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Chris Ruppel edited this page Jul 3, 2014 · 3 revisions

You're reading documentation for grunt-phantomas, a reporting tool that aggregates Phantomas logs and provides visualization of your data over time.

How do I use it?

grunt-phantomas is most effective when combined with a continuous integration server or cron job, so that you can consistently measure your site at a regular interval. Another option is to integrate with a post-receive hook in git, and test a staging site each time a branch is merged. It's up to you!

What does it do?

During each execution, grunt-phantomas extracts the data from each run of Phantomas and adds a JSON file to your repository. From there, a static site uses D3.js to generate graphs from your data. The result is an easily maintainable, dynamic graph of your site's frontend performance data.

This plugin offers extensive customization options, allowing you to report as little or as much of the Phantomas data as you see fit. You can create custom groups, collect blended data from multiple runs (to reduce the likelihood of bad outliers), and much more.


See a live demo of grunt-phantomas reports for

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