A tax in the Catalog object model.
Name | Getter | Setter | Type | Description | Notes |
name | getName() | setName($value) | string | The tax's name. Searchable. This field has max length of 255 Unicode code points. | [optional] |
calculation_phase | getCalculationPhase() | setCalculationPhase($value) | string | Whether the tax is calculated based on a payment's subtotal or total. See TaxCalculationPhase for possible values | [optional] |
inclusion_type | getInclusionType() | setInclusionType($value) | string | Whether the tax is `ADDITIVE` or `INCLUSIVE`. See TaxInclusionType for possible values | [optional] |
percentage | getPercentage() | setPercentage($value) | string | The percentage of the tax in decimal form, using a `'.'` as the decimal separator and without a `'%'` sign. A value of `7.5` corresponds to 7.5%. | [optional] |
applies_to_custom_amounts | getAppliesToCustomAmounts() | setAppliesToCustomAmounts($value) | bool | If `true`, the fee applies to custom amounts entered into the Square Point of Sale app that are not associated with a particular `CatalogItem`. | [optional] |
enabled | getEnabled() | setEnabled($value) | bool | If `true`, the tax will be shown as enabled in the Square Point of Sale app. | [optional] |
Note: All properties are protected and only accessed via getters and setters.