package org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode; import; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.Autonomous; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.eventloop.opmode.LinearOpMode; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.HardwareMap; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.ClassFactory; import; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.matrices.OpenGLMatrix; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.matrices.VectorF; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.AngleUnit; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.AxesOrder; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.AxesReference; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.Orientation; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.RelicRecoveryVuMark; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.VuMarkInstanceId; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.VuforiaLocalizer; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.VuforiaTrackable; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener; import org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.external.navigation.VuforiaTrackables; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; /** * This OpMode illustrates the basics of using the Vuforia engine to determine * the identity of Vuforia VuMarks encountered on the field. The VuForia function * is packaged as utility class within the main opMmode class (inner class). The findVuMark class * is generic usable for any single VuMark. It could be moved out of this example to a separate * class or a library class. * * IMPORTANT: In order to use this OpMode, you need to obtain your own Vuforia license key as * is explained in FIRST sample code: ConceptVuforiaNavigation. * * VuMark is like a bar code. It is an image that contains encoded variable information. For the * Relic Recovery game, the VuMark is the image of a temple. Encoded on that image in hexagonal * dots is a code indicating left, center and right. Vuforia is used to locate the image in the * camera field of view and extract the code returning that to your program. FIRST included a * custom enum class to display the code (also called an instance id) as text. * * VuMarks are defined by two data files created by the Vuforia Target Manager. In our case, those * files are provided by FIRST. The files are embedded in the robot controller program by putting * them in the assets directory of FtcRobotController section of the project. * * You can capture VuMarks with the robot controller phone camera or with USB webcam attached to * a Control Hub. * * This version also streams images from the camera device over the network connection for viewing * in a browser. See and MJpegServer.hava for more informmation. * * IMPORTANT: You need to obtain your own license key to use Vuforia. The string below with which * 'parameters.vuforiaLicenseKey' is initialized is for illustration only, and will not function. * A Vuforia 'Development' license key, can be obtained free of charge from the Vuforia developer * web site at * * Vuforia license keys are always 380 characters long, and look as if they contain mostly * random data. As an example, here is a example of a fragment of a valid key: * ... yIgIzTqZ4mWjk9wd3cZO9T1axEqzuhxoGlfOOI2dRzKS4T0hQ8kT ... * Once you've obtained a license key, copy the string from the Vuforia web site * and paste it in to your code on the next line, between the double quotes. The license key needs * to support external cameras to use webcams. */ @Autonomous(name="VuMark Id - Streaming", group ="Exercises") //@Disabled public class VuMarkIdentificationStreaming extends LinearOpMode { VuMarkFinder vmf; RelicRecoveryVuMark vuMark; VuforiaCapture vuforiaCapture; MJpegServer server; @Override public void runOpMode() throws InterruptedException { Bitmap cameraImage; // Create an instance of VuMarkFinder using RC phone camera. // Here we chose the back (HiRes) camera (for greater range), but // for a competition robot, the front camera might be more convenient. //vmf = new VuMarkFinder(hardwareMap, "RelicVuMark", VuforiaLocalizer.CameraDirection.BACK, true); // Create an instance of VuMarkFinder using USB webcam. vmf = new VuMarkFinder(hardwareMap, "RelicVuMark", "Webcam 1", true); // Create instances of the Vuforia camera capture and image streaming server. vuforiaCapture = new VuforiaCapture(vmf.getLocalizer()); server = new MJpegServer(); telemetry.addData("Mode", "Press Play to start"); telemetry.update(); // Start VuForia background process looking for vumarks in camera field of view. Activate // before waitForStart() allows you to see camera stream on DS at INIT wait. See DS menu. vmf.activate(); waitForStart(); vuforiaCapture.startCapture(); while (opModeIsActive()) { // See if a VuMark is currently visible. if (vmf.findVuMark()) { // Convert vumark instance id to game specific id. vuMark = RelicRecoveryVuMark.from(vmf.instanceId); telemetry.addData("VuMark", "%s visible", vuMark); //telemetry.addData("Pose", vmf.formatPose(vmf.pose)); telemetry.addData("X Y Z", "X=%f Y=%f Z=%f", vmf.tX, vmf.tY, vmf.tZ); } else telemetry.addData("VuMark", "not visible"); telemetry.update(); // Get a camera image fromm Vuforia and post it to the streaming server. cameraImage = vuforiaCapture.getImage(); server.setImage(cameraImage); idle(); } server.stop(); } /** * VuForia VuMark finder class. */ public class VuMarkFinder { private VuforiaLocalizer vuforia; private VuforiaTrackables trackables; private VuforiaTrackable template; private VuforiaLocalizer.Parameters parameters; private BlockingQueue<VuforiaLocalizer.CloseableFrame> frameQueue; public VuMarkInstanceId instanceId; public OpenGLMatrix pose; public double tX, tY, tZ, rX, rY, rZ; /** Constructor for using RC phone camera. * Create an instance of the class. * @param hMap HardwareMap object. * @param assetName Name of the asset files containing the VuMark definition. * @param includeViewer True to display camera viewer on RC phone. * @param camera Front or Back RC phone camera choice. */ public VuMarkFinder(HardwareMap hMap, String assetName, VuforiaLocalizer.CameraDirection camera, boolean includeViewer) { /* * To start up Vuforia, tell it the view that we wish to use for camera monitor * (on the RC phone). If no camera monitor is desired, use the parameterless * constructor instead . */ if (includeViewer) { int cameraMonitorViewId = hMap.appContext.getResources().getIdentifier("cameraMonitorViewId", "id", hMap.appContext.getPackageName()); parameters = new VuforiaLocalizer.Parameters(cameraMonitorViewId); } else // OR... Do Not Activate the Camera Monitor View, to save power parameters = new VuforiaLocalizer.Parameters(); /* * We also indicate which camera on the RC that we wish to use. */ parameters.cameraDirection = camera; parameters.useExtendedTracking = false; initializeVuforia(assetName); } /** Constructor for using webcam on Control Hub. * Create an instance of the class. * @param hMap HardwareMap object. * @param assetName Name of the asset files containing the VuMark definition. * @param cameraName Name of webcam as configured on Control Hub. * @param includeViewer True to display camera viewer on DS phone. */ public VuMarkFinder(HardwareMap hMap, String assetName, String cameraName, boolean includeViewer) { /* * To start up Vuforia, tell it the view that we wish to use for camera monitor * (on the RC phone). If no camera monitor is desired, use the parameterless * constructor instead . */ if (includeViewer) { int cameraMonitorViewId = hMap.appContext.getResources().getIdentifier("cameraMonitorViewId", "id", hMap.appContext.getPackageName()); parameters = new VuforiaLocalizer.Parameters(cameraMonitorViewId); } else // OR... Do Not Activate the Camera Monitor View, to save power parameters = new VuforiaLocalizer.Parameters(); /* * Retrieve and set the USB web camera we are to use. */ parameters.cameraName = hMap.get(WebcamName.class, cameraName); parameters.useExtendedTracking = false; initializeVuforia(assetName); } private void initializeVuforia(String assetName) { parameters.vuforiaLicenseKey = "AaDAvEH/////AAABmT7XsefufE2DuYYnYCxrBsQQ9FrK/39uullPQn7b/XVUOAU9eFLRcRYYm1JY0ChQpml/x1CPv5kyBtc5rwVrTM0I2/VcBKiulYWzGM8kZDYAIwIwpncnYbyxCHgN80KAZplNqMiL0lWP1SKFE1jXojLSu33a+gcyDvRQCJtHteF976mcXTsadxZCJFhUGx198hOmuK5HNTwjvNoxcEUmF5BOS9hLDBCrZnfTHYbYyKoKMX17a3K7FR+T8C8s+zOGvKXc9vtjNTJDUZ0D1gvyDSlzu52fHXAVTb7HRJN9rapGZ6wyqn2UGay5dxjCOFsxsWZFSzPRN3zZri//WalFQysr6MWUEykjDJhGKZucvBHr"; vuforia = ClassFactory.getInstance().createVuforia(parameters); /* Load the data set containing the VuMarks for Relic Recovery. There's only one trackable in this data set: all three of the VuMarks in the game were created from this one template, but differ in their instance id information. */ trackables = vuforia.loadTrackablesFromAsset(assetName); template = trackables.get(0); template.setName(assetName); // can help in debugging; otherwise not necessary } /** * Activate VuForia image processing. Call after waitForStart(). */ public void activate() { trackables.activate(); } /** * Get the VuforiaLocalizer used by this class. * @return Localizer. */ public VuforiaLocalizer getLocalizer() { return vuforia; } /** * Call to find out if VuMark is visible to the phone camera. * @return True if VuMark found, false if not. */ public boolean findVuMark() { // See if any instances of the template are currently visible. instanceId = ((VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener) template.getListener()).getVuMarkInstanceId(); if (instanceId != null) { // Get and display pose information, that is, vumark location relative to camera // center of view. if (vuforia.getCameraName().isWebcam()) pose = ((VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener) template.getListener()).getFtcCameraFromTarget(); else pose = ((VuforiaTrackableDefaultListener) template.getListener()).getPose(); if (pose != null) { VectorF trans = pose.getTranslation(); Orientation rot = Orientation.getOrientation(pose, AxesReference.EXTRINSIC, AxesOrder.XYZ, AngleUnit.DEGREES); // Extract the X, Y, and Z components of the offset of the target relative to the robot tX = trans.get(0); tY = trans.get(1); tZ = trans.get(2); // Extract the rotational components of the target relative to the robot rX = rot.firstAngle; rY = rot.secondAngle; rZ = rot.thirdAngle; } return true; } else { pose = null; return false; } } /** * Format pose object for human viewing. * @param pose Pose object returned when VuMark is found. * @return Pose description. */ protected String formatPose(OpenGLMatrix pose) { return (pose != null) ? pose.formatAsTransform() : "null"; } } }