Here is a modest list of hooks that I use every day. I will add more in the next few days, keep watching. And if you have some good hooks I would love to add them. So feel free to open a pull request.
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Useful hook if you want to fetch data.
Import hook :
import useFetch from "hooks/useFetch";
Then use like this :
const { response, errors } = useFetch("");
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Useful hook if you want to fullscreen an element of your page.
Import hook :
import useFullScreen from "hooks/useFullScreen";
Add :
const { elementFS, triggerFS, exitFS, isFS } = useFullScreen();
Then use like this :
<div ref={elementFS}>I want to fullscreen this div.</div>
<button onClick={triggerFS}>Trigger fullscreen</button>
<button onClick={exitFS}>Exit fullscreen</button>
Check if fullscreen is triggered :
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Useful hook if you want to detect when the mouse is hovering an element.
Import hook :
import useHover from "hooks/useHover";
Add :
const [hoverRef, isHovered, event] = useHover();
Then use like this :
<div ref={hoverRef}>{isHovered ? "Hovered ! at " + [event.pageX, event.pageY].join(",") : "Hover me !"}</div>
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Useful hook if you want to detect when user is pressing a specific key.
Import hook :
import useKeyPress from "hooks/useKeyPress";
Then use like this :
const hKeyPressed = useKeyPress("h");
console.log(hKeyPressed && "Hello !");
// → Hello !
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Useful hook if you want to set a specific title to page.
Import hook :
import useTitle from "hooks/useTitle";
Then use like this :
useTitle("My title");
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Useful hook if you want display/hide something with toggle.
Import hook :
import useToggle from "hooks/useToggle";
Then use like this :
const [open, toggle] = useToggle(false);
<Button onClick={toggle}>Show filters</Button>;
open && <Filters />;
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Useful hook if you want to create an event handler.
Import hook :
import useEventListener from "hooks/useEventListener";
Then use like this :
const [coords, setCoords] = useState({ x: 0, y: 0 });
useEventListener("mousemove", ({ clientX, clientY }) =>
setCoords({ x: clientX, y: clientY })
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Useful hook if you want to add the infinite scroll feature to your website.
Import hook :
import useInfiniteScroll from "hooks/useInfiniteScroll";
Then use like this :
const [isFetching, setIsFetching] = useInfiniteScroll(fetchData);
const fetchData = () => {
// ...
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Useful hook if you want to set a specific favicon to the page.
Import hook :
import useFavicon from "hooks/useFavicon";
Then use like this :
useFavicon("/path/image.png", "image/png");
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Useful hook if you want to set a debounced value.
Import hook :
import useDebounce from "hooks/useDebounce";
Then use like this :
const delay = 1000;
const debouncedValue = useDebounce(value, delay);
Feel free to contribute on this repository. If my work helps you, please give me back with a star. This means a lot to me and keeps me going!