This section describes the installation of the runtime on OpenShift. The model training is described in ml/ And the image annotation is explained in here.
S3 compatible object storage such as OpenShift Data Foundation.
Red Hat OpenShift Data Science (RHODS). (Please refer to this ml/ to set up an example environment)
Red Hat OpenShift Serverless Operator is installed (knative)
Red Hat Integration - AMQ Streams Operator is installed (kafka)
This repo is cloned into your home directory
Configured and tested RHODS model server with the visual inspection ML model
The Visual Inspection Runtime requires the deployed ML model. Please ensure that model is deployed, by following the steps in Model Serving. Or, in case you prefer shortcuts, you can try the CLI based setup of RHDOS for Manu-vi model serving
This installation section describes only the configuration of kafka and building the container images. The installation is finalized as part of the Demo Execution in the following section.
If not already done, please clone this repository:
git clone
cd manuela-visual-inspection
Create the namespace/project via the OpenShift CLI:
oc new-project manuela-visual-inspection
Or via the provided manifest:
oc apply -f manifests/namespace.yaml
Or via the OpenShift WebConsole.
In most cases, these are the common approaches to create resources in OpenShift. We will proceed with applying manifests from this repository. Feel free to take a look at these before applying to understand which resources are being created. A lot of these manifests can be self explanatory with the combination of the content of kind
and spec
Make sure the Red Hat Integration AMQ Streams operator is installed first via the OperatorHub.
Then create a kafka cluster and topic:
oc apply -f manifests/kafka/kafka.yaml
Wait until the cluster is up and running. E.g.:
oc get pods
amq-streams-cluster-operator-v1.7.0-67b4df466f-skc8r 1/1 Running 0 17m
manu-vi-entity-operator-84fbfbcc84-x5dnt 2/3 Running 0 97s
manu-vi-kafka-0 1/1 Running 0 2m12s
manu-vi-kafka-1 1/1 Running 0 2m12s
manu-vi-kafka-2 1/1 Running 0 2m12s
manu-vi-zookeeper-0 1/1 Running 0 3m14s
manu-vi-zookeeper-1 1/1 Running 0 3m14s
manu-vi-zookeeper-2 1/1 Running 0 3m14s
Create a topic for the images:
oc apply -f manifests/kafka/kafka-topic.yaml
Make sure the Red Hat Serverless operator is installed first via the OperatorHub.
Instantiate KnativeServing
oc apply -f manifests/serverless/knative-serving.yaml
Instantiate KnativeEventing
oc apply -f manifests/serverless/knative-eventing.yaml
Instantiate KnativeKafka
oc apply -f manifests/serverless/knative-kafka.yaml
The camera simulator (cam-sim) sends images into the image processor backend via a kafka topic.
Start the build:
oc apply -f cam/manifests/cam-sim-bc.yaml
Watch the build ...
oc logs -f bc/cam-sim
Successfully pushed image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/manuela-visual-inspection/cam-sim@sha256:389766a7787cce83b0178eb537a9e16659cac5626da31485508d22cba083ca0a
Push successful
The images-processor is implemented as knative service. It processes the submitted images and detects anomalies.
Start the build:
oc apply -f image-processor/manifests/image-processor-bc.yaml
Follow the build logs ..
oc logs bc/image-processor -f
Storing signatures
Successfully pushed image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/manuela-visual-inspection/image-processor@sha256:1bf0c36cc522aa8f5ff1f7780d0b89adb8054b88a0cf6b0d8e10de41d8208321
The dashboard shows the incoming images and highlights the anomalies with colored bounding boxes. The dashboard is implemented as knative service.
Start the build:
oc apply -f dashboard/manifests/dashboard-bc.yaml
Follow the build logs:
oc logs bc/dashboard -f
Storing signatures
Successfully pushed image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/...
Push successful
During the demo we are going to finalize the installation and explain each component of the serverless architecture.
The images-processor is implemented as knative service. It processes the submitted images and detects anomalies.
First, edit image-processor/manifests/image-processor-kn-svc.yaml
and update the inference endpoint:
INFER_URL: "https://<model-name>-<my-ods-project>.apps.<my-ocp-cluster>/v2/models/manu-vi/infer"
Deploy the knative service:
oc apply -f image-processor/manifests/image-processor-kn-svc.yaml
If applicable, explain the image-processor-kn-svc.yaml
Show and explain the Serverless Services and Revisions in the OpenShift Admin Console:
After the initial startup, the service is scaled back to zero because the service does not receive any images yet. See the Developer Console:
The images-processor does not need to deal with any kafka details. It just receives Cloud-Events via a broker and trigger.
The images-processor python snippet shows that it is agnostic to Kafka or any other event source:
@app.route('/', methods=['POST'])
def process_image():
# app.logger.debug(request.headers)
# create a CloudEvent
event = from_http(request.headers, request.get_data())
# you can access cloudevent fields as seen below
f"Found {event['dashboardid']} from {event['source']} with type "
f"{event['type']} and specversion {event['specversion']}"
The Knative Service has been already created with the previous step
oc get ksvc image-processor
image-processor image-processor-00001 image-processor-00001 True
Let's define a default broker and a Kafka-Source and set the sink to the default broker:
oc apply -f image-processor/manifests/image-processor-kafkasource.yaml
Check the topology in the Developer Console:
Now we just need to set the trigger so that the service receives images as cloud events:
oc apply -f image-processor/manifests/image-processor-trigger.yaml
The broker is now connected to the image-processor knative service:
The dashboard shows the incoming images and highlights the anomalies with colored bounding boxes. The dashboard is implemented as knative service and receives cloud events, which are emitted by the image processor.
Deploy the dashboard knative service and trigger:
oc apply -k dashboard/manifests
Open the Dashboard user via OpenShift Admin Console -> Serverless -> Routes:
Or get the URL of the dashboard via cli:
oc get dashboard
dashboard True
NOTE: Depending on your TLS configuration, ensure you're requesting the dashboard through HTTP and not HTTPS.
Click on the Dashboard URL and navigate to Automated Visual Inspection
No images are displayed yet, because the camera simulator (cam-sim) is not running.
The camera simulator (cam-sim) sends images into the backend via a kafka topic.
Deploy the simulator:
oc apply -f cam/manifests/cam-sim-depl.yaml
Check and show that pod is running and submitting images:
oc logs -l app=cam-sim
... (INFO): Imagae 36: {'label': 'good', 'path': 'data/metal_nut/good/178.png'} (INFO): Message sent: visual-inspection-images - 2021-01-24 18:48:45.479030 - (350, 350, 3) (INFO): Imagae 37: {'label': 'scratch', 'path': 'data/metal_nut/scratch/020.png'}
image-processor is scaling
The image-processor is receiving cloud events and i is starting. Note, be patient. It takes some time to start the image-processor pod because it needs to initialize TensorFlow and load the model.
Check the logs of the image-processor:
oc logs -l -c image-processor -f
Expected output
Once it is started you can see the log of the dashboard knative service
oc logs -l -c dashboard -f
emitting event "server2ui2" to all [/ui2]
emitting event "server2ui2" to all [/ui2]
... or view the dashboard.
View the dashboard:
ATTRIBUTION: Paul Bergmann, Michael Fauser, David Sattlegger, Carsten Steger. MVTec AD - A Comprehensive Real-World Dataset for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection; in: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), June 2019
It is not a lot to demo for the ML inferencing beside showing the dashboard and the logs. The image-processor knative service receives images from kafka, does the tensorflow based inferencing and emits a cloud event for the dashboard and action processor.
Beside viewing the dashboard with the bounding boxes for the anomalies, you can view the log of the images-processor:
oc logs -l -c image-processor -f
[2021-03-06 20:08:55,959] INFO in image-processor: 2021-03-06 20:08:55.877409 (350, 350, 3)
[2021-03-06 20:08:56,298] INFO in image-processor: Predict: Total object detection took 0.33952 seconds
[2021-03-06 20:08:56,298] INFO in image-processor: ['scratch']
The image-processor
receives cloud event that includes a images, calls the TensorFlow ML model, and predicts an anomaly (scratch or bent).
oc delete -f cam/manifests/cam-sim-depl.yaml
oc delete -k dashboard/manifests/
oc delete -k image-processor/manifests/
Find Kafka Bootstrap server:
oc describe Kafka manu-vi -n manuela-visual-inspection
Expected example output:
Bootstrap Servers: manu-vi-kafka-bootstrap.manuela-visual-inspection.svc:9092
Name: plain
Type: plain
Double check that the bootstrap server is defined in the kafka-source:
oc describe KafkaSource image-processor-kafka-source
Expected example output:
Bootstrap Servers:
Check Topic:
oc exec manu-vi-kafka-0 -c kafka -n manuela-visual-inspection -- bin/ --list --bootstrap-server manu-vi-kafka-bootstrap.manuela-visual-inspection.svc:9092
Expected example output:
Check that messages are arriving:
oc exec manu-vi-kafka-0 -c kafka -n manuela-visual-inspection -- bin/ --topic visual-inspection-images --bootstrap-server manu-vi-kafka-bootstrap.manuela-visual-inspection.svc:9092
Expected example output:
{"image": " ... pQhH/9k=", "id": 0, "type": "image", "time": "2023-04-30 10:49:15.506975", "text": "2023-04-30 10:49:15.506975", "label": "good"}
Verify that the Kafka event source was created by entering the following command:
oc get pods -n knative-eventing | grep -i kafka-source
Expected example output:
kafka-source-dispatcher-0 2/2 Running 0 3m55s
Check kafka-source logs for errors:
oc logs kafka-source-dispatcher-0 -c kafka-source-dispatcher -n knative-eventing