feat: inital code changes for migration to hardhat and viem
feat: inital code changes for migration to hardhat and viem
Update INativeTokenAdapter.sol
Update INativeTokenAdapter.sol
Update contracts/adapters/SwapAdapter.sol
Update contracts/adapters/SwapAdapter.sol
Add constant for swap command
Add constant for swap command
WIP: Make contract upgradeable
WIP: Make contract upgradeable
Implement exactOutput swaps
Implement exactOutput swaps
Add functions for swap with/without message
Add functions for swap with/without message
Add optional contract call
Add optional contract call
Add success test for swap eth to tokens
Add success test for swap eth to tokens
make old tests pass + test for recover gas tx cost
make old tests pass + test for recover gas tx cost
Force push
make old tests pass + test for recover gas tx cost
make old tests pass + test for recover gas tx cost
Add success test for token-eth swap
Add success test for token-eth swap
Update contract deplyoments in tests
Update contract deplyoments in tests