FireHose is meant to invoke the imagery of drinking from a firehose of streaming data.
Copyright (2013) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) License.
The main purpose of the FireHose Streaming Benchmarks is to enable comparison of streaming software and hardware, both quantitatively vis-a-vis the rate at which they can process data, and qualitatively by judging the effort involved to implement and run the benchmarks.
The benchmarks themsleves each have a generator and analytic. Code for the generators is provided and is meant to be run as-is. Reference implementations for the analytics are also provided; users are free to re-implement them for other streaming frameworks or to optimize them for their hardware.
The originators of FireHose are Karl Anderson and Steve Plimpton, who can be contacted at [email protected]. The FireHose WWW Site at has more information as well as tabulated performance results.
This FireHose distribution includes the following files and directories:
README this file
LICENSE the BSD License
analytics code for the analytics
doc HTML documentation
generators code for the generators
tools auxiliary scripts useful in running the benchmarks
results output files of correct benchmark answers
Point your browser at doc/README.html
to get started.