file: jquery.soap.js
version: 1.6.4
Note that all options are optional. To actually send a request url en data are the minimal requirements. More general information about the usage of jQuery.soap
type: boolean
default: true
Indicates whether the specified method should be added to the url
url: '',
method: 'getItem',
appendMethodToURL: false
will send a request to
type: boolean
default: true
available since: 1.3.0
Set to false when you want the
type: function(SOAPEnvelope)
available since: 1.3.1
Callback function which passes back the SOAPEnvelope object prior to the $.ajax call. From version 1.4.0 returning false in the beforeSend
function will cancel the request.
beforeSend: function(SOAPEnvelope) {
type: any
default: the $.ajax settings
available since: 1.5.0
Used to set this
in beforeSend
, success
, error
and data
callback functions. This setting mimics the behavior of context in jquery.ajax
context: document.body,
success: function(SOAPResponse) {
type: string or XMLDOM or JSON or function(SOAPObject)
default: null
available since: 1.3.0
The data to be sent to the WebService, mainly the contents of the soap:Body, although it may also contain the complete soap:Envelope (with optional soap:Header).
In the first example var xml
is an array of strings which is joined together to form one XML string which is used as the data
var xml =
['<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">',
data: xml.join('')
In the following example we use JSON to describe the request element.
method: 'requestNode',
data: {
name: 'Remy Blom',
msg: 'Hi!'
will result in:
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
<name>Remy Blom</name>
function passing back $.soap's SOAPObject that can be used to create and return an instance of the SOAPObject class.
data: function(SOAPObject) {
return new SOAPObject('soap:Envelope')
.addNamespace('soap', '')
... etc, etc
will result in:
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
type: object
default: null
Set additional attributes (like namespaces) on the soap:Envelope node
envAttributes: {
'xmlns:another': ''
will result in:
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:another="">
type: string
default: method
Overrides method as the name for the request element.
This option ONLY applies when the request XML is going to be built from JSON data.
method: 'helloWorld',
elementName: 'requestNode'
will result in:
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
type: boolean
default: false
available since: 1.0.5
Set to true if you want some debug information in the console about the information send and received, errors and globalConfig updates.
enableLoggin: true
type: function(SOAPResponse)
Allows to set a callback function for when the underlying $.ajax call goes wrong.
Note that $.soap() also returns a jqXHR object that implements the Promise interface, so instead of the error option you can also use
error: function(SOAPResponse) {
type: object
default: null
available since: 1.3.0
Set additional http request headers. A possible use is setting the Authorization
header to do HTTP Basic Authorization as in the example below.
This setting is directly fed to the $.ajax call as headers withing $.soap and should perform equally.
More info: jquery.ajax
HTTPHeaders: {
'Authorization': 'Basic ' + btoa('user:pass')
type: string
The service operation name.
- Will be appended to the url by default unless appendMethodToURL is set to false.
- Will be used to set SOAPAction request header unless a SOAPAction is specified
- When data is specified as JSON
will be used for the request element name unless a elementName is provided.
url: '',
method: 'getItem'
will result in:
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
send to
type: string
default: null
Used as namespace prefix for all elements in the request element, in combination with namespaceURL
This option ONLY applies when the request XML is going to be built from JSON data.
method: 'helloWorld',
namespaceQualifier: 'myns',
namespaceURL: 'urn://'
will result in:
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
<myns:helloWorld xmlns:myns="urn://">
type: string
default: null
Used as the namespace url added to the request element in combination with namespaceQualifier. From version 1.3.6 it also possible to supply only the namespaceURL.
This option ONLY applies when the request XML is going to be built from JSON data.
method: 'helloWorld',
namespaceQualifier: 'myns',
namespaceURL: 'urn://'
will result in:
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
<myns:helloWorld xmlns:myns="urn://">
type: boolean
default: false
available since: 1.2.0
Set to true if you don't want the namespaceQualifier to be the prefix for the nodes in the request element.
This option ONLY applies when the request XML is going to be built from JSON data.
method: 'helloWorld',
namespaceQualifier: 'myns',
namespaceURL: 'urn://',
noPrefix: true
will result in:
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
<helloWorld xmlns:myns="urn://">
type: function(SOAPEnvelope)
This function is deprecated from 1.3.1, use beforeSend instead
Callback function which passes back the SOAPEnvelope object prior to the $.ajax call
request: function(SOAPEnvelope) {
type: boolean
default: false
Set to true if you want to sent a SOAP1.2 compatible soap:Envelope with SOAP1.2 namespace
soap12: true
will result in:
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
type: string
default: method
Allows to manually set the HTTP Request Header 'SOAPAction'.
url: '',
method: 'getItem',
SOAPAction: 'getAnItem'
type: string or XMLDOM or JSON or function(SOAPObject)
Allows to set the SOAP:Header. More info on different options see data
SOAPHeader: {
test: [1,2,3]
will result in:
type: object
available since: 1.6.0
An object of numeric HTTP codes and functions to be called when the response has the corresponding code. This setting is directly fed to the
statusCode: {
404: function() {
console.log('404 Not Found')
200: function() {
console.log('200 OK')
type: function(SOAPResponse)
Callback function to handle successful return.
Note that $.soap() also returns a jqXHR object that implements the Promise interface, so instead of the success option you can also use jqXHR.done()
success: function(SOAPResponse) {
type: string
Specifies the endpoint of the webService. By default the method is added to the url. Setting appendMethodToURL to false will not add the method.
url: '',
method: 'getItem'
type: object
available since: 1.1.0
To create a soap:Header with credentials for WS-Security
wss: {
username: 'user',
password: 'pass',
nonce: 'w08370jf7340qephufqp3r4',
created: new Date().getTime()
will result in:
<wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="" xmlns:wsu="">
<wsse:Username Type="">user</wsse:Username>
<wsse:Password Type="">pass</wsse:Password>
<wsse:Nonce Type="">aepfhvaepifha3p4iruaq349fu34r9q</wsse:Nonce>
<wsu:Created Type="">1383257509878</wsu:Created>