- Adding a command line parameter
- Adding a REST service
- Adding a Functional Test Case
- Debug a Functional Test Case
- Catching a '405 Method Not Allowed'
- Fixing a memory leak
It's fairly easy to add a new CLI parameter to Orion, as there is a library in charge of parsing and checking the CLI parameters. This library (parseArgs) is called by the main program in contextBroker.cpp
as one of its first actions. The function to parse CLI arguments is called parseArgs()
, and it has three parameters:
, the number of arguments for the main programargV
, the argument vector for for the main programpaArgs
, a vector describing the CLI parameter that the broker recognizes
You basically need to implement two things:
- a variable to hold the value of the new CLI parameter, and
- a new item in the
If the new CLI parameter is a boolean one, like -v
(verbose), a bool
variable is needed,
if it's a text parameter, like -dbHost <host name>
, a char-vector is used, and so on.
The easiest way is to simply copy an older CLI parameter of the same type.
The item in the PaArgument
vector paArgs
contains nine different pieces of information:
- the name of the CLI option
- a pointer to the variable that will hold its value after parse
- the name of the environment variable (yes, options can be passed as env vars also)
- the type of the CLI parameter variable:
- ... (see the
enum insrc/lib/parseArgs/parseArgs.h
- the type of the CLI parameter itself:
, for optional parametersPaReq
, for required parametersPaHid
, for hidden parameters (not presented inusage()
- default value (the value used if the parameter is not given)
- minimum value (Use
if no minimum value is desired) - maximum value (Use
if no maximum value is desired) - a descriptive string, used for the
- Boolean CLI parameters can only take two possible values:
. No value is added on command line, just the option itself, e.g.:-fg
as opposed to-port <port number>
. - There are no minimum/maximum values for string (it wouldn't make much sense), so
is always used for strings. - The second item in the
must be a pointer, so if not a string (a char vector is a pointer), you have to pass the reference of the variable to hold the value (&x
). - The sixth item of the
(the default value) is an integer (long long
), so if the default value is a string, it needs to be typecast to an integer. There is a special macro (_i
) for this.
As a hands-on example, lets add an integer CLI parameter, called -xyz
Edit src/app/contextBroker/contextBroker.cpp
, and look for an already existing integer CLI parameter.
Create the integer variable
, right whereint port
is (search forOption variables
comment). -
Add the
line for xyz:-
Search for
PaArgument paArgs[]
. -
Inside that vector, look for a vector item that has
as fourth item: we find the parameter-port
:{ "-port", &port, "PORT", PaInt, PaOpt, 1026, PaNL, PaNL, PORT_DESC },
Copy that line, and in the copied line, change all 'port' for 'xyz', end up seeing this:
{ "-port", &port, "PORT", PaInt, PaOpt, 1026, PaNL, PaNL, PORT_DESC }, { "-xyz", &xyz, "XYZ", PaInt, PaOpt, 1026, PaNL, PaNL, XYZ_DESC },
Create the
description string, right afterPORT_DESC
. -
If xyz is a required option, change
, orPaHid
if it is to be hidden. -
Change the
for the default value for xyz, e.g.47
Set the minimum and maximum values of xyz (items 7 and 8 in the
line). -
Compile the broker (
make debug install
) -
contextBroker -u
and you should see (unlessPaHid
was used):
[option '-xyz <description of xyz>]
contextBroker -U
and you will see more information about the CLI parameters, including default values, min and max values, etc. -
If you gave
any min/max limits, try starting the broker with invalid values and see it complain. -
If you made
, try starting the broker without-xyz
and see what happens. -
If you made
, make sure it is not visible runningcontextBroker -u
A note about environment variables as options:
- The builtin environment variables are prefixed
(see the call topaConfig("builtin prefix", ...)
), so builtin CLI options such as-t,
-logDir, etc get that prefix for their env vars. if you supply an environment variable name of
XYZas the third item in the
PaArgumentvector-item, then please respect the prefix and call it
ORION_XYZ. That said, we've never really used env vars for the options and the
ORION_prefix is not respected by the current implementation. This is a bit unfortunate but really easy to fix (not counting breaking backward-compatibility, of course ;-)). However, try the
-U` CLI option to see the env vars and more info for each of the CLI options.
To try setting a CLI option via env vars, execute this as a test:
% export FOREGROUND=1
% contextBroker -U # UPPERCASE U !
Extended Usage: contextBroker [option '-U' (extended usage)] TRUE /FALSE/ (command line argument)
[option '-fg' (don't start as daemon)] FOREGROUND TRUE /FALSE/ (environment variable)
Note the right-most column saying (environment variable)
for the -fg
option. This indicates that the value for -fg
has been taken from its environment variable (FOREGROUND
) and as long as FOREGROUND
exists (is not unset), Orion will start in foreground.
The REST services that the Orion Context Broker supports are items in the seven RestService
vectors restServiceV
, found in orionRestServices.cpp. There is one service vector per HTTP Method/Verb that Orion supports: GET, PUT, POST, PATCH, DELETE, OPTIONS, plus a special vector for 'bad verb'. The set of services that are supported pretty much defines the role and by starting the REST interface with one RestService
vector or another defines what the broker is able to do, all its services are included in these seven vectors.
To add a REST service to Orion, a new item in RestService xxxServiceV[]
being the verb of the service (get
, put
, etc) is needed. Just like with CLI parameters, the easiest way is to copy an old service (an item in xxxServiceV
) and then modify the copy to suit your needs.
To understand this new item in the RestService
vector, take a look at the struct RestService
, in src/lib/rest/RestService.h
typedef struct RestService
RequestType request; // The type of the request
int components; // Number of components in the URL path
std::string compV[10]; // Vector of URL path components. E.g. { "v2", "entities" }
std::string payloadWord; // No longer used, should be removed ... ?
RestTreat treat; // service function pointer
} RestService;
So, to add a REST service eg. PUT /v2/entities/{EntitId}/attrs/{AttributeName}/metadata/{MetadataName}
, the new item if the RestService vector putServiceV
would look like this:
{ Metadata, 7, { "v2", "entities", "*", "attrs", "*", "metadata", "*" }, "", putMetadata }
- Item 1:
would have to be added as an enum constant in theenum RequestType
- Item 3:
. An asterisc in the component vectorRestService::compV
matches ANY string, and whenever a path including entity id, attribute name, etc is defined,"*"
must be used. - Item 5:
is the service routine forPUT /v2/entities/*/attrs/*/metadata/*
and the function must be implemented. The directory of the library for NGSIv2 service routines issrc/lib/serviceRoutinesV2
(see library description).
Note also that in orionRestServices.cpp
, these RestService
vector lines are really long, and our style guide is against too long lines. However, making the lines shorter by using definitions just make the code more difficult to understand and we don't want that.
Side-note: The style guide says a source code line shouldn't be longer than 120 chars.
The service routine putMetadata()
should reside in src/lib/serviceRoutinesV2/putMetadata.h/cpp
and its signature must be as follows:
std::string putMetadata
ConnectionInfo* ciP,
int components,
std::vector<std::string>& compV,
ParseData* parseDataP
The entity id
, attribute name
, and metadata name
(all part of the URL path), must be "extracted" from the component vector compV
std::string entityId = compV[2];
std::string attributeName = compV[4];
std::string metadataName = compV[6];
All service routines that modify/create entities/attributes/metadata rely on the NGSIv1 service routine postUpdateContext()
, and putMetadata()
is no exception. So, what needs to be done in putMetadata()
is to build a UpdateContextRequest
object using the parameters of putMetadata()
and call postUpdateContext()
. Something like this:
parseDataP->upcr.res.fill(entityId, attributeName, metadataName, ActionTypeAppend);
postUpdateContext(ciP, components, compV, parseDataP, NGSIV2_FLAVOUR_ONAPPEND);
has a bunch of fill()
methods (seven fill()
methods as of March 2017) and if there is no fill-method suited for your demands in putMetadata()
, then another fill-method must be implemented for UpdateContextRequest
It is easy enough, just copy from an older, similar, fill-method.
Now just add putMetadata.cpp
to the CMake file src/lib/serviceRoutinesV2/CMakeLists.txt
and compile the broker. To test that putMetadata()
works correctly, a new functional test case should be implemented. The following recipe explains how to do that.
To capture "POST/PATCH/XXX /v2/entities//attrs//metadata/*" and respond with a 405 Method Not Allowed
, please have a look at the recipe about bad method.
The functional tests of Orion are text files with the suffix .test
and reside in test/functionalTest/cases/{case-dir}
. The "case directories" are named after the github issues.
As always, the easiest way to implement a new functional test is to "steal" from older ones.
A functional test file contains six sections:
- Copyright section
- NAME section
- SHELL-INIT section
- SHELL section
- TEARDOWN section
Each section (except the Copyright preamble, that starts at the beginning of the file) must have a header, that tells the functional test harness where every section starts/ends:
is used (and not --EXPECT--
), then the expected section permits regular expressions. That is the only different between these two.
This section is simply for the Copyright header. Copy an old one. Try to remember to change the year, if necessary.
Simply put the name of the test in this section:
Example Test Case
This is where initialization tasks are performed. Like:
- Wiping out data bases
- Starting the broker
- Starting context providers
- Starting the accumulator
Example (normal case):
dbInit CB
brokerStart CB
Example with broker and five context providers ("stolen" from the existing test case test/functionalTest/cases/1016_cpr_forward_limit/fwd_query_limited.test
dbInit CB
dbInit CP1
dbInit CP2
dbInit CP3
dbInit CP4
dbInit CP5
brokerStart CB 0 IPV4 "-cprForwardLimit 3"
brokerStart CP1
brokerStart CP2
brokerStart CP3
brokerStart CP4
brokerStart CP5
We have found problems with test files using "ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators" format (which is the typical one used by Microsoft Windows and Mac), eg:
$ file path/to/sample_test.test
path/to/sample_test.test: ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators
Thus, it is advisable to ensure file uses regular ASCII format. Some tools like dos2unix
can be used
to do the automatic conversion. At the end you should have something like this:
$ file path/to/sample_test.test
path/to/sample_test.test: ASCII text
The broker is started in the SHELL-INIT section and this section is where curl commands (and other commands) are executed to send requests to Orion and perform the functional test.
A shell function called orionCurl
is implemented for the shell section to be easier to read and implement. The implementation of orionCurl
, and many other help functions is found in test/functionalTest/harnessFunctions.sh
Note that each step in the Shell section starts with a short descriptive header, like this:
echo "0x. description of test step 0x"
echo "==============================="
and the steps end with two calls to echo
, to separate the current step from the next in the output. This is pretty important as it makes it so much easier to read the output, which must match what is in the section that follows, the EXPECT/REGEXPECT section.
A typical step (e.g. to create an entity) looks like this:
echo "01. Create entity E1 with attribute A1"
echo "======================================"
"id": "E1",
"type": "T1",
"A1": {
"value": 1,
"type": "Integer",
"metadata": {
"md1": {
"value": 14
orionCurl --url /v2/entities --payload "$payload"
First of all, the test harness (test/functionalTest/testHarness.sh
) admits two types of 'expect sections'. Either
You have to pick one. Pretty much all current functests use the --REG-EXPECT--
type. The advantage with --REG-EXPECT-- is that it permits to add regular expressions using the REGEX()
syntax, which is very important for the comparison of dates, or IDs created by Orion and returned in the response, like a registration id or a correlator or a simple timestamp. An important limitation is that there can only be one REGEX per line in the REG-EXPECT section.
That said, in the REG-EXPECT section, just add what is the expected output from the test step in question. For example, the example "01. Create entity E1 with attribute A1" from the above sub-chapter about the SHELL section would have this corresponding piece in the --REGEXPECT-- section:
01. Create entity E1 with attribute A1
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Length: 0
Location: /v2/entities/E1?type=T1
Fiware-Correlator: REGEX([0-9a-f\-]{36})
Date: REGEX(.*)
Note that after two first lines, what comes out from orionCurl
is first the HTTP headers, and after that eventual payload. In this example there is no payload.
Note the two occurrences of REGEX()
, for the correlator and the date:
- The correlator is a string of 36 characters, that is a hex number with hyphens. This regex could be made better, now that we know exactly where each hyphen must come, however, it's not really necesary.
- The second REGEX, for the
HTTP header could also be more elaborated. Also not necessary.
This is where processes are killed and databases are removed, so that the following test case will start with a clean slate. The most typical commands used are:
brokerStop CB
dbDrop CB
If the accumulator is used, or context providers, those must be stopped also:
brokerStop CP1
brokerStop CP2
Note that in the functional tests, we start instances of Orion to act as context providers. The log file directory and the port number, etc. are changed for the instances acting as context providers. See scripts/testEnv.sh
for the variables CP1_PORT
etc. ]
And, the databases (tenants) must be wiped out:
dbDrop CP1
dbDrop CP2
If tenants are used with Orion running just as Orion (as opposed to a context provider):
orionCurl --tenant T1 --url /v2/entities --payload "$payload"
then the tenant T1 (database name ftest-T1) must be wiped out as well:
dbDrop t1
Note that t1
is used and not T1
. This is because Orion converts tenants to all lowercase.
Sometimes you have the need of debugging a test case (i.e., a .test file). Maybe is an existing .test that has started to fail due to some modification in the code. Or maybe it is a bug that has been reported as a new .test (the preferred way to report new bugs! :)
Whatever the case, it may be useful to run Orion in a debugger (e.g. gdb
or any of its graphical front-ends),
with that test as "input". That way you can set breakpoints, use step-by-step execution, inspect
function call stack and variables etc., as the program logic is executed.
For this end, the functional test suite has a CLI that tells the suite to not start the contextBroker itself, but assume
that the contextBroker is started already, and just run the tests against that "external contextBroker".
This CLI option is called --xbroker
Please take into account a couple of remarks regarding the --xbroker
- It is only supported for a single test case, i.e., you have to run
with a test file as parameter. - It doesn't start any of the contextBrokers involved in the tests (main context broker and brokers serving as context providers). In some cases, you may need to debug only one of the brokers, letting the other brokers be started by the functional test suite. In such a case,
should not be used - instead edit the .test file and comment out thebrokerStart
(and correspondingbrokerStop
lines) you need to disable (and remember to revert the changes afterwards!).
Before running testHarness.sh
you must start your "external contextBroker", running under gdb, valgrind or whatever program you prefer
for debugging.
In some cases it may be a good idea to comment out dbDrop
lines, so you can have a look at the DB after the test finalizes.
Once you have finished debugging, remember to restore any dbDrop
lines in the .test file (just revert the test file with git checkout
It is crucial to use the following CLI parameters when starting the "external contextBroker", as they correspond to the port and database used by the functional test framework:
-db ftest -port 9999
In addition, the following other CLI parameters may be useful in execution under debugger:
-fg (to run in foreground)
-logLevel INFO (to have useful information in /tmp/contextBroker.log file)
-httpTimeout 100000 (to avoid problems with timeout, e.g. due to you are holding in a breakpoint for a long time)
-reqTimeout 0 (also to avoid problems with timeouts)
-noCache (in some cases, cache management adds "noise" to logs; this flag disables it)
Finally, execute the functional test for test_to_debug.test
CB_MAX_TRIES=1 /path/to/testHarness.sh /path/to/test_to_debug.test
The test will start execution against the contextBroker process running in the debugger. So, if you have set a breakpoint in a place traversed by the .test cases, the execution will stop there, and you can step etc, as always when in GDB.
Orion supports the requests
GET /v2/entities/{EntityId}
ANDDELETE /v2/entities/{EntityId}
but, what happens if a POST /v2/entities/{EntityId}
is issued to the broker?
Well, normally (as POST /v2/entities/{EntityId}
is not supported), a 404 Not Found
would be the result. However, as Orion catches ANY method for the URL /v2/entities/{EntityId}
with the service routine badVerbGetDeleteOnly()
, Orion is able to respond with a 405 Method Not Allowed
- the URL is OK, but the verb/method is not supported.
Please enter contextBroker.cpp
and search for this section:
#define API_V2 \
{ "GET", EPS, EPS_COMPS_V2, ENT_COMPS_WORD, entryPointsTreat }, \
{ "*", EPS, EPS_COMPS_V2, ENT_COMPS_WORD, badVerbGetOnly }, \
{ "GET", ENT, ENT_COMPS_V2, ENT_COMPS_WORD, getEntities }, \
{ "POST", ENT, ENT_COMPS_V2, ENT_COMPS_WORD, postEntities }, \
{ "*", ENT, ENT_COMPS_V2, ENT_COMPS_WORD, badVerbGetPostOnly }, \
{ "*", IENT, IENT_COMPS_V2, IENT_COMPS_WORD, badVerbGetDeleteOnly }, \
The last three lines are the interesting ones.
Before this section, these definitions are made:
#define IENT EntityRequest
#define IENT_COMPS_V2 3, { "v2", "entities", "*" }
#define IENT_COMPS_WORD ""
So, as you can see:
- If a request with the URL path
, and the methodGET
enters the broker, then the service routinegetEntity()
takes care of the request. - If the method is instead "DELETE", then
takes care of the request. - In the case of any other verb (POST, PUT, etc),
takes care of the request. WhenbadVerbGetDeleteOnly()
takes care of the request, the response comes as405 Method Not Allowed
and the HTTP headerAllow: GET, DELETE
is included in the response.
NOTE: some of the classes/functions used in this example no longer exists in the code (e.g. ContextElementVector class). However, the example is still valid to illustrate how a memory leak is debugged.
Memory leaks are detected using valgrind memcheck. A special shell script test/valgrind/valgrindTestSuite.sh
has been developed for this purpose and a make step is linked to it: make valgrind
If valgrindTestSuite.sh
is run by hand, remember that Orion must be compiled in DEBUG mode for it to work (make debug install
The output of the valgrind run is saved to a file with the same name as the test case, but with the suffix valgrind.out
Normally, the broker has no memory leaks, so to make an exercise with a memory leak, we'll have to temporarily add one:
- Open the file
in your favorite editor - Find the method
and comment the call tocontextElementVector.release()
:void UpdateContextRequest::release(void) { // contextElementVector.release(); }
- Recompile the broker:
make debug install
- Run the valgrind test for a test case that uses
to see the leak:% valgrindTestSuite.sh -filter in_out_formats.test Test 001/1: 0000_content_related_headers/in_out_formats ..... FAILED (lost: 2000). Check in_out_formats.valgrind.out for clues 1 tests leaked memory: 001: 0000_content_related_headers/in_out_formats.test (lost 2000 bytes, see in_out_formats.valgrind.out)
- Open the file
- Search for the string "definitely lost":
==19688== 2,000 (544 direct, 1,456 indirect) bytes in 4 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 313 of 318
==19688== at 0x4A075FC: operator new(unsigned long) (vg_replace_malloc.c:298)
==19688== by 0x6EABD4: contextElement(std::string const&, std::string const&, ParseData*) (jsonUpdateContextRequest.cpp:50)
==19688== by 0x6A7CF7: treat(ConnectionInfo*, std::string const&, std::string const&, JsonNode*, ParseData*) (jsonParse.cpp:180)
==19688== by 0x6A9935: jsonParse(ConnectionInfo*, std::pair<std::string const, boost::property_tree::basic_ptree<std::string, std::string, std::less<std::string> > >&, std::string const&, JsonNode*, ParseData*) (jsonParse.cpp:376)
==19688== by 0x6AA0BF: jsonParse(ConnectionInfo*, std::pair<std::string const, boost::property_tree::basic_ptree<std::string, std::string, std::less<std::string> > >&, std::string const&, JsonNode*, ParseData*) (jsonParse.cpp:416)
==19688== by 0x6AA94A: jsonParse(ConnectionInfo*, char const*, std::string const&, JsonNode*, ParseData*) (jsonParse.cpp:532)
==19688== by 0x6A3E6F: jsonTreat(char const*, ConnectionInfo*, ParseData*, RequestType, std::string const&, JsonRequest**) (jsonRequest.cpp:232)
==19688== by 0x688C42: payloadParse(ConnectionInfo*, ParseData*, RestService*, JsonRequest**, JsonDelayedRelease*, std::vector<std::string, std::allocator<std::string> >&) (RestService.cpp:122)
==19688== by 0x68B112: restService(ConnectionInfo*, RestService*) (RestService.cpp:543)
==19688== by 0x67E8E7: serve(ConnectionInfo*) (rest.cpp:561)
==19688== by 0x683E4A: connectionTreat(void*, MHD_Connection*, char const*, char const*, char const*, char const*, unsigned long*, void**) (rest.cpp:1550)
==19688== by 0x850B78: call_connection_handler (connection.c:1584)
Now, looking at stack frame #2, the leak seems to come from a call to contextElement()
in jsonUpdateContextRequest.cpp
, line 50 (the exact line could be slightly different in your case). We already know why we have this leak, as we've commented a call to ContextElementVector::release()
in UpdateContextRequest::release()
, but one thing is where the allocation is done, and another thing (sometimes a very different thing), is where the allocted object should be freed.
That is the tricky part of fixing leaks, knowing where the call to free/delete should be made. It is often obvious, but not always. It is not rare, when trying to fix a leak, to release an allocated buffer too soon, i.e. before it is used for the last time, so it is very important to make sure that all functional tests are fully working once all leaks are fixed. Imagine this leak found in jsonUpdateContextRequest.cpp
, if we release the buffer right after it is allocated, then somewhere between there and ContextElementVector::release()
, the buffer will be used and we will most probably experience a SIGSEGV.