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Enter a Running Container

If you took a ride on the fair waters with the final task, task 1.5, in the first session, Docker Desktop, you encountered a new command: docker exec. See the following two examples of usage:

docker exec <container_name/id> ls
docker exec -it <container_name/id> bash

docker exec enables you to execute another process within the container. In the first case, a simple ls (listing files and directories) is executed and the output returned. In the second one an interactive shell process is started. When inside the interactive shell you can manipulate the file system of the running container as if it was your own local machine!

🫵🏽 Try it out yourself

As you might notice, if being of the observant kind, your magic cookbook is actually not so magic anymore 🥹 This is because we changed the backend to being a mocked version of the openAI. The response you are getting from the backend is nothing more than a hardcoded recipe that is very generic.

Lets adapt our frontend to tell us the truth!

Task 3.1 - Find the Source Code

First you need to run the following command to get into the interactive shell of the running container:

docker exec -it <container_id/conainer_name> sh

Type ls to get some overview. You should see the following contents:

  • node_modules/
  • package-lock.json
  • package.json
  • public/
  • src/
  • tsconfig.json

The heading Your Name's Magic CookBook is located in App.tsx, can you display it's content in the interactive shell terminal?

✅ Solution 3.1

After opening the shell, type cd src where App.tsx exists. Type ls to ensure it. Type cat App.tsx to see the content.

Task 3.2 - Edit the Source Code

Before editing the source code try aligning your browser with the application running next to the interactive terminal of the container. By doing so you will see the change made to the source code immediately.

For editing the content you might use a text editor such as nano or vim (Vim is recommended).

nano App.tsx
vim App.tsx

Getting an error that your shell cannot find either nano or vim? 🤔 This is because the container does not posses these programs. We will need to download by running one of the following:

apk add nano
apk add vim

Now try running the above command again.

NB: If you have not used nano/vim before be careful when typing:

  • If using nano: make sure to follow the instructions on the bottom of the terminal first.
  • If using vim: first click i to enter interactive mode and esc when finished.

To quit the editor type :wq (short for write quit) if you wish to save and q or :q! (short for quit) if you wish to abort the editing.

Use the arrows to navigate to the line where the heading is set ( 🤫line 46) and change it to whatever you find soothing. Save the file and you should see the updates in your running application in the browser. Cool?