This document provides an index of the different diagrams used in the development documentation.
Related to request management (RQ management):
- RQ-01: Reception of a request
- Continues in RQ-02
- RQ-02: Treatment of a request
- Continues from RQ-01
- Continues in PP-*
- Continues in MB-*
Related to parsing (PP prefix):
- PP-01: Parsing an NGSIv1 payload
- Continues from RQ-02, FW-02 or FW-04
- PP-02: Parsing a text payload
- Continues from RQ-02
- PP-03: Parsing an NGSIv2 payload
- Continues from RQ-02
Related to forwarding (FW prefix):
- FW-01: Forward an update to Context Providers
- Continues in MB-01 or MB-02
- Continues in FW-02
- FW-02:
function detail- Continues from FW-01
- Continues in PP-01
- FW-03: Forward a query to Context Provider
- Continues in MB-07
- Continues in FW-04
- FW-04:
function detail- Continues from FW-03
- Continues in PP-01
Related to mongoBackend logic (MB and MD prefixes):
- MB-01: mongoUpdate - UPDATE/REPLACE - entity found
- Continues from RQ-02 or FW-01
- Continues in MD-01
- Continues in MD-02
- MB-02: mongoUpdate - UPDATE/REPLACE - entity not found
- Continues from RQ-02 or FW-01
- Continues in MD-02
- MB-03: mongoUpdate - APPEND/APPEND_STRICT - existing entity
- Continues from RQ-02
- Continues in MD-01
- Continues in MD-02
- MB-04: mongoUpdate - APPEND/APPEND_STRICT - new entity
- Continues from RQ-02
- Continues in MD-01
- MB-05: mongoUpdate - DELETE - not remove entity
- Continues from RQ-02
- Continues in MD-01
- Continues in MD-02
- MB-06: mongoUpdate - DELETE - remove entity
- Continues from RQ-02
- MB-07: mongoQueryContext
- Continues from RQ-02 or FW-03
- MB-08: mongoEntityTypes
- Continues from RQ-02
- MB-09: mongoEntityTypesValues
- Continues from RQ-02
- MB-10: mongoAttributesForEntityType
- Continues from RQ-02
- MB-11: mongoCreateSubscription
- Continues from RQ-02
- Continues in MD-03
- MB-12: mongoUpdateSubscription
- Continues from RQ-02
- Continues in MD-03
- MB-13: mongoGetSubscription
- Continues from RQ-02
- MB-14: mongoListSubscriptions
- Continues from RQ-02
- MB-15: mongoUnsbuscribeContext
- Continues from RQ-02
- MB-16: mongoSubscribeContext
- Continues from RQ-02
- Continues in MB-11
- MB-17: mongoUpdateContextSubscription
- Continues from RQ-02
- Continues in MB-12
- MB-18: mongoRegisterContext
- Continues from RQ-02
- Continues in MD-04
- MB-19: mongoDiscoverContextAvailability
- Continues from RQ-02
- MB-20: mongoSubscribeContextAvailability
- Continues from RQ-02
- Continues in MD-04
- MB-21: mongoUpdateContextAvailabilitySubscription
- Continues from RQ-02
- Continues in MD-04
- MB-22: mongoUnsubscribeContextAvailability
- Continues from RQ-02
- MB-23: mongoRegistrationGet
- Continues from RQ-02
- MB-24: mongoRegistrationsGet
- Continues from RQ-02
- MB-25: mongoRegistrationCreate
- Continues from RQ-02
- MB-26: mongoRegistrationUpdate (pending)
- Continues from RQ-02
- MB-27: mongoRegistrationDelete
- Continues from RQ-02
- MD-01:
function detail- Continues from MB-01, MB-03, MB-04 or MB-05
- Continues in NF-01 or NF-03
- MD-02:
function detail- Continues from MB-01, MB-02, MB-03 or MB-05
- MD-03:
function detail- Continues from MB-11 or MB-12
- Continues in NF-01 or NF-03
- MD-04:
function detail- Continues from MB-18, MB-20 or MB-21
- Continues in NF-02
Related to notifications (NF prefix):
- NF-01: Notification on entity-attribute update/creation without thread pool
- Continues from MD-01 or MD-03
- NF-02: Notification on entity-attribute registration/update
- Continues from MD-04
- NF-03: Notification on entity-attribute update/creation with thread pool
- Continues from MD-01 or MD-03
Related to the subscription cache (SC prefix):