See for more informations:
To have a timeline you have:
- Subject
- Verb
- Components (directComplement, indirectComplement, etc...)
Chuck Norris Own the World with Vic Mc Key
| SUBJECT | VERB | Direct | | INDIRECT |
There is two type of action list to retrieve:
Wall of a subject is all his actions + all actions of his SPREADS (cf spread.markdown)
Imagine Chuck Norris, he has 233 friends and follow 20 companies.
If we have one context, like facebook, his wall will return each actions of his friends and companies.
You can too use Contexts to filter timelines, for example, we can have 3 contexts:
- GLOBAL: actions of his friends and companies
- FRIEND: actions of his friends
- COMPANIES: actions of his companies
You can define as many context as you want. If you have only one context, you'll get each actions without being able to easily filter them to return only "OWN" actions or have only actions of friends of ChuckNorris
That's why we have a "GLOBAL" context, and you can easily add other contexts.
$actionManager = $this->get('spy_timeline.action_manager');
$subject = $actionManager->findOrCreateComponent('a\model', array(1, 2));
// cod here is an object. (you can add a component as example of subject)
// you can add as many components as you want. subject is mandatory !
$action = $actionManager->create($subject, 'verb', array('directComplement' => $cod));
$actionManager = $this->get('spy_timeline.action_manager');
$timelineManager = $this->get('spy_timeline.timeline_manager');
$subject = $actionManager->findOrCreateComponent('a\model', array(1, 2));
$timeline = $timelineManager->getTimeline($subject);
$actionManager = $this->get('spy_timeline.action_manager');
$subject = $actionManager->findOrCreateComponent('a\model', array(1, 2));
$timeline = $actionManager->getSubjectActions($subject);
- Immediate: When the Action is persisted on DB, it will deploy on spreads via the provider
- Wait: It will less the Action in "waiting" mode, you can deploy on spreads by the command or an other way.
drivers: # define only one.
object_manager: doctrine.orm.entity_manager
post_load_listener: true # Hydrate component data via postLoad listener
query_builder: ~ # Spy\TimelineBundle\Driver\ORM\QueryBuilder\QueryBuilder
timeline: 'Acme\YourBundle\Entity\Timeline'
action: 'Acme\YourBundle\Entity\Action'
component: 'Acme\YourBundle\Entity\Component'
action_component: 'Acme\YourBundle\Entity\ActionComponent'
# OR
object_manager: doctrine.odm.mongodb.document_manager
post_load_listener: true # Hydrate component data via postLoad listener
timeline: 'Acme\YourBundle\Document\Timeline'
action: 'Acme\YourBundle\Document\Action'
component: 'Acme\YourBundle\Document\Component'
action_component: 'Acme\YourBundle\Document\ActionComponent'
# OR
client: ~ # snc_redis.default
pipeline: true
prefix: spy_timeline
action: 'Spy\Timeline\Model\Action'
component: 'Spy\Timeline\Model\Component'
action_component: 'Spy\Timeline\Model\ActionComponent'
timeline_manager: ~ # use custom or let it.
action_manager: ~ # use custom or let it.
- spy_timeline.unread_notifications
factory: Spy\Timeline\Driver\QueryBuilder\QueryBuilderFactory
asserter: Spy\Timeline\Driver\QueryBuilder\Criteria\Asserter
operator: Spy\Timeline\Driver\QueryBuilder\Criteria\Operator
# let empty if you want to use default paginator
# or use your own.
paginator: spy_timeline.paginator.knp
service: spy_timeline.filter.duplicate_key
priority: 10
priority: 20
service: spy_timeline.filter.data_hydrator
filter_unresolved: true
- spy_timeline.filter.data_hydrator.locator.doctrine_orm
- spy_timeline.filter.data_hydrator.locator.doctrine_odm
on_subject: true # Spread each action on subject too
on_global_context: true # Spread automatically on global context
deployer: highco.timeline.spread.deployer.default
batch_size: 50 # How many persist before flush operation.
delivery: immediate
path: 'AcmeBundle:Timeline'
fallback: 'AcmeBundle:Timeline:default.html.twig'
i18n: #Do you want to use i18n when rendering ? if not, remove this node.
fallback: en
resources: [] # Always prepends 'SpyTimelineBundle:Action:components.html.twig'