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sproctor edited this page Apr 4, 2013 · 1 revision

PHP-Calendar Installation Doc

The advice in this installation guide are based on the input received from other users on different systems. If you encounter installation issues that are not mentioned here, please notify us either by updating this page, or sending an email to the mailing list or the maintainer. If you post an error message in the comments, please put it in a verbatim code block, so the punctuation in the message is maintained. See wiki markup help for syntax.


  • PHP 5.3 (5.2 may work but is not supported) or later for recent PHP-Calendar 2.0 Betas, or PHP 4.0 or greater for PHP-Calendar 1.1
  • MySQL 4.1.2 or greater (earlier version may work, but are not supported)
  • PHP-Calendar 1.1 requires ADOdb to be installed. If it's not pre-installed on you server, you can extract it to your PHP-Calendar directory.
  • SSH or an FTP program which can utilize the CHMOD command For SSH: I recommend PuTTY on Windows - and OpenSSH on Linux (or UNIX) - For FTP: I recommend Filezilla for a GUI FTP client -


Instruction for people that are installing on a web host or some computer other than the one that they are working on are indicated with "remote host only"

Make sure you have fulfilled all of the requirements listed above. Make sure PHP and MySQL server are properly installed and running on your server.

  1. extract the files from the archive (on Linux: tar -zxf php-calendar-x.y.tar.gz)
  2. (Remote server only) Use FTP to connect the server your webpage is stored on and create a new directory where you want to store the calendar (example: 'calendar' for You can call it whatever you want.
  3. Open up a browser window and navigate to the file install.php in your calendar folder of your webpage (example:
  4. Follow the directions given by the installer.


  1. Backup your database and existing php-calendar files
  2. Move your php-calendar directory out of the way
  3. Upload the new version of php-calendar
  4. Run the install script. ex.
  5. Click the upgrade button and follow the instructions


Blank page

Solution: If you are getting a blank page, it is because of some error in PHP. Please verify that you have the requirements fulfilled. If you don't, please let us know which requirement was causing the error, so we can test for it appropriately. Check your error logs and post the error up here, if appropriate.

Message: Warning: require_once(adodb/

Solution: You need to install ADOdb. Download it from and extract it into you PHP-Calendar directory. You should have something like: php-calendar/adodb/ along with the rest of the ADOdb files in that directory.

Message: ERROR db:1044: Access denied for user: 'MySQLusername@localhost'

Solution: Make sure you have your MySQL username and password correct in the config.php file. Contact your host or administrator if you don't know what they should are.

Message: ERROR create db:1044: Access denied for user: 'username@localhost'

to database 'databasename': CREATE TABLE phpc_events

Solution: You do not have the abilty to create tables. You need to grant permission to create tables on the user that you're using for the calendar.

Message: ERROR Software error Couldn't select database

Solution: Make sure the name of you MySQL database is correct in the config.php file. Contact your host or administrator if you don't know what the database name is. Make sure the SQL_PREFIX is set to 'phpc_', or whatever the prefix of your tables is, in the config.php file



You will need to have the locales for the desired languages installed. This is very much system dependent. On Debian run 'dpkg-reconfigure locales' as root and select the desired locales.

Automatic Translation

Run the translate.php script.

Manual Translation

You will need to generate the files for each language. In the LC_MESSAGES directory for each language you will need to run the command 'msgfmt -o messages.po'

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