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308 lines (243 loc) · 8.28 KB

File metadata and controls

308 lines (243 loc) · 8.28 KB

Spicy Pixel Core Kit JS

What: This developer kit contains core modules for the Spicy Pixel JavaScript Framework, a foundation for building apps, libraries, and middleware.

Why: Some built-in APIs from Node.js and web browsers need a little love to be developer friendly and the base platforms have gaps that get filled by dozens of modules from different vendors. The goal of the Core Kit is to unify common dependencies under a modern framework.

How: The kit wraps key modules from Node.js and other dependencies into more modern interfaces that favor object-oriented design principles and newer language features like asynchronous promises.

The framework strives to provide abstractions that work in a variety of JavaScript environments, including web browsers and Node.js. In some cases, platform specific providers will specialize an interface to a given execution environment.


  • File system libraries
  • Child process execution
  • OS details (platform, architecture, cpus, memory)
  • Data encoding (media type, data url, array buffer conversion)
  • Promise contracts that support async/await
  • TypeScript ambient declarations for strong types



Convert array buffers to and from base64 and binary strings.


import { ArrayBufferConverter } from "@spicypixel/core-kit-js";

describe("ArrayBufferConverter", () => {
  it("should convert", () => {
    let testString = "Test";

    let arrayBuffer = ArrayBufferConverter.fromBinaryString(testString);

    let binaryString = ArrayBufferConverter.toBinaryString(arrayBuffer);

    let base64 = ArrayBufferConverter.toBase64(arrayBuffer);

    let arrayBufferFromBase64 = ArrayBufferConverter.fromBase64(base64);
    equal(arrayBuffer, arrayBufferFromBase64);

    let decodedBase64 = ArrayBufferConverter.toBinaryString(arrayBufferFromBase64);



export declare class ArrayBufferConverter {
    static toBase64(arrayBuffer: ArrayBuffer): string;
    static fromBase64(base64: string): ArrayBuffer;
    static toBinaryString(arrayBuffer: ArrayBuffer): string;
    static fromBinaryString(binary: string): ArrayBuffer;


interface ArrayBufferConstructor {
  fromBase64(base64: string): ArrayBuffer;
  fromBinaryString(binaryString: string): ArrayBuffer;

interface ArrayBuffer {
  toBase64(): string;
  toBinaryString(): string;


The child process module provides a convenient way to spawn a process and wait for its completion.


static async doxygenAsync(): Promise<void> {
  await ChildProcess.spawnAsync("doxygen", [], { log: true });


export interface SpawnOptions extends NodeSpawnOptions {
    echo?: boolean;
    log?: boolean;

export default class ChildProcess {
    static spawnAsync(command: string, args?: string[], options?: SpawnOptions): Promise<NodeChildProcess>;


The data URL module makes it easy to create and consume Data URLs.

export default class DataURL {
    constructor(data: any, options?: any);
    mediaType: MediaType;
    isBase64: boolean;
    data: string;
    setBase64EncodedData(base64EncodedData: string): void;
    setURLEncodedData(urlEncodedData: string): void;
    toString(): string;
    toJSON(): string;
    valueOf(): string;
    toArrayBuffer(): ArrayBuffer;
    toBase64(): string;
    toBinaryString(): string;
    toUnicodeString(): string;
    static createFromBase64(base64: string, options?: any): DataURL;
    static createFromBinaryString(binary: string, options?: any): DataURL;
    static createFromUnicodeString(text: string, options?: any): DataURL;


The file system module wraps the Node.Js "fs" module in a more object-oriented way and adds support for globs (patterns), recrusive operations, and promises. Key types include File, Directory, FileSystemRecord, and the FileSystem module itself.

export declare enum FileSystemPermission {

export default class FileSystemRecord {
    static accessAsync(path: string, mode?: FileSystemPermission): Promise<void>;
    static chmodAsync(path: string, mode: string | number): Promise<void>;
    static chownAsync(path: string, uid: number, gid: number): Promise<void>;

export default class File extends FileSystemRecord {
    static copyAsync(src: string, dest: string): Promise<void>;
    static removeAsync(path: string): Promise<void>;

export default class Directory extends FileSystemRecord {
    static createAsync(path: string): Promise<void>;
    static createRecursiveAsync(path: string): Promise<void>;
    static copyAsync(src: string, dest: string): Promise<void>;
    static removeAsync(path: string): Promise<void>;
    static removeRecursiveAsync(path: string): Promise<void>;

export declare function copyPatternsAsync(
    sourcePatterns: string | string[], destination: string,
    options?: CopyPatternsOptions): Promise<void>;

export declare function removePatternsAsync(
    patterns: string | string[],
    options?: RemovePatternsOptions): Promise<string[]>;

export declare function removePatterns(
    patterns: string | string[],
    options?: RemovePatternsOptions): string[];


The launch arguments module is a re-export of yargs which makes it easy to write console applications or access command-line arguments.

import { LaunchArguments } from "@spicypixel/core-kit-js";

// Command line option:
//  --fatal=[warning|error|off]
const fatal = LaunchArguments.argv.fatal;


The media type module is a convenient way to create and consume media type strings.

export default class MediaType {
    constructor(mediaType?: string);
    type: string;
    subtype: string;
    parameters: any;
    isValid: boolean;
    hasSuffix: boolean;
    isVendor: boolean;
    isPersonal: boolean;
    isExperimental: boolean;
    toString(): string;
    toJSON(): string;
    valueOf(): string;


The operating system module provides an abstraction for obtaining information about the current platform and user. A default implementation wraps the built-in Node.js "os" module. Convenient enums are provided for common values.


import { OperatingSystemProvider, Architecture } from "@spicypixel/core-kit-js";

let os = OperatingSystemProvider.default;
if (os.architecture == Architecture.X64) {
  // do something special on x64


export declare enum Architecture {
    X64 = 0,
    IA32 = 1,
    ARM = 2,
    Other = 3,

export declare enum Platform {
    Darwin = 0,
    FreeBSD = 1,
    Linux = 2,
    SunOS = 3,
    Win32 = 4,
    Other = 5,

export declare enum Endianness {
    Big = 0,
    Little = 1,

export interface CpuDetails {
    model: string;
    speed: number;
    times: {
        user: number;
        nice: number;
        sys: number;
        idle: number;
        irq: number;

export interface NetworkInterfaceDetails {
    address: string;
    netmask: string;
    family: string;
    mac: string;
    internal: boolean;

export interface UserDetails {
    username: string | Buffer;
    uid: number;
    gid: number;
    shell: string | Buffer;
    homedir: string | Buffer;

export interface UserOptions {
    encoding?: string;

export interface OperatingSystem {
    eol: string;
    architecture: Architecture;
    cpus: CpuDetails[];
    endianness: Endianness;
    freeMemory: number;
    homeDirectory: string;
    hostName: string;
    loadAverages: number[];
    networkInterfaces: {
        [index: string]: NetworkInterfaceDetails[];
    platform: Platform;
    release: string;
    tempDirectory: string;
    totalMemory: number;
    uptimeSeconds: number;
    user: UserDetails;
    getUser(options?: UserOptions): UserDetails;

export declare class OperatingSystemProvider {
    static default: OperatingSystem;


Promise is a re-export of bluebird.