- Fixes 6.0.2 build fail. Shea is again, sorry.
- Commits the changes to the updates in package.json
- Change font size of
to 2.1rem and line height to 1.7; (#608) - modify date-stacked to not use
because we don't want the line height. - Make date stacked component switch to mobile font size at sm breakpoint instead of md.
- Change
font size from 0.8em to 0.9em and remove uppercase style (#609) - Brand bar wrapper change to div from section. (#613)
- Add cool grey color variables and update package.json (#614)
- Fixed tugboat builds for previews on PRs
- Restored the
class. Totally did not mean to remove it along with the other layouts. - Fixed empty cell logic in lockup.twig
- Fixed failing webpack build. Shea is sorry about that one.
- Deprecated: su-aspect-ratio-1x1 & su-aspect-ratio-4x3 classes.
- Removed all of the KSS Styleguide build in favor of new website.
- Removed lando.default.yml as you should be using the npm servers.
- Removed Gruntfile.js and fully switched over to npm scripts.
- Removed webpack url-loader and added /core/dist/assets so that images are no longer embedded in the css
- Removed /core/dist/css/decanter-grid.css as it was empty anyhow.
- Removed /core/dist/css/decanter-no-markup.css as it was empty anyhow.
- Removed /core/dist/js/decanter-grid.js as it was empty except for webpack stuff.
- Removed /core/src/js/decanter-grid.js as we now use the decanter-grid.scss as our webpack entry point.
- Removed the scss file import from /core/src/js/decanter-no-markup.js so that it includes just javascript and no sass.
- Removed nearly all of the layouts found in /core/src/scss/layout as they added 4500 lines of css bloat that were not being used. The files and css have been moved to an examples folder.
- Removed all the deprecated code from Version 5.
- New Component: Secondary Navigation
- /core/src/js/decanter.js no imports both the SASS and Javascript files.
- New SASSDOCs code commenting conventions for all SASS files instead of abusing the KSS style.
- New JSDOCs code commenting conventions for all JavaScript files instead of just whatever.
- New Variant: Card Icon
- New Examples folder for adding examples of templates/recipies/documentation/whatever.
- New Dependency: Font Awesome because, well, it's awesome.
- This is the last Version 5 release with new features.
- New Variant:
- New Component: Media
- Changed Aspect Ratio CSS class names. Deprecated old ones.
- Changed margin and set to
- New Mixin:
- Updates to caption mixin
- Updates to the credits mixin
- Updates to the small-paragraphs mixin
- Buttons are now bolder (font style)
- Deprecated: %card-base placeholder
- Card.twig template has some pretty large changes to the schmea to allow for different media types.
- hero.twig template variable change from hero_cta_link to hero_link
- Removed deprecated code
- LOTS of wonderful new changes
- Updated codeclimate linting settings
- Updated nvmrc to version 11.14.0
- Removed line length lint requirement for sass
- Added tugboat builds
- Fixed bug with grunt browsersync and Webpack
- Added terms of use policy statement
- Changed all variables to have the prefix
- Added new color function to support color maps with named colors
- New Component: Date Stacked
- New Component: Masthead
- New Variant:
- New Variant:
- New Variant:
- New Variant:
- New Variant:
- New Variant:
- New Variant:
- New Variant:
- New Variant:
- New Mixin:
- New Mixin:
- New Mixin:
- New Mixin:
- New Function:
- New Typography styles:
: Display Type A (used for H1 heading) --.su-type-b
: Display Type B (used for H2 heading) --.su-type-c
: Display Type C (used for H3 heading) --.su-type-d
: Display Type D (used for H4 heading) --.su-type-e
: Display Type E (used for H5 heading) --.su-type-f
: Display Type F (used for H6 heading) - Change to @type-a and @type-b sizes at xs and sm breakpoints
- Template Update:
has new regions and variables - Template Update:
has new regions and variables - Bugfix: Main Menu CSS
- Bugfix: Flex grid where grid classes now populate up breakpoints
- Bugfix: whitespace issues in
- Deprecated: all variables that didn't start with
- Deprecated: mixin
- Deprecated: mixin
- Deprecated: mixin
mixin now does ALL- Modular scale now goes to 9!
- Added fort-awesome and fonts
- Updated npm package dependency versions
- Updated webpack config
- Fix CSS grid gaps not displaying on Edge issue and other minor grid related issue
- Fix main nav color variants css selector specificity issues
- Add drop shadow to md breakpoint mobile menu
- Main Navigation components now fires openNav, closeNav, openSubnav, closeSubnav events
- "More info" link icon now inherits color from the link itself
- Adjust linter settings
- Add favicon to style guide
- Update README
- New Webpack Build System
- Two revamped and improved Grid Systems with 6 breakpoints
- Flexbox based, class generated grid system
- CSS Grid based mixin supported grid system
- A modular scale system that includes both modular spacing and modular typography mixins
- LOTS of new components and variants, including Stanford branded elements such as 20 versions of logo lockups, global footer, brand bars - check them out!
- LOTS of new SASS/SCSS mixins, functions and placeholders to help you in your project
- LOTS of usable Twig templates for both components and layouts
- Revamped and refreshed the KSS theme with a new look and feel; plus new navigation
- Moved source code from core/ to src/ to better align with Webpack projects
- Code Climate and Linter file updates
- Removed the generated style guide from Git
- Moved .lando.yml to .lando.default.yml
- Deprecated and replaced a number of Grunt commands with Webpack and NPM scripts
- Removed the font files and put them on a CDN
- Dropped the Atomic design structure for components to allow for less strict component creation
- Added class-based grid system
- Added new Flexbox grid mixins
- Added new CSS Grid mixins
- Added new example site layout templates levering CSS Grid mixins
- Eliminated Neat
- (Temporarily) eliminated class-based system with Neat (to be re-introduced using Flexbox in future point version)
- Added LiveReload to Grunt workflow
- Other tweaks and bug fixes
- Added all available Source Sans Pro font styles
- Added sensible img tag defaults
- Fix to require kss npm package to be installed globally
- Other small tweaks and bug fixes
- Updated to latest stable release of Bourbon (5.0.0)
- Added autoprefixer and postcss for better vendor prefix support
- KSS Node generating style guide and pattern library
- More components, variables, and mixins
- Base HTML element styles
- Base component styles
- Grid system
- Revised load order of variables, vendors, mixins, and components
- Removed vendor code from repository
- Introduced Atomic Design naming conventions