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Releasing workflow

Production Releases

  1. Pull a fresh copy of origin/main and tags.

    git fetch --tags
  2. Create a release branch off of origin/main (e.g. release-v0.1). (If this is a patch release, re-use the existing release branch if it still exists, or else check out a new one from the appropriate tag.)

    git co -b release-v0.1 origin/main
  3. Confirm that the kotlin build is green before committing any changes. Takes about three minutes on an M3 Macbook Pro. (Note we exclude benchmarks, but you can check those too!)

    ./gradlew build && ./gradlew connectedCheck -x :benchmarks:dungeon-benchmark:connectedCheck -x :benchmarks:performance-poetry:complex-benchmark:connectedCheck -x  :benchmarks:performance-poetry:complex-poetry:connectedDebugAndroidTest -x :samples:todo-android:app:connectedDebugAndroidTest

    NOTE: If you have any unexpected errors in the build or tests and they are related to non-jvm targets you may need to update your XCode or other iOS tools. See note in the workflow-core and workflow-runtime modules. Alternatively you can specify only the target you care about (while developing - do not do this for actual releases) with the property workflow.targets which is set to any of kmp, jvm, ios, or js.

  4. In, remove the -SNAPSHOT suffix from the VERSION_NAME property. E.g. VERSION_NAME=0.1.0

  5. Create a commit and tag the commit with the version number:

    git commit -am "Releasing v0.1.0."
    git tag v0.1.0
  6. Push the release branch and tag to the repository:

    git push -u --tags
  7. Run the Publish Release action in the GitHub Actions page by clicking "run workflow" on the right. Select the appropriate tag.

  8. Wait for that publishing job to succeed.

  9. Back on your local machine, bump the version

    • Kotlin: Update the VERSION_NAME property in to the new snapshot version, e.g. VERSION_NAME=0.2.0-SNAPSHOT.
  10. Commit the new snapshot version:

    git commit -am "Finish releasing v0.1.0."
  11. Push your release branch again:

    git push origin release-v0.1
  12. Merge the release branch into main and push again:

    git co main
    git reset --hard origin/main
    git merge --no-ff release-v0.1
    git push origin main
  13. Create the release on GitHub:

    1. Go to the Releases page for the GitHub project.
    2. Click Draft a new release.
    3. Enter the tag name you just pushed.
    4. Click Auto-generate release notes.
      • Edit the generated notes if you feel the need.
      • See this page if you have an itch to customize how our notes are generated.
    5. If this is a pre-release version, check the pre-release box.
    6. Hit "Publish release".
  14. If this was a fix release, merge changes to the main branch:

    git checkout main
    git pull
    git merge --no-ff v0.1-fixes
    # Resolve conflicts. Accept main's versions of and podspecs.
    git push origin main
  15. Publish the documentation website,

    1. Run the Publish Documentation Site action, providing a personal branch name in the last field (e.g. yourname/kotlin-v0.1.0).
    2. Pull the created branch and merge it into gh-pages
      1. git fetch --all
      2. git co gh-pages
      3. git merge --no-ff origin/yourname/kotlin-v0.1.0
      4. git push origin gh-pages
  16. Don't do this until the tutorial gets updated. Once Maven artifacts are synced, update the workflow version used by the tutorial in samples/tutorial/build.gradle.

Validating Markdown

Since all of our high-level documentation is written in Markdown, we run a linter in CI to ensure we use consistent formatting. Lint errors will fail your PR builds, so to run locally, install markdownlint:

gem install mdl

Run the linter using the


Rules can be configured by editing .markdownlint.rb.



To build and install the current version to your local Maven repository (~/.m2), run:

./gradlew clean publishToMavenLocal



In order to deploy artifacts to, you'll need to provide your credentials via these two properties in your private Gradle properties file(~/.gradle/


In order to sign you'll need to specify your GPG key config in your private Gradle properties file(~/.gradle/


If this is your first time for either, the following one time steps need to be performed:

  1. Sign up for a Sonatype JIRA account.
  2. Generate a GPG key (if you don't already have one). Instructions.
  3. Distribute the GPG key to public servers. Instructions.
  4. Get access to deploy under 'com.squareup' from Sonatype.

Snapshot Releases

Double-check that correctly contains the -SNAPSHOT suffix, then upload snapshot artifacts to Sonatype just like you would for a production release:

./gradlew clean build && ./gradlew publish

You can verify the artifacts are available by visiting