Refactoring of the build configuration script to use R to find the settings to use for building rmatio.
Static code analysis of the codebase has been performed using the lintr package in order to improve code style, consistency and readability.
- Updated the build configuration script to use R to find the compiler to use.
- Update the build configuration script to pass R CMD check.
Changed the R dependency to R(>= 3.2).
Refactoring of the Windows build configuration.
Removed the 'LazyData' field in the DESCRIPTION file.
Fixed memory protection errors reported by the 'rchk' tool.
Fixed memory leaks reported by valgrind.
Fixed memory protection errors reported by the 'rchk' tool.
Removed an unused configuration variable.
Fixed a potential segfault error by adding a check before usage of a non-null pointer to the variable name when reading data.
Fixed registration of native routines called from R.
Added importFrom 'download.file' and 'packageVersion' from utils to NAMESPACE.
Updated the bundled matio C library to commit '8b44851' (v1.5.10) from 14 Feb 2017.
Added SystemRequirements (zlib headers and library) field to DESCRIPTION
Replaced ZLIB_LIBS with -lz in src/Makevars.win
Updated maintainer email
Changed 'Title' field in DESCRIPTION to title case
- Instead of raising an error when reading a function class type, give a warning and read data structure as NULL.
Improved test code layout to give better information in case of error
Each write/read test case run with a unique tempfile
Depends on R(>=3.0.2)
Fix memory leaks
Removed usage of LENGTH on a S4SXP object
Added missing field in DESCRIPTION, Biarch: true
Removed usage of testthat when testing the package.
Updated documentation
Moved data files to inst/extdata
Fix configuration
- Fix Makevars and Makevars.win
- Removed bundled zlib in src/zlib
Moved matio source code to subdirectory of src
Moved zlib source code to subdirectory of src
- Updated package documentation.
Supports reading MAT version 4, MAT version 5 and MAT compressed version 5.
Supports writing version 5 MAT files and version 5 files with variable compression.
Added compression with zlib.
Updated matio to ver 1.5.2
- Added support to write a list data structure.
Added support to write a logical vector.
An integer vector is now written as a signed 32 bit integer instead of as a double.
- Added support to write a character vector.
- Added support to read a dense logical matrix.
Added support to read a sparse logical matrix.
Added support to read struct and cell data types.
- Added support to read/write n-dimensional arrays.
Added option for MAT file version to create in write.mat. Currently only support for Matlab level-5 file (MAT5) from rmatio package.
Removed option overwrite from write.mat.
- Updated matio C library code to version 1.5.1
- Initial package structure