The VIM configuration has a variety of excited usage!
One minute quick installed! (if windows then install BabunShell first!)
cd ~
rm -rf .vim
rm -rf .vimrc
mv .vimbak .vim &>/dev/null
mv .vimrcbak .vimrc &> /dev/null
- various auto completion (PHP, HTML, parenthesis)
- display labels when editing multiple files
- automatically check if there is any syntax error in the PHP file when saving.
- status bar enhancement
- increase the Molokai theme.
- make VIM compatible with TMUX
- each save will automatically index tags in the background, and it will not be stuck. (ctags must be installed)
Usage | Shortcut key | Remark |
Directory tree | Tab |
Code Auto Completion | Tab |
Insert Mode |
Tag List | <Leader>t |
Leader is , |
Quick Align | <Leader>character |
Quick Comment | gcc |
Html Code Complete | <c-y>, |
Quick Open File | <c-u/e> |
Quick Search Function | <Leader>fu |
Quick Select zone/Cancel Select Zone | v/V |
Run Current File | <Leader>q |
Use For Debug |
Quick Jump | <Leader><Leader>w/b/h/k/j/l |
Multi Select | ctrl-m |
Shortcut Key | Mapping to | Description |
Y |
$ |
copy to the end of the line. |
<space> |
/ |
Search |
<C-j> |
<C-W>j |
jump to the window below |
<C-k> |
<C-W>k |
jump to the window top |
<C-h> |
<C-W>h |
jump to the window left |
<C-l> |
<C-W>l |
jump to the window right |
<C-n> |
:bnext<cr> |
jump to the next tag |
<C-p> |
:bprev<cr> |
jump to the prev tag |
<Leader>sa |
ggVG |
All Select |
<Leader>i |
:noh<cr> |
Cancel hightlight |
<leader>zz |
:call ToggleFold()<cr> |
Toggle/NoToggle |
<leader>1 |
:bfirst<cr> |
jump to the first tag |
<leader>2 |
:b2<cr> |
jump to the second tag |
<leader>3 |
:b3<cr> |
<leader>4 |
:b4<cr> |
<leader>5 |
:b5<cr> |
<leader>6 |
:b6<cr> |
<leader>7 |
:b7<cr> |
<leader>8 |
:b8<cr> |
<leader>9 |
:b9<cr> |
<leader>0 |
:blast<cr> |
<leader>d |
:bd<cr> |
Remove Current Tag |
<leader>y |
"+y |
Select Zone Copy to System clipboard |
<leader>w |
:w<CR> |
Quick Save |
<leader>ev |
Quick Edit vimrc file |
<leader>sv |
:so $MYVIMRC<CR> |
Quick Load vimrc file |
<F1> |
<Esc> |
Press F1 not open help center |
<F2> |
:call HideNumber()<CR> |
show/hide line number |
<F3> |
:set list! list?<CR> |
show/hide printable symbols |
<F4> |
:set wrap! wrap?<CR> |
open/close wrap |
<F6> |
:exec exists('syntax_on') ? 'syn off' : 'syn on'<CR> |
Open/Close Sytax Check(Close for speeding open huge file) |
<F7> |
open/close paste mode | |
H |
^ |
Quick jump to top of line |
L |
$ |
Quick jump to end of line |
; |
: |
exec vim command |
<C-a> |
<Home> |
vim command mode jump to top of line |
/ |
/\v |
Search |
< |
<gv |
move select zone to left |
> |
>gv |
move select zone to right |
w!! |
w !sudo tee >/dev/null % |
Force write with root user |
U |
<C-r> |
Redo |
<C-b> |
<Left> |
Insert Mode move to left |
<C-j> |
<Down> |
Insert Mode move to down |
<C-k> |
<Up> |
Insert Mode move to up |
<C-f> |
<Right> |
Insert Mode move to right |
<C-a> |
<Home> |
Insert Mode move to line of head |
<C-e> |
<End> |
Insert Mode move to line of foot |
<C-d> |
<Del> |
Insert Mode del character |
<C-l> |
<C-x><C-o> |
Insert Mode tips function infos |