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Takes your provider component, global styles, and theme(s)to wrap your stories in.

import { withThemeFromJSXProvider } from '@storybook/addon-themes';

export const decorators = [
    themes: {
      light: lightTheme,
      dark: darkTheme,
    defaultTheme: 'light',
    Provider: ThemeProvider,
    GlobalStyles: CssBaseline,

Available options:

option type required? Description
themes Record<string, any> An object of theme configurations where the key is the name of the theme and the value is the theme object. If multiple themes are provided, a toolbar item will be added to switch between themes.
defaultTheme string The name of the default theme to use
Provider The JSX component to provide themes
GlobalStyles A JSX component containing global css styles.


Takes your theme class names to apply your parent element to enable your theme(s).

import { withThemeByClassName } from '@storybook/addon-themes';

export const decorators = [
    themes: {
      light: 'light-theme',
      dark: 'dark-theme',
    defaultTheme: 'light',

Available options:

option type required? Description
themes Record<string, string> An object of theme configurations where the key is the name of the theme and the value is the theme class name.
defaultTheme string The name of the default theme to use
parentSelector string The selector for the parent element that you want to apply your theme class to. Defaults to "html"


Takes your theme names and data attribute to apply your parent element to enable your theme(s).

import { withThemeByDataAttribute } from '@storybook/addon-themes';

export const decorators = [
    themes: {
      light: 'light',
      dark: 'dark',
    defaultTheme: 'light',
    attributeName: 'data-bs-theme',

available options:

option type required? Description
themes Record<string, string> An object of theme configurations where the key is the name of the theme and the value is the data attribute value.
defaultTheme string The name of the default theme to use
parentSelector string The selector for the parent element that you want to apply your theme class to. Defaults to "html"
attributeName string The name of the data attribute to set on the parent element for your theme(s). Defaults to "data-theme"

Writing a custom decorator

If none of these decorators work for your library there is still hope. We've provided a collection of helper functions to get access to the theme toggling state so that you can create a decorator of your own.


Pulls the selected theme from storybook's global state.

import { DecoratorHelpers } from '@storybook/addon-themes';

const { pluckThemeFromContext } = DecoratorHelpers;

export const myCustomDecorator =
  ({ themes, defaultState, }) =>
  (storyFn, context) => {
    const selectedTheme = pluckThemeFromContext(context);

    // Snipped


(⛔️ Deprecated) Do not use this hook anymore. Access the theme directly via the context instead e.g. context.parameters.themes

Returns the theme parameters for this addon.

import { DecoratorHelpers } from '@storybook/addon-themes';

const { useThemeParameters } = DecoratorHelpers;

export const myCustomDecorator =
  ({ themes, defaultState, }) =>
  (storyFn, context) => {
    const { themeOverride } = useThemeParameters();

    // Snipped


Used to register the themes and defaultTheme with the addon state.

import { DecoratorHelpers } from '@storybook/addon-themes';

const { initializeThemeState } = DecoratorHelpers;

export const myCustomDecorator = ({ themes, defaultState, }) => {
  initializeThemeState(Object.keys(themes), defaultTheme);

  return (storyFn, context) => {
    // Snipped

Putting it all together

Let's use Vuetify as an example. Vuetify uses it's own global state to know which theme to render. To build a custom decorator to accommodate this method we'll need to do the following

// .storybook/withVuetifyTheme.decorator.js
import { DecoratorHelpers } from '@storybook/addon-themes';
import { useTheme } from 'vuetify';

const { initializeThemeState, pluckThemeFromContext } = DecoratorHelpers;

export const withVuetifyTheme = ({ themes, defaultTheme }) => {
  initializeThemeState(Object.keys(themes), defaultTheme);

  return (story, context) => {
    const selectedTheme = pluckThemeFromContext(context);
    const { themeOverride } = context.parameters.themes ?? {};

    const selected = themeOverride || selectedTheme || defaultTheme;

    return {
      components: { story },
      setup() {
        const theme = useTheme(); = themes[selected];

        return {
      template: `<v-app><story /></v-app>`,

This can then be provided to Storybook in .storybook/preview.js:

// .storybook/preview.js
import { setup } from '@storybook/vue3';
import { registerPlugins } from '../src/plugins';
import { withVuetifyTheme } from './withVuetifyTheme.decorator';

setup((app) => {

/* snipped for brevity */

export const decorators = [
    // These keys are the labels that will be displayed in the toolbar theme switcher
    // The values must match the theme keys from your VuetifyOptions
    themes: {
      light: 'light',
      dark: 'dark',
      'high contrast': 'highContrast',
    defaultTheme: 'light', // The key of your default theme