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stoffera edited this page Oct 10, 2012 · 2 revisions

To create a server use the function createServer(), this will create an instance of the duality server object.

####createServer( server_directory [, routes, options] ) Return a new server object, serving the folder found at server_directory. Every file in this directory is served. If you defined any routes in the optional routes object, then these functions will be called when the request URL match. If you just want a static file server, then omit the routes table parameter. The server takes an options object. You can set additional server parameters through this object.

  • server_directory string The path to the folder where the static files are shared from
  • routes Object (OPTIONAL) A dictionary of regex string and corrosponding functions.
  • options Object (OPTIONAL) A dictionary of extra options to the server
  • return duality An instance of the duality server class.

If you what duality to bind a function to a URL you must provide a route. A route is a regexp formatted string and a function. The concept is properly best explained with an exmaple:

	var routes = {
		"^/posts/(\\n+)" : getPost,
		"^/posts/?$" : getPostIndex

Duality will parse each string into a regular expression and check all request URL's against them. Notice how the backslash is double escaped. You must do this because the string is parsed into a regexp, causing the escape characters to be parsed twice. The functions related to the regexp's receive three arguments: a basic java script string.match object, a http.ServerRequest object and a http.ServerResponse object. If you define regions with parentheses in the regexp, then these will available in the match object. In this way you can pass parameters to the function, from the parsed URL.

#####Options Available Here is the list of optional options to pass to the server:

  • serverPort number The listening port of the server. Multiple server instances can listen on different ports. Default: 8080
  • useSessions boolean Enable sessions on the server. Each request will be identified with a session. Default: TRUE
  • sessionIdentifier string The name of the cookie in the client, which stores the session unique value. If sessions are disabled, this has no effect. Default: duality-session
  • serverString string The value of the Server HTTP header, identifying the server for the client. Default: duality
  • useAccessLog boolean Enable the stdout access log. Every request will be logged. Default: TRUE
  • useAccessControl boolean Activate the access control system. See documentation on how to use access control. Default: FALSE
  • accessLoginUrl string URL to a login page or a function to display the login page. If NULL and access control system is activated - HTTP Auth is used. Default: NULL
  • accessResourceCallback function Resource access control callback function. See access control documentation. Default: NULL
  • httpAuthRealm string The http authentication realm. Default: Login
  • httpAuthUserLookupCallback function Callback function you must define to check the HTTP Auth login credentials. Default: NULL
  • httpAuthLoginSuccessCallback function Callback to tell a HTTP Auth login succeeded. Default: NULL
  • httpAuthLoginFailedCallback function Callback to tell a HTTP Auth login failed. Default: NULL

####getHttpAuthUserDigest( user, realm, password ) Global function to create the HTTP Auth Digest HASH of Username:Realm:password if you know what Realm to use, then this function can be used to create hashes to store in a user table. This will eliminate the need to store the password in clear text.

  • username string The username, which is a part of the hash
  • realm string The realm used for the HTTP Auth
  • password string the password in clear text
  • return string The hashed value as a HEX string

Object Methods

Once the server object is created, these methods can be called on the object.

####serveFile( path , req, res [, dont_detect_content_type, attachment]) Serve the content of any file on the disk. This method is used by the internal static files serving. You can also call this function from you own code to serve any file you like. Partial content ranges are supported, so only part of the file is served, if request by the client.

  • filePath string path to the file that should be served
  • req http.ServerRequest the current http request
  • res http.ServerResponse the response for the current http request
  • opt_dont_detect_content_type boolean (OPTIONAL) Set this to true to avoid auto detection and setting of content-type header
  • opt_attachment boolean (OPTIONAL) Set this to TRUE to tell the browser to serve the file as a download

httpAuthHash( username, password )

Create a hash to use with the HTTP Authentication Digest for the server. If you maintain a list of users and their passwords (in clear text), then use this method inside the httpAuthUserLookupCallback function to return a valid hash for the HTTP Auth digest. (Not recommended)

A way better approach is to pre-hash the users password, either with this method or getHttpAuthUserDigest(). Then only store the hashed password in your users table.

  • username string The username is needed as part of the hash in HTTP Auth Digest
  • password string The password in clear text
  • return string A HEX encoded hash string
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