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Haskell is a functional programming language with non-strict semantics, and strong static typing.
StarredJun 28, 2020 -
A database is a structured set of data held in a computer, usually a server.
StarredJun 28, 2020 -
Software-defined networking
Software-defined networking (SDN) is an architecture for programmable, centrally managed networks.
StarredJun 28, 2020 -
Rust is a systems programming language created by Mozilla.
StarredJun 28, 2020 -
Python is a dynamically typed programming language.
StarredJun 28, 2020 -
Operating system
An operating system is a program that manages a computer's programs and applications.
StarredJun 28, 2020 -
LaTeX is a document preparation system.
StarredJun 28, 2020 -
Linux is an open source kernel.
StarredJun 28, 2020 -
Go is a programming language built to resemble a simplified version of the C programming language.
StarredJun 28, 2020 -
Data structures
Data structures are a way of organizing and storing data.
StarredJun 28, 2020 -
C++ is a general purpose and object-oriented programming language.
StarredJun 28, 2020 -
Code quality
Automate your code review with style, quality, security, and test‑coverage checks when you need them.
StarredJun 28, 2020 -
C is a general purpose programming language that first appeared in 1972.
StarredJun 28, 2020 -
Algorithms are self-contained sequences that carry out a variety of tasks.
StarredJun 28, 2020