Get started by running the app in development mode:
$ git clone
$ cd desktop
$ npm install
$ npm start
Try out the release before npm publishing using local npm installs.
Have all projects (stencila, stencila-node, stencila-desktop) side by side.
$ cd stencila $ npm install $ node make
$ cd stencila-node $ npm install ../stencila
$ cd stencila-desktop $ npm install ../stencila-node $ npm start
Do some testing and if it looks good we can publish the individual packages:
Bump Stencila version in
and npm publish.$ cd stencila $ npm publish
Update the Stencila dependency and bump version of stencila-node in
and npm publish.$ cd stencila-node $ npm publish
Update the stencila-node dependency and bump version of stencila-desktop in
.Now make a release bundle for each platform (OSX, Linux, Windows)
$ cd stencila-desktop $ rm -rf node_modules $ npm install $ npm run release
Create a release on Github (using a new release tag) and upload the app packages for all platforms.