Many have contributed to ORCID's Open Source effort, from direct contributions of code, to contributions of projects through sub-licensed code and binaries.
- Projects
- Sub-licensed code
- Packages (unmodified binaries)
- Other
Also see our active contributors:
ORCID (R) Open Source (c) 2013 ORCID, Inc.
Licensed under an MIT-Style License (MIT) copyright and license information (including a link to the full license) shall be included in its entirety in all copies or substantial portion of the software.
The following code has been incorporated into the ORCID code:
- jQuery UI CSS Framework (LICENSE: MIT, GPL Version 2)
- jQuery UI Plugins (LICENSE: MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses)
- jQuery Validation Plugin (LICENSE: MIT, GPL)
- Sizzle.js (LICENSE: MIT, BSD, and GPL Licenses)
- ColorBox (LICENSE: Standard MIT License)
- password_strength_plugin.js modified version (LICENSE: MIT License)
- effects.js (LICENSE: MIT-style License)
- Prototype JavaScript framework (LICENSE: MIT-style license)
- DTD Web Application (LICENSE: Apache License, Version 2.0)
- KeyStoreFactoryBean (LICENSE: Apache License Version 2.0)
">> ">**-->- Spring Framework org.springframework
- jasypt - org.jasypt
**CODE & DATABASE** * **[Java JDK](**
- Hibernate - org.hibernate
- Liquibase - liquibase.database
- Apache Solr - schema.constants.SolrConstants
**API SUPPORT** * **[Jersey](** com.sun.jersey.api
- c3p0 - JDBC3 Connection and Statement Pooling com.mchange.v2.c3p0
- Jackson JSON Processor - org.codehaus.jackson
- args4j - org.kohsuke.args4j
**UTILITIES & TOOLS** * **[java-bibtex](** org.jbibtex
- Yammer Metrics com.yammer.metrics
- Apache Commons - org.apache.commons
- aspectj - org.aspectj
- FreeMarker - freemarker.templat
- Simple Logging Facade for Java - SLF4J - org.slf4j
- SAX - org.xml.sax
**TESTING** * **[JUnit](** org.junit
- DbUnit - org.dbunit
- XMLUnit - org.custommonkey.xmlunit
- Hamcrest - org.hamcrest
- Mockito - org.mockito
- SeleniumHQ - org.openqa.selenium
The font used for the ORCID website is Gill Sans.