Softrace is a simple Golang application for storing NIST National Software Reference Library Reference Data Set (NSRL RDS). Softrace is based on Bolt database, so it is fast and tiny.
The application is able to process md5 and sha1 hash lookup searches.
Hash lookup example:
curl -XGET http://localhost:8001/lookup/6d62c33de5e65af81ae52a529ed2f385
Softrace response:
"product_name":"Microsoft Office 2000 Standard",
"application_type":"Operating System",
"os_name":"Windows Media Center 2005",
To create the required database file you first need to download archive Modern RDS Minimal
from Current RDS Hash Sets page
You should unpack the downloaded archive into data/nsrl_rds/rds_modern/
with names of the extracted files:
Build docker image insert_bolt
for creating Bolt database with NSRL data set:
docker build -t insert_bolt -f docker/Dockerfile.insert .
To avoid the problem with access rights to Docker volume, set the correct access rights:
chown -R 1000:1000 data/
Create Bolt database file with insert_bolt
docker run -ti --name insert_bolt -v `pwd`/data:/go/src/ insert_bolt
Creating a database file which is located in data/bolt/bolt.db
takes several hours (in some cases, with low R/W it will take more than a day, so be patient). Total size of the database file by the end of the process is about 38 gigabytes.
To start API service run:
docker-compose up
By default the API service is available on
To update the database file data, you need to put new exemplars of files downloaded from Current RDS Hash Sets page in data/nsrl_rds/rds_modern/
. After that, you should remove the existing database file and generate a new one.