Imports 90000+ Medical Terms for Code Spell Checker.
This is a simple list of English medical terms formatted as a UTF8-encoded text file. It is based on two prominent medical dictionary projects:
- OpenMedSpel by e-MedTools
- Raj&Co-Med-Spel-Chek by Rajasekharan N. of Raj&Co
The two sources have been merged, deduplicated, corrected and formatted as a text file that should be compatible with Android dictionary managers, LibreOffice, and Word.
Terms: 98119
Contents: drug names (up-to-date with FDA-approvals as of 2014-04-02, trade and generic names),
anatomical terms, dermatological terms, internal medicine terms, surgical terms,
DSM-IV terms, ICD-9 terms, and many more
Author: (c) 2014-2017 Aristotelis P. (
Original Authors: (c) 2007-2014 R. Robinson <[email protected]>,
(c) 2009-2014 Rajasekharan N. <>
Original Sources: - OpenMedSpel by R. Robinson of e-MedTools (Version 2.0.0, released 2014-01-21)
- MTH-Med-Spel-Chek by Rajasekharan N. of MT-Herald (released 2014-04-02)
License: GNU GPL v3 (see LICENSEs for more information)
This extension will automatically include Code Spell Checker extension.