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Bright versions of colours output incorrectly #125

unikitty37 opened this issue Feb 24, 2021 · 3 comments

Bright versions of colours output incorrectly #125

unikitty37 opened this issue Feb 24, 2021 · 3 comments


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Setting any colour to its bright_ variant produces incorrect output in super_diff 0.6.1.

Running this test

RSpec.describe SuperDiff do
  it 'deliberately fails' do
    expected = { foo: 1, bar: 2, baz: 3 }
    actual = { bar: 2, baz: 2, quux: 4 }

    expect(actual).to eq(expected)

with this config

SuperDiff.configure do |config|
  config.expected_color = :red

changes the expected colour to red as expected:


If the config is changed to use :bright_red instead of :red, the diff lines are coloured correctly, but the key and the Expected section instead output right_redm instead of changing the colour:


I've been able to repeat this with bright_ variations of other colours such as green, black, and blue — though I haven't tried yellow, cyan, white, and magenta, I suspect it will affect them too 😁

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  * rainbow (3.0.0)
  * rake (13.0.3)
  * rb-fsevent (0.10.4)
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  * rchardet (1.8.0)
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  * sprockets (4.0.2)
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  * strong_migrations (0.7.6)
  * super_diff (0.6.1)
  * terminal-table (1.6.0)
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mcmire commented Feb 24, 2021

Whoops! It's possible that I haven't completely tested this. I will look at this shortly!

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mcmire commented May 19, 2021

I looked into this briefly and there's two things going on here. First, super_diff uses RSpec's color set to colorize some pieces of the output and its own color set to colorize other pieces. Second, super_diff patches RSpec so that if it looks up a color in RSpec's color set and can't find anything, it just uses the input anyway. I can't remember why I did this exactly, but that's why you're getting garbage in the output.

So I think in order to fix this, that patch probably needs to be reverted, and there needs to be one way to color text and not two. At the moment I am leaning toward constraining super_diff's colorization capabilities to match those of RSpec's, to limit the amount of custom stuff super_diff does. That means that bright colors would not be supported in super_diff. That said, if you feel like bright colors is something you really want then I could be convinced otherwise!

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Thanks — the main problem is that only some of the dark colours are readable on a black background on my terminal.

I could redefine the colours in iTerm 2's config, but as I'm using its 256 colour support, I'm not sure if that even works. (Support for the colours of xterm-256 would be lovely, but probably a bit much to hope for :)

That said, the main colour I was trying to change was the border colour, so it's not essential in my case, as the actual diffs are readable.

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