Qingqing Chen Last compiled date: 18 September, 2021
<style> body {text-align: justify} </style>We calculate the spatial distance from the centroid of a home location to the centroid of each visited location. The mean distance across all users in a location is used for the visualizations and the spatial regression modeling in the paper.
# full grids
grids <- read_sf(here("data/derived_data/spatial_hex_grid.shp"), quiet = T) %>%
st_transform(crs = 3414)
# grid centroids
grid_centroids <- grids %>% st_centroid()
# identified home users
df_hms <- read_csv(here("data/derived_data/identified_hms.csv"))
# sg tweets
df_tweets <- readRDS(here("data/derived_data/deidentified_sg_tweets_updated.rds"))
## sg tweets sent by users with identified home locations
df_hm_tweets <- df_tweets %>% filter(u_id %in% df_hms$u_id)
# distinct users
distinct_users <- readRDS(here("data/derived_data/distinct_users.rds"))
# function for distance calculation
cal_distance <- function(distinct_users, df_hm_tweets, type, grids, grid_index){
# step1: get visitors/locals in the input grid
if(type == "inflow"){
# visitors
users_in_grids <- distinct_users %>%
filter(grid_id == grid_index) %>% # all users in the input grid
filter(type == "visitor")
} else if(type == "outflow"){
# locals
users_in_grids <- distinct_users %>%
filter(grid_id == grid_index) %>% # all users in the input grid
filter(type == "local")
# step2: remove grids with fewer than 5 visitors/locals
if(n_distinct(users_in_grids$u_id) < 5){
message("Less than 5 users in the grid, remove this grid!")
output <- tibble()
} else{
# step3: get tweets for visitors/locals
if(type == "inflow"){
df_tweets <- df_hm_tweets %>%
filter(grid_id == grid_index) %>% # filter all tweets in the target grid
left_join(users_in_grids, .) # get tweets send by visitors
}else if(type == "outflow"){
df_tweets <- df_hm_tweets %>%
filter(u_id %in% users_in_grids$u_id) %>% # tweets sent by locals
filter(grid_id != grid_index) %>% # remove tweets sent at home place
mutate(home = grid_index) # add home location
# step 4: calculate distance
# geometry of home grid
home_geometry <- df_tweets %>%
left_join(., grids, by = c("home" = "grid_id")) %>%
st_as_sf() %>%
st_centroid() %>%
# geometry of outside home grids
grid_geometry <- df_tweets %>%
left_join(., grids, by = "grid_id") %>%
st_as_sf() %>%
st_centroid() %>%
# calculate distance
output <- df_tweets %>%
mutate(dist_hm2grid = st_distance(home_geometry, grid_geometry, by_element = TRUE) %>% as.numeric(),
dist_hm2grid_km = round(dist_hm2grid/1000, 4))
The inflow distance is saved under data/derived_data/
# inflow distance
dist_visitor_points <- readRDS(here("data/derived_data/dist_visitor_points.rds"))
input_grids <- unique(distinct_users$grid_id)
dist_visitor_points <- do.call(bind_rows, map(input_grids, with_progress(function(x) cal_distance(distinct_users, df_hm_tweets, type = "inflow", grids, x))))
dist_visitor_points <- dist_visitor_points %>%
dplyr::select(grid_id, u_id, home, created_at, dist_hm2grid, dist_hm2grid_km)
saveRDS(dist_visitor_points, here("data/derived_data/dist_visitor_points.rds"))
The outflow distance is saved under data/derived_data/
# outflow distance
dist_local_points <- readRDS(here("data/derived_data/dist_local_points.rds"))
input_grids <- unique(distinct_users$grid_id)
dist_local_points <- do.call(bind_rows, map(input_grids, with_progress(function(x) cal_distance(distinct_users, df_hm_tweets, type = "outflow", grids, x))))
dist_local_points <- dist_local_points %>%
dplyr::select(home, u_id, grid_id, created_at, dist_hm2grid, dist_hm2grid_km)
saveRDS(dist_local_points, here("data/derived_data/dist_local_points.rds"))
mean_sd_inflow_distance <- dist_visitor_points %>%
group_by(grid_id, u_id) %>%
dplyr::summarise(mean_dist_user = mean(dist_hm2grid_km)) %>%
group_by(grid_id) %>%
dplyr::summarise(mean_dist_grid = mean(mean_dist_user, na.rm = T) %>% round(., 2),
sd_dist_grid = sd(mean_dist_user, na.rm = T) %>% round(., 2)) %>%
left_join(., grids) %>%
fill_var = "mean_dist_grid",
legend_title = "Avg.distance (km)",
main_title = "(a) Distance of Flows: average incoming distance",
main.title_size = 1.4,
legend.hist_height = 0.25, legend.hist_width = 0.5,
legend_width = 0.4, legend.hist_size = 0.5,
legend.title_size = 1.2, legend.text_size = 0.65)
spatial_viz(mean_sd_inflow_distance, fill_var = "sd_dist_grid",
legend_title = "S.D.distance (km)",
main_title = "(b) Distance of Flows: S.D. of incoming distance",
main.title_size = 1.4,
legend.hist_height = 0.25, legend.hist_width = 0.5,
legend_width = 0.4, legend.hist_size = 0.5,
legend.title_size = 1.2, legend.text_size = 0.65)
violin_viz(mean_sd_inflow_distance, var = "mean_dist_grid",
labs.x = "", labs.y = "Avg.distance (km)", breaks = seq(0, 30, 2),
y.shift = 3.5, x.shift = 1.4, text.size = 4)
violin_viz(mean_sd_inflow_distance, var = "sd_dist_grid",
labs.x = "", labs.y = "Avg.distance (km)", breaks = seq(0, 12, 2),
y.shift = 1.8, x.shift = 1.4, text.size = 4)
mean_sd_outflow_distance <- dist_local_points %>%
group_by(home, u_id) %>%
dplyr::summarise(mean_dist_user = mean(dist_hm2grid_km)) %>%
group_by(home) %>%
dplyr::summarise(mean_dist_grid = mean(mean_dist_user) %>% round(., 2),
sd_dist_grid = sd(mean_dist_user) %>% round(., 2)) %>%
left_join(., grids, by = c("home" = "grid_id")) %>%
spatial_viz(mean_sd_outflow_distance, fill_var = "mean_dist_grid",
legend_title = "Avg.distance (km)",
main_title = "(c) Distance of Flows: average outgoing distance",
main.title_size = 1.4,
legend.hist_height = 0.25, legend.hist_width = 0.5,
legend_width = 0.4, legend.hist_size = 0.5,
legend.title_size = 1.2, legend.text_size = 0.65, palette = "Purples")
spatial_viz(mean_sd_outflow_distance, fill_var = "sd_dist_grid",
legend_title = "S.D.distance (km)",
main_title = "(d) Distance of Flows: S.D. of outgoing distance",
main.title_size = 1.4,
legend.hist_height = 0.25, legend.hist_width = 0.5,
legend_width = 0.4, legend.hist_size = 0.5,
legend.title_size = 1.2, legend.text_size = 0.65, palette = "Purples")
violin_viz(mean_sd_outflow_distance, var = "mean_dist_grid",
labs.x = "", labs.y = "Avg.distance (km)", breaks = seq(0, 20, 2),
y.shift = 2, x.shift = 1.4, text.size = 4)
violin_viz(mean_sd_outflow_distance, var = "sd_dist_grid",
labs.x = "", labs.y = "Avg.distance (km)", breaks = seq(0, 10, 2),
y.shift = 0.9, x.shift = 1.4, text.size = 4)