account.deleteExternalAccount('accountIdFoo321', 'externalAccountIdFoo456', TEST_AUTH_KEY); + it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', () => { + stripe.account.deleteExternalAccount( + 'accountIdFoo321', + 'externalAccountIdFoo456', + TEST_AUTH_KEY + ); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'DELETE', - url: '/v1/accounts/accountIdFoo321/external_accounts/externalAccountIdFoo456', + url: + '/v1/accounts/accountIdFoo321/external_accounts/externalAccountIdFoo456', headers: {}, data: {}, auth: TEST_AUTH_KEY, @@ -269,8 +309,8 @@ describe('Account Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('listExternalAccounts', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('listExternalAccounts', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.account.listExternalAccounts('accountIdFoo321'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -280,7 +320,7 @@ describe('Account Resource', function() { }); }); - it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', function() { + it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', () => { stripe.account.listExternalAccounts('accountIdFoo321', TEST_AUTH_KEY); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -293,9 +333,9 @@ describe('Account Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('LoginLink methods', function() { - describe('createLoginLink', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('LoginLink methods', () => { + describe('createLoginLink', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.account.createLoginLink('acct_EXPRESS'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', @@ -307,9 +347,9 @@ describe('Account Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('Person methods', function() { - describe('retrievePerson', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('Person methods', () => { + describe('retrievePerson', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.account.retrievePerson('acct_123', 'person_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -319,7 +359,7 @@ describe('Account Resource', function() { }); }); - it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', function() { + it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', () => { stripe.account.retrievePerson('acct_123', 'person_123', TEST_AUTH_KEY); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -331,8 +371,8 @@ describe('Account Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('createPerson', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('createPerson', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.account.createPerson('acct_123', { first_name: 'John', }); @@ -344,10 +384,14 @@ describe('Account Resource', function() { }); }); - it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', function() { - stripe.account.createPerson('acct_123', { - first_name: 'John', - }, TEST_AUTH_KEY); + it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', () => { + stripe.account.createPerson( + 'acct_123', + { + first_name: 'John', + }, + TEST_AUTH_KEY + ); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', url: '/v1/accounts/acct_123/persons', @@ -358,8 +402,8 @@ describe('Account Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('updatePerson', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('updatePerson', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.account.updatePerson('acct_123', 'person_123', { first_name: 'John', }); @@ -371,10 +415,15 @@ describe('Account Resource', function() { }); }); - it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', function() { - stripe.account.updatePerson('acct_123', 'person_123', { - first_name: 'John', - }, TEST_AUTH_KEY); + it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', () => { + stripe.account.updatePerson( + 'acct_123', + 'person_123', + { + first_name: 'John', + }, + TEST_AUTH_KEY + ); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', url: '/v1/accounts/acct_123/persons/person_123', @@ -385,8 +434,8 @@ describe('Account Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('deletePerson', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('deletePerson', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.account.deletePerson('acct_123', 'person_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'DELETE', @@ -396,7 +445,7 @@ describe('Account Resource', function() { }); }); - it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', function() { + it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', () => { stripe.account.deletePerson('acct_123', 'person_123', TEST_AUTH_KEY); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'DELETE', @@ -408,8 +457,8 @@ describe('Account Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('listPersons', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('listPersons', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.account.listPersons('acct_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -419,7 +468,7 @@ describe('Account Resource', function() { }); }); - it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', function() { + it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', () => { stripe.account.listPersons('acct_123', TEST_AUTH_KEY); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', diff --git a/test/resources/AccountLinks.spec.js b/test/resources/AccountLinks.spec.js index 74dfe1caef..bd42414fcd 100644 --- a/test/resources/AccountLinks.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/AccountLinks.spec.js @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('AccountLinks Resource', function() { - describe('create', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { +describe('AccountLinks Resource', () => { + describe('create', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.accountLinks.create({ account: 'acct_123', failure_url: 'https://stripe.com/failure', diff --git a/test/resources/ApplePayDomains.spec.js b/test/resources/ApplePayDomains.spec.js index 106e3fd9fd..38fd741849 100644 --- a/test/resources/ApplePayDomains.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/ApplePayDomains.spec.js @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('ApplePayDomains Resource', function() { - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { +describe('ApplePayDomains Resource', () => { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.applePayDomains.retrieve('apwc_retrieve'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ describe('ApplePayDomains Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('del', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('del', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.applePayDomains.del('apwc_delete'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'DELETE', @@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ describe('ApplePayDomains Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('create', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('create', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.applePayDomains.create({ domain_name: 'example.com', }); @@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ describe('ApplePayDomains Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('list', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('list', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.applePayDomains.list(); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', diff --git a/test/resources/ApplicationFeeRefunds.spec.js b/test/resources/ApplicationFeeRefunds.spec.js deleted file mode 100644 index f4f2a72a80..0000000000 --- a/test/resources/ApplicationFeeRefunds.spec.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,57 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; - -var resources = require('../../lib/stripe').resources; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; - -var APPFEE_TEST_ID = 'appFeeIdTest999'; -var REFUND_TEST_ID = 'refundIdTest999'; - -// Create new CustomerCard instance with pre-filled customerId: -var appFeeRefund = new resources.ApplicationFeeRefunds( - stripe, - {feeId: APPFEE_TEST_ID} -); - -// Use spy from existing resource: -appFeeRefund._request = stripe.customers._request; - -describe('ApplicationFeeRefund Resource', function() { - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - appFeeRefund.retrieve(REFUND_TEST_ID); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/application_fees/' + APPFEE_TEST_ID + '/refunds/' + REFUND_TEST_ID, - data: {}, - headers: {}, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('update', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - appFeeRefund.update(REFUND_TEST_ID, { - metadata: {key: 'value'}, - }); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/application_fees/' + APPFEE_TEST_ID + '/refunds/' + REFUND_TEST_ID, - data: {metadata: {key: 'value'}}, - headers: {}, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('list', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - appFeeRefund.list(); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/application_fees/' + APPFEE_TEST_ID + '/refunds', - data: {}, - headers: {}, - }); - }); - }); -}); diff --git a/test/resources/ApplicationFees.spec.js b/test/resources/ApplicationFees.spec.js index 2cec4f95ff..4264714106 100644 --- a/test/resources/ApplicationFees.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/ApplicationFees.spec.js @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('ApplicationFee Resource', function() { - describe('list', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { +describe('ApplicationFee Resource', () => { + describe('list', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.applicationFees.list(); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -16,20 +16,8 @@ describe('ApplicationFee Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('refund', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - stripe.applicationFees.refund('applicationFeeIdExample3242', {amount: 23}); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/application_fees/applicationFeeIdExample3242/refund', - data: {amount: 23}, - headers: {}, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('refunds', function() { - it('Sends the correct update request', function() { + describe('refunds', () => { + it('Sends the correct update request', () => { stripe.applicationFees.updateRefund( 'appFeeIdExample3242', 'refundIdExample2312', @@ -37,17 +25,15 @@ describe('ApplicationFee Resource', function() { ); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/application_fees/appFeeIdExample3242/refunds/refundIdExample2312', + url: + '/v1/application_fees/appFeeIdExample3242/refunds/refundIdExample2312', data: {metadata: {key: 'value'}}, headers: {}, }); }); - it('Sends the correct create request', function() { - stripe.applicationFees.createRefund( - 'appFeeIdExample3242', - {amount: 100} - ); + it('Sends the correct create request', () => { + stripe.applicationFees.createRefund('appFeeIdExample3242', {amount: 100}); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', url: '/v1/application_fees/appFeeIdExample3242/refunds', @@ -56,10 +42,8 @@ describe('ApplicationFee Resource', function() { }); }); - it('Sends the correct list request', function() { - stripe.applicationFees.listRefunds( - 'appFeeIdExample3242' - ); + it('Sends the correct list request', () => { + stripe.applicationFees.listRefunds('appFeeIdExample3242'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', url: '/v1/application_fees/appFeeIdExample3242/refunds', @@ -68,14 +52,15 @@ describe('ApplicationFee Resource', function() { }); }); - it('Sends the correct retrieve request', function() { + it('Sends the correct retrieve request', () => { stripe.applicationFees.retrieveRefund( 'appFeeIdExample3242', 'refundIdExample2312' ); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/application_fees/appFeeIdExample3242/refunds/refundIdExample2312', + url: + '/v1/application_fees/appFeeIdExample3242/refunds/refundIdExample2312', data: {}, headers: {}, }); diff --git a/test/resources/Balance.spec.js b/test/resources/Balance.spec.js index 0845e36106..83acd76cbb 100644 --- a/test/resources/Balance.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/Balance.spec.js @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('Balance Resource', function() { - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { +describe('Balance Resource', () => { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.balance.retrieve(); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ describe('Balance Resource', function() { }); }); - it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', function() { + it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', () => { stripe.balance.retrieve('aGN0bIwXnHdw5645VABjPdSn8nWY7G11'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -26,50 +26,4 @@ describe('Balance Resource', function() { }); }); }); - - describe('listTransactions', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - stripe.balance.listTransactions(); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/balance/history', - data: {}, - headers: {}, - }); - }); - - it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', function() { - stripe.balance.listTransactions('aGN0bIwXnHdw5645VABjPdSn8nWY7G11'); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/balance/history', - data: {}, - headers: {}, - auth: 'aGN0bIwXnHdw5645VABjPdSn8nWY7G11', - }); - }); - }); - - describe('retrieveTransaction', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - stripe.balance.retrieveTransaction('transactionIdFoo'); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/balance/history/transactionIdFoo', - data: {}, - headers: {}, - }); - }); - - it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', function() { - stripe.balance.retrieveTransaction('transactionIdFoo', 'aGN0bIwXnHdw5645VABjPdSn8nWY7G11'); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/balance/history/transactionIdFoo', - data: {}, - headers: {}, - auth: 'aGN0bIwXnHdw5645VABjPdSn8nWY7G11', - }); - }); - }); }); diff --git a/test/resources/BitcoinReceivers.spec.js b/test/resources/BitcoinReceivers.spec.js index 2ca675e6bc..494840c17a 100644 --- a/test/resources/BitcoinReceivers.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/BitcoinReceivers.spec.js @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('BitcoinReceivers Resource', function() { - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { +describe('BitcoinReceivers Resource', () => { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.bitcoinReceivers.retrieve('receiverId1'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ describe('BitcoinReceivers Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('list', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('list', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.bitcoinReceivers.list(); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ describe('BitcoinReceivers Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('listTransactions', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('listTransactions', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.bitcoinReceivers.listTransactions('receiverId', { limit: 1, }); @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ describe('BitcoinReceivers Resource', function() { data: { limit: 1, }, - }) + }); }); }); }); diff --git a/test/resources/Capabilities.spec.js b/test/resources/Capabilities.spec.js deleted file mode 100644 index d586715096..0000000000 --- a/test/resources/Capabilities.spec.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,58 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; - -var resources = require('../../lib/stripe').resources; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; - -var ACCOUNT_TEST_ID = 'acct_123'; -var CAPABILITY_TEST_ID = 'acap_123'; - -// Create new Capability instance with pre-filled accountId: -var capability = new resources.Capabilities( - stripe, - {accountId: ACCOUNT_TEST_ID} -); - -// Use spy from existing resource: -capability._request = stripe.customers._request; - -describe('Capability Resource', function() { - describe('list', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - capability.list(); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/accounts/' + ACCOUNT_TEST_ID + '/capabilities', - data: {}, - headers: {}, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - capability.retrieve(CAPABILITY_TEST_ID); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/accounts/' + ACCOUNT_TEST_ID + '/capabilities/' + CAPABILITY_TEST_ID, - data: {}, - headers: {}, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('update', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - capability.update(CAPABILITY_TEST_ID, { - first_name: 'John', - }); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/accounts/' + ACCOUNT_TEST_ID + '/capabilities/' + CAPABILITY_TEST_ID, - data: {first_name: 'John'}, - headers: {}, - }); - }); - }); -}); - diff --git a/test/resources/ChargeRefunds.spec.js b/test/resources/ChargeRefunds.spec.js deleted file mode 100644 index adc1790f49..0000000000 --- a/test/resources/ChargeRefunds.spec.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,71 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; - -var resources = require('../../lib/stripe').resources; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; - -var CHARGE_TEST_ID = 'chargeIdTest999'; -var REFUND_TEST_ID = 'refundIdTest999'; - -// Create new CustomerCard instance with pre-filled customerId: -var chargeRefund = new resources.ChargeRefunds( - stripe, - {chargeId: CHARGE_TEST_ID} -); - -// Use spy from existing resource: -chargeRefund._request = stripe.customers._request; - -describe('ChargeRefund Resource', function() { - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - chargeRefund.retrieve(REFUND_TEST_ID); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/charges/' + CHARGE_TEST_ID + '/refunds/' + REFUND_TEST_ID, - data: {}, - headers: {}, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('create', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - chargeRefund.create({ - amount: 100, - }); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/charges/' + CHARGE_TEST_ID + '/refunds', - data: {amount: 100}, - headers: {}, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('update', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - chargeRefund.update(REFUND_TEST_ID, { - metadata: {key: 'value'}, - }); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/charges/' + CHARGE_TEST_ID + '/refunds/' + REFUND_TEST_ID, - data: {metadata: {key: 'value'}}, - headers: {}, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('list', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - chargeRefund.list(); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/charges/' + CHARGE_TEST_ID + '/refunds', - data: {}, - headers: {}, - }); - }); - }); -}); diff --git a/test/resources/Charges.spec.js b/test/resources/Charges.spec.js index 6308e82cd0..3c4aa224e7 100644 --- a/test/resources/Charges.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/Charges.spec.js @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('Charge Resource', function() { - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { +describe('Charge Resource', () => { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.charges.retrieve('chargeIdFoo123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ describe('Charge Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('create', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('create', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.charges.create({ amount: '1500', currency: 'usd', @@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ describe('Charge Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('list', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('list', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.charges.list(); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ describe('Charge Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('capture', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('capture', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.charges.capture('chargeIdExample3242', {amount: 23}); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', @@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ describe('Charge Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('update', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('update', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.charges.update('chargeIdExample3242', {description: 'foo321'}); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', @@ -79,132 +79,4 @@ describe('Charge Resource', function() { }); }); }); - - describe('refund', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - stripe.charges.refund('chargeIdExample3242', {amount: 23}); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/charges/chargeIdExample3242/refund', - headers: {}, - data: {amount: 23}, - }); - }); - - it('Incorrect arguments result in an error', function() { - expect( - stripe.charges.refund('chargeIdExample123', 39392) - ).to.be.eventually.rejectedWith(/unknown arguments/i); - - expect( - stripe.charges.refund({potato: 'chargeIdExample123'}) - ).to.be.eventually.rejectedWith(/must be a string, but got: object/i); - - expect( - stripe.charges.refund(442) - ).to.be.eventually.rejectedWith(/must be a string, but got: number/i); - }); - }); - - describe('refunds', function() { - it('Sends the correct update request', function() { - stripe.charges.updateRefund( - 'chargeIdExample3242', - 'refundIdExample2312', - {metadata: {key: 'value'}} - ); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/charges/chargeIdExample3242/refunds/refundIdExample2312', - headers: {}, - data: {metadata: {key: 'value'}}, - }); - }); - - it('Sends the correct create request', function() { - stripe.charges.createRefund( - 'chargeIdExample3242', - {amount: 100} - ); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/charges/chargeIdExample3242/refunds', - headers: {}, - data: {amount: 100}, - }); - }); - - it('Sends the correct list request', function() { - stripe.charges.listRefunds( - 'chargeIdExample3242' - ); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/charges/chargeIdExample3242/refunds', - headers: {}, - data: {}, - }); - }); - - it('Sends the correct retrieve request', function() { - stripe.charges.retrieveRefund( - 'chargeIdExample3242', - 'refundIdExample2312' - ); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/charges/chargeIdExample3242/refunds/refundIdExample2312', - headers: {}, - data: {}, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('updateDispute', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - stripe.charges.updateDispute('chargeIdExample3242', {evidence: 'foo'}); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/charges/chargeIdExample3242/dispute', - headers: {}, - data: {evidence: 'foo'}, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('closeDispute', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - stripe.charges.closeDispute('chargeIdExample3242', {}); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/charges/chargeIdExample3242/dispute/close', - headers: {}, - data: {}, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('markAsFraudulent', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - stripe.charges.markAsFraudulent('chargeIdExample3242'); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/charges/chargeIdExample3242', - data: {'fraud_details': {'user_report': 'fraudulent'}}, - headers: {}, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('markAsSafe', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - stripe.charges.markAsSafe('chargeIdExample3242'); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/charges/chargeIdExample3242', - data: {'fraud_details': {'user_report': 'safe'}}, - headers: {}, - }); - }); - }); }); diff --git a/test/resources/Checkout/Sessions.spec.js b/test/resources/Checkout/Sessions.spec.js index b0268ab786..2ab499b94f 100644 --- a/test/resources/Checkout/Sessions.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/Checkout/Sessions.spec.js @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const stripe = require('../../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('Checkout', function () { - describe('Sessions Resource', function () { - describe('create', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - var params = { +describe('Checkout', () => { + describe('Sessions Resource', () => { + describe('create', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { + const params = { cancel_url: 'https://stripe.com/cancel', client_reference_id: '1234', line_items: [ @@ -16,9 +16,7 @@ describe('Checkout', function () { amount: 123, currency: 'usd', description: 'item 1', - images: [ - 'https://stripe.com/img1', - ], + images: ['https://stripe.com/img1'], name: 'name', quantity: 2, }, @@ -40,8 +38,8 @@ describe('Checkout', function () { }); }); - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.checkout.sessions.retrieve('cs_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', diff --git a/test/resources/CountrySpecs.spec.js b/test/resources/CountrySpecs.spec.js index b896cdb91d..d5f6252aa4 100644 --- a/test/resources/CountrySpecs.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/CountrySpecs.spec.js @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('CountrySpecs Resource', function() { - describe('list', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { +describe('CountrySpecs Resource', () => { + describe('list', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.countrySpecs.list(); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -16,13 +16,13 @@ describe('CountrySpecs Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - var country = 'US'; + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { + const country = 'US'; stripe.countrySpecs.retrieve(country); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/country_specs/' + country, + url: `/v1/country_specs/${country}`, data: {}, headers: {}, }); diff --git a/test/resources/Coupons.spec.js b/test/resources/Coupons.spec.js index 199845993e..f906a02d79 100644 --- a/test/resources/Coupons.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/Coupons.spec.js @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('Coupons Resource', function() { - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { +describe('Coupons Resource', () => { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.coupons.retrieve('couponId123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ describe('Coupons Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('del', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('del', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.coupons.del('couponId123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'DELETE', @@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ describe('Coupons Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('update', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('update', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.coupons.update('couponId123', { metadata: {a: '1234'}, }); @@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ describe('Coupons Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('create', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('create', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.coupons.create({ percent_off: 25, duration: 'repeating', @@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ describe('Coupons Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('list', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('list', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.coupons.list(); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', diff --git a/test/resources/CreditNotes.spec.js b/test/resources/CreditNotes.spec.js index eb76a7aa16..025e01a176 100644 --- a/test/resources/CreditNotes.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/CreditNotes.spec.js @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('CreditNotes Resource', function() { - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { +describe('CreditNotes Resource', () => { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.creditNotes.retrieve('cn_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ describe('CreditNotes Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('create', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - var data = { + describe('create', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { + const data = { amount: 100, invoice: 'in_123', reason: 'duplicate', @@ -28,13 +28,13 @@ describe('CreditNotes Resource', function() { method: 'POST', url: '/v1/credit_notes', headers: {}, - data: data, + data, }); }); }); - describe('list', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('list', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.creditNotes.list({count: 25}); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ describe('CreditNotes Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('update', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('update', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.creditNotes.update('cn_123', {application_fee: 200}); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', @@ -57,14 +57,14 @@ describe('CreditNotes Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('voidCreditNote', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('voidCreditNote', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.creditNotes.voidCreditNote('cn_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', url: '/v1/credit_notes/cn_123/void', headers: {}, - data: {} + data: {}, }); }); }); diff --git a/test/resources/CustomerCards.spec.js b/test/resources/CustomerCards.spec.js deleted file mode 100644 index 4c9708c472..0000000000 --- a/test/resources/CustomerCards.spec.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,82 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; - -var resources = require('../../lib/stripe').resources; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; - -var CUSTOMER_TEST_ID = 'customerIdTest999'; - -// Create new CustomerCard instance with pre-filled customerId: -var customerCard = new resources.CustomerCards( - stripe, - {customerId: CUSTOMER_TEST_ID} -); - -// Use spy from existing resource: -customerCard._request = stripe.customers._request; - -describe('CustomerCard Resource', function() { - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - customerCard.retrieve('cardIdFoo456'); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/customers/' + CUSTOMER_TEST_ID + '/cards/cardIdFoo456', - headers: {}, - data: {}, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('create', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - customerCard.create({ - number: '123456', exp_month: '12', - }); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/customers/' + CUSTOMER_TEST_ID + '/cards', - headers: {}, - data: {number: '123456', exp_month: '12'}, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('update', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - customerCard.update('cardIdFoo456', { - name: 'Bob M. Baz', - }); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/customers/' + CUSTOMER_TEST_ID + '/cards/cardIdFoo456', - headers: {}, - data: {name: 'Bob M. Baz'}, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('del', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - customerCard.del('cardIdFoo456'); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'DELETE', - url: '/v1/customers/' + CUSTOMER_TEST_ID + '/cards/cardIdFoo456', - headers: {}, - data: {}, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('list', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - customerCard.list(); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/customers/' + CUSTOMER_TEST_ID + '/cards', - headers: {}, - data: {}, - }); - }); - }); -}); diff --git a/test/resources/CustomerSubscriptions.spec.js b/test/resources/CustomerSubscriptions.spec.js deleted file mode 100644 index 461e19e137..0000000000 --- a/test/resources/CustomerSubscriptions.spec.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,96 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; - -var resources = require('../../lib/stripe').resources; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; - -var CUSTOMER_TEST_ID = 'customerIdTest999'; - -// Create new CustomerSubscription instance with pre-filled customerId: -var customerSubscription = new resources.CustomerSubscriptions( - stripe, - {customerId: CUSTOMER_TEST_ID} -); - -// Use spy from existing resource: -customerSubscription._request = stripe.customers._request; - -describe('CustomerSubscription Resource', function() { - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - customerSubscription.retrieve('subscriptionIdFoo456'); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/customers/' + CUSTOMER_TEST_ID + '/subscriptions/subscriptionIdFoo456', - headers: {}, - data: {}, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('create', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - customerSubscription.create({ - plan: 'gold', quantity: '12', - }); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/customers/' + CUSTOMER_TEST_ID + '/subscriptions', - headers: {}, - data: {plan: 'gold', quantity: '12'}, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('update', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - customerSubscription.update('subscriptionIdFoo456', { - name: 'Bob M. Baz', - }); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/customers/' + CUSTOMER_TEST_ID + '/subscriptions/subscriptionIdFoo456', - headers: {}, - data: {name: 'Bob M. Baz'}, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('del', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - customerSubscription.del('subscriptionIdFoo456'); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'DELETE', - url: '/v1/customers/' + CUSTOMER_TEST_ID + '/subscriptions/subscriptionIdFoo456', - headers: {}, - data: {}, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('list', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - customerSubscription.list(); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/customers/' + CUSTOMER_TEST_ID + '/subscriptions', - headers: {}, - data: {}, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('Discount methods', function() { - describe('deleteDiscount', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - customerSubscription.deleteDiscount('customerIdFoo321', 'subscriptionIdBar654'); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'DELETE', - url: '/v1/customers/customerIdFoo321/subscriptions/subscriptionIdBar654/discount', - headers: {}, - data: {}, - }); - }); - }); - }); -}); diff --git a/test/resources/Customers.spec.js b/test/resources/Customers.spec.js index c895f740a1..57881bb790 100644 --- a/test/resources/Customers.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/Customers.spec.js @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const expect = require('chai').expect; -var TEST_AUTH_KEY = 'aGN0bIwXnHdw5645VABjPdSn8nWY7G11'; +const TEST_AUTH_KEY = 'aGN0bIwXnHdw5645VABjPdSn8nWY7G11'; -describe('Customers Resource', function() { - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { +describe('Customers Resource', () => { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.customers.retrieve('cus_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ describe('Customers Resource', function() { }); }); - it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', function() { + it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', () => { stripe.customers.retrieve('cus_123', TEST_AUTH_KEY); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ describe('Customers Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('create', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('create', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.customers.create({description: 'Some customer'}); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ describe('Customers Resource', function() { }); }); - it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', function() { + it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', () => { stripe.customers.create({description: 'Some customer'}, TEST_AUTH_KEY); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ describe('Customers Resource', function() { }); }); - it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth and no body]', function() { + it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth and no body]', () => { stripe.customers.create(TEST_AUTH_KEY); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', @@ -62,8 +62,11 @@ describe('Customers Resource', function() { }); }); - it('Sends the correct request [with specified idempotency_key in options]', function() { - stripe.customers.create({description: 'Some customer'}, {idempotency_key: 'foo'}); + it('Sends the correct request [with specified idempotency_key in options]', () => { + stripe.customers.create( + {description: 'Some customer'}, + {idempotency_key: 'foo'} + ); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', url: '/v1/customers', @@ -72,8 +75,11 @@ describe('Customers Resource', function() { }); }); - it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth in options]', function() { - stripe.customers.create({description: 'Some customer'}, {api_key: TEST_AUTH_KEY}); + it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth in options]', () => { + stripe.customers.create( + {description: 'Some customer'}, + {api_key: TEST_AUTH_KEY} + ); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', url: '/v1/customers', @@ -83,8 +89,11 @@ describe('Customers Resource', function() { }); }); - it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth and idempotent key in options]', function() { - stripe.customers.create({description: 'Some customer'}, {api_key: TEST_AUTH_KEY, idempotency_key: 'foo'}); + it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth and idempotent key in options]', () => { + stripe.customers.create( + {description: 'Some customer'}, + {api_key: TEST_AUTH_KEY, idempotency_key: 'foo'} + ); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', url: '/v1/customers', @@ -94,7 +103,7 @@ describe('Customers Resource', function() { }); }); - it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth in options and no body]', function() { + it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth in options and no body]', () => { stripe.customers.create({api_key: TEST_AUTH_KEY}); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', @@ -106,8 +115,8 @@ describe('Customers Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('update', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('update', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.customers.update('cus_123', { description: 'Foo "baz"', }); @@ -120,8 +129,8 @@ describe('Customers Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('del', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('del', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.customers.del('cus_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'DELETE', @@ -132,8 +141,8 @@ describe('Customers Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('list', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('list', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.customers.list(); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -143,7 +152,7 @@ describe('Customers Resource', function() { }); }); - it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', function() { + it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', () => { stripe.customers.list(TEST_AUTH_KEY); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -155,86 +164,9 @@ describe('Customers Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('Subscription methods', function() { - describe('updateSubscription', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - stripe.customers.updateSubscription('cus_123', { - plan: 'fooPlan', - }); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/customers/cus_123/subscription', - headers: {}, - data: {plan: 'fooPlan'}, - }); - }); - - it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', function() { - stripe.customers.updateSubscription('cus_123', { - plan: 'fooPlan', - }, TEST_AUTH_KEY); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/customers/cus_123/subscription', - headers: {}, - data: {plan: 'fooPlan'}, - auth: TEST_AUTH_KEY, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('cancelSubscription', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - stripe.customers.cancelSubscription('cus_123'); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'DELETE', - url: '/v1/customers/cus_123/subscription', - headers: {}, - data: {}, - }); - }); - - it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', function() { - stripe.customers.cancelSubscription('cus_123', TEST_AUTH_KEY); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'DELETE', - url: '/v1/customers/cus_123/subscription', - headers: {}, - data: {}, - auth: TEST_AUTH_KEY, - }); - }); - - describe('With at_period_end defined', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - stripe.customers.cancelSubscription('cus_123', {at_period_end: true}); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'DELETE', - url: '/v1/customers/cus_123/subscription', - headers: {}, - data: {at_period_end: true}, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('With at_period_end defined [with specified auth]', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - stripe.customers.cancelSubscription('cus_123', {at_period_end: true}, TEST_AUTH_KEY); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'DELETE', - url: '/v1/customers/cus_123/subscription', - headers: {}, - data: {at_period_end: true}, - auth: TEST_AUTH_KEY, - }); - }); - }); - }); - }); - - describe('Discount methods', function() { - describe('deleteDiscount', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('Discount methods', () => { + describe('deleteDiscount', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.customers.deleteDiscount('cus_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'DELETE', @@ -244,223 +176,11 @@ describe('Customers Resource', function() { }); }); }); - - describe('deleteSubscriptionDiscount', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - stripe.customers.deleteSubscriptionDiscount('cus_123', 'sub_123'); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'DELETE', - url: '/v1/customers/cus_123/subscriptions/sub_123/discount', - headers: {}, - data: {}, - }); - }); - }); - }); - - describe('Metadata methods', function() { - describe('setMetadata', function() { - describe('When deleting metadata', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - stripe.customers.setMetadata('cus_123', null); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/customers/cus_123', - headers: {}, - data: { - metadata: null, - }, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('When setting new metadata', function() { - it('Sends one request to get current, and another to set new data', function() { - return expect(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { - stripe.customers.setMetadata('cus_123', { - foo: 123, - baz: 456, - }).then(function() { - var reqs = stripe.REQUESTS; - resolve([ - // Last two requests - reqs[reqs.length - 2], - reqs[reqs.length - 1], - ]); - }); - })).to.eventually.deep.equal([ - { - // First reset metadata: - method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/customers/cus_123', - headers: {}, - data: {metadata: null}, - }, - { - // Then set new metadata: - method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/customers/cus_123', - headers: {}, - data: { - metadata: {foo: 123, baz: 456}, - }, - }, - ]); - }); - }); - - describe('When setting with an auth key', function() { - it('Sends the correct request, including the specified auth key', function() { - stripe.customers.setMetadata('cus_123', null, TEST_AUTH_KEY); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/customers/cus_123', - headers: {}, - data: { - metadata: null, - }, - auth: TEST_AUTH_KEY, - }); - stripe.customers.setMetadata('cus_123', 'a', '1234', TEST_AUTH_KEY); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/customers/cus_123', - headers: {}, - data: { - metadata: {a: '1234'}, - }, - auth: TEST_AUTH_KEY, - }); - stripe.customers.setMetadata('cus_123', 'a', null, TEST_AUTH_KEY); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/customers/cus_123', - headers: {}, - data: { - metadata: {a: null}, - }, - auth: TEST_AUTH_KEY, - }); - }); - }); - }); - }); - - describe('Card methods', function() { - describe('retrieveCard', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - stripe.customers.retrieveCard('cus_123', 'card_123'); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/customers/cus_123/cards/card_123', - headers: {}, - data: {}, - }); - }); - - it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', function() { - stripe.customers.retrieveCard('cus_123', 'card_123', TEST_AUTH_KEY); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/customers/cus_123/cards/card_123', - headers: {}, - data: {}, - auth: TEST_AUTH_KEY, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('createCard', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - stripe.customers.createCard('cus_123', { - number: '123456', exp_month: '12', - }); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/customers/cus_123/cards', - headers: {}, - data: {number: '123456', exp_month: '12'}, - }); - }); - - it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', function() { - stripe.customers.createCard('cus_123', { - number: '123456', exp_month: '12', - }, TEST_AUTH_KEY); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/customers/cus_123/cards', - headers: {}, - data: {number: '123456', exp_month: '12'}, - auth: TEST_AUTH_KEY, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('updateCard', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - stripe.customers.updateCard('cus_123', 'card_123', { - name: 'Bob M. Baz', - }); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/customers/cus_123/cards/card_123', - headers: {}, - data: {name: 'Bob M. Baz'}, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('deleteCard', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - stripe.customers.deleteCard('cus_123', 'card_123'); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'DELETE', - url: '/v1/customers/cus_123/cards/card_123', - headers: {}, - data: {}, - }); - }); - - it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', function() { - stripe.customers.deleteCard('cus_123', 'card_123', TEST_AUTH_KEY); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'DELETE', - url: '/v1/customers/cus_123/cards/card_123', - headers: {}, - data: {}, - auth: TEST_AUTH_KEY, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('listCards', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - stripe.customers.listCards('cus_123'); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/customers/cus_123/cards', - headers: {}, - data: {}, - }); - }); - - it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', function() { - stripe.customers.listCards('cus_123', TEST_AUTH_KEY); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/customers/cus_123/cards', - headers: {}, - data: {}, - auth: TEST_AUTH_KEY, - }); - }); - }); }); - describe('Source methods', function() { - describe('retrieveSource', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('Source methods', () => { + describe('retrieveSource', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.customers.retrieveSource('cus_123', 'card_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -470,7 +190,7 @@ describe('Customers Resource', function() { }); }); - it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', function() { + it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', () => { stripe.customers.retrieveSource('cus_123', 'card_123', TEST_AUTH_KEY); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -482,10 +202,12 @@ describe('Customers Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('createSource', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('createSource', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.customers.createSource('cus_123', { - object: 'card', number: '123456', exp_month: '12', + object: 'card', + number: '123456', + exp_month: '12', }); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', @@ -495,10 +217,16 @@ describe('Customers Resource', function() { }); }); - it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', function() { - stripe.customers.createSource('cus_123', { - object: 'card', number: '123456', exp_month: '12', - }, TEST_AUTH_KEY); + it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', () => { + stripe.customers.createSource( + 'cus_123', + { + object: 'card', + number: '123456', + exp_month: '12', + }, + TEST_AUTH_KEY + ); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', url: '/v1/customers/cus_123/sources', @@ -509,8 +237,8 @@ describe('Customers Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('updateSource', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('updateSource', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.customers.updateSource('cus_123', 'card_123', { name: 'Bob M. Baz', }); @@ -523,8 +251,8 @@ describe('Customers Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('deleteSource', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('deleteSource', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.customers.deleteSource('cus_123', 'card_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'DELETE', @@ -534,7 +262,7 @@ describe('Customers Resource', function() { }); }); - it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', function() { + it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', () => { stripe.customers.deleteSource('cus_123', 'card_123', TEST_AUTH_KEY); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'DELETE', @@ -546,8 +274,8 @@ describe('Customers Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('listSources', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('listSources', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.customers.listSources('cus_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -557,7 +285,7 @@ describe('Customers Resource', function() { }); }); - it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', function() { + it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', () => { stripe.customers.listSources('cus_123', TEST_AUTH_KEY); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -569,180 +297,30 @@ describe('Customers Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('verifySource', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - var data = {amounts: [32,45]} + describe('verifySource', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { + const data = {amounts: [32, 45]}; - stripe.customers.verifySource('cus_123', 'card_123', data, TEST_AUTH_KEY); + stripe.customers.verifySource( + 'cus_123', + 'card_123', + data, + TEST_AUTH_KEY + ); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', url: '/v1/customers/cus_123/sources/card_123/verify', headers: {}, - data: data, - auth: TEST_AUTH_KEY, - }) - }); - }); - }); - - describe('Subscription methods', function() { - describe('retrieveSubscription', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - stripe.customers.retrieveSubscription('cus_123', 'sub_123'); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/customers/cus_123/subscriptions/sub_123', - headers: {}, - data: {}, - }); - }); - - it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', function() { - stripe.customers.retrieveSubscription('cus_123', 'sub_123', TEST_AUTH_KEY); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/customers/cus_123/subscriptions/sub_123', - headers: {}, - data: {}, - auth: TEST_AUTH_KEY, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('createSubscription', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - stripe.customers.createSubscription('cus_123', { - plan: 'gold', quantity: '12', - }); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/customers/cus_123/subscriptions', - headers: {}, - data: {plan: 'gold', quantity: '12'}, - }); - }); - - it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', function() { - stripe.customers.createSubscription('cus_123', { - plan: 'gold', quantity: '12', - }, TEST_AUTH_KEY); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/customers/cus_123/subscriptions', - headers: {}, - data: {plan: 'gold', quantity: '12'}, - auth: TEST_AUTH_KEY, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('updateSubscription (new-style api)', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - stripe.customers.updateSubscription('cus_123', 'sub_123', { - quantity: '2', - }); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/customers/cus_123/subscriptions/sub_123', - headers: {}, - data: {quantity: '2'}, - }); - }); - - it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', function() { - stripe.customers.updateSubscription('cus_123', 'sub_123', { - quantity: '2', - }, TEST_AUTH_KEY); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/customers/cus_123/subscriptions/sub_123', - headers: {}, - data: {quantity: '2'}, - auth: TEST_AUTH_KEY, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('cancelSubscription (new-style api)', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - stripe.customers.cancelSubscription('cus_123', 'sub_123'); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'DELETE', - url: '/v1/customers/cus_123/subscriptions/sub_123', - headers: {}, - data: {}, - }); - }); - - it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', function() { - stripe.customers.cancelSubscription('cus_123', 'sub_123', TEST_AUTH_KEY); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'DELETE', - url: '/v1/customers/cus_123/subscriptions/sub_123', - headers: {}, - data: {}, - auth: TEST_AUTH_KEY, - }); - }); - - describe('With at_period_end defined', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - stripe.customers.cancelSubscription('cus_123', 'sub_123', {at_period_end: true}); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'DELETE', - url: '/v1/customers/cus_123/subscriptions/sub_123', - headers: {}, - data: {at_period_end: true}, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('With at_period_end defined [with specified auth]', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - stripe.customers.cancelSubscription( - 'cus_123', - 'sub_123', - {at_period_end: true}, - TEST_AUTH_KEY - ); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'DELETE', - url: '/v1/customers/cus_123/subscriptions/sub_123', - headers: {}, - data: {at_period_end: true}, - auth: TEST_AUTH_KEY, - }); - }); - }); - }); - - describe('listSubscriptions', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - stripe.customers.listSubscriptions('cus_123'); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/customers/cus_123/subscriptions', - headers: {}, - data: {}, - }); - }); - - it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', function() { - stripe.customers.listSubscriptions('cus_123', TEST_AUTH_KEY); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/customers/cus_123/subscriptions', - headers: {}, - data: {}, + data, auth: TEST_AUTH_KEY, }); }); }); }); - describe('TaxId methods', function() { - describe('retrieveTaxId', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('TaxId methods', () => { + describe('retrieveTaxId', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.customers.retrieveTaxId('cus_123', 'txi_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -753,9 +331,9 @@ describe('Customers Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('createTaxId', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - var data = { + describe('createTaxId', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { + const data = { type: 'eu_vat', value: '11111', }; @@ -764,13 +342,13 @@ describe('Customers Resource', function() { method: 'POST', url: '/v1/customers/cus_123/tax_ids', headers: {}, - data: data, + data, }); }); }); - describe('deleteTaxId', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('deleteTaxId', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.customers.deleteTaxId('cus_123', 'txi_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'DELETE', @@ -781,8 +359,8 @@ describe('Customers Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('listTaxIds', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('listTaxIds', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.customers.listTaxIds('cus_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', diff --git a/test/resources/Disputes.spec.js b/test/resources/Disputes.spec.js index d227adfe3d..6bee3ed7f8 100644 --- a/test/resources/Disputes.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/Disputes.spec.js @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('Dispute Resource', function() { - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { +describe('Dispute Resource', () => { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.disputes.retrieve('dp_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ describe('Dispute Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('list', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('list', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.disputes.list(); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ describe('Dispute Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('close', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('close', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.disputes.close('dp_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', @@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ describe('Dispute Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('update', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('update', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.disputes.update('dp_123', {evidence: {customer_name: 'Bob'}}); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', diff --git a/test/resources/EphemeralKeys.spec.js b/test/resources/EphemeralKeys.spec.js index 565a066186..1a5a2ca171 100644 --- a/test/resources/EphemeralKeys.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/EphemeralKeys.spec.js @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const expect = require('chai').expect; function errorsOnNoStripeVersion() { return expect( @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ function sendsCorrectStripeVersion() { }); } -describe('EphemeralKey Resource', function() { - describe('create', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { +describe('EphemeralKey Resource', () => { + describe('create', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.ephemeralKeys.create( {customer: 'cus_123'}, {stripe_version: '2017-05-25'} @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ describe('EphemeralKey Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('when an api version is set', function() { + describe('when an api version is set', () => { beforeEach(function() { this.oldVersion = stripe.getApiField('version'); stripe.setApiVersion('2017-05-25'); @@ -56,16 +56,15 @@ describe('EphemeralKey Resource', function() { stripe.setApiVersion(this.oldVersion); }); - it('Errors if no stripe-version is specified', function() { - return errorsOnNoStripeVersion(); - }); + it('Errors if no stripe-version is specified', () => + errorsOnNoStripeVersion()); - it('Sends the correct stripe-version', function() { + it('Sends the correct stripe-version', () => { sendsCorrectStripeVersion(); }); }); - describe('when no api version is set', function() { + describe('when no api version is set', () => { beforeEach(function() { this.oldVersion = stripe.getApiField('version'); stripe.setApiVersion(null); @@ -75,18 +74,17 @@ describe('EphemeralKey Resource', function() { stripe.setApiVersion(this.oldVersion); }); - it('Errors if no stripe-version is specified', function() { - return errorsOnNoStripeVersion(); - }); + it('Errors if no stripe-version is specified', () => + errorsOnNoStripeVersion()); - it('Sends the correct stripe-version', function() { + it('Sends the correct stripe-version', () => { sendsCorrectStripeVersion(); }); }); }); - describe('delete', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('delete', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.ephemeralKeys.del('ephkey_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'DELETE', diff --git a/test/resources/Events.spec.js b/test/resources/Events.spec.js index c5e77fdfdb..28fbe98ed4 100644 --- a/test/resources/Events.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/Events.spec.js @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('Events Resource', function() { - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { +describe('Events Resource', () => { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.events.retrieve('eventIdBaz'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ describe('Events Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('list', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('list', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.events.list({count: 25}); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', diff --git a/test/resources/ExchangeRates.spec.js b/test/resources/ExchangeRates.spec.js index 9f7108b77f..233119cd57 100644 --- a/test/resources/ExchangeRates.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/ExchangeRates.spec.js @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('ExchangeRates Resource', function() { - describe('list', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { +describe('ExchangeRates Resource', () => { + describe('list', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.exchangeRates.list(); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -16,13 +16,13 @@ describe('ExchangeRates Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - var currency = 'USD'; + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { + const currency = 'USD'; stripe.exchangeRates.retrieve(currency); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/exchange_rates/' + currency, + url: `/v1/exchange_rates/${currency}`, data: {}, headers: {}, }); diff --git a/test/resources/FileLinks.spec.js b/test/resources/FileLinks.spec.js index 8bf6677b21..1071d22ec0 100644 --- a/test/resources/FileLinks.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/FileLinks.spec.js @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('FileLinks Resource', function() { - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { +describe('FileLinks Resource', () => { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.fileLinks.retrieve('link_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ describe('FileLinks Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('create', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('create', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.fileLinks.create({file: 'file_123'}); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', @@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ describe('FileLinks Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('update', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('update', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.fileLinks.update('link_123', {metadata: {key: 'value'}}); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', @@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ describe('FileLinks Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('list', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('list', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.fileLinks.list(); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', diff --git a/test/resources/FileUploads.spec.js b/test/resources/FileUploads.spec.js deleted file mode 100644 index c8ea6bb6dd..0000000000 --- a/test/resources/FileUploads.spec.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,125 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; - -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; -var fs = require('fs'); -var path = require('path'); - -var TEST_AUTH_KEY = 'aGN0bIwXnHdw5645VABjPdSn8nWY7G11'; - -describe('File Uploads Resource', function() { - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - stripe.fileUploads.retrieve('fil_12345'); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/files/fil_12345', - headers: {}, - data: {}, - }); - }); - - it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', function() { - stripe.fileUploads.retrieve('fil_12345', TEST_AUTH_KEY); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/files/fil_12345', - headers: {}, - data: {}, - auth: TEST_AUTH_KEY, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('list', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - stripe.fileUploads.list(); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/files', - headers: {}, - data: {}, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('create', function() { - it('Sends the correct file upload request', function() { - var testFilename = path.join(__dirname, 'data/minimal.pdf'); - var f = fs.readFileSync(testFilename); - - stripe.fileUploads.create({ - purpose: 'dispute_evidence', - file: { - data: f, - name: 'minimal.pdf', - type: 'application/octet-stream', - }, - file_link_data: {create: true}, - }); - - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.property('host', 'files.stripe.com'); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.property('method', 'POST'); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.property('url', '/v1/files'); - }); - - it('Sends the correct file upload request [with specified auth]', function() { - var testFilename = path.join(__dirname, 'data/minimal.pdf'); - var f = fs.readFileSync(testFilename); - - stripe.fileUploads.create({ - purpose: 'dispute_evidence', - file: { - data: f, - name: 'minimal.pdf', - type: 'application/octet-stream', - }, - file_link_data: {create: true}, - }, TEST_AUTH_KEY); - - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.property('host', 'files.stripe.com'); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.property('method', 'POST'); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.property('url', '/v1/files'); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.property('auth', TEST_AUTH_KEY); - }); - - it('Streams a file and sends the correct file upload request', function() { - var testFilename = path.join(__dirname, 'data/minimal.pdf'); - var f = fs.createReadStream(testFilename); - - return stripe.fileUploads.create({ - purpose: 'dispute_evidence', - file: { - data: f, - name: 'minimal.pdf', - type: 'application/octet-stream', - }, - file_link_data: {create: true}, - }).then(function() { - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.property('host', 'files.stripe.com'); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.property('method', 'POST'); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.property('url', '/v1/files'); - }); - }); - - it('Streams a file and sends the correct file upload request [with specified auth]', function() { - var testFilename = path.join(__dirname, 'data/minimal.pdf'); - var f = fs.createReadStream(testFilename); - - return stripe.fileUploads.create({ - purpose: 'dispute_evidence', - file: { - data: f, - name: 'minimal.pdf', - type: 'application/octet-stream', - }, - file_link_data: {create: true}, - }, TEST_AUTH_KEY).then(function() { - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.property('host', 'files.stripe.com'); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.property('method', 'POST'); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.property('url', '/v1/files'); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.property('auth', TEST_AUTH_KEY); - }); - }); - }); -}); diff --git a/test/resources/Files.spec.js b/test/resources/Files.spec.js index 215652cec1..52487ffe07 100644 --- a/test/resources/Files.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/Files.spec.js @@ -1,15 +1,15 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; -var fs = require('fs'); -var path = require('path'); +const stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const expect = require('chai').expect; +const fs = require('fs'); +const path = require('path'); -var TEST_AUTH_KEY = 'aGN0bIwXnHdw5645VABjPdSn8nWY7G11'; +const TEST_AUTH_KEY = 'aGN0bIwXnHdw5645VABjPdSn8nWY7G11'; -describe('Files Resource', function() { - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { +describe('Files Resource', () => { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.files.retrieve('fil_12345'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ describe('Files Resource', function() { }); }); - it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', function() { + it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', () => { stripe.files.retrieve('fil_12345', TEST_AUTH_KEY); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ describe('Files Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('list', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('list', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.files.list(); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -43,10 +43,10 @@ describe('Files Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('create', function() { - it('Sends the correct file upload request', function() { - var testFilename = path.join(__dirname, 'data/minimal.pdf'); - var f = fs.readFileSync(testFilename); + describe('create', () => { + it('Sends the correct file upload request', () => { + const testFilename = path.join(__dirname, 'data/minimal.pdf'); + const f = fs.readFileSync(testFilename); stripe.files.create({ purpose: 'dispute_evidence', @@ -63,19 +63,22 @@ describe('Files Resource', function() { expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.property('url', '/v1/files'); }); - it('Sends the correct file upload request [with specified auth]', function() { - var testFilename = path.join(__dirname, 'data/minimal.pdf'); - var f = fs.readFileSync(testFilename); + it('Sends the correct file upload request [with specified auth]', () => { + const testFilename = path.join(__dirname, 'data/minimal.pdf'); + const f = fs.readFileSync(testFilename); - stripe.files.create({ - purpose: 'dispute_evidence', - file: { - data: f, - name: 'minimal.pdf', - type: 'application/octet-stream', + stripe.files.create( + { + purpose: 'dispute_evidence', + file: { + data: f, + name: 'minimal.pdf', + type: 'application/octet-stream', + }, + file_link_data: {create: true}, }, - file_link_data: {create: true}, - }, TEST_AUTH_KEY); + TEST_AUTH_KEY + ); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.property('host', 'files.stripe.com'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.property('method', 'POST'); @@ -83,43 +86,56 @@ describe('Files Resource', function() { expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.property('auth', TEST_AUTH_KEY); }); - it('Streams a file and sends the correct file upload request', function() { - var testFilename = path.join(__dirname, 'data/minimal.pdf'); - var f = fs.createReadStream(testFilename); + it('Streams a file and sends the correct file upload request', () => { + const testFilename = path.join(__dirname, 'data/minimal.pdf'); + const f = fs.createReadStream(testFilename); - return stripe.files.create({ - purpose: 'dispute_evidence', - file: { - data: f, - name: 'minimal.pdf', - type: 'application/octet-stream', - }, - file_link_data: {create: true}, - }).then(function() { - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.property('host', 'files.stripe.com'); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.property('method', 'POST'); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.property('url', '/v1/files'); - }); + return stripe.files + .create({ + purpose: 'dispute_evidence', + file: { + data: f, + name: 'minimal.pdf', + type: 'application/octet-stream', + }, + file_link_data: {create: true}, + }) + .then(() => { + expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.property( + 'host', + 'files.stripe.com' + ); + expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.property('method', 'POST'); + expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.property('url', '/v1/files'); + }); }); - it('Streams a file and sends the correct file upload request [with specified auth]', function() { - var testFilename = path.join(__dirname, 'data/minimal.pdf'); - var f = fs.createReadStream(testFilename); + it('Streams a file and sends the correct file upload request [with specified auth]', () => { + const testFilename = path.join(__dirname, 'data/minimal.pdf'); + const f = fs.createReadStream(testFilename); - return stripe.files.create({ - purpose: 'dispute_evidence', - file: { - data: f, - name: 'minimal.pdf', - type: 'application/octet-stream', - }, - file_link_data: {create: true}, - }, TEST_AUTH_KEY).then(function() { - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.property('host', 'files.stripe.com'); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.property('method', 'POST'); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.property('url', '/v1/files'); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.property('auth', TEST_AUTH_KEY); - }); + return stripe.files + .create( + { + purpose: 'dispute_evidence', + file: { + data: f, + name: 'minimal.pdf', + type: 'application/octet-stream', + }, + file_link_data: {create: true}, + }, + TEST_AUTH_KEY + ) + .then(() => { + expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.property( + 'host', + 'files.stripe.com' + ); + expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.property('method', 'POST'); + expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.property('url', '/v1/files'); + expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.property('auth', TEST_AUTH_KEY); + }); }); }); }); diff --git a/test/resources/InvoiceItems.spec.js b/test/resources/InvoiceItems.spec.js index 6a6352968a..61de4fd338 100644 --- a/test/resources/InvoiceItems.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/InvoiceItems.spec.js @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('InvoiceItems Resource', function() { - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { +describe('InvoiceItems Resource', () => { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.invoiceItems.retrieve('invoiceItemIdTesting123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ describe('InvoiceItems Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('create', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('create', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.invoiceItems.create({ customer: 'cust_id_888', }); @@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ describe('InvoiceItems Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('update', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('update', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.invoiceItems.update('invoiceItemId1', { amount: 1900, }); @@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ describe('InvoiceItems Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('del', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('del', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.invoiceItems.del('invoiceItemId2'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'DELETE', @@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ describe('InvoiceItems Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('list', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('list', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.invoiceItems.list(); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', diff --git a/test/resources/Invoices.spec.js b/test/resources/Invoices.spec.js index 16b9dd9b68..4a714c40fd 100644 --- a/test/resources/Invoices.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/Invoices.spec.js @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('Invoices Resource', function() { - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { +describe('Invoices Resource', () => { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.invoices.retrieve('in_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ describe('Invoices Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('create', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('create', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.invoices.create({application_fee: 111}); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', @@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ describe('Invoices Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('list', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('list', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.invoices.list({count: 25}); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ describe('Invoices Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('update', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('update', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.invoices.update('in_123', {application_fee: 200}); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', @@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ describe('Invoices Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('del', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('del', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.invoices.del('in_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'DELETE', @@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ describe('Invoices Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('listLineItems', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('listLineItems', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.invoices.listLineItems('in_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ describe('Invoices Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('listUpcomingLineItems', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('listUpcomingLineItems', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.invoices.listUpcomingLineItems(); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -88,150 +88,72 @@ describe('Invoices Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('retrieveLines', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - stripe.invoices.retrieveLines('in_123'); + describe('retrieveUpcoming', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { + stripe.invoices.retrieveUpcoming({ + customer: 'cus_abc', + subscription_items: [{plan: 'potato'}, {plan: 'rutabaga'}], + }); + expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/invoices/in_123/lines', + url: '/v1/invoices/upcoming', headers: {}, - data: {}, + data: { + customer: 'cus_abc', + subscription_items: [{plan: 'potato'}, {plan: 'rutabaga'}], + }, }); }); }); - describe('retrieveUpcoming', function() { - describe('With just a customer ID', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - stripe.invoices.retrieveUpcoming('cus_123'); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/invoices/upcoming?customer=cus_123', - headers: {}, - data: {}, - }); + describe('listUpcomingLineItems', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { + stripe.invoices.listUpcomingLineItems({ + customer: 'cus_abc', + subscription_items: [{plan: 'potato'}, {plan: 'rutabaga'}], + limit: 5, }); - }); - describe('With a subscription ID in addition to a customer ID', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - stripe.invoices.retrieveUpcoming('cus_123', 'sub_123'); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/invoices/upcoming?customer=cus_123&subscription=sub_123', - headers: {}, - data: {}, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('With an options object that includes `subscription_items`', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - stripe.invoices.retrieveUpcoming('cus_123', { - subscription_items: [ - {plan: 'potato'}, - {plan: 'rutabaga'}, - ], - }); - - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/invoices/upcoming?customer=cus_123&' + - 'subscription_items[0][plan]=potato&subscription_items[1][plan]=rutabaga', - headers: {}, - data: {}, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('Without a customer id but options', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - stripe.invoices.retrieveUpcoming({ + expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ + method: 'GET', + url: '/v1/invoices/upcoming/lines', + headers: {}, + data: { customer: 'cus_abc', - subscription_items: [ - {plan: 'potato'}, - {plan: 'rutabaga'}, - ], - }); - - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/invoices/upcoming?customer=cus_abc&' + - 'subscription_items[0][plan]=potato&subscription_items[1][plan]=rutabaga', - headers: {}, - data: {}, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('With an options object that includes `subscription_items` in addition to a subscription ID', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - stripe.invoices.retrieveUpcoming('cus_123', 'sub_123', - { - subscription_items: [ - {plan: 'potato'}, - {plan: 'rutabaga'}, - {id: 'SOME_ID', deleted: true}, - ], - subscription_prorate: true, - }); - - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/invoices/upcoming?customer=cus_123&subscription=sub_123', - headers: {}, - data: { - subscription_items: [ - {plan: 'potato'}, - {plan: 'rutabaga'}, - {id: 'SOME_ID', deleted: true}, - ], - subscription_prorate: true, - }, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('With a options object in addition to a customer ID', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - stripe.invoices.retrieveUpcoming('cus_123', {plan: 'planId123'}); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/invoices/upcoming?customer=cus_123&plan=planId123', - headers: {}, - data: {}, - }); + subscription_items: [{plan: 'potato'}, {plan: 'rutabaga'}], + limit: 5, + }, }); }); }); - describe('finalizeInvoice', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('finalizeInvoice', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.invoices.finalizeInvoice('in_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', url: '/v1/invoices/in_123/finalize', headers: {}, - data: {} + data: {}, }); }); }); - describe('mark uncollectible', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('mark uncollectible', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.invoices.markUncollectible('in_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', url: '/v1/invoices/in_123/mark_uncollectible', headers: {}, - data: {} + data: {}, }); }); }); - - describe('pay', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('pay', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.invoices.pay('in_123', { source: 'tok_FooBar', }); @@ -244,26 +166,26 @@ describe('Invoices Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('sendInvoice', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('sendInvoice', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.invoices.sendInvoice('in_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', url: '/v1/invoices/in_123/send', headers: {}, - data: {} + data: {}, }); }); }); - describe('voidInvoice', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('voidInvoice', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.invoices.voidInvoice('in_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', url: '/v1/invoices/in_123/void', headers: {}, - data: {} + data: {}, }); }); }); diff --git a/test/resources/IssuerFraudRecords.spec.js b/test/resources/IssuerFraudRecords.spec.js index 46842348c7..6a4bd87265 100644 --- a/test/resources/IssuerFraudRecords.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/IssuerFraudRecords.spec.js @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('IssuerFraudRecord Resource', function() { - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { +describe('IssuerFraudRecord Resource', () => { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.issuerFraudRecords.retrieve('issfr_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ describe('IssuerFraudRecord Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('list', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('list', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.issuerFraudRecords.list(); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', diff --git a/test/resources/Issuing/Authorization.spec.js b/test/resources/Issuing/Authorization.spec.js index b4eb56de4c..e58774d59f 100644 --- a/test/resources/Issuing/Authorization.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/Issuing/Authorization.spec.js @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const stripe = require('../../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('Issuing', function () { - describe('Authorization Resource', function() { - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { +describe('Issuing', () => { + describe('Authorization Resource', () => { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.issuing.authorizations.retrieve('iauth_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ describe('Issuing', function () { }); }); - describe('list', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('list', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.issuing.authorizations.list(); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -29,12 +29,12 @@ describe('Issuing', function () { }); }); - describe('update', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('update', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.issuing.authorizations.update('iauth_123', { metadata: { thing1: true, - thing2: 'yes' + thing2: 'yes', }, }); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ @@ -44,15 +44,15 @@ describe('Issuing', function () { data: { metadata: { thing1: true, - thing2: 'yes' + thing2: 'yes', }, }, }); }); }); - describe('approve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('approve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.issuing.authorizations.approve('iauth_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', @@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ describe('Issuing', function () { }); }); - describe('decline', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('decline', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.issuing.authorizations.decline('iauth_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', diff --git a/test/resources/Issuing/Cardholders.spec.js b/test/resources/Issuing/Cardholders.spec.js index b854cd592c..16bf3b531b 100644 --- a/test/resources/Issuing/Cardholders.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/Issuing/Cardholders.spec.js @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const stripe = require('../../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('Issuing', function () { - describe('Cardholders Resource', function () { - describe('retrieve', function () { - it('Sends the correct request', function () { +describe('Issuing', () => { + describe('Cardholders Resource', () => { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.issuing.cardholders.retrieve('ich_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ @@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ describe('Issuing', function () { }); }); - describe('create', function () { - it('Sends the correct request', function () { + describe('create', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.issuing.cardholders.create({ billing: {}, name: 'Tim Testperson', @@ -39,12 +39,12 @@ describe('Issuing', function () { }); }); - describe('update', function () { - it('Sends the correct request', function () { + describe('update', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.issuing.cardholders.update('ich_123', { metadata: { thing1: true, - thing2: 'yes' + thing2: 'yes', }, }); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ @@ -54,15 +54,15 @@ describe('Issuing', function () { data: { metadata: { thing1: true, - thing2: 'yes' + thing2: 'yes', }, }, }); }); }); - describe('list', function () { - it('Sends the correct request', function () { + describe('list', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.issuing.cardholders.list(); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', diff --git a/test/resources/Issuing/Cards.spec.js b/test/resources/Issuing/Cards.spec.js index 8cf312a16c..551667064b 100644 --- a/test/resources/Issuing/Cards.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/Issuing/Cards.spec.js @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const stripe = require('../../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('Issuing', function () { - describe('Cards Resource', function () { - describe('retrieve', function () { - it('Sends the correct request', function () { +describe('Issuing', () => { + describe('Cards Resource', () => { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.issuing.cards.retrieve('ic_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ @@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ describe('Issuing', function () { }); }); - describe('create', function () { - it('Sends the correct request', function () { + describe('create', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.issuing.cards.create({ currency: 'usd', type: 'physical', @@ -37,12 +37,12 @@ describe('Issuing', function () { }); }); - describe('update', function () { - it('Sends the correct request', function () { + describe('update', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.issuing.cards.update('ic_123', { metadata: { thing1: true, - thing2: 'yes' + thing2: 'yes', }, }); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ @@ -52,15 +52,15 @@ describe('Issuing', function () { data: { metadata: { thing1: true, - thing2: 'yes' + thing2: 'yes', }, }, }); }); }); - describe('list', function () { - it('Sends the correct request', function () { + describe('list', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.issuing.cards.list(); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -72,9 +72,9 @@ describe('Issuing', function () { }); }); - describe('Virtual Cards Resource', function () { - describe('retrieve', function () { - it('Sends the correct request', function () { + describe('Virtual Cards Resource', () => { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.issuing.cards.retrieveDetails('ic_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ diff --git a/test/resources/Issuing/Disputes.spec.js b/test/resources/Issuing/Disputes.spec.js index dcb5ac6eb2..4ae2d3ac5a 100644 --- a/test/resources/Issuing/Disputes.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/Issuing/Disputes.spec.js @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const stripe = require('../../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('Issuing', function () { - describe('Disputes Resource', function () { - describe('retrieve', function () { - it('Sends the correct request', function () { +describe('Issuing', () => { + describe('Disputes Resource', () => { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.issuing.disputes.retrieve('idp_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ @@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ describe('Issuing', function () { }); }); - describe('create', function () { - it('Sends the correct request', function () { + describe('create', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.issuing.disputes.create({ transaction: 'ipi_123', }); @@ -35,12 +35,12 @@ describe('Issuing', function () { }); }); - describe('update', function () { - it('Sends the correct request', function () { + describe('update', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.issuing.disputes.update('idp_123', { metadata: { thing1: true, - thing2: 'yes' + thing2: 'yes', }, }); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ @@ -50,15 +50,15 @@ describe('Issuing', function () { data: { metadata: { thing1: true, - thing2: 'yes' + thing2: 'yes', }, }, }); }); }); - describe('list', function () { - it('Sends the correct request', function () { + describe('list', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.issuing.disputes.list(); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', diff --git a/test/resources/Issuing/Transactions.spec.js b/test/resources/Issuing/Transactions.spec.js index ca44877232..2fa9854d56 100644 --- a/test/resources/Issuing/Transactions.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/Issuing/Transactions.spec.js @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const stripe = require('../../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('Issuing', function () { - describe('Transactions Resource', function () { - describe('retrieve', function () { - it('Sends the correct request', function () { +describe('Issuing', () => { + describe('Transactions Resource', () => { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.issuing.transactions.retrieve('ipi_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ @@ -19,12 +19,12 @@ describe('Issuing', function () { }); }); - describe('update', function () { - it('Sends the correct request', function () { + describe('update', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.issuing.transactions.update('ipi_123', { metadata: { thing1: true, - thing2: 'yes' + thing2: 'yes', }, }); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ @@ -34,15 +34,15 @@ describe('Issuing', function () { data: { metadata: { thing1: true, - thing2: 'yes' + thing2: 'yes', }, }, }); }); }); - describe('list', function () { - it('Sends the correct request', function () { + describe('list', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.issuing.transactions.list(); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', diff --git a/test/resources/LoginLinks.spec.js b/test/resources/LoginLinks.spec.js deleted file mode 100644 index b796a4356e..0000000000 --- a/test/resources/LoginLinks.spec.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; - -var resources = require('../../lib/stripe').resources; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; - -var ACCOUNT_ID = 'acct_EXPRESS'; - -// Create new LoginLink instance with pre-filled accountId: -var loginLink = new resources.LoginLinks( - stripe, - {accountId: ACCOUNT_ID} -); - -// Use spy from existing resource: -loginLink._request = stripe.customers._request; - -describe('LoginLink Resource', function() { - describe('create', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - loginLink.create(); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/accounts/' + ACCOUNT_ID + '/login_links', - headers: {}, - data: {}, - }); - }); - }); -}); diff --git a/test/resources/OAuth.spec.js b/test/resources/OAuth.spec.js index 5f21e48eea..c04af14f3c 100644 --- a/test/resources/OAuth.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/OAuth.spec.js @@ -1,38 +1,38 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; -var URL = require('url'); -var qs = require('qs'); +const expect = require('chai').expect; +const URL = require('url'); +const qs = require('qs'); -describe('OAuth', function() { - describe('authorize', function() { - describe('when a default client_id is set', function() { - beforeEach(function() { +describe('OAuth', () => { + describe('authorize', () => { + describe('when a default client_id is set', () => { + beforeEach(() => { stripe.setClientId('default_client_id'); }); - it('Uses the correct host', function() { - var url = stripe.oauth.authorizeUrl(); + it('Uses the correct host', () => { + const url = stripe.oauth.authorizeUrl(); - var host = URL.parse(url).hostname; + const host = URL.parse(url).hostname; expect(host).to.equal('connect.stripe.com'); }); - it('Uses the correct path', function() { - var url = stripe.oauth.authorizeUrl({state: 'some_state'}); + it('Uses the correct path', () => { + const url = stripe.oauth.authorizeUrl({state: 'some_state'}); - var pathname = URL.parse(url).pathname; + const pathname = URL.parse(url).pathname; expect(pathname).to.equal('/oauth/authorize'); }); - it('Uses the correct query', function() { - var url = stripe.oauth.authorizeUrl({state: 'some_state'}); + it('Uses the correct query', () => { + const url = stripe.oauth.authorizeUrl({state: 'some_state'}); - var query = qs.parse(URL.parse(url).query) + const query = qs.parse(URL.parse(url).query); expect(query.client_id).to.equal('default_client_id'); expect(query.response_type).to.equal('code'); @@ -40,19 +40,19 @@ describe('OAuth', function() { expect(query.state).to.equal('some_state'); }); - it('Uses a provided client_id instead of the default', function() { - var url = stripe.oauth.authorizeUrl({client_id: '123abc'}); + it('Uses a provided client_id instead of the default', () => { + const url = stripe.oauth.authorizeUrl({client_id: '123abc'}); - var query = qs.parse(URL.parse(url).query) + const query = qs.parse(URL.parse(url).query); expect(query.client_id).to.equal('123abc'); }); - describe('for Express account', function() { - it('Uses the correct path', function() { - var url = stripe.oauth.authorizeUrl({}, {express: true}); + describe('for Express account', () => { + it('Uses the correct path', () => { + const url = stripe.oauth.authorizeUrl({}, {express: true}); - var pathname = URL.parse(url).pathname; + const pathname = URL.parse(url).pathname; expect(pathname).to.equal('/express/oauth/authorize'); }); @@ -60,11 +60,11 @@ describe('OAuth', function() { }); }); - describe('token', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('token', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.oauth.token({ code: '123abc', - grant_type: 'authorization_code' + grant_type: 'authorization_code', }); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ @@ -74,18 +74,18 @@ describe('OAuth', function() { headers: {}, data: { code: '123abc', - grant_type: 'authorization_code' + grant_type: 'authorization_code', }, }); }); }); - describe('deauthorize', function() { - beforeEach(function() { + describe('deauthorize', () => { + beforeEach(() => { stripe.setClientId('default_client_id'); }); - it('Sends the correct request without explicit client_id', function() { + it('Sends the correct request without explicit client_id', () => { stripe.oauth.deauthorize({ stripe_user_id: 'some_user_id', }); @@ -97,12 +97,12 @@ describe('OAuth', function() { headers: {}, data: { client_id: stripe.getClientId(), - stripe_user_id: 'some_user_id' + stripe_user_id: 'some_user_id', }, }); }); - it('Sends the correct request with explicit client_id', function() { + it('Sends the correct request with explicit client_id', () => { stripe.oauth.deauthorize({ stripe_user_id: 'some_user_id', client_id: '123abc', @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ describe('OAuth', function() { headers: {}, data: { client_id: '123abc', - stripe_user_id: 'some_user_id' + stripe_user_id: 'some_user_id', }, }); }); diff --git a/test/resources/OrderReturns.spec.js b/test/resources/OrderReturns.spec.js index 2dff709fe9..f39052edb2 100644 --- a/test/resources/OrderReturns.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/OrderReturns.spec.js @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('OrderReturn Resource', function() { - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { +describe('OrderReturn Resource', () => { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.orderReturns.retrieve('orderReturnIdFoo123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ describe('OrderReturn Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('list', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('list', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.orderReturns.list({ limit: 3, }); @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ describe('OrderReturn Resource', function() { }); }); - it('Supports filtering by order', function() { + it('Supports filtering by order', () => { stripe.orderReturns.list({ order: 'orderIdFoo123', }); diff --git a/test/resources/Orders.spec.js b/test/resources/Orders.spec.js index 092d6de8d2..c367271577 100644 --- a/test/resources/Orders.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/Orders.spec.js @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('Order Resource', function() { - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { +describe('Order Resource', () => { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.orders.retrieve('orderIdFoo123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ describe('Order Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('create', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('create', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.orders.create({ currency: 'usd', items: [ @@ -56,10 +56,10 @@ describe('Order Resource', function() { headers: {}, }); }); - }) + }); - describe('list', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('list', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.orders.list({ limit: 3, }); @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ describe('Order Resource', function() { }); }); - it('Supports filtering by status', function() { + it('Supports filtering by status', () => { stripe.orders.list({ status: 'active', }); @@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ describe('Order Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('pay', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('pay', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.orders.pay('orderIdFoo3242', { source: 'tok_FooBar', }); @@ -102,12 +102,10 @@ describe('Order Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('returnOrder', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('returnOrder', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.orders.returnOrder('orderIdFoo3242', { - items: [ - {parent: 'sku_123'}, - ], + items: [{parent: 'sku_123'}], }); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', @@ -118,8 +116,8 @@ describe('Order Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('update', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('update', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.orders.update('orderIdFoo3242', {status: 'fulfilled'}); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', diff --git a/test/resources/PaymentIntents.spec.js b/test/resources/PaymentIntents.spec.js index 81f8f2c639..757b900ff5 100644 --- a/test/resources/PaymentIntents.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/PaymentIntents.spec.js @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const expect = require('chai').expect; -var PAYMENT_INTENT_TEST_ID = 'pi_123'; +const PAYMENT_INTENT_TEST_ID = 'pi_123'; -describe('Payment Intents Resource', function() { - describe('create', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - var params = { +describe('Payment Intents Resource', () => { + describe('create', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { + const params = { amount: 200, currency: 'usd', payment_method_types: ['card'], @@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ describe('Payment Intents Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('list', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('list', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.paymentIntents.list(); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -35,62 +35,62 @@ describe('Payment Intents Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.paymentIntents.retrieve(PAYMENT_INTENT_TEST_ID); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/payment_intents/' + PAYMENT_INTENT_TEST_ID, + url: `/v1/payment_intents/${PAYMENT_INTENT_TEST_ID}`, headers: {}, data: {}, }); }); }); - describe('update', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('update', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.paymentIntents.update(PAYMENT_INTENT_TEST_ID, { metadata: {key: 'value'}, }); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/payment_intents/' + PAYMENT_INTENT_TEST_ID, + url: `/v1/payment_intents/${PAYMENT_INTENT_TEST_ID}`, headers: {}, data: {metadata: {key: 'value'}}, }); }); }); - describe('cancel', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('cancel', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.paymentIntents.cancel(PAYMENT_INTENT_TEST_ID); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/payment_intents/' + PAYMENT_INTENT_TEST_ID + '/cancel', + url: `/v1/payment_intents/${PAYMENT_INTENT_TEST_ID}/cancel`, headers: {}, data: {}, }); }); }); - describe('capture', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('capture', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.paymentIntents.capture(PAYMENT_INTENT_TEST_ID); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/payment_intents/' + PAYMENT_INTENT_TEST_ID + '/capture', + url: `/v1/payment_intents/${PAYMENT_INTENT_TEST_ID}/capture`, headers: {}, data: {}, }); }); }); - describe('confirm', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('confirm', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.paymentIntents.confirm(PAYMENT_INTENT_TEST_ID); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/payment_intents/' + PAYMENT_INTENT_TEST_ID + '/confirm', + url: `/v1/payment_intents/${PAYMENT_INTENT_TEST_ID}/confirm`, headers: {}, data: {}, }); diff --git a/test/resources/PaymentMethods.spec.js b/test/resources/PaymentMethods.spec.js index 8106dce73b..0860c1cb45 100644 --- a/test/resources/PaymentMethods.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/PaymentMethods.spec.js @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('PaymentMethods Resource', function() { - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { +describe('PaymentMethods Resource', () => { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.paymentMethods.retrieve('pm_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ describe('PaymentMethods Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('create', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - var data = { + describe('create', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { + const data = { type: 'card', }; stripe.paymentMethods.create(data); @@ -26,14 +26,14 @@ describe('PaymentMethods Resource', function() { method: 'POST', url: '/v1/payment_methods', headers: {}, - data: data, + data, }); }); }); - describe('list', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - var data = { + describe('list', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { + const data = { customer: 'cus_123', type: 'card', }; @@ -42,14 +42,14 @@ describe('PaymentMethods Resource', function() { method: 'GET', url: '/v1/payment_methods', headers: {}, - data: data, + data, }); }); }); - describe('update', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - var data = { + describe('update', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { + const data = { metadata: {key: 'value'}, }; stripe.paymentMethods.update('pm_123', data); @@ -57,31 +57,31 @@ describe('PaymentMethods Resource', function() { method: 'POST', url: '/v1/payment_methods/pm_123', headers: {}, - data: data, + data, }); }); }); - describe('attach', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('attach', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.paymentMethods.attach('pm_123', {customer: 'cus_123'}); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', url: '/v1/payment_methods/pm_123/attach', headers: {}, - data: {customer: 'cus_123'} + data: {customer: 'cus_123'}, }); }); }); - describe('detach', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('detach', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.paymentMethods.detach('pm_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', url: '/v1/payment_methods/pm_123/detach', headers: {}, - data: {} + data: {}, }); }); }); diff --git a/test/resources/Payouts.spec.js b/test/resources/Payouts.spec.js index 9d4f92b648..6db0f5a387 100644 --- a/test/resources/Payouts.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/Payouts.spec.js @@ -1,27 +1,28 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const expect = require('chai').expect; -var PAYOUT_TEST_ID = 'po_testid1'; +const PAYOUT_TEST_ID = 'po_testid1'; -describe('Payouts Resource', function() { - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { +describe('Payouts Resource', () => { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.payouts.retrieve(PAYOUT_TEST_ID); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/payouts/' + PAYOUT_TEST_ID, + url: `/v1/payouts/${PAYOUT_TEST_ID}`, headers: {}, data: {}, }); }); }); - describe('create', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('create', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.payouts.create({ - amount: 200, currency: 'usd', + amount: 200, + currency: 'usd', }); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', @@ -32,34 +33,34 @@ describe('Payouts Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('update', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('update', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.payouts.update(PAYOUT_TEST_ID, { metadata: {key: 'value'}, }); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/payouts/' + PAYOUT_TEST_ID, + url: `/v1/payouts/${PAYOUT_TEST_ID}`, headers: {}, data: {metadata: {key: 'value'}}, }); }); }); - describe('cancel', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('cancel', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.payouts.cancel(PAYOUT_TEST_ID); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/payouts/' + PAYOUT_TEST_ID + '/cancel', + url: `/v1/payouts/${PAYOUT_TEST_ID}/cancel`, headers: {}, data: {}, }); }); }); - describe('list', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('list', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.payouts.list(); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -69,16 +70,4 @@ describe('Payouts Resource', function() { }); }); }); - - describe('listTransactions', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - stripe.payouts.listTransactions(PAYOUT_TEST_ID); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/payouts/' + PAYOUT_TEST_ID + '/transactions', - headers: {}, - data: {}, - }); - }); - }); }); diff --git a/test/resources/Persons.spec.js b/test/resources/Persons.spec.js deleted file mode 100644 index 0a355d0ad8..0000000000 --- a/test/resources/Persons.spec.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,84 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; - -var resources = require('../../lib/stripe').resources; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; - -var ACCOUNT_TEST_ID = 'acct_123'; -var PERSON_TEST_ID = 'person_123'; - -// Create new Person instance with pre-filled accountId: -var person = new resources.Persons( - stripe, - {accountId: ACCOUNT_TEST_ID} -); - -// Use spy from existing resource: -person._request = stripe.customers._request; - -describe('Person Resource', function() { - describe('create', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - person.create({ - first_name: 'John', - }); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/accounts/' + ACCOUNT_TEST_ID + '/persons', - data: {first_name: 'John'}, - headers: {}, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('delete', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - person.del(PERSON_TEST_ID); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'DELETE', - url: '/v1/accounts/' + ACCOUNT_TEST_ID + '/persons/' + PERSON_TEST_ID, - data: {}, - headers: {}, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('list', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - person.list(); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/accounts/' + ACCOUNT_TEST_ID + '/persons', - data: {}, - headers: {}, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - person.retrieve(PERSON_TEST_ID); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/accounts/' + ACCOUNT_TEST_ID + '/persons/' + PERSON_TEST_ID, - data: {}, - headers: {}, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('update', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - person.update(PERSON_TEST_ID, { - first_name: 'John', - }); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/accounts/' + ACCOUNT_TEST_ID + '/persons/' + PERSON_TEST_ID, - data: {first_name: 'John'}, - headers: {}, - }); - }); - }); -}); - diff --git a/test/resources/Plans.spec.js b/test/resources/Plans.spec.js index d231ddb6b6..85f9226fdc 100644 --- a/test/resources/Plans.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/Plans.spec.js @@ -1,55 +1,55 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('Plans Resource', function() { - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { +describe('Plans Resource', () => { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.plans.retrieve('planId1'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', url: '/v1/plans/planId1', headers: {}, - data: {} + data: {}, }); }); }); - describe('create', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('create', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.plans.create({ amount: 200, - currency: 'usd' + currency: 'usd', }); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', url: '/v1/plans', headers: {}, - data: {amount: 200, currency: 'usd'} + data: {amount: 200, currency: 'usd'}, }); }); - it('Sends the correct request for metered', function() { + it('Sends the correct request for metered', () => { stripe.plans.create({ amount: 200, currency: 'usd', - usage_type: 'metered' + usage_type: 'metered', }); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', url: '/v1/plans', headers: {}, - data: {amount: 200, currency: 'usd', usage_type: 'metered'} + data: {amount: 200, currency: 'usd', usage_type: 'metered'}, }); }); - it('Sends the correct request for tiered plans', function() { + it('Sends the correct request for tiered plans', () => { stripe.plans.create({ currency: 'usd', billing_scheme: 'tiered', tiers: [{up_to: 123, amount: 100}, {up_to: 'inf', amount: 200}], - tiers_mode: 'volume' + tiers_mode: 'volume', }); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', @@ -59,16 +59,16 @@ describe('Plans Resource', function() { currency: 'usd', billing_scheme: 'tiered', tiers: [{up_to: 123, amount: 100}, {up_to: 'inf', amount: 200}], - tiers_mode: 'volume' - } + tiers_mode: 'volume', + }, }); }); - it('Sends the correct request for transform usage plans', function() { + it('Sends the correct request for transform usage plans', () => { stripe.plans.create({ amount: 200, currency: 'usd', - transform_usage: {divide_by: 123, round: 'up'} + transform_usage: {divide_by: 123, round: 'up'}, }); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', @@ -77,47 +77,47 @@ describe('Plans Resource', function() { data: { amount: 200, currency: 'usd', - transform_usage: {divide_by: 123, round: 'up'} - } + transform_usage: {divide_by: 123, round: 'up'}, + }, }); }); }); - describe('update', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('update', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.plans.update('planId3', { amount: 1900, - currency: 'usd' + currency: 'usd', }); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', url: '/v1/plans/planId3', headers: {}, - data: {amount: 1900, currency: 'usd'} + data: {amount: 1900, currency: 'usd'}, }); }); }); - describe('del', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('del', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.plans.del('planId4'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'DELETE', url: '/v1/plans/planId4', headers: {}, - data: {} + data: {}, }); }); }); - describe('list', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('list', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.plans.list(); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', url: '/v1/plans', headers: {}, - data: {} + data: {}, }); }); }); diff --git a/test/resources/Products.spec.js b/test/resources/Products.spec.js index 274f82ecac..21c6193521 100644 --- a/test/resources/Products.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/Products.spec.js @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('Product Resource', function() { - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { +describe('Product Resource', () => { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.products.retrieve('productIdFoo123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ describe('Product Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('create', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('create', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.products.create({ name: 'Llamas', active: true, @@ -34,10 +34,10 @@ describe('Product Resource', function() { headers: {}, }); }); - }) + }); - describe('list', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('list', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.products.list({ limit: 3, }); @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ describe('Product Resource', function() { }); }); - it('Supports filtering by shippable', function() { + it('Supports filtering by shippable', () => { stripe.products.list({ shippable: true, }); @@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ describe('Product Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('update', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('update', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.products.update('productIdFoo3242', {caption: 'test'}); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', @@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ describe('Product Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('del', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('del', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.products.del('productIdFoo3242'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'DELETE', diff --git a/test/resources/Radar/ValueListItems.spec.js b/test/resources/Radar/ValueListItems.spec.js index 3ce40f3e17..286ef956ba 100644 --- a/test/resources/Radar/ValueListItems.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/Radar/ValueListItems.spec.js @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const stripe = require('../../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('Radar', function () { - describe('ValueLists Resource', function () { - describe('retrieve', function () { - it('Sends the correct request', function () { +describe('Radar', () => { + describe('ValueLists Resource', () => { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.radar.valueListItems.retrieve('rsli_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ @@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ describe('Radar', function () { }); }); - describe('create', function () { - it('Sends the correct request', function () { + describe('create', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.radar.valueListItems.create({ value_list: 'rsl_123', value: 'value', @@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ describe('Radar', function () { }); }); - describe('list', function () { - it('Sends the correct request', function () { + describe('list', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.radar.valueListItems.list({ value_list: 'rsl_123', }); @@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ describe('Radar', function () { }); }); - describe('del', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('del', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.radar.valueListItems.del('rsli_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'DELETE', diff --git a/test/resources/Radar/ValueLists.spec.js b/test/resources/Radar/ValueLists.spec.js index 8c3743af5e..57c778257e 100644 --- a/test/resources/Radar/ValueLists.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/Radar/ValueLists.spec.js @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const stripe = require('../../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('Radar', function () { - describe('ValueLists Resource', function () { - describe('retrieve', function () { - it('Sends the correct request', function () { +describe('Radar', () => { + describe('ValueLists Resource', () => { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.radar.valueLists.retrieve('rsl_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ @@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ describe('Radar', function () { }); }); - describe('create', function () { - it('Sends the correct request', function () { + describe('create', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.radar.valueLists.create({ alias: 'alias', name: 'name', @@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ describe('Radar', function () { }); }); - describe('list', function () { - it('Sends the correct request', function () { + describe('list', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.radar.valueLists.list(); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ describe('Radar', function () { }); }); - describe('del', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('del', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.radar.valueLists.del('rsl_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'DELETE', @@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ describe('Radar', function () { }); }); - describe('update', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('update', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.radar.valueLists.update('rsl_123', { metadata: {a: '1234'}, }); diff --git a/test/resources/RecipientCards.spec.js b/test/resources/RecipientCards.spec.js deleted file mode 100644 index 85475fd93a..0000000000 --- a/test/resources/RecipientCards.spec.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,82 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; - -var resources = require('../../lib/stripe').resources; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; - -var RECIPIENT_TEST_ID = 'recipientIdTest999'; - -// Create new recipientCard instance with pre-filled recipientId: -var recipientCard = new resources.RecipientCards( - stripe, - {recipientId: RECIPIENT_TEST_ID} -); - -// Use spy from existing resource: -recipientCard._request = stripe.recipients._request; - -describe('RecipientCard Resource', function() { - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - recipientCard.retrieve('cardIdFoo456'); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/recipients/' + RECIPIENT_TEST_ID + '/cards/cardIdFoo456', - headers: {}, - data: {}, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('create', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - recipientCard.create({ - number: '123456', exp_month: '12', - }); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/recipients/' + RECIPIENT_TEST_ID + '/cards', - headers: {}, - data: {number: '123456', exp_month: '12'}, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('update', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - recipientCard.update('cardIdFoo456', { - name: 'Bob M. Baz', - }); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/recipients/' + RECIPIENT_TEST_ID + '/cards/cardIdFoo456', - headers: {}, - data: {name: 'Bob M. Baz'}, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('del', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - recipientCard.del('cardIdFoo456'); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'DELETE', - url: '/v1/recipients/' + RECIPIENT_TEST_ID + '/cards/cardIdFoo456', - headers: {}, - data: {}, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('list', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - recipientCard.list(); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/recipients/' + RECIPIENT_TEST_ID + '/cards', - headers: {}, - data: {}, - }); - }); - }); -}); diff --git a/test/resources/Recipients.spec.js b/test/resources/Recipients.spec.js index 51350d079b..8ee3f33fe1 100644 --- a/test/resources/Recipients.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/Recipients.spec.js @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const expect = require('chai').expect; -var TEST_AUTH_KEY = 'aGN0bIwXnHdw5645VABjPdSn8nWY7G11'; +const TEST_AUTH_KEY = 'aGN0bIwXnHdw5645VABjPdSn8nWY7G11'; -describe('Recipients Resource', function() { - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { +describe('Recipients Resource', () => { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.recipients.retrieve('recipientId1'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -18,10 +18,11 @@ describe('Recipients Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('create', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('create', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.recipients.create({ - name: 'Bob', type: 'individual', + name: 'Bob', + type: 'individual', }); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', @@ -32,8 +33,8 @@ describe('Recipients Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('update', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('update', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.recipients.update('recipientId3', { name: 'Bob Smith', }); @@ -46,8 +47,8 @@ describe('Recipients Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('del', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('del', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.recipients.del('recipientId4'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'DELETE', @@ -58,8 +59,8 @@ describe('Recipients Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('list', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('list', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.recipients.list(); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -70,9 +71,9 @@ describe('Recipients Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('Card methods', function() { - describe('retrieveCard', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('Card methods', () => { + describe('retrieveCard', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.recipients.retrieveCard('recipientIdFoo321', 'cardIdFoo456'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -82,8 +83,12 @@ describe('Recipients Resource', function() { }); }); - it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', function() { - stripe.recipients.retrieveCard('recipientIdFoo321', 'cardIdFoo456', TEST_AUTH_KEY); + it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', () => { + stripe.recipients.retrieveCard( + 'recipientIdFoo321', + 'cardIdFoo456', + TEST_AUTH_KEY + ); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', url: '/v1/recipients/recipientIdFoo321/cards/cardIdFoo456', @@ -94,10 +99,11 @@ describe('Recipients Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('createCard', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('createCard', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.recipients.createCard('recipientIdFoo321', { - number: '123456', exp_month: '12', + number: '123456', + exp_month: '12', }); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', @@ -107,10 +113,15 @@ describe('Recipients Resource', function() { }); }); - it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', function() { - stripe.recipients.createCard('recipientIdFoo321', { - number: '123456', exp_month: '12', - }, TEST_AUTH_KEY); + it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', () => { + stripe.recipients.createCard( + 'recipientIdFoo321', + { + number: '123456', + exp_month: '12', + }, + TEST_AUTH_KEY + ); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', url: '/v1/recipients/recipientIdFoo321/cards', @@ -121,8 +132,8 @@ describe('Recipients Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('updateCard', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('updateCard', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.recipients.updateCard('recipientIdFoo321', 'cardIdFoo456', { name: 'Bob M. Baz', }); @@ -135,8 +146,8 @@ describe('Recipients Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('deleteCard', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('deleteCard', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.recipients.deleteCard('recipientIdFoo321', 'cardIdFoo456'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'DELETE', @@ -146,8 +157,12 @@ describe('Recipients Resource', function() { }); }); - it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', function() { - stripe.recipients.deleteCard('recipientIdFoo321', 'cardIdFoo456', TEST_AUTH_KEY); + it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', () => { + stripe.recipients.deleteCard( + 'recipientIdFoo321', + 'cardIdFoo456', + TEST_AUTH_KEY + ); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'DELETE', url: '/v1/recipients/recipientIdFoo321/cards/cardIdFoo456', @@ -158,8 +173,8 @@ describe('Recipients Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('listCards', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('listCards', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.recipients.listCards('recipientIdFoo321'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -169,7 +184,7 @@ describe('Recipients Resource', function() { }); }); - it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', function() { + it('Sends the correct request [with specified auth]', () => { stripe.recipients.listCards('recipientIdFoo321', TEST_AUTH_KEY); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', diff --git a/test/resources/Refunds.spec.js b/test/resources/Refunds.spec.js index f47550f01b..843477d149 100644 --- a/test/resources/Refunds.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/Refunds.spec.js @@ -1,15 +1,15 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('Refund Resource', function() { - describe('create', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { +describe('Refund Resource', () => { + describe('create', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.refunds.create({ amount: '300', charge: 'ch_123', - }) + }); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', @@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ describe('Refund Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.refunds.retrieve('re_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ describe('Refund Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('list', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('list', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.refunds.list(); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ describe('Refund Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('update', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('update', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.refunds.update('re_123', {metadata: {key: 'abcd'}}); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', diff --git a/test/resources/Reporting/ReportRuns.spec.js b/test/resources/Reporting/ReportRuns.spec.js index fa6cb522cc..dd83a00854 100644 --- a/test/resources/Reporting/ReportRuns.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/Reporting/ReportRuns.spec.js @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const stripe = require('../../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('Reporting', function () { - describe('ReportRuns Resource', function () { - describe('retrieve', function () { - it('Sends the correct request', function () { +describe('Reporting', () => { + describe('ReportRuns Resource', () => { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.reporting.reportRuns.retrieve('frr_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ @@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ describe('Reporting', function () { }); }); - describe('create', function () { - it('Sends the correct request', function () { + describe('create', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.reporting.reportRuns.create({ parameters: { connected_account: 'acct_123', @@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ describe('Reporting', function () { }); }); - describe('list', function () { - it('Sends the correct request', function () { + describe('list', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.reporting.reportRuns.list(); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', diff --git a/test/resources/Reporting/ReportTypes.spec.js b/test/resources/Reporting/ReportTypes.spec.js index 75b99d4d60..37e7bd3134 100644 --- a/test/resources/Reporting/ReportTypes.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/Reporting/ReportTypes.spec.js @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const stripe = require('../../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('Reporting', function () { - describe('ReportTypes Resource', function () { - describe('retrieve', function () { - it('Sends the correct request', function () { +describe('Reporting', () => { + describe('ReportTypes Resource', () => { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.reporting.reportTypes.retrieve('activity.summary.1'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ @@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ describe('Reporting', function () { }); }); - describe('list', function () { - it('Sends the correct request', function () { + describe('list', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.reporting.reportTypes.list(); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', diff --git a/test/resources/Reviews.spec.js b/test/resources/Reviews.spec.js index 850473afec..03296088aa 100644 --- a/test/resources/Reviews.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/Reviews.spec.js @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('Review Resource', function() { - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { +describe('Review Resource', () => { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.reviews.retrieve('prv_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ describe('Review Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('list', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('list', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.reviews.list(); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ describe('Review Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('approve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('approve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.reviews.approve('prv_123', {amount: 23}); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', diff --git a/test/resources/SKUs.spec.js b/test/resources/SKUs.spec.js index 24ce99437d..5155d8fec8 100644 --- a/test/resources/SKUs.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/SKUs.spec.js @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('SKU Resource', function() { - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { +describe('SKU Resource', () => { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.skus.retrieve('skuIdFoo123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ describe('SKU Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('create', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('create', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.skus.create({ currency: 'usd', inventory: {type: 'finite', quantity: 500}, @@ -38,10 +38,10 @@ describe('SKU Resource', function() { headers: {}, }); }); - }) + }); - describe('list', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('list', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.skus.list({ limit: 3, }); @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ describe('SKU Resource', function() { }); }); - it('Supports filtering by product', function() { + it('Supports filtering by product', () => { stripe.skus.list({ product: 'prodId123', }); @@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ describe('SKU Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('update', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('update', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.skus.update('skuIdFoo3242', {caption: 'test'}); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', @@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ describe('SKU Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('del', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('del', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.skus.del('skuIdFoo3242'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'DELETE', diff --git a/test/resources/Sigma/ScheduledQueryRuns.spec.js b/test/resources/Sigma/ScheduledQueryRuns.spec.js index 88e81ce2b1..710762d8e0 100644 --- a/test/resources/Sigma/ScheduledQueryRuns.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/Sigma/ScheduledQueryRuns.spec.js @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const stripe = require('../../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('Sigma', function () { - describe('ScheduledQueryRun Resource', function() { - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { +describe('Sigma', () => { + describe('ScheduledQueryRun Resource', () => { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.sigma.scheduledQueryRuns.retrieve('sqr_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ describe('Sigma', function () { }); }); - describe('list', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('list', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.sigma.scheduledQueryRuns.list(); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', diff --git a/test/resources/Sources.spec.js b/test/resources/Sources.spec.js index 51d7111539..89da485560 100644 --- a/test/resources/Sources.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/Sources.spec.js @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('Sources Resource', function() { - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { +describe('Sources Resource', () => { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.sources.retrieve('sourceId1'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ describe('Sources Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('create', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('create', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.sources.create({ amount: 200, currency: 'usd', @@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ describe('Sources Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('update', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('update', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.sources.update('src_foo', { metadata: {foo: 'bar'}, }); @@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ describe('Sources Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('listSourceTransactions', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('listSourceTransactions', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.sources.listSourceTransactions('src_foo'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ describe('Sources Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('verify', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('verify', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.sources.verify('src_foo', {values: [32, 45]}); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', diff --git a/test/resources/SubscriptionItems.spec.js b/test/resources/SubscriptionItems.spec.js index 76b1c598b3..73e59d58c2 100644 --- a/test/resources/SubscriptionItems.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/SubscriptionItems.spec.js @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('SubscriptionItems Resource', function() { - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { +describe('SubscriptionItems Resource', () => { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.subscriptionItems.retrieve('test_sub_item'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ describe('SubscriptionItems Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('del', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('del', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.subscriptionItems.del('test_sub_item'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'DELETE', @@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ describe('SubscriptionItems Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('update', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('update', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.subscriptionItems.update('test_sub_item', { plan: 'gold', }); @@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ describe('SubscriptionItems Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('create', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('create', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.subscriptionItems.create({ subscription: 'test_sub', plan: 'gold', @@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ describe('SubscriptionItems Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('list', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('list', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.subscriptionItems.list({ limit: 3, subscription: 'test_sub', diff --git a/test/resources/SubscriptionSchedule.spec.js b/test/resources/SubscriptionSchedule.spec.js index b38246c129..68107b3382 100644 --- a/test/resources/SubscriptionSchedule.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/SubscriptionSchedule.spec.js @@ -1,44 +1,44 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const expect = require('chai').expect; -var SCHEDULE_TEST_ID = 'sub_sched_123'; -var REVISION_TEST_ID = 'sub_sched_rev_123'; +const SCHEDULE_TEST_ID = 'sub_sched_123'; +const REVISION_TEST_ID = 'sub_sched_rev_123'; -describe('Subscription Schedule Resource', function() { - describe('cancel', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - var data = { +describe('Subscription Schedule Resource', () => { + describe('cancel', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { + const data = { invoice_now: true, - } + }; stripe.subscriptionSchedules.cancel(SCHEDULE_TEST_ID, data); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/subscription_schedules/' + SCHEDULE_TEST_ID + '/cancel', - data: data, + url: `/v1/subscription_schedules/${SCHEDULE_TEST_ID}/cancel`, + data, headers: {}, }); }); }); - describe('create', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - var data = { + describe('create', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { + const data = { customer: 'cus_123', }; stripe.subscriptionSchedules.create(data); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', url: '/v1/subscription_schedules', - data: data, + data, headers: {}, }); }); }); - describe('list', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('list', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.subscriptionSchedules.list(); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -49,23 +49,23 @@ describe('Subscription Schedule Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('release', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - var data = { + describe('release', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { + const data = { preserve_cancel_date: true, - } + }; stripe.subscriptionSchedules.release(SCHEDULE_TEST_ID, data); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/subscription_schedules/' + SCHEDULE_TEST_ID + '/release', - data: data, + url: `/v1/subscription_schedules/${SCHEDULE_TEST_ID}/release`, + data, headers: {}, }); }); }); - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.subscriptionSchedules.retrieve(SCHEDULE_TEST_ID); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -76,38 +76,41 @@ describe('Subscription Schedule Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('update', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - var data = {metadata: {key: 'value'}}; + describe('update', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { + const data = {metadata: {key: 'value'}}; stripe.subscriptionSchedules.update(SCHEDULE_TEST_ID, data); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/subscription_schedules/' + SCHEDULE_TEST_ID, - data: data, + url: `/v1/subscription_schedules/${SCHEDULE_TEST_ID}`, + data, headers: {}, }); }); }); - describe('Revision methods', function() { - describe('retrieveRevision', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - stripe.subscriptionSchedules.retrieveRevision(SCHEDULE_TEST_ID, REVISION_TEST_ID); + describe('Revision methods', () => { + describe('retrieveRevision', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { + stripe.subscriptionSchedules.retrieveRevision( + SCHEDULE_TEST_ID, + REVISION_TEST_ID + ); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/subscription_schedules/' + SCHEDULE_TEST_ID + '/revisions/' + REVISION_TEST_ID, + url: `/v1/subscription_schedules/${SCHEDULE_TEST_ID}/revisions/${REVISION_TEST_ID}`, headers: {}, data: {}, }); }); }); - describe('listRevisions', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('listRevisions', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.subscriptionSchedules.listRevisions(SCHEDULE_TEST_ID); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/subscription_schedules/' + SCHEDULE_TEST_ID + '/revisions', + url: `/v1/subscription_schedules/${SCHEDULE_TEST_ID}/revisions`, headers: {}, data: {}, }); diff --git a/test/resources/SubscriptionScheduleRevision.spec.js b/test/resources/SubscriptionScheduleRevision.spec.js deleted file mode 100644 index bbc76a5e1b..0000000000 --- a/test/resources/SubscriptionScheduleRevision.spec.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; - -var resources = require('../../lib/stripe').resources; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; - -var SCHEDULE_TEST_ID = 'sub_sched_123'; -var REVISION_TEST_ID = 'sub_sched_rev_123'; - -// Create new SubscriptionScheduleRevision instance with pre-filled scheduleId: -var revision = new resources.SubscriptionScheduleRevisions( - stripe, - {scheduleId: SCHEDULE_TEST_ID} -); - -// Use spy from existing resource: -revision._request = stripe.customers._request; - -describe('SubscriptionScheduleRevision Resource', function() { - describe('list', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - revision.list(); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/subscription_schedules/' + SCHEDULE_TEST_ID + '/revisions', - data: {}, - headers: {}, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - revision.retrieve(REVISION_TEST_ID); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/subscription_schedules/' + SCHEDULE_TEST_ID + '/revisions/' + REVISION_TEST_ID, - data: {}, - headers: {}, - }); - }); - }); -}); - diff --git a/test/resources/Subscriptions.spec.js b/test/resources/Subscriptions.spec.js index 8e732dab61..d1f7631295 100644 --- a/test/resources/Subscriptions.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/Subscriptions.spec.js @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('subscriptions Resource', function() { - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { +describe('subscriptions Resource', () => { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.subscriptions.retrieve('test_sub'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ describe('subscriptions Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('del', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('del', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.subscriptions.del('test_sub'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'DELETE', @@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ describe('subscriptions Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('update', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('update', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.subscriptions.update('test_sub', { metadata: {a: '1234'}, }); @@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ describe('subscriptions Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('create', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('create', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.subscriptions.create({ customer: 'test_cus', plan: 'gold', @@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ describe('subscriptions Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('update with items array', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('update with items array', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.subscriptions.update('test_sub', { items: [ { @@ -89,8 +89,8 @@ describe('subscriptions Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('create with items array', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('create with items array', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.subscriptions.create({ items: [ { @@ -116,8 +116,8 @@ describe('subscriptions Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('update with items object', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('update with items object', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.subscriptions.update('test_sub', { items: { '0': { @@ -133,8 +133,8 @@ describe('subscriptions Resource', function() { data: { items: { '0': { - 'plan': 'foo', - 'quantity': 2, + plan: 'foo', + quantity: 2, }, }, }, @@ -142,8 +142,8 @@ describe('subscriptions Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('create with items object', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('create with items object', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.subscriptions.create({ items: { '0': { @@ -160,8 +160,8 @@ describe('subscriptions Resource', function() { data: { items: { '0': { - 'plan': 'foo', - 'quantity': 2, + plan: 'foo', + quantity: 2, }, }, }, @@ -169,8 +169,8 @@ describe('subscriptions Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('list', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('list', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.subscriptions.list({ limit: 3, customer: 'test_cus', @@ -189,9 +189,9 @@ describe('subscriptions Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('Discount methods', function() { - describe('deleteDiscount', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('Discount methods', () => { + describe('deleteDiscount', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.subscriptions.deleteDiscount('test_sub'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'DELETE', diff --git a/test/resources/TaxIds.spec.js b/test/resources/TaxIds.spec.js deleted file mode 100644 index 4de4cf2804..0000000000 --- a/test/resources/TaxIds.spec.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,70 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; - -var resources = require('../../lib/stripe').resources; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; - -var CUSTOMER_TEST_ID = 'cus_123'; -var TAX_ID_TEST_ID = 'txi_123'; - -var taxId = new resources.TaxIds( - stripe, - {customerId: CUSTOMER_TEST_ID} -); - -// Use spy from existing resource: -taxId._request = stripe.customers._request; - -describe('TaxId Resource', function() { - describe('create', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - var data = { - type: 'eu_vat', - value: '11111', - }; - taxId.create(data); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/customers/' + CUSTOMER_TEST_ID + '/tax_ids', - data: data, - headers: {}, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('delete', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - taxId.del(TAX_ID_TEST_ID); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'DELETE', - url: '/v1/customers/' + CUSTOMER_TEST_ID + '/tax_ids/' + TAX_ID_TEST_ID, - data: {}, - headers: {}, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('list', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - taxId.list(); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/customers/' + CUSTOMER_TEST_ID + '/tax_ids', - data: {}, - headers: {}, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - taxId.retrieve(TAX_ID_TEST_ID); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/customers/' + CUSTOMER_TEST_ID + '/tax_ids/' + TAX_ID_TEST_ID, - data: {}, - headers: {}, - }); - }); - }); -}); diff --git a/test/resources/TaxRates.spec.js b/test/resources/TaxRates.spec.js index 74e931b29b..65afc211b3 100644 --- a/test/resources/TaxRates.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/TaxRates.spec.js @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('TaxRates Resource', function() { - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { +describe('TaxRates Resource', () => { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.taxRates.retrieve('txr_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ describe('TaxRates Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('update', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - var data = { + describe('update', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { + const data = { metadata: {a: '1234'}, }; stripe.taxRates.update('txr_123', data); @@ -26,14 +26,14 @@ describe('TaxRates Resource', function() { method: 'POST', url: '/v1/tax_rates/txr_123', headers: {}, - data: data, + data, }); }); }); - describe('create', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - var data = { + describe('create', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { + const data = { display_name: 'name', inclusive: false, percentage: 10.15, @@ -44,13 +44,13 @@ describe('TaxRates Resource', function() { method: 'POST', url: '/v1/tax_rates', headers: {}, - data: data, + data, }); }); }); - describe('list', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('list', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.taxRates.list(); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', diff --git a/test/resources/Terminal/ConnectionTokens.spec.js b/test/resources/Terminal/ConnectionTokens.spec.js index b0a58510ba..2fa3a23845 100644 --- a/test/resources/Terminal/ConnectionTokens.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/Terminal/ConnectionTokens.spec.js @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const stripe = require('../../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('Terminal', function() { - describe('ConnectionToken Resource', function () { - describe('create', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function () { +describe('Terminal', () => { + describe('ConnectionToken Resource', () => { + describe('create', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.terminal.connectionTokens.create({}); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', diff --git a/test/resources/Terminal/Locations.spec.js b/test/resources/Terminal/Locations.spec.js index bc6f7b41ae..9ed65d5f8b 100644 --- a/test/resources/Terminal/Locations.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/Terminal/Locations.spec.js @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const stripe = require('../../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('Terminal', function () { - describe('Locations Resource', function () { - describe('retrieve', function () { - it('Sends the correct request', function () { +describe('Terminal', () => { + describe('Locations Resource', () => { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.terminal.locations.retrieve('loc_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ @@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ describe('Terminal', function () { }); }); - describe('create', function () { - it('Sends the correct request', function () { + describe('create', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.terminal.locations.create({ display_name: 'name', address: { @@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ describe('Terminal', function () { }); }); - describe('del', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('del', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.terminal.locations.del('loc_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'DELETE', @@ -61,10 +61,10 @@ describe('Terminal', function () { }); }); - describe('update', function () { - it('Sends the correct request', function () { + describe('update', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.terminal.locations.update('loc_123', { - display_name: 'name' + display_name: 'name', }); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', @@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ describe('Terminal', function () { }); }); - describe('list', function () { - it('Sends the correct request', function () { + describe('list', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.terminal.locations.list(); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', diff --git a/test/resources/Terminal/Readers.spec.js b/test/resources/Terminal/Readers.spec.js index c3739c2b39..f4bd88fb90 100644 --- a/test/resources/Terminal/Readers.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/Terminal/Readers.spec.js @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const stripe = require('../../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('Terminal', function () { - describe('Readers Resource', function () { - describe('retrieve', function () { - it('Sends the correct request', function () { +describe('Terminal', () => { + describe('Readers Resource', () => { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.terminal.readers.retrieve('rdr_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ @@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ describe('Terminal', function () { }); }); - describe('create', function () { - it('Sends the correct request', function () { + describe('create', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.terminal.readers.create({ registration_code: 'a-b-c', label: 'name', @@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ describe('Terminal', function () { }); }); - describe('del', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('del', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.terminal.readers.del('rdr_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'DELETE', @@ -49,10 +49,10 @@ describe('Terminal', function () { }); }); - describe('update', function () { - it('Sends the correct request', function () { + describe('update', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.terminal.readers.update('rdr_123', { - label: 'name' + label: 'name', }); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', @@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ describe('Terminal', function () { }); }); - describe('list', function () { - it('Sends the correct request', function () { + describe('list', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.terminal.readers.list(); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', diff --git a/test/resources/ThreeDSecure.spec.js b/test/resources/ThreeDSecure.spec.js index 9efc67b1e6..7ff3aad648 100644 --- a/test/resources/ThreeDSecure.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/ThreeDSecure.spec.js @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('ThreeDSecure Resource', function() { - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { +describe('ThreeDSecure Resource', () => { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.threeDSecure.retrieve('tdsrc_id'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ describe('ThreeDSecure Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('create', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('create', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.threeDSecure.create({ card: 'tok_test', amount: 1500, diff --git a/test/resources/Tokens.spec.js b/test/resources/Tokens.spec.js index 397168f002..a5dd59708a 100644 --- a/test/resources/Tokens.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/Tokens.spec.js @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('Tokens Resource', function() { - describe('create', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { +describe('Tokens Resource', () => { + describe('create', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.tokens.create({ card: {number: 123}, }); @@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ describe('Tokens Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.tokens.retrieve('tokenId1'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', diff --git a/test/resources/Topups.spec.js b/test/resources/Topups.spec.js index 88db95651a..dc77c0d2d0 100644 --- a/test/resources/Topups.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/Topups.spec.js @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('Topup Resource', function() { - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { +describe('Topup Resource', () => { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.topups.retrieve('tu_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ describe('Topup Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('create', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('create', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.topups.create({ source: 'src_123', amount: '1500', @@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ describe('Topup Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('list', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('list', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.topups.list(); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ describe('Topup Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('cancel', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('cancel', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.topups.cancel('tu_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', @@ -64,14 +64,14 @@ describe('Topup Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('update', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - stripe.topups.update('tu_123', {metadata: {'key': 'value'}}); + describe('update', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { + stripe.topups.update('tu_123', {metadata: {key: 'value'}}); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', url: '/v1/topups/tu_123', headers: {}, - data: {metadata: {'key': 'value'}}, + data: {metadata: {key: 'value'}}, }); }); }); diff --git a/test/resources/TransferReversals.spec.js b/test/resources/TransferReversals.spec.js deleted file mode 100644 index 19cb36f8a1..0000000000 --- a/test/resources/TransferReversals.spec.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,72 +0,0 @@ -'use strict'; - -var resources = require('../../lib/stripe').resources; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; - -var TRANSFER_TEST_ID = 'transferIdTest999'; -var REVERSAL_TEST_ID = 'reversalIdTest999'; - -// Create new CustomerCard instance with pre-filled customerId: -var transferReversal = new resources.TransferReversals( - stripe, - {transferId: TRANSFER_TEST_ID} -); - -// Use spy from existing resource: -transferReversal._request = stripe.customers._request; - -describe('TransferReversal Resource', function() { - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - transferReversal.retrieve(REVERSAL_TEST_ID); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/transfers/' + TRANSFER_TEST_ID + '/reversals/' + REVERSAL_TEST_ID, - data: {}, - headers: {}, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('create', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - transferReversal.create({ - amount: 100, - }); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/transfers/' + TRANSFER_TEST_ID + '/reversals', - data: {amount: 100}, - headers: {}, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('update', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - transferReversal.update(REVERSAL_TEST_ID, { - metadata: {key: 'value'}, - }); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/transfers/' + TRANSFER_TEST_ID + '/reversals/' + REVERSAL_TEST_ID, - data: {metadata: {key: 'value'}}, - headers: {}, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('list', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - transferReversal.list(); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/transfers/' + TRANSFER_TEST_ID + '/reversals', - data: {}, - headers: {}, - }); - }); - }); -}); - diff --git a/test/resources/Transfers.spec.js b/test/resources/Transfers.spec.js index 8fc6cdce71..03c8d2e0e1 100644 --- a/test/resources/Transfers.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/Transfers.spec.js @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('Transfers Resource', function() { - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { +describe('Transfers Resource', () => { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.transfers.retrieve('transferId1'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -16,10 +16,12 @@ describe('Transfers Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('create', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('create', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.transfers.create({ - amount: 200, currency: 'usd', recipient: {}, + amount: 200, + currency: 'usd', + recipient: {}, }); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'POST', @@ -30,8 +32,8 @@ describe('Transfers Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('update', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('update', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.transfers.update('transferId6654', { amount: 300, }); @@ -44,32 +46,8 @@ describe('Transfers Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('cancel', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - stripe.transfers.cancel('transferId4'); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/transfers/transferId4/cancel', - headers: {}, - data: {}, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('reverse', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - stripe.transfers.reverse('transferId4'); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/transfers/transferId4/reversals', - headers: {}, - data: {}, - }); - }); - }); - - describe('list', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('list', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.transfers.list(); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -79,16 +57,4 @@ describe('Transfers Resource', function() { }); }); }); - - describe('listTransactions', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { - stripe.transfers.listTransactions('tr_14222'); - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/transfers/tr_14222/transactions', - headers: {}, - data: {}, - }); - }); - }); }); diff --git a/test/resources/UsageRecordSummaries.spec.js b/test/resources/UsageRecordSummaries.spec.js index 7f9a1285a3..0661ca727d 100644 --- a/test/resources/UsageRecordSummaries.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/UsageRecordSummaries.spec.js @@ -1,40 +1,46 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('UsageRecordSummaries Resource', function() { - describe('list', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { +describe('UsageRecordSummaries Resource', () => { + describe('list', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.usageRecordSummaries.list('si_123', {}); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', url: '/v1/subscription_items/si_123/usage_record_summaries', headers: {}, - data: {} + data: {}, }); }); - it('Includes any options that were provided', function(done) { - stripe.usageRecordSummaries.list('si_123', {}, { - stripe_account: 'acct_456', - }).then(function(record) { - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'GET', - url: '/v1/subscription_items/si_123/usage_record_summaries', - headers: { - 'Stripe-Account': 'acct_456' - }, - data: {} - }); + it('Includes any options that were provided', (done) => { + stripe.usageRecordSummaries + .list( + 'si_123', + {}, + { + stripe_account: 'acct_456', + } + ) + .then((record) => { + expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ + method: 'GET', + url: '/v1/subscription_items/si_123/usage_record_summaries', + headers: { + 'Stripe-Account': 'acct_456', + }, + data: {}, + }); - done(); - }); + done(); + }); }); - it('Calls a given callback', function(done) { - stripe.usageRecordSummaries.list('si_123', {}, function(error, record) { + it('Calls a given callback', (done) => { + stripe.usageRecordSummaries.list('si_123', {}, (error, record) => { done(error); }); }); diff --git a/test/resources/UsageRecords.spec.js b/test/resources/UsageRecords.spec.js index 3dc29e4f71..fd9e3c7afc 100644 --- a/test/resources/UsageRecords.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/UsageRecords.spec.js @@ -1,15 +1,15 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('UsageRecords Resource', function() { - describe('create', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { +describe('UsageRecords Resource', () => { + describe('create', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.usageRecords.create('si_123', { quantity: 123, timestamp: 123321, - action: 'increment' + action: 'increment', }); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ @@ -19,44 +19,54 @@ describe('UsageRecords Resource', function() { data: { quantity: 123, timestamp: 123321, - action: 'increment' - } + action: 'increment', + }, }); }); - it('Includes any options that were provided', function(done) { - stripe.usageRecords.create('si_123', { - quantity: 123, - timestamp: 123321, - action: 'increment' - }, { - stripe_account: 'acct_456', - }).then(function(record) { - expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ - method: 'POST', - url: '/v1/subscription_items/si_123/usage_records', - headers: { - 'Stripe-Account': 'acct_456' - }, - data: { + it('Includes any options that were provided', (done) => { + stripe.usageRecords + .create( + 'si_123', + { quantity: 123, timestamp: 123321, - action: 'increment' + action: 'increment', + }, + { + stripe_account: 'acct_456', } - }); + ) + .then((record) => { + expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ + method: 'POST', + url: '/v1/subscription_items/si_123/usage_records', + headers: { + 'Stripe-Account': 'acct_456', + }, + data: { + quantity: 123, + timestamp: 123321, + action: 'increment', + }, + }); - done(); - }); + done(); + }); }); - it('Calls a given callback', function(done) { - stripe.usageRecords.create('si_123', { - quantity: 123, - timestamp: 123321, - action: 'increment' - }, function(error, record) { - done(error); - }); + it('Calls a given callback', (done) => { + stripe.usageRecords.create( + 'si_123', + { + quantity: 123, + timestamp: 123321, + action: 'increment', + }, + (error, record) => { + done(error); + } + ); }); }); }); diff --git a/test/resources/WebhookEndpoints.spec.js b/test/resources/WebhookEndpoints.spec.js index a2ac60b390..4c76854402 100644 --- a/test/resources/WebhookEndpoints.spec.js +++ b/test/resources/WebhookEndpoints.spec.js @@ -1,11 +1,11 @@ 'use strict'; -var stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const stripe = require('../../testUtils').getSpyableStripe(); +const expect = require('chai').expect; -describe('WebhookEndpoints Resource', function() { - describe('retrieve', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { +describe('WebhookEndpoints Resource', () => { + describe('retrieve', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.webhookEndpoints.retrieve('we_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', @@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ describe('WebhookEndpoints Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('del', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('del', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.webhookEndpoints.del('we_123'); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'DELETE', @@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ describe('WebhookEndpoints Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('update', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('update', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.webhookEndpoints.update('we_123', { enabled_events: ['charge.succeeded'], }); @@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ describe('WebhookEndpoints Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('create', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('create', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.webhookEndpoints.create({ enabled_events: ['charge.succeeded'], url: 'https://stripe.com', @@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ describe('WebhookEndpoints Resource', function() { }); }); - describe('list', function() { - it('Sends the correct request', function() { + describe('list', () => { + it('Sends the correct request', () => { stripe.webhookEndpoints.list(); expect(stripe.LAST_REQUEST).to.deep.equal({ method: 'GET', diff --git a/test/stripe.spec.js b/test/stripe.spec.js index 566cc93ba0..37fb4b62b8 100644 --- a/test/stripe.spec.js +++ b/test/stripe.spec.js @@ -1,128 +1,140 @@ 'use strict'; -var testUtils = require('../testUtils'); -var utils = require('../lib/utils'); -var stripe = require('../lib/stripe')( - testUtils.getUserStripeKey(), - 'latest' -); +const testUtils = require('../testUtils'); +const utils = require('../lib/utils'); +const stripe = require('../lib/stripe')(testUtils.getUserStripeKey(), 'latest'); -var http = require('http'); +const http = require('http'); -var expect = require('chai').expect; +const expect = require('chai').expect; -var CUSTOMER_DETAILS = { +const CUSTOMER_DETAILS = { description: 'Some customer', card: 'tok_visa', }; describe('Stripe Module', function() { - var cleanup = new testUtils.CleanupUtility(); + const cleanup = new testUtils.CleanupUtility(); this.timeout(20000); - describe('setApiKey', function() { - it('uses Bearer auth', function() { - expect(stripe.getApiField('auth')).to.equal('Bearer ' + testUtils.getUserStripeKey()); + describe('setApiKey', () => { + it('uses Bearer auth', () => { + expect(stripe.getApiField('auth')).to.equal( + `Bearer ${testUtils.getUserStripeKey()}` + ); }); }); - describe('GetClientUserAgent', function() { - it('Should return a user-agent serialized JSON object', function() { - return expect(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { - stripe.getClientUserAgent(function(c) { - resolve(JSON.parse(c)); - }); - })).to.eventually.have.property('lang', 'node'); - }); + describe('GetClientUserAgent', () => { + it('Should return a user-agent serialized JSON object', () => + expect( + new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + stripe.getClientUserAgent((c) => { + resolve(JSON.parse(c)); + }); + }) + ).to.eventually.have.property('lang', 'node')); }); - describe('GetClientUserAgentSeeded', function() { - it('Should return a user-agent serialized JSON object', function() { - var userAgent = {lang: 'node'}; - return expect(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { - stripe.getClientUserAgentSeeded(userAgent, function(c) { - resolve(JSON.parse(c)); - }); - })).to.eventually.have.property('lang', 'node'); + describe('GetClientUserAgentSeeded', () => { + it('Should return a user-agent serialized JSON object', () => { + const userAgent = {lang: 'node'}; + return expect( + new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + stripe.getClientUserAgentSeeded(userAgent, (c) => { + resolve(JSON.parse(c)); + }); + }) + ).to.eventually.have.property('lang', 'node'); }); - it('Should URI-encode user-agent fields', function() { - var userAgent = {lang: 'ï'}; - return expect(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { - stripe.getClientUserAgentSeeded(userAgent, function(c) { - resolve(JSON.parse(c)); - }); - })).to.eventually.have.property('lang', '%C3%AF'); + it('Should URI-encode user-agent fields', () => { + const userAgent = {lang: 'ï'}; + return expect( + new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + stripe.getClientUserAgentSeeded(userAgent, (c) => { + resolve(JSON.parse(c)); + }); + }) + ).to.eventually.have.property('lang', '%C3%AF'); }); - describe('uname', function() { - var origExec; - beforeEach(function() { + describe('uname', () => { + let origExec; + beforeEach(() => { origExec = utils.safeExec; }); - afterEach(function() { + afterEach(() => { utils.safeExec = origExec; }); - it('gets added to the user-agent', function() { - utils.safeExec = function(cmd, cb) { - cb(null, 'foøname') + it('gets added to the user-agent', () => { + utils.safeExec = (cmd, cb) => { + cb(null, 'foøname'); }; - return expect(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { - stripe.getClientUserAgentSeeded({lang: 'node'}, function(c) { - resolve(JSON.parse(c)); - }); - })).to.eventually.have.property('uname', 'fo%C3%B8name'); + return expect( + new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + stripe.getClientUserAgentSeeded({lang: 'node'}, (c) => { + resolve(JSON.parse(c)); + }); + }) + ).to.eventually.have.property('uname', 'fo%C3%B8name'); }); - it('sets uname to UNKOWN in case of an error', function() { - utils.safeExec = function(cmd, cb) { - cb(new Error('security'), null) + it('sets uname to UNKOWN in case of an error', () => { + utils.safeExec = (cmd, cb) => { + cb(new Error('security'), null); }; - return expect(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { - stripe.getClientUserAgentSeeded({lang: 'node'}, function(c) { - resolve(JSON.parse(c)); - }); - })).to.eventually.have.property('uname', 'UNKNOWN'); + return expect( + new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + stripe.getClientUserAgentSeeded({lang: 'node'}, (c) => { + resolve(JSON.parse(c)); + }); + }) + ).to.eventually.have.property('uname', 'UNKNOWN'); }); }); }); - describe('setTimeout', function() { - it('Should define a default equal to the node default', function() { - expect(stripe.getApiField('timeout')).to.equal(http.createServer().timeout); + describe('setTimeout', () => { + it('Should define a default equal to the node default', () => { + expect(stripe.getApiField('timeout')).to.equal( + http.createServer().timeout + ); }); - it('Should allow me to set a custom timeout', function() { + it('Should allow me to set a custom timeout', () => { stripe.setTimeout(900); expect(stripe.getApiField('timeout')).to.equal(900); }); - it('Should allow me to set null, to reset to the default', function() { + it('Should allow me to set null, to reset to the default', () => { stripe.setTimeout(null); - expect(stripe.getApiField('timeout')).to.equal(http.createServer().timeout); + expect(stripe.getApiField('timeout')).to.equal( + http.createServer().timeout + ); }); }); - describe('setAppInfo', function() { - describe('when given nothing or an empty object', function() { - it('should unset stripe._appInfo', function() { + describe('setAppInfo', () => { + describe('when given nothing or an empty object', () => { + it('should unset stripe._appInfo', () => { stripe.setAppInfo(); expect(stripe._appInfo).to.be.undefined; }); }); - describe('when given an object with no `name`', function() { - it('should throw an error', function() { - expect(function() { + describe('when given an object with no `name`', () => { + it('should throw an error', () => { + expect(() => { stripe.setAppInfo({}); }).to.throw(/AppInfo.name is required/); - expect(function() { + expect(() => { stripe.setAppInfo({ version: '1.2.3', }); }).to.throw(/AppInfo.name is required/); - expect(function() { + expect(() => { stripe.setAppInfo({ cats: '42', }); @@ -130,8 +142,8 @@ describe('Stripe Module', function() { }); }); - describe('when given at least a `name`', function() { - it('should set name, partner ID, url, and version of stripe._appInfo', function() { + describe('when given at least a `name`', () => { + it('should set name, partner ID, url, and version of stripe._appInfo', () => { stripe.setAppInfo({ name: 'MyAwesomeApp', }); @@ -165,10 +177,9 @@ describe('Stripe Module', function() { name: 'MyAwesomeApp', partner_id: 'partner_1234', }); - }); - it('should ignore any invalid properties', function() { + it('should ignore any invalid properties', () => { stripe.setAppInfo({ name: 'MyAwesomeApp', partner_id: 'partner_1234', @@ -185,8 +196,8 @@ describe('Stripe Module', function() { }); }); - it('should be included in the ClientUserAgent and be added to the UserAgent String', function(done) { - var appInfo = { + it('should be included in the ClientUserAgent and be added to the UserAgent String', (done) => { + const appInfo = { name: testUtils.getRandomString(), version: '1.2.345', url: 'https://myawesomeapp.info', @@ -194,74 +205,85 @@ describe('Stripe Module', function() { stripe.setAppInfo(appInfo); - stripe.getClientUserAgent(function(uaString) { + stripe.getClientUserAgent((uaString) => { expect(JSON.parse(uaString).application).to.eql(appInfo); - expect(stripe.getAppInfoAsString()).to.eql(appInfo.name + '/' + appInfo.version + ' (' + appInfo.url + ')'); + expect(stripe.getAppInfoAsString()).to.eql( + `${appInfo.name}/${appInfo.version} (${appInfo.url})` + ); done(); }); }); }); - describe('Callback support', function() { - describe('Any given endpoint', function() { - it('Will call a callback if successful', function() { - return expect(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { - stripe.customers.create(CUSTOMER_DETAILS, function(err, customer) { - cleanup.deleteCustomer(customer.id); - resolve('Called!'); - }); - })).to.eventually.equal('Called!'); - }); - - it('Will expose HTTP response object', function() { - return expect(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { - stripe.customers.create(CUSTOMER_DETAILS, function(err, customer) { - cleanup.deleteCustomer(customer.id); - - var headers = customer.lastResponse.headers; - expect(headers).to.contain.keys('request-id'); - - expect(customer.lastResponse.requestId).to.match(/^req_/); - expect(customer.lastResponse.statusCode).to.equal(200); - - resolve('Called!'); - }); - })).to.eventually.equal('Called!'); - }); - - it('Given an error the callback will receive it', function() { - return expect(new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { - stripe.customers.createCard('nonExistentCustId', {card: {}}, function(err, customer) { - if (err) { - resolve('ErrorWasPassed'); - } else { - reject(new Error('NoErrorPassed')); - } - }); - })).to.eventually.become('ErrorWasPassed'); - }); + describe('Callback support', () => { + describe('Any given endpoint', () => { + it('Will call a callback if successful', () => + expect( + new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + stripe.customers.create(CUSTOMER_DETAILS, (err, customer) => { + cleanup.deleteCustomer(customer.id); + resolve('Called!'); + }); + }) + ).to.eventually.equal('Called!')); + + it('Will expose HTTP response object', () => + expect( + new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + stripe.customers.create(CUSTOMER_DETAILS, (err, customer) => { + cleanup.deleteCustomer(customer.id); + + const headers = customer.lastResponse.headers; + expect(headers).to.contain.keys('request-id'); + + expect(customer.lastResponse.requestId).to.match(/^req_/); + expect(customer.lastResponse.statusCode).to.equal(200); + + resolve('Called!'); + }); + }) + ).to.eventually.equal('Called!')); + + it('Given an error the callback will receive it', () => + expect( + new Promise((resolve, reject) => { + stripe.customers.createSource( + 'nonExistentCustId', + {card: {}}, + (err, customer) => { + if (err) { + resolve('ErrorWasPassed'); + } else { + reject(new Error('NoErrorPassed')); + } + } + ); + }) + ).to.eventually.become('ErrorWasPassed')); }); }); - describe('errors', function() { - it('Exports errors as types', function() { - var Stripe = require('../lib/stripe'); - expect(new Stripe.errors.StripeInvalidRequestError({ - message: 'error' - }).type).to.equal('StripeInvalidRequestError'); + describe('errors', () => { + it('Exports errors as types', () => { + const Stripe = require('../lib/stripe'); + expect( + new Stripe.errors.StripeInvalidRequestError({ + message: 'error', + }).type + ).to.equal('StripeInvalidRequestError'); }); }); - describe('setMaxNetworkRetries', function() { - describe('when given an empty or non-number variable', function() { - it('should error', function() { - expect(function() { + describe('setMaxNetworkRetries', () => { + describe('when given an empty or non-number variable', () => { + it('should error', () => { + expect(() => { stripe.setMaxNetworkRetries('foo'); }).to.throw(/maxNetworkRetries must be a number/); - expect(function() { + expect(() => { stripe.setMaxNetworkRetries(); }).to.throw(/maxNetworkRetries must be a number/); }); diff --git a/test/telemetry.spec.js b/test/telemetry.spec.js index 845d51770a..355ec61de5 100644 --- a/test/telemetry.spec.js +++ b/test/telemetry.spec.js @@ -1,151 +1,171 @@ 'use strict'; require('../testUtils'); -var http = require('http'); +const http = require('http'); -var expect = require('chai').expect; -var testServer = null; +const expect = require('chai').expect; +let testServer = null; function createTestServer(handlerFunc, cb) { - var host = ''; - testServer = http.createServer(function(req, res) { + const host = ''; + testServer = http.createServer((req, res) => { try { handlerFunc(req, res); } catch (e) { res.writeHead(400, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}); - res.end(JSON.stringify({ - error: {type: 'invalid_request_error', message: e.message} - })); + res.end( + JSON.stringify({ + error: {type: 'invalid_request_error', message: e.message}, + }) + ); } }); - testServer.listen(0, host, function() { - var port = testServer.address().port; + testServer.listen(0, host, () => { + const port = testServer.address().port; cb(host, port); }); } -describe('Client Telemetry', function() { - afterEach(function() { +describe('Client Telemetry', () => { + afterEach(() => { if (testServer) { testServer.close(); testServer = null; } }); - it('Does not send telemetry when disabled', function(done) { - var numRequests = 0; - - createTestServer(function (req, res) { - numRequests += 1; - - var telemetry = req.headers['x-stripe-client-telemetry']; - - switch (numRequests) { - case 1: - case 2: - expect(telemetry).to.not.exist; - break; - default: - expect.fail(`Should not have reached request ${numRequests}`); + it('Does not send telemetry when disabled', (done) => { + let numRequests = 0; + + createTestServer( + (req, res) => { + numRequests += 1; + + const telemetry = req.headers['x-stripe-client-telemetry']; + + switch (numRequests) { + case 1: + case 2: + expect(telemetry).to.not.exist; + break; + default: + expect.fail(`Should not have reached request ${numRequests}`); + } + + res.setHeader('Request-Id', `req_${numRequests}`); + res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}); + res.end('{}'); + }, + (host, port) => { + const stripe = require('../lib/stripe')( + 'sk_test_FEiILxKZwnmmocJDUjUNO6pa' + ); + stripe.setHost(host, port, 'http'); + + stripe.balance + .retrieve() + .then((res) => stripe.balance.retrieve()) + .then((res) => { + expect(numRequests).to.equal(2); + done(); + }) + .catch(done); } - - res.setHeader('Request-Id', `req_${numRequests}`); - res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}); - res.end('{}'); - }, function(host, port) { - const stripe = require('../lib/stripe')('sk_test_FEiILxKZwnmmocJDUjUNO6pa') - stripe.setHost(host, port, 'http'); - - stripe.balance.retrieve().then(function (res) { - return stripe.balance.retrieve(); - }).then(function (res) { - expect(numRequests).to.equal(2); - done(); - }).catch(done); - }); + ); }); - it('Sends client telemetry on the second request when enabled', function(done) { - var numRequests = 0; - - createTestServer(function (req, res) { - numRequests += 1; - - var telemetry = req.headers['x-stripe-client-telemetry']; - - switch (numRequests) { - case 1: - expect(telemetry).to.not.exist; - break; - case 2: - expect(telemetry).to.exist; - expect(JSON.parse(telemetry).last_request_metrics.request_id) - .to.equal('req_1'); - break; - default: - expect.fail(`Should not have reached request ${numRequests}`); + it('Sends client telemetry on the second request when enabled', (done) => { + let numRequests = 0; + + createTestServer( + (req, res) => { + numRequests += 1; + + const telemetry = req.headers['x-stripe-client-telemetry']; + + switch (numRequests) { + case 1: + expect(telemetry).to.not.exist; + break; + case 2: + expect(telemetry).to.exist; + expect( + JSON.parse(telemetry).last_request_metrics.request_id + ).to.equal('req_1'); + break; + default: + expect.fail(`Should not have reached request ${numRequests}`); + } + + res.setHeader('Request-Id', `req_${numRequests}`); + res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}); + res.end('{}'); + }, + (host, port) => { + const stripe = require('../lib/stripe')( + 'sk_test_FEiILxKZwnmmocJDUjUNO6pa' + ); + stripe.setTelemetryEnabled(true); + stripe.setHost(host, port, 'http'); + + stripe.balance + .retrieve() + .then((res) => stripe.balance.retrieve()) + .then((res) => { + expect(numRequests).to.equal(2); + done(); + }) + .catch(done); } - - res.setHeader('Request-Id', `req_${numRequests}`); - res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}); - res.end('{}'); - }, function(host, port) { - const stripe = require('../lib/stripe')('sk_test_FEiILxKZwnmmocJDUjUNO6pa') - stripe.setTelemetryEnabled(true); - stripe.setHost(host, port, 'http'); - - stripe.balance.retrieve().then(function (res) { - return stripe.balance.retrieve(); - }).then(function (res) { - expect(numRequests).to.equal(2); - done(); - }).catch(done); - }); + ); }); - it('Buffers metrics on concurrent requests', function(done) { - var numRequests = 0; - - createTestServer(function (req, res) { - numRequests += 1; - - var telemetry = req.headers['x-stripe-client-telemetry']; - - switch (numRequests) { - case 1: - case 2: - expect(telemetry).to.not.exist; - break; - case 3: - case 4: - expect(telemetry).to.exist; - expect(JSON.parse(telemetry).last_request_metrics.request_id) - .to.be.oneOf(['req_1', 'req_2']); - break; - default: - expect.fail(`Should not have reached request ${numRequests}`); + it('Buffers metrics on concurrent requests', (done) => { + let numRequests = 0; + + createTestServer( + (req, res) => { + numRequests += 1; + + const telemetry = req.headers['x-stripe-client-telemetry']; + + switch (numRequests) { + case 1: + case 2: + expect(telemetry).to.not.exist; + break; + case 3: + case 4: + expect(telemetry).to.exist; + expect( + JSON.parse(telemetry).last_request_metrics.request_id + ).to.be.oneOf(['req_1', 'req_2']); + break; + default: + expect.fail(`Should not have reached request ${numRequests}`); + } + + res.setHeader('Request-Id', `req_${numRequests}`); + res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}); + res.end('{}'); + }, + (host, port) => { + const stripe = require('../lib/stripe')( + 'sk_test_FEiILxKZwnmmocJDUjUNO6pa' + ); + stripe.setTelemetryEnabled(true); + stripe.setHost(host, port, 'http'); + + Promise.all([stripe.balance.retrieve(), stripe.balance.retrieve()]) + .then(() => + Promise.all([stripe.balance.retrieve(), stripe.balance.retrieve()]) + ) + .then(() => { + expect(numRequests).to.equal(4); + done(); + }) + .catch(done); } - - res.setHeader('Request-Id', `req_${numRequests}`); - res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}); - res.end('{}'); - }, function(host, port) { - const stripe = require('../lib/stripe')('sk_test_FEiILxKZwnmmocJDUjUNO6pa') - stripe.setTelemetryEnabled(true); - stripe.setHost(host, port, 'http'); - - Promise.all([ - stripe.balance.retrieve(), - stripe.balance.retrieve() - ]).then(function() { - return Promise.all([ - stripe.balance.retrieve(), - stripe.balance.retrieve() - ]); - }).then(function() { - expect(numRequests).to.equal(4); - done(); - }).catch(done); - }); + ); }); }); diff --git a/test/utils.spec.js b/test/utils.spec.js index f406535825..861998fc76 100644 --- a/test/utils.spec.js +++ b/test/utils.spec.js @@ -2,22 +2,18 @@ require('../testUtils'); -var utils = require('../lib/utils'); -var expect = require('chai').expect; -var Buffer = require('safe-buffer').Buffer; +const utils = require('../lib/utils'); +const expect = require('chai').expect; +const Buffer = require('safe-buffer').Buffer; -describe('utils', function() { - describe('makeURLInterpolator', function() { - it('Interpolates values into a prepared template', function() { - var template = utils.makeURLInterpolator('/some/url/{foo}/{baz}?ok=1'); +describe('utils', () => { + describe('makeURLInterpolator', () => { + it('Interpolates values into a prepared template', () => { + const template = utils.makeURLInterpolator('/some/url/{foo}/{baz}?ok=1'); - expect( - template({foo: 1, baz: 2}) - ).to.equal('/some/url/1/2?ok=1'); + expect(template({foo: 1, baz: 2})).to.equal('/some/url/1/2?ok=1'); - expect( - template({foo: '', baz: ''}) - ).to.equal('/some/url//?ok=1'); + expect(template({foo: '', baz: ''})).to.equal('/some/url//?ok=1'); expect( // Test encoding: @@ -26,82 +22,105 @@ describe('utils', function() { }); }); - describe('stringifyRequestData', function() { - it('Handles basic types', function() { - expect(utils.stringifyRequestData({ - a: 1, - b: 'foo', - })).to.equal('a=1&b=foo'); + describe('extractUrlParams', () => { + it('works with multiple params', () => { + expect( + utils.extractUrlParams( + 'accounts/{accountId}/external_accounts/{externalAccountId}' + ) + ).to.deep.equal(['accountId', 'externalAccountId']); }); + }); - it('Handles Dates', function() { - expect(utils.stringifyRequestData({ - date: new Date('2009-02-13T23:31:30Z'), - created: { - gte: new Date('2009-02-13T23:31:30Z'), - lt: new Date('2044-05-01T01:28:21Z'), - }, - })).to.equal([ - 'date=1234567890', - 'created[gte]=1234567890', - 'created[lt]=2345678901' - ].join('&')); - }); - - it('Handles deeply nested object', function() { - expect(utils.stringifyRequestData({ - a: { - b: { - c: { - d: 2, + describe('stringifyRequestData', () => { + it('Handles basic types', () => { + expect( + utils.stringifyRequestData({ + a: 1, + b: 'foo', + }) + ).to.equal('a=1&b=foo'); + }); + + it('Handles Dates', () => { + expect( + utils.stringifyRequestData({ + date: new Date('2009-02-13T23:31:30Z'), + created: { + gte: new Date('2009-02-13T23:31:30Z'), + lt: new Date('2044-05-01T01:28:21Z'), + }, + }) + ).to.equal( + [ + 'date=1234567890', + 'created[gte]=1234567890', + 'created[lt]=2345678901', + ].join('&') + ); + }); + + it('Handles deeply nested object', () => { + expect( + utils.stringifyRequestData({ + a: { + b: { + c: { + d: 2, + }, }, }, - }, - })).to.equal('a[b][c][d]=2'); - }); - - it('Handles arrays of objects', function() { - expect(utils.stringifyRequestData({ - a: [ - {b: 'c'}, - {b: 'd'}, - ], - })).to.equal('a[0][b]=c&a[1][b]=d'); - }) - - it('Handles indexed arrays', function() { - expect(utils.stringifyRequestData({ - a: { - 0: {b: 'c'}, - 1: {b: 'd'}, - }, - })).to.equal('a[0][b]=c&a[1][b]=d'); - }) - - it('Creates a string from an object, handling shallow nested objects', function() { - expect(utils.stringifyRequestData({ - test: 1, - foo: 'baz', - somethingElse: '::""%&', - nested: { - 1: 2, - 'a n o t h e r': null, - }, - })).to.equal([ - 'test=1', - 'foo=baz', - 'somethingElse=%3A%3A%22%22%25%26', - 'nested[1]=2', - 'nested[a%20n%20o%20t%20h%20e%20r]=', - ].join('&')); + }) + ).to.equal('a[b][c][d]=2'); + }); + + it('Handles arrays of objects', () => { + expect( + utils.stringifyRequestData({ + a: [{b: 'c'}, {b: 'd'}], + }) + ).to.equal('a[0][b]=c&a[1][b]=d'); + }); + + it('Handles indexed arrays', () => { + expect( + utils.stringifyRequestData({ + a: { + 0: {b: 'c'}, + 1: {b: 'd'}, + }, + }) + ).to.equal('a[0][b]=c&a[1][b]=d'); + }); + + it('Creates a string from an object, handling shallow nested objects', () => { + expect( + utils.stringifyRequestData({ + test: 1, + foo: 'baz', + somethingElse: '::""%&', + nested: { + 1: 2, + 'a n o t h e r': null, + }, + }) + ).to.equal( + [ + 'test=1', + 'foo=baz', + 'somethingElse=%3A%3A%22%22%25%26', + 'nested[1]=2', + 'nested[a%20n%20o%20t%20h%20e%20r]=', + ].join('&') + ); }); }); - describe('protoExtend', function() { - it('Provides an extension mechanism', function() { + describe('protoExtend', () => { + it('Provides an extension mechanism', () => { function A() {} A.extend = utils.protoExtend; - var B = A.extend({ + const B = A.extend({ constructor: function() { this.called = true; }, @@ -113,101 +132,110 @@ describe('utils', function() { }); }); - describe('getDataFromArgs', function() { - it('handles an empty list', function() { + describe('getDataFromArgs', () => { + it('handles an empty list', () => { expect(utils.getDataFromArgs([])).to.deep.equal({}); }); - it('handles a list with no object', function() { - var args = [1, 3]; + it('handles a list with no object', () => { + const args = [1, 3]; expect(utils.getDataFromArgs(args)).to.deep.equal({}); expect(args.length).to.equal(2); }); - it('ignores a hash with only options', function(done) { - var args = [{api_key: 'foo'}]; + it('ignores a hash with only options', (done) => { + const args = [{api_key: 'foo'}]; - handleWarnings(function() { - expect(utils.getDataFromArgs(args)).to.deep.equal({}); - expect(args.length).to.equal(1); + handleWarnings( + () => { + expect(utils.getDataFromArgs(args)).to.deep.equal({}); + expect(args.length).to.equal(1); - done(); - }, function(message) { - throw new Error('Should not have warned, but did: ' + message); - }); + done(); + }, + (message) => { + throw new Error(`Should not have warned, but did: ${message}`); + } + ); }); - it('warns if the hash contains both data and options', function(done) { - var args = [{foo: 'bar', api_key: 'foo', idempotency_key: 'baz'}]; + it('warns if the hash contains both data and options', (done) => { + const args = [{foo: 'bar', api_key: 'foo', idempotency_key: 'baz'}]; - handleWarnings(function() { - utils.getDataFromArgs(args); - }, function(message) { - expect(message).to.equal( - 'Stripe: Options found in arguments (api_key, idempotency_key).' + - ' Did you mean to pass an options object? See https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/wiki/Passing-Options.' - ); - - done(); - }); - }); - it('finds the data', function() { - var args = [{foo: 'bar'}, {api_key: 'foo'}]; + handleWarnings( + () => { + utils.getDataFromArgs(args); + }, + (message) => { + expect(message).to.equal( + 'Stripe: Options found in arguments (api_key, idempotency_key).' + + ' Did you mean to pass an options object? See https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node/wiki/Passing-Options.' + ); + + done(); + } + ); + }); + it('finds the data', () => { + const args = [{foo: 'bar'}, {api_key: 'foo'}]; expect(utils.getDataFromArgs(args)).to.deep.equal({foo: 'bar'}); expect(args.length).to.equal(1); }); }); - describe('getOptsFromArgs', function() { - it('handles an empty list', function() { + describe('getOptsFromArgs', () => { + it('handles an empty list', () => { expect(utils.getOptionsFromArgs([])).to.deep.equal({ auth: null, headers: {}, }); }); - it('handles an list with no object', function() { - var args = [1, 3]; + it('handles an list with no object', () => { + const args = [1, 3]; expect(utils.getOptionsFromArgs(args)).to.deep.equal({ auth: null, headers: {}, }); expect(args.length).to.equal(2); }); - it('ignores a non-options object', function() { - var args = [{foo: 'bar'}]; + it('ignores a non-options object', () => { + const args = [{foo: 'bar'}]; expect(utils.getOptionsFromArgs(args)).to.deep.equal({ auth: null, headers: {}, }); expect(args.length).to.equal(1); }); - it('parses an api key', function() { - var args = ['sk_test_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii']; + it('parses an api key', () => { + const args = ['sk_test_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii']; expect(utils.getOptionsFromArgs(args)).to.deep.equal({ auth: 'sk_test_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii', headers: {}, }); expect(args.length).to.equal(0); }); - it('parses an idempotency key', function() { - var args = [{foo: 'bar'}, {idempotency_key: 'foo'}]; + it('parses an idempotency key', () => { + const args = [{foo: 'bar'}, {idempotency_key: 'foo'}]; expect(utils.getOptionsFromArgs(args)).to.deep.equal({ auth: null, headers: {'Idempotency-Key': 'foo'}, }); expect(args.length).to.equal(1); }); - it('parses an api version', function() { - var args = [{foo: 'bar'}, {stripe_version: '2003-03-30'}]; + it('parses an api version', () => { + const args = [{foo: 'bar'}, {stripe_version: '2003-03-30'}]; expect(utils.getOptionsFromArgs(args)).to.deep.equal({ auth: null, headers: {'Stripe-Version': '2003-03-30'}, }); expect(args.length).to.equal(1); }); - it('parses an idempotency key and api key and api version (with data)', function() { - var args = [{foo: 'bar'}, { - api_key: 'sk_test_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii', - idempotency_key: 'foo', - stripe_version: '2010-01-10', - },]; + it('parses an idempotency key and api key and api version (with data)', () => { + const args = [ + {foo: 'bar'}, + { + api_key: 'sk_test_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii', + idempotency_key: 'foo', + stripe_version: '2010-01-10', + }, + ]; expect(utils.getOptionsFromArgs(args)).to.deep.equal({ auth: 'sk_test_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii', headers: { @@ -217,12 +245,14 @@ describe('utils', function() { }); expect(args.length).to.equal(1); }); - it('parses an idempotency key and api key and api version', function() { - var args = [{ - api_key: 'sk_test_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii', - idempotency_key: 'foo', - stripe_version: 'hunter2', - },]; + it('parses an idempotency key and api key and api version', () => { + const args = [ + { + api_key: 'sk_test_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii', + idempotency_key: 'foo', + stripe_version: 'hunter2', + }, + ]; expect(utils.getOptionsFromArgs(args)).to.deep.equal({ auth: 'sk_test_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii', headers: { @@ -232,148 +262,160 @@ describe('utils', function() { }); expect(args.length).to.equal(0); }); - it('warns if the hash contains something that does not belong', function(done) { - var args = [{foo: 'bar'}, { - api_key: 'sk_test_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii', - idempotency_key: 'foo', - stripe_version: '2010-01-10', - fishsticks: true, - custard: true, - },]; - - handleWarnings(function() { - utils.getOptionsFromArgs(args); - }, function(message) { - expect(message).to.equal( - 'Stripe: Invalid options found (fishsticks, custard); ignoring.' - ); - - done(); - }); + it('warns if the hash contains something that does not belong', (done) => { + const args = [ + {foo: 'bar'}, + { + api_key: 'sk_test_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii', + idempotency_key: 'foo', + stripe_version: '2010-01-10', + fishsticks: true, + custard: true, + }, + ]; + + handleWarnings( + () => { + utils.getOptionsFromArgs(args); + }, + (message) => { + expect(message).to.equal( + 'Stripe: Invalid options found (fishsticks, custard); ignoring.' + ); + + done(); + } + ); }); }); - describe('secureCompare', function() { - it('returns true given two equal things', function() { + describe('secureCompare', () => { + it('returns true given two equal things', () => { expect(utils.secureCompare('potato', 'potato')).to.equal(true); }); - it('returns false given two unequal things', function() { + it('returns false given two unequal things', () => { expect(utils.secureCompare('potato', 'tomato')).to.equal(false); }); - it('throws an error if not given two things to compare', function() { - expect(function() { utils.secureCompare('potato'); }).to.throw(); + it('throws an error if not given two things to compare', () => { + expect(() => { + utils.secureCompare('potato'); + }).to.throw(); }); }); - describe('removeEmpty', function() { - it('removes empty properties and leaves non-empty ones', function() { - expect(utils.removeEmpty({ - cat: 3, - dog: false, - rabbit: undefined, - pointer: null, - })).to.eql({ + describe('removeEmpty', () => { + it('removes empty properties and leaves non-empty ones', () => { + expect( + utils.removeEmpty({ + cat: 3, + dog: false, + rabbit: undefined, + pointer: null, + }) + ).to.eql({ cat: 3, dog: false, }); }); - it('throws an error if not given two things to compare', function() { - expect(function() { utils.removeEmpty('potato'); }).to.throw(); + it('throws an error if not given two things to compare', () => { + expect(() => { + utils.removeEmpty('potato'); + }).to.throw(); }); }); - describe('safeExec', function() { - var origExec; - beforeEach(function() { + describe('safeExec', () => { + let origExec; + beforeEach(() => { origExec = utils._exec; }); - afterEach(function() { + afterEach(() => { utils._exec = origExec; }); - it('runs exec', function() { - var calls = []; - utils._exec = function(cmd, cb) { + it('runs exec', () => { + const calls = []; + utils._exec = (cmd, cb) => { calls.push([cmd, cb]); - } + }; function myCb() {} utils.safeExec('hello', myCb); - expect(calls).to.deep.equal([ - ['hello', myCb], - ]); + expect(calls).to.deep.equal([['hello', myCb]]); }); - it('passes along normal errors', function() { - var myErr = Error('hi'); - utils._exec = function(cmd, cb) { - cb(myErr, null) - } + it('passes along normal errors', () => { + const myErr = Error('hi'); + utils._exec = (cmd, cb) => { + cb(myErr, null); + }; - var calls = []; + const calls = []; function myCb(err, x) { calls.push([err, x]); } utils.safeExec('hello', myCb); - expect(calls).to.deep.equal([ - [myErr, null], - ]); + expect(calls).to.deep.equal([[myErr, null]]); }); - it('passes along thrown errors as normal callback errors', function() { - var myErr = Error('hi'); - utils._exec = function(cmd, cb) { + it('passes along thrown errors as normal callback errors', () => { + const myErr = Error('hi'); + utils._exec = (cmd, cb) => { throw myErr; - } + }; - var calls = []; + const calls = []; function myCb(err, x) { calls.push([err, x]); } utils.safeExec('hello', myCb); - expect(calls).to.deep.equal([ - [myErr, null], - ]); - }); - }) - - describe('flattenAndStringify', function() { - it('Stringifies primitive types', function() { - expect(utils.flattenAndStringify({ - a: 1, - b: 'foo', - c: true, - d: null, - })).to.eql({'a': '1', 'b': 'foo', 'c': 'true', 'd': 'null'}); + expect(calls).to.deep.equal([[myErr, null]]); }); + }); - it('Flattens nested values', function() { - expect(utils.flattenAndStringify({ - x: { + describe('flattenAndStringify', () => { + it('Stringifies primitive types', () => { + expect( + utils.flattenAndStringify({ a: 1, b: 'foo', - }, - })).to.eql({'x[a]': '1', 'x[b]': 'foo'}); + c: true, + d: null, + }) + ).to.eql({a: '1', b: 'foo', c: 'true', d: 'null'}); }); - it('Does not flatten File objects', function() { - expect(utils.flattenAndStringify({ - file: { - data: 'foo' - }, - x: { - a: 1, - }, - })).to.eql({'file': {data: 'foo'}, 'x[a]': '1'}); + it('Flattens nested values', () => { + expect( + utils.flattenAndStringify({ + x: { + a: 1, + b: 'foo', + }, + }) + ).to.eql({'x[a]': '1', 'x[b]': 'foo'}); + }); + + it('Does not flatten File objects', () => { + expect( + utils.flattenAndStringify({ + file: { + data: 'foo', + }, + x: { + a: 1, + }, + }) + ).to.eql({file: {data: 'foo'}, 'x[a]': '1'}); }); - it('Does not flatten Buffer objects', function() { - var buf = Buffer.from('Hi!'); - var flattened = utils.flattenAndStringify({ - buf: buf, + it('Does not flatten Buffer objects', () => { + const buf = Buffer.from('Hi!'); + const flattened = utils.flattenAndStringify({ + buf, x: { a: 1, }, @@ -391,7 +433,7 @@ function handleWarnings(doWithShimmedConsoleWarn, onWarn) { /* eslint-disable no-console */ // Shim `console.warn` - var _warn = console.warn; + const _warn = console.warn; console.warn = onWarn; doWithShimmedConsoleWarn(); @@ -401,16 +443,17 @@ function handleWarnings(doWithShimmedConsoleWarn, onWarn) { /* eslint-enable no-console */ } else { - function onProcessWarn(warning) { /* eslint-disable-line no-inner-declarations */ - onWarn(warning.name + ': ' + warning.message); + /* eslint-disable-next-line no-inner-declarations */ + function onProcessWarn(warning) { + onWarn(`${warning.name}: ${warning.message}`); } process.on('warning', onProcessWarn); doWithShimmedConsoleWarn(); - process.nextTick(function() { + process.nextTick(() => { process.removeListener('warning', onProcessWarn); - }) + }); } } diff --git a/testUtils/index.js b/testUtils/index.js index dcf8e5d086..8215645e53 100644 --- a/testUtils/index.js +++ b/testUtils/index.js @@ -6,25 +6,26 @@ require('mocha'); // Ensure we are using the 'as promised' libs before any tests are run: require('chai').use(require('chai-as-promised')); -var ResourceNamespace = require('../lib/ResourceNamespace').ResourceNamespace; +const ResourceNamespace = require('../lib/ResourceNamespace').ResourceNamespace; -var utils = module.exports = { - getUserStripeKey: function() { - var key = process.env.STRIPE_TEST_API_KEY || 'tGN0bIwXnHdwOa85VABjPdSn8nWY7G7I'; +const utils = (module.exports = { + getUserStripeKey: () => { + const key = + process.env.STRIPE_TEST_API_KEY || 'tGN0bIwXnHdwOa85VABjPdSn8nWY7G7I'; return key; }, - getSpyableStripe: function() { + getSpyableStripe: () => { // Provide a testable stripe instance // That is, with mock-requests built in and hookable - var stripe = require('../lib/stripe'); - var stripeInstance = stripe('fakeAuthToken'); + const stripe = require('../lib/stripe'); + const stripeInstance = stripe('fakeAuthToken'); stripeInstance.REQUESTS = []; - for (var i in stripeInstance) { + for (const i in stripeInstance) { makeInstanceSpyable(stripeInstance, stripeInstance[i]); } @@ -32,9 +33,9 @@ var utils = module.exports = { if (thisInstance instanceof stripe.StripeResource) { patchRequest(stripeInstance, thisInstance); } else if (thisInstance instanceof ResourceNamespace) { - var namespace = thisInstance; + const namespace = thisInstance; - for (var j in namespace) { + for (const j in namespace) { makeInstanceSpyable(stripeInstance, namespace[j]); } } @@ -42,12 +43,12 @@ var utils = module.exports = { function patchRequest(stripeInstance, instance) { instance._request = function(method, host, url, data, auth, options, cb) { - var req = stripeInstance.LAST_REQUEST = { - method: method, - url: url, - data: data, + const req = (stripeInstance.LAST_REQUEST = { + method, + url, + data, headers: options.headers || {}, - }; + }); if (auth) { req.auth = auth; } @@ -67,11 +68,11 @@ var utils = module.exports = { * CleanupUtility will automatically register on the mocha afterEach hook, * ensuring its called after each descendent-describe block. */ - CleanupUtility: (function() { + CleanupUtility: (() => { CleanupUtility.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 20000; function CleanupUtility(timeout) { - var self = this; + const self = this; this._cleanupFns = []; this._stripe = require('../lib/stripe')( utils.getUserStripeKey(), @@ -84,50 +85,55 @@ var utils = module.exports = { } CleanupUtility.prototype = { - - doCleanup: function(done) { - var cleanups = this._cleanupFns; - var total = cleanups.length; - var completed = 0; - for (var fn; (fn = cleanups.shift());) { - var promise = fn.call(this); + doCleanup(done) { + const cleanups = this._cleanupFns; + const total = cleanups.length; + let completed = 0; + let fn; + while ((fn = cleanups.shift())) { + const promise = fn.call(this); if (!promise || !promise.then) { - throw new Error('CleanupUtility expects cleanup functions to return promises!'); + throw new Error( + 'CleanupUtility expects cleanup functions to return promises!' + ); } - promise.then(function() { - // cleanup successful - completed += 1; - if (completed === total) { - done(); + promise.then( + () => { + // cleanup successful + completed += 1; + if (completed === total) { + done(); + } + }, + (err) => { + // not successful + throw err; } - }, function(err) { - // not successful - throw err; - }); + ); } if (total === 0) { done(); } }, - add: function(fn) { + add(fn) { this._cleanupFns.push(fn); }, - deleteCustomer: function(custId) { + deleteCustomer(custId) { this.add(function() { return this._stripe.customers.del(custId); }); }, - deletePlan: function(pId) { + deletePlan(pId) { this.add(function() { return this._stripe.plans.del(pId); }); }, - deleteCoupon: function(cId) { + deleteCoupon(cId) { this.add(function() { return this._stripe.coupons.del(cId); }); }, - deleteInvoiceItem: function(iiId) { + deleteInvoiceItem(iiId) { this.add(function() { return this._stripe.invoiceItems.del(iiId); }); @@ -135,20 +141,22 @@ var utils = module.exports = { }; return CleanupUtility; - }()), + })(), /** - * Get a random string for test Object creation - */ - getRandomString: function() { - return Math.random().toString(36).slice(2); + * Get a random string for test Object creation + */ + getRandomString: () => { + return Math.random() + .toString(36) + .slice(2); }, - envSupportsForAwait: function() { + envSupportsForAwait: () => { return typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.asyncIterator; }, - envSupportsAwait: function() { + envSupportsAwait: () => { try { eval('(async function() {})'); // eslint-disable-line no-eval return true; @@ -156,4 +164,4 @@ var utils = module.exports = { return false; } }, -}; +}); diff --git a/yarn.lock b/yarn.lock new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7f94228727 --- /dev/null +++ b/yarn.lock @@ -0,0 +1,2329 @@ +# THIS IS AN AUTOGENERATED FILE. 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