A Julia package to work with factor graphs, based on IndexedGraphs.jl.
julia> using Pkg; Pkg.add("IndexedFactorGraphs")
A factor graph is a set of variable and factor vertices connected by edges. In the spirit of IndexedGraphs.jl, here each edge comes with an index, which can be used to access edge properties (e.g. messages in a message-passing algorithm).
A FactorGraph
can be constructed starting from an adjacency matrix, with the convention that rows represent factor vertices and columns represent variable vertices
julia> using IndexedFactorGraphs
julia> g = FactorGraph([0 1 1 0;
1 0 0 0;
0 0 1 1])
FactorGraph{Int64} with 4 variables, 3 factors, and 5 edges
Alternatively, use one of the provided generators for random factor graphs
julia> g_rand = rand_factor_graph(5, 3, 6)
FactorGraph{Int64} with 5 variables, 3 factors, and 6 edges
Given a factor graph with variable
or factor
. For example, the list of neighbors of variable
julia> ∂i = neighbors(g, variable(2));
julia> collect(∂i)
2-element Vector{Int64}:
The list of edges adjacent to factor
julia> ea = inedges(g, factor(1));
julia> collect(ea)
3-element Vector{IndexedGraphs.IndexedEdge{Int64}}:
Indexed Edge 1 => 1 with index 1
Indexed Edge 2 => 1 with index 2
Indexed Edge 5 => 1 with index 6
Querying properties of a vertex without specifying whether it's a variable or a factor will throw an error
julia> outedges(g, 3)
ERROR: ArgumentError: Properties of a vertex of an `AbstractFactorGraph` such as degree, neighbors, etc. cannot be accessed by an integer. Use a `variable` or `factor` wrapper instead.
For less lightweight implementations, also including message-passing algorithms, check out