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Refined Primitives

The other day I came upon a nice and simple use case for some very straightforward elaborator reflection to avoid writing boring boilerplate code. I thought others might find this useful as well, so here we go.

module Doc.Primitives

import Data.Maybe
import Data.So
import Language.Reflection.Util

%language ElabReflection

%default total

Primitive Wrapper Types

In real world applications, it is often necessary to write wrapper types for (refined) primitives, either out of performance considerations or when writing a full fledged algebraic data type is just not worth the hassle. As an example, in cheminformatics we probably want to define a type for atomic numbers. These represent the number of protons in the nuclei of atoms and are in a one to one relation with the known chemical elements. Since there are - as of today - 118 known elements, atomic numbers should be integers in the range 1 to 118.

In a language like Haskell, we'd probably use an abstract newtype wrapper for this:

newtype AtomicNr = AtomicNr { unAtomicNr :: Int }
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

atomicNr :: Int -> Maybe AtomicNr
atomicNr n | 1 <= n && n <= 118 = Just $ AtomicNr n
           | otherwise          = Nothing

While this would be safe and give us the necessary runtime guarantees, it would be rather inconvenient to use at compile time, where we'd have to either provide an unchecked constructor or deal with that cumbersome Maybe return type.

In Idris, we can do much better:

record AtomicNr where
  constructor MkAtomicNr
  value      : Int
  0 inBounds : So (1 <= value && value <= 118)

Here, the proof of validity is built-in, which allows us to publicly export AtomicNr without fear of invalid values being wrapped up in client code:

fluorine : AtomicNr
fluorine = MkAtomicNr 19 Oh

Some standard interface implementations come almost for free:

Eq AtomicNr where
  (==) = (==) `on` value

Ord AtomicNr where
  compare = compare `on` value

Show AtomicNr where
  showPrec p = showPrec p . value

In order to create values of AtomicNr at runtime as well as at compile time, we provide two utility functions. Since these will have the same names for other refined primitives (in case of fromInteger, this is out of necessity), we put them in their own namespace:

-- this is necessary since Data.So.choose is not exported
-- publicly and will therefore not reduce during unification.
maybeSo : (b : Bool) -> Maybe (So b)
maybeSo True  = Just Oh
maybeSo False = Nothing

refineSo :
     {f : a -> Bool}
  -> (make : (v : a) -> (0 prf : So $ f v) -> b)
  -> (val : a)
  -> Maybe b
refineSo make val = case maybeSo (f val) of
  Just oh => Just $ make val oh
  Nothing => Nothing

namespace AtomicNr
  refine : Int -> Maybe AtomicNr
  refine = refineSo MkAtomicNr

  fromInteger :
       (v : Integer)
    -> {auto 0 _: IsJust (refine $ fromInteger v)}
    -> AtomicNr
  fromInteger v = fromJust (refine $ fromInteger v)

Let's see, whether this works:

hydrogen : AtomicNr
hydrogen = 1

oganesson : AtomicNr
oganesson = 118

Neat. But of course, almost all the code we wrote above is completely uninteresting and would look almost exactly the same for other refined wrappers. This calls for metaprogramming, doesn't it?

Using Elaborator Reflection to cut the Boilerplate

Before we start implementing a very simple elaborator script, we first agree on certain conventions, which will make the elaborator script much simpler:

  • A refined primitive is a record consisting of a wrapped value and an erased So, which proves the validity of the wrapped value.
  • If the refined primitive has name Foo, its constructor is named MkFoo.
  • The accessor for the wrapped field is named value.

This allows us to generate the necessary declarations without much hassle. First, we generate declarations for the interface implementations. We can use the functions mkEq, mkOrd, and mkShow from Language.Reflection.Derive and some utilities from Language.Reflection.Syntax here. The implementations themselves are just quoted versions of what we wrote above:

export covering
refinedEqOrdShow : String -> List Decl
refinedEqOrdShow n =
  let eqFun   := UN . Basic $ "implEq"   ++ n
      ordFun  := UN . Basic $ "implOrd"  ++ n
      showFun := UN . Basic $ "implShow" ++ n

      tpe     := varStr n

   in [ interfaceHint Public eqFun `(Eq ~(tpe))
      , def eqFun [patClause (var eqFun) `(mkEq ((==) `on` value))]
      , interfaceHint Public ordFun `(Ord ~(tpe))
      , def ordFun [patClause (var ordFun) `(mkOrd (compare `on` value))]
      , interfaceHint Public showFun `(Show ~(tpe))
      , def showFun [patClause (var showFun)
                     `(mkShowPrec (\p => showPrec p . value))]

Coming up with the conversion functions refine and fromInteger is even simpler, since we can quote the whole block almost literally. Only for the type and constructor names we will have to use unquotes:

export covering
refinedInt : String -> Elab ()
refinedInt n =
  let con  := varStr $ "Mk" ++ n
      ns   := MkNS [n]

      -- this has to be namespaced
      -- to avoid disambiguities when being used
      -- in fromInteger
      refineNS := var $ NS ns (UN $ Basic "refine")

   in declare $ refinedEqOrdShow n ++
        [ INamespace EmptyFC ns
          `[ public export
             refine : Int -> Maybe ~(varStr n)
             refine = refineSo ~(con)

             public export
             fromInteger :
                  (n : Integer)
               -> {auto 0 _: IsJust (~(refineNS) $ fromInteger n)}
               -> ~(varStr n)
             fromInteger n = fromJust (refine $ fromInteger n)

Let's give it a spin:

record MassNr where
  constructor MkMassNr
  value      : Int
  0 inBounds : So (1 <= value && value <= 511)

%runElab refinedInt "MassNr"

record Isotope where
  constructor MkIsotope
  atomicNr : AtomicNr
  massNr   : MassNr

c14 : Isotope
c14 = MkIsotope 6 14


This concludes this tutorial post. As can be seen, if we know the structure of data types in advance, coming up with simple elaborator scripts is very easy. The syntax to do so is lightweight, especially in cases where we can quote most of the code directly.